Be largely about reversing that trend. Not surprising, it makes them more controversy all and not less. Surprisingly, you might see people squawking more about Wind Turbines because it blocks their view than you would hear about them squawking about a huge coal plant because you dont actually see that because it is out in the pucker brush and you dont actually see the emissions that gives children asthma or the acid rain that goes downwind. So i think if people think about infrastructure and when we can see it and when we dont so i think people think about infrastructure and when we can see it and when we dont. And number five was another thing that surprised me, and it became clear to me when writing this piece is that we are going to rebuild our entire electrical grid one wind turbine and solar panel at a time. We are not going back to the 19th century where everyone has their own windmill and every factory had its own mill dam. The great thing about these communities is that they ar