we do not choose between doesn t it? with me biographer and persuading and turning out voters. we need to do all of the above. presidential historian craig so much at stake here. the governor and i got record shirley. he s four best-sellers. voter turnout and won by ten this fall he ll be teaching a class on reagan at the points in a state that donald university of virginia. craig, in the research that went trump won by 10,000. our path is clear. into all four of those books, did you ever see any evidence of we do not need to have this false choice. the country is so divided so similar behavior by ronald reagan? and if not, how do you explain democrats need to be united. it in this instance? you didn t take my bait. no michael, no evidence you did go for both, but that s okay. whatsoever, there s a lot aut o that s just blah i believe. garland gilchrist, think so evidence to the contrary. the team was making a road trip, much. what are your thoughts? and a local hotels had
in september, they re under site, the people responsible for handling the worst of the intense pressure to create viral moments so as to boost worst post september 11 are fundraising and polling status. like trump in 2016, biden convinced they prevented a second wave. second observation is, they ve benefits from having so many always enjoyed the support of competitors competing for the american people. the public polling suggests attention. and barring a gaffe, the dyna c people are okay with this. i don t think that s the question i would ask. dynamics probably won t look, the president of the united states, the current exchangeful he faces a thinner president raised the quo earlier field. to the administration of only when that happens, say, waterboarding. the question i would ask, the elizabeth warren standing on the stage with the front-runner, people who represent the people, the congress of the united states raked us over the coals. will this race really clarify. in the meanti
governor because of that turnout. if we re speaking to education. education inequity, is a big issue in the city of detroit where i live. in the state of michigan and all cities across the country. candidates need to focus on speaking to that, rather than attacking the record of the previous president. that will motivate black voters. new tapes released this week that will motivate voters of all by the national ash chivrchives races and ethnicity. okay. final strategic question, and you re not allowed to say both. which is more important, in terms of a democratic successful vealed shocking language. path, is it rallying the core reagan was on a phone call with constituencies, people of color, richard nixon. women, younger voters, or trying reagan referreded to leaders of to win back those high-school african nations as monkeys. educated white guys in rust belt and nixon gets in his own dig, states who abandoned hillary and went for donald trump? listen. answer to that question is
question, did the detroit read thoroughly enjoyed debates improve or worsen the it. i learn a lot. odds of democrat winning the black site. thank you, phil. white house? newly come audio between garland gilchrist, you ll remember him, he told the nixon and reagan has brought audience before wednesday night s debate that many in reagan to the forefront. power have fallen out of touch don t forget to answer the with everyday americans. surveyle question. go to smerconish.com. mr. lieutenant governor, east side props, you knocked them dead on wednesday night. now, i know that you and did the detroit debates improve governor whitmer delivered a or worsen the odds of a democrat primer of sorts to all 20 winning the white house? candidates before they arrived. and said, look, here s what you with renters insurance. need to address in the state of yeah, and we could save a bunch too. michigan. how did you do on what you antonio! fetch computer! provided? first of all, thanks for having
are still lagging where they need to be. in 2018, governor whitmer and i won on those issues. fixing the roads and infrastructures, improving education, closing the skills gap and guaranteeing drinking water. when democrats speak on those issues they will win in michigan and the country. how about the big picture question. i can tick off things that come to mind. outlawing private insurance. decriminalizing border crossings that are illegal. even calling into question president obama s record relative to deportations. do you worry that a they re of it is now taking hold that the party has just moved too far to the left to satisfy those michigan voters who abandoned the party and went for donald trump? el wewell, michigan voters, michael will speak to those people who speak to their issues and we do not have to choose between being progressive and solving problems. the reality is governor whitmer