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This is aljazeera. Everyone ive listed are welcome to this news hour live from london coming up the next sixty minutes. Zimbabwes president Robert Mugabe makes his first public appearance since being put under house arrest the pressure mounts on him to step aside. At least in kenya deny firing on opposition supporters as return to nairobi descends into chaos. And the grim aftermath of the battle for i sling fighters on the Philippine Government accused of war crimes. At last a reason for Brazilian Club shopper coincide to celebrate. Most of the team in a plane crash the club gets the win they need to stay in brazils top division. Zimbabwes president Robert Mugabe has made his first public appearance since he was pushed on the house arrest by the military on wednesday pressure is mounting on the ninety three year old to step aside with his closest allies now turning against him and heres how to metastable ports from the capital harare. Calls for president Robert Mugabe to step down are growing louder he was seen for the first time in public on friday days after the army seized control and confined him to private residence in harare the people who helped him stay in power for nearly forty years the war veterans have called for an anti mugabe rally on saturday because he did it would. Be plunder. These waves. Becoming prison reform. Is a problem people. Dont want to be responsible for. But what youre seeing is listen to their message when we want to. Organize the money movements the war veterans are important in the countrys power structure this is a leader and his wife grace have gone to the firing of former vice president. And his supporters and get them there making it clear grace and affection called g forty in the rulings on it or never be in power the first lady was at the Graduation Ceremony will be kept thousands of graduates if the plan is to carefully manage president its a. Transition of power in the process. Has led zimbabwe since one thousand nine hundred eighty people are still stunned the army stepped in. Right now to make sure that. We could live in concert you know. Just when the president mugabe. Step down in a dignified way down my. Way that is not destructive the way that he is not because of the. Southern African Leaders plan to hold an emergency summit on zimbabwe for now one thing is clear the ninety three year old mugabe is losing friends the war veterans who put him in power are now the ones who want to go on. Joining us now live from cambridge as long as gay my hes a zimbabwean broadcaster whos based here in the u. K. Thanks so much for being with us on the program so the only has a let prison mcgarvey appear in public or he did not actually speak publicly but what does the military want to happen now who does it want to take over in zimbabwe. Well i think its quite clear the person behind this military coup is the former vice president. I think its important for your viewers to note that when mugabe lost the elections in two thousand and eight it was as the chairman of the joint Operations Command who engineered the army and other Security Forces to of have mugabe violently really acted so basically the person who kept mugabe is in power has now removed him well and to be fair to move god of course he was actually running by the president himself camaguey all of a rely on anybody now does anybody still support him within his ideas on a p. F. Policy i think im got these pillars of support. As theres been pointed out by many people this military coup has actually been more peaceful than the elections in zimbabwe so this basically is generating the euphoria that you are seeing there is a lot of nervous excitement people are warming up to the army theyre looking at them as heroes weve seen whats one us president in karma. Doing mugabe to step down i think mugabe is lost in all of this hes fully aware that the army needs him. To missy or the successor so hes holding on to this card were told in negotiations with centering around him being given safe passage and immunity but i think the latest as youve been seeing from the reports is that hes insisting on finishing his term in office so i think those strategizing this military coup in a sense are now looking at the party route trying to have him removed as leader of zanu p. F. And theres talk that they might actually have him in peached as early as tuesday. Sally a conference of course is due to take place in december is that likely to go ahead do you think yes i think from the onset the army have insisted that this is not a military coup. But i think in a way you know its almost like looking at a spade and saying this is not a spade this is a long spoon this is a military coup but i think for purposes of preempting Regional Intervention theyre not calling it a coup and so far its been done professionally its been done peacefully the soldiers on the street being reported to be very polite and courteous. Is being prosecuted in a very legal lipstick men because i think its quite important for whoever takes over to not have taken over on the back of a military coup so i think this is an appeal conference in december is going to be very important because i think whoever succeeds mugabe will have to be someone who is a product of a Legal Process all the all of the above was our allies are insisting on a return to constitutionalism and following legal channels i think the Chinese Foreign minister has stayed the same so they will not have someone installed on the back of a military coup so they are going to try and prosecute this within as much within the constitution as possible and can you give us any sense of what might be happening behind the scenes who is actually negotiating with you about the future of zimbabwe. Well i think you saw from the pictures that were released in the state media taking part in the negotiations it is a Catholic Priest for them canady you have the defense minister significant in my state security minister campbell more heidi they were joined by obviously by the envoys from south africa the south African Defense minister in the south African State Security minister so you also have general to enter there and im told them garbage spokesperson george harbor is involved in the talks so i think what you have here is a mexican standoff really theres no way the military generals can