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Shakespearean actors who served in the military

Shakespearean actors are some of the most talented actors with range and depth many thespians can only dream of. Some served in the military.


Pittsfield: Pop-up Shakespeare in museum galleries

Actors from Shakespeare & Company will take to the galleries of the Berkshire Museum in a promenade-style event on Saturday, May 6.


Cape Cod theaters: 2 female Hamlets, a rock musical, White Heron opens

New shows include world premieres of "The Lady Hamlet" in Provincetown and "See Monsters of the Deep" on Nantucket, plus a developing rock musical.


Transcripts for KPCC 89.3 FM/KJAI 89.5 FM [89.3 KPCC] KPCC 89.3 FM/KJAI 89.5 FM [89.3 KPCC] 20191205 070000

In summit earlier than planned after a spat with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau NATO overcame objections by Turkey to back plans to deter Russia but that unity was marred when Trump called Trudeau 2 faced after the Canadian prime minister was caught poking fun at him on a microphone trouble often criticizes NATO but led to its defense responding to French President Emanuel McCall's comments that it was suffering brain death many Welcome Trump's supportive words including City current mayor of the host city London the USA is crucial to nature's success and so what we want from you know the leader of the free world the leader of the only superpower left is multilateralism we get nervous when we hear u.s. President talking about America 1st NATO still faces many divisions including over its relationship with Russia and how to address terrorism Frank Langfitt n.p.r. News London Chinese tech giant One way is asking the u.s. Court to strike down a rule barring phone carriers from using government subsidies to buy its equipment the f.c.c. Says that one way and its rivals e.t.e. Are a threat to u.s. National security this is n.p.r. News. A judge in Texas is temporarily blocking a private border wall project along the Rio Grande and set a December 17th hearing on the matter the injunction was told by a private nature preserve which says private construction could worsen erosion and affect personal property the International Boundary and Water Commission also opposes the private Border Project the commission was set up by the United States and Mexico to ensure that both countries agree to cooperate on any changes along the Rio Grande and some of the government is shut down to try to get a hold of the measles outbreak that's killed at least 60 people mostly children N.P.R.'s Ashley Westerman reports that the small Pacific island nation has been under a state of emergency since mid November more than 4000 measles cases have been reported since the outbreak began in October for context Samoa's population is only about 200000 people Dr Allan Wright is there with a medical assistance team from New Zealand really days even as lots of people presenting with young children with Barry the nasal sweep complications we actively have to manage she price and it's probably I would tend to die before they become stable are right says Samoa's rural spread out population has been a hurdle to getting a handle on the outbreak this government shutdown is meant to help focus on getting vaccinations out to those harder to reach places Ashley Westerman n.p.r. News an Asian stock market shares are higher following gains on Wall Street the Dow Jones industrials rose 146 points on Shay Stephens n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the pajama gram company creators of matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grange games in its fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com. And I've looked at this from every angle. For presidents have to sources to continue we examine the media coverage of women and minority candidates including. Perceptions on the take away from. Q. On c.b.c. Radio one in Canada across North America on Sirius x.m. 169 n.p.r. . That is the theme music from h.b.o. Show succession if you don't know about the show I mean you probably heard like a coworker or a niece or nephew. Like have you ever had the experience of watching a t.v. Show and the character you connect with the most actually sort of someone who gets introduced a little bit later or someone on the periphery of the story sometimes those characters can become your sort of unlikely favorites and if you're a succession fan I'm willing to bet your favorite character might be causing Gregg Now listen if you don't know the show it takes you into the back biting world of the family business 4 siblings each trying to succeed their aging father Logan Roy who runs the business they do some pretty ruthless things to one another in the process and cousin Greg is the likely pot smoking in a car great nephew who stumbles his way into this 1000000000 Dollar Game of Thrones Nicholas Braun is the actor who plays him and he's with me in studio live right now hey. It's good it's great great to be here it was nice to hear you describe the succession theme is a banger Oh it's a banger it's an absolute. Banger fat fat and I love that song it's Listening To be honest it's about I saw you I was watching the Raptors game last night yeah and then who shows up on my screen I was up there on the old Jumbotron How was that I didn't know where your records man. I'm a basketball fan so they offered me tickets to go to the game and I was very excited to go in and watch those guys I mean they're just some of the best big fan and Kyle Lowry in all this you know they found it it was a bit of a trip that you're in this like on the show like this now that you're in this moment where you are you go to these you know basketball games you end up on the jumbotron in a country that's not yours yeah. It's a pretty well it's a pretty weird thing. You're like do I just look into this camera which then projects into this room of many many many people are doing I don't you don't really know what to do but yeah but it's you know this show has been amazing I feel like very lucky to go around and talk about it and be a part of it and yeah you could do the thing where you like talk to your friend next to you and I'm not really kind of ignore the Jumbotron you know yeah my brother was right there I should have just like yeah I acted as if there wasn't just kind of wave Yeah yeah I'm busy in a conversation but oh yeah tell. Me Just get me to set this up for everybody so Cousin great sort of stumbles into the show's main plot which is the family battle to succeed the aging patriarch Logan Roy. Greg not like the other boy is for people who haven't seen the show where does he fit in cousin Greg he is the nephew of Logan who's who's this the patriarch. The He's the grand Greg Greg is the grandson of Logan's brother and they're actually Canadian they're from the Canadian side of the family like the farming side I guess the family owned a paper business when they're younger and Logan took the paper business and my grandpa my character's Grandpa took the farming side and we kind of got the short stick Logan became a billionaire and we became maybe like 100 millionaires and. You know like give me a break we really got shafted right. So Greg the pilot of the 1st season starts and Greg is trying to get into the corporate world by being a mascot at the amusement park that is the way Star Royko amusement park and gets too high and ends up throwing up through the eye holes of his cost him and. His mother is basically like look this is your chance to get in go to your uncle's birthday uncle on his birthday and make an impression and get your job back and I go there and I think the sort of spoils of of it all are very enticing and very exciting and. And I want more than just my mascot job back and so I start to maneuver Yeah and I 1st episode and it continues from there so I want to play a clip from succession that sort of shows obvious maneuvering a sort of this awkward maneuver a Take a listen to this I'm not bringing this up and it's almost right but. So you know when you have to destroy those documents it cruises. You know. Why I kept it. I kept you all of them just in case I got in trouble in because I was worried that maybe I was straight since of criminality. So. I don't want to bring anything up to know whether things like horrible would it be bad for me to like mention you know you ask a black male. I would I could he tell I don't like you it's just you know context very well it's at you're black brown accept or black male that's the cousin Greg Nicholas Braun is with me as did you he plays cousin Greg awkwardly blackmailing Tom But is there an argument to be made that late Greg is the only good person on the show I mean these are such hateable characters these sort of billionaires a Greg sort of comes in from a middle class or like he's at 100 millionaire class background and yeah yeah I think yeah he comes from a more modest upbringing than the kids you know than the main children of Logan So I think he doesn't come from like a cut throat mentality. You know he's he wasn't like learning how to be greedy and learning how to make deals as a kid you know so so he comes and naive. But he's highly ambitious too so he sort of I think is I think Logan senses that in him and sort of like Prague's it yeah and you know and as the series goes on I think you. He slowly loses that moral center but I often wonder whether he's like a stand in for the audience because I think when I when I would watch the show I would think and by the way I sort of embarrassingly disclosed to make before we started that I watched the whole thing in like 4 days and by the way you can watch the whole thing in life or do you know how do the feel it felt you know creatively exhilarating physically not great yeah you know I was kind of tired by the end of it and probably chips Yeah well yeah you're eating chips thought I'm Ok that's not healthy amount up to this which hummus Yeah exactly you know some carrots or something now yeah but but yeah I guess you can you can watch it very quickly because there's something kind of I mean to me like when I watch some of the episodes they're like kind of sickening but at the end you know like I gotta see where that goes yeah. So yeah but it's also just so unlikely you know it's so it's unlikely these days that there seems to be a show that everyone can sort of agree on that everyone seems to be watching again and when did when did you start to know that the show had become something special keep an actor for a while didn't work for a while yeah yeah I have. I think. What we didn't really know what it was the 1st couple episodes I don't think I mean maybe maybe other people didn't just see our writers as brilliant guy. And has been running for a long time and it has mixes genres and tones and humor into all the things he does but I think. I think we did you know we shot the pilot we all thought thought it was good I think we had a good time making it and then as we read episodes 2 and 3 and 4 you're doing table reads and it's like really funny like we're making an hour long drama for h.b.o. You know it should feel heavy and sometimes it really did but then it was really hell Arius in these table reads and we're like are we making a comedy and me and Matthew Macfadyen who plays Tom are like are we are we or I don't I can't speak for him but I was like in my ruining the drama part of this because this is funny and like people are laughing and maybe we should go for that I want to play something because it's a bit of a trip talking to you right now just because I watch the show so much I want to play this clip from your interview Stephen called their show Ok we had one of your other costars Nicholas Braun Yes Les cousin eg Ryan glass Did he seem was mocking his character is all forgotten every night by the state very sweet very very nice I had real confusion because the 1st season I used to call him Greg because I got his name wrong but it was part of the script the 2nd season I kept calling him that. When I should've been calling him Greg and they said No Brian it's Greg not Nick I said he's so like the character I can't tell the difference so that's the Scottish actor Brian Cox who plays Logan Roy sort of the aging multi-billionaire patriarch on succession and I'm here Nicholas Browne from succession and he says something there that I had to the method I'm sort of feeling right now which is that you seem very similar to a Character Are You very similar to your character I have there's a lot of similarities I think yeah I mean. I don't I try to put a lot of myself into this guy and. You know he's uncomfortable in this world when the show starts and I think as it's going on he's getting more comfortable or getting a little bit more like solid in himself and in these rooms and learning how to operate a little. Better and blackmail you know blackmailing even though it's sort of reluctantly blackmailing. But I pile like to put a lot of my own awkwardness and my own. Things into it and to Greg and that feels really good to me because I think that's what's interesting about him is that he's like the most sort of vulnerable in this you know everybody else is kind of cold and they kind of shut down emotions and they can't show this or that to each other OSs they'll get you know look at me funny or Logan will you know remove them from their position in the company or something if they show too many emotions. And Greg I think my take on Greg is that it's fun it's fun to watch him feel all of the stuff that he feels and these places and like gets excited about getting flown to Hungary you know in the season we fought hungry you know or any of those things so the stuff that they take for granted you can see you getting very excited about and that's going to see my said we got to see the audience in the right we see ourselves at what we would be pretty excited to be flown to Hungary and you know to eat a bird with a blanket over our head you know these things evolve a very exciting right you know now yeah I have you found yourself like this is such a world of like high finance and you know it's going to billionaire class and so many kind of read about in the news and something that we know about from television and stuff like that but now that you've sort of portrayed members of that class have you found yourself being welcomed into it have you found yourself being invited places have you found yourself you know people reaching out that they think you're part of that world. I mean I yeah I guess I guess so yeah. Yeah it's kind of opens up. It's kind of opened up some some some fun. Hangs but. I don't know I'm I told the story on Caldera when I went on but I you know I got to meet the Clintons at a party and both of them yeah both of them know you know I was not chatted up with them I mean pretty awesome pretty awesome bill is like such a charismatic man and. And and Hillary to you know. I voted for Hillary so I was I was very sad to meet her and decided to tell her I don't think I did tell or yeah the weird thing to say when Yeah yeah yeah I was I was in my opener you know. You got my vote. Started happening Are you Ok. How do you know but this is all of the media's whole theory in a I guess I have to call it a theory for legal reasons that that that the royal family given their media tycoon with the you know aging the leader from and now the country other than the United States and there's a power grab between the siblings about who's going to take over everyone thinks about the Murdoch's right everything's about Murdoch's Murdoch's of course famously from you know a powerful media family Fox News in the Wall Street Journal in the Times in London where you were you that aware of the Murdoch before you took this on no not really not really I mean I you know I saw a lot of those headlines about life of you know Phone phone scandal and war and all that stuff but I didn't really follow it and I don't follow that much of the news and and all that sort of stuff so I didn't yeah I didn't know it was what was the deal with the Murdoch have it have any of them reach down now to me you know but I fear some of them have watched it. We hear little things you know the cast like sort of gets little whiffs of stuff like a Lizabeth Murdock's seen it or you know is there a cousin is there cousin Greg in the Murdoch family. I don't know. I looked up I looked up the Murdoch's when I was when we 1st when I 1st got the part. And there was some guy I can't remember his name but he just looked like a cousin Greg and he was in a bunch of photos and it was just sort of like it's like his suits didn't quite fit and his hair was not great and he looked like he was trying to lean into pictures with people. Like he wasn't immediately included in that picture but he sort of got his way and you know and I felt like that's the Greg I don't know maybe he's just some guy that is around but photo bomb Yeah exactly that's no not yeah he's doing a good job being around essentially wanted a gigantic news you know junkie before he took this job on but I have to imagine that you know being in a show that's sort of about the manipulation of news and I should point out to people who have watched the show the royal family own sort of a media conglomerate a lot of their conversation on the show is about you know how they might twist the news for political means or for business means he has being in the show changed the way you watch the news or consume media. I guess I guess I read things sometimes and I'm like that could be a succession story line or that is what we just chop you know or just came out. On our show so so there is. Yeah I guess I am sort of sensing it like like there was a. This isn't exactly news but in New York we have these these like electronic billboards and there was something on there that was that was like President Trump tries to shut down biography. You know someone writing a biography that's bad paraphrasing but that's what he was doing and that's something that was a storyline that we were already shooting in succession where Logan is trying to shut down a woman in season 2 who's trying to write his biography and Greg just started to talk to her yeah a little bit. And so you had stuff like that I guess I'm just I just have a more of a keen awareness of of how the media you know these big families are using the media or how trumps using the media. So yeah there's there's definitely a bit of that they're just tuning in and speaking with Nicholas brand you might know him as cousin Greg from H.B.O.'s show succession speaking of bangers Take a listen to this the last word to. Your favorite. Mix what are we here and why I can't just play that's what isn't. True that's so cool that you just played it this is a song that I made a. Couple years ago when I had it in my computer and I never put it out man. One courageous night like maybe 6 months ago or something I say I'm just gonna put his hands on my Sound Cloud and see if anybody likes it and it's one of my favorite things I made. I made it with a little like a drum electronic drum machine is part of my fair part turn up. Yes. Sounds good. From no delay was music a plan for you before acting oh. Yeah I've always loved making music I yeah I sang I was a I was a kid you know I was I was Ok I was a kid I sang in my school choirs and I sang in acapella in high school and. I loved making music I love writing songs I love help playing piano I can't read music but I like playing and so all the songs I make are just sort of finding chords and notes that sound good to me and feel like I'm not like I can write a melody over them. And so and me and my brother made some songs for bed and we're starting to make music again and it's something that I I think about all the time but I just don't have time for it enough and you know now I'm on the show and I'm acting and and working a lot but I love to make music and. Yeah so I'm hoping to get back to it more now that we have a few months off. Also here because the Canadian Canadian music. I hear you like like and I'll show you you know like you know like Daniel Caesar and you lay Yeah Canadian artists I actually didn't know Daniel Caesar was going to go awesome yeah I love Daniel Caesar I love Andy Shaw for I think any shot makes such beautiful. His lyrics or some of the some of the best lyrics I love how he performs he sings with such like amazing intent I don't know if you've seen him perform live yes I saw him at a church last year is incredible yeah yeah so good he didn't know I was there but that's I'm going to church but chances are it looked you directly in the eyes that's the way he performs because he wasn't performing he was just at church yeah right he's from being fetes a sketch and yet deep out there apparently right do you really small town yeah shut up if you listen to this I'm being favorite now Congrats on your favorite son and a chef Yeah you're on your man he's doing great so before you go who do you think I'm going to ask this like you know in the end I can't spoil the end of season 2 I think the last episode of Season 2 is one of my favorite television episodes of all time thank you but you know who you think is going to win this thing who you think is going to win the succession Game of Thrones like do you have any predictions. I I don't I yeah I don't I don't see a laser kind of pointed at your head right now yeah right. Now because because because our show runner so smart he's going to he's going to make this a real dance for a while so. So he knows how to craft it but I mean. The all 3 of I liked what they did with cure and caucus character towards the end of the season especially the last 2 episodes without saying too much he just grew you see some different sides of him that make him more of a contender. And I mean I'd like to see Greg you know like take some big swings at some point which he's starting to to at the end of that season. But I don't know who's going to get the get the gold and it was nice to me it is great to meet you yeah this is so fun and this is fun to. Read on the h.b.o. Show succession I'm Tom Power and we'll be right back with more q. From c.b.c. Radio and p r x. . A critical species is dying biologists is scrambling to find out why how the demise of freshwater mussels could affect the ecosystem and our water supply tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News weekday mornings on 89.3 k.p.c. Supporters include float the fly over all traffic shuttle passengers can fly to work every day instead of driving on the freeways and sitting in traffic learn more about flying to work at float shuttle dot com They either love Los Angeles a historic landmark an event then you located on Wilshire Boulevard in the heart of the city with Italian Renaissance style architecture sustainable locally sourced cuisine and a commitment to warm personable service they evolve Los Angeles is a location available for weddings corporate events or film premieres for more information you can visit eat Bella valeted dot com at each. Of dot com. Q. On c.b.c. Radio one in Canada and across North America on Sirius x.m. 169 n.p.r. My name is Tom. Do traditional t.v. Talk shows seem a little predictable by now the sleek couch the comfy chairs the host behind the big important open desk a big celebrity telling an enduring story. Or being forced to reach into a box blindfolded to play a terrifying game in front of the nation what if we just exchange all of that for a bunch of teens sitting in their bedrooms talking to cameras and string it all over the world if you're into the Raj twits that's exactly what you'll find a talk show but for the Internet you might be wondering what is the what prompted the teens to do this to put down the 10 o'clock she is a host a talk show her generation that doesn't really watch t.v. Is this the future of talk shows Al-Ameen has just heard commenting on sad Christmas songs is the social media editor at Buzz Feed he's here to tell you about the future of talk shows Hi Al-Ameen How you doing not too bad it's nice to see it you forgot about the branded mugs when it comes to t.v. Talk shows by the way yeah Elmina's currently holding on to the cute mug Yeah my favorite mug in the world did you get one to take home I sure did Ok good let's start at the beginning what is this show the rock show right it's a well it's a show that is broadcast on Twitter which is the streaming service and the way that it works is Raj The host it's kind of in the middle and. By that I mean his screens it's in the middle and then other people streaming from their own homes are sort of invited onto the screen as it's just to do comment on the lives of other twits streamers it's very insular It's very like exist within the sort of twit universe in this place we can stream video games resurrect not necessarily a place you'd expect to watch non video game content like a talk show exactly but if that but these shows are averaging