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And welcome to aljazeera live from my headquarters in doha the plane as a random also ahead. Dozens of dead and thousands affected as another big storm that is Central America. Surveying the damage with me Puerto Ricans fearing for what will happen today could help communities and why the muslim arabs are joining the kurds and turning their back on iraq. The u. N. Is bracing for what it calls a further exodus of the hunger of refugees from myanmar to bang the day with up to one hundred thousand people waiting to cross the border half a million behind i have already crossed since the end of august to escape a military crackdown in Rakhine State myanmar says its fighting separatist groups and denies accusations of ethnic cleansing and the u. N. As criticizing me on my other difficulties getting humanitarian aid into Rakhine State the access we have. In rakhine especially in northern rakhine is unacceptable and we repeat our cole to the authorities in me to put in place the arrangements to make it possible for humanitarians not just un across the peace humanitarians to do the normal work for myanmar has tightly controlled access to iraq and state and september leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited invited observers to visit rather saying had government doesnt fear International Scrutiny but canceled a planned un visit later that month citing bad weather and recent days a small group of local u. N. Delegates was allowed access and a High Level Team is expected to enter a rock concert in myanmar as urging the hunger to return to their villages and promising to provide food and security were covering the story from both bangladesh and me on my home as a young gone but first lets go to our correspondent Mohammed John june hes at a refugee camp in coxs bazar on the bonnet there she side of the border mohamad talk us through the situation there. Well elizabeth we could have a long camp which is where we are in talks this is the main refugee camp for the remainder of. Our apologies for the noise. Of using the going on right now so its a bit of a chaotic scene find us now and i would tell you last hour there is a very large line its just behind us past these makeshift tents it looks as though theres at least a hundred people standing in line waiting to get food aid that they so desperately need now i spoke to one gentleman a few moments ago he said that hes been in that line since six this morn. That means hes been in this line at least eight hours he is concerned by the time he actually gets to the tent where the food is that no food will be left and it really that speaks to the magnitude of this crisis so many people have come here and at the moment all the aid workers were speaking with all the refugees were talking to they are concerned about the flow of aid into this country for this crisis this is a crisis of the u. N. Is calling the worlds most urgent refugee crisis youre talking about more than a half a Million People just since late august the numbers are staggering and now were hearing from you and officials that it seems as though there could be potentially hundreds of thousands more fleeing myanmar in the next few days the next few weeks that the exodus quite possibly will continue now the conditions in these camps and you must remember these are makeshift camps the conditions are appalling the stench everywhere you go it is noisy ating there is very little food it is still monsoon season here and that means rain is going to happen at any time it is starting to rain again right now as it did last hour when we were last peaking that makes the ground the situation on the ground even worse it means that the spread of disease going to happen more quickly its one of the reasons why aid groups like unicef are so concerned that there could potentially be an outbreak of cholera everybody is doing their best to try to make sure that these people get all the aid that they need but theres so many people at the moment theres so little aid and everybody were talking to is just worried that this is not going to improve any time soon elizabeth and so many more people expected to come Mohamed Sahnoun thank you very much for that thats my homage im showing live and. Lets go see out of the mal home now shes in young gone for rise how is the government they have a spot on them to the u. N. Criticism the corals for humanitarian access to rockline states that they can see the situation that the in the bong that they have escaped from. Oh as of earth day fallout response from the main march thirtieth has largely been to deny and ignore calls for access authorities have told our zero that aid is being delivered to react kind states through the International Red cross and the mean maher red cross is the only agencies that are really operating there at the moment but its unclear exactly how effective that aid delivery is just a couple of weeks ago we heard reports that an aid convoy got mobbed by buddhist villagers as it was trying to deliver aid to row hinge of villages now this is something that we cannot independently verify because of course the media independent observers are also blocked from getting access to the conflict zone except on really rare government supervised trips and as you mentioned on monday diplomats went on one such trip they filmed burning villages