Lord have mercy. May all that is done today be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Ohalleran i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for oneminute speeches side of the aisle. For what purpose does the entleman from arizona seek recognition . Mr. Ohalleran i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Ohalleran thank you, madam speaker. In supporty to speak of my blackwater trading post and transfer act which passed the house of representatives by voice vote yesterday. Like to thank chairman
Speakers comments. When we stand united on the floor of the congress as americans, thats when we send the strongest message overseas to adversaries. I want to thank mr. Engel for his strong work, in working with me to get to a positive place where we can actually get to a solution, to whats been a challenging and very fluid situation. Its always an honor to work with you, sir, on the Foreign Affairs committee, and in these times of crises, we are, i believe, strongest on the world stage when the executive and legislative branch speak in one voice. I know in his testimony before our committee, ambassador jeffries, special envoy to sir ark said i saw firsthand the effects of congressional sanctions when we visited with the turkish negotiating team, that these sanctions have been helpful in getting turks to agree to the ceasefire. I believe the resolution that we passed helps helped get turkey to the ceasefire as well. Finally, i want to thank our partners in the Syrian Democratic forces
Employees will be trained. 29 of Commuter Railroads will be installed by the end of 2015. And full implementations is predict jekted by 2020. They will finalize enforcement for those railroads that will miss the deadline. As for any regulatory enforcement posture our goal is to bring Railroad News compliance as quickly and safely as possible. Starting on january 1st, fra will impose penalties on railroads that have not implemented ptc and fines will be based on penalty guidelines which establish different penalties based on violations and will be assessed per violation, per day. The total amount of penalty each railroad faces depends on the amount of penalty progress the railroad has made and fra is planning for what will come after the january 1st deadline. In both 2014 and 2015 the department and fra asked congress to provide fra with additional authorities that would address the safety gap that will exist on many railroads between january 1, 2016, and each railroad full ptc implemen
National captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] things are winding down here at the press club. If you missed any of the discussion of discussion with the chancellor at unc, you can find it online at cspan. Org. The herald newspaper today reporting that Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell thinks the senate could pass along stalled Cyber Security bill before leaving for august recess, but that it will take cooperation. Could see a procedural vote to move forward on that measure tomorrow. Party lunchesin right now. You can catch the White House Briefing on cspan2. And of course, the senate with a gavel back in. More live coverage is coming up in about one hour, talking about the future of afghanistan with general John Campbell, the general of Operation Resolute support starting at 3 00 eastern time. Throughout the month we are looking back at the cities we visited this
Game three win. They did an echo cardiogram a sonogram of the heart and found that billy was born with, um, a Heart Disease. And later, late night host jim knee kimmel in tears talking about his ten day old sons emergency heart surgery. The condition with which he was born and how a nurse may have helped save his life. Good day at 9a starts now. I tell you, they are angels on earth the people that perform those kind of things in youve had he ever child you know just how mazing it is to have healthy baby and so that was such a poignant moment well talk more about that of course. First we want to say good day d. C. On this tuesday its may second. Im holly mores will alongside of maureen, steve and wisdom. Okay. Also ahead this morning, fashion on full display celebrities dressed to the nines or they hit the red carpet for last nights met gala. Coming up later well show off the hottest and strangest looks like this one. Thats one of my favorites right there. Rihanna nothing wears her. She