you know an audience of about 20000 people yeah it is pretty great for for just a random little streaming show that you put together so this is kind of like a Jay Leno style show or this is kind of like The Bachelor What is this thing it's a little bit of all of those things so it sort of begins with here's a let me tell you a little bit more about Twitter's like twitch being this platform where you stream yourself talking or video games they decided that there's a good subsect of people who actually just want to use it to stream their daily lives to just chat about whatever like you would of course. Stream yourself talking about bluegrass presumably and then many people tens of people. Would do it and say hey I want to watch Tom talk about but bluegrass and the case of Raj he sort of tapped into this market of how people who use twitch want to talk about other people who use twitch and so it ends up being calm and a commentary on the very personal lives of who is sleeping with who who really beating who in terms of streams you know the kind of because these streamers I mean I know I watch a little bit of Twitter. These become celebrities in their own right there follow to do or you know so then what Raj does is like on top of inviting them to just chat with one another and he also invites them to do this kind of bachelor style show right we have a clip from the raw show take a listen. To the rush to Mr Assad of Syria. Today is the day that you find a woman of your dreams Ok the woman it always seems is out there she is waiting for you and she is in this room somewhere Ok all right Ok I cannot wait for you to maybe that is a clip from the the Raj. Sounds like a pretty disorganized version of The Bachelor but exactly what it but it makes me think about like you know when we were growing up there was this you know you could you could hope to become like Conan O'Brien or you know Jay Leno or you could try to be Deni petty or something like that right but but it seems like the this new generation talk shows is doing something completely different for a completely different audience right with the idea that the streamers would become sort of Microsoft pretty stupid right comes also the necessary extension that you might actually enjoy watching them kind of it is very informal and organize environment and he has a lot of fun with it but also when you would watch a traditional talk show say when you would watch David Letterman I'm running at a talk show host mention would you watch David Letterman you mentioned so many he'd be passive right you'd sit in your home and you'd watch the show yes if you're lucky enough to get a ticket you'd watch the show from the audience I know when I watched a streamers on Twitter or twitch dreamers I. You know you can often type along I don't but you can def and type along and you can like speak to the person who's streaming as they're streaming How does that fit into this idea of a new talk show so the Roger show uses that mechanism to end up like kicking people off the show or inviting new people on the show by having people who are commenting and follow along with the stream and sort of give their feedback and say no we don't want to hear any more from this person we want to hear more from this person and so it becomes kind of a new level of audience interactivity and it particularly works because there's such an investment in these characters right because if you are a part of this community already then you care about the stream is a lot you know a lot of their personal lives already because you watch them stream for so much and so you just lean into that and say hey I want more of this and less of this is this the future of talk shows and reality t.v. Or is this just you know further information that lets us know that media as a mass thing is becoming more and more relevant that just can be tiny little pockets of what we're going to why not both I mean there's a there's a there's a real but I just shrugged and just said Ok I give up with this Internet thing but truly I think it's a little bit of both in the sense that as audience is fragmented more and more you're going to have shows like this a target a more specific population so yeah it might average an audience of 20000 people it doesn't need to draw an audience larger than that. And that might be the future of our of how we consume ideas I talk to I mean I've been making money is this like is this can they can they can yeah maybe can they can run ads or they can run different sponsorship so there's no reason why they can't make you know if you tell me that I should start my bluegrass talk show I would join it. I know nothing about literature but the ideas would very quickly kick me off and like I don't know let's do it the tumble aggression I was here to teach If you're just tuning in my name is Tom Power you listening to Q l mean Abdel not Newt is here he stops by every couple weeks to talk about what's happening online and before we let you go there's something else you want to get your thoughts on. But 1st we have a clip Take a listen to this from the deepest reaches of space. Comes in it's true of. Who has captivated the hearts and minds humans. Without further ado please welcome. So on the topic of nontraditional media this what is that that is that is a clip from the little bugs show who is Little Bob I love time of the Internet cat was an Internet cat to me not like a cat like in the in the fifty's they would talk about a person who was going to run a cool cat like a literal feline a literal feline right. Was a cat that gained a lot of Internet fame in part because of her really unique appearance so she'd be her genetic makeup meant that her her her arms should have always expressed out and her eyes were bulging and her tongue was always out and she became she became a regular feature on Internet cat means so often times she would she would be the image that you would share when you're looking surprise or sad or upset about something a little bug is that sort of one of the Central Figures of cat Internet I guess and sort of like and I'll jokes aside sort of like another another bit of evidence that the Internet is weird that you can you can have a lot of like tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people tuning in like they used to tune in for like Jay Leno Petunia in for a cat Palace try 2000000 that was a following that little bug had a. Had a following of 2000000 people on history and that's people who are like yeah I'll follow Lubov like I follow my friends I want more and more updates about this cat's life so passed away yes this dispensed on this past Sunday obituaries for him ran on c.n.n. New York Times and Rolling Stone to name a few feels like this is feels like a bit of a moment was a moment I mean listen this year we lost grumpy cat earlier this year and. And I think that this is just a testament to the fact that if you follow Internet cats and they're a regular feature in your life and they are popping up regularly on years to get feed then they become kind of like characters that you become invested in like you know you've seen the video of a little back a little bub playing with and I don't know what and that becomes like something that you send your friends and it brings you joy and now you sort of look at it is a proper mourning that's why you know I would be very runs in place of the c n n the New York Times but yeah I mean important cultural figure even if I can hear your tweets at me right now yes but I kind of can cause of this when I wasn't playing and ask you know this but I want to ask you about this I feel that this entire time that we've been talking about and the changing of talk shows that you have twitch starting new talk shows that you have. That you have the you know little bug getting this big audience but then you have Lily saying who started on You Tube and going to a traditional talk show form and it was that the wrong way to go I don't know if it was the wrong way to go I think it's this is sort of a symbiotic relationship it's not like t.v. Unmask me are going away anytime soon we're just kind of figuring out our own different little niches on the Internet as well and like you can make a pretty decent living just existing off of those nations you can make a pretty decent living probably getting all the bluegrass people in one room and then talking bluegrass with them or whatever your niches but there's also still that interest in sort of consuming what the mass media is telling So you know there's no it's not a surprise that the top You Tube videos top You Tube clips every day are just like the talk show host from the from the night before right so it's not like we're completely abandoned one realm for the other the relationship kind of goes both ways I mean things are coming in My pleasure. As a social media editor at Buzz Feed He joined me live here in Toronto Ontario and he's planning on being the Ed McMahon and my future bluegrass round table show. Coming up next on the show if you start a Star Trek not not personally. Yeah me neither but you know once I started to get into the show and reading about it I learned about this person in d.c. Fontana and she created a lot of the storylines in the original Star Trek series she's an incredibly important figure in writing in television writing and she just passed we're going to rear my conversation with d.c. Fontana from just a few years ago on q. If you want to follow the show. On Instagram. I mean 88. 88. Member coming up. Next time on we'll look at the 1st House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearings for legal scholars testified whether the case against President Trump is worthy of impeachment will look at how the day long hearing fits into the overall impeachment process. Weekdays attack Iran 89.3 p.c. See. If you're planning to make a gift to k p c c before December 31st do it. And you could save on your taxes before the end of the year find out more. Supporters include voted Pasadena's best event space in $21000.00 by the readers of Pasadena weekly located in Pasadena nor provides banquet rooms and catering for. Less and special occasions and are Events dot com. It is an e.q. On c.b.c. Radio one in Canada cross North America on Sirius x.m. $160.00 and from p.r. My name is Tom power what you're hearing right now is the theme to the original Star Trek series. There's been a lot written and said about what made Star Trek work but the original stories might have been the real secret sauce on those early episodes the indelible characters they created the surprisingly progressive themes and the writer behind a lot of that died earlier this week at the age of 18 Her name is Dorothy Fontana but she's better known to legions of Trekkies and trackers as d.c. Fontana the byline and some of the show's most classic early episodes I had a chance to speak with her and another Star Trek writer David Gerrold 3 years ago as part of the show's 50th anniversary celebrations that conversation began with each of them talking about that music we just heard well it always brings back wonderful memories actually. It was written specifically for Star Trek obviously and the 1st time we heard it it was like Oh that's great and then you've got Bill Shatner's opening narration over the 1st notes and you have to say. This is going to be good David how about you that music always gets me and for me it evokes the charm and the sense of wonder of that 1st season when everything was brand new and we'd never seen any of it before it's just one of my favorite pieces of music for our audience who may not be familiar with your well they may be familiar with your work but they may not be as familiar with your story and let's give them some background David you were a fan of Star Trek before you wrote for the show is that right I was still in school still in college and I was a big fan of science fiction I'd been reading it since I was old enough to read and but I had been taking classes in screenwriting and playwriting and also other theater arts and so when I saw the 1st episode. I was ambitious enough to say I don't want them to screw it up by doing the last it's a sort of monster of a week and so I submitted an outline and the producer wonderful man named Gino Coon who doesn't get anywhere near enough credit is he deserves invited me down to the studio and he said we're all bought up for this season but please him get some outlines for 2nd season and I did and Dorothy Fontana read one of them and said this has them whimsy let's hire real right by the story and hire real writer Well the way it worked out was Gene gave me the chance to be that real writer Wow Dorothy you came at Star Trak Amy That's awful nice of you to give David his break by the way as kind of you know I do if you came in star trek from a completely different direction you did have a career before Star Trek Can you fill us in. Well I sold my 1st story to television in 1960 to a show I was working on at the time it was the Tall Man starring clue Gallagher and very solvent I was 21 years old and my boss Sam peoples had said to me if you write a good story I will buy it so I wrote one and he bought it and then I did another story and then I said I want to write a full script so he said Go for it I came in with another story and that's when I began my 1st story and teleplay and got that and I did another tall man so that was for tall man I did a rewrite on a shotgun Slade I did. A show called flatteries people which started on the air and then got cancelled and I also did the road west again starring Barry Sullivan all in between 196966 when we went into production on Star Trek but in 1963 I went to work at m.g.m. Studios in Culver City and I was working for Dell rise man who is the associate producer for Gene Roddenberry on the lieutenant which is where I met Gene Roddenberry and. After the lieutenant was canceled Roddenberry handed me about 12 pages and said Tell me what you think of this and it was Star Trek and I was very impressed I really liked about my 1st question was who play Spock and he shoved a picture of Leonard Nimoy across the desk at me because Leonard had done a guest star on the on the lieutenant and I said great because I had known him since 906 when he started the very 1st story I sold to televisions. It all comes around goes around it all comes around. And I stay with Roddenberry actually as he tried to sell Star Trek we finally got it sold made a pilot and 964 and then one in 5 and finally we got it on the air in 1966. You know a lot of Trekkies listening to this right now might know you as d.c. Fontana talk to me about why I chose to go by that name well the 1st 6 credits I had were Dorothy and then I began running into that oh I don't know if a woman could write my show it's about a high school what's your problem you know. So I just went with the d.c. Figuring well. They can't tell if I'm a man or woman if they haven't met me yet so. I sold under d.c. Funtown I sold k.c. I sold the script to Ben Casey series and that was the start of it I haven't changed it since except for one street in San Francisco where the producer wanted to show people that he did hire women so he said can you use your for your real name on one episode and I said Yes with just one and that was the only time and that was in the let's see. Early seventy's I want to play a little bit from the episode that you mentioned just a little while ago celebrating its 49th anniversary which is The Trouble With Tribbles Yes. On migraine. Card I am going to hold you responsible. Be thousands of them hundreds of. 1000000 771561. That's assuming one should hold applying with an average literate 10 producing a new generation every 12 hours over a period of 3 days assuming that they are 3 days ago and allowing. Consumed storage. There you go I'm Tom Power You're listening to Q I'm speaking with Dorothy fountain and David Gerrold 2 writers of the original Star Trek series David that's a clip from one of your most iconic episodes The Trouble With Tribbles for the uninitiated what the trouble. Trouble is a small furry creature I had originally thought of rabbits in Australia but we couldn't have real creatures and a young lady who I was hanging out with in the school named Holly Sherman had a key chain with a big fluff ball on it and I looked at it and said That's cute it'll work and. So that's how I described them and a remarkably talented prop man named watching arranged to have about $500.00 triples made in that clip you heard both William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock David when you were sitting down the late great William shall Are we just lost in this year he's marvelous man and you guys were sitting in that chair either writing on a typewriter or writing longhand I mean you know with computers back and what was it like I didn't read those 2 in mind for Shatner anymore. Well I had the advantage of being able to visit the set and watch them work so I would listen to how they spoke and so when I was at my typewriter I would kind of close my eyes and try to hear their voices in my head and because I had gotten such a strong sense of who the characters were and how they spoke it was. I could say no I can't type that Shatner wouldn't say it that way and I can't type that anymore I wouldn't say it that way so I had to listen to their voices and and write for the way they spoke and I think that's part of why the script succeeded was that I had spent so much time listening to how the actors worked with each other Dorothy how about you what's it like to write specifically for those 20 well I was involved with them on you know working with. Roddenberry on the 1st 2 pilots building the 2nd pilot of course but Leonard did both the 1st and 2nd pilots and I became used to how they both. I did their lines and in addition to usually making a run down to the stage once or twice a day to see that everything was Ok and reporting back later on I became the story editor so I was kind of responsible for seeing that other people also wrote the what are the way Leonard and Bill Shatner would deliver their lines sometimes they get way off they were you know other writers they were listening as David listened and you'd have to straighten out the dialogue a little bit to make it more Shatner more Nimoy. Gene Roddenberry created this show that I think now when you look back on it it's kind of ahead of its time when it came to diversity in terms of and any quality racially especially David did you get that sense at the time when you were writing for it Oh absolutely in fact I got a chill up my spine just watching the 1st episode of the man trap because the salt vampire creature could make other people see it as whatever it wanted them to see and so when Michelle Nichols Lieutenant Doris walking down the hall the salt vampire shows up as this very handsome black man and I got this chill up my spine recognizing Yes that's exactly right and so from the very 1st moment as aware of that that diversity aspect of Star Trek and it was one of the most exciting parts of the of meeting the characters on the show there are objections from some stations in the South when they saw a shell Nichols on the bridge in a fairly prominent role and they were refusing to carry the show and Gene Roddenberry said you know it's a swear words and too bad for you you lose and it turned out later on those stations did come to heel and did run the show but at 1st there were these objections because there was a proud moment on the bridge Dorothy you wrote the introduction to David's novel Blood in fire and you wrote that Star Trek quote expressed itself as episodes that dealt with bigotry and racism the Vietnam War The generation gap and slave meant other races fights for equality in many other issues of the time with hindsight how much of an effect on those issues do you think Star Trek had well our audience is very intelligent and I think we got the messages through. For instance the Vietnam War nobody else could write about that we did under cover of it being on an alien planets and it was you know over different things but it was really about the Vietnam War and we were also able to tackle issues like race and gender is a met all these other things that. A lot of other shows could not approach but we could under the guise of science fiction Star Trek is again experiencing a renaissance there are 3 new Star Trek films there's also a new streaming television series for c.b.s. Called Star Trek discovery David why do you think this show is resonating with audiences still after after 50 years well there's a lot of factors at work but I think basically and I said this like 4950 years ago is that it presents an optimistic view of the future and I've never had to change my mind on that it says whatever problems that we as a human race are experiencing we're going to outlive our problems we're going to solve them we're going to become better we're going to create a world that works for all of us with no one and nothing left out so that inspires people the idea that there is a bright optimistic hopeful future if we're willing to work for it and I think that particularly among young people the idea that life can get better that whatever problems are in front of us today are solvable I think that brings them to the show because they see here's a team of people and sambal working together for a common cause and I can't think of anything more inspiring than that Dorothy I want to close today's interview with a question for you if you were to write a new episode of Star Trek given in mind that you spoke about all those issues that you're able to pursue in your writing of that show what do you think you'd write about. That's not so much an issue out in the world so much I always wanted to do the story of Dr McCoy's daughter Joanna and. She would be a nurse she would be have graduated from medical school nursing school and she would be. You know now with the with the Federation going on these starships and she would meet her father whom she hasn't seen for quite a long time because he's been off in space for 5 year missions etc And there's a distance between them and yet they want to be father and daughter and how do they make that work. I've always been more interested in the personal stories and then put the science fiction and the issues around that so I would like to do Joanna and I've been threatening to write it as a novel for some time now. With Dorothy and David thank you both so much for talking to us today really appreciate it my conversation from 26 teamed with Star Trek writers d.c. Fontana and David Gerrold the minds behind some of the show's greatest episodes d.c. Fontana died on Monday she was 80 years old. Listening to. Radio host on the. Way it is December so all through this month we're going to be playing some of our favorite moments that happened live music wise in our studio usually just behind me every Thursday someone performs live music on our show and it is just one of the greatest treats of my job people to be able to sit here and listen to it and to allow you to hear it I one of my favorite moments this year was a discovery for me it's a great Canadian artist named Amal Check this out. If Is the greater on a singer songwriter Amal and later recorded live in our studio all this month will be. Some of our favorite live performances on q. And a. New album discovering Canadian music. On the next morning edition there's a lot of research on how a military service can lead to p.t.s.d. And depression but little attention to grief we think soldiers. Don't have. Long term about one of the 1st studies of grief among veterans and catch the rest of the day's news on Morning Edition weekdays tell mine on $89.00. Support for the California report comes from hint water hint is water infused with food essences including watermelon and Black Berry no sugar no sweeteners no calories available in grocery stores mouthwatering water. This is $89.00 k. P.c.c. Pasadena Los Angelos a community service or Pasadena City College offering the p.c.c. Promise program for students who can afford tuition Berdmore at Pasadena that you do you. Know and welcome to News Day on the b.b.c. World Service with. Thank you for joining us. On a clock in Paris nationwide strike against present pension reform is threatening to par in law is the country. To France shortly also why the Chinese tell the way is taking legal action against the United States from will be on our Business Desk outrage in Pakistan after the latest incidents of violence against women we hear from a feminist. In the heart of Bellin that is now turning into a diplomatic route between Germany and Russia to Russian diplomats have been will Moscow now retaliate in kind more on that plus we'll have the latest update with Matthew the sports news but 1st the latest world news. News with Comrie a nationwide strike is being held in fronts against proposed changes.


