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Did a retired accountant who killed fifty nine people in and hundreds more from a hotel room packed with weapons as investigators dig into Stephen Products background the u. S. Is grappling with the worst mass shooting in its modern history and many are asking the inevitable question about gun control also on the grid a massive show of defiance and anger in catalonia thats where hundreds of thousands have been out on the streets unions called a strike in the spanish region and protest against Police Brutality during the un. Vote for life to barcelona and its indias most recognizable landmark its also one of the seven wonders of the world strains than that the taj mahal has failed to feature in a new government tourism booklets the government insists it isnt political but not everyones convinced. And protests that kenyas top universe. Class is being canceled and students kicked out of Residence Halls i mean to tell you why send us your questions and comments throughout the show using the hash tag. Youre with a news group were live on and were streaming online through you tube Facebook Live and at aljazeera dot com so u. S. Investigators are picking apart the life of las vegas gunman Stephen Paddock to try to work out why he staged the worst mass shooting in americas modern history fifty nine people were killed and more than five hundred injured thats when patrick opened fire from the thirty second floor of a Hotel Directly into a packed Country Music festival below the sixty four year old took his own life before police reached the hotel room they say him last twenty three guns at the hotel including semiautomatic weapons and there were more in his home brunells joining us from las vegas i suppose what i want to know robin a lot of viewers is how he could have taken in twenty three weapons to a hotel without raising suspicion and what more can you tell us about the investigation. Well as far as your first question you know ive im at the Mandalay Hotel myself staying there overnight and people are bringing in banks the banks are not being checked you can imagine how long it would take for every guests bag to be checked and rechecked at various places just like at any airport but maybe itll come to that from now on who knows the time will come for discussion of more stringent security measures nothing really new in the investigation there is hope that by examining Stephen Paddocks. Computer hardware they may get some clues President Trump is on his way to las vegas on wednesday he apparently has drawn his own conclusions as to the motives of or if not the motives of patrick as to his mental state heres what the president had to say. Well for the people who lost may just the residents there how are they coping. Well there was a series of candlelight vigils last night very emotional a lot of tears people were praying they heard some uplifting messages from a local leaders and religious leaders and people there were saying things like you know it we are grieving were hurting but we were looking to try and move forward now trying to find some good in all of this not to hate but to try to understand but first serve for certain it will take a long time for this city to get over what its mayor Carolyn Goodman called its darkest day ever all right rob rattles thank you well its not its not just police who have nothing to say about why the attacker did this even paddocks brother is also at a loss castro reports from mosquitoes northeast of las vegas why would a retired american accountant with no known political or religious affiliations commit the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History the question has so far stumped investigators monday Morning Police combed through the primary home of sixty four year old Stephen Paddick in misc eat a Peaceful Community of retirees ninety minutes north of las vegas paddock own this house which police say he shared with his girlfriend who is currently traveling outside of the country neighbors say other than being a reckless he was rather ordinary knowing that its just a guy that. Look so normal and and you just walk down the street look and say hello to is capable of turning in and doing what he did last night is Unbelievable Police say patrick had no criminal record the f. B. I. Says paddick was not affiliated with any armed group as my brother was a member of the gunmans brother told reporters patrick was a wealthy Real Estate Investor and gambler who showed no signs of violence just nothing i mean its on the Public Record he did stuff we went to college he had a job. And you know we own some apartments we sold some apartment we i mean theres theres nothing there was no indication. Nothing thats what so. I mean i mean i cant even make something up theres just. Theres nothing. Nothing so far to give police a lead in to why this massacre happened heidi joe castro aljazeera muskeg nevada. Well bring in our social media producer anderson publicans yesterday you were telling us that right away people across the u. S. Had started debating gun control issues and were online yesterday and its only built since then were now seeing hundreds of thousands of tweets using one hash tag gun control now Quincy Johnson has the most popular post of the day where he actually pushes back on everyone using this hash tag saying the weapon used in the attack has been banned since one nine hundred eighty six more laws would not have stopped this he argues but there are some holes in this logic one authorities have not officially released details of the weapon the paddocks used in the attack two if it was an automatic weapon a machine gun they can legally be owned if made before one thousand nine hundred six thats when tighter gun laws were introduced so theres a lot of strings and paperwork attached but its still possible thats the point three you can also buy kits that effectively turn semiautomatic weapons into automatic weapons or give them rapid fire capabilities as you can see here they are illegal in some states but not in the vatican and there are there are are all sorts of how to and show off videos