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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20161214 08:00:00

her next book should be called kate's rights. kristen tate. he was raised by a moose. comedian nathan mcintosh. she will address me as your honor. remi spencer. and even when he googles himself it asks did you meet jimmy fallon? i love that one. let's start the show. >> donald trump sat down with his likely successor and according to e! news where i get all of my political news during the 15-minute meeting they discussed the possibility of kanye becoming the ambassador of sorts in an >> he said they are repeating themselves. >> rather than learning what keeps this country safe and what this job will entail he is meeting with kanye west. he has weeks before he is moving to the white house. >> and kanye west is a person who repeats himself. he is walt disthee and he is steve -- walt disney and he is steve jobs and kim kardashian is the best. it is disgusting that you would meet rappers. no rappers. no. >> but wait, i think that -- i think trump is -- he has plenty of time. >> he is ahead of where other president-elects were, the most in history. >> he has the cabinet and we will talk about his cabinet picks. he is getting a lot of work done, is he not? he read on twitter that you can get the best taco bowls. and the other one is i looked at his entrance like this wasn't a planned meeting. i know they walked out and made it look good. elvis surprised nixon. nixon was like, screw him, let him up. kanye didn't walk in like he was supposed to be there. he hustled. remember that scene in "pee- wee's big adventure" and he pretends he is with the old man. that was kanye sneaking into the elevator. they went up and made the best of it. >> they are similar. >> pee-wee and kanye? >> kanye and trump. they have a sense of their ego, right? they are always bragging about things. both of their wives have tried to take their twitter away at points. >> both of their wives are -- i will stop what i was going to say. they are what they are. >> they are both beautiful. >> yes. you can't not say that. mobile ceo. the w stands for winning. lawmakers in both parties have warned that tillerson could face scrutiny for his long relationship with russia. he ordered him the order of friendship. like most of trump's cabinet they don't have prior government experience and that's a bad thing according to some people. politico did a tally. two generals and two bankers and three business executives. one billionaire philanthropist and zero democrats. sounds great to me. actually there will be two governors in the cabinet. trump is reportedly planning to pick former texas governor rick perry as secretary of energy. one thing i love about perry is he has a clean signature. he prints it and spaces the letters out like everyone should. i say let's make signatures readable. spread the word with the hash tag. i am going to change the way i write. vee more. anyway, before he comes secretary of energy he will have to step down as vanilla ice's dj. >> ♪ the kid don't play ♪ if there was a problem yo i'll solve it ♪ ♪ check out my hook while the dj revolves it ♪ >> rick perry! >> that's a real thing? >> that's a real thing. >> that is a real thing. >> i think you are too young to remember, but vanilla ice was a rapper. that was a longtime ago. >> i think perry -- all of the rappers get in line. >> i love rick perry. he is awesome. and i love the cabinet that trump is putting together. i am so happy that he is not putting all of these political pukes in his cabinet. we know how government bureaucrats are doing in power. he is putting businessmen in there and people with real track records of experience. community organizers will no longer run this country. and you know, what i do is i love appointees that make liberals more mad. the more the liberals hate the people trump picks the more i love them. >> i think liberals are a little upset because rick perry was under indictment for the last year. >> it is a big political horse and pony show. >> actually a grand jury indicted him. >> he was indicted for criminal abuse. he wouldn't step down after he was convicted for a dwi. he wanted her to step down and she wouldn't step down. she was threatening to veto legislation. >> but shouldn't she have stepped down? i thought she should have -- whether she should or shouldn't have did this man abuse his power in office to accomplish a goal? and when you are threatening vetoing legislation you have to resign that is technically an abuse of his power. it doesn't mean he didn't do it and it didn't mean he didn't violate the laws, and he was under indictment. that was one of the primary reasons that people and not just democrats, but republicans alike are disappointed in this choice for such an important position in the cabinet. >> i like what is happening. he has the ceo and rick perry for energy. i think we will see a change in the way we deal with energy. do you think? >> he is the first guy to lead a department and he couldn't remember the name of it. nothing you said is as remotely offensive as that video. i know you don't know him as a rapper, but probably as an uber driver. listen to me. this is the one thing i admired about his transition process is he is creating an environment you can do bu politics. everybody is greeted with a handshake and a smile and it looks like ideas are being exchanged. there has been an exchange of ideas and he is bringing in people from other processes. is that a word? i went to community college. >> i think i have been here and trump is in the wwe hall of fame. he has hired linda mcman who was the wife of vince mcman. trump and linda mcman have both taken stone cold stunners in front of the large groups of people. there are two people in that building that have taken stone cold stunners. in a few years they will say please, politicians again. politicians. >> i mean that's it. trump is an an antidote for the politics we have it in the past. what do you think about the award of friendship? >> with russia? >> why is it a bad thing if we can work with russia. i don't understand. all. hate is liberals trying to point fingers. that's what this russia talk is all about. >> it can't just be that. >> let's say it is and we go to the next story. uber can ban you for being too flirty. the company released new guidelines for passenger behavior. among them, no smoking and no vomiting and no abusive language and no flirting. it is okay to chat with someone else in the car, but don't if they have single and don't touch or flirt with other people in the car. passengers could lose access to the service. new york city's taxi drivers recently released their 2017 calendar. this will really keep me warm in the winter months. look at that. love that pink tank, man. and there is one more. let's see it. put that away. as samantha from "sex and the city" might say. >> first of all what were you doing holding what looked to be a dangerous snake? >> when my book came out we had a show called snakes on the cab and we drove around picking up people in the cab and they would be like we are going to 83rd and second. those were just -- >> what if something bad happened? you weren't afraid somebody would jump out? >> we were pretty careful about who we pranked. more importantly it was shot with go pro's and made it look more ominous than it it was. you could restrain the snake. at least you thought you could. >> what about this calendar? >> they try to piggyback on the back of the fireman thing. they realized that they couldn't compete from a sex appeal standpoint so they went with like the schtick. >> and i love uber decided vomiting is legal. >> and you can't even smooch with other passengers. like after a date you get the girl to make out with you in the car? >> not in uber apparently. >> i thought the rules were directed initially to the driver and the passenger. i had some uber drivers and taxi drivers that get really personal and they want to talk and ask you all kinds of questions. when they find out i'm a lawyer they want legal advice. i had a driver hand me a contract and asked me to look at it. no joke. >> he is like am i really going to get 72 virgins? >> the good thing about my practice area i can say is at least i can give you some advice. >> it is good to have you around. >> it makes sense that somebody who owns their own car and is nice enough to work a few hours on the woke end so they don't have to watch you have sex in it. >> you think it is protecting the driver? >> this is her car. this is their vehicle. it is a party in there. i -- you hose it down. >> these rules are ridiculous. there is a granny sitting in the backseat and she can get him a smooch on the cheek. no vomiting some glad they told me that. the next time i am in an uber and i feel like i will vomit i won't. >> can i say this as a cabdriver? i am in favor of the no hooking up code for the passengers. i really am. >> do people used to get it on in the -- >> people hookup, but it is never who you want to see. good looking people have options. they have places they can go to hookup. people say have you ever seen people have sex in your cab? i listened to people have sex. i looked at like two. >> ugly people have apartments too. >> there is a weird spontaneity among other people where they throw down with a different level of aggression because they don't feel like they will fall out of the sky again. there are no standards and practices. >> dot ugly people throw up harder? >> they do it with more spontaneity. >> the u.n says wonder woman is too scantily clad. good thing nobody listens to the u.n. undo bird on a woman's access for abortion. and rebels in eastern aleppo have accepted a cease-fire and return it to government fors. the u.n is looking at mass atrocities including the deaths of 82 civilians killed by bombings and executions. the town of newtown, connecticut will mark a grim anniversary today. it was four years ago when 20 children and six teachers were gunned down at the sandy hook elementary school. the victims with i will be remembered with a moment of silence and prayer services. county el month iys are asked not to do any work between 9:30 and 9:45 a.m. that's when the shootings took place. be sure to bundle up in the midwest and northeast. arctic cold is expected to spread. highs in the northern plains and the upper midwest will range from 20 to 30 degrees below average today. i'm patricia stark. now back to "red eye." for more news go to >> the united nations has a campaign for an ambassador for women and girls. not everyone saw it that way. some saw a sexy spokeswoman as sexist. there was a petition. it read a large breasted white woman of impossible proportions in a simmer re-- shimmery motif. i signed it and said sounds great. if you want to spread your message to men you need that stuff to get their attention. that's the beauty of wonder woman. they see her and find her attractive and then they don't take it seriously and she kicks their ass. they will inspire girls to self-confidence and occupations monopolized by men. let's compare her skateboard skills to another famous u.n ambassador. >> it was hard for him to track down criminals. he couldn't get out of that mode. >> that is the difference between him not getting secretary of state. >> somebody leaked that. >> jimmy, is wonder woman sexist? >> if you are getting your self-worth from a ambassador you have problems. there are women getting stoned for reading. >> they have angry birds. they want to do -- they will be engaging in this anyway. it seems silly. she is not a real person. since she was an ambassador, do you think it was legitimate? i think it was ridiculous. i think the whole thing was ridiculous. i grew up watching wonder woman on tv. >> that was linda carter. >> right. i i remember watching it with my granted mother and twin brother. she was a positive role model. yes she is can -- scantily clad, but they take it so serious and get so sensitive on these topics. maybe she should wear a little more clothing, but i don't think -- >> speak for yourself. >> i don't think it was a negative role model. she does embody empower meant and gender equality and i think it attracts females and males to the issue at happened. i think it is a shame they had to let her go after two months. >> that's it. i used to watch wonder woman too, but i wouldn't have watched her unless she was gorgeous. >> i never liked wonder woman. i liked spider-man. now that the u.n has deemed wonder woman inappropriate i love wonder woman. the only thing i hate more than boring superheros are beurocrats telling us how to live. i say the u.n should get rid of them and she is better than them anyway. they need a transgender depressed overweight woman because that will make them all feel better and month one will have to be upset. they did say they wanted alternate representations of women. >> i was going to suggest dog the bounty hunter's wife. >> is she a hottie? >> she is a big lady. have you ever seen her? >> she has like arms of truth. you would tell her what happened. jie do you have a problem with -- >> do you have a problem with hot women as role models? >> it is body shaming, is it not? >> i suppose. there has to be real women. does it have to be a fake woman? >> uh-huh track tiff -- attractive women aren't real women? >> attractive women don't exist and they most certainly do. >> half time request andy levey. and the "red eye" pod cast is available now. subscribe on itunes at ?