and areas completely emptied of there in a very inhabitants so clearly this is an ongoing situation jony makes the calls for aid access even more urgent theres a birth thank you very much for that you are joining us live from yangon thank you. Lets move on to other news now and u. S. Forecasters say as Tropical Storm nates become a hurricane as it bears down on the gulf coast its already battered Central America with at least twenty five People Killed in flooding and landslides across costa rica nicaragua honduras and el salvador david mercer has more. They could i what is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere Tropical Storm nate has just made it that much poorer three thousand homes destroyed communications cut the force of the storm ripped boats from the sea and left plot holes large enough to consume cars. Centered on this bus were so panicked. Escape was the only thing on their minds mate pummeled Central America with heavy rains during the week. The flood has taken away almost everything that all these people had in their home they had breakfast in the morning but not had lunch nor a dinner because everything was taken away from them where waiting for any help that would be well received so many children are crying with hunger in neighboring costa rica the storm left at least seven people dead and some five thousand people were forced to leave their homes the Western Province of going to cost they was the hardest hit schools across the country were closed for two days deaths were also reported farther north in honduras and el salvador. Now nedas swing in north and picking up strength as it heads towards the u. S. Gulf coast in preparation new orleans mayor declared a state of emergency the current forecast indicate three to six inches of rain over the duration of the system which is going to be thirty six to forty eight hours and potential double that. Although overall rainfall may not be as high as other Tropical Events short durations of rain as we can see can produce flooding we are particularly mindful in this regard for this particular storm of coastal flooding because of the potential storm surge for those areas of the city that are outside of the levee system. Yet another deadly storm in the americas leaving a path of destruction in its wake david mercer aljazeera lets take a look at the storms path out of the the Central American coast on thursday bringing flooding to make it all go on dorothy and el salvador if knowledge is off the coast of cancun mexico and has gathered strength to become the halakhah and full cost as expected will make landfall and new orleans late on saturday on sunday. The u. S. Vice president is trying to reassure people and harken head puerto rico that they have not been forgotten many of the islands three point four million residents are still struggling to get basic necessities and bring you dream. And he was here just two days ago. The forty third president of the united states. We are going to. Be with you tomorrow we need you for you thank you. So many Puerto Ricans about what will happen to their community is they point to residents being forced out of new orleans after Hurricane Katrina as Property Developers moved she how reports from. The presence of the u. S. Military and emergency contract is can be felt around the Convention Center of someone and in the tourist districts yet still over two weeks since Hurricane Maria made landfall almost all for puerto rico is without notable water ninety percent without electricity. Like many neighborhoods we visited no one we spoke to from the low income san juan neighborhood of can you imagine kenya that seen any federal personnel helping to rebuild. Eventually Community Leaders did ask the federal Emergency Management agency for topps to temporarily cover the eight hundred houses here without grooves but when a fraction of that amount was supplied. The bribes are too small or too small not long enough not long enough yet yeah. Tenure has a well organized Community Infrastructure thats been recognized internationally most recently winning the uns world habitat award. After the hurricanes of nine hundred twenty six and twenty eight and during the Great Depression the mangroves around the mountain penya channel was illegally squatted by those fleeing the impoverished countryside for san juan through Robust Community organization the twenty five thousand residents living here now legally own two Hundred Acres of this land but their suspicion that authorities will use the aftermath of maria and the increased risk of hurricanes and flooding as a result of Climate Change to get rid of this community altogether. Explains why this area is prized by developers who like the residents here have long been waiting for the promised dredging of the clogged channel intersecting it. All of san juan barry will become an ambitious tourism and Economic Development project that links the city basically. Its happened before this was once the low Income Neighborhood of tokyo and san juan situated near a waterway authorities ever to the residents claiming it wasnt feasible to live on a flood plain or whether the city then built expensive Housing Office blocks and the puerto rico coliseum on the same land evan says she will not let that happen to her community and can you. Not want that to happen to us thats why we created the lawn trust to protect