all over you tube now some of these modifications sell for as little as fifty dollars online lots of people want these kinds of sales to stop others are using the hash tag to push for legislation in their states and at the National Level the actor john fool saying says that these people arent exploiting a tragedy theyre trying to prevent the next one from happening but of course thats the job of politicians and so many of them who are so quick to offer their thoughts and prayers also accept thousands of dollars in Campaign Contributions from individuals and Political Action committees linked to the National Rifle association which is americas most powerful gun lobby thats one reason why the Jimmy Kimmels name has been trending on twitter as well the late night comedy show host had some harsh words for the n. R. A. You know what will happen will pray for las vegas some of us will get motivated some of us wont get motivated though bills will be written theyll be watered down the fail the n. R. A. Will smother it all with money and over time will get distracted will move on to the next thing and then it will happen again and again the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and speaker of the house paul ryan a number of other lawmakers who wont do anything about this because the n. R. A. Has their sort of money clip also sent their thoughts and their prayers today which is is good they should be praying they should be praying for god to forgive them for letting the gun lobby lobby run this country now the n. R. A. Has poured millions of dollars into campaigns of republican congressional candidates over the years they spent more than thirty Million Dollars to elect donald trump who has spoken out against tighter gun laws on twitter in particular many times over the past few years but last year he did call for people on the terrorist watch list or the no fly list to be prevented from buying guns nothing really happened with that meeting though and in two thousand and twelve he had a rare positive feedback for his predecessor barack obama after he delivered a speech calling for more gun control that was following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School so keep sharing your thoughts with us we always want to hear them and you can send us your questions throughout the show we will be sure to respond to them just use the hash tag its a newsgroup well those who support tighter gun control often point to the example of australia there in one thousand nine hundred ninety six a gunman killed thirty five people during a rampage in the popular tourist site of port arthur so in response australias government introduced significantly tougher gun laws and there hasnt been a firearm massacre sense emirates is professor Simon Chapman wrote a book on this and earlier we asked him if he thinks a similar government crackdown will ever happen in the u. S. Heres what he said. Regrettably no i dont think so many after we had the sandy hook massacre with twenty children tiny children shot in a Primary School and i read today that they had been there been two hundred seventy three mass killings in two hundred seventy five days in the United States and it is this is the Mass Shootings capital of the world there is no other country that comes close to what it will pay they do or die in a country and its because the power of the gun lobby and the aquas acquiescence of politicians who refuse to take a stand against many viewer comments coming to us here at our facebook feed on the newsgroup has seem asking why do their politicians the us politicians lack common sense of ordinary people be allowed to own and possess guns not in a trillion ways and sufi yano saying that i think its high time the u. S. Reconsiders their gun policies certainly that is the debate that is going on in the us as well as internationally even here on line well let us just show you this take a look at this this is the deadliest mass shooting in the u. S. Over the last two decades the Mass Shootings i should say and as you can see the latest one in las vegas is the most deadly. Do send us your comments or any questions that you may have wed like to hear from you you can use the hash tag a. J. Newsgroup and send them into any fun at one of our Online Platforms you can tweet us at aging list or on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. News grid you can also send us a whatsapp on plus a nine seven four five triple one one four nine and as always just a reminder that you can always use the hash tag a. J. News grid what well do now is bring in our guest in fact is the associate professor of law at the university of Detroit Mercy School of law joining us via skype from detroit michigan good to have you with us why is gun control such an issue in the u. S. All right apologies i think were having issues connecting to. Do and well try and get him back a little later on well move on and donald trump plans to travel to las vegas on wednesday thats after he flies to puerto rico to see for himself we have a caused by Hurricane Maria so hes on his way to the u. S. Territory right now and should land within the hour trump will be meeting with the scenes like this a country thats nowhere near being back on track since it was pummeled by. The storm wiped out the power grid there is little phone signal and fewer than half of Puerto Ricans have access to fresh water the pictures youre looking at is trump flying into puerto rico now trump will be keen to smooth over tensions between himself and local leaders who he were rated when they criticized the u. S. His response to the disaster well we live to san juan in a moment after a. J. Plus looks at the standoff so far. I dont have time. I dont talk i dont have time. I did my job not for you im worried about one thing saving like. We are dying here. Or not cannot fathom. The thought. That the greatest nation in the world cannot figure out logistics for a small island of one hundred miles by thirty five miles so may day we are in trouble. I am begging. Begging anyone that can hear us. To save us from the dying. If anybody out there is listening to us. We are dying. And