bret: the administration s pay czar is back on the hunt for high salaries at bailed out firms. fox business network correspondent peter barnes has the bottom line. good evening, peter. hey, bret. ken feinberg taking the knife again to the pay of 119 executives at the five firms that got big taxpayer bailouts. tens of billions of dollars each. a.i.g., general motors, chrysler, gmac and chrysler financial. feinberg says he cut the executives cash salaries by a third for this year. most of them to less than $500,000 each. he said he cut their overall compensation, including stock bonuses by 15%. but 69 executives could still take home paychecks of more than a million dollars for this year. feinberg said that s okay, as long as they do a good job and earn it, unlike some executives during the financial crisis who walked away with millions after they ran their companies into the ground. when you say that you add the
taxes in the new law. in washington, molly henneberg, fox news. bret: the administration s pay czar is back on the hunt for high salaries at bailed out firms. fox business network correspondent peter barnes has the bottom line. good evening, peter. hey, bret. ken feinberg taking the knife again to the pay of 119 executives at the five firms that got big taxpayer bailouts. tens of billions of dollars each. a.i.g., general motors, chrysler, gmac and chrysler financial. feinberg says he cut the executives cash salaries by a third for this year. most of them to less than $500,000 each. he said he cut their overall compensation, including stock bonuses by 15%. but 69 executives could still take home paychecks of more than a million dollars for this year. feinberg said that s okay, as long as they do a good job and earn it, unlike some executives during the financial crisis who
five years. and other goldman employees who get cash salaries and stock also will being prohibited from selling stock in five years. if they do well, if the company does well, if it makes a lot of profits and the stock goes up, the shareholders will do well and the employees themselves will do well. that s the general idea. but, some executives and top performers at the company could potentially make millions in stock bonuses if not tens of millions in some cases, including mr. blankfein. shep? shepard: peter barnes from the fox business network and fox thank you. a final decision on where to hold the trials of the suspected 9/11 master mind khalid sheikh mohammed and four of his alleged coconspirators. the justice department reports new york city is still on the table despite many complantsz from local lawmakers and the folks who live in that area of town. tonight, another town says it would welcome those trials. it called for the trials at a