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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20171109

leaders will hold a news conference shortly. cnn will carry it live for you. i want to begin with breaking news, you have jim sciutto, good evening, thank you all and good to see you. >> jim, i need to start with you, tell me what you learn. >> i am told by multiple sources and familiar with the matter that general flynn has expressed concerns of legal exposure. michael flynn jr. is like his father is under account by mueller. of course, both in the russians meddling in the 2016 campaign but the business dealings of key trump's campaign advisers. flynn's wife shares concerns of their son possible legal exposure. >> what legal questions are special councils focusing on regarding flynn. >> this is revealing. i have spoken to two witnesses interviewed by special council investigators. they tell me the question regarding flynn focusing on his and his son business dealings and including reported of income from their work and lobbying over seas. the foreign agent register registration act and as well as what they are getting paid for that. flynn jr. , not a minor player, he's his father's chief of staff and involved in his father's consulting work and that including joining his father in their trips. i should say as well, flynn senior is under legal scrutiny for undisclosed lobbying their campaigns on behalf of turkey. and that's something the current president of turkey wants to happen. i should know the spokesperson for flynn has denied discussions took place. >> what's next for the investigation? >> there is no sign of this investigation is slowing down or ending. >> flynn's dealing has been under investigation for some time. it goes back to november of last year, prior to mueller's appointment of may of this year, it is not clear that either flynns will face charges. flynn jr. 's lawyer did decline a comment. jim, i want to bring in john and davis. john, as jim just said flynn has been under investigation lying of his russia contacts. that was before mueller was appointed special council. how will the two investigation over lap? >> if you look at manafort and you look at the parallels between the charges that manafort has and what theme we see here for flynn and flynn jr. , that's a problem. if you remember in the early days of this, the delay and firing flynn when they knew he had mislead the vice president of sanctions and how the president resisted the investigation talking to comey and makes you think that flynn is of concern to the president because he went out on a limb with comey and he fought with comey. it looks like flynn was his greatest concern. mueller would like to have flynn cooperate and put pressure on him. flynn is between a rock and a haf hard place. at some point flynn will be indicted and force to the point where they have to deal with the reality of being charged. if they don't cooperate, they'll keep ongoing on. they have thens witnesses and talks of secret indictment, we'll see if it is true. the walls are closing in on flynn but not just them but other people who are involved. i thought this would be the second wave and i think mueller is giving them a chance to make up their mind. if you are the father and you have concerns of conversations have to be about specific charges. >> this investigation continues to go on and you get things like testimonies and list of trump's staffers talking to mueller's team. it is growing. >> is it having an impact on the president? >> yes, certainly. >> yes, just quickly, yes, you look at last night's results and recent polls and the president's po pol poll numbers and lesser turn out for his supporters and particularly in virginia and a robust turn out among voting demographics that have not traditionally supported president trump and 80% of people of color vote went to the democratic gubernatorial and the winning candidate virginia last night over 60% of women and over 60% of people and under 45. there was ashlgs signs pointi-- distraction for president trump. i agree with john that if you look back at flynn, he left the white house. he left the national security adviser role before fbi director comey was fired and before prosecutor mueller was appointed. looking for a time maybe the legal jeopardy of the white house is walled off with flynn. now, that's not the case, he's one of many threads going on in the investigation. obviously, neither he or his son is in charge yet. from jim's reporting tonight if you look at the idea that the senior flynn is worried about the younger flynn, this is something that's swirling close to the president. >> john, the perception from observer and the media. flynn was the first one to fall so to speak. no one thought of papadopoulos and no one had any idea until we saw the documents. >> we had no idea how many people are compromised. >> because the combination of bullying and tolerance and the lack of civility and lives, that's what brought down the republicans and virginia. it was a home mess and a whole way of conducting one self publicly and politically. north northam, he's a solid guy and he served in virginia and he means what he said and he has a history in the state. he was not lured to make any kinds of statements that you were hearing from republicans. the new seats that are in the general assembly, they got ten points and they flipped in a lot of these. that's dramatic and it is possible that democrats taking over the general assembly. i appreciate and i need to move on now. i want to turn to the results of the election. you heard john talking and you wrote in your peace that this is clearly a referendum. is it a warning to republicans. what made virginia so special here? >> democrats needed this. i