and the cfo of solyndra e-mailed to at that point the senior loan officer, his name is johnathan silver. at the department of energy. the department of energy who has since resigned. he e-mailed least people in the whiteñi house, and they e-mailed back, we can t get those e-mailed, but he s the one in late october of 2010 indicated it appears solyndra was told not to lay off anybody except after the midterm election. so that whole chain of events we would like to see those e-mails. the d. o. e., somebody told them do not lay off anybody until after the midterm elections. so the decision is made. i mean, its undeniable, if it s after the election, it s a political decision which doesn t serve the american people yet. and secretary chu was asked do you know who this person was? no. and he was unaware. he s not running a major
and the cfo of solyndra e-mailed to at that point the senior loan officer, his name is johnathan silver. at the department of energy. the department of energy who has since resigned. he e-mailed least people in the whiteñi house, and they e-mailed back, we can t get those e-mailed, but he s the one in late october of 2010 indicated it appears solyndra was told not to lay off anybody except after the midterm election. so that whole chain of events we would like to see those e-mails. the d. o. e., somebody told them do not lay off anybody until after the midterm elections. so the decision is made. i mean, its undeniable, if it s after the election, it s a political decision which doesn t serve the american people yet. and secretary chu was asked do you know who this person was? no. and he was unaware. he s not running a major
facing off against alexei giannoulias with chicago-style, deep dish politics. listen here. a list of all the loans made by broadband way bank to convicted mobsters and felons and the ones in yellow are the ones when giannoulias was the senior loan officer of the broadway bank. i brought my list and if you want to play the guilt by association when are debating him it is like, noup the rest of the story like a paul harvey episode and he doesn t say we refunded the money the moment we knew about criminal problems and many contribution we refunded almost a decade ago, here s what i all the contributions. for example, for stewart levine and. when we look at this, i didn t lend hundreds of thousands of dollars to tony rezko. you received a campaign contribution from him. alexei, didn t interrupt you he helped your i would give the respect of
that s not what i m asking. did you know they were crime figures that you were lending money to? this is a list of all the crimes and the ones in yellow are where he was the senior loan officer of the bank, boris stratoski. these are all infamous who are mobsters and bankers who have a long and storied record. and you don t have to bull their wrap sheet. it was in the chicago tribun. . republican linda mcmahon was asked again about the adult content of world wrestling entertainment where she served as ceo until deciding to run for office. when you see some of that go on in the ring, the girl who is told to get on all fours, i think by your own husband and bark like a dog, are you comfortable with that? wwe programming has changed
family bank. let s watch. there are individuals with those with colorful pasts we didn t want to do business with. i didn t know the extent of their activity. david grabbed him on that and said he didn t know the extent of it. you were a senior loan officer, how did you not know there were crime figures getting loans from the bank. is this damaging? reporter: the word extent, it just feeds into the narrative republicans are trying to hit him on, which is the idea that, you know what, he did know of some of the ties that this bank had with some questionable figures, so just an awful way to answer that question. and as you brought up, mark kirk seemed just as stumped when having to explain why he spent so much time exaggerating his duties when in the reserves. chuck, bottom line going into this final three weeks of the campaign, the president is out