[t1a live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. authorities in boulder, colorado say they are looking at new dna technology that could help them solve the 20-year-old murder case of jonbenet ramsey. the colorado bureau of investigation is about to unveil this new technology and it also taps into a database that includes genetic profiles of more than 15 million known offenders and uh resties. jonbenet ramsey was found dead in her parents' home the day after christmas, 1996. president obama signed legislation that will invest $2 billion in cancer research. they give $2 billion to the state to fight opioid abuse. another record setting day on wall street on tuesday helping push most international stocks higher in trading. the dow jones industrials rose 114 points to pull to within 89 points of the 20,000 level. and the s&p 500 index rose almost 15 points to 2271. all markets will be watching today's federal reserve meeting. the central bank is expected to announce the first u.s. interest rate hike since december of 2015. iraqi special forces are making gains against isis fighters in mosul. the military said special forces are less than three miles away from the tigress river that running through iraq's second largest city. and dolly parton is headlining a list of who's who of the country music world on tuesday night. it is a telethon to help those affected by the recent wildfires in the smoky mountains. parton's dollywood foundation plans to give each resident $1,000 a month for six months to get back on their feet. the telethon raised more than $2 million. i'm patricia stark and now back to "red eye." >> they held a rally in wisconsin. now we have some clips. trump addressed the recount lead by the green party candidate, jill stein. >> the recount vote has come back. you know, i called it a scam, but i won't say that because we want to be nice. i refuse to say it is a scam so this way they can't report i said it. >> he expressed his love for paul ryan. >> speaker, paul ryan. i really have come to -- oh no. i have come to appreciate him. speaker paul ryan. where is the speaker? where is he? i tell you, he has been terrific. i tell you, honestly he is like a fine wine. every day goes by and i can appreciate his genius more and more. now if he ever goes against me i will not say that. >> he took a poll on if "time" should have a person of the year or man of the year. >> and in the old days it was called the man of the year, right? now -- so let me do this. we have a lot of women here and i have to do it. do you mind? would you prefer i will go person of the year and man of the year and person of the year and man of the year. what should it be? i am doing it for all of you politicians. not that we are going to change at this point. would you rather see person of the year? man of the year? these guys are so politically correct. so far i have done that three times and person of the year is not doing wealth. >> he is having a good time. >> this is trump at his best. did you see the christmas trees behind him? the war on christmas is dead. we can finally say merry christmas in this country without fear. >> he did have a sign. >> it said merry christmas on the sign. >> yes. >> he is having a blast. what about the people who booed paul ryan? >> to nathan's . about trump in wwe, it cements that. that is a pro-wrestling drill. dumping on paul ryan indicative of them not knowing where trump stands with ryan today. they might have read like two dispatches ago where they were not friends anymore. it does change a lot. >> he said if he disagrees he can go back with me. he said paul ryan was like a fine wine. what do you think he meant by that? >> well since he has uh nounsed that he -- announced he never drank alcohol i think he is telling us he has no idea. that's my take. >> look, it sbt politics. he is not doing policy. it is all silliness. >> it is sad though. it is like -- this man is going to run things. you think the thank you things wouldn't be -- do you think this should be called person of the year or man of the year? >> it is like a stand up show. the t point is you can't say woman of the year. >> you sucked me into this. >> we have to go. does the baywatch movie have too much eye candy? it is the debate you don't want to miss. baywatch is getting a reboot unlike the show. i found it too serious. the movie is all about babes and beaches and bathing suits and having fun. >> ♪ biggie, biggie, biggie i just love your flashy ways. >> do you see it too? >> the trailer was released last week and the movie comes out in 2017, but not everyone is excited about it. to the tweets. one woman wrote, are we seriously not over sexualizing women and fronting unrealistic body standards? another said, woi, they have "baywatch" hipper sexualizing men and women. 1k3 one more it turns out the casual masogany. who knew? the first "baywatch" is how i got my first break. the people who tweeted that, they voted for trump. >> they did? >> it was never -- it was always in this spirit, was it not? >> the same people who have a problem with linda carter and wonder woman wearing a pretty outfit are those who have a problem with baywatch. if you watch baywatch you know that's what it is about. pretty people running around with little bathing suits on. if you don't want to see it, don't watch it. >> baywatch was a worldwide phenomenon. i had the david hasselhoff shorts and the hair. this is a popcorn movie and it is meant to be fun. there is no real reason to get upset. this is a dumb movie. >> what were they expecting? i have never seen baywatch and i know what it is about. they should make the movie with clinically obese people. it would be a big hit and it would be reflective of our society. >> you're right, you could learn a lesson. >> no one going to see baywatch knows what this means. i happen to be writing jokes for one of the original cast members, pam, pamela anderson. >> oh, the roast. >> they have no [bleep] idea what is going on in the movie. the problem is we are fighting the wrong battles in the country. no one should care what is going on in "baywatch" you have bigger fish to fry. that does it for me. i'm tom shillue and i'll see you next time. or us.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170203 08:00:00

because australia is the one, they don't want those. that's why they made the deal with obama. >> obviously they are being hypocrites, okay. but when i heard tough phone call, let me tell you about some tough phone calls i've made. if you had to call a girl and say it's burning down there. look, at the end of the day, i think that trump is hilarious, watching him every time he speaks, it's a very entertaining endeavor. but to be honest with you, i feel like he is the only guy who has a prank answering machine on his cell phone. you call and you get his answering machine and he does that hello, hello, hello. just kidding, you got the president. that's all it got say about tha that. >> tom: kristin, what do you think, do you think we should have to honor every deal, this thing was assigned just before trump took office. most politicians say we have to honor all of our agreements. >> these people are not our problem. australia doesn't want them, the days are over of us being pushovers and allowing everyone to take advantage of us. america was the big kid that just sat there getting poked over and over, everyone kept poking us and we never poked them back. now guess what, we're standing up and we are saying enough. >> tom: even if he honors the deal, whatever, at least he pushed back a little. president trump is feuding with australia and an austrian. on thursday while speaking at the national prayer breakfast, the president took a jab at the ratings of the new "celebrity apprentice." the show's creator, mark burnett was sitting just a few feet away. >> we had a tremendous success on the apprentice, and when i ran for president, had to leave the show. that's when i knew for sure i was doing it. they hired a big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger to take my place. we know how that turned out. the ratings went right down the tubes. it's been a total disaster. mark will never, ever bet against trump again. i want to just pray for arnold if we can. >> he's president. >> tom: it's a nice sentiment, he wanted to pray for him. arnold schwarzenegger responded with a twitter video. >> hey donald, i have a great idea. why don't we switch jobs. you take over tv, since you're such an expert in ratings, i take over your job, because people can finally speak comfortably again. >> tom: luis, trump keeps slamming arnold, but do you think this is all a plot to raise the ratings, he still a producer on the show. >> very smart move, we are all talking about it. i like arnold schwarzenegger's idea. how about i come the president and you can be a terminator. it's unbelievable. >> dave and i are outraged. >> jimmy, look, don't tell me you haven't done the voice on stage. >> when things got rough and i need an emergency brake laugh, i don't have arnold in me. >> we should all just to this whole in arnold voice. >> who isn't sleeping comfortably if arnold isn't president. a woman on a date with bill cosby still isn't sleeping comfortably with arnold as no one, is he out of his mind? shut up! >> tom: the guy had to go terms as governor of the governor of california. i did a little arnold there. >> if trump gets in a fight with christopher walking, you're in. >> jimmy nailed it on the head, you see the lack of self-awareness of arnold schwarzenegger. >> agro aggressions, by the way. it >> that one wasn't bad. that was ronnie. >> tom: kristin, let's hear your arnold schwarzenegger impression. >> i am arnold schwarzenegger. >> that's what it's like to be a hot woman. well done. >> we all said it was awesome. >> tom: kristin. that is a problem with comedy. look what happens here. everyone is acting like trump, look, he's the reality show president. everybody else does the same thing. he's got his twitter video, they all answer him quickly, right? >> trump is better at both the things, he is better at politics and he's better at tv and he went into that with zero experience. i'm sure it arnold schwarzenegger wants to be president, but nobody wants him and technically you can't be president in this country if you weren't born here. besides barack obama. >> jimmy, i don't even remember, did i go to you yet in this segment customer >> who even knows if he did. people say trump is so thin-skinned, always has to acknowledge the stuff, i don't think that's what it is. i think he's competitive. i think he is a relentlessly competitive guy who can't let any slight go. he isn't thin-skinned, he's michael jordan and that if you knew michael jordan, you beat him in something he would insist on a rematch. >> what trump can't do is not hit back. we see mr. the entire campaign. if usace and the about his hands he has to respond. he has to hit back. >> he has a sense of humor, too. he was laughing, that's why everyone loves him. >> arnold should stick to what he's doing best, which is knocking up maids. >> what was that end? >> tom: moving on. violent protests directed at uc berkeley after a planned event featuring milo yiannopoulos. they were at least willing to debate a trump supporter who shows up. >> our cbs station spoke with a trump supporter who was drowned out by protesters on live tv. [sirens] >> tom: the next morning, trump tweeted -- what could have given the president of that idea? maybe he was watching fox and friends first and saw a conservative hero todd starnes state this. >> president trump should immediately issue an executive order blocking berkeley students from getting federal funding. free speech for all or no federal money, not a single taxpayer penny, period. did he get the president to take action quester mark i'm not surprised, because that's the power -- ♪ dave? >> it seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, the power of starnes. >> tom: he watches it every day and he practically quoted him. >> i meant to the gimmick in the song. >> tom: we wrote it. we've got to use it if we've got it. this is, you are totally into, this is your thing. >> i believe in free speech, i really don't using the power of federal money to influence speech, necessarily. it's kind of weird. it's like fighting communism with fascism, which always works out well for the people. >> tom: why cut these people a check? >> they never should have been cutting them a check to begin with, probably. what is happening is the left is being