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And killing macdonald this is al jazeera live from london also coming up at least three dead in kenya as protests against the disputed election prevent voting in some parts of the country now into the sound off in catalonia as the regional president rejects the idea of early elections well tell you why kazakhstan is changing itself a bed for the third time in less than twenty years. There one welcome to the Program Experts from the u. N. And the chemical weapons watchdog playing the Syrian Government for a chemical attack in april now over eighty people were killed when the nerve agent sarin was dropped on to the town of current she couldnt and a warning you may find some of the images in hushed report disturbing. This is one of the gasping for moments after government warplanes bombed a hole in the it live neighborhood is a rebel stronghold within minutes hundreds of people were rushed to hospitals suffering asphyxiation and other agonizing symptoms after they were exposed to the nerve agent sarin gas. This is one of more than a year later she survived but more than eighty people mostly children were killed. We are still traumatized by the attack we face the near death experience its impact remains what that gets by nick attacks from time to time and starts banging your head when the walls. The attack triggered an International Outcry and growing calls for sanctions against the Syrian Government. Denies using chemical weapons but u. N. War crimes investigators say they gathered evidence to confirm the attack was carried out by Government Forces those who survived and chose to stay in kind we never fully recover from the ordeal. I still try to victims through their will up long term complications patients still suffering from blurred vision neurological problems and the biggest challenge of course is psychological impact of the attack people lost their loved ones and we still treat them the use or began helping others in the immediate aftermath before becoming a victim himself he woke up in hospital days later to devastating news so. I started carrying thick seems to ambulances but many died on the spot i saw rescuers rushing into the area but as soon as they started the rescue the victims collapsed and died i collapsed but when i woke up i was told my family was gone i had lost his father mother and two brothers hes one of many people who feel they have been betrayed by the world and left to struggle on. Syria days after the attack the us launched missiles into the air base that was used by syrian warplanes to drop sarin gas on hand but the american response fell short of the expectations of millions of syrias forefather hunching what attack should have been a turning point in the syrian conflict and a wake up call for the International Community as well but ill just go into my camera is that the United Nations and joins you now hi there mike so what more can you tell us. Well its been thought confirmed that the joint investigative mechanism thats a body thats investigating Chemical Attacks in syria has released its report and it confirms in that report that indeed the Syrian Government must be held accountable for that sarin gas attack now its important to note that the Fact Finding Mission which is the investigative arm of jim did not actually go to the site of hunchy couldnt they said that the security situation was too dangerous to actually go there however they contend that they gathered and nothing concrete evidence to be able to make this conclusion and the joint investigative mechanism now confirms something that the u. S. The u. K. Had long argued that the Syrian Government was wholly responsible for that sarin gas attack in her entre kiran and mike what about the joint investigative mechanism the one thats up for renewal how will this affect things well this is a very important question because the annual mandate of jim message is called expires in mid november now earlier this week the u. S. Introduced a resolution in the Security Council asking for the mandate to be renewed before this report was released however russia vetoed that resolution saying that it first wanted to see the contents of the report and effectively judge whether or not jim was carrying out honest and unbiased work or whether there was biased within its reporting now what we will be hearing in the days ahead is probably argument between russia and other members of the Security Council about the nature of the report that has just been released and its russias reaction to this report that may well determine whether or not jims a new mandate is a renewed come november my camera there live from the United Nations thank you. At least three people have been killed and a dozen others injured in election violence in kenya most of the casualties were in the opposition stronghold of. Several other areas election materials and three other Opposition Strongholds from their vote on saturday Mohammed Adel has more from the capital nairobi of the months of Political Uncertainty its back to the ballot for the people of kenya. Days paul is a rerun of the most contested elections and can just history they are promising to be the most likely long. Does that we have seen people being intimidated in some parts of the country or it is not a very good thing in terms of transparency the process. Which. Franchise. What is concerned. Vaulting incubate a kenya large islam was interrupted when protesters but it created droves to polling Stations Police used