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Move but the arab league stopped short of calling for action. Hello im down in jordan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up iraq to close as well with i still over says its not in complete control of the iraqis Syrian Border plus. To allow an individual to. This wonderful. Boycotting the president mississippis black leaders protest against Donald Trumps appearance at the opening of a Civil Rights Museum also. There packed unanimously after seven votes to seven seventy years after the u. N. Voted to look into atomic bombs the nobel prize is set to on of the Campaign Working to abolish Nuclear Weapons. Unacceptable and dangerous thats the arab leagues reaction to president Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital on wednesday you know when i was asian called it illegal according to International Law at an emergency meeting in the egyptian capital cairo reports at an emergency session of the arab league a show of unity and anger the twenty two nations that make up the organization gathered in cairo to forcefully reject u. S. President Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. This decision threatens jury sims legal status and affects all the arab muslims and christians and the islamic world all together we would like him to be frank and call things by their real name the decision taken by the American Administration to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and to move the American Embassy to jerusalem is unacceptable and very dangerous the arab league has long been involved in the palestinian struggle first by denouncing the creation of israel and through its involvement in the one nine hundred forty eight arab israeli war. It later supported the creation of the First International body representing the Palestinian People which led to the formation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization or p. L. O. Which was admitted as a member in one thousand nine hundred sixty four. Three years later after the six day arab israeli war league issued the socalled khartoum resolution which set what became known as the three no no peace with israel no recognition of israel and no negotiations with it. But at the beirut summit in two thousand and two the league adopted the socalled Arab Peace Initiative a saudi inspired peace plan to end the conflict a plan offered full normalization with israel in exchange israel was required to withdrawal from all occupied territories to recognize palestinian independence in the west bank and gaza strip with East Jerusalem as its capital as well as a just solution for Palestinian Refugees Peace Initiative was indorsed again at the riyadh summit five years later but never resulted in any kind of agreement now with President Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital an arab led solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict seems further away than ever. But whatever the case Arab League Leaders announce they reached an agreement on how to respond to the move. First thing this decision is rejected and the arab league with all its consequences secondly they have agreed to form a committee for peace making which will deal with the International Community this is an order to achieve progress in respect of the palestinian issue jordan will be head of the committee which will be formed next month despite the anger the arab league put forward no measures against the United States although it said it would consider its options well continuing efforts to find a lasting solution to the palestinian struggle a struggle that shows no signs of easing into aljazeera. Meanwhile dozens of palestinians have been injured and arrested during a fourth day of protests against the u. S. Decision in occupied East Jerusalem Israeli Forces fired stun grenades and tear gas as they charged to a crowd of peaceful demonstrators at one of the citys busiest shopping streets alan fischer was there. I said i didnt mean it started as a small protest handful of people but as the walk towards all jerusalem dome one of the citys busy shopping streets there was blogged by police and soldiers told they had no permit to march that they were blocking the road they were forcibly pushed back to it was in a city where anger has been close to the surface since Donald Trumps controversial decision it sparked a series of running confrontations. Police sent in horses to break up the crowds creating widespread anger and panic this has been a pattern throughout the afternoon as crowds gather by the side of the street the horses have been sent ten some pace to try and break those crowds up the writers have even been using their weapons it really is quite frightening for the people who are standing here watching these horses racing towards them. I dont want to see that were getting here because what i did then. And there were we never give up our country would say that was the work ethic that i was given at the end in tears and it was. Just you know seeing. It. Was. The Security Forces you saw in grenades and there were reports of injuries from rubber coated steel bullets if anyone produced a palestinian flag it was taken from them forcibly sometimes violently the flags destroyed in front of their face was the. Then the woman we spoke to earlier was there. That police couldnt tell is why. This is whats happening in. There and that it could be. True that. Throughout the afternoon the Security Forces backed off the crowds gathered the police moved up and the whole cycle began again. The Security Forces tried to grab people they thought were throwing stones at them identified by Police Photographers whod been in the crowd by nightfall the situation had stabilized but the under come to attention and the anger was still there but she was no sign of going away alan