exposed. what really bums me about this is the most privileged thing you could possibly do. who do you think is cleaning up this mess, billionaires? it's literally some poor person who has to come along and clean this up. >> tom: good point. kristin, i say they're not fulfilling their duty. they have a charter, they're supposed to be about open minds and ideas, they're not doing it. cut off the money. >> exactly, i'm so glad that trump is coming in there and slaying this political correctness that's just disgusting. if these universities will not protect free speech, and if they're going to tolerate violence against conservatives, then yes, take away their funding. if they don't like it they can go to the supreme court and they can decide whether they get the funding. >> she smells amazing, she can do whatever she wants. >> tom: they're out of control control. he wants to give a speech, they started with him. >> a homosexual, can you believe it? i thought of a solution. who's going to clean up that mess, right? not the privilege, not the billionaires. those refugees from australia. them over. >> tom: i see what you did there. >> have them clean up the mess. >> tom: give a job, right? >> it's funny, it works. >> tom: i'm trying to keep this show on the air, here. whose side are you on? >> this is where my two big issues are. they made my lowe's speech and his web content and his archival content, probably not necessarily more appealing but more visible to the rest of the country by doing this. before they burned down berkeley nobody knew he was speaking there. they just ample fight his impressed. this is where i do have a spec for them, though. that's an almost impossible protests to organize, because there's no way you can get his last name past your spell check. they started sending that text a month and a half ago. a >> yogurt and such? >> tom: it's all coming, this is a boon for milo, they've got a book coming out. they said they were going to boycott the publisher. it's going to be a bestseller. >> if you were his publicist you could not have paid for better publicity than he's gotten. this is unintentional, but the craziest thing to me about milo is that he's not even that radical. milo supports people like rudy giuliani, if you get down to it he's kind of a middle-of-the-road republican. he just completely unapologetic about it. it's a conservative who's not coming in and saying he knows his narrative has been over presented. he's unapologetic, like an anarchist libertarian. if you're offended by this guy, you don't want to know what i believe. >> tom: a black conservative, a gay conservative messes with them. >> anybody who's a remember of a protected class. caitlyn jenner was a sacred deity of america on the "vanity fair" cover and now it nobody will acknowledge her. is there was a point where she was so sacred that she could kill someone with her suv, but now she's a republican so she's done. >> tom: the conservative politics. coming up, does this look like a man you can trust with your secrets western ? find out what trumps former doctor revealed about the president next. ♪ ♪ >> live it from "america's news headquarters," i'm jackie ibanez in new york. the trump administration may be striking an upper line with israel. now warning the prime minister that settling may not be helpful to middle east peace efforts. until now he has appeared sympathetic to their cost. the administration is claiming they have not taken an official position yet, in response israel's ambassador says it's too early or to tell how it might affect future building. there's also word out of washington, the white house is preparing to chiron after it testfired a ballistic missile. as many as two dozen around the individuals, companies, and possibly government agencies could be penalized. another night of violence at an american college campus. new york city, police are out in forces. gavin mcginnis was invited to attend a seminar by campus or publicans, protesters showed up to voice their displeasure. on wednesday night you may remember uc berkeley was protested following a planned a speech by milo yiannopoulos, breitbart editor. the school was forced to cancel. secretary of education, public and lawmakers say they are fed up with democratic delays. republicans are confident they have the 51 votes needed to end the debate, if so she could win confirmation by monday. i'm jackie ibanez, now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines, log on to music him ♪ >> tom: the doctor is in capable of keeping secrets. president trump's longtime physician told all to "the new york times" ," revealig medical secrets of our new president. the doctor says trump takes three different medications. an antibiotic to treat rosacea, something to lower his cholesterol, and something to treat male pattern baldness. he has all his hair, i have all my hair. other fun facts revealed by the physician, some called dr. jekyll well probably high. come on guys, that was a good one. he hates the fun made of him. and he says, "i am probably the only person who has every phone number for him and all the wives" ." this disclosure could come back to haunt dr. bornstein. reporter tweeted -- >> tom: a lot of old guys take all these drugs, no big secrets. >> you can go out and give people's medical history. >> tom: they were begging for more of it. >> i don't pay attention to the laws, i have no idea what hippos do and why they have laws. i'm not going to sit here and always bash trump. they shouldn't be giving his medical information out. he takes stuffer his hair, right that says it's on the his confident. i'm bald, women like this. am i wrong or am i right, kristin? thank you very much. just let it go and show the world he's a confident man, now that we know this little tidbit about him i'm questioning his confidence. >> tom: a lot of his personality comes from the hair. there's nothing wrong with taking, a lot of guys take this drug, what the stuff you rub on your head, rogaine. >> people are obsessed with his hair, i don't know what's on his head and i don't care. people are just jealous. they are jealous of his money, there jealous of his hair. frankly, i don't care what's on his head as long as he secures the border, brings jobs back and blows isis the hell up. >> i care about was on his hair. i don't care what the borders so much. >> tom: what about the doctor? is this unethical? the thing that strikes me is that before they were saying look at this crazy doctor, he's not revealing anything, he sent out that one sheet that that is really healthy, and now -- >> he's in tremendous health. he's dr. trump, trump found his own trump. you would think a doctor, even when i saw the article, i thought he told all the prescriptions that he was on, he might get in trouble for this. doctors can't just do that, it literally is such a trump thing, he was making a point about how great both of their hair was. he got lost on the fact that oh, yeah, i'm a medical doctor. >> tom: they don't care, these doctors, they don't think there's anything embarrassing when taking a few drugs, right? >> you know i deduce from watching this, this is a guy that's definitely sold a few prescription pads on the side. e with the right and wrong in terms of divulging that information, could you look at a picture of that guy and tell me he hasn't moved some adderall on craigslist? all i did was skim to the bottom of the article for a phone number or email. >> a call from a girl on roller blades. >> tom: just because he has a laid-back look, he doesn't look with a manhattan doctor, he looked like he should be in long beach or something. i think he's an upstanding guy, a good doctor, but the thing is, they always make people reveal everything. they want to see all the taxes, they want to see the medical reports, we were calling for hillary's medical stuff, right? did we ever get them? >> we got her taxes. boring taxes. >> i think we had a bigger write to her medical reports than we did it trumps taxes? >> sheep fainted on 868-degree day. >> they come in the form of youtube videos. >> i get them for my dad. >> she respects hippo law. >> tom: coming up, have "halft" with tv's andy levy. a brand-new episode of the "red eye" podcast is a babel, subscribe on to be 27. hose placp changing every few months. the quicksilver card from capital one doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet? so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. i was from ethnically. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at calls. jimmy, you said he is doing it grandpa stuff. i think tough phone calls are totally fine, but being a [bleep] to one of our staunchest military allies doesn't strike me as a good idea. >> i like of a lot of what he's done, but i didn't like the execution. i thought the hysteria of the muslim a band, 40 countries are still allowed to come. they could've better emac done a better job of clarifying the green card situation. this is what i do like, it's cool to have some but he this competitive fighting on behalf of us. i hated roger clemens, but i like having that tough s ob throwing chin music on everybody else. >> andy: my problem is that i hate the red sox and the yankee yankees. dave, you said this is a good chance for trump to prove he doesn't just take brown immigrants and kristin pointed out that these are mostly muslims. the ones in australia, she is correct, they are from entries like iran, afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, some only a period on the other hand, kristin, like trump, you refer to these people as illegal immigrants, they are not, they are refugees. >> andy, i would expect fake news from cnn but not from you. put your pink hat and your vagina costume on and go protest with the other snowflakes. there is >> andy: they are still refugees. not illegal immigrants. >> tom: that's your call. >> andy: that's not my call. >> they came to australia -- >> andy: i don't want to go through this but we did the other night, all you need to do is go look it up. they are actually refugees. >> tom: they came in many different ways to australia. >> andy: they are in a refugee camp. >> tom: they are banning them. >> andy: they are refusing to take them as refugees. >> i looked it up on breitbart. >> tom: they are illegally coming to the country. >> australia won't even let them to the country, they're keeping them in a detention center on an island. >> andy: i understand that, they are refugees. >> keep saying that word. >> andy: i will, it's accurate. if were going to talk about fake news, let's not call people illegal immigrants who aren't illegal immigrants. trump and arnold schwarzenegger. tom, you said arnold had to go terms as governor of california. i don't recall him at being all that popular when he left. >> tom: he wasn't. he wasn't popular in the first term. i don't how he won reelection. >> he was the most popular refugee to ever be governor. >> that's why they need to shut up, how can you do that, how can you elect trump, you elected kindergarten cop twice. >> andy: i voted for gary coleman. i'm not even kidding. >> he should have stayed in, you would have one. >> andy: did you say it arnold schwarzenegger impressions are hack and follow it up with a bill cosby joke? >> that's not how it went down. we were trashing before we went on the air and then a luis went big. he did clarify. >> andy: kristin, your arnold schwarzenegger impressions onto the little bit like young frankenstein. >> thank you. >> andy: dave, how dare you suggest the power of starnes is a stretch. >> i was clearly beaten for that. >> andy: just rude. tom and kristin, you both applauded trump for his tweet. berkeley didn't stop milo from speaking or say he didn't speak there, he was supposed to be speaking there. the school condemned the violence that cause the cancellation of the speech. it trump's tweet made no sense. now explain to me why i am wrong. fake news! >> they canceled the event, is that what he's is speaking to. >> andy: they canceled the event because of violence. >> andy, did you read a -- >> andy: they didn't say milo can't speak here, they scheduled him to speak. >> if you read this statement of the university put out, before all this happen, it said we don't agree with milo. we're going to allow him to speak. they basically said we don't agree with him, which fueled this hatred, and kind of gave a path to these people to burn it down the campus. they aligned themselves with these protesters, they shouldn't be taking a political stance. that is the problem, these education institutions are becoming political. >> anybody who has extreme views, wouldn't they kind of come and say this is the view of the school. >> the school shouldn't have the view, period. it's getting federal tax dollars. >> they're dissociating themselves from of you, they're doing what you're saying. >> they shouldn't be disassociating or associating with any of you, it should be an open campus. >> andy: jimmy, you pointed out that the protesters who made him more