tear gas and fired live a mission and blanks into the air to dispose of the protesters water lentulus grouping us fosters they dispersed the playground of the Olympic Primary School in tells the story of this election and the quantity usually these filled will be full of. Voltaires with accused into the alleys of the slum today there on the protesters he has succeeded in ensuring as few people exercise their right to vote the Police Showed no mussy to those they arrested the violence was however the most pronounced in the city of kisumu in western kenya almost all the fatalities in play here. I do believe that we are living in a fascist society where the government is essentially fresh used it to profile the World Community and definitely is determined to. Punish their own community but these kinds of killings yes because the media fused to vote in this sham election while tensions simmered in some Opposition Strongholds the situation was called me in other areas they were peaceful since the voting in kimball outside they will be strongholds of president who can no voting took place in four counties in western kenya results are expected today of the voters in those counties i expected to vote right. Now dingell was criticized polling stuff in the run up to the vote is likely to argue that the boycott of the poll in some parts of the country shows that iran is bogus and that will do little to improve president kenyatta legitimacy if hes declared the winner. Mohammed atta walshs iraq will be kenya. Catalonia as president has announced he wont call a snap election until spain Central Government agrees to certain conditions. Says he hasnt received enough guarantees from madrid that it wont impose direct rule on the autonomy region of the new election is held the Spanish Senate is expected to trigger article one five five on friday and reports that. Demonstrators defiant towards the actions of the Spanish Government are calling on their regional leaders to declare session but before their march begins their hearing catamaran media reports saying their regional president was planning to announce snap elections in a deal with a dread that would take charge of the one five five and avoid the imposition of direct. Point i mean is that we are completely opposed we didnt conceive of any other scenario apart from the declaration of independence we cannot conceive of any other elections the demonstrators change their plans marching to the building where president carlos was due to speak others went to his partys headquarters. We were protesting today against article one five five and all of a sudden we hear that pushed him and wants to call for elections we are totally against it we feel this is treason to the castle and people. Eventually puts them on amounts that no decision had been made simply one machine has been in the hands you know that im willing to call an election so long as there are certain guarantees so that we can hold elections under normal circumstances those guarantees of not being provided and after elections are not warranted my duty was to try to hold elections and to do it honestly and truthfully in order to avoid any impact on our institutions after the president finally did make an appearance these crowds seem to the main support to that idea they had shouted for ages when reports emerge that it was going to actually announce us that the election is a good sort of should you was then quote suspended by his star. In madrid the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister said nothing had changed article one five five would go ahead on friday. The question doesnt want to think contrary to what some say the procedure of article one five five does not mean a new political centrism but it means the beginning of the end of the repeated disobedience of the law the interest of all and to the use of selfgovernment against its own autonomy. There may have been some new twists but this crisis is now back to where it was nearly a week ago madrid intends to impose direct rule on catalonia and sockets government friday is the day when politicians will take big steps into the unknown with risks on both sides and the lives of millions of people could be affected Andrew Simmons zero barcelona still to come here in. The us the Opioid Epidemic a Public Health crisis we investigate a Company Just Made a fortune selling pills as medicine. And after a year of mourning thailand says. Its making all that more when we come back. Had some rather heavy showers a large hail in the forecast for the past four straight some of that serve very very unsettled weather violent storms made its way further eastward study interrupted the cricket the coffs harbor the england australia which means one Day International taking place here to see some of the storm damage that weve had across this think of the words clear skies to come back into behind as we go through friday still some want to graduate to spurs been around thirty degrees celsius on friday tad cold as we go on through saturday generate dry wetter weather will come back into this to go through the the next few days through the weekend we can expect to see more violent storms kicking in across that eastern side of australia further west perth at around nineteen degrees celsius thirty four and alice very hot there into central pass as per usual some of what the weather that was saying just around the east coast of australia pushing towards new zealand not going to see anything quite as lively coming in here has to be said