don't think you can over state the emotional importance that happened yesterday. democrats have not had the real encouragement that they need it. that base was as animated against donald trump professing to be. there was not much you can see by the polls. in the state that hillary clinton only won by five and his predecessor only won by two. it was an enormous victory. it was put up by the candidate and not exactly the most exciting person to put up there. he ran a decent campaign. it was not an electric campaign. ed gillespie did not run a terrible campaign. there is not way of looking at this result and not see donald trump in the numbers. the emotional importance of yesterd yesterday. for democratic party going forward, how in northam had lost, i think democrats would have gotten the momentum they desperately need. they need to feel that voters are seeing what they are seeing. >> so what is different about virginia where you had carol and john here? >> she put up a bigger margin. virginia is bluer, quite frankly but it is not as blue as any republicans. it is interesting to listen to reactions and some republicans particularly republicans supporting the president trying to spin it, well, there is never much hope in virginia of such a blue state. i remember up until 2:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon, we were hearing oh, gillespie closed the gaps and this race is up for gaps and he could win here and steve bannon was saying the same thing. >> they were saying on this program as well. he had the momentum and he was going to win. listen, white college graduates won in virginia last year. by four points. this year, they won for democrats over three points and a seven points swing. will that be replicated nationwide and if so, what does it mean? >> it is impossible if it is replicated nationwide. it is -- i do think democrats who were discouraged before yesterday feeling a whole new sense of purpose and hope. it is important that donald trump's election told one story of america. we have been living in that story for a long time. it was a dark story of racial division and the election yesterday told a completely different story. not only did democrats put great numbers in virginia and elsewhere but there were victories against asian american candidates and female candidates and gays, this was the in verse of what everyone was talking about in terms of lessons of the 2016 presidential election. >> i think it is important. that's what america really looks like and many people have been looking around the last year and saying, wait a minute, is america just 34% of the country which is mostly white and some have shown up and charlottesville and beyond and so maybe you are right about this, the emotional importance of this. it is like telling the kids you can do it, you can do it. >> a friend of mine referred to what happened yesterday, "rainbow revolt." it is much of a rainbow correction. this is the america that i know in believing and never stop believing and even after donald trump's election. >> do you think that's a fight for 2018? >> yes, i do. >> people need to feel that their voices can be heard and there is a way to exercise their power. donald trump's election having not won the popular vote and incredibly narrow margins in those states that delivered the electoral college. i think a lot of people felt somehow the system was rigged and lopsided and it could not be heard. >> i wonder -- i want to ask you because you wrote about it and you talked about the victory. i am wonndering if it gives mor corker as and flakes and this gives some people in congress or in the senate motivation to say, okay, enough is enough. >> i think that'll happen. i don't think it is going to happen in big numbers because what we have seen today is such a republican cowardness and to think it is changing over night is ridiculous. >> republicans are in a big spot right now. what donald trump shows his tweet last night slapping at gillespie, he's not going t to -- and letting republicans winning the election establishing -- he cannot do that because he's too thin skinned and too eg-- there is nothing in return suggesting ed gillespie. >> if you watch television today, that's what you hear? >> i have to ask you before we go, what happens if taxes don don't -- if reform does not go through. >> it is a huge problem for republicans. yet another occasion has happened where they set a goal and they want to pass legislation and they did not. they were looking in that and unable to do anything. if it passes, that could be its own problem because there is a lot in the tax bill that's going to alienate certain voters they need in 2018. >> i think they have to do everything and they need legislative win and they cannot go back to the district without it. >> they got nothing. if we don't get something done on taxes and one piece of legislation to campaign in the midterms. why would anyone vote for us. >> happy holidays. >> thank you. or merry christmas. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. president trump claiming he will be a big loser at the gop tax reform plan. is he right about that? we are waiting for a joint news conference in beijing between the two presidents. when i was a navy seal, i trained as hard as i could to stay alive. i have more than 30 pieces of shrapnel still in my leg. but i still push myself to the limit. if it weren't for my tempur-pedic, i wouldn't be able to sleep on my left side at all. ♪ the tempur-pedic veteran's day savings event is here, and now is the time to take advantage of this incredible offer. save up to $500 instantly on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer today at is now a good time to refinance? yes! mortgage rates are historically low. the time to refinance your home is right now. get started at the only place you can compare up to five real offers, side by side, for free. our average customer can significantly lower their monthly bills. quick. beat the fed's next rate hike. do not miss this window. are you sure you have the best rate? it only takes 3 minutes to find out. go to right now. president trump claiming he will be a big loser under the plan if it becomes law. i want to talk about the bill with wayne cohen, a special correspondent for "vanity fair" and richard payner, there is some red flag for the president. only 35% of the people approving how the president is handling tax, what's the problem here? >> don, i don't understand this plan, a, i don't understand who's going to benefit or certainly not going to benefit the middle class or donald trump's wealthier friends, basically the tax rates don't change, except for corporations. if you are a corporate executive or a shareholder, this is going to be great for you. if you are partnership income, it is going to be great for you. if you live in new york or california or connecticut, places where there is high state and local taxes, if you cannot deduct state and local tax deductions, if you cannot take those deductions anymore, you are not going to be happy. i don't see who this benefits except for corporations or people like donald trump. >> so having said that, there is a number of taxes where some one in the middle class will pay more in taxes and the president will reject a tax proposal that'll raise taxes in the middle class. do your number add up here? >> i wait for what the senate comes out tomorrow. i don't see how the president will accept the house plan and i don't understand how donald trump is not signing a bill when fr frankly this bill proposed by the house or frankly among his rich friends, i don't get it. >> richard, i want to talk about the plan and a question here, the president calling a group of democrats to get support for the plan. based on the only trump's tax return that we have seen, that's 2005. he paid $38.4 million. 31.3 of it is amt, which is repealed in the current plan. do you think the president is a big winner or a big loser? >> well, i think he ought to clean up and we'll get rid of the alternative tax, that's the only thing that makes him paid any tax. the to take it away entirely would let people like donald trump getting a break. this tax plan like all the other ones we have seen in congress are rip off of the middle class. i am a republican and i would like to see tax cuts but tax cuts for middle class americans. we are working there. we don't need them at the top of the scale here for the corporations and types of investments. second, he would not disclose his own tax returns and if he's not going to dispose his tax returns, we don't know his conflict of interests. he needs to disclose the returns and not talk about taxes because he has to recuse from it, he's got a conflict of interest. >> i certainly agree with richard painter on that. >> the other thing that's worth mentioning here is the fact that he's repealing the estate taxes which is going help generations of trump's -- look, we don't know how much donald trump is worth. the fact the matter is, he's worth plenty and he's not going to have to pay a state tax which benefits him of the icon of the world. >> he claims the estate tax, he claims the estate tax was a toss in because the plan was quote just so bad for rich people. is it bad for rich people? >> the federal tax rate for people making a lot of money remains at 39 point .6. what hurts people and of all citizens like new york state and california and tax environments is that you cannot deduct that anymore. you are talking about limiting the mortgage interest deductions, that could be a problem for upper middle class people who owns their homes and have a big mortgage. i don't see who this benefits for and really really corporations and people like donald trump who have a lot of partnership income. >> after last night, the republicans, did they want to vote for this plan? >> i don't think so. this is not going to help anybody but the super rich. the estate tax, it means you have general raegtions of famil. that's not the american way and i don't see anything in this for the middle class. the message is very clear from voters and they want a government that's responsive to the needs and economic needs of ordinary americans. we need to focus on our economy and getting our economy going again and putting pockets and money in the pockets of ordinary families that need money to support their kids and send kids to school and basic expenses and people are having trouble keeping up with and that ought to be the focus and not just handling a huge amount of money to corporation and making sure that rich family like trump don't have to pay any estate tax. once again, if he won't disclose his tax returns, we don't know what kind of benefit he's getting from this tax plan. he has no business messing around with the tax codes. there is no excuse for this. he's under audit. he is audit have been going on for a long time. there is no idea of what it is about. the american people don't trust them. that's what we saw in virginia last night. the american people don't trust our president. >> richard, thank you. incredibly harsh words from north korea and president trump. how they are responding to the nuclear program and any moment now, president trump will address the press and alongside the president of china. fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. fomy doctor recommended ibgard. abdominal pain and bloating. now i'm in control of my ibs. nonprescription ibgard- calms the angry gut. president trump and president xi jinping is now speaking in beijing. i