ourselves its well documented that after Hurricane Katrina in new Orleans Developers swiftly moved into a big low income communities and replaced them with hotels and expensive water from the problems but the residents of can you say theyre aware of the dangers of post Hurricane Relief and reconstruction and that theyre ready she had her time see aljazeera can you know martine ten. So ahead on the bulletin philippine president of the path of attacking the Justice System to cover up corruption and bringing power to the people. Its one of the liberian leaders twelve years and. Hello weve got the usual seasonal showers across Southeast Asia some lively ones there in two or borneo some very wet weather making its way back towards the philippines over the next few days be crop of storms rolling in his service the potential for some localized flooding there we go with the showers across malaysia pushing over towards. A little further north still some very lively showers continuing across thailand over the next couple of days hopefully a little trial to go on into monday and by monday some pretty wet weather there across parts of indonesia so wet weather also making its way across parts of australia in larry or clout there into the heart of the country making its way across the by some blustery conditions coming through bumping into this area of High Pressure so we will see something of a change here as we go through the next day ill say mid twentys there for adelaide twenty three degrees celsius for melbourne and the similar value there for sydney so pockets of useful rain coming in i was also west was just seventeen degrees in path and that cooler well will make its way into the southeastern corner by monday and you see seventeen for adelaide and also for melbourne with a childs right that ray will make its way towards new zealand over the next couple of days with some heavy downpours for all. On counting the cost us billionaire President Donald Trump wants to cut taxes but how will his plan impact ordinary americans plain versus catalonia the economic implications comma given whats behind the collapse really is Auto Industry counting the cost at this time. We al jazeera is our eyes and ears on the ground in Southern Africa identifying the crucially important stories for the audience thats incredibly dull good news. Its good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories the u. N. Is bracing for what it calls a further exodus of the hand of refugees from myanmar to bangladesh half a million or hang a have already crossed since the end of august with scaife a military crackdown and racan state myanmar says its fighting separatist groups and denies accusations of ethnic cleansing. U. S. For constance a Tropical Storm that has become a hurricane as it bears down on the u. S. Gulf coast its already battered Central America with at least twenty five People Killed in flooding and landslides across costa rica nicaragua honduras and el salvador. Now a space created to remember the fifty eight people shot dead by a gunman in las vegas as for the fonso the flowers and messages the council says the slot will become a permanent memorial kristen salumi reports. The city of las vegas now. Has a place where the victims of the october first shooting will be remembered permanently on monday just one day after the shooting to local landscapers felt the need for a Community Space somewhere people could come together to heal and they asked the city for a place where they could put up a temporary garden what they got was a plot of land for a permanent memorial and in just a few days about four hundred people have come forward to donate either time or resources to this memorial and many more have come to the spot. I think that most of us are here tonight because were not willing to be fearful and stay home were going to continue to live our lives we are a community and we came together as a community of people to show our strength and our pride for our city. In terms of the investigation Authorities Say theyve pursued more than a thousand leads in this case and have yet to establish a motive they say they see no evidence of a connection between. And the gunman himself stephen they said rumors about a fact and speculation have not been helpful in the investigation but they are asking the public if they had any facts any information to. Further pain president is being accused of trying to cover up allegations of corruption within his family hes supporting the impeachment of the chief judge of the at the Supreme Court and an ombudsman vote on reports from the. President. Is accusing opposition members of plotting to this that belies the government. Says. And Supreme Court chief justice there are disadvantages are parts of a wider coalition that includes the liberal party and the leftist movement both were appointed by former president bill. The leader of the opposition liberal party. For all this is office is investigating allegations that secret Bank Accounts containing hundreds of millions of dollars. He acquired in his decades old stint as mayor of double city in the southern philippines denies the allegations and impeachment complaint filed against Supreme Court chief justice has been deemed sufficient by congress the majority are allies of the. Surrender is accused of committing irregularities in her statement of assets and liabilities