but some wet weather there from north all his eighty degrees that was the weather pushing through is to go on through sas day so. Jenny ferry quite nicely in christchurch around sixteen degrees not too bad in japan at least as we go on through friday but as we go on through the next couple of days we have another Tropical Storm pushing its way from the south. It was an audacious bid to capture a city in the southern philippines and turn it into a problem. With the smoking room is the new battlefront investigations at this time on al jazeera. T. V. Stand the differences. And the similarities of cultures a clash with. Aljazeera. Hello there are mind at the top stories here on aljazeera experts from the u. N. And a chemical weapons watchdog of blame the Syrian Government for a chemical weapons attack in april that killed over eight people at least three people have been shot dead in Election Related Violence in kenya wanting officials to delay the vote in four counties catalonia as president calls says they wont call a snap election until spain Central Government agrees to start making decisions. U. S. President donald trump has declared the Opioid Crisis a Public Health emergency by declaring an emergency the government will have more power to address the issue and more freedom to change legislation its estimated more than sixty four thousand americans died last year due to opioid addictions and overdoses ghibli how it has been following developments from the white house. Speaking of the white house President Trump said that the Opioid Epidemic in the United States is the worst drug crisis in American History with the signing of this president ial memorandum the president says this is a critical first step in addressing the epidemic for too long we have allowed drugs to ravage American Homes cities and towns we owe it to our children and to our country to do everything in our power to address this National Shame and this human tragedy we must stop the flow of. Illegal drugs into our communities. Many people are disappointed the president has stopped short of declaring this a National Emergency have bad occurred this would have provided the necessary federal funding that states say they need in order to address this crisis instead by calling this a Public Health emergency what this will do is in essence redirect existing funds something that many critics say stopped short of the president s promise not only on the campaign trail but also as president still many acknowledge this is an important first step one they hope will push the u. S. Congress to take measures even further u. S. President has delayed the release of some of the top secret files relating to the assassination of former president john f. Kennedy donald trump says the government will release two thousand eight hundred secret records but its holding some of them back for review the release of the classified files complies with laws passed by u. S. Congress twenty five years ago aimed at quashing speculation that suggested a government link to the president s death. U. N. Chief is calling for militia groups to put down their weapons in Central African republic and tony harris is visiting the troubled nation where four years after Ethnic Violence limps in a neighborhood of are still too scared to leave their own. Things. They are safe here but this act of faith is too dangerous to perform in some neighborhoods of banking. At the height of the Ethnic Violence in ca or four years ago my son was chased down by a christian a Vigilante Group lynched because he was muslim the family home destroyed fled to the muslim district of p. K. Five. Theyre hunting a stone that will run so we have to hide or religion otherwise they will cut us into pieces. That disguises his faith whenever he leaves his neighborhood he shaved his beard and changes his clothes. He even changes his name. Becomes. Hes not alone many muslims in the capital disguises themselves as christians to avoid attack in areas outside the capital controlled by muslim rebel groups christians do the same on a visit to Central African republic the United Nations secretarygeneral called for armed groups to design an engaging in political dialogue. For decades religious leaders and politicians have been for mentoring hatred and divisions in this community bringing this country to the edge of civil war its now with a recently elected president and his newly appointed government to bring back dialogue instability to this country president says he will bring peace. We want to build a safer c. A. R. Where the population lives in peace in Mutual Respect so that we Work Together to build a dignified nation. Some question his decision twenty one has appointed former leaders of christian militia groups to his government he also wants the weapons embargo imposed on his country to be removed so he can arm his soldiers but this is a country already overflowing with weapons at a food relieved distribution point. A man pulls a grenade sending the crowd into panic christian and muslim men with guns continue to run this country this is as far as music can go they call it the bridge of death on one side are muslims on the other are christians who says home is on the other side across an invisible border built on hate now tearing the Central African republic apart Nicholas Hoult al jazeera p. K. Five monday. Iraqi forces have launched an assault to recapture al qaim and from i still its hands on iraqs western border with syria are amongst the armed groups last strongholds in