Transcripts For ALJAZ Pricing The Planet 2015 Ep 1 2017100

ALJAZ Pricing The Planet 2015 Ep 1 October 7, 2017

Video is said to show troops heading there one says to his soldiers are back in the offensive but have not into the area yet. We have opened up a space in our region with Operation Euphrates Shield and now we are making efforts to take a step forward by maintaining security in a lab today there is a serious operation in a lab and it will continue because we have our brothers there who came to live fleeing violence in aleppo we cant tell them whatever happens happens you can either die or survive we have to extend a hand to our brothers now this step has been taken and it is underway teleco zee is a professor of Political Science at the same here university in istanbul he believes the Turkish Military will try to stay out of it live. I think turkey should tortillas. Will try to support their local actors including to Free Syrian Army and the Turkish Military will be coordinating their efforts in the first place are in the second phase of operation so if they are faced with some resistance if some of the rebel groups are trying to attack dam they will get more involved but this well and the other thing is that there may be some tensions in the area house that are. Controlled in their often area so if there are some tensions in that area as well if the rebels are. Escaping to other places i think Turkish Military will be in want but i think in the earlier periods the Turkish Military will try to stay less you malts thousands of people around in spains capital madrid in support of National Unity and some in barcelona are calling for dialogue to resolve the crisis in catalonia the Regions Parliament was planning to unilaterally declare independence on monday but was stopped by the spanish courts is in barcelona. Was. Right. Up. To finding that. Only. Looking way out of. Catalonia as foreign minister says the Regions Parliament will abide by the outcome of the succession referendum. The people of the of the day will of the people needs to be respected for a single reason there is no alternative to this we tried for years to enter into negotiations with the state no once or in the positive manner repression was the only answer and despite this the people went to vote freely the markedly in peacefully and that is what the parliament of catalonia needs to acknowledge we have two projects here one is democracy the other one is repression or violence which one the people. The un is bracing for what it calls a further exodus of ranger refugees from me and maher to bangladesh up to one hundred thousand people are waiting to cross the border half a million ranger have already crossed since the end of august to escape a military crackdown in Rakhine State Tropical Storm nate has become a full hurricane as it bears down on the u. S. Gulf coast its already battered Central America with at least twenty five killed in flooding and landslides across costa rica her nicaragua honduras and el salvador opponents of the russian president Vladimir Putin are holding antigovernment protests to mark his birthday the Opposition Leader election about only was jailed last week for organizing banned Public Meetings campaigning is drawing to a close in liberia ahead of elections to find a successor to president Ellen Johnson sirleaf the election on tuesday will be the third since her civil war there are twenty candidates up next pricing the planet ill see you very soon. Have to take over the world is meeting up fast and we have ourselves to blame death for us at the problem of Global Warming where water is getting scarce up and powerful shrinking its now being claimed that we are entering upon a six massive sea earth as we know it today will cease to exist just new information that reveals just how fast. Not if an economic and Financial Markets could save the planet and. Reuse nature because shes valuable but as nature because shes free. If we invest money in protecting nature will urge a very very high financial return. Economists Bankers Investment funds and finance is taking an interest in the Environmental Crisis they say that they can protect the planet that way with money how much is the beach that you visit every year actually was how much for the forest that you love to walk in so much what is the value of a planet a model an insect does this combination seem a toll on natural to. Financial isolation because to rid of the. Endangered species and forests are treated like financial products. Can market succeed where politics of so far failed but what risk. Price. Sometimes i describe the challenge that we have as the economic invisibility of nature what i mean by that is that most of what nature provides is not transacted in markets where there is clean air or fresh water or where theres the pollination of bees or fruit trees wended of the ever send you an invoice billions of workers twiddling away without a break in silence and for no pay. For millenia no one recognized neither their value nor all the work they do. It took a tragedy for us to finally recognize their economic value. And the us a large part of the natural wild the population has died off same thing is happening in europe there are hundreds of people who keep large numbers of being used. In hives and when a farmer wants his fields pollinator he can actually calls one of these commercial pollination firms. Now theres a right for hiring a million things for a week. To pollinate your crops. What if tomorrow they were to disappear entirely what if we had to replace these bees with humans and therefore pay them. The Pollination