BJP MP from North-West Delhi Hans Raj Hans in the wee hours of Sunday visited the violence-hit Jahangirpuri area in the national capital, where a clash broke out during a Shobha Yatra on Saturday and said that Union Home Minister Amit Shah is keeping every minute s track.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Condemning the Jahangirpuri violence, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gautam Gambhir on Saturday said that it is against the thinking and culture of the Delhi and urged people to maintain peace. India News | Gautam Gambhir Condemns Jahangirpuri Violence, Says It Isn t Delhi s Culture.
Delhi Police has registered a case and launched an investigation into the violence and stone-pelting that erupted after a clash between two groups during Shobha
Condemning the Jahangirpuri violence, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gautam Gambhir on Saturday said that it is against the thinking and culture of the Delhi a