A Timeline of Minnesota's Alternative Media Last fall the Star Tribune Media Company scapegoated the coronavirus and unceremoniously pulled the plug on alt-weekly City Pages after a 41-year run. The only appropriate tribute? A snarky history of alternative presses in the Twin Cities. Expand Images courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society ( Goodhue, Der Wanderer, U of M team, Roy Wilkins); StudioSmart (gavel), Robuart (peace), Nito (flag); Deb Hopp (Twin Cities Reader); from Alamy stock photo: Everett Collection Historical (Parks); Tsuni / USA (Lizzo) Group of images from the article 1849 James M. Goodhue prints the territoryâs first paper, The Minnesota Pioneer. On its pages, Goodhue attacks Judge David Cooper. Cooperâs brother responds by stabbing Goodhue in the street, to which Goodhue responds by shooting him.