back off from this one because i think if they allow mugabe to remain in power they know their heads will be on the chopping block and equally mugabe has one last card to play which is the legitimacy card they need him to confer legitimacy on his successor so basically its a mexican standoff its a matter of who blinks first but i our sources are telling us the generals are not backing down and if he refuses a graceful exit they will obviously humiliate him through an impeachment process and we all know people in the opposition and even within zanu p. F. Are fed up of mugabe so there would be a lot of support for any impeachment process in parliament really getting your analysis of the situation whats unfolding in zimbabwe right now last night joining us there from cambridge thanks so much thank you. Amnesty International Says three people were killed in kenya when police clash with supporters of the Opposition Leader Police Used Tear Gas and water cannon to break up large crowds who were cheering a diggers convoy from the airport to central nairobi he returned from a ten day trip to the United States but hes also say five people were killed when they were stoned by crowds after being course looting from a to miller has moved from nairobi. This is not the First Time Police have responded to large crowds of protesters with what Rights Groups are calling Excessive Force now amnesty International Says police should stop using lethal force against opposition supporters today thousands of those supporters had gathered to listen to an address from a leader raila odinga on his return to the country after a visit abroad ending in these running battles with police the supporters of tried to make their way to the city center anticipating that address from the Opposition Leader was able to briefly address his supporters on the road after they were blocked from moving to the center of nairobi Police Used Tear Gas and Water Cannons to disperse them now amnesty International Says police used Excessive Force including live ammunition to disperse that large crowd four people have been at miti to hospital with gunshot wounds after the confrontation between these are opposition supporters and Police Police say they didnt use a live ammunition and that five people were killed after they were caught looting and according to police was stoned to death earlier in the day opposition supporters had le tires and main roads and thrown stones at least so far various Rights Groups have said that between sixty and seventy people have been killed in protests that began before august president. Election and continued through to the rerun held last month these protests taking place mostly in areas in the capital or in the west of the country where the opposition has a lot of support. Japan has tabled a motion at the United Nations to try to extend the investigation into the use of chemical weapons in syria it follows last nights vetoed by russia of a similar resolution before the u. N. Security council well our diplomatic efforts james bays is at the u. N. Headquarters in new york and joins us live now so james tell us more about this nation well theyre trying to save whats known as the jim the joint investigation mechanism after a day of high drama here the United Nations on thursday when we had two rival resolutions concerning the gym which didnt pass and one was vetoed by russia leaving a situation that this mechanism which is supposed to determine who has been carrying out chemical weapons attacks in syria is going to wither and die well they have had another meeting of the Security Council behind closed doors and japan has suggested that perhaps the way forward is to keep the Current System going for another month so there could be further negotiations and asking the secretary general of the United Nations and the head of the o. P. C. W thats the body that deals with chemical weapons to come up with new proposals on the way into the meeting the British Ambassador said he couldnt see why all the members of the Security Council couldnt support this compromise but i have read it and i would have thought that every Single Member of the Security Council would support everything single sentence and that but i thought that in the past and they have still never left me to think. So the key question was will the russians support it we are still Russian Deputy ambassador as he arrived at the meeting he simply said to reporters i love you all but certainly that good spirits didnt continue inside the room because he told the other diplomats from the other members of the Security Council that russia did not support this new compromise measure its not clear whether this new compromise range measure will be put to a vote its not clear if it is put to the right vote whether russia will use its veto yet again or will abstain and what hangs in the balance is the whole operation to identify whos carried out chemical weapons attacks in syria its looking like glee that this body of a joint investigative mechanism is going to be no more in the next few hours james thank you. Honestly international is accusing both all iceland fighters and Philippine Government forces of war crimes during the five month battle for the city of were all way were going to thousand people have been killed and five hundred thousand others forced from their homes in the fighting. And reports from manila. It is the first detailed human rights investigation into the five month long conflict in the Southern City of merari it killed more than a thousand people and displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians Amnesty International sent to team to land a province in the southern philippines to interview around fifty survivors and witnesses what they heard were stories of widespread abuse on both sides some of which amount to war crimes the amnesty report says members of a local group called them out they targeted christians the attacks were often brutal some people were shot at point blank range while others had their throats slit the Philippine Military also stands accused in the report it details accounts of civilians who say they were tortured by members of the marines after their escape from out of fighters some say they were hugged tied beaten and accused of fighting against the government the ago is one of the civilians from what are we who survived his story told to