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Transcripts for BBCNEWS Politics Live 20240604 12:04:00

mr speaker, i've always been crystal clear. you do need to have an effective deterrent to finally solve this problem and in fact the national crime agency agree that you need, in their words, national crime agency agree that you need, in theirwords, an national crime agency agree that you need, in their words, an effective removals and deterrence agreement which is why after becoming prime minister i negotiated in a deal with albania, thanks to which, we have seen a 93% drop in illegal arrivals from albania. that is how australia stopped the boats and why italy, germany and austria are looking at similar schemes. germany and austria are looking at similarschemes. he is germany and austria are looking at similar schemes. he is the only one who is opposed to a proper deterrent, not because it doesn't work, because he doesn't actually believe in controlling migration. every single time he picks the people smugglers over the british people. mr people smugglers over the british neale, ~ .,, ., ~' people smugglers over the british theole. ~ , ., people smugglers over the british neale, ~ , ., , people. mr speaker, we should smash the ttans,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Verified Live 20240604 15:02:00

were conversations that go on behind—the—scenes to ensure that, in their words, behind—the—scenes to ensure that, in theirwords, proper behind—the—scenes to ensure that, in their words, proper processes followed. rishi sunak, speaking earlier today, followed. rishi sunak, speaking earliertoday, insisted followed. rishi sunak, speaking earlier today, insisted that he believed boris johnson earlier today, insisted that he believed borisjohnson was trying to make him do something which he wasn't prepared to do fast white when it comes to honours and boris johnson, _ when it comes to honours and boris johnson, borisjohnson asked me to do something that i wasn't prepared to de _ do something that i wasn't prepared to de i_ do something that i wasn't prepared to do. i didn't think it was right. to do. ididn't think it was right. that— to do. i didn't think it was right. that was— to do. i didn't think it was right. that was to _ to do. i didn't think it was right. that was to either overrule the committee to make promises for people — committee to make promises for people i— committee to make promises for people. i wasn't prepared to do that _ people. i wasn't prepared to do that i— people. i wasn't prepared to do that. i didn't think it was right. if people — that. i didn't think it was right. if people don't like that then, tough — if people don't like that then, tough. when i got thisjob... applause. when i got thisjob, i said i would do things— when i got thisjob, i said i would do things differently, because i wanted — do things differently, because i wanted to change politics. that is what _ wanted to change politics. that is what i _ wanted to change politics. that is what i am — wanted to change politics. that is what i am doing.— wanted to change politics. that is what i am doing. rishi sunak there,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 01:15:00

ushered president biden to finally— ushered president biden to finally get to the table, when he has — finally get to the table, when he has been holding off for a while — he has been holding off for a while. his communications team had previously been very firm that— had previously been very firm that he — had previously been very firm that he would not go to the negotiating table until, in their— negotiating table until, in their words, negotiating table until, in theirwords, mccarthy negotiating table until, in their words, mccarthy showed his hand _ their words, mccarthy showed his hand. do their words, mccarthy showed his hand. ~ their words, mccarthy showed his hand. ,, ~ . their words, mccarthy showed his hand. ,., ~ ., .,, his hand. do you think that was a mistake _ his hand. do you think that was a mistake from _ his hand. do you think that was a mistake from the _ his hand. do you think that was a mistake from the white - his hand. do you think that was i a mistake from the white house? i don't know if it was a mistake... they were certainly verv— mistake... they were certainly very firm — mistake... they were certainly verv firm in— mistake... they were certainly very firm in their decision. democratic leaders of the house there, hakeem jeffries as we said, and what he's been saying on this deal. we are still waiting to get to 218, and this vote is not officially over until the clerk calls it. we will see that in a little bit. what do you think we are going to see from president biden tomorrow? he has commented already today, but what about tomorrow when this vote is over? i tomorrow when this vote is over? ~' . .,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Context 20240604 19:05:00

today, in some of the material produced by the cabinet office, that they don't have any of his whatsapp messages before may 2021. that is the point that boris johnson messages before may 2021. that is the point that borisjohnson secured a new phone, got a new phone number. a spokesperson for mrjohnson says that he is very happy to provide that he is very happy to provide that material if the cabinet office can help him find secure way of accessing that phone and releasing the materials. that is an ongoing angle between borisjohnson and the cabinet office. angle between boris johnson and the cabinet office-— cabinet office. let's pick up on one of those issues, _ cabinet office. let's pick up on one of those issues, the _ cabinet office. let's pick up on one of those issues, the government i of those issues, the government saying that it is not prepared to hand over these documents because it would be, in their words, hand over these documents because it would be, in theirwords, an hand over these documents because it would be, in their words, an affront to their privacy and the right to a private policy discussion. there is a certain irony, though, isn't there, because that is based on the human rights asked that the government wants to repeal? there were many ironies _ government wants to repeal? there were many ironies here, _ government wants to repeal? there were many ironies here, the - were many ironies here, the government in a tough battle with the inquiry that it set up, that borisjohnson the inquiry that it set up, that boris johnson created