Transcripts for BBC WM 95.6 BBC WM 95.6 20191129 160000

People have been injured and that the times I'm on the bridge and the surrounding area has been cordoned off an ambulance crews all that all security correspondent Gordon Corera is London Bridge I've just spoke to a witness who was in his office by the bridge and he said he saw the shots being fired against this individual multiple shots he says as the individual was lying down on the bridge he didn't see how it came to be fuel arrived at the bridge but he says he saw a group policeman that could be spent you can around the beach. They shot being fired and then later on people being forced out of the building may. Be to judge well Thomas Dunford was in the area at the time I saw the body truck from the bridge one guy was down in it. But my understanding of. A sheet over him but you know about the building of it being upside down or READY kind of bridge and then a 15 by. There. And it will bring you the latest on this as it develops and Palko senses in the West Berlin one to be affected by the firm's planned job cuts the company is set loose around 3 quarters of his workforce as part plans to restructure the company up to 4 and a half 1000 jobs will be counts of 3 cool sensors in whole Sunderland's and will start Christina McKinney is the assistant general secretary of unison and said It's tough for staff to take a tangible for families and for the communities that depend on the skill I mean what 3 and a half weeks before just before Christmas and this news will of Disrupt on the field will for many of them have been expecting it we knew that things were going to be difficult for any I know but it's probably the worst possible news at the worst possible fate a woman who's accused of murdering a homeless woman who vanished from Birmingham has declined to give evidence during her trial Kathleen someone made the decision moments after her boyfriend Kevin Pollak and refused to return to the witness box the couple have been charged with murdering 39 year old Lisa bene in May 2013 unfortunately claiming her benefits 40 years Simon and 3905 can deny all the charges against them the trial continues West Midlands Police say a prominent gang member has been locked up for ignoring a core order they want to cast a tried running from officers when they saw him breaching a criminal behavior order him back more on Tuesday the 19 year old from Wolverhampton breached the order twice in 2 months and was. Since the 3 months in custody and what customers I've been affected by an i.t. Glitch at the bank which is affecting online and transactions that West has apologized for the problems it was a code anklets not by Expect spells of dense fog in parts there is a weather warning in place for tomorrow about the fog lows a minus 3 Celsius found night for the West Midlands It's 30 minutes past 4. Troy still we call Franks. 95.6. Radio put away Smith. Welcome to the show as we round up the big stories of course we have the link we have the voices tonight the challenge finally voices they've all been disguised to a greater or lesser degree but they all come from the same area of this country. Phoning Rigo with me as usual your verdict on the week's action football fans all sorts of speculation going on as well we'll bring you the latest on the London Bridge incident very shortly that's been cordoned off the Met Police are expected to issue a statement very shortly they're saying a number of people have been stabbed and injured in the process this is just close to a London Bridge just before 2 o'clock and was shots fired but we'll get all the details from our reporter at the So you very shortly. After noon. Trying to. Place a bet dealing with a major incident bridge reports of gunshots being fired the foresight like a cold was stabbing a man has been to tell you let's go straight to the same. Is with us. What's happened to what we know so far here yes what we know is the Metropolitan Police say this incident happened at 158. They did involve a stopping they say a number of people have been injured we haven't had any more detail about that yet there was a b.b.c. Correspondent who was there at the scene he talked about there being a fight this is the B.B.C.'s John McManus I was walking from the south side of the bridge to the north side on the other side of the road to this which sometime just after 2 o'clock I could see what appeared to be a commotion somebody next to me said it looks like there's a fight going on there seems to be several men who were trying to hold somebody down it looked like a bit of a rugby scrum they suddenly jumped up started running away from our person and I know she said that armed police had suddenly arrived on the lobby side of the bridge all the traffic stop the place were all and there was shouting that the person on the ground and telling us to get off the bridge I'm not want to heard what sounded like Sioux shots fired in the direction of this person. There was also video footage which we've seen which also shows evidence of a fight and the police have confirmed one man has been shot now the police say at this stage the circumstances relating to the instant remain unclear however as a precaution they are currently responding to the incident as though it is terror related say counterterrorism police are leading this investigation the London ambulance service declared a major incident London Bridge as we know has been sealed off and on the Bridge station which is a major hub remains remains closed at this time we're expecting a statement from the Met Police very shortly but one of the eyewitnesses been telling you down there during Yes it was very extremely busy area London Bridge a lot of people work there many visit to go to a nearby bar or market so I witnesses there have been lots of them talking about their experiences Kirsten Jones was on her lunch break she says there was a lot of panic she heard $23.00 maybe 4 very loud gunshots and that's when she said the police really shouted screaming at people to get off the bridge and run another eyewitness know what boat who works in a restaurant nearby the rush of people coming in and then everybody basically on the table we were told the way from the window people came from the outside saying the shots were fired at that point honestly we didn't know what was really firing the video. We were been advised by the star the manager here Jordan who very seriously run and shut the doors and made sure everything is low and nobody could come in to move away from the front of the restaurant which is literally on the bridge to the back. And I witnesses in the video of also showing a jackknifed white van on the bridge on London Bridge which at one point was completely surrounded by offices Now the significance of that found and any party may have played in the incident is not yet clear we know man was shot by police and as you said this video footage of people wrestling with. On the ground so still down there very much an ongoing situation yes I mean we have you know all these things that we can see these days and you start to piece together the story but we have to wait to find out how events actually unfolded and reporters who were there say that since the initial incident there's still a lot of activity offices with dogs being deployed people searching the water the helicopter being used above interestingly Whitehall has said the police response to this incident was not intelligence led which means they were responding spontaneously to the events as they unfold it this afternoon so I think we can expect the area to remain cordoned off for the foreseeable future the Prime Minister Barak's Johnson has said that he is being kept updated on the instant he wanted to thank the police and the emergency services as did Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn he tweeted shocking reports from London Bridge My thoughts are with all those caught up in the incident join for the moment thank you for get more information of course an ongoing situation down there we will bring it to you. Joyce toying with Frank somebody who seemed to me rather 95.6. Been celebrating the council estate in Birmingham its 50th birthday foxy broadcasting his show from there just before this one it was one of the biggest post-war estates in Britain but pretty quickly fell into disrepair because of poor design and materials in the 99 Housing Action Trust was created to redevelop the entire estate here are some of the people we've heard from across this week on b.b.c. W.-m. . 34 time. To some. Futuristic place and what have I come to over the. 16 years was never anything done in the tower blocks the state was just generally looking round those in the pictures became dangerous areas that became Grail for mattresses and wardrobes in. And then you could smell the the outcome or you could see evidence of the drug abuse so the physical regeneration was looking. At a little more low rise lower density of units create more green space it was a building site the stuff going on or across the state breathy you could actually say because she'd seen all the plants she knew what was going to happen this time where you actually see a lot the interior of the might bedroom not because that took out the exterior walls it was a strong storm and that was the bit I think where it felt like there was that there was a little bit of history that was disappearing forever of it and when those kind and you can actually say where the hat many of the city don't the hats in the country since. And you don't know where the money's come you can actually say where the money's been invested members actually sign up it didn't feel a lot to us of our own and that wasn't that wasn't a negative why it wasn't necessarily wanted to go back to those kind of movie dies that people wanted it off but it just felt like we'd been tightened somewhere else being transported somewhere else in a really positive way just some of the voices we've heard from this week the castle estate 50 years old and it's gone through my IJA regeneration in recent times. Travel for the West Midlands on b.b.c. w M 95.6 Friday afternoon travel every 15 minutes across David Morgan Tonight Good afternoon is a very busy Friday afternoon on the roads a lot of our town and city centers have had lots of extra effort today with the Black Friday sales on the sun even heading out of burning in Birmingham city center still looking incredibly busy there's a queue through the Queensway tunnels all the way up through the towards the Aston Express. The traffic heading towards the end 6 and when you get there the m 6 is looking pretty slow northbound from Junction 5 a Castle Bromwich through to speak at t. Junction all of a motorway routes are pretty busy as well the busy stretches seem to be the m 5 towards and through the roadworks train junction $1.02 in both directions from the m 40 at 3 I will the way up to the m 6 but there are no incidents at the moment affecting motorway routes public transport is doing Ok they're not aware of any problems affecting the trams or the trains but if you can update us call be 5.6 travel 183-301-2335 extension 5030 thank you weather wise minus 3 tonight or tomorrow some places overcast and foggy to start with that could linger for quite a while for much of the some places where it doesn't get sunny spells it's a cold day it's only 4 degrees a maximum for tomorrow Sunday is dry and chilly plenty of sunshine but like Saturday maybe a bit more cloud Monday more bright and dry weather on the way the winds light. Cloudy but it should still stay drop the last. Big shadow of the year. Christmas with this symphony hall and we've got a great lineup we've got 2 nations legends performing together. Brian Travers from you before. Band quilt with drumming legend. As well as for folks on our very own singing songs Frank c. And Rico and there's music from me Tony Christy. We've many more topics still to be announced it's on cheese day detention defend that at 11 am and take it a gallon class trip c h s h u k will visit the symphony hall bought some place in Perth and. Christmas. Day the 10th of December Get your tickets now. Thank you in the I mean there's no way to get them is my voice going to last the distance that's the question. Tonight Rico will join many other Friday sing song we're going to ditch where you go tonight. I'm going to crack but we're recruiting somebody else for the Friday singsong frankly it sounds like your voice is going to wrap up tomorrow for the football. Have followed by your message to. One hope it's still hear me Ok it's a bit croaky But nevertheless we're still here and the football voting after 530 Danes made Sania new contract at Villa What chance of Nuno going to Arsenal 33 last night and we haven't really had chance to talk too much about the championship games on Wednesday night to pretty good results great result for the Baggies decent result the blues are going away between now and 433 songs reality ists we call it the link now can we cite and where's the trophy going for the weekend all about the artists. The 2nd of the 3 tonight. Summits going till to kneel 1st of all. For your friend Welcome to the show New York Sun 1st Look I don't want to go what do you think. They're like. They're not only something like the different they're actually. That it was the 1st artist you know . But she she had to. Go larger something right out of her memory it's a very contrite well thought out he was I mean car and she shall die of course. Let's bring. In I find chill. The. Well they that has advantages I suppose there's no so what we think or we think that Jill. I think I would say you. Know you think you are in carry on money but it is. It isn't you're right in that sense but . It's not the link that we're looking for it's a good try though Len hardball Hello Len Oh Mike I'm Ok so what's the link though you all share the cyber stars you on the right lines it's pretty close on a scale of not to 10 I give you an 8 but they don't all share the same birthday. But you might have helped one of the people. Frank you. Are. Not the. Joke. Sharda I on the 16th of January I ring car on March the 18th and Bryan Adams on bonfire night November the 5th remember remember they did all turn 60 this year you are right and you have the trophy for the weekend all to yourself. Give it a good Polish because it is filthy job to be on. Travel for the West Midlands b.b.c. . The Metropolitan Police have just come from the offices shot dead a manager. An incident was a poor says it's responding to as though it's terror related They also said a number of people have been stabbed as well in a statement the police said the suspect was believed to be wearing a hoax bomb vest you'll hear more on this in just a minute and power core centers in the West Midlands that won't be affected by the firm's planned job cuts instead up to 4000 jobs will go at 3 call centers in whole Sunderland and will start as part plans to restructure the firm a woman who's accused of murdering a homeless woman who vanished from Birmingham has declined to give evidence during her trial Kathleen Salmond made the decision moments after her boyfriend Kevin Flanagan refused to return to the witness box the couple have been charged with murdering 39 year lease Abene in May 2013 and then fortunately claiming their benefits both deny the charges and that West customers have been affected by an i.t. Glitch at the bank which is affecting online and up transactions that West has apologized for the problems the p.c. We were in the 95.6 part thanks very much Chris Good afternoon the Aston Villa manager Dean Smith has signed a new 4 year contract with the club the former Warsaw and Branford boss joined Phil in October last year and successfully guided Villa to promotion in his 1st season in charge after winning the sky but Championship play off final against Darby County at Wembley says For me it's not just about me in the dressing room but I think continuity football club and stability is good we've got a big turnaround in the summer we've come a long way in a short period of time from where we was in February where we are we are now and we've had a lot of change about me and city head coach Pep Clotaire says the consistency of Jude Bellingham has taken everyone by surprise this season the 16 year old has been a regular in central midfield and is likely to be involved again tomorrow at home to Millwall Clotaire to believe to do what Jude is doing enough position is quite remarkable there's always this little bit of extra pressure on the midfield than in sometimes experience. A lot to that and the fact the Jude carries on the way that he held the team like this I think it's very good for himself in footy just just talks about her how well his is growing and developing the wall so manager Daryl Clarke says his side will relish the tag of underdogs in tomorrow's f.a. Cup 2nd round tie at home to Oxford United the saddos the 3rd from bottom in League 2 while Cole Robinson's Oxford a 6 in League One got a momentum that we all crave in football and cause mice to do that thing their own between 15 games scored a lot of goals and in the process they'll be pretty confident with. What we love about the f.a. Cup we go into it slightly on the docks sure our fans are going to be well up for it and we're looking forward to the challenge you know I am Maria has been sacked by Arsenal as manager after 18 months in charge he's to be replaced on a temporary basis by assistant and former master midfielder Freddie Ljungberg Arsenal are aware Norwich on Sunday having not won in 7 matches the England all round a bend Stoke spelled only 2 overs on the opening day of the 2nd Test against New Zealand because of a knee injury Stokes will be assessed on whether he can bowl again in the game New Zealand lead the 2 Test series or one nil and 173 for 3 when rain brought an early close in Hamilton and the 4 time Olympic champion Mo Farah will defend his 10000 metres title at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics the 36 year old quit track events in 2017 to concentrate on the marathon but having won gold in the 5010000 meters at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics most decided to return to where he's been most successful I decided Turkey 2020 I'm going to be back on a track I'm really excited to compete in and back on track giving 10000 me if. You haven't lost my speed. Train for train hard for and see what I can. So excited and that's b.b.c. Do we have supported for 35 John thank you are the weather tonight minus 3 so pretty cold probably a frost round tomorrow some places overcast foggy to start with some of the fog might last much of the day where it clears the will be sunny spells 4 degrees tomorrow Sunday dry and chilly plenty of sunshine Monday still bright dry weather winds still lights and it's going to be pretty cold again beclouded on choose they should be staying dry the 2 contacts b.b.c. Wm cool free 08081 double 0 double 9560 takes 81 triple 3 starting your message Wm the key to standard message right see are pretty scene at b.b.c. Dot could achieve a solution a cool way to improve the same now in the last few minutes the police in London confirming the incident on London Bridge being treated as terrorist related they've also confirmed my shot one man dead is Assistant Commissioner at the Metropolitan Police he just given this statement to where the waiting media I can confirm that of approximately 2 pm today Friday the 29th of November police were called to a stopping at a premises near to London Bridge he said. Services attended including officers from the city of London police and the measure of. A male suspect was shot by Specialist dog officers from the city of London place and I can confirm that this suspect died of the same. A number of other people received injuries during this incident as soon as we can provide further updates on their condition we will and our heartfelt sympathies go out to everybody who's been involved in this and is actually waiting for the question as soon as we can get that information we will get it to you. As you would expect due to the nature of the incident we responded as though this was terrorist related I'm now in a position to confirm that it has been declared a terrorist incident we are working jointly with the City of London place. As we continue to respond. Officers from the Mets counterterrorism commander now leading this investigation but I must stress we retain an open mind as to any motive it would be inappropriate to speculate further at this time. Due to reports that the suspect may have have an explosive device specialist officers also attended the St and white cauldrons are in place to ensure there remains no further danger to the public however I can confirm at this time we believe that a device that was strapped to the body of the suspect is a hoax explosive device. Officers continue to carry out meticulous searches in the area to ensure there is no outstanding threat to the public. Those expensive Pullman's will remain in place for a considerable time but I would ask the public police continue to avoid the area. Public safety is obviously our top priority we will be enhancing police patrols both in the city and across London I would ask anyone with information image or footage of the incident that can be shared with our investigation say to do so on the u.k. Police image appeal website. I would also ask the public to continue to remain vigilant and ripple any concerns that they have to the police. I know I would ordinarily take questions I'm not going to take questions at this time the prime minister's office person very probably heading with the permission of the meant to Downing Street pages thank you for your actions we will update you again when we can that's Neil Basseley assistant commissioner for the Metropolitan Police giving mislabelled a short while ago so they are treating the incidents as a terrorist related incident tonight. Joy's telling told Franks m b d c w n 95.6. We get more information of course we'll bring it to you on the show between now and 530 when the full voting turns up we have the voice it's 5 to identify. They've all been disguised slightly as usual at the only thing we could say about all 5 voices they're all from the same place in this country so that all born in the same area here is Voice number one tonight it's not the fact that I have our I don't know of it but I know it's there because the reason I know Bruce as our vow to show it so were the times pulled out a few tones. Voice has been slightly disguised but they're all from the same place he's a pretty prominent figure these days only it's not the fact that our i have our I don't have it but I know it's there because the reason I'm older it's as our vow to show it so when it times are pulled it out of your tone is a big man with a big personality so who are we talking about who is that identify that voice we could move on to voiced. A white one double double 956 choice to line up with Paul Frank somebody would seem to me rather 95 point c. B b c w Graham Young is with us Mr Movies Mr Chips looking at the latest films we'll talk about Blue story because you reviewed that last week Charlie's Angels and knives out of the other 2 big releases and you've obviously seen Blue story so it's going to be back at View cinema for this weekend what an interesting week Frank See you remember I was saying last week that films of this nature of find them a little bit too close to home a lot of baggage has been attached to this film on the in the wake of whatever happened at Star City on Saturday night and I think everybody needs to calm down it's fair enough for sick for security to be increased at various cinemas because after all multiplexes are trying to be all things toward people you have frozen in one screen with young kids and then clearly blue story's going to attract a completely different audience so it does shine a harsh light on what's going out there on the streets with guns and knives there's no easy answers but maybe this movie is a way of people being able to talk about a situation and move on from there and it's gonna do a lot of publicity this week and it is back on view at View and other sort of miles around the country as well and the West Midlands the 2 other big film releases this weekend Charlie's Angels are knives out so which of those you want to start with well. We'll start with Charlie's Angels Franks and no idea really why anybody thought it was a good idea to have another installment of this but it has a really good cast to Gazza Patrick Stewart who's playing a retiring senior constable of the l.a. Based Townsend agency and then you've got actresses of the caliber of Naomi Scott who was in Aladdin ellabella in Sco who's a very good as a 23 year old former m I 6 agent called Jane k. Know and Kristen Stewart as well it looks very good but every scene seems to last apart 3 seconds it's so much like one of these salami movies you know church which you barely have a chance to watch any scene before it's moved on the something else or the action sequences really get there or I find it rather violent to be honest for 12 I don't like women getting hits on the screen even if they're more than giving as good as they get to be honest in the end nearly 2 hours and just couldn't wait for it to finish could have been a lot better than yeah right Daniel Craig of course will be bombed early next year time he's starring in a film called knives out which is got about anybody that's anybody and see them are in the looks of it absolutely what a cussed Frank said Chris Evans freeing himself of the shackles of the Marvel movies Jamie Lee Curtis really top talent years I wish we could see a more but because of a plumber missing for a long time to collect Don Johnson Michael Shannon and Christopher Plummer who is amazing he's 90 on December 13th you know as a Canadian actor and whatever they were feeding him on as a kid I'd like a bit of that because he is absolutely on top of his game in this film how do you describe this film you say thriller or crime caper It's a whodunit isn't it for sure it's a close film mixed with Agatha Christie there recently where the horror film Ready or not switch was set in the house following a wedding where people were butchering each other and. This is a kind of not dissimilar premise set in one big house where everybody is trying to find out one earth is going on yeah but humor in a little bit of humor Frank so yeah and it is a 12 it's just a really good ensemble film and if you do enjoy the kind of whodunit or why don't it movie then you will get a lot of pleasure out of watching this Ok knives out the film of the week is knives out that's if you go into a cinema Franks but if you're not and you've got Netflix you're in for a treat because it's now they lable on Netflix the Irishman which has been shown in selected cinemas I know you've seen it hopefully it will be back at some point in time you need to see of experience ups absolutely want to cast Robert De Niro Joe Pesci Harvey Keitel or working for Martin Scorsese at the absolute top of his game the running time is an issue best part of 3 and a half hours so many different characters in there lots of humor flagged up as having been bumped off or will get bumped off and but and the way they've aged up and made made them younger the chronology isn't always consistent so the actors are going up and down in age but even so the just the way it's being filmed is brilliance and it ought to be one of the favorites for the best picture Oscar next year despite the fact and I think this is wrong we really had much chance of 1st much opportunity to see it in cinemas which is absolutely where it belongs you know where hopefully we'll get the opportunity on an ongoing basis. Because I'm not Netflix. Was showing at the every month just just up the road here from the sand is a shame that it kept clashing with your show it's out there and it's available and over the next couple weeks Star Wars films coming out so you'll be looking at that before Christmas. Looking for its accounts based on the trailer looks very intriguing We're back next week I set the world. Travel for the West Midlands on b.b.c. w n 95.6 people really busy on the m 42 this Friday afternoon we've got patches a very slow traffic throughout much of its length you've got to junction 3 that's ready to go all the way up to 11 in fact slower in patches busiest part though does seem to be either side junction 10 a Tamworth looking absolutely solid southbound from Junction 11 northbound from junction 9 no reported incidents so that is that 2 lane stretch that's having a big effect on traffic coming out of Tamworth so got big Q Some insurers park all the way towards the motorway on the I 5 Watling Street and big queues also around Birmingham city center we've had lots of shopping traffic in today for Black Friday so we've got queues through the Queensway tunnel and up through the expressway towards the end 6 other it's out of the city looking really slow including the middle way and routes around the 5 ways islands and most of our town centers a lot busier than normal for a Friday afternoon and most routes out of Wolverhampton are particularly slow going if you can update us 95.6 travel 330-123-3550 David thank you minus 3 tonight so 4 degrees tomorrow some places overcast and foggy some of that fog might linger through the whole of the day where it clears there will be sunny spells Sunday more the same dry and chilly plenty of sunshine around Monday still dry and sunny but more cloud on Tuesday but it should stay dry and warming up slightly this weekend to on b.b.c. w. To make them say See Female will. See. How sick feeling. Dizzy and just you know it's easy to sit. On the p.c. Tell you I'm still. Peaceful in the West middle of the f.a. Cup with Wasil tomorrow as well I'm 6 times frail away and how if I say so 5 voices I'm not sure whether we're going to get through all 5 or not because I think it's quite tricky this week but they're all from the same place in this country so he is the 1st voice tonight it's not the fact that our I have an idol of it but I know it's there because the reason I know Bruce as our fault to show it so when it times a pulled it out a few tones really big personality big man as well who is it you think. Well it that I let it go and I'll not play when I think it might be but I'm blessed it's Brian bless 8. When he's a big guy and he has got a big personality so if it fits the bill but it's not Brian bless aids if we say they're all from the Manchester area that might help it's not the fact that our I have an idol of it but I know it's there because the reason I'm no Bruce as our fault to show it so when it times a pulled it out a few tone very big. Big personality quite outspoken. Who was it a white woman double double 95. Second sound. The one who said she got the. Wrong. Can from across the way you know I really want to know your name she got. When she's been. Absolutely crazy. Let's. Stop and. Talk to a few of them in a cup a oh. The 3 comes out of the bar and we're going to do it we're going to take a trip right around the West Midlands right Nicoletta make an audible Whiting on the right. There when we're at the fried I. Michelob. Nicola. Nick. Again this is Nick we've got Nicola mic Adam Adams joining in a lot of. Out of the wood spice. Guy on the plate think Mike Ok that's what is good you think it is out of. The generation to tell you how to make and you think it is absolutely. Absolutely tossin fairy Mykola. Yet I think he's a writer. And you're all saying Tyson Fuehrer a snob the fact that our I have it I don't have it but I know it's that because the reason I'm older us as our Father to show it so when I tell you pulled it out a few tones you're all absolutely right east Tyson Fuehrer a south one down this 5 voices can you get all 5 by 530 they're all from Manchester in and around the area if you want to chance a voice to. The k. You get if anybody can identify the 2nd the voice being famous is never it was never the objects of mail of Rights and love and saying to them oh I creative stuff of course will speak to other who are being for all to be famous for fame say. Any ideas right oh yes Ok Nicola. You know that again. Make. Adam. A one moment play nice and. Thanks for taking part you've helped everybody out here's the 2nd voice being famous never it was never the objects of male of Rights and love and saying to them oh I creative stuff of course I will speak to other who are being for Iran's with Imus for fame sake Strangely enough the family voices tonight I think that is probably the easiest way light wall double double bind fight 6 if you think you know who that. Yes to the u.s. 95.6. 1000000 that awaits me. And I will commuters on London northwest and west midlands railways being promised extra compensation now was because trains commercial director has admitted performance hasn't been as good as it should have been since May and all this coming as passengers are again being warned to expect limited rail services across the Us minutes tomorrow another 24 hour strike by members of the r.m.c. Union both sides in the dispute which centers on the future role of the guard say progress has been made but legal issues have prevented a final settlement being reached so far it's got away with France's Thomas for most minute strains Francis Eve already had to pay on the delay scape How much have you paid out on this so far while we since May we've paid out nearly 2 and a half 1000000 pounds and that running at 3 times the normal level for this time of the year but you know we've said regardless of that if they repay this timetable that we increased in May which we hold our hands up saying we're responsible for hasn't worked so we want to put something extra in the pot for our passengers who've had to put up with an acceptable levels of delays and cancellations since May so this is extra on top of the delay repaste games how much will they get well whatever we design and least we We've still to work on the detail of it but what we said is continue to claim your delay repay that will remain in place regardless what we'll be doing in the coming weeks is designing a screen that gives people extra content safe in recognizing the fact that the has been really a very poor performance on our network since May when we increased the timetable and of course in January the fares if you to go up or all the regulated fares that you took up in January and we think we we should be doing something in advance of that to say to people now we reckon. If you had a very bad 6 months or so and we once were fixing the problems we want to recognize the the post as you've had with some extra compensation so we designing that in the coming weeks how will people get it there are a number of ways we could do it so part of what we will be preparing in the coming weeks is looking at other schemes that other train operators it has put in place in the past to see what works best what sort of customer feedback they've had because . It's Ok for us to come up with a scheme but what's best for the customer so need to look at how the schemes of work before to make yours the right one to asses in the West Midlands I was mentioning a strike tomorrow again members they are into union going ahead tomorrow with that strike so more disruption that we were closer to a settlement an agreement only We've we've worked hard we kept talking both sides of been really good in keeping keeping the dialogue going we're making progress on forging not enough progress to council tomorrow strikes or tomorrow strike will go ahead now what we've seen over the previous 2 weekends is that certain depos more and more Drs are refusing to cross picket lines the drivers aren't on strike but obviously they have a right if they don't want to cross the picket line to turn away that has resulted in fewer trains running than we planned particular on the longest interest so I'd say if you're planning to travel from Birmingham down to Northampton down to Euston that's going to be the most difficult route to maintain services so as a check on the day of travel check before you set out on the priorities in terms of improving reliability what are you going to do then from as well in Alice as we've done says that that the biggest issue we have is that stretch of trunk between Coventry and Birmingham New Street where you've got so many trains from so many different train operators all arising and wanting to get that trains through in very short order so we're going to be retiming our trains and changing the calling patterns of our trains on what we call the Coventry caller door so the train to get through more easily We're also making show the at least one train an hour that goes on The Chase line doesn't come up from London because we get delays on the route on the line from Euston up to Milton Keynes which is the busiest wretched railway in Europe and then suddenly you find you get a hands on you being turned out of the trying can't go any further because of a single failure in training that's not acceptable it's not been working so we're going to change the pattern of trains so that least. One an hour from December originates in the West Midlands and the next May when we can make more changes we're going to make all the potential and services local services again Francis Thomas from was was trying to cross is good to talk to thanks I think now next Friday the managing director of what's been as trains Jan chadri Van de Velde I will be sitting in the hot seat with Danny Kelly taking your questions that's a week today b b c w m travel keeping the West Midlands moving more. If you want continues on the m 5 latest problem around the motorways alleged bombers on the m 5 we've got the entry slip road on to the m 5 southbound at Junction 2 that's all brake blocks due to a collision so you can't join the motorway at that junction busiest of ammo to a route so the moment continues to be the m $42.00 throughout much of its length we've got patches of congestion the busiest rush though is on the approach in both directions a junction 10 Tamworth and that in turn is causing a big queue out of town with on the a 5 you can update us called b b c w n 95.6 travel on over 330-123-3550. From the West Midlands for the West minutes. Isa. 96. Of them I use a 5 o'clock of b.b.c. With Chris crowd of the Metropolitan Police say a suspected terrorist has been shot dead by officers on London Bridge after a number of people were attacked by a knifeman no further information has yet been given on how many people were hurt or their condition the bridge has been cordoned off and people have been urged to avoid the area are portage on the man as witness what happened I was walking across the bridge from the south side of the Thames to the north side when I noticed what appeared to be some kind of commotion going on on the other side of the road since we several people here since we trying to restrain somebody else I won't probably look like they were trying to sit. On top of him they suddenly got up and started running away and armed police arrived at the same we saw happen in the space of about a minute and then I heard what sounded like Sushant speaking for the police who were most certainly on and it sounded like there were 2 shots fired the person who'd been at the sense of almost that scrum then lay prostate on the pavement on the bridge and play screamed at everybody to get off the bridge while the last hour the assistant commissioner for the Metropolitan Police Neil Basu gave a statement outside Scotland Yard Newton reports that the suspect may have had an explosive device specialist officers also attended the same and white cordons are in place to ensure there remains no further danger to the public however I can confirm at this time we believe that the device was strapped to the body of the suspect is a hoax explosive device now hundreds of people were in the area when the incident occurred cam Bosch was on a southbound bus on London Bridge I looked like there was a fight going on but there are people travelling with each other and then you realise it was police wrestling with one tall bearded man and then I mean I had my baby with me so I mean behind the day but then there was 2 shots or 2 loud pops I think I think they were gunshots I'd shoot out pops and I also saw it and so I and then the guy was lying on the floor he then pulled his coat arc which showed that he had. Underneath In other news the woman accused of drowning a homeless woman from Birmingham in a bar to steal her benefits as a client to give evidence jury trial 39 year old Lisa Bennett went missing in May 2013 The court heard that Kathleen salmon and her boyfriend Kevin Flanagan killed the victim before putting her body into a communal been the 40 year old Salman and 39 year old fun again have tonight all the charges against them and the trial continues a bomb squad woman whose brother died in the hells but does. Asters says she's disgusted that the police commander has been cleared of the deaths of 5 Liverpool fans a jury at Preston Crown Court found David Duncan field who somebody 5 not guilty of gross negligence manslaughter after a retrial lasting more than 6 weeks and Brooks died in the disaster and his sister Louise says the verdict has left her feeling helpless from 17 to 14. Thought for just stakes and what kind of cringe ally innocent Laura barely to. Victims to go to their graves net there have been anyone out accountable for for their day just b.c. We were in 95.6 The Aston Villa manager Dean Smith her signed a new 4 year contract with the club for Also and Branford boss joined Villa in October last year and successfully guided the club to motion and his 1st season in charge after winning the Sky Bet Championship play off final against Darby County the Blues head coach Pat Cotter it serves the consistency of g. Bellingen has taken everyone by surprise their saves in the 16 year old has been a regular in central midfield and likely to be involved again tomorrow at home to Millwall the Warsaw manager Darrell Clarke says his side will relish the tag of underdogs in tomorrow's f.a. Cup 2nd round tie off but this individual appears to be shot by the police. Right so when the reports were 1st coming out it sounded like it was just some sort of tussle on the bridge but what seemed to really change. What people thought was when there were reports that this individual was wearing an explosive device you know and even though it was a supposed to be a you know a hoax explosive device that is definitely some a tool used by a lone actor along with terrorists in order to instill fear terror chaos because they don't have the funding really to incur a lot of physical damage but by having this type of device on the police have to respond it creates all kinds of havoc again it's in a very strategic location same location of the past event 12017 and it's going to receive a lot of attention and do the objective of creating all kinds of here but they're also trying to get a terrorist attack because.