you are killing us. Now lets go to san juan now and. We are expecting trying to land within the hour a what do we expect from his visit. Hell be on the ground for about five hours. Still got an initial briefing at the National Guard base where he then were told he will meet those affected by Hurricane Maria we dont know where that meeting will take place or who those people will be that he will meet that he will go to a chapel that he will get briefings on a u. S. Warship just off the coast with the put a ricoh in the millet and military officials but also the governor of the u. S. Virgin islands we should also remember that the u. S. Virgin islands were devastated by Hurricane Maria as well back to such an extent the white house felt he couldnt donald trump couldnt actually visit them theyll be some ceremonial thing with the military over here and then hell be off interestingly you would be the matter of sound yesterday we were reporting that the white house said that the man had been invited to talk to donald trump during this visit however the man has just given an interview to the independent where she says the first she heard about that was on twitter she didnt get any formal invitation as far as she was concerned im not sure whether thats changed yet she also said Something Else that was very interesting which is actually sort of a great deal of concern here in puerto rico that she was invited in the white house made much of this to listen to a briefing by the department of Homeland Security the white house suggesting that they are including local officials however she was told by text that she could be part of the Conference School but she was also told that she was not allowed to speak in that Conference Call this is part of that huge concern and. The ricoh but like the Austerity Program currently underway where everything is being sacrificed schools Pensions Health care is a big sacrifice in order to pay the debts to wall street hedge funds vulture capitalists and so on one purpose bought distressed bones of puerto rico because they knew they were going to get a return everything is being sacrificed for most of the program here and put a ricas as it is the relief effort will be run and very much a similar way no input from locals no input from elected officials and put a rico things run by washington things run by officials who put a rican is havent voted for and the priorities will not be those the rebuilding put a ricoh in a sustainable about it will be to pay off debts to wall street to privatized and to make more money for those not this archipelago and for this for puerto rico for the situation on the ground right now. What is it like. Well we got another long list of numbers from the governor has i mean they are being very careful not to give us regular updates as to how the relief efforts are underway so we have a bunch of numbers now. Three hundred twenty eight functional two hundred ninety five supermarkets now functional eight hundred fourteen petrol stations forty percent of the population now has access to telecommunications nine thousand three hundred people are in shelters eight hundred fifty five trucks are called at the port usually its about fourteen hundred we understand but those main main figures still fifty five percent of the population without access to Running Water ninety five percent not connected to the electrical grid here in san juan its very easy to forget sometimes that is a catastrophe on the way except for the lack of electricity that is however as the man himself said as soon as you use it you might think that the that the catastrophe is over the disaster is over all you have to do is leave san juan and that particular concerns about the interior the mountainous regions of puerto rico well actually were getting reports that they still havent been reached and its a bit confusing because we see blackhawk helicopters in the sky all the time a lot of questions are being asked why are these being used to bring aid and to reach some of these isolated communities without really getting great answers to those questions you have to leave it there for now we thank you for giving us that update from sun so as we know after puerto rico the president will be going to las vegas in the wake of the mass shooting attack we were just talking about a few moments ago and he said that soon the nation will be talking about gun control. And hes an associate professor of law at the university of detroit mercy joining us via skype from detroit thanks for sticking around so look the conversation. Is very much now about gun control its about the lobby and its about the n. R. A. So let me ask you to put this in some sort of context for us and tell us how much control or influence the n. R. A. Thats the National Rifle association has over policy and politics. Yeah the n. R. A. Is a very influential a very robust law be political faction Political Movement which really controls in there and it also you know mobilize a large segment of the population. Of core you know an unfettered kind of regime over of were going to stroll in essentially facilitates going to access across the border im looking at their twitter feed right now and in fact it just seems that the n. R. A. Has been silent ever since this mass shooting took place why do you think that is thats part of the strategy so you know after these Mass Shootings this if we when the Mass Shootings involved a white culprit and should and you know very much their strategy is to kind of remain silent you know kind of retreat in the dark because they know when these incidents happen thats really high time when people on the ground in the country are calling for gun reform calling for restrictions calling for background checks and so on so whats happening now with the n. R. A. Little silencing is nothing new as a deep mystery and a deep tradition of doing just that so saying the influence that this organization has do you think that the u. S. Will ever get to a point where they say enough is enough there have been too many Mass Shootings or is that pretty impossible seeing the influence. No its very possible this is this is