Service of bees is economically invisible but the total value of that was found to be Something Like two hundred billion dollars thats almost eight percent of the total agricultural output on a. We look at these Little Creatures differently now that we know that they are worth two hundred billion dollars dont worry. We immediately pay more attention to them all that wealth in a beehive and we humans never realised it. Mr johnson yes hi Mother Nature here im here to collect the last months nature usage nature usage ok let me see the sun rose oh look at that every day. There was a cool breeze on tuesday. But what if the solution was already here we just need to put a price on everything that nature provides pollination the pleasure of walking in a park clean. Washrooms where. That is a good question. How much of what if you work you cant put a price on it and put a price on again you just care its priceless i one they take to be premade tillis. We were in this to learn how to take it in that shouldnt have to do something with the money. I dont live in a in a flat we havent in new york. This is on fifty six street but if i bought the same flat in fiftieth street i checked and the value was more than twice as much why do you think the value between fifty six and fifty s. Street for the same area one thousand square feet is twice as much because the one that is on fiftieth is next to central park so just the ability of people to see greenery is worth one Million Dollars extra i see youre running a little behind on your oxygen bill i wouldnt let that continue very long are you mr. Well im sure this will. So will that be cancer charge. Going to destroy this go away could you use unique. Or dont you. Which of three best unique is. Prevented you. Dont have any oh. Dont. For already. Looking. Our Economic System was created in a very different era it was created hundreds of years ago when what was valuable what was scarce were capital and labor. So thats what we put a value on all the Natural Resources all the ecosystems all the clean air clean water there was too much of that you know and so we didnt put a value on it. Having plenty of clean water and animal species is of no interest to the markets they hate things that are abundant and free. The equation is beginning to change. Nature is the eldorado of the twenty first century. A new economic sector with promises of huge returns for investors banks finance corporations and states are attracted into it. And they all know that on a dead planet no one will do business anymore. Or that he or jimmy carter it. Ok all about. The bottom order rebels on real bush all the top of the two. It is expressed fit go on then suggest. Should i move more into that they will that im a human disperse almost it will take up a bit of it up it could be. That fundamental economic theory you know supply and demand the more there is supply of something the less the price the less the demand the less the prize but the more the demand and the less the supply the higher the price and effectively right now the price were putting on the environment and Natural Services zero. Effectively but thats going to have to change as the supply of these Natural Resources continues to dwindle and the demand in the form of people continues to grow. Applying the law of supply and demand to not to resources in species is something new. Until now almost no one had ever thought of putting life itself into the economic machine. Yet im all. These you know then it takes thanks sean this best says so on in her prime. You know he. Has done nothing like they are now closed of your view not the city of new york any this was the time of one of the greatest geological disasters the dinosaur disappeared and along with them seventy percent of all animal species we could now be in the middle of a similar crisis only this time its not a meteor that caused it its my. Notes it is from. Me going to the onion is the process of. The movie was. I. In the first beloved us nor from a citizen manner. Economical. Since the Industrial Revolution the worlds population has increased six fold water consumption risen by a factor of three. The amount of carbon in the atmosphere has doubled. The global temperature has increased. And half of the worlds rainforests have disappeared. Ecological footprint is escalating. To satisfy our needs were using the resources of one and a half us if we continue at this rate by twenty thirty well need two planets by twenty fifty two and a half. What happens if there are very much less trees if theres not the clean water we need where we need it when we need it if there isnt the clean air where we want it where we need it that becomes scarce or becomes more valuable were going to start to put a price on it were going to start to put a price on the destruction of it and we believe there are opportunities in that transition to profit from that transition. Besides business has already started about one hundred miles east of los angeles theres a fly. Probably the most expensive fly in the world. Here. Right here flying right by us that is one of them here it is again so that there. A century ago there may have been on the order of around forty square miles of habitat that is essentially the distribution of the sand dune and over the Twentieth Century ninety five percent of the remaining habitat has been destroyed or converted over to other uses. Only a small fraction of that five percent supports good populations of this rare insect this high sand flower loving fly. And they emerge during the heat of the summer and the adult fly only lives for a few days at the most. Colton county