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Democrats during the 2016 presidential campaign to do opposition research on Donald Trump they work with former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who wrote what became known as the day became famous for reporting that sources said the Russians had a tape of Trump and prostitutes in a Russian hotel a tape they could use to blackmail him that's never been substantiated but Simpson and Fitch say the da main point was dead right the government of Russia was planning on running an operation to the president on stage and not just to sow discord in the Us political system although that was a secondary purpose the 1st news. Live from n.p.r. News ay in Washington I'm Jack Speer secretary of state might Pompei o addressed his role in working with Ukraine today as N.P.R.'s Amy Held reports the administration's dealings with Ukraine are at the center of the impeachment inquiry looking into whether President Trump abused the power of his office secretary of state Pompei it says when it comes to Ukraine the State Department is working toward driving out corruption and every action that I took and have taken will continue to be driven towards that objective like other administration officials pump aoe has refused to testify in the impeachment inquiry but he said his agency is complying noting that the State Department released documents last week but that was in response to a lawsuit by a liberal watchdog and the agency has not complied with congressional subpoenas for documents pump a also defended investigating reports that Ukraine interfered in the last election the u.s. Intelligence community has determined it was Russia Amy Held n.p.r. News regarding President Trump's dealings with Ukraine the House Judiciary Committee says it is set to take the next step in the impeachment probe starting next week the bodies now scheduled a hearing December 4th where lawmakers say a variety of constitutional experts and others will address the question of high crimes and misdemeanors aligned under the Constitution and constitutional grounds for impeachment Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Now they're also sent a letter to President Trump reiterating the president or his legal counsel can attend the House Intelligence Committee wrapped up 2 weeks of hearings this month that is expected to release a report after Thanksgiving. A federal judge an organization a nationwide poll Marion junction today barring the troubled ministration from requiring immigrants to show proof of how the insurance the Oregon Public Broadcasting's Cod Rob Wilson explains the injunction is effective immediately u.s. District Court Judge Michael Simon says requiring immigrants to show proof of health insurance before getting a visa is inconsistent with laws passed by Congress according to the proclamation issued last month by President Trump visa seekers must have insurance or prove that they can pay for medical costs the judge says it's up to Congress not the president to decide that policy question adding quote The proclamation was not issued under any properly delegated authority whereas for the Justice Department disagreed The administration argued the health insurance requirement is necessary to protect the interests of u.s. Taxpayers critics say it would have dealt a serious blow to the family based immigration system for n.p.r. News I'm covered Wilson in Portland with the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching quite a few people will be traveling or keeping a close eye on the weather that's because in some parts of the country an approaching storm could dump heavy snow transportation officials in Arizona are already talking about road closures including a seasonal closing of the highway true north rim of the Grand Canyon National Weather Service forecasting aware from 2 feet or more of snow to fall in that area on Wall Street today the Dow is up 55 points you're listening to n.p.r. . Pope Francis has again called for the total ban of nuclear weapons N.P.R.'s Sylvia Poggioli reports the pope was speaking to reporters on his return from Japan where he comforted victims of the 22011 Fukushima nuclear disaster on his flight back to Rome Francis said nuclear energy should not be used until there are ironclad guarantees that it's safe for people and the environment some 800000 people died or were declared missing at Fukushima in 2011 after a massive earthquake set off a tsunami that triggered a nuclear meltdown at the energy plant the pope who is an ardent environmentalist said humanity has gone beyond the limit in violating nature he cited the over use of pesticides and dispensing growth hormones to animals destined for human consumption and without naming names he accused countries of practicing armament hypocrisy saying nations of Christian tradition speak of peace but live off weapons so good Poggioli n.p.r. News Rome German automaker Audi says it's cutting 9500 jobs in Germany through 2025 as part of a transformation plan to make the company lean and sustainable company announced today that the same time it expects to add 2000 new positions Adi currently employs about $90000.00 people around the world including $60000.00 in Germany but is struggling to keep up with rivals like b.m.w. And Di Miller So his cars have also been part of the diesel emissions cheating scandal which is centered on parent company Volkswagen crude oil futures prices rose today or oil up $0.24 a barrel to end the session at 5825 a barrel in New York I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the pajama gram company creators of matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and drenched games in its fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com. Support for North State Public Radio comes from wind time specializing in seasonal shared plates and family style dining with an eclectic list of more than 70 wines wine time is also available for special events and private parties located in the Last Judgment complex in Chico next to the last Dutchman taproom and hotel James on the web at Wind time Chico dot com. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross after Donald Trump was elected but before he was inaugurated Buzz Feed published a leaked document that became known as the steel dossier a series of memos written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele suggesting Russia had been cultivating supporting and assisting Trump and that according to several sources Russia had compromising information that could be used to blackmail trump this dossier had been commissioned by fusion g.p.s. a Private research company providing research for law firms and corporations as well as opposition research for political candidates fusion was 1st hired to investigate Trump during the primary by the Republican news site The Washington Free Beacon after Trump won the primary the law firm representing Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee started funding fusions research into trump my guess are the founders of fusion g.p.s. Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch their former Wall Street Journal reporters some of the Russians who surfaced in the Trump investigation where people Simpson and Fitch had reported on at the Wall Street Journal while investigating Russian corruption and organized crime Simpson and Fitch have written a new book called crime in progress about their investigation into trump its impact and Republican attempts to discredit fusion g.p.s. And the steel dossier Glenn Simpson Peter French welcome to Fresh Air What were some of the findings in your report and in the steel dossier that you considered to be the most important early warnings of Donald Trump's ties to Russia. The truth is Chris steel came into this project about 9 months when we started looking at Donald Trump and his relationship to Russia as part of a much broader project which was looking at Donald Trump's business where. As has been reported we 1st started working for about. Wilkins about 9 months in we started working with Chris steel Now we saw a lot in the early going that caused us to have concerns about Donald Trump's relationship with Russia 1st we saw his relationship with Felix Satre Felix Ater is a Russian emigre to the u.s. Who was working with Donald Trump and importantly work with him in the f l group which developed among other properties the Trump Soho you know this is an individual who was went to prison for slicing someone's face open with a margarita glass who later then was convicted of stock fraud this is all in the ninety's so that caught our attention to see him with a business card occupying an office and Trump Tower and carrying a business card with Donald Trump's company name on it and then we found a number of properties inside Trump Tower itself that were occupied by convicted an alleged organized crime figures from Russia you know we also just saw a pattern of investments coming into Donald Trump's properties and to Don Trump personally the other sort of interesting data point in the early going was the transaction in Palm Beach involving a Russian oligarch by the name of Dmitri rubble of love and part of my pronunciation he is a poet hash magnate with the fertilizer sort of king of Russia he bought Donald Trump's mansion in the mid 2000 for about $95000000.00 when it was on the market for $45000000.00 That was a really suspicious transaction to us so anyway there's some some of that and just some of our research regarding his business led us to want to know more about Russia which is how we started working with Christopher Steele and what was Christopher Steele doing when you approached him and who tells how Christopher Steele has for people who don't know just Chris and I were introduced around 2010 and we met through some issue of friends who knew of our shared. Tristen Russian corruption and kleptocracy. Chris is a Russia specialist we are a real generalists fusion and so when this project began moving towards Russia and we began to feel like there were some really significant only answered questions about what he don't trump was doing in Russia and why he seemed to be involved with so many figures from the former Soviet Union and we began to work with the Democrats in the spring of 2016 we decided to ask Chris to help us out and to see if you could poke around in Russia in Moscow to try to get answers to some of those questions and he had worked for British intelligence at the Russian that. Was the the term that they use there is the lead Russian ist. He sensually ran the Russia desk at headquarters in London after having served previously in Moscow around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union he is a fluent Russian speaker and reader it's essentially his life's work so just to get straight how your work has been funded both by Republican interests and Democratic interests just briefly explain for us the source of your funding through this whole project that you've had investigating tramp Russia tax. In this late summer of 2015 I connected with a Republican political operative who I knew was going to probably be involved in the presidential campaign in the primaries and I asked him if he would be interested in research on Donald Trump and he said yes that eventually led to us being hired formally by a newspaper Russian called the Washington Free Beacon which is a conservative website. And so we worked for this conservative Web site doing this research for about 7 months. As the primaries wound down and it became obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee. They indicated to us that the project was coming to an end and we begin to think that given what we found out about Donald Trump and the concerns that it raised we should probably continue to do this work for the other side and so who hired you from the Democrats so we were hired eventually by Perkins kui a law firm and an attorney there named Mark Elias mark represents both the Democratic National Committee and Hillary the Hillary Clinton campaign at the time he is also in that law firm represents a lot of Democratic politicians so let's go back to your work with Christopher Steele the former British intelligence officer who was a Russia expert answers so he compiled a series of memos that came to be known as the steel dossier tell us some of the things in those memos you think have been most important in revealing information that was validated about Russia or Russia's connections to the. One think the single most important thing that comes out the dossier which is really in the 1st memo was that. The Kremlin was planning meant running an operation to elect Donald Trump the president States and it was a big operation that involves a lot of different aspects and it was very deliberately designed to elect Trump not just to sow discord in the Us political system although that was a secondary purpose that was really right on target it was an incredibly precious and observation that the us government did not reach until months later. And so much of the. Summer of 2016 we spent trying to stand up and raise concerns raised long arms with other people. It's been a lot of attacks against Chris's work for being unsubstantiated but it doesn't really. Get said enough that in this one central point he was dead right to use a metaphor Terry that are a colleague of ours like 60 years he predicted an attack on Pearl Harbor the Pearl Harbor attack happened in Rector's and then in hindsight a lot of people said well you got the number of zeros wrong you got the direction they were coming in from wrong therefore the document is somehow inherent now that docking was never met meant to be read as a dossier it was a series of contemporaneous intelligence reports right which collectively tell that important story there are other important aspects of these memos that have stood up quite well. They identified about a half dozen people associated with the Trump campaign or the president one way or another who later turned out to in fact be key figures in the surreptitious relationship between Donald Trump and the crim. What's one or 2 of the things in the dasi that proved not to be true. Well as of right now we don't have anything in the dossier that we think has been proven to be untrue various investigations have found that certain things couldn't be proven or disproven. The thing that people most often point to as supposedly disproven Is this a meeting between some trumped campaign officials and Russian spies in or around Prague in the late summer of 2016 that has repeatedly been denied but one of the people who issued the most was your 1st denials was the president's lawyer Michael Cohen who is currently serving time in prison and he was he sued us actually for libel and then shortly thereafter his office was raided by the f.b.i. It's it's important remember you said that he was one of the people at that meeting that's what the memo said that's what the memo said yes thank you right I was saying it's import remember that much of the evidence of these matters lies in a foreign country beyond the reach of u.s. Law enforcement and certainly the reach of Robert Mueller on the Michael Cohen Prague visit in particular what the report actually reports is that Michael Cohen himself claims to have not been there it has as Glenn said the matter just has not been settled if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. They're the authors of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dasi and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump We'll be right back this is Fresh Air. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn some sun and Peter French co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And author of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. The most famous part or infamous part of the so-called steel dossier the series of memos that Christopher steel assembled for you investigating Russia's interference in our election on Donald Trump's ties to Russia. Was the so-called p tape and this is this is. The tape that several sources told Christopher exists there's no confirmation that this tape exists explain what the p. Tape is for somebody who hasn't been following it. Right so the beauty of as you put it is a recounting of source reporting from Moscow that alleges that Donald Trump in 2013 while he was attending to be Miss Universe pageant that he sponsored. In collaboration with a Russian oligarch. Was in his hotel suite in Moscow at the Ritz Carlton and a was sent to a pair of prostitutes who performed a year or nation show. On top of the bed in the presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. In with the purpose being to defile the bed in which Barack and Michelle Obama slept in years earlier. Now Yes Q Since you mentioned several sources. We can't get into sources and methods as we know them but we have strong confidence in the reliability and the well placed or nature of these sources and there were Don't fewer than 7 for that particular anecdote. So obviously this is the most famous part of the so-called dossier and there was some internal debate. Christiane's firm and then subsume that are firm about for what to do about this in terms of the fact that it was. Going to going to distract people from some of the other information that was in the report. And in fact history of this is now shown that. Some of the denials that don't trump was made about this period. Were false. Firstly deny this initially he told James Comey that he didn't spend the night in my house in the hotel that night that turned out to not be true. So there was a conflict between both of you about whether to include the this allegation in your report or not I want you know that's yeah that's no Glen was alluding to there was a dispute I wouldn't call it as. There was a discussion inside or bas that Christopher Steele's firm with his partner who was also a fellow British intelligence officer a former British intelligence officer about whether to include that anecdote and not in the end Chris who is the Russian has thought it was very important to include. For the sake of verisimilitude in the reporting right he wanted to accurately reflect what sources were saying and he did not and he thought it was really important to note that the Russian government could have hard evidence of compromising on the presidential candidate and this is evidence that Christopher Steele feared could be used to basically blackmail Donna Graham correct and in our office we felt that this information wasn't all that significant and could only cause a lot of problems because. It wasn't really something I had much application to the presidential campaign these kinds of unconfirmable stories about someone's sexual past it just doesn't really have much application in a political context. So we were sort of stuck with this information when it became apparent that there was other things going on that involved a possible conspiracy against the United States. And we decided to turn this information over to the f.b.i. We felt that we did not want to manipulate Chris's reporting or edit it in any way because that would be a bigger problem so we just give my gave him everything and that's why he decided to that's why he decided to have the steel bassy be a separate document from you're fine with it yeah we thought you editing it it all like this this is what he found this is what he heard from sources and that will stand alone right it's important to point out that the decision to approach the f.b.i. Was Chris's. You know we just seeded we defer to him he is the intelligence perhaps discuss that decision because this is a real turning point in your investigation and in the hall larger Russia investigate right so when in early July Chris arranged to meet with a contact of his at the f.b.i. In Europe. Some someone he knew from previous work he asked us if that was a good idea and we didn't disagree it was it's important that. It's clear that this is Chris is decision as an intelligence professional so he had that meeting in July 5th of 2016 with the f.b.i. And read them in to some of the information he found in his 1st report so I'm not see the f.b.i. Was also independently investigating Russia's interference in the election and possible ties between Donald Trump and Russia. But Christer still yes go ahead well this is an amazing point in the story which is that we now know we've now pieced together. The beginnings of the f.b.i. Investigation juxtaposed against the beginnings of Chris's interactions with the Justice Department the f.b.i. And it turns out that it was almost simultaneous but the 1st information to get there was not our information it was the information about a low level campaign staffer bragging that the Russians that hacked the Democrats so who was that. So there was reporting that from Alexander Downer who's must really and diplomat in the u.k. Who had had a meeting with George Papadopoulos who was in the trunk campaign as a junior. Foreign policy aide. In which. George now that Apple has bragged about having Russian intelligence on dirt on Hillary Clinton Alexander Downer reported that to the u.s. Government which is where which is the foundation of the subsequent investigation called cross-fire again and this is how investigations begin is that. Both the Government of Australia and us. Reacted to the revelations that the Russians had hacked the d.n.c. And so essentially the f.b.i. Had information coming in from 2 different independent sources around the same time that corroborated each other to some extent in investigations that's actually how they get going is when information comes from more than one place ours came in slightly after the information from the stress you never intended the dossier to the public has as you said and you both didn't directly go to the f.b.i. That was Christopher Steele who did that but you did start approaching journalists why did you start approaching journalist What did you want to tell them did you want them to do with the information. Initially in the summer of 2016 we were concerned that certain people around the trunk campaign in the trunk campaign were questionable character Paul man a Ford was someone that we knew a lot about that we believe had probably violated various us laws and might be involved in corruption and money laundering so we talked to reporters about him in others such as quarter page who seem to be. Interacting with the Russians in a suspicious way on a trip to Russia so these are people that we talk to reporters about and we encourage them to look into a little bit more Same with Michael Flynn you know as it turned out all 3 people were people that needed to be asked to gated and 2 of them have now pled guilty to . So the initial conversations with reporters were about some of these characters in the truck campaign in the Trump Organization later with the movie became more concerned that there was a government Russian government attack on our country that was unprecedented in scale and scope we tried to raise awareness with national security reporters investigate reporters not so much to affect the outcome of the election and specifically not to affect the election but because we thought that this was something we needed to raise awareness about because it was a huge digital Pearl Harbor against your coach my guess are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders of fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress we'll talk more after a break and just in Chang will review the new film knives out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air. And you're our Family Foundation supports w.h.y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas and encouraging meaningful conversations support for n.p.r. Comes from the station and from little passports their new science junior subscription for kids aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com. And from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics. On May 6th 2010 high speed trading bots sent the market into freefall this market is dropping precipitously. And that several $100000000000.00 vanished information has a speed. Next Radiolab we ask is that speed leaving us behind or leading us to glory. Radiolab tonight at 8 o'clock here on s.p.r. Where support for North State Public Radio comes from the Law Offices of Eric Allen Berg and Associates in reading in Chico with over 3 decades experience protecting clients children and families in divorce and custody battles Eric Ellenberg in the so she gets 223-5100 bergs Law dot com. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross let's get back to my interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders a fusion g.p.s. a Private research company which did opposition research on candidate Donald Trump and commissioned what became known as the steel dasi a which uncovered connections between Donald Trump and Russia and cited several sources that said Russia had a compromising video of Trump with prostitutes a golden showers video that could be used to blackmail him the Da Ca was written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was commissioned to do the research by fusion g.p.s. Simpson and Fritsch are both former Wall Street Journal reporters now they have a new book about their investigation into Trump and Russia called crime in progress they say their report and the steel dossier were never intended to be made public but the doxy I was leaked and published by Buzz Feed when Buzz Feed actually published the dossier you were furious and you were kind of afraid of what the consequences might be you had put Christopher Steele in front of journalists already. So why were you so upset when the dossier was actually published by bus fare well we didn't put Christopher Steele before journalists and on the record way he spoke on background as a former Western intelligence official that's the 1st point you know the 2nd point the publication. Which was of course not our decision and by any way shape or form could have compromised sources and methods of them under redacted document. Chris did not have any kind of warning to prepare for its release and it was hugely dangerous in our view to his his source network this is becoming more common knowledge now in the wake of the 2016 election that Russia the Russian intelligent . Services have a overseas assassination program but it's well known to us in particular Chris that this is just that this is known to the intelligence services for a long time we've we've seen now that they actually are willing to use chemical weapons against people in the United Kingdom. Refresh their memory about when Buzz Feed published this deal dossier. But if you publish the dossier on. January 10th 2017. So it was after the election it could no longer affect the outcome of the election that's correct but it was before the inauguration so. What we say in the book is that the person who has now admitted to leaking that CIA was apparently trying to do was to thwart the swearing in of Trump and. He believed that if this information got out it might lead to. Somehow to Trump's inaugural being put off the old the ultimate hell mary pass and ill advised who was the leaker. So there was a John McCain a person who was close to John McCain by the name of David Kramer who's a former worked in the State Department for human rights for many years and is a valued Russia hawk he. Became aware of the document via Christopher city on his network and his his former colleagues and then my 6 they met with. Senator McCain at the Halifax Forum which is an international forum not unlike the Aspen Institute for him they decided that they needed to pursue this David Kramer flew to London met with Christopher Steele who showed him the dossier Mr Chris Chris was was wary of good. In the document to David Crane were to carry on an airplane so he asked us to hand it to him which Glen did. Are you for the express sorry for the express purpose of handing the document to John McCain for the purpose of approaching James Comey about it so the purpose was to get the document to McCain and then to the f.b.i. Not to link it to the press that's right so has this aide admitted that he was the one who leaked it or or it's just yes if. So there was a Russian cyber mogul who sued Buzz Feed for libel and David was required to testify and he. The ultimate Lee acknowledged that it was he who provided the document to both of you and other people do you find it ironic that it was an aide of John McCain's who made the Da ca public in the hopes of preventing Donald Trump from actually getting in order a bit and it's Lindsey Graham one of the Cain's closest friends who has been one of the leaders trying to question the mother report trying to question the research that you did and supporting Donald Trump I think it's ironic I think it's hypocritical and I think it's depressing that a lot of people who know better are now standing up for don't trump So yes I think you know what the Republicans paid for the 1st half of our investigation and now they're claiming it was all a Democratic hoax that doesn't make sense well let's just stop right there because the Republicans who paid for the 1st part of your investigation were people who were opposing trial Trump they were Republicans but they wanted another Republican to win the primary not trump right so this is my point which is that all. A lot of Republicans who said the triumph would be a disaster for the Republican Party and the nation are now defending Donald Trump it's a supporter member that Lindsey Graham as John McCain and others have recounted. Agreed with John McCain's decision to approach James Cami this coming of this document Fast forward to the moment in January there's no camera News in March where we're Lindsey Graham along with Senator Charles Grassley make a criminal referral to the f.b.i. Under the dark ballpark Department of Justice for Christopher Steele it's an outrage. So let's talk about what's been happening more recently and that's the impeachment inquiry Republicans cited your report 32 times in the impeachment inquiry. They were saying you colluded with the Russians why don't you describe what you heard Republicans say about you during the impeachment inquiry the Republicans cranked up their fog machine as they've been doing since the dossier came out to deflect attention away from the real issue here which is the extent to which Donald Trump was in a relationship with Vladimir Putin's Russia they have used lies and deflection to attack the messengers and again not transact the facts which is of course what they're doing to the whistleblower and to any other good people who try and call the president to account it's a fairly full construction of an alternate reality that is channeled through various propaganda mechanisms including Fox News. And it's it's not meant to be taken as true by anyone other than the minority of people who still support Donald Trump. As we have. Been saying in recent days. When they accuse us of cooking up. A hoax to entrap and damage Donald Trump in some kind of secret operation with the Ukrainian Teligent services they're not confused they're deliberately lying it's just that it's just a made up story designed to confuse the public Rudolph Giuliani has gone so far as to accuse Glenn of going to Ukraine and 2016 and working with the crane eons to cook up the dossier that is just a lie well when you actually ran into Rudy Giuliani on a plane recently and told him You've never been in Ukraine. That's correct I've never been to Ukraine I've never been to Russia. We're getting very tired of sort of the more dramatic deliberate lies about us so we've decided to begin to correct the record Rudy Giuliani also claims that we set up the infamous meeting between the Trump campaign and the Russians in June of 2016 it's well established from multiple investigations that Rudy Giuliani is well aware of that we had nothing to do a setting that meeting that meeting was set up by Donald Trump Jr and Russia Ok let's take a short break here and when we come back we'll talk about how fusion g.p.s. Was criticized during the impeachment inquiry by Republicans so if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter French co-founders a fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress inside the steel da ca and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump will be right back this is Fresh Air. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Progressive Insurance offering snapshot a device that adjusts insurance rates based on safe driving habits now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation recognizing exceptionally creative individuals this year's MacArthur Fellows and more information are at mac found dot org. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch they're the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And authors of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dot ca and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. So you started off as a journalist I mean you were journalist for years and then when you were both based in Brussels Glenn you're an investigative reporter still and Peter you were his editor there to have that right that's right yeah so you were investigative judge you were journalist like for years for the Wall Street Journal and then you just cited 2 for this business fusion g.p.s. Basically do investigative research for hire. And I want you to talk a little bit about the different standards being a journalist versus being research for hire and your clients have included not only like you know Republicans and Democrats but also you know large corporations legal firms so. Talk about the differences in the way the way you went about your work but also in the standards that you would use for. You know the ethical standards. The business is designed to use journalistic methods. And so it's essentially in terms of standards very similar newspapers. Talk to people in this group or talk to people they don't always know whether those people are telling the truth or whether they're accurate they report what people say frequently what people say turns out to be wrong but it's still in the newspaper so we do very similar stuff at Fusion. Can we describe some of what you've been doing as opposition research. We do very little political research actually I did but it's even opposition research for the corporate clients that you have isn't that well I wouldn't call it opposition research it's more a understanding a and information sat right so there are a lot of complicated disputes in the context of lost you know lawsuits obviously but also influence networks right there's a lot of people who want to understand why there are issues you know moving a certain way through Washington or through the courts what we try and do is use public records to map and explain those relationships that really is the core of what we do and does it matter who your client is like if your client is a corporate client and you actually suspect that they were in the wrong would you still represent them. It really would depend on the context in a litigation context you're generally work for a law firm and so it's not really possible to prejudge a situation between who's right who's wrong that's the purpose of the lawsuit and also to go back to another thing that we do. Is decision support so we help people to manage information and to parse information and make decisions about what to do with it so sometimes that is corporate strategy sometimes it's whether to file a lawsuit or not to follow us who would settle there's a lot of. Decisionmaking you know relies on quality information I mean there's there's one example which you know we talk about in the book which maybe is useful here we talk about very briefly our work for Theron knows the blood testing company run by Elizabeth Holmes which turned out to be a massive fraud what we were actually doing for their nose was looking at on behalf of the law firm we were looking at the their competitors question lab court the doowop believe in lab test and if you're a doctor orders a lab test you go into one of those labs and we were analyzing the key to him whistleblower suits against that against those firms and trying to understand what their business model was you know as a journalist you're committed to just like finding the facts reporting what you found and not being concerned with you know taking sides in fact you're not supposed to take sides. But you know when you're you know critical of your reporting for you know like the Wall Street Journal The Washington Post The New York Times it's about you know being fair and being neutral in finding the facts but when your reporting. Is paid for by a particular side Republican or Democrat or when your reporting is paid for by a particular legal group or by a company. It's about getting information for that side so it was a difficult transition for you to make and you feel like you're no longer you know just on the side of. Fact finding and truth when when when you're doing that when you have an interested party paying for information. Glenn will have a view on this too but quite the opposite I mean I think we are we place and as high a premium as we have or did on facts you know in the context of working for law firms or major companies you know you can't you can't report anything but facts and sometimes you don't need just 2 sources to get your and anonymous sources you need paper and you need documents not documentary evidence and that's not changing our lives at all. There's a misapprehension about what we do we're not a p.r. Firm we don't sell spin our clients what reliable information that is the business that we're in so it really has a lot of similarities to journalism it is not. A cooked outcome that we don't sell that if you saw one of our reports you would mistake it for an academic paper. Have you ever turned down a client. Yes we have we've turned down 25 The irony of the Russia affair is that it is a part of the world where we generally don't do a lot of work. Numers clients from the former Soviet Union have approached us that we have turned away we actually forced clients to obsessive net to our methodology which is you know if you have a preconceived outcome in mind and you're looking for specifically a media outcome where the wrong people you know of obviously our peer group is our journalist we have a lot of friends in that business but if you don't want to get to the bottom. Of you know a fact that we're the wrong people for you. Is there any information you can share with us about what you're finding about foreign interference in the next presidential election foreign interference in our elections actually has a fairly long history it's just not something that a lot of people know much about or focused on. In 2016 we believe at least 3 countries interfered in the election Turkey was one Israel was one Russia was one. It's possible there were others we expect that in 2020 Wolf see that at least 3 or 4. Countries or messaging over social media and using other methods to try to influence the outcome before I wrap up I'd like to ask is there information that you found while you were researching. Trump campaign ties to Russia and Russia's interference in our election that you don't think enough attention has been paid to you. Yes One of things that we came across ourselves that didn't really involve Chris Steel was the Russian infiltration of the National Rifle Association which was something that I brought to the attention of the Justice Department and then later raised in my congressional testimony. And that has turned out to be a big issue although it's still not fully investigated eventually criminal charges were brought against a young Russian woman who came to the United States and be friended top officials at the n.r.a. The n.r.a. Area but not right back and so there's a larger problem here that the Russians Sapir to have infiltrated some of the affiliated Republican and conservative groups in the n.r.a. Is the clearest example of that we think that there is a much broader effort. Brush and to infiltrate and influence conservative organizations the other thing that I think still is left outstanding that we spent some time talking about in the book is the extent to which Donald Trump's overseas ventures have been have not been parsed probably other by Robert Muller or anyone else we've done our best to map some of the Russian influence and money coursing through projects in Panama as are based on Toronto etc you know someone needs to actually think about compromise in that current financial compromise and we spent some time talking about that in the book. I want to thank both of you for talking with us Glenn Simpson Peter French Thank you so much thank you Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch are the founders a fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress after we take a short break just in Chang will review the new film 9 is out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air. The Splendid Table be sure to join us for Turkey confidential. Advice for you on the most Thanksgiving taking your calls with some of our favorite friends. On Thanksgiving Day from n.p.r. . And it all starts at 9 am Thursday morning here on s.p.r where support comes from Chico community acupuncture service 2010 Chico community acupuncture is open daily at 815 mangrove Avenue and helps with chronic in acute pain depression and anxiety information and appointments at Chico community acupuncture dot com. This is Fresh Air although best known for directing Star Wars the last jet I the writer director Ryan Johnson has long been a fan of murder mysteries his 2005 debut brick was a film set in a contemporary American high school his new movie knives out is an Agatha Christie style murder mystery with an ensemble that includes Daniel Craig Christopher Plummer Chris Evans and Jamie Lee Curtis film critic Justin Chang has this review as someone who's devoured more than his fair share of Agatha Christie I have long been saddened by Hollywood's general neglect of the classical detective story the kind of clever parlor trick entertainment where a murder is committed in a remote country house and suspicion falls on a closed circle of suspects every so often a director will put his unique spin on the genre as Robert Altman did with Gosford Park and Quentin Tarantino did with the hateful 8 Kenneth Branagh is presently directing and starring in a new wave of Hecuba Paro adaptations though his middling take on murder on the Orient Express didn't leave me wondering who done it so much as why bother. But no filmmaker has done more to revive the spirit of the form or made it seem more rife with possibilities than Ryan Johnson has with knives out this deliriously entertaining comic thriller brings together an all star cast and ingeniously plotted crime story whose every twist catches you by surprise but it also does something more it takes a genre often dismissed as creaky or cosy and uses it to say something powerful and urgent about contemporary class inequality and the moral rot at the heart of this large and obscenely wealthy family Christopher Plummer plays Harlan thrum be a bestselling mystery novelist who is already dead at the start someone slit his throat in the middle of the night and was almost certainly a member of his family all of whom were staying at his ramshackle Victorian house for his 85th birthday party Johnson delights in playing out the usual whodunit conventions whether he's drawing out the piercing scream of the housekeeper who discovers Harlan's body or lining up the suspects as they're interviewed by 2 police detectives played by Le Keith Stanfield and Noah Segan but things really start cooking when a southern accent to Daniel Craig shows up as been. A famous private detective who is conducting his own investigation into Harlan's death in one scene Harlan's daughter Linda a splendidly biting Jamie Lee Curtis tries to find out who hired blog and why Mr Blank I know who you are I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide why are you here. I hear the has to reply and. Who. I cannot but let me assure you that my presence will be automatic you will find me a respectful. As. Well of the truth nearly everyone in the family was financially dependent on Harlan and as the actors play them there in amusingly loathsome scheming bunch Linda has a philandering husband played by an oily Dawn Johnson and a black sheep son ransom played by a cocky Chris Evans Ransom had a combative but genuinely close relationship with his late grandfather which is more than can be said for the other members of the family they include Michael Shannon as Walt who ran his father Harlan's publishing firm and Toni Collette as Harlan's widow daughter in law Joanie a social media influencer with a group inspired lifestyle brand but the most memorable character by far and the one who emerges as the trooper tag unmissed is Marta Cabrera Harlan's personal nurse superbly played by the Cuban actress are Miss Martha appears to have been Harlan's only true friend she's far more heartbroken over his death than any of his relatives who keep telling her they see her as part of the family even though none of them can remember exactly which Latin American country she immigrated from blank immediately sees her as a potential ally and in lists her help in solving the mystery sensing that she knows more about Harlan and his family secrets then she may be letting on. The steady stream of laughs and wink wink genre references and knives out might make it seem at 1st like an arch post-modern send up but the movie is too well constructed too full of clever red herrings and breathtaking surprises to be reduced to a mere spoof this isn't the 1st time Ryan Johnson has shown off his flair for intricate plotting as he did in his time travel thriller looper and in Star Wars the last. That blockbuster was attacked by some fans for among other things it's racially diverse casting you can't help but wonder if those bigoted reactions. To center his new movie around a working class Spanish speaking immigrant whose competence and decency utterly shamed the wealthy white family that employs her the pleasures of knives out are both comfortingly familiar and surprisingly subversive even after the murderer's identity has been revealed it builds to what may be the single most satisfying closing shot I've seen this year I won't say more but it's a killer. Is a film critic for The Times. Tomorrow and. Norton who wrote directed and stars in the new film. Based on the Jonathan. Norton plays a private detective with Tourette's syndrome powerful real estate developers in your. Film in part because his grandfather was an ideal real estate developer who built a diverse community where Norton grew up I hope you'll join. Us . And from the company creators of matching. Holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grinch themes in it's. Available at pajama gram dot com and from Dana Farber Cancer Institute developing ways to use the p.d.l. One pathway in immunotherapy to treat cancer committed to making contributions in cancer treatment for 72 years Dana Farber dot org slash everywhere. In the midst of your daily hustle and bustle take a break with Beethoven and Brahms and the like. This is. Joining me they have 2 new afternoon classics Monday through Friday starting at one right here on our. North State Public Radio show Chico and reading listener supported public radio for northern California service at California State University Chico were on the web at my. So you want us. Door listening to Radio Lab radio from w n y c. Will you forgive me if I actually have my phone on vibrate so recently I had a conversation with this guy Josh for he's a journalist science journalist and he told me about something that's been obsessing him recently this very odd experiment Well Ok so this is. One of the longest running science experiments of all time the pitch tropics here and you can actually see it online how do I get to search for a picture up. So you can also Radiolab dot org We have got the live feed right there on the Web site and what you'll see is this funnel with some black stuff in it and then descending from the stem of the funnel is this little tendril this black stuff at the end of that tendril is a little drop of this black stuff that's It doesn't move do anything. But according to Josh pitch drop junkies all over the world people who are just got this open in the background on their on their web browser He says they all just sit there watching and waiting.