want to turn to samantha, you first, all eyes on the president's trip to china. here is the president earlier tie tonight. the hosting of the military parade this morning was magnificent and the world was watching. i had people calling from all parts of the world, they were all watching, nothing you can see is so beautiful. i just want to thank you for the warm welcome and i look forward to many years of success and friendship, working together to solve not only our problems but world problems and problems of great danger and security. i believe we can sell all of them. >> what comes out of this? >> i agree with president trump, a lot of people are watching his meeting with president xi, there is no secret that the administration had. trump threatening china during campaign and blowing them over twitter and now lavishing them with praise. the fact is there is been positive sound byte coming out of this meeting in beijing. if he fails to speak with president xi about unfair chinese market practices or intellectual property theft, he's going to send a message that he's all about bluster and does not fall through his threats to holds countries accountable. kim jong-un could interpret it as donald trump is not being serious. >> did you hear coherent during the president's speech last night? >> he seems to rattle and more we'll destroy you and then the softer tone is that -- i agree with samantha. there is concerns of what the chinese are hearing. they're worried that trump is so erratic and they're watching his language and the way he carries himself and if he does speak out so much, it will seem like insulting. it is a delicate balance and i don't think he has succeeded coming out. >> lets look at president trump's speech calling him a lunatic, old man and that's according to the immediamedia. >> we know that donald trump has taken a less aggressive posture and run up to his meetings and xi and putin. these are two leaders particularly because they don't want to see more u.s. troops on the korean peninsula. kim is trying to egg donald trump on and donald trump should remain on message and on his talking point if it is all possible so that he can convince both xi and putin that a military strike is not a for gone conclusion. if he does not, the chinese and russians are not going put additional pressure on kim jong-un. >> the president also makes big promises when it comes to trades and he talked tough on china during the campaign. watch this. >> we cannot cobntinue china raping our country. they're taking our money, jobs and base and manufactures. >> i am going to instruct my treasury secretary to label china a currency manipulator, to label china a currency manipulator? >> david, what's a win for the president? >> he's unveiling a bunch of trade deals, i would agree he's not confronting on trades. a lot of american allies are waiting to see if he's going to confront china. he's backing in the corner where he needs china's corporation and north korea. >> back to his base and voters and promised of all these changes on trades and high paying jobs. i don't think it is coming. >> is there a win? >> the win is no gap. he's calm and he sticks to his scripts but that does not deliver. the massive exaggerated promises he made in campaigns. he's not going to be able to achieve that. >> david and samantha, thank you as well. when we come back. last night was not just big for democrats, people of color and lgbtq, candidates won states and local races. why are so many ground breaking wins happening now and will it last? whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits... ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over... ...200 sites to find you the... ...hotel you want at the lowest price. grazi, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor. i'm all about my bed. this mattress is dangerously comfortable. when i get in, i literally say "ahhh." america loves the leesa mattress. we have more 5 star customer reviews than any other mattress of its kind. this bed hugs my body. i'm now a morning person. hello, bed of my dreams. discover how leesa's innovative design provides an extraordinary sleep experience. then place your order. we'll ship your leesa mattress right to your door, so you can enjoy a risk free trial at home. i love my leesa. today is gunna be great. sleep on it for up to 100 nights and love it, or you'll get a full refund. returns are free and easy. now you can experience the leesa difference before you buy at any west elm. or go to and get $100 off. and free shipping too. you need this bed. ♪ anyone who calls it a hobby doesn't understand. we know that a person's passion is what drives them. [ clapping ] and that's why every memorial we create is a true reflection of the individual. only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. find out how at the 2017 elections knocked down a lot of barriers. i want to talk. welcome, last night, many were elected for the country. was this a repute of the president, can you say that? >> there is no question about that, don. >> it was sweet poetic justice with all of these wins when you have a historic win in the house of delegates who took the seat of the most anti-lgbt delicate there who was the author of the bathroom bill. this happens across the board where you have two latinas across the house of delegate and african-americans and lieutenant governors and a record amount of women who ran and won. it was resounding of trump's policy and his language and definitely of his twitter habit. >> ed. >> let me get the question and you can respond. >> defeating the long-term incumbent and the bathroom bill, he describes himself as a state chief homophobes. >> the guys did not exactly nominate people outside of demographics. i think it is cherry