governor because of that turnout. if we're speaking to education. education inequity, is a big issue in the city of detroit where i live. in the state of michigan and all cities across the country. candidates need to focus on speaking to that, rather than attacking the record of the previous president. that will motivate black voters. new tapes released this week that will motivate voters of all by the national ash chivrchives races and ethnicity. >> okay. final strategic question, and you're not allowed to say both. which is more important, in terms of a democratic successful vealed shocking language. path, is it rallying the core reagan was on a phone call with constituencies, people of color, richard nixon. women, younger voters, or trying reagan referreded to leaders of to win back those high-school african nations as monkeys. educated white guys in rust belt and nixon gets in his own dig, states who abandoned hillary and went for donald trump? listen. >> answer to that question is we >> i'll tell you, to see those do not have to choose. an electoral strategy that monkeys from those african excludes voters is not a good countries, damn them, they're electoral strategy. the truth is, michael, still uncomfortable wearing shoes. progressivism and problem >> the tail wags the dog there, solving are not different.