Transcripts for WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] 20191127 030000

In his issued a nationwide poll Marion junction today barring the trumpet ministration from requiring immigrants to show proof of how thin surance the Oregon Public Broadcasting's card read Wilson explains the injunction is effective immediately u.s. District Court Judge Michael Simon says requiring immigrants to show proof of health insurance before getting a visa is inconsistent with laws passed by Congress according to the proclamation issued last month by President Trump visa seekers must have insurance or prove that they can pay for medical costs the judge says it's up to Congress not the president to decide that policy question adding quote The proclamation was not issued under any properly delegated authority words for the Justice Department disagreed The administration argued the health insurance requirement is necessary to protect the interests of u.s. Taxpayers critics say it would have dealt a serious blow to the family based immigration system for n.p.r. News I'm covered Wilson in Portland with the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching quite a few people will be traveling or keeping a close eye on the weather that's because in some parts of the country an approaching storm could dump heavy snow transportation officials in Arizona are already talking about road closures including a seasonal closing of the highway true north rim of the Grand Canyon National Weather Service forecasting aware from 2 feet or more of snow to fall in that area on Wall Street today the Dow is up 55 points you're listening to n.p.r. . Pope Francis has again called for the total ban of nuclear weapons N.P.R.'s Sylvia Poggioli reports the pope was speaking to reporters on his return from Japan where he comforted victims of the 22011 Fukushima nuclear disaster on his flight back to Rome Francis said nuclear energy should not be used until there are ironclad guarantees that it's safe for people and the environment some 18000 people died or were declared missing at Fukushima in 2011 after a massive earthquake set off a tsunami that triggered a nuclear meltdown at the energy plant the pope who is an ardent environmentalist said humanity has gone beyond the limit in violating nature he cited the over use of pesticides and dispensing growth hormones to animals destined for human consumption and without naming names he accused countries of practicing armament hypocrisy saying nations of Christian tradition speak of peace but live off weapons so good Poggioli n.p.r. News Rome German automaker Audi says it's cutting $9500.00 jobs in Germany through 2025 as part of a transformation plan to make the company lean and sustainable company announced today that same time it expects to add 2000 new positions all he currently employs about 90000 people around the world including 60000 in Germany but is struggling to keep up with rivals like b.m.w. And Di Miller over his cars have also been part of the diesel emissions cheating scandal which is centered on parent company Volkswagen crude oil futures prices rose today oil up $0.24 a barrel to end the session at $5825.00 a barrel in New York I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the pajama gram company creators of matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grange games and myths fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross after Donald Trump was elected but before he was inaugurated Buzz Feed published a leaked document that became known as the steel dossier a series of memos written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele suggesting Russia had been cultivating supporting and assisting Trump and that according to several sources Russia had compromising information that could be used to blackmail trump this dossier had been commissioned by fusion g.p.s. a Private research company providing research for law firms and corporations as well as opposition research for political candidates fusion was 1st hired to investigate Trump during the primary by the Republican news site The Washington Free Beacon after Trump won the primary the law firm representing Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee started funding fusions research into trump my guest are the founders of fusing g.p.s. Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch their former Wall Street Journal reporters some of the Russians who surfaced in the Trump investigation where people Simpson and Fitch had reported on at the Wall Street Journal while investigating Russian corruption an organized crime Simpson and Fitch have written a new book called crime in progress about their investigation into trump its impact and Republican attempts to discredit fusion g.p.s. And the steel dossier. Welcome to Fresh Air What were some of the findings in your report and in the steel dossier that you considered to be the most important early warnings of Donald Trump's ties to Russia. The truth is Chris steel came into this project about 9 months when we started looking at Donald Trump and his relationship to Russia as part of a much broader project which was looking at Donald Trump's business career. As has been reported we 1st started working for about. Wilkins about 9 months in we started working with Chris Steele now we saw a lot in the early going that caused us to have concerns about Donald Trump's relationship with Russia 1st we saw his relationship with Felix Satre Felix atr is a Russian emigre to the u.s. Who was working with Donald Trump and importantly work with him in the f l group which developed among other properties the Trump Soho you know this is an individual who was went to prison for slicing someone's face open with a margarita glass who they then was convicted of stock fraud this is all in the ninety's so that caught our attention to see him with a business card occupying an office and Trump Tower and carrying a business card with Donald Trump's company name on it and then we found a number of properties inside Trump Tower itself that were occupied by convicted and alleged organized crime figures from Russia you know we also just saw a pattern of investments coming into Donald Trump's properties and to Donald Trump personally the other sort of interesting data point in the early going was the transaction in Palm Beach involving a Russian oligarch by the name of Dmitri rubble of love and part of my pronunciation he is a poet hash magnate with the fertilizer sort of king of Russia he bought Daal trumps mansion in the mid 2000 for about $95000000.00 when it was on the market for $45000000.00 That was a really suspicious transaction to us so anyway there's some some of that and just the some of our research regarding his business led us to want to know more about Russia which is how we started working with Christopher Steele and what was Christopher Steele doing when you approached him and who tells how Christopher still is for people who don't just Chris and I were introduced around 2010. We met through some mutual friends who knew of our shared. Krysten Russian corruption and kleptocracy. Chris is a Russia specialist we are real generalists fusion and so when this project began moving towards Russia and we began to feel like there were some really significant unanswered questions about what he don't trump was doing in Russia and why he seemed to be involved with so many figures from the former Soviet Union and we began to work with the Democrats in the spring of 2016 we decided to. Ask Chris to help us out and to see if we could poke around in Russia in Moscow to try to get answers to some of those questions and he had worked for British intelligence at the Russian gas so of course was the term that they use there is the lead Russian ist. He sensually ran the Russia desk at headquarters in London after having served previously in Moscow around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union he is a fluent Russian speaker and reader it's essentially his life's work so just to get straight how your work has been funded both by Republican interests and Democratic interests just briefly explain for us the source of your funding through this whole project that you've had investigating tramp Russia tax. In this late summer of 2015 I connected with a Republican political operative who I knew was going to probably be involved in the presidential campaign in the primaries and I asked him if he would be interested in research on Donald Trump and he said yes that eventually led to us being hired formally by a newspaper Russian called the Washington Free Beacon which is a conservative website. And so we worked for this conservative Web site doing this research for about 7 months as the primaries went down and it became obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee. They indicated to us that the project was coming to an end and we began to think that given what we found out about Donald Trump in the concerns that are it we should probably continue to do this work for the other side and so who hired you from the Democrats so we were hired eventually by Perkins Cooley a law firm and an attorney there named Mark Elias Mark who represents both the Democratic National Committee and Hillary the Hillary Clinton campaign at the time he is also in that that law firm represents a lot of Democratic politicians so let's go back to your work with Christopher Steele the former British intelligence officer who was a Russia expert answers so he could compile the series of memos that came to be known as the steel dossier tell us some of the things in those memos that you think have been most important in revealing information that was validated about Russia or Russia's connections to. Was think the single most important thing that comes those dossier which is really in the 1st memo was that. The Kremlin was. Planning and meant running an operation to elect Donald Trump the president States and it was a big operation that involved a lot of different aspects and was very deliberately designed to elect Trump not just to sow discord in the Us political system although that was a secondary purpose that was really right on target it was an incredibly precious and observation that the u.s. Government did not reach until months later and so much of the the summer of the 2016 we spent trying to stand that up and raise concerns raised alarms with other people who. Spent a lot of attacks against Christians work for being unsubstantiated but it doesn't really. Get said enough that in this one central point he was dead right to use a metaphor Terry that are a colleague of ours likes to yours he predicted an attack on Pearl Harbor the Pearl Harbor attack happened in Rector's and then in hindsight a lot of people said well you got the number of zeros wrong you got the direction they were coming in from wrong therefore the document is somehow impugned now that documents never met meant to be read as a dossier it was a series of contemporaneous intelligence reports right which collectively tell that important story there are other important aspects of these memos that have stood up quite well. They identify about a half dozen people associated with the Trump campaign or the president one way or another who later turned out to in fact be key figures in the service relationship between Donald Trump and the crim. What's one or 2 of the things in that dasi that proved not to be true. Well as of right now we don't have anything in the dossier that we think has been proven to be untrue various investigations have found that certain things couldn't be proven or disproven. The thing that people most often point to as supposedly disproven Is this a meeting between some trumped campaign officials and Russian spies in or around Prague in the late summer of 2016 that has repeatedly been denied but one of the people who issued the most research 1st denials was the president's lawyer Michael Cohen who is currently serving time in prison. He was he sued us actually for libel and then shortly thereafter his office was raided by the f.b.i. It's it's important to remember you had said that he was one of the people at that meeting that's what the memo said that's what the memo said yes thank you right I was saying from its import remember that much of the evidence of these matters lies in a foreign country beyond the reach of u.s. Law enforcement and certainly the reach of Robert Mueller on the Michael Cohen Prague visit in particular what the Mall report actually reports is that Michael Cohen himself claims to have not been there it has as Glenn said the matter just has not been settled if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. They're the authors of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump We'll be right back this is Fresh Air did you know you can donate your car to Connecticut probably radio bill get a tax deduction and the satisfaction of value support great local news. Public God or flash card to learn more thanks. Connecticut Public Radio presents an evening with David Sedaris the 8th at the Shubert Theatre featuring all new stories and observations plus an audience q. And a and book signing tickets and information that she brought about com. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn some sun and Peter French co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And author of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. The most famous part or infamous part of the so-called steel dossier the series of memos that Christopher Seale steel assembled for you investigating Russia's interference in our election and Donald Trump's ties to Russia. Was the so-called p. Tape and this is this is the tape that several sources told Christopher steel exists there's no confirmation that this tape exists explain what the p. Tape is for somebody who hasn't been following it. Right so the beauty of as you put it is a recounting of source reporting from Moscow that alleges that Donald Trump and 2013 while he was attending the Miss Universe pageant that he sponsored. In collaboration with a Russian oligarch. Was in his hotel suite in Moscow at the Ritz Carlton. And a was sent to a pair of prostitutes who performed a year a nation show. On top of the bed in the presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. In it with the purpose being to defile the bed in which Barack and Michelle Obama slept in years earlier. Now yes even mentioned several sources. We can't get into sources and methods as we know them but we have strong confidence in the reliability and the well placed sort of nature of these sources and there were done fewer than 7 for that particular anecdote. So obviously this is the most famous part of the so-called dossier and has some internal debate. Christiane's firman and such with our firm about for what to do about those terms of the fact that it was. Going to going to distract people from some of the other information that was in the report. In fact the history of this is now shown that. Some of the denials that don't trump was made about this period. Were false. That for seriously deny this initially he told James Comey that he didn't spend the night in moss in the hotel that night that turned out to not be true. So there was a conflict between both of you about whether to include the this allegation in your report or not and I want you know that's yeah that's no Glen was alluding to there was a dispute I wouldn't call it a dispute there was a discussion inside or bas that Christopher Steele's firm with his partner who is also a fellow British intelligence officer a former British intelligence officer about whether to include that anecdote or not in the end Chris who is the Russian is thought it was very important to include. For the sake of verisimilitude in the reporting right he wanted to accurately reflect what sources were saying and he did not and he thought it was really important to note that the Russian government could have hard evidence of its compromise on the presidential candidates this is evidence that Christopher Steele feared could be used to basically blackmail Donna Graham correct and in our office we felt that this information wasn't all that significant and could only cause a lot of problems because. It wasn't really something I had much application to the presidential campaign these kinds of unconfirmable stories about someone's sexual past it just doesn't really have much application in a political context. So we were sort of stuck with this information when it. Became apparent that there was other things going on that involved a possible conspiracy against the United States. And we decided to turn this information over to the f.b.i. We felt that we did not want to manipulate Chris's reporting or edit it in any way because that would be a bigger problem so we just give my gave him everything and that's what he decided to that's why he decided to have the steel dossier be a separate document from your findings with that yeah we thought you editing it all like this this was what he found this is what he heard from sources. And that will stand alone right it's important to point out that the decision to approach the f.b.i. Was Chris's you know we have ceded we defer to him he is the intelligence perhaps discuss that decision because this is a real turning point in your investigation and the whole larger Russia investigate right so when in early July Chris arranged to meet with a contact of his at the f.b.i. In Europe. Something someone he knew from previous work he asked us if that was a good idea and we didn't disagree it was it's important that. It's clear that this is Chris's decision as an intelligence professional so he had that meeting in July 5th of 2016 with be f.b.i. And read them in to some of the information he'd found in his 1st report so I'm going out to see the f.b.i. I was also independently and Vesta gating Russia's interference in the election and possible ties between Donald Trump and Russia. But Christopher Steele Yes go ahead well this is an amazing point in the story which is that we now know we've now pieced together. The beginnings of the f.b.i. Investigation juxtaposed against the beginnings of Chris's interactions with the Justice Department the f.b.i. And it turns out that it was almost simultaneous but the 1st information to get there was not our information it was the information about a low level truck campaign staffer bragging that the Russians had hacked the Democrats So who who was that. So there was reporting that from Alexander Downer who's must really and diplomat in the u.k. Who had had a meeting with George Papadopoulos who was in the trunk campaign as a junior. Foreign policy aide. In which. George that Apple has bragged about having Russian intelligence on dirt on Hillary Clinton Alexander Downer reported that to the u.s. Government which is where which is the foundation of the subsequent investigation called cross-fire and this is how investigations begin is that. Both the Government of Australia and us. Reacted to the revelations that the Russians had hacked the d.n.c. And so essentially the f.b.i. Had information coming in from 2 different independent sources around the same time . That corroborated each other to some extent in investigations that's actually how they get going is when information comes from more than one place ours came in slightly after the information from the stress you never intended the. Public has as you said and you both didn't directly go to the f.b.i. That was Christopher Steele who did that but you did start approaching journalists why did you start approaching journalist What did you want to tell them did you want them to do with the information. Initially in the summer of 2016 we were concerned that certain people around the trunk campaign in the trunk campaign were questionable character Paul man a fort was someone that we knew a lot about that we believe had probably violated various us laws and might be involved in corruption and money laundering so we talked to reporters about him in others such as Carter page who seem to be. In there interacting with the Russians in a suspicious way on a trip to Russia so these are people that we talk to reporters around me encourage them to look into a little bit more Same with Michael Flynn. Now as it turned out all 3 people were people that needed to be asked to gated and 2 of them have now pled guilty to crimes so the initial conversations with reporters were about some of these characters in the trunk campaign and the Trump Organization later in the movie became more concerned that there was a government Russian government attack on our country that was unprecedented in scale and scope we tried to raise awareness with national security reporters and investigative reporters not so much to affect the outcome of the election fact specifically not to affect the election but because we thought that this was something we needed to raise awareness about because it was a huge digital Pearl Harbor against her country. My guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders of fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress we'll talk more after a break and just in Chang will review the new film knives out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air. When you are a family foundation supports w.h.y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas and encouraging meaningful conversation support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from little passports their new science junior subscription for kids it aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life all utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com. And from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics. I may have any Brooks coming up all the next on point along and your wrong family politics at Thanksgiving we'll talk about red and blue sitting down together and ask how that conversation goes Plus our social networks driving us into partisan factions at the expense of the common good that's coming up on the next on point from n.p.r. . Morrow morning at 10 Another morning another day filled with challenges Wouldn't you love to start your day with the news you need all on one page it's called Your stock your quick morning dose of reliable news. The 1st e-mail of the day oh maybe news you need with no shouting. Start receiving your start today. Public dot org slash newsletter. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross let's get back to my interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders of fusion g.p.s. a Private research company which did opposition research on candidate Donald Trump and commissioned what became known as the steel dossier which uncovered connections between Donald Trump and Russia and cited several sources that said Russia had a compromising video of Trump with prostitutes a golden showers video that could be used to blackmail him the way was written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was commissioned to do the research by fusion g.p.s. Simpson and Fritsch are both former Wall Street Journal reporters now they have a new book about their investigation into Trump and Russia called crime in progress they say their report and the steel dossier were never intended to be made public but the Da was leaked and published by Buzz Feed when Buzz Feed actually published the dossier you were furious and you were kind of afraid of what the consequences might be you had put Christopher Steele in front of journalists already. So why were you so upset when the DAs he was actually published us free Well we didn't put Christopher Steele before journalists and on the record way he spoke on background as a former Western intelligence official that's the 1st point you know the 2nd point the publication. Which was of course not our decision and by any way shape or form could have compromised sources and methods of them on redacted document. Chris did not have any kind of warning to prepare for its release and it was hugely dangerous in our view to his his source network this is become more common knowledge now in the wake of the 2016 election that Russia the Russian intelligence services have a overseas assassination program but it's well known to us in particular Chris that this is just so this is known to the intelligence services for a long time we've we've seen now that they actually are willing to use chemical weapons against people in the United Kingdom. Refresh their memory about when Buzz Feed published this deal dossier. But if you publish the dossier on. Me January 10th 2017. So it was after the election it could no longer affect the outcome of the election that's correct but it was before the inauguration so. What we say in the book is that the person who has now admitted to leaking the CIA was apparently trying to do was to thwart the swearing in of Trump. He believed that if this information got out it might lead to. Somehow to Trump's inaugural being put off the old the ultimate hell mary pass and ill advised who were the leaker. So there was a John McCain a person who was close to John McCain by the name of David Kramer who's a former worked in the State Department for human rights for many years and is a valued Russia hawk he. Became aware of the document via Christopher Steele on his network and his his former colleagues and then my 6 they met with. Senator McCain at the Halifax Forum which is an international forum not unlike the Aspen Institute for him they decided that they needed to pursue this David Kramer flew to London met with Christopher Steele who showed him the dossier Mr Chris Chris was was wary of giving the document to David Kramer to carry on an airplane so he asked us to hand it to him which Glen did. Are you for the express but sorry for the express purpose of handing the document to John McCain for the purpose of approaching James Comey about it so the purpose was to get the document to McCain and then to the f.b.i. Not to link it to the press that's right so has this aide admitted that he was the one who leaked it or earth. Yes. So there was a Russian cyber mogul who sued Buzz Feed for libel and David was required to testify. And he. Ultimately acknowledged that it was he who provided the document to both of you and other people do you find it ironic that it was an aide of John McCain's who made the Dostie a public and in the hopes of preventing Donald Trump from actually getting annoyed to read it and it's Lindsey Graham one of Cain's closest friends who has been one of the leaders trying to question the mother report trying to question the research that you did and supporting Donald Trump I think it's ironic it's hypocritical and I think it's depressing that a lot of people who know better or now standing up for don't trump So yes I think you know what the Republicans paid for the 1st half of our investigation another claiming it was all democratic hoax it doesn't make sense what Ray let's just stop right there because the Republicans who paid for the 1st part of your investigation were people who were opposing trial Trump they were Republicans but they wanted another Republican to win the primary not trump right so this is my point which is that a lot of Republicans who said that Trump would be a disaster for the Republican Party and the nation are now defending Donald Trump it's a supporter member that Lindsey Graham as John McCain and others have recounted. Agreed with John McCain's decision to approach James comedy the coming of this document Fast forward to the moment in January 1st he's now Carol it is a March where where Lindsey Graham along with Senator Charles Grassley make a criminal referral to the f.b.i. Under the dark ballpark Department of Justice for Christopher Steele it's an outrage So let's talk about what's been happening more recently and that's the impeachment inquiry Republicans cited your report $32.00 times in the impeachment inquiry. They were saying you colluded with Russians why don't you describe. What you heard Republicans say about you during the impeachment inquiry the Republicans cranked up their fog machine as they've been doing since the dossier came out to deflect attention away from the real issue here which is the extent to which Donald Trump was in a relationship with Vladimir Putin's Russia they have used lies and deflection to attack the messengers and again not transact the facts which is of course what they're doing to the whistleblower and to any other good people who try and. Called the president to account it's a fairly artful construction of an alternate reality that is channeled through various propaganda mechanisms including Fox News. And it's it's not meant to be taken as true by anyone other than the minority of people who still support Donald Trump. As we have been saying in recent days. When they accuse us of cooking up. A hoax to entrap and damage Donald Trump in some kind of secret operation with the Ukrainian Teligent services they're not confused they're deliberately lying it's just that it's just a made up story designed to confuse the public Giuliani has gone so far as to accuse Glenn of going to Ukraine and 2016 and working with the craniums to cook up the dossier that is just a lie well that Glenn you actually ran into Rudy Giuliani on a plane recently and told him You've never been in Ukraine. That's correct I've never been to Ukraine I've never been to Russia. We're getting very tired of sort of the more dramatic deliberate lies about us so we've decided to begin to correct the record Rudy Giuliani also claims that we set up the infamous meeting between the Trump campaign and the Russians in June of 2016 it's well established from multiple investigations that Rudy Giuliani is well aware of that we had nothing to do a setting that meeting that meeting was set up by Donald Trump Jr and Russia Ok let's take a short break here and when we come back we'll talk about how fusion g.p.s. Was criticized during the impeachment inquiry by Republican. So if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson co-founders of fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump will be right back this is Fresh Air. When I was 18 years old my mother paid to make a claim. It's big it's Imagine a bust of Alexander the Great looking really judgement and really really. Join us next time for the Moth Radio Hour true stories told Live from p.r.s. And Wednesday nights at 9. Time on Studio 60. The old hour will never smiling. Ladies all the time and just way that the great American novelist Willa Cather gets short shrift it seems like she sort of was purposely left out of the canon and I don't understand it because she's underappreciated. That's next time on. Wednesday night at 11. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Progressive Insurance offering snapshot a device that adjusts insurance rates based on safe driving habits now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation recognizing exceptionally creative individuals this year's MacArthur Fellows and more information are at mac found dot org. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch they're the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And authors of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dot ca and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. So you started off as a journalist I mean you were journalist for years and then when you were both based and Brussels Glenn you're an investigative reporter still and Peter you were his editor there to have that right that's right yeah so you were investigative judge you were journalist like for years for the Wall Street Journal and then you just cited 2 for this business fusion g.p.s. And basically do investigative research for hire. And I want you to talk a little bit about the different standards being a journalist versus being research for hire and your clients have included not only like you know Republicans and Democrats but also you know large corporations legal firms so. Talk about the differences in the way the way you went about your work but also in the standards that you would use for. You know the ethical standards. The business is designed to use journalistic methods. And so it's essentially in terms of standards very similar newspapers. Talk to people Mr Bush talk to people they don't always know whether those people are telling the truth or whether they're accurate they report what people say frequently what people say turns out to be wrong but it's still in the newspaper so we do very similar stuff at Fusion. Can we describe some of what you've been doing as opposition research. We do very little political research actually but it's even opposition research for the corporate clients that you have isn't that well I wouldn't call it opposition research it's more a understanding a and information sat right so there are a lot of complicated disputes in the context of lost you know lawsuits obviously but also influence networks right there's a lot of people who want to understand why there are issues you know moving a certain way through Washington or through the courts what we try and do is use public records to map and explain those relationships that really is the core of what we do and does it matter who your client has like if your client is a corporate client and you actually suspect that they were in the wrong would you still represent them. It really would depend on the context in a litigation context you're generally work for a law firm so it's not really possible to prejudge situation between who's right who's wrong that's the purpose of the lawsuit and also go back to another thing that we do. Is decision support so we help people to manage information and to parse information and to make decisions about what to do with it so sometimes that is corporate strategy sometimes it's whether to file a lawsuit or not to follow us who would settle there's a lot of decision making you know relies on quality information I mean there's there's one example which you know we talk about in the book which maybe is useful here we talk about. Very briefly our work for fairness the blood testing company run by Elizabeth Holmes which turned out to be a massive fraud what we're actually doing for it there are notes was looking at on behalf of a law firm we were looking at the their competitors question a lot of court the doowop believe in lab test and if you doctor orders a lab test you go into one of those labs and we were analyzing the key to whistleblower suits against those firms and trying to understand what their business model was you know as a journalist you're committed to just like finding the facts reporting what you found and not being concerned with you know taking sides in fact you're not supposed to take sides. But you know when you're in you know critical of your reporting for you know like the Wall Street Journal The Washington Post The New York Times it's about you know being fair and being neutral in finding the facts but when you're reporting. Is paid for by a particular side Republican or Democrat or when your reporting is paid for by a particular legal group or by a company it's about getting information for that side so it was a difficult transition for you to make and you feel like. You're no longer you know just on the side of. Fact finding and truth when when when you're doing that when you have an interested party paying for information. Glenn will have a view on this too but quite the opposite I mean I think we are we place in as high a premium as we ever did on facts you know in the context of working for law firms or major companies you know you can't you can't report anything but facts and sometimes you don't need just 2 sources to get or and anonymous sources you need paper and you need documents not documentary evidence and that's not changing our lives at all. There's a misapprehension about what we do we're not a p.r. Firm we don't sell spin our clients what reliable information that is the business that we're in so it really has a lot of similarities to journalism it's not. Cooked outcome that we don't sell that if you saw one of our reports you would mistake it for an academic paper. Have you ever turned down a client. Yes we have we've turned down many fine the irony of the Russia affair is that it is a part of the world where we generally don't do a lot of work. Numers clients from the former Soviet Union and have approached us that we have turned away we actually forced clients to absurd net to our methodology which areas you know if you have a preconceived outcome in mind and you're looking for specifically a media outcome where the wrong people you know of obviously the our peer group is our journalist we have a lot of friends in that business but if you don't want to get to the bottom of you know the facts that were the wrong people for you. Is there any information you can share with us about what you're finding about farm. An interference in the next presidential election foreign interference in our elections actually has a fairly long history it's just not something that a lot of people know much about or focused on. In 2016 we believe at least 3 countries interfered in the election Turkey was one Israel was one Russia was one. It's possible there were others we expect that in 2020 Wolf see that at least 3 or 4. Countries are messaging over social media and using other methods to try to influence the outcome before I wrap up I'd like to ask is there information that you found while you were researching. Campaign ties to Russia and Russia's interference in our election that you don't think enough attention has been paid to. Yes one of the things that we came across ourselves that didn't really involve Chris Steele was the Russian infiltration of the National Rifle Association which was something that I brought to the attention of the Justice Department and then later raised in my congressional testimony. And that has turned out to be a big issue although it's still not fully investigated eventually criminal charges were brought against a young Russian woman who came to states and be friended top officials at the n.r.a. The n.r.a. Area Butin rights and so there's a larger problem here that the Russians Sapir to have infiltrated some of the affiliated Republican and conservative groups in the n.r.a. Is the clearest example of that we think that there is a much broader effort by the Russians to infiltrate and influence conservative organizations the other thing that I think still is left out stay. Any that you spend some time talking about in the book is the extent to which Donald Trump's overseas ventures have been. Have not been parsed privately either by Robert Muller or anyone else we've done our best to map some of the Russian influence and money coursing through projects in Panama as are Beijing Toronto etc you know someone needs to actually think about compromise and that current financial compromise and we spent some time talking about that in the book. I want to thank both of you for talking with us Glen some son Peter French Thank you so much thank you Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch are the founders a fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress after we take a short break just in Chang will review the new film knives out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air We all view love through the prism of our own experiences right we're humans but how much control do we actually have falling into and out of love we are playing with one of the most powerful brain systems that every vote I mean this is a survival mechanism and I'm not surprised that people suffer ideas around love that's next time the Ted Radio Hour from n.p.r. . Listen tonight a lot of. Playing on. Your new one I'm almost 5 yaks in Haiti. 101. 20 my just wow that was from the hedgehog years by Lilly Ackerman. On playing on in great American short claims with great American actress was in Friday afternoon it was. This is Fresh Air although best known for directing Star Wars the last Jetta the writer director Ryan Johnson has long been a fan of murder mysteries his 2005 debut brick was a film set in a contemporary American high school his new movie knives out is an Agatha Christie style murder mystery with an ensemble that includes Daniel Craig Christopher Plummer Chris Evans and Jamie Lee Curtis film critic Justin Chang has this review as someone who's devoured more than his fair share of Agatha Christie I have long been saddened by Hollywood's general neglect of the classical detective story the kind of clever parlor trick entertainment where a murder is committed in a remote country house and suspicion falls on a closed circle of suspects every so often a director will put his unique spin on the genre as Robert Altman did with Gosford Park and Quentin Tarantino did with the hateful 8 Kenneth Branagh is presently directing and starring in a new wave of Hercule Poirot adaptations though his middling take on murder on the Orient Express didn't leave me wondering who done it so much as why bother but no filmmaker has done more to revive the spirit of the form or made it seem more rife with possibilities than Ryan Johnson has with knives out this deliriously entertaining comic thriller brings together an all star cast and an ingeniously plotted crime story whose every twist catches you by surprise but it also does something more it takes a genre often dismissed as creaky or cozy and uses that to say something powerful and urgent about contemporary class inequality and the moral rot at the heart of this large and obscenely wealthy family Christopher Plummer place Harlan thrum be a bestselling mystery novelist who is already dead at the start someone slit his throat in the middle of the night and was almost certainly a member of his family all of whom were staying at his ramshackle Victorian house for his aid. The 5th birthday party Johnson delights in playing out the usual whodunit conventions whether he's drawing out the piercing scream of the housekeeper who discovers Harlan's body or lining up the suspects as they're interviewed by 2 police detectives played by Le Keith Stanfield and Noah Segan but things really start cooking when a southern accent to Daniel Craig shows up as Ben walk along a famous private detective who is conducting his own investigation into Harlan's death in one scene Harlan's daughter Linda a splendidly biting Jamie Lee Curtis tries to find out who hired law and why Mr Blank I know who you are I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide why are you here. Here at the behest of a client who. I cannot but let me assure you that my presence will be automatic you will find me a respectful quiet as. Of the truth nearly everyone in the family was financially dependent on Harlan and as the actors play them there in amusingly loathsome scheming bunch Linda has a philandering husband played by an oily Dawn Johnson and a black sheep son ransom played by a cocky Chris Evans Ransom had a combative but genuinely close relationship with his late grandfather which is more than can be said for the other members of the family they include Michael Shannon as Walt who ran his father Harlan's publishing firm and Toni Collette as Harlan's widow daughter in law Joanie a social media influencer with a group inspired lifestyle brand. But the most memorable character by far and the one who emerges as the trooper tagging missed is Marta Cabrera Harlan's personal nurse superbly played by the Cuban actress that are most Martha appears to have been Harlan's only true friend she's far more heartbroken over his death than any of his relatives who keep telling her they see her as part of the family even though none of them can remember exactly which Latin American country she immigrated from blank immediately sees her as a potential ally and enlists her help in solving the mystery sensing that she knows more about Harlan and his family secrets than she may be letting on. The steady stream of laughs and a wink wink or references and knives out might make it seem at 1st like an arch post-modern send up but the movie is too well constructed too full of clever red herrings and breathtaking surprises to be reduced to a mere spoof this isn't the 1st time Ryan Johnson has shown off his flair for intricate plotting as he did in his time travel thriller looper and in Star Wars the last jet I that Blockbuster was attacked by some fans for among other things it's racially diverse casting you can't help but wonder if those bigoted reactions stung Johnson into centering his new movie around a working class Spanish speaking immigrant whose competence and decency utterly shamed the wealthy white family that employs her the pleasures of nights out are both comfortingly familiar and surprisingly subversive even after the murderer's identity has been revealed it builds to what may be the single most satisfying closing shot I've seen this year I won't say more but it's a killer. Is a film critic for The Times. Tomorrow and our guest will be Edward Norton who wrote directed and stars in the new film noir Motherless Brooklyn based on the Jonathan. Norton plays a private detective with Tourette's Syndrome a big powerful real estate developers in your Norton was inspired to make the film in part because his grandfather was an idealistic real estate developer who built a diverse community where Norton grew up I hope you'll join us. Produced an edited salad from. Teresa Madden Kelly and Joe I'm Terry Gross. Support for n.p.r. Comes from. And from the pajama gram company creators of matching. Holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and. Available at pajama gram dot com. And from Dana Farber Cancer Institute developing ways to use the p.d.l. One pathway in immunotherapy to treat cancer committed to making contributions in cancer treatment for 72 years Dana Farber dot org slash everywhere from local news you trust ask your smart speaker to play Connecticut Public Radio. Cancer. Survivors of domestic abuse by their abusers through technology in. A shared family and through. A way that. It's been a clock. Is the Ted Radio Hour. Each week. 10 technology. Conferences. We've had to believe. It's true nature of reality. Just those talks those ideas I've kept it for radio. From n.p.r. . I'm. Coming up there is some kind of debate love should be classified. Can't stop thinking about the person we're playing with one of the most powerful brain systems that every volved you know I think for it to last and be a healthy and productive relationship skills to this episode and out of love 1st this news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Shay's Stevens I mean when snow and rain are pounding large sections of the nation as millions of travelers head to their Thanksgiving holiday destinations N.P.R.'s Amy Held reports that hundreds of flights are canceled and conditions have grown dangerous on major highways the country is facing a $12.00 punch ahead of the holiday with separate major storms up to a foot of snow is forecast to fall from Denver through Minneapolis Brian Hurley is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service so it's pretty impressive for the breadth of the system how many areas it's going to affect by early to say with more than a foot of snow already on the ground and more coming Denver International Airport had canceled hundreds of flights and as a piled up on roadways Interstate $76.00 shut down from Denver to Nebraska further west up to 5 feet of snow is predicted to fall in California Sierra Nevada that's from a different storm bringing wind and rain to much of the West Coast Amy Held n.p.r. News the House Judiciary Committee is set to hold its 1st hearing in the formal impeachment in create next week as N.P.R.'s Claudio agree Salis reports the president has until Sunday to decide if he'll take part in the hearing the hearing Wednesday will feature legal experts uncover the history of impeachment Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler says the panel will cover serious allegations of impeachable conduct against President Trump Meanwhile House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff said his panel is working on a report summarizing their findings after weeks of closed door depositions and public testimony lawmakers are exploring whether President Trump lever.