visible. the people who peacefully protested, but the people who turned violent suck for turning in violent, and for giving him free p.r., and most importantly getting me bumped from tucker ♪ carlson's show one night. >> that's a blow to me. >> andy: trump's doctor. [laughter] >> andy: i don't have anything here, i just love this picture. >> i love that he shops from the boss hog collection. >> andy: i could literally stare at that all day. luis, that you said they shouldn't be giving trump's medical information out, tom you keep saying he they yelled at the doctor for not giving out enough information in the past. luis is right, without trump's permission, they shouldn't be giving this out. >> tom: what is "the new york times" doing visiting this guy? they shouldn't let him in. >> you're probably right about that. >> andy: kristin, i enjoyed your reaction to luis here. do we have the video? >> i'm bald, women like this, , and i write kristin? >> you're right. >> andy: the side i was fantastic. [laughter] >> andy: i do have to say, i'm quoting from the piece, at times in the interview dr. bornstein was moody, saying it was none of their business to later volunteering facts. i love this guy. but then if you read the whole piece to the end, it's really sad, he said he was invited to the inaugural but it wasn't as pleasant an experience to demand as he expected, he had to walk a long way to his spot and he thought there would be a chair, but he thought there would be no chair, he stood behind a tree" never heard anyone speak because i was so on come double from my back" ." >> he really got the hook up. >> andy: it's so sad. >> oppose your heartstrings. >> andy: it really does. i'm dumb. >> tom: thank you, andy. coming up, could hate be that key to finding love? i bet you'd hate-love to know. when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. >> any attack on the united states or on our allies will be defeated with any use of nuclear weapons. >> the united nations security council now looking into reports increasing violence in eastern ukraine. russia's ambassador to the u.n. claims ukraine is provoking the latest surge of violence, the u.s. and ukraine blame russia. >> the sudden increase in fighting in eastern ukraine has trapped thousands of civilians and are destroyed vital infrastructure. of the crisis is spreading, endangering messy thousands more. this escalation of violence must stop. >> to avoid further civilian sufferings is rather simple. the international community needs to step up pressure on the aggressor and urge russia to get out of ukraine. >> the u.n. is calling on the international community to get piece documents to the ukraine and yet russian separatist back on track. u.n. monitors report more than 10,000 explosions in a recent 24-hour period, the highest ever. >> nordstrom says it will no longer sell ivanka trump's clothing and accessories. they would not say that it was a permanent decision, only that decisions were made each season. >> the statehouse has designated a stretch of interstate 55. i am jackie ibanez, back to "red eye." ♪ >> tom: can hate to bring people together? a new dating app is launching next week that launches people based on their mutual dislikes, it's called hater. it's a swipe-based apps, i think the first one ever. there are over 100 topics right now. users swipe down for hate come up for love, right for like and left for a dislikes, or opt out for neutral. while the idea started as a joke, it's actually backed up by science. studies have found that people bond moreover shared and negative attitudes than a shared positive ones, jimmy does that make sense to you? >> every shopping experience you've ever had, you have 899% chance of making friends over a slow cashier or a woman paying by check, as opposed to hate, that guy is really begging these groceries. my first thought when i saw this app is wow, now will finally find some use of that ashley judd speech from the women's march, i think everyone will agree that's a low point from humanity. >> i kind of like it, to be honest. i think you could really help racist as well. if you're in the kkk, just swipe left on black people. it's a simple way to connect with other racist people. >> tom: i'm sure they have their own app for that. called okkkcupid. >> the guy who runs a company, he's watching the show and luis says it's great, great publicity, and then luis says "hey if you're in the kkk" ." nobody is posting positive things, i hate this, i hate that, this is a tone of this country that fits perfectly and with the way everybody handles social media. >> even before the age of social media, the long marriages, the long-lasting relationships always built on hate. isn't that what always kept them together? >> this makes complete sense, because there is nothing more satisfying than sitting with someone and bashing something you both hate. like obama. i could listen to someone to bash obama for hours, if you hate the same things it's probably likely that you both love the same things, for example i hate obama and hillary clinton, so i find that i enjoy being around people who also hate them because they love trump. >> tom: wouldn't you rather, i think you want to find someone, you want to look for positive qualities first and then get together and complain with them. you don't want to start there, kristin, am i right question work >> no. >> tom: you want to start with the negative? >> yes. >> tom: guys don't care about any of the stuff, they only want to look at looks. >> weather were telling you we love stuff or hate stuff, we're just yapping until we get to see you naked. >> tom: so no at least one side it doesn't care. people will say they hate anybody. >> guys want to get laid, there's no app that can cure that problem. >> this is a marketing tool, people are talking about it, there's really no difference, nobody reads the little profiles anyway. have you ever swept up to go read the profile? is she hot, yeah. is she hot, yeah. >> i just skim for the word transgender and if i don't find that -- >> tom: get ready for lonely orangutans, a new tender like app is coming just for you. ♪ mating. things don't always go well. research are struggling to find a tablet that the orangutan can break. to be fair to her, it must be infuriating when all your potential matches keep sending you nudes. of course, before the internet chimps use to meet their mates on dating hotlines. >> good boy, hang that phone up. [laughter] >> hang it up. >> always funny to me. [laughter] >> tom: i guess that wasn't a match made in heaven. thanks to america's funniest home videos for that clip, i wanted to give them credit. >> the sad thing is that monkey went on to rip that woman's face off. >> tom: that was a different video. dave, do you think this is going to work? >> america's funniest home videos, yeah, it's been going on for decades. >> tom: for the orangutan. >> you know, i have high hopes. i've always wondered what it is in their minds when the mating doesn't work out. and they bring them back in there like nothing happened, no, he's totally racist. apes are picky. >> tom: they need a match, too. it works for humans, they have to let them choose. it's just technology letting the apes choose. >> this is an innovative, out-of-the-box idea and i love it. what is the worst that could happen, you put the two monkeys in a cage, they don't like each other, they throw, that's the end of it, it's a win-win. either we get baby orangutans or we learn a valuable lesson which is that tinder does not work for monkeys. >> tom: we may learn. >> i'm not going to lie, i just read the headline to this article. it's very important when her trying to match orangutans with human beings. i think the plot of outbreak. i thought it was a terrible idea when i wrote my notes, why would we do this, i believe were going to spread some sort of communicable diseases. turns out i was wrong. >> tom: we've got to go. instead of curious george, we now have by curious george. >> tom: that's it, good night, everybody. i'm glad i waited. next.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170328 07:00:00

say, other than obamacare is the law of the land and will remain the law of the land. >> tom: it's the law of the land, or lol for short. on sunday, president trump blamed the freedom caucus and two conservative groups for the sale of the health care bill. steve bannon is reportedly encouraging trump to reply coma list of republicans that refuse to support the health care bill. while repeal and replace had a major setback last week, at least from republican isn't ready to give up. >> we shall never surrender! [laughter] >> tom: that was the famous church hill impression of a few >> i liked "blended into the carpet." >> tom: lets go onto to the next story. he said it on the campaign trail, european nations need to start paying their nato bills and stop letting the u.s. pick up the tab. president trump took the opportunity from his meeting with angela merkel to hand her a fake bill for $375 million. this according to the times of london, the white house denies the story, as did the german government. why am i talking about it? because i hope it happened. it should have happened. it seems like a trump move, doesn't it? it's consistent with what he's been saying in public. just last week, he tweeted -- this led "the washington post" to say "trump may really not know how nato works." he knows how it works, nato countries have pledged to spend 2% of their gdp on defense, and germany has consistently fallen short of that. pay up, europe! nice to close it with a button list, that was the whole monologue. liz, you know the countries, don't you, that pay their bills? >> would you believe it's greece? poland, there are four countries that are at the 2% of gdp spending on defense. maybe latvia. >> tom: i have them down here. >> poland, greece, the u.k., and estonia. and the u.s. >> could he hand them the bill of reconstructing germany after world war ii? germany is a really solid ally of the united states, you don't want to alienate them. it's like living in a co-op, you'll have to pay certain fees and when you find out you've been paying and your neighbor who is getting the same services hasn't been paying, it's not a good feeling. >> tom: always happens, do you go to the board meetings? >> i hide. i am washing my hair that night. >> with the exception of the u.k., the other countries, their gdp is kind of small period of 2% is a small number. let's have exxon pay for those shipping lanes we keep open with their navy. >> tom: they pay a lot of money. >> they don't. they don't pay for our navy keeping pirates off their ships, i don't think they do. we've got a guy in the state department that know some people at exxon, let's send them a bil bill. >> like the tom hanks movie, right? >> tom: our guys wanted to save him. >> did we ever send the bill to him? >> tom: you made good point, captain phillips should pay us back. i don't think these european countries are paying their bills and i think trump does understand that. what do you think, joe? [laughter] i know you know a lot about this. [laughter] >> i thought you were going to ask about bills and people and -- >> tom: that's the analogy. >> i get more upset, you and i talked about this before, you go out to eat and everybody you said you hate when people don't pay for the tax. >> tom: there's always one guy. >> you always say there's one guy who doesn't do that, i find that i hate more the guy that gets way more and wants everybody to owe the same. >> tom: he wants to split the bill, but he -- >> everybody owes $11, i had a honey bun. >> adults split the bill when you go out, it's the way it works. i don't drink, everyone else drinks, i split the bill. >> i say -- >> tom: that's a good point. of the united states goes out, we eat and drink the most but we also pay the biggest bill. >> i'm happy that guys are handing women some bills. it's about time. i come home, my wife hands me a bill, whether it's karate for the kids or school supplies or, i get handed a bill and a wet nap. >> tom: they're denying it, but do you think he gave her a fake bill? >> i can see him doing that and shaking her hand with a buzzer shocker, leaving a will be cushion on the chair. >> i hope he didn't. >> tom: i want everyone to know. >> that's embarrassing. it's the president of the united states, and her a bill -- >> tom: you know it's embarrassing, 1.2 1.2% of the p for the defense. >> 1.2 of their gdp is like all those other countries combined. >> tom: moving on, before the attack in london, the terrorist used whatsapp to send message. who was he communicating with? they have no way of knowing, whatsapp uses encryption. here's how that company explains it, when you send a message, the only person who can read it is the person or group chat that you sent the message to. no one else can see it. >> it is completely unacceptable. there should be no place for terrorists to hide, we need to make sure that organizations like whatsapp, plenty of others