A 4-year-old walked away from the Learning Center, a childcare and preschool center in Woodland Park, Colorado, and tried to find his way home. For more than half an hour, his parents didn t know what had happened.
The Learning Center, or TLC, is opening its doors to showcase student artwork. Students are also using their talents to help victims of gun violence heal.
A school in Meadville is getting a new addition with the help of a renewable energy company. We stopped by during construction to see how the project is moving along. This project is the start of a legacy for the Learning Center School and started with a community effort of more than 100 participants. “12 […]
The school for children with autism ages 3-14 is leaving the campus in Jupiter due to failed negotiations with the Els for Autism Foundation regarding the facilities use agreement.
The school board is not agreeing to the facility use terms, instead stating they want surveillance cameras prohibited from being inside classrooms and less strict background checks for employees.