a document that declares a government officials personal wealth. Lawyers say the allegations are baseless charges are. Absolutely without the facts and. Do not even constitute. Under the constitution it. Has recently challenged the two government officials to resign with him. At the start of it i did not start this rock. Critic see the actions as a ploy to silence them senator let the dba a longtime opponent of the curtis policies. On Drug Trafficking charges a case mostly based on testimonies of convicted illegal drug traffickers. Came from. A decade of being a political leader without realizing it. The nation is different from. What has become very defensive which. Critics say. On dangerous ground. That investigate corruption and bad governance. Like the Supreme Courts and the ombudsman that independent and free from any political interference. Took his president out of the one says a Major Military operation is underway in serious Northwest Province of idlib he says the Free Syrian Army have and to the areas of and will receive the backing of Turkish Forces who havent yet crossed the border at yvonne says russia will also provide support. Now campaigning and on sunday ahead of elections in liberia to find a successor to president Ellen Johnson sirleaf and prize winner whos standing down after two terms the elections on tuesday will be the third since the civil war there and twenty candidates including was president joseph. Johnson sirleaf was africas first female president when elected in two thousand and five but with the first reports from monrovia her critics say liberias ready for a change as her reforms have been too slow. Mount coffee hydroelectricity project is already generating twenty two megawatts of electricity to the power grid. One of liberias infrastructure success stories. The challenge now is to improve the Distribution System to get the electricity to consumers. Johnson is forced to use generators. To power his two Food Processing factories. It would be a lot better because one you know just because a lot cheaper but also in terms of. Liberal its more efficient if you have electricity the government says it has invested in infrastructure but a lot more could have been done the model via going to highway speeds through the border with guinea the road open up dozens of towns and villages easing of goods and services but many areas in other parts of liberia wait to hear more from him home it seems like they will continue to wait even longer their dreams of good. Government to greece they were missed opportunities but a foundation for growth has been. The image of our country was restored and then before we can measure from our being written works is done with restoring infrastructure in the services in our country barbara does legacy is peace stability and image building of our country that was. Before she came in but the president may also be remembered for promises she hasnt kept a few months ago she admitted to parliament but i government failed to tame corruption the employee. For the english. And dutch is what many say as restricted. As president. So we have a. Senior government officials and their relationship been accused of stealing tax revenues and ate only a few. At the end of the Ellen Johnson sirleaf you know its only a few months away no one knows what lies ahead but liberians are already looking forward to the next chapter of their lifes. Now some iraqi politicians draping the coffin of the late president Jalal Talabani but the kurdish flag was an insult to the Central Government tens of thousands of people pay their last respects to taliban on friday he championed kurdish selfwill before accepting the role of president in two thousand and three he died and germany on tuesday promised ahead they did not attend the event and several iraqi t. V. Stations stopped their coverage of the funeral. Is there comes a week after iraqs kurdish region voted in favor of secession Prime Minister head of the body has rejected the referendum and called on Kurdish Peshmerga forces to work with his troops to fight. Reports from. The daily grind military tactics against elusive enemies under the baking sun this Training Session is about detecting suspects and suspicious vehicles. Make sure no one is wearing a suicide vest and the car is not rigged says the trainer a threat to soldiers here know all too well many of them were children at a time when just going to the market in this part of iraq near the border with syria could be a deadly trap there all sunni muslim arabs proudly serving under the kurdish banner. We saw what the kurds did and what the government the kurdish areas are safe there is no security in places like baghdad we prefer to be with them and i was. There is a sense of newfound purpose and identity among the soldiers here. Ever since the fall of Saddam Hussein in two thousand and three this area was taken by various armed groups including and i and the tribes here frustrated by the lack of support from the Central Government in baghdad had only one choice left just seek protection from the kurds. And i career soldier still remembers when it was too dangerous for anyone in uniform to be on the streets he survive several attempts. I said yes to the referendum and yes to independence i used to say my countrys iraq united. But after the Central Government ignored us and let iceland areas i changed