AECI Limited - Acceptance of LTIP awards PR Newswire (Registration number: 1924/002590/06) Share code: AFE ISIN: ZAE000000220 Hybrid code: AFEP ISIN: ZAE000000238 Bond company code: AECI (AECI or the Company) DEALINGS IN SECURITIES BY DIRECTORS, A DIRECTOR OF A MAJOR SUBSIDIARY, THE ACTING GROUP COMPANY SECRETARY AND PRESCRIBED OFFICERS Acceptance of awards of performance shares: Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) In compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and Debt Listings Requirements, the following information is disclosed: In terms of the standard rules of the Company's LTIP, participants have been allocated a new award of performance shares in line with an annual process. These will convert into AECI ordinary shares and will vest three years after the grant date of 15 April 2021, subject to the performance conditions attached to each allocation being met. The performance shares were issued at the grant price as indicated below and were accepted off-market on 30 April 2021 as follows: