be on the way out, john kelly, jared kushner and ivanka. the president is seizing the reins of his administration at a time when things are your piece on the iran deal as a point of disagreement among many people in the administration. is it personality or shalls what the president determines his cabinet, his administration will look like? it s hard to untangle the two. personality matters a lot with this president. we know clearly he did not gel with h.r. mcmaster. he thought his briefings were long winded and meandering. he had a great personal chemistry with mike pompeo that helped get him into the state department. personality matters a lot. you can t discount policy. this president has very strong views. while he does change his mind and tweets contradicting things, on certain issues, whether it s the iran deal, immigration or trade, he has very prescribed views and people have not been on board with those views have found themselves on the outs.
a lot of subparts to the border security issue. you ve got daca, the d.r.e.a.m.ers, the bigger problem of congressman, yes or no, is that a problem that you don t know where the president stands on the wall? absolutely. this is a concern, i m sure, to you and your constituents. absolutely that s a concern that the white house might take one position today and one position tomorrow. i m sure in time we ll see a coalescing on shalls that will serve the united states of america. unfortunately we ve not had that consistency of message on a variety of public issues that i think behooves us insofar as the white house. united states congress has taken a variety of different positions on a lot of different issues, too. that s just the nature of people. congressman brooks, thank you so much. just congressman, on a personal note, i know you ve had quite a health care and we re wishing you and your family the very best.
charges are and the people who are affected. again, part of the issue here is making sure you know where these people are. making sure that you contact the lawyers. in this case they d probably call the lawyers perhaps on sunday or monday and tell them you have until a turn hour to have your client turn themselves in. if they don t do that, the u.s. mash shalls and the hard shalls and the fbi will figure out how to bring them under arrest. the procedure will be to bring them to court here in d.c., in washington, and then take them to get the charges read to them for the first time in federal court. i just want to add real quick to what pamela was saying. one of the things look, i don t think this is affecting how robert mueller s handling this case. if you re running an investigation like this and you re starting here, republicans are now starting to say that the time is ticking away, then it s time to try to end this. and you hear the president now
into 48 hours later, and still has not been explicit in the way many think he should have been. april, one of his jobs is to be healer in chief, which president trump did after steve scalise was shot and others were wounded there. we saw president obama do it too many times after so many shootings here. margaret made an interesting point here. one of the things that has happened, intentionally or not intentionally, instead of healing and reaching out and helping the families of those of heather heyer and who were hurt in charlottesville, this has become about the president. it really has become about the president. this president is a moral leader. he is supposed to be a moral leader. when we look at presidents, he s not just a leader who deals with foreign issues ordeals with economic issues. he deals with domestic shalls and sometimes hes to has to deal with issues of the heart. he is the commander in chief, leader of the free world and a moral leader at this point. he sets the t
saturday when they showed up at a park for a protest, anti-racism activists were there. angry words quickly escalated into fighting. as of last night, three people had been arrested. then just a few how shalls later the situation turned deadly and we should warn you, this video is disturbing. as activists peace marched just a few blocks from the park, a man intentionally drove his car into the crowd, mowing down people, then backing up, hitting even more. at least 19 people ended up going to the hospital. and 32-year-old hieather heyer, who had been walking with friends, was tragically killed. james field was arrested and charged with second-degree murder. he ll appear in court in less than one mile an hour. nbc s justice correspondent pete williams has more on that. pete, what exactly are we calling all of this? domestic hate crimes? domestic terrorism? what was this? it s certainly being investigated by federal authorities as hate crime. he faces murder charges in