my mind. The tribal leaders to kurdish president Masoud Barzani for help now they fully backed the referendum for secession and. Joining the kurds it doesnt mean we forego all arab roots but its the kurds who represent the real. Sectarian with baghdad we are less than even second class citizens. This border area was controlled by the Iraqi Government in baghdad up until two thousand and fourteen when the kurds ever arrived. Iraqs Prime Minister threatening to retake control of similar areas but increasing numbers of sudanese are calling for further disapprobation. There is no other choice but the division of iraq each live in the area itself administered unity is an illusion the arab countries there is no more this will put an end to sectarianism and we are aiming for a sunni autonomy this region the kurdish referendum embolden other minorities who never found their place in the iraq after Saddam Hussein a reflection of the failures of the baghdad government to be inclusive its difficult to see how the iraqi flag will be raised here once again. Robby are ignored in iraq. Turn one of the worlds biggest contemporary art fairs has opened and london with one hundred sixty galleries vying for the attention of collectors around the world. Its. Big brand names they dominate markets and the market is no exception jeff koons picasso this is the blue chip stock on show that frees london in the last ten years the number of international. From ten to over two hundred disrupting traditional gallery sales the three days free one hundred sixty galleries under one roof its a chance to see the maximum number of works in the minimum time were talking tens of thousands of visitors that come and see and see any any one standard not fair as opposed to a couple of thousand that might visit a gallery show during during its entire two months duration freeze can feel a little bit like a Shopping Mall exclusive but. Anyway sixty thousand dollars put on a figure that can cripple small galleries but others just need to make one sale to cover their costs like this one. For one point two million. As buyers migrate affaires commercial galleries are closing. But without a physical space the gallery isnt allowed to exhibit freeze as a result emerging artists a missing out on vital exposure its very difficult for the smaller more bespoke organizations to survive because its usually a handful of people. There are models being promoted whereby you know single spaces where lots of galleries can share facilities but that loses your identity so artists michael pipers identity is key his work place with pop culture yes. Hes built his own brand but with no help from the gallery talent comes in useful to people who dont start successful ones you know its sort of like you got to have a real belief in your voice and what youve got to say so actually being ignored worked out well for make that forced me to look at other avenues the big thing for me was actually going on instagram so as some doors close the internet opens others transforming the art world into a Global Marketing operation Charlie Rangel aljazeera london. The problem and the headlines on aljazeera the un is bracing for what it calls a further exodus of are hungry of refugees from. Well up to one hundred thousand people waiting to cross the border half a million the hanger have already crossed since the end of august to escape the military crackdown in iraq and state myanmar says its fighting separatist groups and denies accusations of ethnic cleansing. And has more from the refugee camps and and cox. But when it rains here in these camps where the conditions are so appalling so one hygenic it only makes things worse it makes the conditions right here or epidemics to break out and this is one thing that aid workers are very concerned about its why organizations like unicef are going to be starting immunization programs to try to ensure that there isnt some sort of a cholera outbreak that might happen to us for calls to say a Tropical Storm named has become a hurricane as it bears down on the gulf coast its already battle Central America with at least twenty five People Killed in flooding and landslides across costa rica. And el salvador a makeshift area where residents and laying flowers will be turned into a permanent memorial for fifty eight people shot dead by a gunman in las vegas on sunday police say they havent yet established why sixty four year old Stephen Paddick carried out the attack took his president out of the lot as a Major Military operation is underway in syrias northWestern Province of idlib he says the Free Syrian Army have entered a areas and will receive the backing of Turkish Forces that havent crossed the border yet now some iraqi politicians say draping the coffin of the late president Jalal Talabani with a kurdish flag was an insult to the Central Government tens of thousands of people paid their last respects to talabani on friday promised ahead of and they didnt attend the event and several evocative the stations stopped their coverage those are the headlines on aljazeera but do stay with us counting the cost is coming up next. Well and for you. A lot has im sick of this is counting the cost on your weekly look at the well the business and finance this week. To economics u. S. President donald trump puts forward his play

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