fischer in occupied East Jerusalem elsewhere funerals have been held in gaza for two of the four People Killed during the unrest two hamas fighters were killed by israeli airstrikes israels military says it was targeting hamas weapon sites and. The rockets fired into israel late on friday of these twenty five palestinians including six children were wounded in the evening bombing according to officials separately two palestinians were killed while protesting on friday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is accusing european officials of hypocrisy for criticizing Donald Trumps decision it comes as the french president emmanuel macro is set to host netanyahu on sunday but his visit has triggered angry protests in paris a neutral observer but reasonably certain i ascribe great importance to europe while i respect europe i am not prepared to accept a double standard from it i hear voices from their condemning President Trumps historic statement but ive not heard condemnations of the rockets fired israel or the terrible incitement against it im not prepared to accept this hypocrisy and as usual at this Important Forum i will present israels truth without fear and with head held high. In other news iraqs Prime Minister has declared its war against eisel is over he says troops are in control of the area around the iraq Syrian Border but the driving i still fighters out iceland vanstone iraq three years ago and quickly captured around a third of the country including important cities like fallujah and mosul you know when it comes two days after russia said it had defeated eisel in syria. And. Having not honorable iraqis your land has been completely realty races your cities and villages have been returned to the nation the dream of liberation has become a reality we achieved victory in difficult circumstances who have gone so steadfastness of our people and the bravery of our heroic forces we prevailed firefighters in california say theyve made some progress in the battle to contain multiple large wildfires raging across the southern part of the state at least one person has died and two hundred thousand more than forced to leave their homes the fire in one of the worst hit areas in Ventura County is now partially contained but forecasters are warning that high winds expected this weekend could make things worse allan shuffle has more from los angeles. Well the fire fight continues on many fronts here in Southern California and everything is going to depend on the weather firefighters and residents tired of all the flames in so many areas got a bit of a break over the last twenty four hours the winds calm down a little bit firefighters were able to divert resources from structure protection for protecting neighborhoods and actually attack the fire and they have made progress on many fronts on these many fires however what happens in the next forty eight hours is going to determine fire behavior the National Weather service does have a red flag warning up there saying that there is a potential at least for very high winds through the end of this weekend winds that could gust to eighty or ninety kilometers Kilometers Per Hour those are the common santa ana winds that happen every winter here but when they happen and theres some kind of fire ignition those fires can explode and thats what weve seen over the past week or so for now were in a bit of a Holding Pattern well all wait and see what the weather brings over the next forty eight hours now doctors in south korea are protecting against president moon janes plan to expand National Health Insurance Coverage the policy would see Health Insurance cover seventy percent of the cost of treatment and include most medical procedures and test by the it twenty twenty two but doctors say the scheme would force them to provide cheap it can lead to a full in the quality of treatment lets get more now from kathy novak she joins us live from seoul kathy so what more can you tell us about the issues here and what are the doctors really angry about. Well its known here as moon care its a debate that happens in a number of countries daren the question how much should the government really pay for health care when president moon was elected this year he campaigned to widen the amount the government actually covers that would allow the Government Health care to cover more treatments and more procedures for example m. R. I. Scans were not previously covered in care as its known would see that kind of procedure covered under the Government Insurance scheme but the doctors here as you say are quite angry they say that first of all they werent consulted when this scheme was developed to do to widen the coverage under National Health insurance and they also say as you alluded to there that there are questions around whether or not the government can actually afford to do this and theyre saying that when this actually gets put into place people will choose to have more expensive procedures might choose to go to a more general hospitals and ultimately the quality of health care will suffer so the crowd here is actually quite big theres quite a wide support among doctors themselves for this protest against the governments game but across the broader population one of the questions that is being asked is its part of the reason that the doctors coming out their old self interest people are asking whether what theyre really concerned about is their own pay one truly implemented. Thank you. Well so also to come here not just here including. Im tiny a page reporting from south africa on how several Big International brands have been linked to a corruption scandal. And they call him a japanese babe ruth hes just been sold an American Baseball Team for twenty Million Dollars more in that state. How the weathers looking pretty quiet across the middle east over