picking and for example, where i am from, we had a race between the dynamic woman and a guy. you see in races where there is more money and in the case of marshal, a lot more money, he got beat. that's how races go. tf it was a delegate race. >> virginia are not surprise of anyone knowing politics. the idea of reading a mandate to this is farfetched. >> poor ed. [ laughter ] >> you are sure of cherry picking? >> as someone who does know politics, tust trit is true thes of new jersey was not surprising. >> and there was a republican governor. >> chris christie was terribly unpopular. he won by 22 points four years ago. what's surprising though, my state of new jersey was how under performing republicans were doing in districts they should not have been. in democratiistricts they were in. >> he's a legacy family in his district in new jersey and the republicans only -- well, the democrats there out performed the republicans in ways that no one expected which is not good for the moderate republicans and states like new jersey. in virginia, what was surprising for those of us who knew politics, down in virginia is about to dplflip potentially. no one expected that. >> no one expected that. republicans almost due to one margin there. that wave is something that should be alarming to republicans because it is indicative of things that happened in 2006 and 2008 where republicans also lost considerably, they lost the house of representatives in 2006 and 2008, it continued on with the wave of barack obama. we cannot dismiss what took place there. >> i am going to read this, in new jersey, in hoboken and new jersey, and racist fliers. >> maria, democrats turned out big. i want to read apart of the piece from political today. he revisited john's town pennsylvania where die hard trump's voters have not changed their minds. trump is angry on their behalf and battling the people who vex them, the worst "obstructionist," democrats uncoru uncooperate. >> why such anger and can that kind of racism ever be over come, do you think? >> i do think it can be over come and we saw it being over come last night. let's just look at the piece that you just put up, don. this is the president of the united states who prides himself on representing hatred and racism and bigotry and representirepresen representirepresen representirepresen representing vengefulness and he was proud of it. the majority of americans will have come out to say enough, this is not a man who represents -- >> the majority of americans? >> come on. >> this is a majority of americans who have said like they said in the election, ed, because he did not get the support of the majority americans that he did not represent full on american values. that's a huge piece that republicans really need a strong look at going into 2018. >> come on, don. look, you are going give a le lengthy speech on what you think the president is this or that. we expected energy to be on the party out of power that's very predictable and everything else i agree with assessment. virginia, they're under perform. >> she's responding to the political article. she's saying all the stuff about the president. >> did you hear the response from the political article, that she says trump is seasonably angry on his behalf and using the "n" word to describe it? >> that's not acceptable. when somebody is interviewed and the political article has an angle -- there were people that voted for barack obama and they thought about him of something you and i did not agree. listen to his speech in south korea and look at him in china. he's taking on issues seriously. he's a guy that's trying to do his part and people coming on your show saying over and over again they wish to change the rules, electing the president by popular votes. most people including hillary clinton thought it was a good system. >> that's what she brought it up. >> this is not the argument. here is the bottom line >> you are the one that brought it up. >> hold, hold, after the break. 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>> that's the point i was making right before -- >> come on, guys. >> i don't want to go down this rabbit hole, but yeah. >> trump is all over the place -- >> wait a minute a second, don. can i just say something? it's true that people make criticisms of the system. whatever the system is before -- but when you run and set the rules, the rules trump ran on was to win and he won. you guys want to play chess -- >> what are you talking? what are you talking? >> i'm talking about the people that are so diluted that they come on and say oh, hillary won the popular vote, therefore it's something special. >> she did -- >> that doesn't matter. so did al gore. it's not how you become president. >> so would you say to the president that we have a constitution and we elect presidents a certain way and that he needs to abide by that and respect it? would you say that to the president of the united states. >> i sure would. any president. >> after he tweeted that it was a disgrace? >> no. that was before he was a candidate. again, you can criticize the system. you can criticize the system. >> oh, my god. >> here is the problem. >> all right. >> here is the problem with what ed is saying, because he's saying that it doesn't matter that hillary won by 3 million votes. you're right it doesn't matter in terms of who is president. but it does matter when it comes to governing. he is only supported by less than a third of americans. he doesn't care that communities of color feel that they are left behind. >> that's not how it works. >> and abandoned and are fearful by the kind of divisive and hateful rhetoric this president has spoutd from the day that he announced his candidacy. >> can i say something? >> you're missing a good