like that, don't provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other. it used to be that people would steam open envelopes or listen in on phones, but on the situation we need to make sure that our intelligence services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted whatsapp. >> tom: liz, i like the old days where you had to steam open envelopes, right? >> just called the israelis, they'll fix it. here's what they should give up, not their entire platform, here's how you access inside all of these messages, they should find the message, and they should hand a text of exactly what was said, this guy used it 3 minutes or so before he attacked. and murdered for innocence, including a police officer. if whatsapp isn't going to give it, we can argue forever. they are owned by facebook, facebook is complicit too. they are an accessory, find who this person was speaking with, they're not helping, ask the israelis, they'll find out. >> tom: why doesn't whatsapp say "were going to give it to you, but just pretend." they want to put up a good front. >> i think what she said it was exactly right, as long as there's a reason to ask for it, they should be giving it over. it's a brave new world. they absolutely can, there's no way that they don't control the data that they have or have a way to access it somehow on the back end and they should be able to do that. >> didn't you see "war games" that those two nerds were telling matthew broderick that there is a backdoor? >> i was just thinking about why does it actually matter to have something like that where you can encrypt? >> tom: they encrypted it but it was lame. it was encrypted in a very mickey mouse way. >> let me tell you this. whatever you design an app that makes it capable for you to cheat on your better half secretly, terrorists will arriv arrive. those are the markets that people look to pitch apps to these days. terrorism, porn, and whoever is gluten-free. those of the markets you have to go out for. >> tom: if you're talking to people who want to cheat, that's why they want whatsapp. >> that's why it's encrypted, too. >> tom: those people will move to another thing. there's always going to be a new app. >> odds are that this guy was talking to another dude who is pretending to be a 23-year-old girl in kentucky. >> tom: do you not agree that you are being monitored, do you use this, what do you use? >> i tried to use whatsapp and i was unsuccessful, it's kind of confusing. i've gone abroad a few times, that's when you use it. when my wife goes away for her job or i go away, i'm always deleting it and then putting it on my phone again. >> tom: you are using it to talk to your wife? >> yes. i don't understand it. >> tom: it's not made for you. >> i'm sure not the only person we go to another country, am i getting charged right now are not? do we get wi-fi, i don't understand, i'm afraid to turn my phone on. >> the last thing that app was designed for was for a husband to talk to his wife, just so you know. >> tom: the technology, they make them for teenagers. they seem to know how to use them better. >> i've always like five generations behind, all i use our twitter and facebook. >> tom: facebook is for the dads, isn't it? put your cargo shorts on there. >> i don't where cargo shorts. golf shorts, i'm suburban. >> tom: coming up, i was waiting for you guys to discover something. coming up, celebrities get their leggings in a bunch after united airlines refuses to let two teenagers fly. and my first book, "mean dads for a better america" is available for preorder at speed 29. back -- 13 states taking legal action in support of president trump's travel ban, they are urging the fourth u.s. circuit court of appeals to overturn a lower court judges ruling that blocked the revised executive order. the states claim that the president acted lawfully and in the interest of national security. to the white house calling on russia to release hundreds of antigovernment protesters arrested over the weekend. press secretary sean spicer says people everywhere deserve "the ability to exercise their rights without fear of fear of attributing." the father of maryland school rape suspect has been arrested for being in the united states illegally. the teen accused is also an undocumented immigrant. large hail and strong winds already pelting texas and oklahoma. forecasters say the area could see even more damaging winds and possibly tornadoes. now back to "red eye." ♪ >> tom: nothing is more protectable than the outrage news cycle. on sunday, and activist tweeted that united airlines refused to allow two teenage girls on a flight because they were wearing leggings. naturally, celebrities responded by opening up on twitter. sarah silverman tweeted "hey, united, i fly a lot. about to go on tour in april and changing all my flights to other airlines." "leggings are business attire for 10-year-olds, their businesses being children." mike huckabee tweeted -- he's a master of twitter. but here's the thing. the girls were wearing back using free passes from the family benefits program. "to our regular customers, your leggings are welcome." it's not surprising that's liberties were outraged about the story, they love to wear leggings when they fly, as you can see. here are some of them looking stylish and comfortable. and wow, huck has some muscular legs. liz, look. what do you think of this? i want to talk about the outrage, this story went around the world before united had a chance to mention that they have a dress code. >> wire and celebrities more outraged about murders and deaths and attacks and things like that? i will say this, if united said that eating a free ticket because you are a relative of one of the employees, you have to adhere to our dress code, should the 10-year-olds have been wearing neckerchiefs? then with the leggings be okay? i wear yoga pants, a soiled t-shirt that says new jersey, will take everyone. i made it on every flight. >> tom: people don't dress up on flights, you don't even dress up when you come on my show. >> i give what i get, none of you respect me, why should i respect you? look at the rest of the people on this plane, i walk by seat 4d and i have eight guys nuts staring at me from his short shorts. "no daughter of mine is going to be dressed like a harlot on a plane." either it's across-the-board for everybody for everybody, no leggings, no nuts poking out and we can all fly -- people use to get dressed up four flights. >> tom: i like to look while on a flight. >> i think when a woman is dressed up to go on a flight, that means she's a psycho. that's a red flag for me. i think when you go on a flight, especially along flight, you're flying to europe are going to australia and you're wearing high heels, you look like you're going to a business meeting, that's a little weird. >> what if she's going to a business meeting? she's got to get off the plane and go to a meeting? >> who would get off a nine hour flight and go right they are? >> i have, it happens all the time. >> i wear sweatpants to fly everywhere. >> i flew twice last week, i wear sweatpants. >> the thing about it is, tell me, united has a dress code. when anyone travels, they're getting a free ticket, they should have to abide by the rules. >> i have a 10-year-old, she would wear leggings to fly on a plane, it's on thing 10-year-olds wear. it's the 10-year-old dress code right now, leggings all the time. >> wire leggings not dressed up, it depends on what you wear with them. my daughter is five, shall wear leggings with address. >> it's like united is on meerkats and everyone else is on periscope. >> tom: they're going to change their thing because they got so much guff about it. the outrage is ridiculous, all they have to do is say everybody calm down, kids can wear leggings now, stop tweeting at us. >> or do what you always do, if you want to take comfort away from us, charge us for it. >> tom: coming up, it's "halftime" with tv's andy levy. and be sure to check out the "red eye" podcast, subscribe on itunes and on ♪ >> tom: welcome back, it's time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tvs at andy levy over at the "red eye" news deck. >> andy: let's talk about health care finger-pointing. tom, you said you feel like trump isn't that into health care. i totally agree, the thing is, repealing and replacing obamacare was a pretty huge campaign promise for him, he sort of needs to be into it. >> tom: you can't make can be into things. he's into the things he's into. >> andy: he did move on from it pretty quickly. liz, you said the freedom caucus always ran on pure repeal. they were never going to vote for this bill. say what you want about democrats, they somehow managed to pass a bill. >> your 1000% correct. it took a long time, a lot of effort, today on my show on fox business at 3:00 p.m. eastern, we had two republican congressmen, both said you don't get stuff like this done in 64 days. it's not dead, we should come back and try again, it is a process. >> andy: that sounded too reasonable. >> imagine that. >> tom: the doctors caucus, do they have a nickname? >> the one i thought was not cute. >> andy: joe, you set an enemies list is very italian. also very jewish. especially older jewish. >> i wasn't allowed to talk to jewish people. after [laughter] >> andy: shuli, you said you're not an expert on this health care story, but you prove that you were by comparing trump to the person who blames his farts on other people. >> whoever smelt it dealt it, whoever denied it supplied it. >> now we are highbrow. >> leave it to me. >> andy: tom, let's talk about your merkelogue. liz, you are absolutely light right about the members of nato hitting the percentage of their gdp. iceland is a member and they pay nothing because they do not have military. >> sweden just reinstated the draft because they hate the russians. >> andy: the thing is that the u.s. asked iceland to join because of its strategic location. money is not always the greatest indication of what nation is giving. >> it's also fun in risk to have iceland. >> tom: it's perfect because they give nothing and we get nothing. zero, we should kick them out. >> andy: they're not bothering anyone. i have no idea what exxonmobil has -- >> i was trying to make a point. >> andy: they can't all be gems. >> what you want for me? >> tom: tom, you said we eat and drink the most but we also pay the biggest bill. is that fair? >> tom: they are not all gems, andy. it was a good analogy. what i'm saying is we eat and drink the most but we still pay for other people's bills, too. >> andy: okay. shuli, i was going to ask you what the wet nap was for, but -- >> you were there, you filmed it. >> andy: the british secretary who doesn't understand how end to end encryption works, you said whatsapp should give up the message and they can find it. they 100% cannot. they can't read them, but whatsapp messages are not stored on a server anywhere. these messages are gone. >> i do not believe that. >> andy: you cannot believe whatever you want, but that is how it works. chris hahn, you also said they can access the message. the entire point of end to end encryption is that absolutely nobody can read it but the recipient. if the company could read the messages, they wouldn't be secured by end to end encryption. >> do i look like an engineer to you. >> andy: you made a statement and it's factually wrong. >> i don't know that it's wrong. [laughter] >> andy: honestly -- >> it's transmitted over the world wide web to get someplace, everything that's in the world wide web is somewhere else. >> they can see your keystrokes. they can figure it out, i'm sure of this. >> andy: you all have equal -- the israelis could not break the encryption. >> tom: andy, none of us know anything. we know one thing, that we are right. >> andy: liz, you mentioned that whatsapp is owned by facebook, which is true. it's based in the u.s., but the british government can't tell us to do anything. two members of the house of commons foreign administration committee have asked to help pressure whatsapp. >> if they could, they -- -- >> andy: they can. >> you got to help in situations like that. when they send out warrants for money laundering, the banks give up the transaction. how is this different? >> andy: the banks have the information. >> apple wouldn't open the phone -- >> andy: that's a separate issue. the important thing to remember is encryption doesn't kill people, people do. >> tom: all right. >> andy: i am done with all of you. >> tom: thank you, andy. coming up, uber's a self-driving cars are back on the road. does anyone trust them? we debate. 