failed to disclose that rex tillerson used this alternate e-mail. the thing is, for that to ever affect him, it would have to be proven that he tried to basically obstruct the investigation. and that would be a pretty tall order, at least at this point, kate. and at this point, they re not there yet, right? yeah, definitely. the a.g. s office is saying why didn t you turn over all of these e-mails? we don t know the answer yet. for rex tillerson to be held accountable for doing something wrong, because remember, nothing wrong with using two e-mail addresses, they would have to show he intentionally tried to obstruct an investigation. we ll see if the state department has anything to say about that investigation. great to see you, michelle. thank you. coming up for us, right now, the commandant of the marine corps is briefing congress after a private facebook group posted hundreds of nude photos of