Transcripts for BBC Radio Leeds BBC Radio Leeds 20191126 160000

So let me go. To the. Music because faults b.b.c. Radio will do another one similar. When only by fall. Was about incident I wasn't all cinema far in the say 9 scene 8 so. Apparently Jon Bon Jovi to unlock it much of. Def to. Do is go it's. Now one of the been talking about well interesting revelations this afternoon. I asked Is it just me. Even when I just think about a jelly baby all Judge Paul. Allen already said I get that rush of something beyond me jogging in the squeaks and it's to mulch. Now I would suggest that most of the gentleman who have gone so chav tried to imply that I'm quite quite busy and this is something that does not happen to them. Whereas I have had a number of Lebanese. Come on and suggest that it is called Your age is laughing your ears a laughing and I am as we converse creme eggs as well. So yes still very very happy happy to happy happy I can't so it's because I'm thinking about it stop thinking about jelly babies until Kuhlman. If it does happen see you. If you get that rushes something quite crazy at the Bucky mouth and you almost can't bear it. And maybe call it something as well maybe there's a another term for it like your is a Lafayette. Oh ya cheeks. Is very well considered such about the irony thing else on the show you can always give is about. 389 double 3 double 3 you can text as a trouble 3 message or the word lays all you can drop is a little to eat at b.b.c. It's always very very nice to hear from you talking about Christmas telly next. Few hours. B.b.c. Radio. Well good afternoon welcome to the show this is tea time on b.b.c. Radio Leeds Well now the b.b.c. Has revealed its Christmas t.v. Offering all excited it is promising a bumper box of yuletide treats which will delight in and chance already and says I think it might be fair to say that over recent years there's been a little bit of criticism about too many repeats in films over the festive period so what is there in the way of specials and favorites let's ask the t.v. Critic am a bully more however Hello. This is this is great this is what it's all about Christmas all about what's on the telly of course of course it's not. A survey Oh yes. Yes Yes I mean I think I'll say is that whatever they could they could have the best line up as ever been seen by anyone and of the front page of the top was will be too many repeat the not so the Christmas present to themselves but I think there's lots of good stuff to look forward to this year I mean obviously kicking off a govern and Stacy how exciting is it to have that back and everyone know he's seen it and you know journalists usually grumpy and difficult plays they all love it so you know I'm telling you is good it's up to scratch that's exciting you know your favorites that you usually see like Call the Midwife Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special Dr Who Paul O'Grady all of that love that and but also I'm excited about the new version of a Christmas carol love a bit of Dickens at Christmas anyway and this is got amazing cast Stephen Graham there Tom Hardy Andy Serkis proper a listers are in it so it's going to be great and then did the bring about was Will Gummidge whether anyone wants him to or not but it's happening and Mackenzie Crook is going to be him I think that will be really interesting casting again a burning car the Pemberton So we want to make a Michael Bay lead so there's some real stars coming up Christmas and over on t.v. Over on t.v. Lots of entertainment specials so you've got Robbie Williams doing. Big Christmas show Michael Ball and Alfie about together is great I'm excited Well gosh you sound excited couple of things I I saw all the Dr Who I didn't think they were going to do a Christmas special this year I thought they were leaving it until like maybe maybe early next year just to launch the launch of the new Sammy's but now he is nothing and they've brought about the Dr Who Christmas special Oh yeah that's it they go b.b.c. Announces Christmas t.v. Highlights from Doughty Dracula so is that I don't know whether it be New Year they haven't actually locked down the schedules yet is going to be on all 5 you know fair enough and let's we'll revisit one of those was a legal marriage now as a child not only was the show salute Lisa fascinating in the The music was really interesting and it was it was also quite terrifying I mean why why why why if they decided to remain that of all the random things in the 10 I don't know I have seen the picture of Mackenzie Crook as was ill and it's a little bit disturbing if I'm honest but Mackenzie Crook of the fantastic track record of picking excellent projects and it is a track to this amazing cast if it's good enough Mike pilot is usually good enough May so I assume that it will be quite good but I mean it's kind of difficult to explain to people now Oh yeah sure about Scarecrow's massive. But it was so obviously they're trying to rekindle that magic Yeah yeah I mean and when will I know we're talking about all the all the special save and some of them do sound great I mean like I said Gavin and Stacey very very much anticipated there's been lots of pictures in the newspapers today. About that and the like it's a lovely special that when you find out about any Christmas films does not come much much lighter because that I mean we saw a pope who did a little bit but I mean that is a thing at Christmas isn't it it is and so is so is repeat some local ones as well you know those things that people complain about well the schedules are looked at this kind of a big announcement of the new things that coming up once the schedules a lot then the magazines will be out so so early December you can yes. You know for sure which films are going to be on they will have saved a few sort of network premieres and all that kind of stuff as a special treat for Christmas but I think that with films for some people that is a massive part Christmas for the people that buy all of that of course on t.v. They don't worry about it I think it's quite divisive thing but I know for somebody with a massive part of their of their celebrations dare I suggest and I am aware that I do actually work for the b.b.c. Although I do not have anything to do with t.v. Making Massa just for a moment that the b.b.c. Looks like they're put in their efforts into dramas and specials of you know in a in a big sort of a way where he seems to be doing sort of Dancing On Ice Paul O'Grady for the love of dog sort of do you know what I mean they seem to be going more more reality around the mall fantasize. Yeah I mean I won't have a word said against Paul O'Grady but. Yes I mean I think that's fair to say that this year particularly you know b.b.c. Is all about the big dramas and the big kind of escapism and I t.v. I mean I think it's just about knowing what they do best right if you think about the last couple of years where of the best most of the best dramas been probably b.b.c. Where where has some of the specials been that's usually classic t.v. Territory so it's just you know Christmas is time for them to try and do what they do best obviously the soaps will be out in force as well as in Korea be throwing everything they've got Christmas so if you're into those happy things to look forward to there as well and Emma we saw with your your t.v. Guide's of Charice and will you circle the things that you're definitely going to watch is that is that what t.v. Critic deals that are now well I write for one of them so by the time that the shelves I will be sick of it. Yeah I will I will Christmas be back over it to check oh I should be watching for us to love little to t.v. Critic I am a believer Thank you. Once Yorkshire travel b.b.c. Radio only Let's get you a David James then find out what's going on on the roads how we look in David's well was incredibly busy on the m 63 respond from there what am across towards junction 34 with the bridge following an earlier x. That it's on the hard shoulder but isn't into the middle or difference to the queues it's absolutely stopped as you're travelling across towards education 34 I guess not old by the road works between 33 and 34 as well they're slowing things down a bit now you find a busy only one northbound and southbound around Darlington a busy one if you're traveling into and out of Leeds on the on the 61 around the outer ring road or more Town Watch out for restrictions into and out of Bradford from the state gate right about very busy on route to learn through the road works over on the deadly Hill roundabout and again you'll find delays if you travel around Gulf with around Charlie sweeps corner in 63 Selby road junction or the Leeds road they go to burst water when that's when that snuggle Post told us about . Early Daus 1st thing this morning about see a lot more in just about 10 minutes thank. You will travel east 30123018 say b.b.c. Radio leaks. A brilliant song for you now it was used I seem to remember it was he's an advert for milk and ringing ringing bells from Iran now just days and then we will have not so totally random television seen June yes a day we did see. Is pretty easy I think I think today. Is well we'll see and then we'll catch up with our good friend and the ra in the young evening. And again. Somebody seems. Obs. The question is. Will. She discuss. The causes of the bob. Well it's always nice to. Be brilliant I'm going to. Bounce a long. Run them television. On the well because. That possible to connect it to the t.v. Show we did the day before. Yes today we did Ski Sunday it's a day as has been suggested by Y'all keep rich so there is a connection between yesterday's show and today's show if you can work it out that's brilliant today well I'm in the main I'm just after the t.v. Show so let's see how you get on with this I think it's a tiny tiny play it so often yellow Giles' because we go in a. Fancy little gas get a little ring oh I don't dread 389-3628 when trouble 3 is not a message with the word laid so you can see it is that b.b.c. Would you like it will melt some time go on. The lot so the answer on the way a new You've got you've got a least 12 minutes I would say I saw the Richard stead breakfast show as I dashed off to the to the local fish and chip shop and it was 12 quid so I gave the fella behind the counter 22 quid and he gave me 8 back Bill Press and came here to be 27 when he said I thought that was from a week from 6 am yes so no Sara to playing in fish and chip shops saying well yes so not releasing a link to it. Appears to be a fish and chip shops to say a Monday to Richard said breakfast show if you're in a cold yeah you feel older around inside you want to be someone who takes a few to treat the fish you see if you bought in some sage d.v.c. Radio. Good afternoon a welcome to the show welcome States on the b.b.c. Right now about this all time of a Choose day where lots catch up with our good friend Emma Ryan at the Evening Post just to see what she's been working on more than anything so let's do that right now Hello Emma Hi Gail how's you busy is that yes yes I was I was away last week so I missed you guys but not that fast look lovely So have you bought lovely to have you about we'll delve into the Pampa and see what you've been on with. This just breaks my heart 1st of all schemes to feed children during the school holidays need to continue to avoid children return in school in September having lost way through lack of nutrition what when did this come from them all so it's about it's over the last few years we've been doing stories about food banks and policy and the pressure on food banks he's increased during the summer holidays because of a certain amount of children are entitled to Breakfast Club meals free school meals when there are. Obviously the parents have to pay extra So maybe fickle to $3.00 kids you know for 6 weeks you know that's several meals a day that's a lot more pressure on that budget. So this is come for me in the council of health and a lot of it is looking at. You know it's the schemes where where children are said to in school term time if there isn't something that they can do through the school holidays and to make sure that children have got a good proper meal I think it's an issue that maybe they're not eating as much when there was that young school so and obviously and eat well proven that the children have proper breakfast that they're equipped for learning in school so I think there's this. Sort of recognition and I with the children of going back to school that lost weight less nutrition obviously that impacts on their learning and in turn in the schools performance as well so I think there's an all around interest to make sure that there's somethin you know catered for in school holidays and I think I've been saying this for quite a while I mean there's just a case of why what will what will actually happen I know there are a number of schemes that already got one particularly in Louise but I guess it's a it's a case of a case of we will say is it because it's a little way off now until next til next year yeah I mean we're going to be looking at something in the next few weeks in the route to Christmas about the increased pressure on food banks and feeding a family of Christmas it all ties in so whether it's something that bit of a Christmas holiday that there are no but. I guess like most things it's an issue of funding and whether particularly from to do that. And moving on to your next story lays mostly at the fronts of environmental revolution this is a calling to a citizens' jury wasa citizens jury and when is this happened and. This is something that's been held in the last few days as well and obviously there's a lot more awareness of climate change global warming the effects on the on the planet leads we know which way to go clean air so if it's a panel of of all sorts of walks of life looking at ways that we can so try and slow down the climate. I says that being called and taking buses back into public ownership is one of them bringing the houses up to equal standards and scrapping plans to expand leads for us today part 3 of the suggestions that were put forward to try and reduce the effect on the climate and they would visit 21 strong tunnel I think is so obviously people have different views what comes of that if anything I don't know we will we will see who's listening and what will happen next as well then I'm fine with an awesome sign something wonderful something fast and communities coming together our service and soul is the unique Christmas spirit of all live well are they doing this. This is great if ever you need to get in some help to get into the festive spirit just watch this video the only community been doing this for the last few years so this year they've got 23 you clearly play is a ballroom dance is one per go is a Morris men and women 2 coffee shops and customers 6 Cub Scouts 5 walkers 6 butchers one Baker a florist a godsend to lots of ties mints and park so many sparks a lifetime quite to scientists and some extras and that is the culture you just look at her that's really think you should go I know I. Said I can't believe it's not full I know but. This is the 3rd year that it made a Christmas film this year it's called a we go for you know and we got 40 not like. The film sort of takes the was around Dolly around the committee groups to the businesses and just to get into the festive spirit and see all these various different businesses and groups are doing to get into the festive spirit so if you struggle to I defy anybody to what you said not feel a little bit Christmas after they've been in a car or a counselor well and more if people want to pick up the paper I would always urged them to do so if however they would like to follow some of your antics online why should they do. And generally our lot suffix a Web site through Facebook fiasco and Facebook are not for Iran you know 70 plus page and the links to the stories there are so I can run a website which is if you do the interview don't you know me post what are you perfectly well lovely as ever the fabulous and the raw and from the. Thanks Gail Cheers thank. You. B.b.c. Radio you. Just time to do some quick hellos we fall we get to David with the travel this is the not so totally random television seems to be working with this afternoon. Scott she don't come from case law is going to absolutely right Paul in Huntsville thinks it might be bulls are you not right and Maureen in Bradford you've got it absolutely Richard in Huddersfield you've got it absolutely correct as well Steve infallibly jolly well done see you Kevin allstar I also think you might have bull's eye you think the connection to Ski Sunday might be that it was the same composer and that is not Rai I'm afraid it's not right it's all mountain in Halifax you've got it right Dean. Danes in Leeds also think it might be bulls not Paul him but Les you've got it right and somebody here I don't know I don't know you are at telephone number and you've got it wrong and you all saw the only person I think to get the connection Stephen Bottomley work in alland you've got it right Kevin East ball in jolly well don't see you as well and pay to play you've got it as well so that's what we are if you like a little girl do feel free to get in touch in all the usual. West Yorkshire trouble b.b.c. Radio Leeds just gone half ass could look on the road with David James how looking David's i start over the worst days than this. Band is next on the hard shoulder east of the air want to watch edition 30. For the bridge all ends have now reopened but it still laps at least to the gills a span there's Well $26.00 to $27.00 at Gilda's and one led you to a broken down vehicle you'll find delays through has failed on education road as you coming in past the cemetery very busy through golf with on Selby road open and Charlie sweeps gone or that sold out a road works through Bradford it's really led fairly heavy around the state get round about anything else you'd appreciate you call 8 out of 301-2301 I say more inside 15 minutes thanks David b.b.c. Radio only p.c. News now from Clive settle Good afternoon the 2 main parties economic spokesman said you job it in John McDonnell have been in West Yorkshire is the county continues to be a key battleground at next month's election and the same time the Chief Rabbi is accuse labor of allowing anti Jewish racism to take root while the Muslim Council of Britain has accused the Conservative Party of denial dismissal and deceit over Islamophobia amounts admitted 3 counts of attempted murder in connection with a knife attack at Victoria railway station in Manchester last New Year's Eve 26 year old Martin Mohammed also admitted a terrorism offense people who took part in last month's Leeds 10 k. Have taken to social media this afternoon now to diminish their times for the event won't count organizers of admitted that moving the start line made the Course 23 metres too short and missing British man has been found dead in Australia 3 days after he disappeared while camping friends of King say he's had on the ground that had a seizure before running off and the UN's environment programmes warning governments they must take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions launching its annual report in Geneva it predicted that if countries stuck to their current strategies global temperatures could rise to more than double the limits agreed on the climate accord Well weather dry for most of the night with some clear spells in patches of fog overnight lows of 5 Celsius that's $41.00 far in height. It's just b.b.c. Radio me and here's James day thank you Clive. Leeds united as a return to the top of the championship tonight they have to be to reading side of suffer just want to face in 5 games under new manager Mark Bowen united themselves are unbeaten in 6 matches heading to the mid-day ski stadium where head coach Marcello b. Also expects the home side to be on the front fots profile of the player is there an offensive in the midfield there how creative are the players then 14 involved. How impactful both fullback involved when they're at the game so if we are talking about 7 players with offensive profile. For country of United at Reading on f.m. Frequencies on Freeview channel someone mind tonight the build up starts in West Yorkshire sport daily from 6 Meanwhile Leeds is 2nd goal at Luton last weekend has been taken off striker Patrick Bamford and instead officially credited as a nurse as an own goal by the Fells Dubious Goals Committee has failed tally well can extend their unbeaten home record to 6 games as they hosts one z. Tonight manager Danny Cali is hopeful that right back Danny Simpson will be fit to return and he says their opponents have an enviable record themselves going to ask No 4 questions over something because the only unbeaten away record in the lake I believe so this is the challenge that we have in front of us said We're now developing a confidence at home 5 on beating which is a good record and having only lost one in no one in and get 4 claimed sheets in that process we deserve to go into the game with a confidence and a belief and if we can show to sanctify and the same intensity that we played with on Saturday when we've got it going town against swans is on the a.b. Digital and 774 medium wave tonights elsewhere f.c. How they faxed How could move level on points with National League leaders Barrow and Bromley if they can win or get town and. Other results go their way in cricket your Chakotay Chandra Gale is back in his county to make Joe Ricketts to overcome his dip in form for England which has raised questions about him continuing as captain has emerged today roots fallen out of the world's top 10 batting rankings for the 1st time in 5 years but Gail's told us it's normal for any professional to experience highs and lows we all know our yourself professional sport because you do have your ups and downs just that the best players are not down for long you know I'm pretty confident that ritual bounce back this winter and else go over there for England and I'm sure somewhere in a hotel room and it will be thinking about the defeat and maybe just feel a little bit of pressure. More from other gal in West Yorkshire school daily from 6 Tonight's in rugby league formulates boss Brian McDermott secrete a 5 year contract extension with Super League newcomers to Rome so while. A fee he has signed a new deal for next season and its Nicolaides is pizza lines as a tough 1st round match of the u.k. Championship in York tonight when he takes only $4.00 time world champion John Higgins biology to get underway at 730 good looks pizza lines Ok well I am ready for a little go unless I am into well I think it's quite easy today so certainly fugitive's I think I'll do alright I'll play the bit then I need to do somehow laws it's all right can stick around. Gary and has failed you've got to absolutely Bob on you know a lot about the music as well and also Jimmy and out Len you've got to absolutely right you tell me when the show 1st adds you think it was 969 you're correct Paul in Huddersfield you've got it right as well David Neza has been on David you are absolutely Bob on Kevin Austar now you think it might be something called lookee Breck it's not it's also a Mockingbird right and you've got the connection to school which was yesterday's show Dean in Leeds you are correct with the show Steve McConnell from Queensbridge do you think it might be the in don't leak presented by a certain person and I'm not going to send a person has that person actually is the connection you know you're not wrong. I would say and other than that ritual from hospice you are absolutely correct on all fronts that you've got the connection and the t.v. Show and Steve McArdle from Queensbridge. You think it's bull's eye it is not if you had a couple of guesses by any chance you'll keep rich your coverage has been on t.v. She suggested this one yesterday so you are correct but then I would expect you to base a. Thank you for again insults I hope I would like to think. I have mentioned everybody else saw I believe it's Jim Stetson cell as what was that we can see why people might think it was Bowles like. Sounds a bit fuzzy doesn't it yeah it's Paul black. Tried to get the connection because you mentioned in the league Fred Truman was involved with the end goal yeah yeah. Somebody also mentioned David divine did he have a duty of the present day and Dolly as well perhaps at some point that was well that was the name that was the name that was in there because he connected the present to this for a bit but you also. Want me before my time I will I will make made well is one of those chooses and it's a brilliant brilliant seem to fall it's a plane 1st of all the I think we'll pull it will have a little bit of a little bit of Genesis just a woman one of. This is that Saul on b.b.c. Radio followed by the same block side nobody ever. Genesis and that's all I have a few Stranglers I wonder if we had a bit of a delay on the tanks. Having to go after we've given the. Cabin all Saul. Paul Bloch Winnifred well played the piano the few people have mentioned wonderful Winifred out well. You did this a statement cattle from Queens brain. You said Paul bought because it was presented by David van. Sing the song is called the. It's not that it is called Black and White Rock composed by George Botsford to fall by the wonderful Winnifred Well the show itself out of a really good run run from 969986 and fall coast mainly around. Which carried no ranking points it's also it's kind of it's kind of just for fun really but I reckon it played a really big in the popularize ation of the Malton dam the 1st series in 1969 was hosted by somebody call Keith Macklin then it was hosted by Alan weeks then David I like to call the m. And Holmes also. In 1900 in 1900 c.e.o. And then was replaced by David vine in 1993 so he was the connection between today's show and yesterday's show which you. Just. Spectacular. Today. Block. We do that via the. Via one of the one of the. Message with the word. Think. West Yorkshire travel b.b.c. Radio it's just gone cost a $5.00 less of a lot than how we do in David's. It's busy very busy on the m 62 a span following an earlier action there's now on the hard shoulder east of the air warm but very slow moving from the one right up towards junction 34 Whitley bridge all lanes have reopened it just doesn't necessarily favor if you sat in the back of the back of the queue some very very slow moving traffic there still quite busy getting onto the m 62 from the air one again you'll find it slow both eastbound and westbound eastbound one lane now due to a broken down vehicle east of $26.00 a chain bar towards $27.00 very slow there slow through go off with Charlie sweeps corner junction of the 63 leads road junction that's all down to a burst water main and you'll find it busy into and out of private on the m 6 or 6 and into and out of his field on the a 6 to 9 how he fact not so bad more inside 15 minutes thank you David b.b.c. Radio and the headlines of 13 minutes to 5 the 2 main parties economic spokesman Saatchi Javid and John McDonnell visit West Yorkshire the man who stepped passes by Victoria railway station in Manchester mix attempted murder and runners who took part in last month's Leeds 10 k. Are told their finishing times won't count because the course was 23 metres too short why should weather dry for most of the night with some clear spells and touch the fog and temperatures down to 5 Celsius that's 41 Fahrenheit thank you Clive. B.b.c. Radio. Good evening welcome to the show we're about to hear now about a couple from washed junction they're offering a place at their Christmas table somebody who needs there is even a room for the night on offer and already this particular very special offer has gone wild on social media. Dozens of people all just collaring No not necessarily said Oh I'd lots go but just so declaring their new found faith in humanity Derek Cochrane When So it's a pulled say to me the woman who has made this very very special offer a lovely offer from Elaine Moss here in Pudsey for somebody to spend Christmas Day here. Elaine how are you can start for your lead How you doing I'm good how the devil am I very well very I'm going to live through it so here to your Christmas dinner table if I may he said here we are at the back of Elaine's lovely plush room and the table is bare it's very bare just. It's a little under a month to Christmas and what will it be like on this table come Christmas day Elaine she's going to be a normal dinner a few crackers simpler better yet few crackers but having Patridge not Turkic So Dr Ok so what I mean Patridge I mean tell me that you normally spend Christmas away this is very unusual for you to be actually be here it's also very unusual for you to offer a person to join you and we just thought that is so lovely and we just thought we'd come and ask you why you want to do what we've been together for 27 years this is my apartment kill Unfortunately this year I have to spend in Yorkshire Asra a lot though whether you're used to sunnier climes I dismiss Rice sunny climes be chase the only whites I want to say Christmas Day sand usually sounds nice and this year but I have to spend at home so we thought what better way than to spend. Just up the table it's for so I wonder who who you're throwing that out to I mean it might be is an elderly person is a homeless person anybody anybody that feels that they just want to offer a little bit Company Christmas so it could be a homeless person it could be an elderly person it could be somebody that is a b m b that doesn't want to be in bay on a single parent with kids just worried about how the kids are going to be in a different situation your friends are warning you against some of the pitfalls that there can be you know it's it's also a risk but you're being brave I guess and I think the pressures of Christmas. Sometimes getting a lot of pill Yeah just to say. Be on your show and think it's in our book Christmas common share it not table as long as you help the washing up afterwards. Over the washing up and you've gone viral and you know you feel about really really really strange I think it's I think it's a little bit strange that everybody thinks it's really generous offer because it's Christmas we have loads and loads of bad cues and we've actually bad queues and we have parties at the house and any of that I had a problem Facebook it would have even got half the acknowledgement that it's got 0 we must just mention the company is yourself and your partner to. Just tell us a little bit about them Ok so we've got a rescue dog called Mo he's a bit wild yet Mo is a terrier. No offense but we call of the ginger and inject She loves people also want to do research on you nay. Paul you to death for the bit of the food that maybe you want to give Well if you don't mind being licked to death I want to be a little unfair in his easy going and easy to get on with Finney's really go in is a miniature schnauzer part to make is also house trained on the outskirts of that so he's also house trained well it sounds absolutely lovely certainly brought a little glow to our hearts it sounds like the perfect Christmas around your house thanks very much for the challenge thank you very much and Merry Christmas to everybody little a lovely a lend Many many thanks to Donna and if you're if you fail in just just a tiny tiny bit festive man point you in this direction the b.b.c. Radio Leeds Christmas Carol says a. Christmas song Thursday December the 12th join us as we recorded our annual Christmas Count service I'm Andrew Edwards and along with many of your favorite b.b.c. Radio Leeds presenters will be celebrating Christmas the Wakefield cathedral service . Will be led by the dean of Wakefield with music from the cathedral choir Queen Elizabeth grammar school and crossed in the silver battle and you don't need a ticket but you do need to be in your seat by 7 pm prompts the b.b.c. Radio Leeds Christmas Carol says a certain date December the trial this week field cathedral b.b.c. Radio. Having attended on a number of occasions I can see all your that is he said it's a beautiful beautiful thing. So wonderful a great thing to be a part of and witness and if you offer a on December the 12th. Fail cathedral like Andrew is just saying that you do not need a ticket but you do need to be in your seats ready for a 7 page am starts at couple of little and we did the theme today which was lovely an absolute triumph saw a few would like to suggest something for us to do tomorrow that be very nice in fats and let me do a few Hello David Naser as suggested something I'm not sure about what you've got you've got a couple actually go about 3 suggestions all very good apart from the woman I don't massively recognise but thank you many thanks again in so much always much appreciated Kevin Austar thank you to you as well it's appalling what a spill thank you feel lovely idea that day in lanes Yes Very very nice very nice in days to suggestions and one from Alan in Castleford about that particular theme tune but it was certainly a huge huge show so we'll stick em all in the pots and say what rises to the top similar. Of this maroon 5 she will be followed by the travel with David James and the news with Clive on the spot with gems. Little of late say here that she will be. From Maroon 5 on b.b.c. Radio Leeds from a brilliant album I think all the law is in that sounds about. West Yorkshire travel b.b.c. Radio Leeds. It's a couple of minutes to 5 o'clock. I'll be honest with you as I always like to bank . Looks a little bit like David James's is dissipated. I do not know where he is. But we shall endeavor to find him very very soon if anything is going on why you one. And you want to keep us up to date you're very very welcome to get in touch in all the usual way share your travel leaves Colo double 30123018 c. B.b.c. Radio only it's. All good dirty and. Welcome to the show this is a time on b.b.c. Radio Leeds My name is Gail I'm here until 6 o'clock tonight come on the show did you know that we are sending millions of views all silly pointless daft emails. And I have a huge carbon footprint How is that even possible we'll find out Mall from the research Mike Berners Lane You might recognize us and his brother invented the internet I. Am also a politics without Kevin Larkin and will settle down with Clive and Scrooge in the days although there is only one day a day today. On the digital radio show it's easy for us and. Your station for Yorkshire. V.d.c. Radio. B.b.c. News at 5 o'clock Good evening I'm Clive settle 2 of the main political parties big hit has it been in West Yorkshire today the chance of such huge. Abbott and his Labor shadow John McDonnell. Stopped short of pledging money for a rapid transit system for Leeds but John McDonnell says it could happen under a Labor government look at the scale of investment that we're putting into the north and transport it is a normal will be developing the system itself what we're saying though is what we're putting forward as a 10 year plan what we don't want is stop start all the time that we've had under this government there while Jeremy Corbyn is condemned anti semitism is vile and wrong and out of the Chief Rabbi accused him of allowing anti Jewish racism to take root within Labor the Muslim Council of Britain meanwhile has accused the conservatives of denial dismissal deceit over Islamophobia a man who attacked commuters and police with a knife of Victoria station in Manchester on New Year's Eve has pleaded guilty to attempted murder on the terrorism offense Manchester Crown Court heard that Marti Mohammed who's 26 and a graduate from Leeds University talked to the couple before turning on Sergeant leave Valentine more from Jane frenzies Kelly. Shouted and long live the caliphate as he stabbed and slashed and at Charlton and James Knox a couple in their fifty's who were walking to a tram platform he also stabbed British Transport Police Sergeant Leigh Valentine in the shoulder as he was tasered and pepper sprayed before being arrested the unemployed former engineering student will be sentenced later the un Environment Agency says current targets to cut carbon emissions fall far short of what's required to avert disastrous climate change the annual report says the earth is on course to experience a temperature rise of 3.2 Celsius by the end of the century that he was due to disappoint for runners who took part in last month's Abbey dash in Leeds after the merge their finishing times won't be recognised is because the course wasn't exactly 10 kilometers long as Tim Daly explained the Abbey dash route was revised this year with the start line moved to the head robot organizers have now apologized after admitting it came up 23 metres short and as a result finishing times for thousands of runners won't be recognised by u.k. Author. 6 The people who took part of taken to social media describing the news as terrible and an absolute nightmare a public inquiries reopened this afternoon into controversial plans for an incinerator in the cold the valley permission was refused for the project to call the valley Skip are in Saudi bridge almost 2 years ago but the firms are appealing against the decision and a couple from West Sussex have been named as the winners of last week's 105000000 pound euro millions jackpot Stephen like a Thomson who have bought who have 3 children so they've not made any big purchases yet but Steve has bought a new shirt and had a haircut go while to his approaching 3 minutes past 5 the sport now from James De thanks Clive Leeds United 2nd goal at Luton last weekend's been taken off striker Patrick Bamford and ruled instead as an own goal by the Fells Juba's goals Committee today meanwhile United will go back to the top of the Championship with victory at reading tonight while he does feel Tana looking to stretch their unbeaten home run to 6 games as they host swims $800.00 gals back in his county to make Joe roots to overcome his dip in form for England which is raised questions about him continuing as captain it's emerged today routes fallen out of the world's top 10 batting rankings for the 1st time in 5 years in rugby league former Leeds boss Brian McDermott Sigrid a 5 year contract extension with Super League newcomers Toronto will back and holds that Haka Villa have a fee he assigned a new deal for next season. In the West Yorkshire weather we've had and clear spells of risk of one or 2 showers at 1st overnight the big periods at 1st but cloud will increase later bringing the risk of patchy rain low as temperatures down to 6 or 7 degrees tolex mostly cloudy with showers or even some longer outbreaks of rain especially later in the day there will be somewhat dry spells in between those heavy showers topped temperatures reaching 10 Celsius that's 50 Fahrenheit. Jail. B.b.c. Radio only. Thank you Paul thank you James thank you Clive it is fall minutes past 5. Good evening welcome to the show. Also also on the way we have some politics. Fortunately we have a political one into a delights of Kevin Locke and he's about to John McCain found he's just he just won't stay. Up. All saw its way shall settle down with Clive as we always do in fact when he tells Paul Hudson as well whether will and he's on within the next 20 minutes because he says a strange ball in the scally sense I'm not in the sun so I began by asking such a job for the conservatives followed by John McDonnell for labor.


