73% white, she s probably not going to be president of the united states, so in the close here, bringing that enthusiasm and getting the obama-like turnout especially in florida where you need to wear your goggles apparently is going to be critical for her to get across the finish line. i never thought anybody could outdo jonathan cape hart in eye wear so that is a coup for fernand. let s do a quick lightning round and you tell me what you think is going to be the state that pay attention to on election night. which is the state that we should stay up and watch to see where this election is going. i ll start with you, joan walls. north carolina. that number is actually shock being, the lead that our polling is showing for hillary clinton. it is shocking. it doesn t feel that big, but we ve also got a lot of down ballot. debra ross for senate, roy cooper for governor. we ve got reverend barber leading people to the polls.
choice. you re supporting evan mcmullin and his running mate is a woman, we should point out as well, and you seem to have already taken jennifer run s advice to heart in terms of where you are going in this election. this is what jennifer rubin, a conservative writer for the washington post wrote, hard to imagine independent professional women, real any women, remaining in a party that s so rife with abuse and disrespect, so reminiscent of old-boy networks 30 years out of date. it s not even clear what the party could do to purge itself of the misogyny. while amy is still on board but the polls show she s not in the majority of even particularly suburban women. well, yeah, and i would also add that when i was on your show last time and we talked about what donald trump was bragging about, kissing and groping women without their consent. that s sexual assault, and in the days after that appearance i was just buried in messages and phone calls, people i went to
clinton can pull off not only snatching florida but also ohio, thenfernand s fabulous analogy of having to wear safety glasses because of raining glass will come true and it all comes down to turnout. jamal raises a very good point that if millenials are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton in the ways they were for president obama, that could pose a problem, but, again, if the clinton campaign has a superior ground operation and can successfully, what did you say, knock and drag? knock and drag. knock and drag. the millenial voters to the polls, then i think she will come across the finish line not just the winner but with a lot of african-american votes from across age ranges. well, let s go to cornell on that. cornell, you ve been working on some focus groups that have answered some of this question,
polls, but a lot of this, joy, you know, to a certain extend it s baked in, the usa today poll came out, 6% or 7% of people still out there undecided. typically, you know, and hillary clinton in this race is sort of the incumbent even though she s not literally the incumbent and typically, you know, in races undecided voters break more heavily for the challenger. the problem is donald trump is not a very good vessel for that because his numbers are still 30 points under water and he makes the case about hillary not being trustworthy voters don t picture him as more trustworthy. i do think the polls will tighten up this week because quite frankly in the battleground. democrats won t win a battleground state by five or six points so they will tighten up. republicans will begin to come home this week in a way that tightens this race up a lot. let s look at the state where that matters the most because this is a state-by-state situation. not a national race as we think of it. the must-
maas maas i m winning in certain polls, and then in other polls, the dirty polls we call them, i was losing by, you know, numbers that were ridiculous. yeah. i have all the polls here. i mean, i think we re winning, but, bill, you look at some of these polls it s absolutely ridiculous. the only ones i really like are the ones that i m winninging. at least you re honest. hey, bill, something is going on. bill, something s going on with the polls. new nbc/ wall street journal /marist polls from the key swing state in the north carolina were released this morning. here s what s going on in those clean/dirty polls depending on how donald trump feels about them. in north carolina clinton is leading trump by six points but in florida the candidates are running neck and neck ration towards the finish line. clinton polls at 45% while trump has 44%. unlike clinton trump actually