a legal question so much it is really just around interpretation of the Second Amendment in the Second Amendment the constitutional amendment which you know essentially extends the right to gun access and a lot of the debate you know in circles round out roll out or how many are all going to access should be so this issue is going to come down to. Earth or its the Second Amendment but there was great event some obviously it was fun tree for gun reform. On the other end however theres also you know a strong and staunch supporter of you dont want that or dont have access largely part because the n. R. A. So its a very polarized this you politically and reform is going to have to be had within the courts all right and they do and we thank you for speaking to us from the u. S. Thank you for having me now some news thats just emerged from iraq and the former president. Has died he was the countrys first non arab president serving from two thousand and five until twenty fourteen thats when he stepped down two years after suffering a stroke as a kurdish leader thought about he carried out a decades long military struggle against the former president Saddam Hussein but ive been high means is in the Northern City of the hole thats in the kurdish autonomous region just outside the town of bonnies Party Offices to tell us what the reaction there is a death to his death. Well actually im now at the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of course. The hook branch the party created by. This very somber here we were talking to some of the people here and they were say you know he died. Time in their history. Because just eight days ago if you recall there was a referendum in which ninety two percent of the kurds said yes. People here tell you well if it werent for. We would have never reach that point he was a man who has dedicated his life to the kurdish struggle ever since one thousand nine hundred sixty one and he continued that throughout the time of saddam was a key figure. With the americans and the coalition the u. S. Led invasion in two thousand and three and as you said he became the first kurdish president of iraq but he was also the first president of iraq to two thousand and three after you had the time of the governing council after the election he was the man elected so certainly the timing of it is something that has really surprised people here even though he has been sick for quite a while and this is a news that people around the kurdish region was expecting sooner rather than later ok. Thank you well al jazeera. Back in twenty twelve and you can find it on our web site thats our website right there and there really interesting insights into divisions talks with iran on the future of syria so if you just search for any youll get that q. And a. If youre watching us on facebook heres whats coming up on our facebook life feed youll see a syrian is teaching refugees in greece how to grow and sell their own juice and coming up right after the break an inconceivable mystery defeated investigators conclude that theyll probably never find any true seventy one worked out why it went missing. Hello there we see a fair amount of rain across parts of the middle east recently we look at the satellite picture we could see the cloud on our map it regenerates over parts of turkey then gradually meanders its way steadily towards the east for some of us in iran its given us some very heavy downpours nearly nine hundred millimeters of wet weather from this system and it looks like youre still going to be with us as we head through the next few days its also dragging down the temperatures behind it so as it works its way through the temperatures dropping so our marty certainly feeling wall tumble now temperatures around eleven or twelve degrees even further towards the south and theres also a change in the weather here in doha as well on wednesday the winds will be firing down from the northwest so itll be a dry heat but certainly hot thirty nine degrees on maximum then as we head forward into thursday the winds will be coming in from the east that were bringing in all the humidity all the moisture so it will feel very sticky but because its more humid the temperatures wont be able to get so high that were getting to thirty seven degrees down to what the southern parts of africa weve got a few Little Pockets of cloud here but nothing too significant as we head through into wednesday well see the clouds begin to gather though in this time there will be bringing us more in the way of significant weather well see this strip of cloud of rain giving us some very heavy downpours particularly to the southeast. With. A new year a new kind of many new developments for this chinese religious fledgling democracy the Village Committee has retrieved peoples land but approval is fleeting the frustration grips the villagers and as the saga began over a year before result is in the air police called. Part four of a six part series filmed over five years. Chinas democracy experiment at this time on aljazeera egypt is now trying this third biggest trading partner in africa more than ten thousand chinese are living in cairo i wanted to see the permits in september one thousand nine hundred five i came with my friends to egypt many started a Small Traders but are now successful in business june and i began to do business in two thousand and three or two thousand and four at a time it was small but then it began to expand in a world meets the growing Chinese Community in egypt egypt made in china at this time. The headlines on aljazeera. Whats trending right now on our website the most read articles in the top. But two stories as you can see on las vegas the las vegas shooter had a forty two weapon arsenal thats what people are reading and also second spot on the shooting you can find out where it happened what exactly happened and more on a Stephen Paddock whos the shooter behind that mass shooting in las vegas. Last foreign minister has met with the emir of qatar in his first visit to the country since the saudi led blockade began in june. I mean but how do thirty discuss the impasse in the region cooperation