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Gins Officer Christopher Steele who wrote what became known as the steel dossier became famous for reporting that sources said the Russians had a tape of Trump and prostitutes in a Russian hotel a tape they could use to blackmail him that's never been substantiated but Simpson and Fitch say the DAs main point was dead right the government of Russia was planning and running an operation to try to present stage a not just to sow discord in the Us political system although that was a secondary purpose 1st news line from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying all the next phase of the Democratic led impeachment process picks up in the House Judiciary Committee a week from tomorrow days after one committee heard from current and former troubled ministration officials those on the Judiciary panel are expected to hear from highly respected legal experts and aide says they'll speak to the nature of impeachment high crimes and misdemeanors and their application to constitutional law president trumps accused of abusing the power of his office in his dealings with Ukraine to gain an edge ahead of the 2020 election will the president seize the moment to lend a few verbal punches against impeachment probe at the annual turkey pardoning at the White House it seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft or Turkey . But bread and butter I should note that I'd like. Previous witnesses you and I have actually met Dr apparently referencing witnesses who testified in the inquiry they include star witness corn someone who directly implicated the President Trump responded by suggesting he barely knew the guy overselling contributed a $1000000.00 to the Trump Inaugural Committee and the president later appointed him to serve as a bass or to the European Union secretary of state might bump a oh another official implicated in the Ukraine matter is sounding an alarm over Iran and the Internet more from N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen secretary says he wants to expose the abuses of the Iranian regime and he's asked Iranians to share their views about the protests in the country we received today nearly 20000 messages videos pictures notes of the regime's abuses through telegram messaging services I hope they will continue to be sent to us last week the u.s. Imposed sanctions on Iran's minister of communications for blocking Internet access Peo says the u.s. Will continue to take such steps to put more pressure on the Iranian government and to show support for the protesters Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News the State Department Public health officials have more evidence that the lung injuries among people who they are linked to an additive found in gray market products Here's N.P.R.'s Richard Harris the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously reported that they had found a substance called vitamin e. Acetate in lung fluid of people who had fallen ill after raping this material is apparently used to dilute vaporing fluids that contain t.h.c. Marijuana extract Now the Minnesota Department of Health reports that they found vitamin e. E. Acetate in many samples of a ping products gathered this year but they didn't find the substance in a small number of samples gathered in 2018 that is before the long injury outbreak investigators say it's still possible other toxic materials may be contributing to the outbreak which has sickened more than 2000 people and killed about 50 Richard Harris n.p.r. News from Washington this is n.p.r. . There's been a surge of violence in a part of Democratic Republic of Congo at the center of the country's ongoing Ebola outbreak now the World Health Organization is pulling more than a 3rd of its Ebola response workers out of the area N.P.R.'s read Eisenman reports health officials have been getting ever closer to ending the 16 month Ebola outbreak they're down to just 7 new Ebola infections a week but those cases have been concentrated in an area near the city of Beni where a rebel group has repeatedly attacked civilians and many in the population are outraged that the government and United Nations peacekeepers have failed to protect them in recent days there's been violent protests at the mayor's office and u.n. Facilities giving in security world health officials are relocating to go more than 200 miles south 49 Ebola responders they say can do their work remotely for now 71 Ebola responders have been left in place but w.h.o. Officials say their work has been seriously disrupted Eisenman n.p.r. News the Iraqi capital is reeling from at least 3 explosions that have killed at least 5 people and wounded more than a dozen others local authorities are still trying to determine who was behind this attack however ISIS fighters have been associated with similar attacks in Iraq in recent months Iraqi officials say the latest explosions were the 1st apparent coronated attack since anti-government protests began nearly 2 months ago u.s. Stocks are trading higher this hour with the Dow up $34.00 points at $28100.00 this is n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from Capital One offering the spark cash card for businesses committed to helping business owners turn purchases and to meaningful investments that can help drive business forward Capital One what's in your wallet more at Capital One dot com and Americans for the Arts. This program isn't written by towns therapeutic massage group except most auto and workman's comp insurance each of their licensed massage therapists has over 10 years experience in pain relief trauma resolution injury recovery energy balancing and exquisite relaxation nationally board certified since 1999 there Punic massage groups located at 1332 suite in taps more information at 575-758-3868 or at massaged House dot com. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross after Donald Trump was elected but before he was inaugurated Buzz Feed published a leaked document that became known as the steel dossier a series of memos written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele suggesting Russia had been cultivating supporting and assisting Trump and that according to several sources Russia had compromising information that could be used to blackmail trump this dossier had been commissioned by fusion g.p.s. a Private research company providing research for law firms and corporations as well as opposition research for political candidates fusion was 1st hired to investigate Trump during the primary by the Republican news site The Washington Free Beacon after Trump won the primary the law firm representing Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee started funding fusions research into trump my guess are the founders of fusion g.p.s. When Simpson and Peter Fritsch their former Wall Street Journal reporters some of the Russians who surfaced in the Trump investigation are people Simpson and Fitch had reported on at the Wall Street Journal while investigating Russian corruption and organized crime Simpson and Fitch have written a new book called crime in progress about their investigation into trump its impact and Republican attempts to discredit fusion g.p.s. And the steel dossier. Welcome to Fresh Air What were some of the findings in your report and in the steel dossier that you considered to be the most important early warnings of Donald Trump's ties to Russia. The truth. Came into this project about 9 months when we started looking at Donald Trump and his relationship to Russia as part of a much broader project which was looking at Donald Trump's business career. As has been reported we 1st started working for about. Wilkins about 9 months in we started working with Chris Steele now we saw a lot in the early going that caused us to have concerns about down trance relationship with Russia 1st we saw his relationship with Felix Satre Felix Ater is a Russian emigre to the u.s. Who was working with Donald Trump and importantly work with him in the f l group which developed among other properties the Trump Soho you know this is an individual who was went to prison for slicing someone's face open with a margarita glass who later then was convicted of stock fraud this is all in the ninety's so that caught our attention to see him with a business card occupy an office and Trump Tower and carrying a business card with Donald Trump company name on it then we found a number of properties inside Trump Tower itself that were occupied by convicted an alleged organized crime figures from Russia you know we also just saw a pattern of investments coming into Donald Trump's properties and to Don Trump personally the other sort of interesting data point in the early going was the transaction in Palm Beach involving a Russian oligarch by the name of Dmitri rebel of love and part of my pronunciation he is a poet hash magnate fertilizer sort of king of Russia he bought down trumps mansion in the mid 2000 for about 95 $1000000.00 when it was on the market for $45000000.00 That was a really suspicious transaction to us so anyway there's some some of that and just the some of our research regarding his business led us to want to know more about Russia which is how we started working with Christopher Steele and what was Christopher Steele doing when you approached him and who tells how Christopher Steele is for people who don't just so Chris and I were introduced around 2010 and we met through some usual friends who knew of our shared. Kristen Russian corruption and kleptocracy. Chris is a Russia specialist we are real generalists fusion and so when this project began moving towards Russia and we began to feel like there were some really significant only answered questions about what he don't trump was doing in Russia and why he seemed to be involved with so many figures from the former Soviet Union and we began to work with the Democrats in the spring of 2016 we decided to ask Chris to help us out and see if you could poke around in Russia in Moscow to try to get answers to some of those questions and he had worked for British intelligence at the Russian task so of course was the the term that these there is the lead Russian ist he sensually ran the Russia desk at headquarters in London after having served previously in Moscow around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union he is a fluent Russian speaker and reader it's essentially his life's work so just to get straight how your work has been funded both by Republican interests and democratic interest just briefly explain for us the source of your funding through this whole project that you've had investigating from precious time. In this late summer of 2015 I connected with a Republican political operative who I knew was going to probably be involved in the presidential campaign in the primaries and I asked him if he would be interested in research on Donald Trump and he said yes that eventually led to us being hired formally by a newspaper Russian called the Washington Free Beacon which is a conservative website and so we worked for this conservative website doing this research for about 7 months. As the primaries wound down and it became obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee. They indicated to us that the project was coming to an end and we begin to think that given what we found out about Donald Trump and the concerns that are raised we should probably continue to do this work for the other side and so who hired you from the Democrats so we were hired eventually by Perkins kui a law firm and an attorney there named Mark Elias mark represents both the Democratic National Committee and Hillary the Hillary Clinton campaign at the time he is also in that law firm represents a lot of Democratic. Politicians So let's go back to your work with Christopher Steele the former British intelligence officer who was a Russia expert answers so he could compile the series of memos they came to be known as the steel dasi Hey tell us some of the things in those memos that you think have been most important in revealing information that was validated about Russia or Russia's connections to Donald Trump. I think the single most important thing that comes out of the dossier which is really in the 1st memo was that. The Kremlin was planning and meant running an operation to elect Donald Trump the president States and that it was a big operation that involved a lot of different aspects it was very deliberately designed to elect Trump and not just to sow discord in the Us political system although that was a secondary purpose that was really right on target it was an incredibly precious and observation that the u.s. Government did not reach until months later and so much of the. Summer of the 2016 we spent trying to stand that up and raise concerns raise alarms with other people. It's been a lot of attacks against Christians work for being unsubstantiated but it doesn't really. Get said enough that in this one central point he was dead right to use a metaphor Terry that are a colleague of ours likes to use he predicted an attack on Pearl Harbor the Pearl Harbor attack happened in Rector's and then in hindsight a lot of people said well you got the number of zeros wrong you got the direction they were coming in from Iran therefore the document is somehow impugned now that docking was never mad meant to be read as a dossier it was a series of contemporaneous intelligence reports right which collectively tell that important story there are other important aspects of these memos that have stood up quite well. They identify about a half dozen people associated with the Trump campaign or the president one way or another who later turned out to in fact be key figures in the service relationship between Donald Trump and the prince. What's one or 2 of the things in the Dostie that proved not to be true. Well as of right now we don't have anything in the dossier that we think has been proven to be untrue various investigations have found that certain things couldn't be proven or disproven. The thing that people most often point to as supposedly disproven Is this a meeting between some trumped campaign officials and Russian spies in or around Prague in the late summer of 2016 that has repeatedly been denied but one of the people who issued the most vociferous did Ailes was the president's lawyer Michael Cohen who is currently serving time in prison and. He sued us actually for libel and then shortly thereafter his office was raided by the f.b.i. It's it's important to remember you know he said that he was one of the people at that meeting that's what the memo said that's what the memo said yes thank you right. I would say it's it's important remember that much of the evidence of these matters lies in a foreign country beyond the reach of u.s. Law enforcement and certainly the reach of Robert Muller on the Michael Cohen Prague visit in particular what the report actually reports is that Michael Cohen himself claims to have not been there it. Has gone said the matter just has not been settled if you're just joining us my guests are Glen Samson and Peter French the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. They're the authors of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump We'll be right back this is Fresh Air. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn some sun and Peter French co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And author of the new book crime in progress inside the steel dossier and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. The most famous part or infamous part of the so-called steel dossier the series of memos that Christopher Seale steel assembled for you investigating Russia's interference in our election on Donald Trump's ties to Russia. Was the so-called p tape and this is this is. The tape that several sources told Christopher Steele exists there's no confirmation that this tape exists explain what the p. Tape is for somebody who hasn't been following it. Right so the beauty of as you put it is a recounting of source reporting from Moscow that alleges that Donald Trump and 2013 while he was attending the Miss Universe pageant that he sponsored. In collaboration with a Russian oligarch. Was in his hotel suite in Moscow at the Ritz Carlton. And a was sent a pair of prostitutes who performed a Euro nation show. On top of the bed in the presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. With the purpose being to defile the bed in which Barack and Michelle Obama slept in years earlier. Now yes you mentioned several sources. We can't get into sources and methods as we know them but we have strong confidence in the reliability and the well placed or a nature of the sources and there were Don't fewer than 7 for that particular anecdote. So obviously this is the most famous part of the so-called dossier and there was some internal debate. Christiane's firman and so sure that our firm about for what to do about this in terms of the fact that it was. Going to going to distract people from some of the other information that was in the report. In fact this tree of this is now shown that. Some of the denials that Donald Trump has made about this period. Were false. First officially denied this initially he told James Comey that he didn't spend the night in my house in the hotel that night that turned out to not be true. So there was a conflict between both of you about whether to include the this allegation in your report or not and I want you know that's. So that's you know Glenn was alluding to there was a dispute I wouldn't call it as Butte there was a discussion inside or bas that Christopher Steele's firm with his partner who's also a fellow British intelligence officer a former British intelligence officer about why. Other than clue that anecdotal not in the end Chris who is the Russian has thought it was very important to include. For the sake of verisimilitude the reporting right he wanted to accurately reflect what sources were saying and he did not and he thought it was really important to note that the Russian government could have hard evidence of compromise on the presidential candidates was evidence of that Christopher Steele feared could be used to basically blackmail Donna Graham correction and in our office we felt that this information wasn't all that significant and could only cause a lot of problems because. It wasn't really something that had much application to the presidential campaign these kinds of unconfirmable stories about someone's sexual past it just doesn't really have much cation in a political context. So we were sort of stuck with this information when it became apparent that there was other things going on that involved a possible conspiracy against the United States. And we decided to turn this information over to the f.b.i. We felt that we did not want to manipulate Chris's reporting or edit it in any way because that would be a bigger problem so we just gave my gave him everything that's why he decided to that's why he decided to have the steel dossier be a separate document from your findings with you have been that you editing it all like this this is what he found this is what he heard from sources. And that will stand alone right it's important to point out that the decision to approach the f.b.i. Was Chris's you know we have ceded we defer to him he is the intelligence perhaps discuss that decision because this is a real turning point in your investigation and the whole larger. Russia investigate right so when in early July Chris arranged to meet with a contact of his at the f.b.i. In Europe. Someone he knew from previous work he asked us if that was a good idea and we didn't disagree it was it's important that. It's clear that this is Chris's decision as an intelligence professional so he had that meeting in July 5th of 2016 with the f.b.i. And read them in to some of the information he'd found in his 1st report so I'm going to see the f.b.i. Was also independently investigating Russia's interference in the election and possible ties between Donald Trump and Russia. But questions are still yes go ahead well this is an amazing point in the story which is that we now know we've now pieced together the beginnings of the f.b.i. Investigation juxtaposed against the beginnings of Chris's interactions with the Justice Department the f.b.i. And it turns out that it was almost simultaneous but the 1st information to get there was not our information it was the information about a low level campaign staffer bragging that the Russians had hacked the Democrats so who was that. So there was reporting that from Alexander Downer of his nostril and diplomat in the u.k. Who had had a meeting with George Papadopoulos who was in the trunk campaign as a junior. Foreign policy aide. In which. Has bragged about having Russian intelligence on dirt on Hillary Clinton Alexander Downer reported that to the us government which is where which was the foundation of the subsequent investigation called cross-fire and this is how investigations begin is that. Both the Government of Australia and us. Reacted to the revelations that the Russians had hacked the d.n.c. And so essentially the f.b.i. Had information coming in from 2 different independent sources around the same time that corroborated each other to some extent in investigations that's actually how they get going is when information comes from more than one place came in slightly after the information from the stress you never intended the dossier to be public as you said and you both didn't directly go to the f.b.i. That was Christopher Steele who did that but you did start approaching journalists why did you start approaching journalist What did you want to tell them did you want them to do with the information. Initially in the summer of 2016 we were concerned that certain people around the trunk campaign in the trunk campaign were questionable character Paul mean a fort was someone that we knew a lot about that we believe had probably violated various us laws and might be involved in corruption and money laundering so we talked to reporters about him and others such as quarter page who seem to be. In there interacting with the Russians in a suspicious way. On a trip to Russia so these are people that we talked to reporters around me encourage them to look into a little bit more Same with Mike Flynn. Now as it turned out all 3 people were people that needed to be asked to gated and 2 of them have now pled guilty to crimes so the initial conversations with reporters were about some of these characters in the trunk campaign and the Trump Organization later with the movie became more concerned that there was a government Russian government attack on our country that was unprecedented in scale and scope we tried to raise awareness with national security reporters and investigative reporters not so much to affect the outcome of the election fact specifically not to affect the election but because we thought that this was something we needed to raise awareness about because it was a huge. Digital Pearl Harbor again circle My guests are Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders of fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress we'll talk more after a break and just in Chang will review the new film knives out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air. And you're our Family Foundation supports w.h.y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas and encouraging meaningful conversations support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from little passport their new science junior subscription for kids aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com. And from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics. This is Fresh Air I'm Terry Gross let's get back to my interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch co-founders of fusion g.p.s. a Private research company which did opposition research on candidate Donald Trump and commissioned what became known as the steel dossier which uncovered connections between Donald Trump and Russia and cited several sources that said Russia had a compromising video of Trump with prostitutes a golden showers video that could be used to blackmail him the dossier was written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was