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Context 20240604 19:15:00

treat all— different and they're expected to treat all their staff and officials with respect and i should say the most of— with respect and i should say the most of the civil servants to speak to speak _ most of the civil servants to speak to speak with the highly of their ministers — to speak with the highly of their ministers enjoy the work that they do. however, ithink ministers enjoy the work that they do. however, i think there ministers enjoy the work that they do. however, ithink there is ministers enjoy the work that they do. however, i think there is a ievei— do. however, i think there is a level of— do. however, i think there is a level of professionalism that some of them _ level of professionalism that some of them expect whilst acknowledging that, of them expect whilst acknowledging that. in— of them expect whilst acknowledging that, in their words, of them expect whilst acknowledging that, in theirwords, politics is of them expect whilst acknowledging that, in their words, politics is a bit of— that, in their words, politics is a bit of a — that, in their words, politics is a bit of a contact sport. and departments are incredibly high pressure — departments are incredibly high pressure environments if you think for example pop for an office for dominic— for example pop for an office for dominic raab is foreign secretary during _ dominic raab is foreign secretary during the — dominic raab is foreign secretary during the taliban and high—pressure and intense — during the taliban and high—pressure and intense and difficult and very quick— and intense and difficult and very quick conversations that had happened then, i'm sure that everybody there was acting in exactly — everybody there was acting in exactly the way they like but he felt the — exactly the way they like but he felt the pressure and were trying to work quickly and communicate instructions may be more bluntly than they— instructions may be more bluntly than they would've liked it alternative times. so it's very difficult — alternative times. so it's very difficult and high—pressure places but most — difficult and high—pressure places but most officials expect to of course. — but most officials expect to of course, this isn'tjust about particular— course, this isn'tjust about


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Outside Source 20240604 19:38:00

with more, here's our correspondent in kyiv, james waterhouse. they often frame these joint military drills as defensive in response to aggression from ukraine, in theirwords. but we have to remind ourselves that it is ukraine that is continuing to come under russia's invasion, and belarus, its territory, as well as airspace, has been used as a loading platform by russian troops. now it is starting to feel a little bit 2022, this time last year, when many will remember the kremlin was gathering troops on the border. there was a growing geopolitical crisis and many wondered whether vladimir putin would actually do the unthinkable and launch a full—scale invasion. joint exercises were announced in belarus and that brought kyiv under direct threat and we all know what happened after that. so it will be causing a lot of worry. but also the fear is that


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 13:05:00

the run—up to christmas being unfair, he said they were exactly what vladimir putin wants to see. these sort of comments will not go down well with the unions. we heard from the royal college of nurses who said that invoking the war in ukraine was, in their words, a said that invoking the war in ukraine was, in theirwords, a new low for the government. the unions are saying their staff need pay increases to keep up with the cost of living but the government says what they are asking for is unaffordable. that is why we are hearing about these plans for 2000 members of the military, civil servants, even volunteers being trained to potentially step in to do certain rules, such as working border force are driving ambulances. the labour party says the government hasn't been active enough in talks over pay and that is why we are in this situation. the conservative party chairman nadhim zahawi says he'd like to see images of self harm made illegal on the internet. his comments come as the government's 0nline safety bill returns to parliament tomorrow. the actress kate winslet has entered


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 17:06:00

has been communication between the proposed candidates today? it has been communication between the proposed candidates today?— proposed candidates today? it does seem that way- _ proposed candidates today? it does seem that way. it's _ proposed candidates today? it does seem that way. it's reported - proposed candidates today? it does seem that way. it's reported boris i seem that way. it's reported boris johnson had a conversation with penny mordaunt earlier this afternoon in which he asked her to stand aside and support him for the leadership, but i'm told by one senior supporter of penny mordaunt thatis senior supporter of penny mordaunt that is not going to happen. in their words, that is not going to happen. in theirwords, penny that is not going to happen. in their words, penny mordaunt can't see how he can in any way bring this ability we now urgently need. attempts to do some sort of a deal or a fit, but as things stand, rishi sunak and borisjohnson met yesterday. it doesn't seem like anything was agreed there is far as we could tell, but we have three contenders who are all saying, apart from borisjohnson hasn't said anything, but the supporters are saying, they are all in it to win it. we await that deadline of 2pm


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 19:04:00

receive end—of—life care. moved into a hospice, where he can receive end-of-life care.— receive end-of-life care. charlotte, this isiust — receive end-of-life care. charlotte, this isiust an _ receive end-of-life care. charlotte, this isjust an awful _ receive end-of-life care. charlotte, this isjust an awful case _ receive end-of-life care. charlotte, this isjust an awful case and - this is just an awful case and really emotional moments in the last few hours, with this news sinking through. could you give us a bit of detail of the legal arguments here, why these decisions were reached? 50 why these decisions were reached? sr the case has gone through the courts in the uk, and at every stage in the uk, judges have agreed with doctors at the hospital here that there is no realistic prospect of archie pulling through, recovering and having any semblance of a life, and at the kindest thing to do is to remove life support machines, because they are the only things keeping him alive. it went into the european court of human rights on a right to life basis. that was the argument that was put to the court, but they found the evidence to be inadmissible, in theirwords, and they said they were not want to interfere into what uk judges they said they were not want to interfere into what ukjudges had decided already. we thought this was


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 18:14:00

the equipment it had been forced to leave behind. joe inwood, bbc news, kyiv. hundreds of people took part earlier today in a silent vigilfor zara aleena, who was murdered in east london while walking home. the 35—year—old was minutes from her front door when she was attacked in ilford last week. 29—year—old jordan mcsweeney has been charged with her murder. ayshea buks has been in ilford for us throughout the day. it has been an extraordinary day here, obviously very emotional for the family, but they wanted to invite people here to gants hill in east london and, in theirwords, to walk zara home. hundreds of people joined them in doing that. they walked through the streets of gants hill to the point where we are now and, as you can see, there are women and men and also very young children. i spoke to one mother who said she wanted to bring herfour sons because she wanted them to be educated and to remember that it is not acceptable to ignore the issue of violence against women


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