between the two countries last week as far as foreign minister said that the political and economic boycott imposed on this country was pushing closer to run. Weve had some pretty eye opening pictures coming out of catalonia thats as the spanish region holds a strike following its on the recognized secession vote the industrial action was called by council and trade unions in response to the violent way that some Spanish Police tried to stop that vote lawrence the joining us from worse alone and to tell us whether theres any sign of a breakthrough in the stalemate. Forgive me i can barely hear a word just saying its pretty loud here and actually there was a very interesting moments a few a little scene a few minutes ago where the band behind me has struck up a very old song from the franco era when the coplands were totally repressed and as a culture quashed and terrorized by the ship in the trades and everybody saw its thing along even teenagers knew all the words and it is spoke volumes really of the historical untag in this that the capsule lands have towards betrayed but we see them expressed in lots of different ways really today loads of defiance vitriol particularly towards marianne a real holy the spanish Prime Minister who is routinely portrayed as a direct descendants of fascism under franco and so if madrid clearly thought that by standing in the riot police to the referendum on sunday they would crush the independent spirits of many council and clearly they were completely wrong but you have to say given that that happened and given that this is potentially a democratic crisis not just for spain but for the European Union as well it is very striking that all day today from madrid and from brussels theres been complete silence. Was if the Spanish Government full breaking up the referendum would win its war with catalonia it was dead wrong this crowd gathered outside the office of the ruling Spanish Popular Party denounced the Prime Minister as a fascist and the Police Action on sunday was brutal. And you know the people are defending what they have to defend the people are ready we will see if the government is ready this week. For the reviled civill riot squads were nowhere to be seen the protest was policed by local castle and offices the firefighters seen here as heroes received evasions every time they arrived. The mood and some reaction right now being chanting roughly must go to the street will always be arrows the rights of the Popular Party spines ruling party does not run in council lonia. At University Square the crowds were even bigger thousands up every side road there is much bitterness here about the perceived silence from the European Union after what happened on sunday. And they are treating us back live we are demanding some some things and they are not hearing us but they dont want independent cuts alone you know they want to be united spain yes but we have our own thoughts and no one no one tries to understand what our faults are. So what happens now nothing from the spanish Prime Minister who has no interest in engaging the cattle hands in political mediation for madrid this is strictly a legal issue. That means the call from the council and president for talks is likely to get nowhere on the clock ticks away on the self declared timeframe of independence this week that is a crisis for spain and for the European Union and yet nobody wants to grasp the immediacy of this. Of course if you go a few hundred meters away from the protests the streets are quiet and the many who dont want spain broken up get on with their lives but they are the ones making all the noise the momentum remains with the separatists. So big problems for spain and the European Union clearly they dont really know what to do but the other thing id say is when you look around a lot of these crowds so many young people all swept up in these five independence it seems to me that there are many people on the catalan side who are prepared to address some of the really difficult questions that actually might face them if they did have to get independence and top of the list seems to me to be things to do with membership of the European Union because if they say they want to leave spain but remain in the European Union they have to get the consent of every single European Union member in order to be able to do that and thats includes spain like you lawrence thank you. Well one of the most still one of the oldest brother and most respected universities in kenya has been shut down thats after clashes between students and police so the future of eighty four thousand students now hangs in the balance andrew what are people online saying about that. Its a big story out of kenya doraine the university of nairobi has closed indefinitely following a series of violent disputes between the Administration Students and police according to the to the University Students had to leave their Residence Halls by nine a. M. Today giving thousands of students less than twelve hours to move out this was the scene there this morning you can see the students many of them having to carry their luggage away and of course many are now complaining about how this will affect their education so naturally there is a Big Conversation about this online this user says at this rate this will be his graduation photo by the time he finishes medical school while sandra here says the university of nairobi closed when parents have struggled to get you to school they walked daily to do hard jobs to keep you there this follows the vice chancellors decision to call and see riot police to the campus on thursday when students were demonstrating for the release of an imprisoned opposition politician things got violence and dozens of students were injured on monday there were new rounds of demonstrations this time for the resignation of the universitys vice chancellor professor peter and bitty now student leaders say they have condemned the brutality of the police and are demanding a swift investigation of rogue officers betty here asks how come the students who organize demonstrations at the university of nairobi have been identified