the country that the care reports from erbil in northern iraq. Ready for the final phase the iraqi Prime Minister has given the go ahead now the task of these men is to push out of the last areas of western anbar specifically all crime which is the border town with syria the group still holds. Weve been encountering some sporadic attacks point but they are weak especially since the last defeat the most solid in and help the enemy is in desperate situation right now and hopefully will retake all the remaining areas from. Iraqs army and Police Together with progovernment sunni tribal fighters and the hash shadley or shia militias are part of the offensive. We are now engaging in the offensive to retake. We have received full military support from the iraqi army to participate in this offensive the tribal fighters have now become a supporting force in this offensive we aim to help that and after we retake these areas we will take control of security with the help of the iraqi forces. The campaign will also be backed by Coalition Air support and ground advice the towns of an all time of the last few territories isis still controls in iraq many here feel that it wont be a long protracted battle but ridding eisel of its territory in iraq does not mean the groups threat has been eliminated it is still capable of carrying out large scale attacks the announcement of the all crime offensive comes at a time when iraqi forces together with shia militia are involved on another front sporadic fighting with the Kurdish Peshmerga in the aftermath of that controversial secession referendum is putting huge pressure on air beale and the leadership here that many kurds. That this offensive is an attempt to divert attention from sporadic fighting were seeing northwesterly or along the border with iraq and many believe that baghdads ultimate aim is to reassert federal control over the border crossings that the Kurdistan Regional government currently controls Stephanie Decker aljazeera every other iraqi Prime Minister says his government wont accept anything but the cancellation of the kurds secession bit high dollar bodies in toron for talks with the reigning need to both countries have large kurdish populations and oppose any talk of separation iraqs kurdish Regional Government had offered to freeze its secession bid but iraq says that doesnt go far enough as it was demanding the release of its journalist would hussein whos now been in an egyptian prison for more than three hundred days hes accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos claims he and strongly deny hussein has repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail he was arrested in december whilst visiting his family. The u. K. Defense secretary is angered human Rights Groups by appealing to british politicians to stop condemning saudi arabia saying its affecting arms sales to riyadh Michael Fallon told a Parliamentary Defense Committee a fighter jet deal was being compromised and the british politicians have openly criticize saudi arabia over its intensive Bombing Campaign of yemen the u. N. Says the war there has killed more than ten thousand people and injured more than forty thousand. Prosecutors in mexico say theyve arrested one of the top heroin traffickers for el chappells cinna lower drug cartel Victor Manuel felix was arrested on thursday at an apartment complex in an upscale suburb of mexico city chapels sons of largely taken over the cartel after their drug lord father was arrested last year and extradited to the United States. An explosion at a fireworks factory in indonesia has killed at least forty seven people and injured dozens the blast happened other an Industrial Complex in the city of tire west of the capital jakarta a local official says all the victims were factory workers the death toll could rise as many of those who escaped also suffered extensive burns now after a year of mourning thailands late king has been cremated king premie paul de who died last year aged eighty eight was the worlds longest serving monarch his five day funeral ceremony began a wait and see drawing hundreds of thousands of mourners scott hired to report stuff from the capitol and call. Home a needing a year of mourning and reflection the people of thailand have said goodbye to the king what do you tell. Him during late monsoon rains in searing heat hundreds of thousands of times clad in black descended upon bangkok bucket come sunk pretty bad arrived in the predawn hours god may have to continue with our lives but i will do good things for him so we might just see not have to worry. Full of ceremony and tradition of perception carrying an opulent urn left the royal palace for the two and a half a kilometer journey to the royal crematorium crafted over the last eight months the elaborate crematorium is designed to represent a mythical mountain sending the late king to heaven. Here and one applause thousands have gathered there laying sandalwood flowers on this replica of the world crematorium dozens have been set up across bangkok and across thailand giving thais the opportunity to actively participate in their kings funeral when you get loose on the side of that was a young boy when he met. His father was the kings tutor for twenty six years in switzerland when some thai people do not abandon us he said if the thai people do not abandon a lie about them and that was his view and hes profound meaning he wanted to to be there for thai people thailand has progressed greatly under king put me upon some field