law. and that s all that matters. bill: follow the constitution. follow the constitution. that s all that matters. if she does that than anything else does matter. bill: james madison, thomas jefferson and the other guys want gay marriage to be the law of the land? i think the answer is. no. that s right. and this then becomes a religious issue because it s puts all of the republican conservatives in a really tough jam because they are going to be pressured by a lot of the religious right who are antihomosexual. bill everybody. they are not going to be able to say we won t vote for her because gay. they will get a lot of pressure from constituents don t vote for her because she is gay. bill: i don t like this whole story but it has to be examined because of the gay marriage issue. blogger and cbs picks it up. bill: you are absolutely right. cbs shouldn t have done that fox wouldn t have put that up on our web site. when we come right back, dennis miller will weigh in on e
i she will be 70 years old then. if you want to understand why we are going to win the senate. bill: where is, there a mouse in your pocket? the computer mouse. the point is, we are going to win the senate. and the house by a big margin and that is going to send the democratic party into fits. and there will be a huge demand for an alternative leadership. bill: there she. hillary is poised for that. bill: her approval ratings are very hinchts that s what i warned obama about in public when he appointed her. i said you are lyndon johnson putting bobby kennedy in the cabinet. bill: interesting. dick morris, buy his book. make him happy. plenty more as we move along this evening. disturbing video of a teacher beating up a student in school. jane skinner with that story. dennis miller on his new neighbor, al gore buying a 9-million-dollar house. how will that effect miller s property values? we hope you stay tuned to those
you must understand the frustration of the arizona people. they have had it: they have had enough. they don t want any more illegal aliens crossing over. period. end of it they don t want it. if this law is going to get anything solved. they are going to back the law. 70%. that includes hispanic americans back this law in arizona. now it s closer to 50. bill: the latest poll in arizona is at 70. 70. no, no, no. the latest poll is closer to 50. it started at 70%. bill: you have to show me that poll. we don t have those numbers. we spent billions of dollars building a law we told you wouldn t work. bill: the wall works where it s built. they haven t been able to finish it. taller ladders and deeper tunnels that s all it is. bill: taller ladders somebody is going to see on top of the ladder if the national guard is back there backing up the border patrol. that s all. fighting two wars we can t
greenhouses. bill: there you go. miller and i are going trick or treating next halloween at al gore s house. all right, miller? you got it. gore is a stefford husband. tipper wants to operate on him while he is asleep. bill: no costumes. miller walk off bunch of little kids to trick or treat at al gore s house. i will do it. boom. gore will be off into the distance. bill: dennis miller, everybody. in a moment, did you see that? horrific beating administered to a student by a teacher. jane skinner got all the details next.
not gay because they don t know for sure. bill: that s what her friends say. well, maybe they do and maybe they don t. but the fact is that what if she turned out to be gay? and that would mean that she bill: that could be many baier wassing it? could be very embarrassing to the white house. bill: the situation has gotten out of control. what they should have said is we are appointing her because of her judicial ability. bill: sure her expertise. expertise and not based on what her sexual orientation is. bill: press conference a reporter can raise their hand and say mr. president, the likelihood is the supreme court will have to decide gay marriage on a federal level here. so, it is absolutely important here, please tell us whether your nominee is gay or not. it s a legitimate question. it s gotten so crazy that a softball picture, a picture of ms. kagan playing softball, okay, in the wall street journal, now they are saying that because the woman plays softball