12 estate attorneys general and one governor are urging a federal appeals court to let the law take effect. they say the law does not discredited against muslims, and that the president acted lawfully. they want the appeals court to overturn a lower court ruling blocking the executive order. the chairman of the house intelligence committee is facing growing calls from democrats to step down. democrats say representative nunes should not lead to the probe into russia's meddling in the 20 2016 election. nunes says the documents he viewed had nothing to do with russia, president trump reacts to the investigation monday night, tweeting that the russia story is a hoax. a committee vote on the presidents a supreme court nominee is on hold for a week. that's after democrats requested a delay. a committee vote is scheduled for next monday, april 3rd. the full senate is then expected to take up the matter. senate minority leader is promising a filibuster. the oakland raiders are heading to las vegas. the nfl approved the move by a landslide on monday, only the miami dolphins voted against the relocation. the team will not pack up quite yet, since they are expected to play in oakland for at least two more years. that's a look at news, i'm kelly wright, now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines, be sure to log on to you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news. ♪ >> tom: uber is not going to let a little accident stop its driverless car program. on friday, and uber self-driving car ended up on its side after hitting hit by an old-fashioned human driving car. the person in the other vehicle made an illegal left turn. uber announced that the program will resume. while the driverless car program has showed some promise, there are still issues. internal documents leaked to the media show rides in the driverless cars go about 2 miles with unpleasant breaking and jerking. >> turn on the ignition. let's go. ♪ >> oh, my god, . >> that's me without adderall. >> tom: they're working on it. joe, would you trust a driverless car? they drive better than the people car the hum of that's a problem. they are driving correctly, people are driving bad. >> my joke when they first came out, it didn't work on stage, so why do it here? >> tom: why not? >> they've had these forever, it's your wife. my mom would always yell at my dad, turn, turn, turn. i think it's going to be the greatest invention of our lifetime. maybe the internet is first. but driverless car, that's something i say to my son all the time, he's nine. "you're going to live to b to go somewhere without driving." he how great is that? get completely wasted, laid down in the backseat. how great is going to be? >> tom: "son, you're going to get so wasted." >> "dad, it's at 2:30 in the morning, while you waking me up again"? >> think of what it will do for the alcohol industry, no one will have to worry about drinking and driving anymore. it will make america great agai again. >> maybe you won't be allowed to be drunk in the car, they'll still say you have to be sober? >> tom: they're going to keep that up, they'll have -- >> you rent those party buses, the guy is driving, everybody in the back is getting hammered. the downside to driverless cars as were going to lose hundreds of hours of quality uber video fights between customers and uber drivers? that's the only thing i live for. as a comic, human interaction is everything to me. that's where the stories come from, where the materials come from. to be on stage and go "my driver went the wrong way, took me 25 minutes, i was late, i cursed at him" he said nothing, no one was there. the doors locked in the engine died until robot authorities came. i've ordered mcdonald's for my kiosk and it's weird. i'm use to acne and a voice cracking. i need puberty guys a dripping's not. that's what i come to fast food for. >> my one really good talent was parallel parking. because i'm from california and we all drive and were all obsessed with driving -- >> tom: you're good at it, you are a woman who can parallel park, you want to show off that skill. >> that's my big trick. if that goes away, what do i have? >> tom: the real question is -- >> will they store the data of where people have driven and will we be able to access it? >> they do it now. >> tom: coming up, a reality show gets canceled but the contestants continue filming. learn about the poor saps after the break. ♪ when the men and women emerge, they were shocked to learn that brexit had passed and donald trump was president. they also missed the breakup of one direction, and of the oscars going off without a hitch. they signed a contract, those y said leave them in the woods. >> this is scarily reminiscent to the world war ii japanese soldier who didn't realize the war was over and didn't surrender until 1974. he stayed hunkered down. >> what a sitcom that would be. >> it's a reality show, they're out in the wilderness, might as well let it play out. it was off the air but they have the footage. >> did they not realize it was canceled when the cameras were put away? how bad was this show that for episodes in a gets canceled? "cop rock" was on for a full season. 11 episodes of cops singing. on skates. >> do they still get the prize at the end of the show? >> >> tom: i don't know, there was nothing to win because the show wasn't on the air. this is the modern world, they have stuff on digital. the crew was part of this, they stuck the camera people in ther there. >> they knew. >> tom: i don't think they knew either. >> they had phones. >> tom: the crew was in the wilderness, didn't you see the trailer? >> what did they sign up for? >> i think we are getting confused here. all of these reality shows film late and air them later. i think there's a confusion. they kept filming because they probably had an heir to them ye yet. >> tom: they got canceled in august and continued filming. it's going to be on youtube. the show is over, i know you want to keep talking -- >> this show is over, too.


Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240609

Normandy, she's unbelievable. there is faulkner with her father, tracy simpson and vietnam, it brought tears to my eyes. he takes us was combat veteran in two theaters, is there anybody more decent pete hegseth as last week and others, who got to remind us, you sure are going to find it in the networks or read about it. the new york times and washington post, this is a very special place. i don't have to say this, i want to say this. twenty tomorrow on life, liberty and levin sunday when we have the governor of florida and america's wiseman, see you then. ♪ >> welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. tonight on the show, dana white, ceo of ufc most successful sport entity in the world and pete hegseth, unwind what's gone wrong before it's too late but first, i want to start with t this, the polls in november and battleground states in many cases are closer but i don't get it when it comes to crowd sizes and enthusiasm it's not a competition. president biden, despite the political power of the white house, the oval office built in everyday can't seem to attract anyone outside his own campaign or perhaps his family. as an trump on the other hand control and enthusiastic crowd wherever he goes. south bronx or rallies, in the winter like conditions at wildwood, new jersey to events that aren't even his like this past weekend ufc event, the passion that surrounds him something to see. >> ufc ceo, donald trump and a former president. >> unbelievable. even joe rogan was moved into loyalty from his loyalists coming from the octagon and ufc. watch what the fighters were saying. >> pretty cool to have a moment there with donald trump after a win. >> president trump, you're the man. a travesty what they are doing to you. i'll be donating to you, my man. let's get it done. [cheering] >> a moment with donald trump. >> one candidate proving america more unobtainable, more than ever before. the other crime is turn time and time again, he wants to give you and everyone the opportunity to experience success he's had. dana white has witnessed growth firsthand. support for president trump unwavering because trump was there for him from the beginning believing in the little engine that could now known as one of america's premier sporting events, ultimate fighting championship. i had a chance to but talk about the relationship with president trump and steadfast support. part one of two parts we have tonight. >> the one thing that stands out is realty and the one thing appreciate about the former president, maybe future president he was there early, how much does that matter to your relationship? the mark realty is important to me he's been a good friend and he's a massive white man and it's not it was popular but trump was the guy who reached out to us when we couldn't get venues and had us come. we had our first two shows over there and when you think about it, trump here, she print here. he showed up the first fight stayed until the last. the guy who would reach out to me my entire career when things happen say congrats. he was guy who got in with another group who started to compete against us that i would never say anything negatively about trump because it is such good friend and sport. >> how has that grown? promoter, entrepreneur and builder, president of the no space, does he still call you? >> yes, i talked to him last night. we talk all the time. he's a good friend of mine. i really care about him as a person. his family, and incredible human being. i'm close to him and his family and it will be that way until we die. >> her family shmuley boteach? connect there doing digit do which is brilliant so what's crazy is your and jared came, i think it was miami the last time, their first fight for four days, they couldn't stop texting me saying this is crazy. we have been to ever think you could go to come up with never been to anything as vanessa. maybe 300, i remember. >> what is your audience like the president so much? >> fan base and fighters, we are all aligned in life and everything and it's not that it's any real political side. [chanting] it's common sense, everybody wants the same thing. there's no difference in anybody in this room, if you let the media fiasco away, who want to make a good living in your ho house, want nice cars and kids, who want to take care of our kids. our kids to do well and go to college, everybody wants the same thing, it's not like we don't. it's just the media has created this divide in this country that needs to go away and hopefully soon it will. >> i know you hate the media you made that clear. thankfully for now i made the cut president's you to speak at the rnc and said defense said don't do it, you did and i was there and you killed it. >> we need somebody who believes in this country, we need somebody who's proud of this country and who will fight for this country. [cheering] >> are you glad? >> everybody told me not to but this is a guy thing gave us a sharp will always hit me up when good things happen at a guy i considered a friend, why what i say no? when he called me, this is what he said. he said if you don't want to do this, i completely understand but i would be honored if you speak at the rnc for me and i said i'll be there, brother. >> if yes to get? >> i'll be there. >> the former president wants to be the next president again, you stare and more fighters eyes than anybody else, where does he rank? number one. take any of the greatest writers of all time, trump was number one. the most resilient human being i've ever met in my life. >> in what respect? >> why keep doing this? got a great life, why keep doing this? the one thing i can tell you -- and its effect, this guy loves this country and loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever, he's not racist, his good human being and loves america and cares about this country. end of story. if he wasn't that type of guy, i've never associate myself. >> prediction? how is he going to do in 2024? >> looking good, they are trying the kitchen sink and like i said most resilient human being government and keeps marching forward. >> a little bit more my exclusive interview with dana white later in the show including his latest mentor that could even be bigger than ufc on day one. i do threat china, communist party recruiting u.s. military pilots to train their own army to join intelligent bulletin boards this, china's liberation army pla skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable any insight into western tactics, techniques and procedures not even hiding it. when they do the west into military submission, chinese nationalist across our southern border at alarming rates. 3500 crossed he legally and make the loan, this may increase over the last three years, less than 2000 in 2022. 