aljazeera backs up the amnesty report but in the mouth they beat us with their weapons and they made us wear black and told us to go outside and forced us to steal food some of the women were raped when we managed to escape the military detained us for days we were tired and beaten up the accused us of being the fighters and this international also says the damage to the city is worth further investigation the group calls it unprecedented and questions whether the use of military operations was consistent to proportionality under international law. We. Were guided by the rules of which provides for the city and proportion. Of course the war in matter we is the longest battle that Philippine Military has fought since World War Two to fighters to control of several parts of the city in may and held more than two thousand people hostage the moutier made those secret of their brutality it is highlighted in their propaganda but many here believe the Philippine Military should be held to a higher standard the air is a protector of the people in this they are the ones who are bestowed with that by it all to be the protector of the people and the state and thats why we hold them to account because there are there are the military as men undergoing reforms for several years now the operation in being seen as a test as to whether lessons and human rights have been institutionalized accusations of human rights abuses committed by the state have been the cause of the grievances by so many muslim communities which in turn are being exploited by radical armed groups here many believe these grievances need to be resolved soon before they again push more people to take up weapons against the government dog and al jazeera mandela. Also to come here on the aljazeera news including were going to take a look at the brand new high Tech Solution to the problem of water shortages in the worlds highest mountain region. Our military forces are now patrolling saddams borders but theyre being accused of committing crimes. And as for find out who is in contention to finish the year as europe gulfs. First an inquiry into abuse youth prisons in australias Northern Territory has called for the closure of one of the Detention Centers they found what it describes a shocking and systemic failures which were ignored by top officials over many years most of the inmates were aboriginal thomas reports. These are the shocking videos which sparked an inquiry into what was happening to children imprisoned in australia in one a boys strapped to a chair and put it another video shows a boy being picked up by a guard and thrown into his room much of the abuse happened here at the don dale prison for Young Offenders near darwin well over ninety percent of people detained here and elsewhere in the Northern Territory over recent years have been aboriginal earlier this year boys living in the territory told aljazeera that among them the abuse was well known you know treated us differently. You like theyve done their corner stuff and seen with minorities and grew up in. Boys again an era where. Its like you know and. So good on friday after an investigation which is lasted more than a year members of a Royal Commission inquiry released their report and recommendations they said theyd found shocking and systemic failures over many years which were well known and ignored at the highest levels the Northern Territorys chief minister said the failings were a stain on the Northern Territorys reputation we have been breaking our kids not building them up that has become increasingly evident through the Royal Commission hearings the report recommends the immediate closure of the don dale prison it says children under fourteen should only be detained for the most serious of crimes tear gas force and restraint should never be used on children and video cameras should be worn by guards to monitor their behavior but some worry the recommendations wont be enacted and dont go far enough saying so many inquiries make great recommendations then and Nothing Happened you know youth detention isnt working for these young people and we do need a paradigm shift. The Northern Territorys government says it broadly supports the reforms proposed in the report australias Prime Minister says there are implications for how all australian states deal with the link children this is a report into the abuse of children but in truth given that the vast majority of those in the Northern Territory in prisons are aboriginal this is also a report into the abuse of indigenous australians that makes its findings particularly sensitive australia has a dog history of abuse towards a socalled first australians under thomas aljazeera said. The president of the un Climate Summit in bolton says talks on implementing the twenty fourth fifteen paris climate agreement are progressing well the accord was signed by needy two hundred countries in twenty fifteen to cut Carbon Emissions and limits Global Warming to two degrees celsius it officially goes into sex in twenty trying to get it all now speak to aljazeera as nick clark has been costing life from raw nick. Valencia thanks very much at this point we were hoping that wed be wrapping up about now everything was pretty much agreed it seemed within the last minute theres been very suggestions mainly about the old chestnut finance and in the room behind me theyre all locked away trying to negotiate over that and then theyll bring it forward to the formal plan area and hopefully well get it gavel through as they say later this evening but it could be a late night lets bring in the old man whos from the union of concerned scientists or whats going on because this is a bit unnecessary well its a little bit of drama that we didnt need finance is a perennial issue at the end of these negotiations but this discussion is about real money on the table its about well developed countries be more transparent about future finance and we have a question which is a fair question developing countries have a fair point that they need to know how much they can count on to develop their economies in a clean way to adapt to the impacts of Climate Change developed countries say on the other hand that we dont do our. Budgets that far in advance were a year by year basis with our parliaments our Congress Says we cant give you certainty for five years down the road so its a bit of a quandary