and expelled yet the police who attacked them are free inevitably the conversation also became political with many saying the universitys closure was a move to crack down on youth laws do tweeted that this closure is just the tip of the iceberg these guys are afraid of students a credible election accountability and any sort of opposition now more than eighty four thousand students attend the school and more than two thousand people work there which is again closed indefinitely many of them are now refusing to leave until they get their school fees back so well keep following this if youre a student or staff member at the school do get in touch with us you can connect using the hash tag news grid or connect with me directly im at and or chapell. Andrew thank you let me just show you whats happening in Sun Juan Puerto rico well not much in this feeds but what we expect is of the u. S. President Donald Trumps real arriving in san juan in just about perhaps ten or fifteen minutes or so we were speaking to Shihab Rattansi earlier earlier on the situation there so we will be crossing back live to him a little later here on aljazeera for now well cross over to barbara sara who is joining us from london i beg your pardon shell come up in just a moment there she is barbara sara hello. There in thank you turkey says it will impose further sanctions on iraq so thomas kurdish region after it overwhelmingly voted for secession last month the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government says it now plans to hold president ial and parliamentary elections in november since the referendum baghdad has banned International Flights to kurdish airports while iran and turkey have held a joint military drills with iraqi troops iran and turkey fear the vote could fuel kurdish separatism within their own borders fighters from a group based in pakistan say they attacked the security camp in indian administered kashmir killing at least one soldier Indian Police say three fighters died in the gun battle which took place near srinagar airport burnet smith has more. Kashmiri separatist fighters were holed up in this Border Security force building after managing to get into the camp before dawn on tuesday Indian Police say they were well armed with guns and grenades. And the attack happened at four in the morning we were sleeping and suddenly we heard the gunfire and explosions and later found out that the militants of storm the Border Security force camp. One paramilitary officer was killed and three others wounded in the attack which lasted ten hours and when the three fighters were killed. A group called Jaish E Mohammad which once pakistan to have control over all of kashmir said it carried out the attack on the Border Security forces they recovered food clothing weapons and tools from a tunnel they uncovered under the border days before this attack near the airport its the second tunnel theyve discovered this year. India regularly accuses pakistan of training fighters who cross the line of control which separates kashmir between the two countries. But the tunnel is really four metres long and wasnt finished we found the story of equipment nearby allude Border Guards prevented a major attack and for this nefarious attempt by pakistan. Pakistan always denies helping the attackers who cross into india both countries claim kashmir pull out of twice going to war over the region turn its made our jazeera the French Parliament has voted to adopt a controversial antiterrorism bill that grants Security Forces sweeping Powers Police and intelligence agencies were first given the extra powers under frances state of emergency those measures will now become permanent authorities insist the law is needed to tackle security threats but critics say it goes against the civil freedoms france has been in a state of emergency since the paris attacks in two thousand and fifteen. Australian searchers a say the failure to find the missing Malaysia Airlines plane is unacceptable in the modern aviation era a final report into the search calls for better satellite tracking systems to be installed in aircraft two hundred thirty nine people were on board flight m h three seventy from kuala lumpur to beijing when it disappeared in two thousand and fourteen someday brea has been found but the search was called off in january. Deeper sympathies remember those who lost their lives on board in my tree seventy and and for those that continue to suffer their loss this is one of the worlds greatest tragedies and we so wish that we had been able to recover this a craft and those that lost their lives on board. And thats all from london for this news occurred im going to have more news for you in twenty minutes but now lets go back to the region and though have very barbara thank you all we do have viewers from india on the news grid watching us right now so this story will be of interest to you its iconic instantly recognizable and not to mention its one of the seven wonders of the world so why hasnt the taj mahal made the cut for a new engine tourism booklet which is supposed to show off regional attractions its exclusion from its our protest states latest tourism brochure is causing a real stir the taj mahal attracts up to eight million visitors a year so now the local governments being accused of mismanagement and of deliberately leaving it out the government rejects that allegation that speak to come out chinoy hes a professor of politics at the joe hart lawyer never University Joining us via skype from new delhi so did the government leave out the taj mahal on purpose it seems the cause the current chief minister of the state is a very. Recent. He has repeatedly said that this is just the media who is somewhere. This is the should not get rid of the dog. Which is the disputed money at the moment and in the last few hours he tweets there is we need to spend more money on the. Monitor nationally not to look stupid. And even good extentions media. Are not very carefully thought out the experts we had in india who good example reconstructed on court about income would be are they they know what theyre doing so this is