the next couple of days little bit of cloud over towards afghanistan possibility of wanted to fly as the snow coming through here but for many it will be settled dry and sunny a little bit of cloud over towards the western side of the region so easing in across the levant so little bit of a murky skies is pushing through cyprus heading towards syria lebanon jordan to just aleppo to around thirty nine s. But ninety nine hundred nineteen degrees there for bravery that also for jerusalem this is well for baghdad and we settled and sunny here twenty degrees in kuwait city and were looking at dry skies winds easing down across the eastern side of the region as we go on through sunday say much of the Arabian Peninsula will be settled and fine twenty four celsius in doha twenty three degrees as we go on through monday something of a chill in the air i suspect meanwhile this twenty four celsius for to how does burgers well well see a little bit of wet weather coming into that eastern side of south africa by the way to see whether well be up towards more than parts of mozambique into tanzania into madagascar and they run up into the congo basin joining up in the showers that we have across central parts of africa with one or two showers to the guinea coast. Donald trump has rescinded foreign aid to charities that perform actively promote abortion people and palin discovers the consequence is a us president spends strength can have on countless lives. Hes completely insurance against. People we are full of bush and those people with trump and the ethics of foreign aid at this time. Welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera theres been a fourth day of fall of protests across the occupied palestinian territories demonstrators angry over the u. S. Decision to declare jerusalem the capital of israel to a force of five tear gas and stun grenades protesters. Meanwhile Arab League Foreign ministers meeting in cairo say the u. S. Decision is unacceptable and dangerous and they said it was a violation of International Law but stopped short of putting forward any measures against the United States. And iraqs Prime Minister has declared its war against eisel is over he says troops from the remaining fighters from the iraqis Syrian Border are now in control of the area i still advanced across iraq three years ago around the third of the country. Now on sunday the Nobel Peace Prize will be handed to the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons at a ceremony in the campaign as fought for a global treaty banning Nuclear Weapons which now has more than fifty countries signatories diplomatic editor james bays reports. In the grounds of United Nations headquarters a statue showing a georgian the dragon the vanquished beast made out of decommissioned Nuclear Missiles the u. N. Was founded in the same moment in history as the only actual use of Nuclear Weapons in fact president harry truman signed the charter of the organization on the same day that his forces dropped a bomb on the japanese city of naggers sarky just five months later the first meeting of the Un General Assembly and its first resolution was about what it somewhat euphemistically called the problems raised by the discovery of Atomic Energy that is adapted unanimously after seventy. Seven more than seven decades later a new campaign to ban Nuclear Weapons was backed by a Grassroots Network of activists coordinated by icann the International Committee for the abolition of Nuclear Weapons they made a significant breakthrough a new treaty in september when the treaty was open for signature on the very first day fifty nations signed it in this chamber now that number fifty is crucial if fifty countries go on to take the next step and formally ratify it in many countries that involves a parliamentary vote then this will become International Law the five most powerful nations at the u. N. Do not support the treaty the permanent members of the Security Council see their right to veto and their Nuclear Weapons as key instruments of strategy there have been efforts at Nuclear Disarmament in the past in the u. N. Lobby a picture of a meeting between us president john f. Kennedy in one nine hundred sixty one with the Russian Foreign minister under a grim eco the hope in the following year died when the world came close to nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis some see parallels to recent events. Ive been very much concerned because there is some talk about lets do something thats cool down the temperature and lets get into dialogue but the dialogue has essentially stopped already for a long time there were various efforts over the years and over the decades but in essence there hasnt been any dialogue for quite a number of years and in the meantime north korea has stepped up their efforts to acquire Nuclear Weapons its not just the prospect of war in north korea and the u. S. Threatening to pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal theres also the prospect of a new arms race President Trump has made it clear he wants to modernize his Nuclear Arsenal james pays aljazeera at the United Nations. Donald trumps attendance at an opening of a Civil Rights Museum in mississippi has sponsored a boycott by black leaders many of them stayed away from the looks accusing the president of racial division. Reports from the city of jackson. They gathered to pay tribute to the long struggle for racial equality in america it was a grand opening of a new nineteen Million Dollars Civil Rights Museum that traces the history of black americans who led that fight but when donald trump said he would attend some africanamericans boycott it including congressman and prominent civil rights leader john lewis the National Association for the advancement for colored people or and. The most storied Civil Rights Organization in america had asked trump not to come we refuse to allow individuals to stay this wonderful thing of honoring individuals who sacrifice. When they work so hard to sure people have access to Affordable Health care and he seek it to undermine it at every turn. Trump was slow to condemn racist groups that protested in Charlottesville Virginia earlier this year you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent but he has released he condemned n. F. L. Players for taking a need to Bring National anthem in protest against Police Brutality and injustice against mostly young black men but there is another side of the story many of the people who are here on the first day of the museums opening said they very much support the president s visit he should be here to represent who we are not a segment not a political view but the people of United States best me and youre happy im happy is here. To at the newseum and then gave a speech with a president ial tone that stayed on script we want our country to be a place where every child. From every background can grow up free from fear innocent of hatred and surrounded by love opportunity and hope today we pay tribute to our heroes of the past his words were appreciated by many that came here as words were powerful and at the end of the day its about the two museums that are here mississippi has a dark history when it comes to civil rights in the last century it was one of the last states to fully integrate black americans to have equal rights medgar evers a famous civil rights leader from the state was murdered here in one thousand nine hundred sixty three this entire history now on full display at the new Museum Everyone agrees the struggle for equal rights is a story that needs to be told that disagreement on if the current president is the right person to tell it. Aljazeera jackson mississippi a legal challenge has been filed to know the results of last months honduran president ial election the Opposition Party led by. Its timing voter for both president won the land have declared themselves winners fourteen people have been killed in protests now the term state capture is used by many in south africa to describe the influence some business is exerting on the government its an accusation the Ruling African National congress is facing as it gets ready to choose a successor to president jacob zuma on a page reports from victoria. These activists are among the South Africans who say president jacob zuma has allowed some Business Leaders to use corrupt practices to take control of the state is the first not. Particularly members of the gupta family both the president and the group does reject the corruption allegations that the scandal wont go away in fact its widening recently several International Brands have been linked to the scandal British Public Relations Company Bell Pottinger its a pity the German Software giant as well as order to escape and several banks the u. K. Is h. S. B. C. And Standard Chartered and indias bank of baroda theyve all had to defend themselves against allegations they either knowingly or unwittingly facilitated corruption and south africa the banks arent commenting other than to confirm their cooperated with investigators all of the International Companies involved have apologized and taken remedial action ranging from firing Senior Executives to repaying money to accounts neither the group does nor the president would comment to us half a world away in the united kingdoms houses of Parliament Former n. T. Apartheid activist lord peter hain has taken a stand hes convinced financial regulators and the Serious Fraud office to investigate british banks he says are implicated in Money Laundering the profits of state capture in south africa billions of help its been siphoned off from checks through culture dodgy contracts grants that goes straight into the pockets of prison Genius Family all the brothers and then their money a little bit abroad sometimes. Is recycled back into the country investigators in the us and dubai are also probing the allegations but president zuma hasnt set up the independent inquiry into state capture ordered by a public watchdog a year ago. State capture actually guarantees beauty and you know people are put in places to actually get protect the interest of private interests that are pretty well investigations in britain the u. S. And the u. A. E. May have some impact on companies and banks based offshore in south africa despite months of allegations it appears to be business as usual for those at the center of a tiny a page out of zero pretoria. Thousands of people have marched against fascism in northern italy on saturday in response to anti immigrant groups italys governing democrats led the rally in a coma when members of the far right groups have denounced what they call the migrant invasion more than one hundred fourteen thousand migrants have landed in italy so far this year. As army is being accused of deliberately targeting revenge of children who are escaping a military crackdown in Rakhine State a nine Year Old Girl is told out as zero how she survived being shot three times as she crossed into bangladesh where more than six hundred twenty five thousand are injured are seeking safety under the was charles traffic reports now from a refugee camp near coxs bizarre. But his grandmother called hold back the tears its a miracle the nine Year Old Girl is a lawyer. She to say she was shot three times by myanmar Army Soldiers and she fled her village of form bazaar three or four months ago. The bullets went through her rights leg her left arm and her right armpit myanmar soldiers shot her mother and father did. Says he too was trying to escape in a boat with a young boy when the army opened fire at them you know how your little. We were running and crying trying to escape