right but this conference actually isnt about numbers is it is about just getting the rule book sorted for the parties or greens and i think its about process really theyre trying to figure out how do you give developing countries confidence and certainty and build trust that the finance will be there down the road because remember in copenhagen in two thousand and nine the developed countries agreed to try to mobilize one hundred billion dollars per year by two thousand and twenty they havent reached that target yet in developing countries are wondering if theyre going to especially with our country the United States pulling back on climate finance youre getting updates from within the negotiations right now whats the latest youve heard the latest is the presidency put out a compromised proposal earlier this afternoon countries have been reacting to that it seems like theyre close to agreement theyre distributing a new text as we speak trying to take in all the views of parties that theyve heard and hopefully if they can fly we will be out of here before the wee hours of the morning ok and if it does fly overruling whats your impression of this how where were at with the power over all we got what we needed out of this car weve got a process to lead to the adoption of the rules implementation rules for paris next year in poland weve got creation of this talent show a dialogue which is a fijian notion tallon no means open robust honest conversation and storytelling to look at the gap between what countries are already doing to reduce their emissions and where we need to be to meet the temperature limitation goals in the Paris Agreement United Nations estimates were only about a third of the way to where we need to be projecting out to twenty thirty and the discussion next year will be how do we close that gap how do we increase ambition to avoid the worst impacts of Climate Change are old and great again a perspective appreciate that update from that within they didnt make it easy ations ok well be back with you and hopefully well have more news better news from him but we look forward to talking about thanking. Was the. This is a drawing up in many parts of the himalayas its being blamed on a mix of deforestation Climate Change and a lack of Water Conservation but new technologies interrogation are now helping make the soil certainly again so we have stress to travel to nepals remote run the chop districts. These fields in the village of data around one hundred kilometers from katmandu were barren until eighteen months ago even though the single sure river flowed just meters away villagers had no way to access the water thats when so they should mandate he came to their aid he installed an irrigation system. When i first came here the soil was so dry and crumbly that the only thing the locals could grow was two crops of maize bunder is a technician for a project run by an apart department of irrigation the department has been trying to find a way to irrigate more than four hundred thousand hectares of land in dhaka bhandari and his team built these tanks to store water from the river below but there were more problems to tackle this village didnt have electricity till three months ago and this massive solar panels were installed and these panels can be maneuvered towards the direction of the sun and the direct current that it creates pumps the water to the tank there are pipes that connect the water from the tank to the village and gravity does the rest of the work its hoped this technology can provide a solution to a growing problem the drying up of water sources across the himalayan belt even those scientists are wary of agitating this phenomena to Climate Change entire villages in the pile are in danger of being forced to migrate. Eighty three percent of our land is in the hills and in the mountains and most of the areas are not yet electrified we now know we can use solar energy to tap water there is a river nearby we have no problem but in areas where springs are drying up because of Climate Change we can Start Storing water during the rainy season whenever there is a deficiency we can lift up the water. The technology does not come cheap each sector cost around five thousand dollars to irrigate but its a one Time Investment and farmers. Have seen their lives change in a very short time eighteen months ago maggie says she was forced to work as a daily wage laborer now she has enough vegetables to sell and greenery around the village that has not gone unnoticed its been as fresh a. Damage up district and about. Where i stay with us on this because still ahead. On american possible withdrawal from nafta could help restore mexicos corn growing heritage. We find out what happens when the worlds top architects reimagine refugee camps. And its a National Football in north america that for a huge home well explain more. How its just about stopped raining and snowing afghanistan and to the west throughout iran and back towards the mediterranean coast not much is going on but on the mediterranean coast something is going on in inducing color clouds to build the winds are suddenly heres a still twenty seven in beirut and its about the same in baghdad and down towards cuba it is a clear skies no sixty in terrible danger frost levels in a good part of iran by night there and here is the cloud as it progresses slowly it was during sunday few green spots to suggest a bit of rain for syria iraq may be down as far as kuwait not a lot but a hint or sight for the most part of course the rain with raby in peninsular remains now temperatures just below thirty for most places though not in western side of saudi with lotion humidity. Supposed to rain is still possible around yemen of course maybe the gulf states is fast scientists gotta during the last part of the weekend on sunday throughout tropical africa weve seen the heaviest rain recently in places like uganda congo and gabble thats what was subtle i would suggest and thats about where you would expect to see the heaviest rain in this part of africa and theyre reflected in the forecasts come power in the shower along with libra to twenty eight degrees. News has never been more available its a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain the good logical rational people versus the crazy monsters and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not go over