just. A loud moan. Once youve been caught removing the mark on the doors i suppose the question is though why this says happening now and also one of our viewers nasr who is watching saying this is not a political play but religious fanaticism leading to intolerance and communal hatred by the bed j. P. And its allies do you agree with that whether this is the accusation made against him for a long time there were those who could be responsible for gandhis assassination so youve got that image but this particular chief minister is a real hardliner in west africa of the time and he makes these statements and used controversial sixty two children died in hospital under. A cheap minister because there was no liquid oxygen want. So he has eat he does they do all the do things and me very inflammatory statements how much pushback do you expect there to be with. This story and also you know a lot of people saying that in fact the big j. P. Is trying to just simply rewrite history changing history textbooks for example to promote hinduism in india is that really the case. Right for the newspapers on this. Very important people in the. People who all the. Work. They get. Coverage and the idea of my books is to get the new generation who have a different sense of. Ok well leave it there we thank you very much for speaking to us from new delhi giving us your point of view we will take you back live lets show you some live shots in fact from puerto rico so that is air force one its just landed in san juan donald trump is traveling there hes just arrived as you can see hes going to say for himself the havoc that was caused by hurricane. And just a reminder the storm practically wiped out the power grid there is little phone signal and fewer than half of Puerto Ricans have access to fresh water right now so donald trump arriving in san juan. Well this is a story that we wanted to bring you on mondays show which if you were watching was overtaken by events in las vegas weve long relied on our tropical forests affectionately calling a cold of the lungs of the earth that to act as carbon steel sinks storing more carbon than they actually emits and giving us something of a Greenhouse Gas buffer well not anymore thats according to research out of the u. S. Scientists found that between two thousand and three and twenty fourteen the worlds tropical forests absorb four hundred thirty six million tons of carbon while emitting eight hundred and sixty one tons and this is equals a net carbon loss of four hundred twenty five million tons which is more than all the traffic in the United States take a look at this map it gives an example from central and south america so read indicates forests where high carbon loss is occurring and green shows carbon gains or and that absorption why is this happening the researchers say tropical forests are becoming more and more degraded use of human activities namely deforestation as well as illegal logging they say dunn is one of the authors of this report and she explained that while its bad news for the battle against Climate Change there are relatively simple solutions. I think its certainly possible that this could escalate slave warming i think if you think about what research is found so what they found was that about four hundred million tons of carbon have been lost from a forest in the last twelve years and but i in the context of basically the same as all the Carbon Emissions from trucks and cars in the u. S. Over the course of the year so its a significant out of car but it can definitely contribute to Global Warming when we think about solution as i should have most interesting things because its quite simple and easy really all we really have to do is at the very least so slow down deforestation across the world that the most trying to stop it with together in some parts of the wode where its really a big problem another thing we can do which is quite simple is just replanting trees so i forestation and we Reforestation Projects a quite a cheap and easy way to quickly replied a whole lot of trees which could then some cop a lot more carbon and they skids how tossed her made Greenhouse Gases from the atmosphere and how to meet their obligations to parse agreement which is followed by warming so i think thats a pretty good and simple way that we can is so first of crisis of tree of carbon lost from trees will head to our website for a fascinating if not warming look at Climate Change and pictures which looks specifically at the places that are being hit the hardest you can head to the future a section on the website and search Climate Change. Still ahead on the news grid joe is here to talk sport imagine a Football Team put together on social media where founders are the ones who influence who theyll play next thats coming up right after a snapshot of the world weather. Lets find out what people are talking about in sports today heres joe thank you very much will most sports fans of big Football Teams will also be following them and this is on Twitter Facebook and instagram now increasingly big clubs achieving into the power of social media to help build the brand what if that was actually turned on its head imagine a Football Team put together on social media where the fans are the ones who influence who they play next thats whats happening in the u. K. And found out millions of fans can translates to millions in the bank. Their first ever game was managed by one of english footballs biggest names Rio Ferdinand and one huge huge plan to change your name but this isnt a premier league team this is rebel f. C. The love of football is what unites this alliance with social media influences and bloggers. The Grassroots Movement mixes football with entertainment aside from life matches good says of behind the scenes fan punditry pranks and challenges they make up most of their online content or start a blog or the first video on you and i went really well from there and i continue to put on Instagram Twitter where all fans are following and keep up tonight. And some styles who came to see their idols one person at this event in london i want to meet today that the site