Seeing none. A point of clarification. Secretary silva, there seems to be some confusion about from the public about what was actually approved for item 10. 4, can you confirm that the item as approved by the board at our last meeting does not add an additional annual allotment of 200,000 per year, but instead caps the annual disbursement of funds to 300,000 annually for a possible five year term of the agreement. That is correct, the amount you approved was, not to exceed amount of approximately 1. 5 1. 5 million over a three year initial term, with two options of one year each. So that would be five years potentially total. And then in the calculation of charges in the contract, costs are not to exceed 300,000 per year. Okay. Thank you for that clarification. Then, well now open item for Public Comment. Is there anyone that would like to comment on item four. And this is the approval of minutes seeing none. Do we have anybody on the phone okay. Well now close Public Comment, colleagu
Attraction, Attention and Addiction Love is blind. Loving someone makes you unable to see their faults. The same is true for brand love. Brand love refers
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Seal of Cotton, a symbol that has revolutionized how we view one of the most fundamental resources: cotton.