Six died due to black fungus in Bihar, 18 new patients admitted, advisory issued regarding Chamki fever | पटना. पटना समेत प्रदेश में अब ब्लैक फंगस का संक्रमण लगातार बढ़ रहा है. इससे अभी तक पटना में करीब 45 मरीजों की मौत हो चुकी है. रविवार को पटना में 18 नये मामले मिले. वहीं, छह मरीजों की इलाज के दौरान मौत हो गयी. एम्स में भर्ती मरीजों की संख्या 100 के पार पहुंच गयी है. वर्तमान में एम्स में 104 तो आइजीआइएमएस में 113 मरीज इलाज करा रहे हैं.
COVID-19 के कई मरीजों में ठीक होने के बाद फंगल इंफेक्शन के मामले देखे जा रहे हैं। वहीं, कई Black fungus Which people are more at risk from black fungus Know what are its symptoms during recovery from corona, Lifestyle Hindi News - Hindustan
What is Black Fungus, Symptoms and Treatment Methods May 16, 2021, 14:55 IST
Now India is facing a new disease called mucormycosis or Black Fungus. The Black Fungus infects COVID patients only. It s caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes and often affects the sinuses, lungs, skin, and brain. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, the following conditions in Covid-19 patients increase the risk of Black Fungus infection.
Uncontrolled diabetes
Black Fungal Infection Symptoms
Eyelid loss and blurred vision have also been observed in some Black Fungus infections Covid.
Dark spots around the nose
Symptoms of pulmonary (lung) mucormycosis include:
Can use of steroids lead to black fungus? How should it be treated?
Can the use of steroids lead to black fungus? How should it be treated? India Today TV Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai raised these questions on his show News Today at 9.
UPDATED: May 15, 2021 01:24 IST
India has reported several cases of mucormycosis or black fungus among Covid-19 recovered and recovering patients (Picture: Reuters/Representative)
What’s black fungus? Can the use of steroids lead to black fungus? What are the symptoms? How should it be treated?