well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint trying to Mainstream Media narratives of this time on aljazeera. Short films of hope. And inspiration. A series of short stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. Aljazeera selects at this time. Welcome back and reminds of the top stories hail the aljazeera news president Robert Mugabe has made his first public appearance since he was put under house arrest by the military on wednesday its handed a University Graduation service in harare. Amnesty International Says both i saw on the philippines government all guilty of war crimes in the five month battle for the city of moore always. On three people are reported dead in kenya when police clash with supporters of the Opposition Leader. But hes denied that they used life an issue. Is. Well says its prepared to cooperate with saudi arabia to unite against iran israels military chief Lieutenant General gary aizen caught told an arabic online newspaper its ready to share intelligence information with the saudi arabia following tension between tehran and riyadh michael ware has the latest from west jerusalem. Israels military chief left tenant general gatti eyes in court said his country was ready to cooperate with what he described as moderate arab states against a common enemy iran but its not so much what he said but that he said it to a saudi news website saudi arabia doesnt even officially recognize israel and say i wasnt caught interviews being seen as a sign of the growing cooperation between the two countries and its not the only such recent media appearance to be seen as such it was here at israels Channel Two Television in june where an interview with a saudi guest was broadcast thats on precedented in israeli broadcasting and the guest meet her keen talked about the saudi led blockade on qatar and about a new middle east without what he described as terrorism and comments made by israels defense minister Avigdor Lieberman here Israels Parliament in june also show the shifting alliances he said following the saudi led blockade israel was open for cooperation and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talked in london earlier this month about new allies the good news that the other guys are getting together with before. There is something i wouldnt have expected with my life. Working very hard to stop. The effect of alliance between his room and moderate. To counter the aggression move the wrong. As far as possible and in some diplomatic cables leaked just over a week ago israels ministry of Foreign Affairs urged its foreign embassies to support saudi arabia in its conflict in yemen and in it struggle against iran and against shia Group Hezbollah in lebanon but general izing blogs in his interview said israel presently has no plans to attack hezbollah. Well israel and saudi arabia do not have diplomatic ties right now but recently their relations have shown some signs of improving in june two israeli ministers separately called for full diplomatic relations to be established with saudi arabia in october classified memos by the Israeli Foreign ministry revealed it had instructed ambassadors around the world to begin a Diplomatic Campaign against iran and hezbollah are both of course saudi arabias rivals and a couple of weeks ago Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said israel is working very hard to establish an Effective Alliance with the quote more than sunni states to counter it rainy and aggression were mccurry is a professor and senior fellow at the university the American University of beirut and he joins us live now from new york good to have you with us on the program what might this warming of relations between saudi arabia in his well what might that mean for the palestinians we know of course president abbas has quite recently been to visit saudi arabia. From what we know about the possible terms of any kind of socalled peace accord that might be imposed on the palestinians by the israelis and the saudis and the americans would be a catastrophe but catastrophes are basically what the United States and the israelis and some of their about allies have generally been promoting in the region for the last thirty or forty years or so in their efforts to avoid coming to grips with the central dilemma of the zionist terrorist Israeli Palestinian conflict and they just dance around it on the edges which is what theyre doing now instead of coming to grips with the fact that the israeli people the Palestinian People must have equal contiguous and Simultaneous National rights and two states living side by side they avoid that because that means the israelis have to withdraw from settlements stop occupying land stop colonizing land stop treating the palestinians harshly and live with them as equal people the israelis dont seem to want to do that so they dance around it they try to create make peace treaties with jordan and egypt as they did they have sort of fishes ties with some lebanese with some qatari is with some home these are monies and now theyre trying to do this with the with the saudis are a very high level but this would be a catastrophe for the palestinians because the terms that are being discussed would be made really mean a lower form of limited autonomy and noncontiguous pieces of land here and there with the israelis in total control of the big issues like underground water the air security and Border Control and the Jordan Valley but it wont work theyve tried this many many times in the last thirty thirty five years and it never has worked and it wont work but youre really saying that riyadh would basically go along with whatever it is well once i mean if there was to be some sort of future alliance between saudi arabia and israel how evolution the saudis would want to impose their own conditions on the israelis that perhaps that my says that the palestinians in a more positive way do you really think what i see saying is that saudi arabia would kates to israels demands. We dont know that we really need to give the saudis some credit that they would actually at some point stand up for some principles and some Real National security interests of their own and of other arabs around them we just dont know we have to wait and see and not to judge them too early but what weve seen them do is basically not have any successful Foreign Policy initiatives in