he says i got in a boat and heard gunshots as i was in a different boat when the Ministry Shelter shita they were around thirty and no tears away from her. After seeing the head show i felt i dont know i am bound to die. The bullet wound on the infected and wont heal. Infections are common in the camp with hundreds of thousands of other refugees its not known how many children have been killed by the Myanmar Military in this recent crackdown on the river injure the myanmar government is refusing any kind of independent investigation but whats so shocking about this case is that having spoken to two witnesses and the medics treating her all evidence suggests that the myanmar soldier knowingly shots at a nine Year Old Girl from close range. This sort of indicative of a heart off the weapon and i watch caliber bullet of something of a seven sixty nine and like a five five six bullet which would tend to hit and bath ran and do a lot of internal damage given also the trajectory we think that it would be with for a fifty made a range limit that she too was operated on in a malaysian government Field Hospital near the refugee camp tiny pieces of fabric from the clothes she was wearing when she was shot infected the wound. Doctors hope as huge as physical agony will eventually subside but its unlikely the terrifying memories of what she and her grandmother saw in myanmar will ever disappear. Chance trafford aljazeera think ali refugee camp bangladesh. Sri lanka has formally handed over commercial activities and its main southern port to the Chinese State owned Company China Merchant Port Holdings is paying one point one billion dollars to operate the hambantota port on a ninety nine year lease it also gets a seventy percent stake in it the deal is a boost for cash strapped for lanka lets raise concerns of the chinas growing influence the ports are expected to play a key role in beijings plans to create a maritime silk road now a Japanese Baseball player whos been compared to the great babe ruth has been sold by his club to the American Team for a whopping twenty Million Dollars but still he autonomy will earn only a heart a million a year because the American League has a salary cap for foreign players under twenty five years old the Los Angeles Angels signed the twenty three year old who was the subject of frenzied bidding because it is rare to a skills as both a batter and a pitcher but earlier we spoke to was not a super who was a Sports Writer based in tokyo hes been giving us a sense of how the stories unfolded in japan it is a massive news you know baseball is the biggest sport in japan and all danny has been the biggest star without a doubt in the last five years so you know his transfer although although he he came in Japanese Base or growing eventually he would go to the met make a baseball but now it happens officially and that everybody is looking at all those news and on television on radio and in newspapers and magazines its a massive. Recap of the top stories here the south has been a fourth day of violent protests across the occupied palestinian territory from demonstrators angry of the u. S. Decision to declare jerusalem israels capital Israeli Forces fired tear gas and stun grenades a protester. Meanwhile Arab League Foreign ministers meeting at emergency session in the egyptian capital cairo said the u. S. Position is unacceptable and dangerous they also described the move as a violation of International Law but stopped short of putting forward any measures against the United States. This decision is rejected and the arab league rejects all its consequences secondly we have agreed to form a committee for peace making which will deal with the International Community this is an order to achieve progress in respect of the palestinian issue jordan will be head of the committee which will be formed next month. Protests have continued around the world against Donald Trumps decision hundreds of demonstrators gathered in paris to denounce a planned visit by israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused european officials of hypocrisy for criticizing the u. S. But. I ascribe great importance to europe while i respect europe i am not prepared to accept a double standard from it i hear voices from their condemning President Trump historic statement but i have not heard condemnations of the rockets fired israel or the terrible incitement against it im not prepared to accept this hypocrisy and as usual at this Important Forum i will present israels truth without fear and with head held high iraqs Prime Minister has declared its war against isis is over hideout a body says troops are in control of the area around the iraqi Syrian Border after driving fighters out islip violence in iraq three years ago and quickly captured around a third of the country including important cities like mosul and saluja announcement comes two days after russia said it had defeated eisel in syria. Doctors in south korea are protesting against president moon janes plan to expand National Health Insurance Coverage the policy would see Health Insurance cover seventy percent of the cost of treatment and include most medical procedures and tests by the year twenty twenty two doctors say the scheme would force them to provide cheaper ten only to fall in quality of treatment. For those with the headlines the news continues on aljazeera of the people in power stations thats what. If you were in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships when mess was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and going to run the world well the chinese are not that stupid things guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our first president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china at this time on a just see it

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