LAKE COUNTY, Calif. A judge has ruled that the county of Lake failed to adequately consider wildfire evacuation impacts in approving a proposed resort and residential project in Guenoc Valley in 2020.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. The Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday to appoint a new Health Services director, an action that came nearly two months after the previous director resigned in the face of a potential termination action.
particularly frightening history of fire. how much is fire kind of part of the culture of this place? my house burned in 2015. i ve rebuilt it. we live with it as people in florida know hurricanes, we know fires. now an environmental non-profit is suing to stop the project. what we have here is a project approved by the lake county board of supervisors that would locate 8,000 people in the middle of a tinderbox. in a statement moke simon told nbc news that as approved this project will enhance fire safety. how do you build responsibly in a place that could very well burn again in short order? i really believe that with proper planning and fire resiliency, it can create a safer land than it is today. the development has several fire strategies. it pays for a new fire station and helipad. it buries power lines under ground and grazing and fire breaks will minimize potential
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. Lake County residents ventured out by the thousands to events over the Memorial Day weekend, a time that has traditionally been the official beginning of the summer season but this year also marks a return to a more familiar pattern of community life and celebration.