recent years all across the arab world every one of their and should lives as either failed or backfired and theyre already retreating now in what they started in lebanon about ten days ago and its unlikely therefore that they have any capacity to force on a country as powerful as israel to force the terms that they want its not one hundred percent clear what is driving the saudi leadership the saudi Leadership Today is something that is completely new its never existed in the region theyre doing a lot of dramatic dynamic things some of them are supported by saudi citizens some of them probably are not we just dont know this is the work of basically one man the crown prince and a few of his advisors and some foreign consultants and we dont know what they want we dont know what theyll accept we dont know what terms they will try to impose what we do know is that they are of feverish really trying to push back what they see as a threatening iranian presence all across the region this coincides with equally feverish israeli concerns these concerns have been there since one nine hundred seventy nine both of these important powerful countries and the United States have tried relentlessly for since one thousand seventy nine to roll back the iranians and all weve seen since then is iran getting stronger hezbollah getting stronger iranian allies getting stronger and the saudis dont seem to understand nor do the israelis and certainly neither does the American Administration that this policy of strong armed tactics trying to force iran back doesnt work that the engagement that happened with the nuclear and sang. Sions agreement did work and then this is a some point something that the israelis and the saudis need to try but to do that youve got to solve the palestine issue fairly and equitably for the israelis and for the palestinians and what theyre talking about certainly doesnt do that rami very quickly because we are running out of time i just want your thoughts on why this is happening right now you mentioned the rise of the crown prince in saudi arabia but how much is that also to do with having President Trump in the white house it very much is related to the President Trump who is quite ignorant about the middle east but also quite an egomaniac who thinks that he can make the deal of the century with his equally ignorant son in law jarrett question whos in charge of this process theyre totally mistreating the situation theyre trying go to go back to failed ideas of israeli arab alliances against iran with the us this has been going on since the days of Alexander Haig when he was very a state in the us decades ago it just doesnt work but its the new crown prince of saudi arabia the new president and his team or at least as family in the United States and continue turmoil across the middle east has created panic in saudi arabia a heightened state of frenzy and israel and therefore a calm and desperate search for new ideas that might work but they wont work because theyre not new ideas or old ideas that have failed many times and unless there is a fair permanent resolution of the palestine israel conflict none of these ideas will work on the current good to get your thoughts on this issue appreciate it thanks for coming thanks for talking to us there from new york thank you sit on has deployed Paramilitary Forces as its borders to curb the flow of migrants making their way to europe the move has cost control the seat with human Rights Groups saying they are the same troops that committed war crimes in dol for people morgan reports now from Northern Sudan. Days of walking and crossing unmarked borders have brought these eritrean migrants to sudan for many including percent its not their final destination. For. I want to be educated so i was three until it gets help or advice then ill be able to go further this further means going beyond sudans borders with help from smugglers but getting out is often much harder than getting into sudan because of a deal known as the khartoum process the Sudanese Government along with other african countries dealing with the migrant crisis struck a deal with the rypien union to keep them out as a result security in africa has been tightened sudan has deployed its paramilitary troops to curb the flow of migrants along its northern and western borders but because these forces are the same ones that were used to fight for both in darfur and other conflict areas in the country using them to stop human smugglers and traffickers comes with a lot of controversy the Rabid Support forces as the Paramilitary Group is called was officially formed four years ago created from Sudans National Intelligence forces in there for the general weed as they were known by rebel forces were accused of brutality and violating human rights for their role in the darfur conflict human Rights Groups accuse the group of work crimes but the head of the forces say they fight crimes not commit them but. We combat all kinds of crimes we have special forces just like any other force in the country which is easiest method to fight crimes and the border with libya is open and there are problems there so off for says patrol there the ease being criticized by Rights Groups for supporting sudan in anti migration efforts and for providing two hundred fifty Million Dollars which critics say helps force migrants into Detention Centers some analysts say the government using the Rapid Support forces for the mission was deliberate. The government was to send an International Basij these forces joined just fighting rebellions because they fought off rebels the government wants to. Give the group a National Role to show they serving the interest of the whole country they were created as a fighting force forces that may be too tough to face while migrants such as in iraq who dream of getting out of africa any way they can people morgan aljazeera Northern Sudan now architects from around the world are taking part in the may just festival in berlin from reimagining a refugee camp to recycle floating home the students many have taken current world issues other than as their inspiration. Is there for us right now in search ali this is all about a competition as well as that. Absolutely has been a really intense three days apart but its interesting you know. The text presenting the text to sleeping in every aspect of it is i really think. That