presidency. >> sure. yeah. >> okay. look, all those things, how people feel and all of that at this pount is reflected in the polls. >> you guys are going to be really upset, but i've got to get to breaking news. okay. ston. breaking news. president trump and his china's counterpart president xi jinping holding a news conference. let's listen in now. >> the honorable president donald trump distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, good afternoon. the press statement made by the two presidents now starts. first of all, i would like to invite president xi to make his statement. your honorable president donald trump, friends and the press, good afternoon. it is my great pleasure to meet all of you together with president trump. let me begin by extending once again warm welcome to the president for his state visit to china. yesterday and earlier today the president and i have had in-depth discussions on china u.s. relations and major international and regional issues of mutual interest. we reviewed the important progress made in the relationship since we met at mar-a-lago. and we discussed how to further move forward the relationship in the months ahead in great depth. and we reached a series of new and important consensus. our meeting is constructive and productive. i shared with the president the policies adopted at the 19th party congress. i conveyed china's firm commitment to deeper reform, greater opening up and a path of peaceful development and dhien's desire to expand kwernling interest with other countries in promoting coordination and coordination among major countries. president trump shared with me his domestic reform agenda and foreign policy priorities. the development of china and the united states is mutually reinforcing. our respective success sevsz the common interest of oath countries. we believe that facing the complex and changing international landscape and maintaining world peace and stability and promoting global development and prosperity china and the united states being two large countries share more common interests, shoulder greater responsibility and enjoy broader room for cooperation. a helly, stable and growing china u.s. relationship is not only in the fundamental interest of the chinese and american people, it also meets the expectations of the international community. through mutual visits, meetings and phone calls and correspondents with a view to having timely communications on major issues of shared interest. we agree to make the most of the diplomatic and security dialogue, comprehensive economic dialogue, social and people to people dialogue and law enforcement and cybersecurity dialogue for high level dialogue mechanisms and work together for greater results out of these die logs. we believe that china and the united states are the two largest economies and important engines of global economic growth. we need to further expand trade and investment cooperation, strengthen macro economic policy coordination, pursue healthy, stable and die namically balanced economic and trade relations. it is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation plan for the next phase to have continued in-depth discussion on trade imbalance, exexpert restrictions, investment environment, market openers and other issues. and work to support practical cooperation in energy, infrastructure, belt and road initiative and other areas. just now the president and i witnessed the signing of some major cooperation agreements by our businesses. during this visit the two sides signed over 250 billion u.s. dollars of commercial deals and two-way investment agreements. according to china's timetable and road map for opening up, china has announced a number of steps to promote market access. this speaks volume of the broad space for further economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, which will deliver great benefits to the two peoples. we agreed to expand, exchange dialogue between our two militaries at various levels, realize at an early date the invitation by u.s. secretary of defense to china and a senior high level chinese military delegation to the u.s. and work to ensure the success of the first joint staff dialogue mechanism and the disaster management joint exercise and economic exchanges. we agreed to standard law enforcement and cybersecurity cooperation. the two sides reaffirmed that neither wants to become a safe haven for each other's fugitives. and will instruct competent authorities of the two countries to actively explore a long-term cooperation mechanis


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Labaton Keller Sucharow Announces a Proposed Class Action Settlement for All Record Holders and Beneficial Owners of Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. Common Stock Whose Shares Rithm Capital Corp. Acquired at the Closing of the Merger - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Form SC 13G/A FTAC Emerald Acquisition Filed by: Sculptor Capital LP

Form SC 13G/A FTAC Emerald Acquisition Filed by: Sculptor Capital LP - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Sister Priscilla Cohen, O.S.B. | Obituary | The Cullman Times

Sister Priscilla Cohen, O.S.B. passed away. This is the full obituary where you can share condolences and memories. Published in the The Cullman Times on 2023-11-22.


Form 8-K Sculptor Capital Managem For: Nov 17

Form 8-K Sculptor Capital Managem For: Nov 17 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


The Polyphonic Spree's Robust Positive Pop Returns On 'Salvage Enterprise' (ALBUM REVIEW)

The Polyphonic Spree's Robust Positive Pop Returns On 'Salvage Enterprise' (ALBUM REVIEW) - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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