Is there objection . Without objection. The clerk will report the titles of the treaties. The clerk treaty doc 11019, treaty on plant Genetic Resources for food and agriculture. Treaty doc 1126, the convention on the law applicable to certain rights in respect of securities held with an intermediary. Mr. Mcconnell i ask for a Division Vote on the resolutions of ratification en bloc. The presiding officer all those in favor stand to be counted. All those opposed, stand and be counted. Twothirds of the senators having voted in the affirmative, the resolution the resolutions of ratification are agreed to en bloc. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent that at 5 00 p. M. On tuesday, november 15, the rules committee be discharged from further consideration of h. R. 4511 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. I further ask that there be 30 minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form and following the use or yielding back of time, the bill be read a third time and the s