2023 -- 24000 plus in the same expected, if not more this year. what are they up to? to assess the stress and so much more is this nation's number one best-selling author, pete hegseth who wrote a book about the challenges here and what we are up against. the war on warriors in the now we will get to more of that in a second. to give the numbers 24000 on the southern border, what are they up to? they're not even hiding it. rolodex and money. >> not hiding at all. chinese communist party definitely no two individuals are and they've left -- nothing happened. everyone has a social critic or, they know if you're coming and going and if you go for reasons unapproved, they know where your families living in these people are on assignment were allowed to be let go did come to the united states, what is the mission and purpose? when you mentioned habits, they are doing it in the open speaking about it starting private companies that look legit and recruit house to train but it's run by the chinese so they create shell companies to make them think they're making a little more cash. this is full-spectrum warfare from every direction. >> why would anybody in america air force pilots train pallets try to help out the chinese? are they aware you're not on board? this is not qb, we're just giving a speech to the chinese. >> this is the intel agency doing its job putting out notices and if you are approached by companies never heard of has bags of cash is not your time to cash in because you might be working for somebody working against us. >> they are trained on our stuff the french and british and they might be open so it's a problem you see from a senior member of the republican side ranking member of the armed services committee and says it's time for a major expansion of the military industrial complex and says we have to invest in the defense plan to make and massive need to make it a for-profit expand the base in which we can make tanks, planes. >> expand manufacturing -- you showed me this op-ed i had a chance to talk to staff yesterday just to get insight and it's ascending in the next five to seven years and opening a window where they are going to challenge us in the military capable to meet that. i want to throw money at it but if your auditing making sure money is in the right spot and modernizing to meet the threat of china, that something we have to do. the problem is we are broke vertically spend money it needs to be on the ability to defeat the communist chinese because they are coming for us eventually. >> the chinese and like 7% of the gdp, with got to get up to 5%. i think it's doable especially if it's for-profit industry, everybody wants patriots, our clients so we could sell them are stuck, there's a market for us. >> as our allies want to buy more in western europe and we do it through the american industrial base, great. >> your book is out, it paints an ugly picture where we are with our military but it's all simple. excerpt your book to emphasize for everyone at home. >> an example of a soldier i spoke to who said thursday is our leader time my platoon leader and skill level stuff for our jobs. training for transgender burning session. chain of command cannot question of someone in the unit want to change their gender. listing of the one in the dod changes to another gender. by the time they transition, three year enlistment is a because they are on medical and not available training, the entire time they hardly served a day in field artillery and i ended with look at china. >> will not pay for your transgender surgery. >> he did and obama didn't at the end but biden has broadened with. plus electric stuff, it's so divisive. we have the best and brightest right now, i love this institution but it's gone sideways and we need to fix it, trump is a big chance to fix it. >> we will keep you in the same thing sunday morning "fox & friends". make sure you order the book and watch the show on fox nation. pete, great job. next ahead, you are welcome to watch agreement, one of the most important issues facing young voters in this election cycle -- it might surprise you. charles payne is here to unwind. ufc president dana white, keep it here. you're watching one nation. ♪ [crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, ♪♪ but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. we hear all the time -- publishes for voters this election, immigration. no, it's kind. no, it's abortion but what is the biggest concern for younger americans? >> i'm just checking, we are all in house right now? i'm not the only one who runs the numbers of the date and looks of the budget and is like there's no -- you work hard, you get what you want. no matter how many hours putting, you get nowhere. >> we bought our house in 2018 and we buy it today 2024, we wouldn't be able to afford it so monthly payment in 2018 was in $2894. today that would be 6000, 776. >> if you didn't get fixed right now in soaring interest rates, low inventory, how you buy your first home in this impossible market? is the american dream, or should we change? joining us now to offer solutions and allies of the p park, those making money, charles payne. you've heard this before, what you say to these people. >> the last guy was humble bringing a little bit. i like what he did there. the young lady was interesting because working hard looking at her age it's been listed to buy a house of this age. first and foremost, do not give up on it. they've done terrible things with respect for flooding economy and so much money sparking inflation that does not go away. also because the federal reserve has gone involved, you got this whole thing so skewed people have locked in rates reluctant to sell. he will sell a house even if you made big money on it with 2% mortgage and traded in so you don't have a lot of sellers, no incentive for builders. the neuropathy, it's really crazy, really tough. this is going to bug her mind because we have the almost unaffordable housing market in the history of america and in the world. if you want to make housing market affordable, you can do one of three things. housing prices have come down 41%. income on average would go up 69% mortgage rates on average would have to confirm 4.3% instead of over 7% like about three and a half. >> which it was. >> not too long ago. the last one is the only one that can happen in the only way interest rates will come them is the economies will go into a deep recession so my advice to people is -- a couple of things. we are in this new age, work from home so the beautiful thing is you have to overprice to get jobs and consider working further from the city getting a bigger house or smaller payment. the that everyone at the bottom. right now you have to make sacrifices. a couple weeks ago, you got to get these things up. you can't have an only fans account, the public health, you can't go out for avocado toast every morning, you just can't have that. nobody ever could have it all. i said that for long time to buy my house. >> the little things matter, it's a mindset. >> say the cash so when circumstances change in the table change and become into recession and housing prices plummet in mortgage rates plummet, you will be in control. >> it could happen soon. 1981 average person who got the first house, 29. 2013 was 31. 2023 west 35 so that's what's frustrating people. how to bring him something new market the stock market go to texas? looks like they will launch the top texas stock market with the help of rock in citadel in 2026. how real is this? >> very real. what's ironic, the same week, the same couple of days the news came out, they dropped congestion pricing scheme. >> charge everyone to drive through the city. >> you already paid a ton of money and of course parking is crazy so it is ironic governor say let's hold off on congestion pricing. they are chasing businesses out of america. >> these are major companies and if they are getting tired of new york, don't you think other people will follow? >> of course because these are companies trying to attract top talent out there, smartest people out there. they have choices. when you graduate from your school in the top of your class, you may not want to go through vatican city that is expensive and a crime-ridden city so they have to make adjustments like every other business and that's why businesses have fled from california and new york, huge. using the numbers and how much it costs to rent u-haul as opposed to one going to new y york. everybody wants one. >> i think we should keep our eye on that and see what's happening and i see you and your company's ongoing public and keep it private, they just don't want the scrutiny and others looking over their shoulders; public became a scam in my mind the last 20 years, they've ripped american people off by a trillion dollars. this is my personal opinion. what used to happen is 25 years ago the company would go look at $30 a share and later trading at $60 a share and everyone says look at the money. you could have sucked up and now they stay private and keep raising money privately start with some family in the first round and then another round and every time the raise money natalie, they hike the value of the company it doesn't matter how much. a company could be worth five billing and hike it to 40 billion and then go public at 80 billing. the public has caught on. if you want to go public, go public at a reasonable price because no one should buy these. >> thanks so much, appreciate the passion and insight and so does america. coming up on the rest of the joke -- the rest of my interview with dana white from the u.s. these rise relationship with joe rogan, we covered all. don't miss a minute of one nation. listen to the music. ♪ i am champion new york, which president emanuel macron rolling out the red carpet at the house president biden for a steak dinner this evening earlier in the day, the two leaders discussed wars and gaza, ukraine and more. the white house working to show it takes threat russia poses to the continent seriously. leaders today coming return of the israeli hostages rescued from the gaza strip. today once again reaching gaza through newly repaired. , crews delivering about 1 million pounds of humanitarian aid today, the. was only operational about a week before i was blown apart with high winds and large waves last month. restrictions on land crossing said fighting limited the flow of supplies to the war-torn territory now back to one nation with brian kilmeade. ♪ >> more not on my interview with the great dana white. he started his career as a bouncer, climbed the ladder to become one of the most successful businessman in sports around the world. president of the usc, a billion-dollar company. the company is breaking records quickly and venues around the world boosting almost 100 million supporters on social media, all platforms and or young, they understand the sport and appreciate the effort and excitement each week fighters. >> exciting and something like it. i love jujitsu at all, sports. >> even if the can't walk afterwards, to put it on for you guys. these guys always put it on for the fence connect different styles fighting against each other and i love the background stories about letters and i love getting into it. >> the unpredictability. every night. >> negative passion? travel to find out about the magic behind man that runs the autopsy. ♪ >> he said easily this is the number one sports league in the world and in the country. >> what you think about ufc when you are working here people would laugh if you thought it would overtake boxing good luck you've taken this hard work that america, i like to shine here but i want to be a force around the world. what you do without gabi and to expand this global brand? >> the beautiful thing upset stay one, this will eventually be the biggest in the world because no matter color country or language you speak, we are all human and fighting is in our dna. and make sense and everybody understands and when you find a guy who's the baddest dude a woman in the world and they speak like you speak and look like you, everybody rallies around them so there isn't a fighter in the world the country we can't find a fighter from like i told you, he continues to expand, we are streaming and go to places with never been about saudi arabia for the first time working on africa. we haven't been to spain yet. i opened an institute in mexico city. some of the baddest dude to other mexicans so imagine the mexicans that will come up in the next five to ten years you build a facility fighters become? >> one 100%. when you think about business in the history of the world that produced trillions of dollars in revenue like boxing has in the end of the day is nothing there, we built a leak and reinvest in the sport and ufc every year. millions, tens of millions the hundreds of millions of dollars we invest into the sport to reach this vision i have. >> you can have a sport where you allow blows to the brainstem paralyze your opponent. >> he tried to stop it. >> and here we are today it's a global sport. we break records after work and i'm pretty sure will break the record this week so when we going to venues like rolling stones and massive acts in these arenas, i love that about it. >> they keep saying america has gone soft, there's a lot of adrenaline in your stands and the octagon and people prom promoting, are you the anomaly? >> probably. i agree the world has gone soft and agree that we are not in any way, shape or form. >> if you say you are savage, to make a killing easier. >> when i grew up there was old money and