Culture 4 hours, 46 minutes Stay updated with the latest in Tech, Science, Culture, Entertainment, and more by following our Telegram channel here. If you've ever wondered what do Asians prefer: Work from home or work on site, well, we now have an answer. In a study conducted in partnership with SEEK Asia (The parent company of JobStreet), Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and The Network, only 7 per cent of Asia’s workforce now want to commit to a completely onsite work arrangement. The study titled 'Decoding Global Ways of Working' surveyed 209,000 participants across 190 countries with 66,624 respondents from Asia. WFH over WFO. Majority of Asians surveyed said they prefer to work two to three days remotely every week with 49 percent from the Philippines prefer going completely remote. This could be due to rising COVID-19 cases in the country.