underwent huge Economic Development. Business and industry gradually swallowed the sun genes while the so called delphi sound flava loving fly had the sad owner of becoming the First American flight on the endangered species list. To protect it in one thousand nine hundred three the state froze commercial activity on its habitat coltons growth dropped to zero all because of a park. The citizens here you know what jobs the citizens want Retail Services they want more businesses to be here and right now were prevented from bringing them into town so the fly found itself hated by the entire population but one mans misfortune in the fly is a rare species with rare property makes a very good financial investment. We can create as much value for both our stockholders as well as create a biological opportunity for conservation and by turning out into mitigation so our most recent sales have been two hundred fifty thousand dollars an acre. The bank saw an opportunity here and Mitigation Bank it realized that it could make money off these uses it to some slice it bought a part of the flies habitat and then it did nothing leaving the insect to live in peace while selling shares. If a business wants to develop a project on the land where the fly lives will find itself blocked by the state but by buying shares the entrepreneur can offset his impact by investing in the insects protection and secures his right to develop his business the bank has already made twenty Million Dollars. The free market has to find out a good balance between adequate conservation share a value allowing development to go for. A bank making money by protecting a species that sounds like a win win situation right but for the inhabitants the bank is still a fly in the ointment. The fly is winning the war. With the flights in place weve lost millions and millions and millions of dollars years and years and years of time you know we cant replace what weve lost. It would be cheaper to pay people to go out and kill the flies than to mitigate joke joke. But true but true the true self. In the United States species protection is in the hands of these new bank as. Businesses Estate Agents Road Builders anyone whos activity in dangerous animals has to pay these banks. They protect more than a million acres of land. They sell wetlands credits cacti credits prairie dog credits even lizards credits. Wild lands is the biggest Mitigation Bank of the American West her annual revenue is exceed forty Million Dollars a year and medications sales. Way but again for jack gardeners thank you for salmon steel had delta smell what. One some hock for burrowing out for desert tortoise elderberry longhorn beetle tadpole shrimp very sure of. Our customers are aware of the local solutions that we can provide now these customers will come and say im building a Shopping Center and im affecting burnell pools are in fact doing our borrowing our do you have something that can help my offset my requirements. So we take a look at our mentor we provide them a quotation for a solution and then we barter that those credits to them as in a non tangible transaction we give them a relay for their liability as a certificate of good well. But how do these banks choose to invest in unprotect one species rather than another. Happens to those endangered species living in areas of the us with us nobody has no Economic Development and therefore no one to buy credits. Choosing between one and dangerous spaces on another dangerous basing it all depends on market demand. Buying landscapes protecting landscapes accumulating their landscapes its a phenomenal opportunity to be able to use a Business Model to achieve sustainability of nature. Where you werent profitable we would have wanted to reinvest in the future projects. The laws of the market applied to endangered species surprising right. How could we let banks decide which species are with saving and which ones not. Which ones deserve to live on which a dying on the old type of profit. If you were to go on the species banking dot com you would find probably about seven hundred different banks. And its roughly its roughly between two and a half to three and a half four billion dollars a year that are in banking. This market for endangered species is developing. Today all these Mitigation Banks are listed you want to know which one protects the swainsons hawk the tigers salamander or the desert fox. With one click the endangered species appear and the number of credits issued. By company this is a realize it relies on nature which is why im organizing a meeting a big meeting to discuss Natural Capital its a new idea to boost business youve got a Financial Capital so what is not true of capital Natural Capital is capital which created. The climate system is Natural Capital for use of the Natural Capital because they take it out of the atmosphere and produce oxygen were bought of us to Natural Capital so lets take issue. This ones a lever that the comes from just make you kalyani grass and grain thats a lot of land and a lot of water. It provides the clean water that we need healthy food that we need nature through things like forests provides us protection from storms or floods and thats what i mean by natures fortune and so when we speak like academics we call what nature does for us Ecosystem Services so nature has become a real business it has its own capital and can offer its services to consumers. Without waiting in the amazon rain forest there would be no agricultural economy in south america. A service estimated to be worth two hundred forty billion d

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