About environmental degradation. First in nigeria in the country around just to be precise its a wetland area where they also used to be mined say now and the governments and local organizations are trying to create new jobs by helping people set up face fox lets go take a. Chill my okafor does what she loves the most nature watch him she runs a Conservation Organization in a former mining area near the city of just one of the projects of the even Creation Care Initiative is a fish from commercial business includes a vision ism is a perfect fit for careful the site has an old team Mine Insights Alice Transform into a fish farm in One Thousand Nine Hundred Six to produce fish for commercial purposes there was a change in management and left to deteriorate but we have come into management and
aim is to raise fish and because of the. The fish farm breeds primarily catfish until last year the fish right on organic feed this wet mud for example attracts insects they lay their eggs in it. Br
FAO-EU raises hope for Buffalo Producers in Southern Iraq with Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Empowering Rural Women In a groundbreaking move towards sustainable agriculture and under the "Restoration and Strengthening the Resilience of Agri-Food Systems in Southern Iraq" project funded by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the
OpEd: The Monarch and Pollinator Highway Program targets roadsides and right-of-ways for the creation of pollinator habitats. Kentucky could play a role.