thats part of the grieving yes for the man but also for the period of transformation he led the nation through first and foremost people grieving because theyre saying goodbye to a part of themselves a part of their collective identity that was form and shape during the kings time he was called father by many thais even viewed by some as a demigod but this is. As released a type people the late kings son and heir king. Long gone lit the crematorium on thursday evening it was followed by traditional dances and performances they carried on throughout the night marking the end of the year of mourning scotter aljazeera bangkok kazakhstan is to change its official alphabet for the third time in less than a hundred years originally because like the language was turkish and written in arabic script that changed in the one nine hundred twenty s. When a latin alphabet was introduced by the soviet union in one nine hundred forty this was replaced by its a really good language based on the russian alphabet but select text includes forty two symbols which are difficult to integrate into digital devices. So the country will soon begin the transition once again to a latin based alphabet well now the it christopher is a ph d. Candidate in linguistics at so essence had spent nine months doing research in kazakstan she says the change is about modernization the official reasons for the switch from the silver lake to the roman based alphabet given by the government what does modernization of the cause of command was and facilitation of its integration into the world and the patience of the language to the Digital Future so for that reason theres a debate if the president of kazakhstan specifically requested for the new alphabet to be free from diet critics so there is a little datsun hoops that you might see in languages such as german for instance and he wanted any user to be able to type carry on a new standard english language keyboard. So i know the reason that they gave the government gave for this in the racial for this reform is the unification and sort of becoming closer to the average turkey speaking countries such as turkey or respect a stand for instance where roman based alphabet has been implemented already the Civil Rights Group the n n a n w a p is advising African Americans not to fly with American Airlines the Organization Says its issued the warning in response to a series of racist incidents American Airlines has responded saying it will not tolerate discrimination and has offered to hold talks on the issue. The Roman Catholic pope has opened up a direct line to the heavens by dialing the International Space station. Even viewing the but this is space station and we hear you loud and clear. Pope francis asked the crew some of lifes Big Questions including an answer place in the universe one womans place in the universe to i guess italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli replied that despite the birds eye view of myrtle two remains perplexed pope francis is not the first concept to call space in two thousand and eleven was his creed assessor. A reminder of our top stories that. Experts from the u. N. And the chemical weapons watchdog have blamed the Syrian Government for a chemical weapons attack in a pull over eighty people were killed when the nerve agent sarin was dropped on to the town of qana shaken at least three people have been shot dead in Election Related Violence in kenya prompting officials to delay the vote in four counties about a dozen others were injured in the opposition stronghold of kisumu which is one of the four counties where voting materials have not been delivered overall forty three people have been killed in Election Related Violence since the august election victory of president goodluck yeah so this was the later overturned by the Supreme Court prompting thursdays rerun mamadou sent us this update from ny will be. Well in most parts and particularly in oppositions small hole there was while and particularly young people relentlessly trying to pull vaulters from accessing the polling stations and also more to allow him altogether polling station polling officials from taking polling material to the different stations where votes were supposed to have been cast darkness falls independent electron bombs commission to time the elections and the polls hold elections in a blue. Counties catalonia as president says he wont call a snap election till spains Central Government agrees to certain conditions calls for more says he hasnt received enough guarantees from madrid that it wont impose direct rule on the autonomy this region if a new election is held thousands of protesters have gathered outside the capital and government headquarters to show their support for krishna. The iraqi Prime Minister says his government wont accept anything but the cancellation of the current secession bit high dollar body is in tehran for talks with the rainy and leaders both countries have large kurdish populations and oppose any talk of separation iraqs kurdish Regional Government had offered to freeze its secession bid but iraq says that that doesnt go far enough europe today those are your headlines stay with us here on aljazeera one o one east is coming up next season. The head of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed a satisfied for the state of their economy this is easily estonias biggest tech Success Story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on aljazeera

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