Hi, there. Thank you, Dear. T back great that we have all another trump Assassination Attempt. Is this Guy Part of a conspiracy . He reporteDly spent months in ukraine trying to Joint Ag The Fight against russia. We neeD everyboDy from the globe to stopar what theyre Doing anD come here now anD support the ukrainians er. The trump assassins overseas ties. What Doe trums that tell us . This is the most important thing going on in the worlD toDaimportan y. I noticeD that when you haDha Kamala Harris in tim walz, walz you gave them multiple choice answers to the questions that you askeD. But if m mulechoic youre goingour to interrupt me every single time that i open my mouth, then why aminterrup i evg this . The Democrats anD the meDia losing control . Of all of the noise that you hear afterwarDs. DiD the moDerators win or lose . Thats just noise. S plus, if anyboDy calls it much ,a real get the guarDian, Fox News alert, nothing will slow me Down. I will never surrenDer. Thats how trump r
laura: hello, everyone this o is laura ingraham from the ingraham angle and it is going to be back but what about the disappearing acts, that is the focus of tonight s angle. we saw over the weekend was andh utter collapse of whatever shren of credibility of the biden administration add remaining. now, they dug deeper ontoed b coblatant lies. first the so-called bipartisanis negotiations on the very border crisis that the white house itself precipitated.n now, after alejandro mayorkas and biden green lead, what is it, 12 million migrants into the united states already, they think they can force republicans to agree to a bad deal or get the public to blame them if they don t. what fraud spirit i will dip inton that in a minute but thee second light and post the secretary disappearance act.cret speak of president respects the fact that lloyd austin tooke htransparency. he respects the amazing job he s done a secretary. and now handling the crisis ovem the most three yea
[dramatic orchestral music] [gunshots]s] - as farar back as i coululd rememberer, i alalways wanteted toto be a gangngster. - g goodfellalas is likek, f fasten yourur seatbeltst. i m gonna kick the shit out of you for 2 1/2 hours, and d you re gononna love it [glass shahatters] [laughghter] - therere have beeeen soso many gangngster movieis and soso many mob b movies. is it t really posossible that in 191990 martin n scorse will be abable to makeke a gangr movie e that has s something t y thatat hasn t alalready beenen d a millioion times? - itit s gonna b be a good s s. [laughghter] - - and you wawatch the momo, anand you re l like, yeaha - ththank you, s sir. - - all right,t, see you l la. thanks.. - - what are y you doing?? you re l leaving youour car? - he watchches the carar for . - we t tried to cacapture the exububerance of f that w. it s s dangerousus and ththreatening,g, but theyey re havingng a wondnderful timeme. - henrnry, this isis with mrmr. tony ovev
building came crashing down. tonight families trying to reunite with their loved ones as we learn more about the recent complaints filed over the building s safety. the rush to return home from the memorial holiday weekend. tens of millions now heading home. from the roads to the skies. what it all means for the summer travel surge. cruise ship nightmare. carnival oceanliner s emergency after it was battered by a massive storm with fierce winds. the new video from inside the ship. water rushing in, hallways flooded, debris scattered. now questions over why the captain sailed through the storm. passengers outraged. i have never been so scared like i was on this trip. in washington the debt limit deal and the major new test for president biden and house speaker mccarthy. can they get enough votes for their it breakthrough agreement to pass congress and avoid default? a warning about infant loungers tonight with more than two dozen deaths linked to various brands. one
by the covovid pandemimic. but i ve a arrived dururing a brief momoment of nonormaliy whenen lockdown n has been l lid restaurarants are fifillingp and masks s are optiononal outs. bologngna is an ancientnt universitity tn the oldestst in the wewestern wd broughght to life e by studens flauaunting theieir youth. thisis bread is s an aphrodidis. i m all alalone in a h hotel. why would d i want to o do th? thisis place is s rich anand its foodod is famousu. some bolold souls whwhisper that it t s the bestst in it. [m[massimo] smsmell, smellll, ! the smelell is unbelelievabl. i m stananley tucci.i. i m m italian onon both sides and i m m travelingg acrossss italy to o discovr hohow the foodod in each of thihis country y s 20 regs is a as unique a as ththe people a and their p . angeger, religioion, and dedeath in onene pasta. it h has everyththing in it. i m hehere to discscover why this p place is hohome to the g gastronomicic supers ofof the natioion s food.. [nicola] t this i