theyve now been whittled down to meet. The winner. Was going to be decided. To make it. Interesting. That we took. It. From rehab earthquake survivors to educating a Community Architecture has the power to transform lives here at the World Architecture festival in berlin its clear the desire for social equality is implementing design decisions seen here in design more as presentation of shelter on the edge a reimagining of a refugee camp for syrians fleeing conflict made of wood is designed to be built by its inhabitants in can grow like a communities or to somebody its like a bus and consult with the basic human need what you need and especially the small planets its a very small twin its like you know its a bit more under the fair inflexible and these are affordable each building tells a story the Palestinian Museum in the occupied west by. Has already won an award for its keen lines and cascade of terraces which represent the diversity of cultures theres also the Affordable Student Housing in copenhagen using shipping containers and otherwise on usable space to create floating apartments i think what were trying to do is architects is to build the future way of living working. We feel that a lot of places in cities today were actually designed for how life was lived two hundred years ago this building in central was sort of for the housing category but its actually multifunctional its got offices on the top restaurant and shops it generates its own electricity with solar panels on the roof and a geothermal system supplies it with heating and air conditioning in a recent survey architects said that Climate Change and energy would be the most informed issues influencing their profession over the next ten years the festival is an opportunity for architects to question and learn from each other and be judged by a panel of their peers a unique opportunity to the organizers so many different offer take Something Different from the world approach the same challenges putting these different way because of our climate building for efficiency whats always fascinating is to compare and contrast how different design is one address for the same problem come up with amazingly enough its it is an. Unusual set of architecture can define the way we live our lives even lift the human spirit just like this when installation in london called smile. So what is incredible about this place is this range of products and projects i dont like with everything from premises to hotels but inside and its also kind of challenging the traditional i do have architecture. There are even pieces flying against Museum Pieces that if used to take language that you can see this isnt just new words i mean its a chance to talk to around the world in fact sixty Different Countries represented here to get together to discuss the challenges that they see that fascinate me Climate Change how to build a Company Building so its an aging population if he were to the time space and also the teeth of new technology its in a lot of three d. Printing techniques that are going to return some respect to going to any new details. Which they said we did for tots a challenge like that but it was a little seventy thank you. From the u. S. Mexico and canada are in mexico city to discuss the north American Free trade agreements in this fifth round of talks one of the big issues on the table is cool it is mexicos top agricultural import from the u. S. But some say the cheap american varieties are damaging mexicos rich corn heritage she galliano has more from milk alsa just outside mexico city. Far. Corn is as much a part of the story of mexico as yes dixon the arrival of the spanish conquistadores first developed here thousands of years ago small scale farmers like i rely on it to make a living but also a view its a connection to their nations past. These kernel still the story of mexico its life its development its culture its ideology and freedom loosen them with losing a identity. While maize was born in the fields of mexico a new floor is worried that the market for his harvest is disappearing. Younger mexicans are less interested in consuming traditional varieties of mexican corn and new generations of farmers are less interest. And planting them opting for simpler more profitable varieties instead but our north shore is convinced that with Government Support to small scale farmers like himself mexicans will claim their National Pride and remove the need to import any from abroad its difficult to overstate just how important this crop is to mexican life and identity not just from a practical standpoint as a basic food staple but also culturally speaking and thats why an increasing number of people here feel the need to defend its survival from what they say are growing threats. And chief among those threats is the gradual disappearance of several varieties of traditional maize something this activist says is already happening at an alarming rate. In the family well these are specialized arantes of coal but talking about over thousands of years they each have their own history of a color flavor. Nothing to do with whats grown in the u. S. Or elsewhere in the world the possible break up of the north American Free trade agreement or nafta may in fact represent the best hope for the future of mexican corn. U. S. President donald trump has long accused mexico of getting the best out of the deal but cheap u. S. Corn imports are seen here as doing lasting damage if the imposition of. Targets or obstacles by the u. S. Size. Then mexico has choices to also put on the table so long misuse that will affect the free flow of grains from the u. S. Into mexico joint statement as mexico braces for another round of tough negotiations over nafta a new force hoping that what emerges will place higher value on the countrys National Crop and ensure it has a profitable future as well as a rich history. Channel aljazeera mexico city. Find out about all things nasa by going to our website weve got a breakdown of all the dailies all about the winners but on a look at why trump wants out of the tail check out al jazeera dot com and then do a search for nafta. Coming up next the foss jets the winter olympic organizers hope will speed up ticket sales. And just. Well again as promised its time to support his money. Thank you so much felicity while interNational Football in north and Central America