The U.S. military has a checkered past when it comes to doing experiments on its soldiers, so any announcement about new advances in “reprogramming cells” in soldiers to promote the faster healing of wounds should rightfully be met with caution … especially when the headlines refer to turning soldiers into “Wolverine” – the X-Men character with a mutant healing factor that regenerates damaged or destroyed tissues. Well, that’s what the U.S. Air Force is seriously researching — technology that could heal wounds more than five times faster than the human body can heal naturally. Does it involve adamantium? “There are amazing opportunities in the United States, that you don’t see in the rest of the world, to humanize science and meet critical needs in medicine. We have the resources to do this, and it is our obligation to take full advantage of them. Thanks to the Air Force’s help, I was able to acquire the tools I need to advance my research into cellular reprogramming and wound healing.”