in the, it was harder -- there's a lot of disruption now. there's never been more opportunity in my lifetime than there is right here and right now. if you are one of these young kids who has heart and grit and determination and want to win, there's never been more opportunity than right now. >> a 19-year-old dana white had to go, you had to have side jobs or there's no safety net. for people who have a safety net, how do you keep the hunger? >> different than hunger i say this all the time, the problem with people as they don't know what they want to do the rest of their life. i was lucky that i always knew what i wanted to do. it wasn't this, i wanted to be in the fight business no matter what it was and i started my way in the bottom and worked my way up but these jobs like paving roads and being a bellman, these are the jobs you have to have growing up like people tell me, he worked hard. when i get to work everyday nine to nine, you know who works hard? the guys paving roads everyday digging ditches and guys who pour concrete in roofing jobs. that's hard work so you have to have those jobs to understand what real hard work really is. ♪ >> i just watched you and people would be happy with that turner let alone away in. >> when you come to fight week you have my favorites from a number one is the fight. number two are face-offs and the press conference leading up to it. when you are a fight man, those are usually the three things. wayne is the opportunity where you get to see how mentally, physically in every way shape or form how prepared are the fighters? if the guy looks away during the face-offs or doesn't look in shape, that's when you look to see who's going to win. >> i think your checking out the fighters, you're looking at t them. >> i love this game. i love everything about it. two be able to stand in the middle every saturday between the best fighters in the world getting ready for the fight the next day is one of the coolest things -- you see behind us, they pay to have that experience and i pulled a young kid right there and the main event, it's like what the once-in-a-lifetime type of stuff. it is the man in me is what it is. i love you so much and i do it 23 years now so i can imagine what it's like. >> can was on never dig up ag again. >> do you remember a time when they said he dies in the ring and said in modern america, there's no place, it's too brutal. >> contact sports are dangerous. la crosse, boxing, mma, the list goes on 30 year history, there's never been a death or serious injury. how many sports can say. >> and you made it, he put a time limit and put white president, that's a lot to do with the rules you put in. is it the way it started? >> who want to regulated sports and we spent millions in health and safety. if you take athletes into the proper medical testing. make it as safe as you can possibly make it. >> the one thing that sticks with me is loyalty. i think about the story the boys wanted how joe rogan went from the guy on fear factor he looked like an athlete the whole time. i did not know he worked for y you. >> when we first company basin new york, i had to fly and go through and figure out what would come back and what i would throw away. will credible is because this will hear so i had to go through every single tape and one tape he had his top show and joe rogan on, the fear factor guy. >> you are the biggest [bleep] on the planet. >> what you doing? you can't assault people. >> you can't run up to him and hit him. >> this open fighting stuff and broken goes into this talking about how incredible the sport is, what these guys would do to movie stars and what they would do to boxers and stuff and i saw him and it clicked and i go, this is the guy i need, who i need to be my commentator so i reached out and we hit it off and that's it and he said wait a minute, you're telling me the sport i love the most in the world but the best seat in the house and talk about it on tv, i haven't reheated the first 13 for free and the rest is history. the biggest podcast are in the world, brady greatest commentator of all time. >> your latest. he sent us through the roof. can you describe it and why it works for you? >> the most successful thing about a part of in such a short amount of time. in 15 months it's a massive social media juggernaut and financial beast. i love it. >> you seem to love it. >> everything the people are saying is exactly what they said about the ufc in early days and plenty of people don't like it. plenty of people didn't like the ufc but there are 8 billion people in the world, believe me. enough people like it to make it incredibly successful. >> congratulations. >> thanks. >> can't go wrong with him. very nice and sit down and get politic time. big fight at the end of the month. i'll be back on stage, history, liberty and flask to her and i'll talk patriotic, inspirational, motivational. indianapolis june 29. towards the end of july in pennsylvania, i'll be driving there and i get a chance and go to the meeting great, i'll sign your book and take some pictures if you go for the vip treatment. next, they'll never guess what undercover spy joe biden claims to have known for 40 years. we'll take the next is tom shillue joins us on news dual. ♪ we've always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america's #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it's true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ time no, great graphics feature best cocteau. joining us now to talk about tom shillue. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> let's hear the music. >> first appears on news dual connective know him for over 40 years. he's not a decent man, he's a dictator acting as a dictator. forty years ago he was in new zealand. vladimir putin seen as the photographer during the years and deputy mayor. is no way he knew him 40 years ago. >> this could be one of those great joe biden stories. he tells great stories are apocryphal site was a double agent, he was in new zealand until name : pop and we are on the beaches. hold on. i'm going to get in trouble. the 20 always says, i'm going to get in trouble. >> a story that and never happened want to go on record, i've never trusted giraffes. >> do ...? we have the footage? >> a draft picks up taller during the wild safari right and i'm not surprised. if you look at the faces, we think the drop is a cute animal that kids have in the playset, the draft with the long neck. >> this dress, noting, picks up 2-year-old paisley and out of the moonroof in the car. can you imagine the horror? i'm prepared. when i go to the zoo, i tell my kids, stay away from the draft, they are vicious, picnics. you see the veins in the next? they are bulging. >> huge next. our thinking no moon works on a safari but that's different next, michigan man had a court date, he has a suspended license. he called in the car to the court date and we thought that was the big story. then we find out he didn't have a suspended license but it thickens, it turns out he never had a license to suspend, his driving without a license so now we see cory harris never should have been driving when he came for his court date, he was driving. >> but he didn't like, it's a clintonian defense like the meaning of is, is, you can't suspended license that never existed in the first place you have another one? >> look at these nuns. they were part and it's nuns gone wild. they whether habits in the water. look at this. they are having a great time, it's great the nuns are getting out. >> there is a sense they don't have a good time and thus not true, is that what you're trying to say? >> to have a great time and i could hang with them because when i go to the beach, i cover-up -- i'm an spf guy but stuff washes off of the waterpark. even the stuff that says it's waterproof, it's not so cov cover-up, i look like a nun or muslim woman. >> this isn't the first time we've seen nuns having a good time. remember this documentary? ♪ >> you're going to go straight to hell. ♪ connect seems like a good movie. being a nun is more fun than i could ever imagine. [laughter] >> i'll never go to the beach with you. thanks so much. you do a better than joe biden. don't forget to take one nation on vacation with you, send us a photo of you and i'll put you on an international audience show called one nation and there is. let us but it's handsome. one nation on vacation from north carolina, she took it to the wonderful west virginia she writes, i never leave my fox news behind. thank you, brooke. thanks for going on vacation with one nation. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. finally, good good news for going. they successfully launched first mission to space. commanding like 61-year-old which will more, former u.s. navy captain. before that dock, he gave an all-american speech. listen. >> we tell many american lives and many are waving flags of us. we know that represents unity and resilience and unified efforts with a common thread and we all know when the going gets tough as it often does, the tough get going and you have. we are honored share spaceflights with each and every one of you. some fire in the rocket and push to the heavens for the tough americans prepared to be. >> they go to the space station and they are there not. good to return product and we have another way to get to space. congratulations, guys. that doesn't for us. send us videos we will send you one nation legacy behind me and take us on vacation, take a picture with something you bought from us. also, one is our address. tune in sunday morning the great guest they lined up over the course of four hours governor doug burgum, running mates with donald trump. catch my radio show 9:00 to noon fastest growing in the country. brian will be with us, as well as doctor marty makary. meanwhile, fox news saturday night starts right now with the great jimmy failla. i will stay in studio. ♪


thank you, general jack keane. that is now what about on saturday night. amongst migrate roster of guests. dana white from last event at the ufc talks about his relationship with trump and also his remarkable story to become leader of one of the most, if not the most powerful sports franchise in the world. tom shillue is going to be with us, pete hegseth and charles payne all coming up saturday at 9:00. hope to see everybody in indianapolis in june 29 at&t and pennsylvania brian history, liberty and laughs. if you are patriotic you will love that show. meanwhile, it's the final jewel of horse racing's triple crown and they are not on long island. they are in upstate new york. janice dean is alive ahead of race day in saratoga, springs. plus, grammy award-winning christian music artist brandon lake and britney lake join us next for the inspiration for their new book ♪ oh there's nothing ♪ better than you


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240604 02:18:00

not 1 so i gave a pep talk last night well done america you listen to us. this is the 1 group we're used used to getting. [ bleeps ] on we are used to blowing leads take it from a celtics fan and red sox fan this is conservatives we do because unlike any other group we have to work keep the roads and the lights on in the country enough time to protest and stuff we are good even when they stack 134 years on which he will just so the judge can say it will be just fine. >> greg: before we go a quick announcement i'm going on tour come see me live special guests tom shillue who's also weight hobby in red bank new jersey next week tickets or running out. fort lauderdale and nor durham


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240604 07:18:00

norigged, no, not one. not one. so i gave a pep talk lastll don night. well, well done, america. well, you guys, listen. well, because this is the one group we're used to getting done. we'ring. e to blowing leads likeused taken from a celtic fan, red sox fan. this is conservative. we we do we d do because unlike any other group, we got to work we got to keep the roads goingug in this country and keep the lights on in this country so we don't have time to protesttime tt and and we de a pep talk. we're good. even when they stack 134stac4 years on which he will just so the judge can say it, we're goin ht sog to be just fine. >> all right. before we go, a quick>> gre announcementg:. i'm going to go on tour this summer, come see me live with special guest tom shillue. >> he's also white. i'll i'll be in red bank, new jersey. >> that's next wee k. >> tickets are running out. fort lauderdale and.


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RFK Jr.'s fight for presidential debate seat shows the two-party system 'is not working' - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Shillue on Fetterman's squatters take: 'He's been talking some sense lately' | National

Shillue on Fetterman's squatters take: 'He's been talking some sense lately' | National - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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