commissioned to do the research by fusion g.p.s. Simpson and Fritsch are both former Wall Street Journal reporters now they have a new book about their investigation into Trump and Russia called crime in progress they say their report and the steel dossier were never intended to be made public but the down CIA was leaked and published by Buzz Feed. When Buzz Feed actually published the dossier you were fewer and you were kind of afraid of what the consequences might be you had put Christopher in front of journalists already so why were you so upset when the dossier was actually published. Well we didn't put Christopher Steele before journalists and on the record way he spoke on background as a former Western intelligence official that's the 1st point you know the 2nd point the publication. Which was of course not our decision and by any way shape or form could have compromised sources and methods of them on redacted document. Chris did not have any kind of a warning to prepare for its release and it was hugely dangerous in our view to his his source network this is become more common knowledge now in the wake of the 2016 election that Russia the Russian intelligence services have a overseas assassination program. But it's well known to us in particular Chris that this is just so this is known to the intelligence services for a long time. We've seen now that they actually are willing to use chemical weapons against people in the United Kingdom. Refresh our memory about when Buzz Feed published this deal dossier. But if you publish the dossier on. January 10th 2017. So it was after the election it could no longer affect the outcome of the election that's correct but it was before the inauguration so. What we say in the book is that the person who has now admitted to leaking that r.c.a. Was apparently trying to do was to thwart the swearing in of Trump. He believed that if this information got out it might lead to. Some how to Trump's inaugural being put on the ultimate hell mary pass and ill advised who were the leaker. So there was a John McCain a person who was close to John McCain by the name of David Kramer who's a former worked in the State Department for human rights for many years and is a and a valued Russia Hoch he. Became aware of the document via Christopher Steele on his network and his his former colleagues in m I 6 they met with. Senator McCain at the Halifax Forum which is an international forum not unlike the Aspen Institute form they decided that they needed to pursue this David Kramer flew to London met with Christopher Steele who showed him the dossier Mr Chris Chris was was wary of giving the document to David Kramer to carry on an airplane so he asked us to hand it to him which Glen did. Are you for the express sorry for the express purpose of handing the document to John McCain for the purpose of approaching James Comey about it so the purpose was to get the document to McCain and then to the f.b.i. Not to leak it to the press that's right so has this. Admitted that he was the one who leaked it or is just yes Ok so there was a Russian cyber mogul who sued Buzz Feed for libel and David was required to testify and he. Alternately acknowledged that it was he who provided the document to Bush and other people do you find it ironic that it was an aide of John McCain's who made the public and in the hopes of preventing Donald Trump from actually getting inaugurated and it's Lindsey Graham one of the closest friends who's been one of the leaders trying to question the mother report trying to question the research that you did and supporting Donald Trump I think it's ironic I think it's hypocritical and I think it's depressing that a lot of people who know better now standing up for Donald Trump So yes I think you know what the Republicans paid for the 1st half of our investigation and now they're claiming it was all a Democratic hoax that doesn't make sense. Let's just stop right there because the Republicans who paid for the 1st part of your investigation were people who are opposing trust Trump they were Republicans but they wanted another Republican to win the primary not trump right so this is my point which is that a lot of Republicans who said that Trump would be a disaster for the Republican Party and the nation are now defending Donald Trump it's a porter remember that Lindsey Graham. As John McCain and others have recounted. Agreed with John McCain's decision to approach James communist come in this document Fast forward to the moment in January chemical it is in March where were Lindsey Graham along with Senator Charles Grassley make a criminal referral to the f.b.i. Or the dog bark Department of Justice for Christopher Steele it's an outrage. So let's talk about what's been happening more recently and that's the impeachment inquiry Republicans cited your report 32 times in the impeachment inquiry. They were saying you colluded with Russians why don't you describe what you heard Republicans say about you during the impeachment inquiry the Republicans cranked up their fog machine as they've been doing since the dossier came out to deflect attention away from the real issue here which is the extent to which Donald Trump was in a relationship with Vladimir Putin's Russia they have used lies and deflection to attack the messengers and again not transact the facts which is of course what they're doing to the whistleblower and to any other good people who try and. Called the president to account it's a fairly artful construction of an alternate reality that is channeled through various propaganda mechanisms including Fox News. And it's it's not meant to be taken as true by anyone other than the minority of people who still support Donald Trump. As we have been saying in recent days. When they accuse us of cooking up. A hoax to entrap and damage Donald Trump in some kind of secret operation with the Ukrainian Teligent services they're not confused they're deliberately lying it's just it's just a made up story designed to confuse the public. Has gone so far as to accuse Glahn of going to Ukraine and 2016 and working with the Ukrainians to cook up the dossier that is just a lie Well Glenn you actually ran into Rudy Giuliani on a plane recently and told him You've never been in Ukraine. That's correct I've never been in Ukraine I've never been to Russia. We're getting very tired of sort of the more dramatic deliberate lies about us so we've decided to begin to correct the record Rudy Giuliani also claims that we set up the infamous meeting between the Trump campaign and the Russians in June of 2016 it's well established from multiple investigations Rudy Giuliani is well aware of that we had nothing to do a setting that meeting that meeting was set up by Donald Trump Jr and Russia Ok let's take a short break here and when we come back we'll talk about how fusion g.p.s. Was criticized during the impeachment inquiry by republic. So if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn some and Peter French co-founders of fusion g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress inside the. Investigation of Donald Trump We'll be right back this is Fresh Air. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Progressive Insurance offering snapshot a device that adjusts insurance rates based on safe driving habits now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation recognizing exceptionally creative individuals this year's MacArthur Fellows and more information are at mac found dot org. This is Fresh Air and if you're just joining us my guests are Glenn some sand and Peter Fritsch they're the co-founders of fusion g.p.s. And authors of the new book crime in progress inside the CIA and the Fusion g.p.s. Investigation of Donald Trump. So you started off as a journalist I mean you were journalist for years and then when you were both based in Brussels Glenn you're an investigative reporter still and Peter you were his editor there to have that right that's right yeah so you were investigative judge you were journalist like for years for the Wall Street Journal and then you just cited 2 for this business fusion g.p.s. And basically do investigative research for hire. And I want you to talk a little bit about the different standards being a journalist versus being research for hire and your clients have included not only like you know Republicans and Democrats but also you know large corporations legal firms so. Talk about the differences in the way the way you went about your work but also in the standards that you would use for. You know the ethical standards the business is designed to use journalistic methods. And so it's essentially in terms of standards very similar newspapers. Talk to people in this group or talk to people they don't always know whether those people are telling the truth or whether they're accurate they report what people say frequently what people say turns out to be wrong but it's still in the newspaper so we do very similar stuff. Can we describe some of what you've been doing as opposition research. We do very little political research actually but it's even opposition research for the corporate clients that you have isn't it well I wouldn't call it opposition research it's more a understanding a and information set right so there are a lot of complicated disputes in the context of lost lawsuits obviously but also influence networks right there's a lot of people who want to understand why there are issues you know moving a certain way through Washington or through the courts what we try and do is use public records to map and explain those relationships that really is the core of what we do and does it matter who your client is like if your client is a corporate client and you actually suspect that they were in the wrong would you still represent them. It really would depend on the context you know litigation contacts you generally work for a law firm and so it's not really possible to prejudge situation between who's right who's wrong that's the purpose of the lawsuit it also go back to another thing that we do. Is to sit in support so we help people to manage information and to parse information and make decisions about what to do with it so sometimes that is corporate strategy sometimes it's whether to file a lawsuit or not to file a lawsuit would settle or suit so a lot of decision making you know relies on quality information I mean there's there's one example which you know we talk about in the book which maybe is useful here we talk about very briefly our work for fair knows the blood testing company run by Elizabeth Holmes which turned out to be a massive fraud what we were actually doing for their nose was looking at on behalf of a law firm we were looking at the. They're competitors question a lot of court to do I believe in lab testing if you're a doctor orders a lab test you go into one of those labs and we were analyzing the key to him whistleblower suits against that against those firms and trying to understand what their business model was you know as a journalist you're committed to just like finding the facts reporting what you found and not being concerned with you know taking sides in fact you're not supposed to take sides. But you know when you're you know if you're reporting for you know of like the Wall Street Journal The Washington Post The New York Times it's about you know being fair and being neutral in finding the facts but when you're reporting. Is paid for by a particular side Republican or Democrat or when your reporting is paid for by a particular legal group or by a company it's about getting information for that side so it was a difficult transition for you to make and you feel like you're no longer you know just on the side of. Fact finding and truth when when when you're doing that when you have an interested party paying for information. Glenn will have a view on this too but quite the opposite I mean I think we are we place and as high a premium as we ever did on facts you know in the context of working for a law firms or major companies you know you can't you can't report anything but facts and sometimes you don't need just 2 sources to get it or and anonymous sources you need paper and you need documents not documentary evidence and that's not changing our lives at all. There's a misapprehension about what we do we're not a p.r. Firm and we don't sell spin our clients what reliable information and that is the business that we're in so it really has a lot of similarities to journalism it's not. A cooked outcome that we don't sell that if you saw one of our reports you would mistake it for an academic paper. Have you ever turned down a client. Yes we have we've turned down 25 The irony of the Russia affair is that it is a part of the world where we generally don't do a lot of work. Numerous clients from the former Soviet Union have approached us that we have turned away we actually forced clients to absurd myth to our methodology which is you know if you have a preconceived out common mind and you're looking for specifically a media outcome where the wrong people you know of obviously our peer group is our journalist we have a lot of friends in that business but if you don't want to get to the bottom of you know facts that were the wrong people for you. Is there any information you can share with us about what you're finding about foreign interference in the next presidential election or foreign interference in our elections actually has a fairly long history it's just not something that a lot of people know much about or focused on. In 2016. We believe at least 3 countries interfered in the election Turkey was one Israel was one Russia was one. It's possible there were others we expect that in 2020 Wolf see that at least 3 or 4. Countries or messaging over social media and using other methods to try to influence you know before I wrap up I'd like to ask is there information that you found while you were researching. Campaign ties to Russia and Russia's interference in our election that you don't think enough attention has been paid to you. Yes things that we came across ourselves that didn't really involve Chris Steele was the Russian infiltration of the National Rifle Association which was something that I brought to the attention of the Justice Department and then later raised in my congressional testimony. And that has turned out to be a big issue although it's still not fully investigated eventually criminal charges were brought against a young Russian woman who came to states and be friended top officials at the n.r.a. The n.r.a. Very a Buddha right and so there's a larger problem here that the Russians appear to have infiltrated some of the affiliated Republican conservative groups and the n.r.a. Is the clearest example of that we think that there is a much broader effort by the Russians to infiltrate and influence conservative organizations the other thing that I think still is left outstanding that we spent some time talking about in the book is the extent to which Donald Trump's overseas ventures have been. Have not been parsed probably either by Robert Muller or anyone else we've done our best to map some of the Russian. Influence in money coursing through projects in Panama as are beige on Toronto etc you know someone needs to actually think about compromise and that term financial compromise and we spent some time talking about that in the book. I want to thank both of you for talking with us Glen some sun Peter French Thank you so much thank you Glenn Simpson and Peter French are the founders of fusion in g.p.s. Their new book is called crime in progress after we take a short break just in Chang will review the new film 9 is out I'm Terry Gross and this is Fresh Air. This is Fresh Air although best known for directing Star Wars the last jet I the writer director Ryan Johnson has long been a fan of murder mysteries as Just 1005 debut brick was a film to watch set in a contemporary American high school his new movie knives out is an Agatha Christie style murder mystery with an ensemble that includes Daniel Craig Christopher Plummer Chris Evans and Jamie Lee Curtis film critic Justin Chang is the story of you as someone who's devoured more than his fair share of Agatha Christie I have long been saddened by Hollywood's general neglect of the classical detective story the kind of clever parlor trick entertainment where a murder is committed in a remote country house and suspicion falls on a closed circle of suspects every so often a director will put his unique spin on the genre as Robert Altman did with Gosford Park and Quentin Tarantino did with the hateful 8 Kenneth Branagh is presently directing and starring in a new wave of heck you Paro adaptations though his middling take on murder on the Orient Express didn't leave me wondering who done it so much as why bother but no filmmaker has done more to revive the spirit of the form or made it seem more rife with possibilities than Ryan Johnson has with knives out this to Leary Asli entertaining comic thriller brings together an all star cast at an ingeniously plotted crime story whose every twist catches you by surprise but it also does something more it takes a genre often dismissed as creaky or cozy and uses it to say something powerful and urgent about contemporary class inequality and the moral rot at the heart of this large and obscenely wealthy family. Christopher Plummer plays Harlan Thrawn be a best selling mystery novelist who is already dead at the start someone slit his throat in the middle of the night and was almost certainly a member of his family all of whom were staying at his ramshackle Victorian house for his 85th birthday party Johnson delights in playing out the usual whodunit conventions whether he's drawing out the piercing scream of the housekeeper who discovers Harlan's body or lining up the suspects as they're interviewed by 2 police detectives played by Lee Keith Stanfield and Noah Segan but things really start cooking when a southern accent to Daniel Craig shows up as Ben Wa luck a famous private detective who is conducting his own investigation into Harlan's death in one scene Harlan's daughter Linda a splendidly biting Jamie Lee Curtis tries to find out who hired blog and why Mr Blank I know who you are I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide why are you here. Here at the behest of a client. Who. I cannot see but let me assure you this my presence will be automatic you will find me over suspect full. As. Of the truth nearly everyone in the family was financially dependent on Harlan and as the actors play them there in amusingly loathsome scheming bunch Linda has a philandering husband played by an oily Dawn Johnson and a black sheep son ransom played by a cocky Chris Evans Ransom had a combative but genuinely close relationship with his late grandfather which is more than can be said for the other members of the family they include Michael Shannon as Walt who ran his father Harlan's publishing firm and Toni Collette as Harlan's widow daughter in law Joanie a social media influencer with a group inspired lifestyle brand but the most memorable character by far and the one who emerges as the trooper tagging next is Marta Cabrera Harlan's personal nurse superbly played by the Cuban actress Ana that are most March appears to have been Harlan's only true friend she's far more heartbroken over his death than any of his relatives who keep telling her they see her as part of the family even though none of them can remember exactly which Latin American country she immigrated from blank immediately sees her as a potential ally and in lists her help in solving the mystery sensing that she knows more about Harlan and his family secrets than she may be letting on. The steady stream of laughs and wink wink genre references and nights out might make it seem at 1st like an arch post-modern send up but the movie is too well constructed too full of clever red herrings and breathtaking surprises to be reduced to a mere spoof this isn't the 1st time Ryan Johnson has shown off his flair for intricate plotting as he did in his time travel thriller looper and in Star Wars the last jet I that Blockbuster was attacked by some fans for among other things it's racially diverse casting you can't help but wonder if those bigoted reactions stung Johnson into century his new movie around a working class Spanish speaking immigrant whose competence and decency utterly shamed the wealthy white family that employs her the pleasures of knives out are both comfortingly familiar and surprisingly subversive even after the murderers identity has been revealed it builds to what may be the single most satisfying closing shot I've seen this year I won't say more but it's a killer Justin Chang is a film critic for the l.a. Times. Tomorrow our guest will be Edward Norton who wrote directed and stars in the new film noir Motherless Brooklyn based on the Jonathan. Norton plays a private detective with Tourette's Syndrome a big powerful real estate developers in your Norton was inspired to make the film in part because his grandfather was an idealistic real estate developer who built a diverse community where Norton grew up I hope you'll join us. Interviews and reviews who produced an edited. In this Meyers Lauren Krenzel Teresa Madden Kelly enjoyable for me and Terry Gross. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the pajama gram company creators of matching. Holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grinch themes in its fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com and from Dana Farber Cancer Institute developing ways to use the p.d.l. One pathway in immunotherapy to treat cancer committed to making contributions in cancer treatment for 72 years Dana Farber dot org slash everywhere. Are listening to k.r.s. e $88.00 f.m. Alamosa Tauzin $98.00 f.m. So watch streaming online a k r z 8 up a large connecting cultures on the upper Rio prove that. This is your care is a daily weather forecast for Tuesday the 26th of November in the San Luis Valley in South Central Colorado today a slight chance of snow and windy winds gusting up to 35 miles an hour highs in Alamosa $32.00 similes $28.00 so watch $28.00 and crest on $28.00 tonight partly cloudy lows in Alamosa negative to Sandwich 6 so watch 0 in Crestone 3 in north central New Mexico today a slight chance of snow showers and windy winds gusting up to 40 miles an hour highs in towns 33 Red River 2525 and quest at 31 tonight partly cloudy lows in Taos 5 Red River for Angelfire negative 40 and quest 7 Thanks for listening to k.r.s. Again stay tuned for more weather updates. Stop your tuned into the Latin Alternative for a full hour of the fast and Latin Raw Politics and electronic music I'm your co-host Josh Nora joined once again by my esteemed colleague Dr and master alike. After devoting recent shows to the music of 967-7787 today we're covering a new 2 decades back in the limelight in music for an hour of alternative rock. Brazilian Ricans from the late ninety's this is in fact a moment of absolute splendor of her Latin American music on. Many different fronts and especially just when it comes to these sounds becoming it into a part of the American mainstream right indeed it has to I think you could say that 997 was kind of the boiling point or the rock in Espanol's or now what we call an alternatives commercial potential in the United States it was also many releases that came out that year that came out legible for the very 1st Grammy Award in the Latin rock category I was starting my career back then 20 years ago as a publicist for many of the artists in fact including this 1st one Mollett who at the time were being compared to be saying have Mexico's answer to the Beastie Boys perhaps because Molotov like the Beasties play their own instruments and rapped I was very fond of this song though that Dino which was a very political song I think is very appropriate in these times of what we're seeing as race striven immigration policies and in many cases hostility towards Latinos in the u.s. I have always been fond of this song and it's got that fact a gringo member Randy who makes some very that passionate place towards equality towards his Mexican brothers Let's take a listen. Yes .


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