mr. butterfield also said that the cabinet room has a listening device installed. he says that this means that the president can turn this on and off if he wants to, and he went on and said that the president s business we in the oval office, in the executive office building, in his residence, in his cabinet cat and david are all bugs. with any warning signals were given to anyone, private citizens, senators, congressman, mr. butterfield said no. and down in front of the senate caucus room, is called carl stern who has attorney counsel sam dash. carl? mr. nash, what do you do now? now you are where that there are these tape recordings, and presumably they are still in existence, how do you get them? i think the answer to that is obvious, i m fairly sure that the committee will vote to request the tapes for the particular dates that come up in the testimony. the committees to painted the tapes, richard nixon fought that subpoena all the way to the united states supreme court,
77-0. now the country could not vote 77-0 to keep the american flag. there would be some opposition. one of the purposes of the committee is to convince the american people that our system will work. when one system is alleged to break down, another part can move in and see that government functions properly. the committee was run by sam ervin, a great constitutional scholar. howard baker was his vice chair. a senator from tennessee, conservative republican. and the chief counsel of the committee was a fellow named sam dash. he was looking for three people to run the investigations. i had no idea that this was going to go this high. no idea.
john dean testified. was the president telling the truth? i had no prior knowledge of the watergate break-in. or was john dean telling the truth? i happen to believe that he did have knowledge. so i talked to mark felt, deep thrown unknown for 33 years. he s got to talk to alexander butterfield. he had this key role in the haldeman-nixon circle. and he was in charge of what is called internal security, which means wiretapping. i was the deputy white house chief of staff, chief administrative officer, and director of internal security. i then said to sam dash, you ve got to interview alexander butterfield. we put butterfield before the
but the public was able to increase the pressure on the white house. and so the president waived executive privilege for his lieutenants. the president also said that white house officials will testify before a special senate committee investigating the break-in and the bugging of democratic headquarters in washington last june. what he said there was a democratic change from his previous silence in the watergate case and his refusal to let white house aides testify before the senate. my lawyer made a decision very early that he thought i was a witness and not a defendant in any criminal proceeding. and he said i think that you should have immunity. and i want to go the senate and get it. . charlie shaffer approached sam dash and said john was willing to talk to us. sam said we re not going to grant immunity to anybody who can t deliver. so i start having these secret
sessions with sam and sort of laying out everything. i took the incident of the bungled break-in and cover-up and put it in the context where it could be understood. and he came to realize that i would be his most important witness. so he worked quietly with me to get enough evidence to immunize me. as it became evidence through the senate watergate investigation, dean s role was bigger and bigger and bigger in this. and that he was obviously part of a conspiracy. at that point, john dean was getting ready to testify. i called his lawyer, and he said, yes, he is going to imp case president of the united states. dean was going to have explosive testimony. t-mobile covers more highway miles with 5g than verizon.