men never lets see and you choose old stars while the Football Teams regularly engage with their fans online this is also a chance to meet them face to face. Stage. And pays for a selfie there are ten facial media Football Team in the u k and for years following is growing by the day but in this interaction here with the fans offline and online but the Football Team stays behind their growing food. And as one of the worlds leading football freestylers tells us a fantasy is key you can actually almost make you want to see us play next and they can actually have their own plane and the sooner you can engage with the audience thats what takes it to the next level oh right now how you doing a welcome to the final episode of the wembley cup. And thats exactly what spencer s. C. Did playing two finals at Wembley Stadium which pulled in over twenty million online views well underway on a week to week basis some matches played by. It seems average more than six hundred thousand views per video. Online following than some games receive in the lower leagues of the english game a chance while most of their followers a millennial who keep coming back for more convincing traditional football fans might not be that easy the odds of me luck on that watch are up for comparable game while social media Football Team say they are looking to replace traditional football they do believe their biggest appeal is relatability especially at a time when fans are becoming increasingly frustrated by how commercialized and nonpersonal professional football has become what you actually do to get into like one of those you tube like that which only five of the teams was for me so its a big market its always going to be got to be the largest crowd for a football match with nonprofessionals and by the looks of it these amateur footballers have found a winning formula to kick the ball and their businesses in the right direction so to hire aljazeera london. Well as sorry mentioned in her report there are so many sporting social media stars now the big brands a poor in their efforts into signing them up earlier this year added us an ounce to it signed a team of twenty five social media influences to try to double its sales of female sports clothing over the next four years amongst them this lady former tennis star and a fan of it and shes got one point three million followers on instagram now her pictures of full of products she endorses even though shes retired from the court every snap she posts will get her paid for those posts now the idea is that its supposed to be subtle if you love the athletes you want to buy their products but Sports Illustrated has brought a practice out of the shadows publishing a yearly list of the social one hundred take a look at the twitter one hundred if i just open it up for you now athletes and coaches youll see. Some pretty well known names Roger Federer bron james steph curry among them but theres also plenty of others who are not all that mainstream at all and yet have huge markets ability but i dont want to leave you thinking that this is all about money because sports organizations have also successfully used social media for good now take this video from the English Sports Council their Research Found that more men than women participated in sports and they addressed it by making good video with real women you know super fit athletes to try to motivate others it was so successful in fact that its been viewed by more than eight Million People and most importantly their research has shown that millions of women have started participating in sports because of this campaign. Well i really want to hear your thoughts tweet me at joe get your ask about the spelling mash tag a. J. News good and ill be back with more at eight hundred g. M. T. But for now and you back to daryn joe thank you very much well lets show you some pictures that have just come through to us here on the newsgroup of thats President Trump arriving in san juan puerto rico along with the First Lady Melania Trump so there to greet him was the governor we do not so weve been told that the mayor of puerto rico was not the mayor of san juan was a lot of the. Was there in fact was not there to greet trump excuse me our reporter Shihab Rattansi was telling us that the president should be on the ground there for about five hours and hes there to survey the damage from Hurricane Maria well try and end with something nice and uplifting when we can and this is a koala rescue in australia it really fits the bell so was spotted chilling out on top of a drilling rig in the Southern City of adelaide the koala refused to budge until crews climbed up and put it in a bag as you can see after posing for a photo the koala was loaded into the back of a car thanks for watch. Send us your comments using the hash tag eighty news good well see you back here to. Type of look at it oh is it allison when theyre on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new u. K. Has to address or if you join us on set if im a member of a complex one but which broke up a relationship based is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag eight a stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera and under put it well on. U. S. And British Companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped Natural Resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their countries havent truly been able to escape the war. As chinas Rapid Economic Development spills over into other asian nations. People in power investigates the consequences the neighboring laos. Poverty stricken and hungry for Foreign Investment can this communist republic reconcile the needs of its people with the demands liberations benefactor. Laos on the borders of empire at this time on aljazeera. Well every. New yorkers are very receptive to al jazeera because it is such an International City theyre very interested in that global perspective that al jazeera provides. Police still searching for answers as to why every tired accountant who loved gambling would open fire on a Country Music fans in less vegas

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