is set for a Major Overhaul the regions governing body count account has announced it will launch a new Nations League tournament next year the u. S. Saying mexico panama and costa rica some of the leading countries involved the region is following a europe slate which laid out its plans for a league last month this is what we know so far about the concord cafe the nations legal include all forty one sames from the region and is in addition to world cup qualifying and will radically reduce the number of friendlies countries can play will be arranged into three divisions with the highest ranked teams in the top league theyll be promotion and relegation like we see domestic competitions and it will also be a qualifying competition for the biannual gold cup and will be used to seed teams in the world cup qualifying where only sports under was sure of inside World Football he believes the tournament should have a positive impact. You know ever since countries all over the world realized that they were not friendly matches were not doing them any good. Dave come up where theyve tried to come up with some kind of scenario whereby. Those dates in the calendar came more meaningful and i think although well though the nation youre weightless nations has been somewhat criticized for being i should say a bit convoluted its going to take fans in europe quite a long time to get their heads around it but they did have quite a strong did put out quite strong signal to other confederations to say look you can actually get round the problem of friendlies and play meaningful games now coca can in a way its even more so. Some of the smaller nations wont even play more than you know half a dozen matches a year so i guess that the conduct of leadership dont want this is a great chance for them to to actually build up the development of the game the problem is that the big big inverted commas goes there are many big countries in concacaf but say mexico Us Costa Rica the downside of this tournament is are they really very good really going to benefit more from playing smaller nations in their own confederation than they would have playing friendlys against you know bigger countries from other confederations has finally been a reason to smile at the Brazilian Club chuppah cowen say a year ago the team was involved in a plane crash and three players survived the accident which killed seventy one people but completely new side was put together after that accident on thursday they were celebrating the win that ensured chappaqua would be staying in brazils top division for another season. Arguably even better news here for their goalkeeper jackson foreman who lost a leg in that accident this week he was back in training at the club his ambition now he says is to one day a pair up the paralympics that would go far as move into the semifinals of the season ending a. T. P. Finals in london the belgian seventh seed beat dominant team in straight sets to set up a semifinal with six time champion Roger Federer Bulgarias Grigor Dimitrov will face american jack sock in saturdays other so we tried to. Do the best and he can do Something Different because in looper never beat roger and the solution is against him though we tried Something Different because i have nothing to lose. So. Its going to be tough because hes playing so woeful the moment we were in so many emergency rule so. Yeah we do my best australia have made the first surprise move of the ashes cricket series selecting a player who has played a test seven years ago thirty two year old where he puts him on his back for the first test against england which starts next week in brisbane the concert dates back to eighteen eighty two with a smallish trophy in world sports at stake in the whole of the ashes after winning the twenty fifteen series three pts. I am happy with the makeup i think we have a pretty good balance. The six bet is that are in form at the moment which is really important for us because its going rounds and to many selection Englands Tommy Fleetwood has hit back in the race to finish as the leading man in european gulf flame would start first in the seasons rankings going into this championship in dubai after a poor first round he recovered on friday his sixty five moved him to six under par in a tie for eleventh his main rival is justin rose hes in a tie for third nice to finish at least second and hope somebody other than fleetwood wins. And wins for the big organizes in south korea doing all they can supposed to sluggish ticket sales for next years event. On friday the torch relay had an acrobatic jet fighter the same for company the games begin in function in february so far barely a third of tickets have been solved. That is high school is looking for now is get back to felicity in la andy thanks very much dave. From the news our team. In london joins six us in a couple of minutes time with more of the days news of i. I really felt liberated as the germans beloved about getting to the truth as i would thats what this job. Provoking debate the corporate taxes not her job growth on the brought about of the world where the only joy that one of my. Tackling the tough issues restrictions on Media Freedom of the tree killings torture giving the road didnt give me that challenging the established line every single one of the three thousand people who was killed was a drug dealer yes how do we know that you didnt try them didnt prosecute if you didnt show the shot the man saw and joined that he has done for up front at this time on aljazeera the new era in television news. It doesnt say that its a toss to do things in secret that are on the list we had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the calls of my arrest if you would. Just stay with us. I got this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of time im going to have to give them the opportunity and wonderful things start to. Look at the actual distance theres at least twenty thousand for him to refugees who live here we badly need at this moment leadership until president Hosni Mubarak has resigned trump is going to be the next president retaliation will bank other guys go back to the family canisters of gas subsidies i believe that best to prevent the behavior getting in the way lets get a call that. He achieved something that never happened before

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