maas maas >> i'm winning in certain polls, and then in other polls, the dirty polls we call them, i was losing by, you know, numbers that were ridiculous. >> yeah. i have all the polls here. >> i mean, i think we're winning, but, bill, you look at some of these polls it's absolutely ridiculous. the only ones i really like are the ones that i'm winninging. >> at least you're honest. >> hey, bill, something is going on. bill, something's going on with the polls. >> new nbc/"wall street journal"/marist polls from the key swing state in the north carolina were released this morning. here's what's going on in those clean/dirty polls depending on how donald trump feels about them. in north carolina clinton is leading trump by six points but in florida the candidates are running neck and neck ration towards the finish line. clinton polls at 45% while trump has 44%. unlike clinton trump actually