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A new leader. Which shall carry this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up why are migrants opting for an old land route to enter greece even though it is just as dangerous as the see. The new symbol of palestinian anger the activists who lost his legs in a previous israeli air strike has now been shot in the head and killed. And anger in the streets of honduras its been three weeks and still no winner announced in the president ial election. The watershed meeting to elect a new leader for south africas ruling party the African National congress is due to start in an hour after being delayed due to legal challenges whoever is chosen to succeed jacob zuma who is tainted by corruption allegations will lead the a. N. C. Into the next president ial election thats in two thousand and nineteen the party is deeply divided over who should be better campaigners threaten to split the movement because on a zoom is South African president s preferred candidate she has campaigned hard against racial inequality and for and proving in the ass the prospects rather of the black majority the other main contender is Cyril Ramaphosa supporters say his business background makes him the best option to turn around south africas struggling economy page because life for us in johannesburg so tony these legal challenges that have been going on this morning tell us what they are. She will this is really come off the back of course rulings three of them which were delivered by various courts around the country on friday and theyre just three of the examples there have been other Court Processes and basically what those Court Rulings found was that some of the results from some of the Branch Meetings of the a. N. C. Which is the grassroots meetings its in those branches that b. And c. Local members they choose who their delegates will be who they want their delegates to support is the president and all the other top positions here so those results would nullify by the courts so its as a result of that those Court Rulings that the emergency meeting was called of the National Executive committee which is the top one hundred leaders of the a. N. C. Was cool this morning and they have decided that they will not allow those particular Branch Delegates to come here and vote and that potentially could have an impact on the candidate on the race for presidency because those ponchos were believed to have been in support of increases on a resume and there are about one hundred thirty one hundred forty delegates affected so if its a really tight race it could be the difference for her between winning and losing so trying to going into the president ial election once the a. N. C. Gets this all sorted out are there concerns about how damaged they may be. Well thats one of the things being discussed here this idea of organizational renewal the a. N. C. Some parts of it a very conscious that it does have a problem it slipped almost ten percent in the last election which was the local Government Election and it lost control for the face time at that election of three and. A huge shocker for the. Really a message from the voters that theyre really not happy particularly in the metro areas with the direction that the party is going it was seen at the time as being something of a referral on the leadership of president zuma so i dont see renewal is a big focus here and weve heard the secretary general talking about the need for the party to take a look at itself a hard look at itself and to unify whether it will be able to do that behind a particular candidate i think is far from clear because as youve said they have these legal challenges and Division Within the party and although there is talk of unity weve already heard some of the delegates and groups of several hundred marching and chanting and singing their support for any for a particular candidate. Page life for us in johannesburg tanya thank you. Refugees are increasingly attempting a new route into europe with deadly consequences if youre taking the old route across the aegean sea to the greek islands of yes one of the islands many of them have to indoor dire conditions now thousands are heading north across the land border from turkey and to northeastern greece but that means crossing the everest river which is proof fatal for hundreds of refugees lawrence lee has this exclusive report a warning some of you may find the images very disturbing. We discovered. Theyd been in the water for weeks on the river or the fish take their clothes sometimes the riposte militia facts a clue to someones mind says this syrian woman drowned along with her son she was identified by another already in europe but usually they remain unidentified silent witnesses to the horror of the refugees journey. Its a very little goes with that is it will work a bit woman will have a little boy get those who havent seen. All harm in the world. Here. And there was poor founder. Yes its very difficult. Sometimes the bodies are found by police on patrol sometimes they discovered by fisherman in the shallows more died hypothermia frozen from leaking boats discovered in outbuildings half eaten by wild dogs others still killed by trains sleeping on the railway is afghan says he crossed the river six times before dodging the police by that time he left behind three of his friends dead on the. Road. You know there were three of my best friends we were out in the open it was so dangerous so cold we didnt have any food or clothes where the river winds into turkey a fence becomes the border paid for by the European Union to keep the refugees out either side the turkish and greek troops refugees have been blown up by land mines here in the United Nations says this year twenty thousand have been stopped on the turkish side its becoming a favored route for refugees to avoid the greek islands while this fence does is to force the refugees into the river either in the hands of illegal smuggling gangs or by themselves its really dangerous are the way and yet again exposes the lack of safe routes at the edges of the European Union for refugees well away from the fence and the watching troops the motorway is used by the smugglers they camp out here after crossing the river into greece the greek government says a thousand people a month are being caught it is unclear how many get through but they have nothing this is a. This is a medical note from a charity its from december last year he says could this person please be referred to a psychiatrist. The doctors believe the river consumes money will bodies it will soon give up and that their impoverished hospital they showed is the new addition from the red cross the huge fridge the are lots of room for the bodies gloriously aljazeera when the greece turkey border funerals are being held for the four palestinians killed by Israeli Forces in the latest protest in gaza an occupied west bank there are rallying against the west decision to recognize her islam as israels capital abraham a both the riot was one of those shot and gaza he was in a wheelchair protesting when he was reportedly hit by a sniper bullet a birthright was an activist who lost his legs during an israeli air strike in two thousand and eight hundred people were also injured and those confrontations are testers have surrounded the u. S. Embassy in honduras theyre angry after waiting three weeks for definitive results in the president ial election demonstrators accuse diplomats of meddling in last months vote which both candidates claim to have won to reports. Main roads are blocked in. The capital of honduras through the thick smoke of tear gas last men and women about to the police. The supporters of t. V. Host and politician salvador nostromo the party did the same one selection. But we want them to recognize salvador now as our president he is our president we elected him as our president because hes the best we have to be a change for this country. The turmoil on the streets highlight the countrys political crisis in a decade the current president. And. More than two weeks since votes were counted a result has been announced. And he should count ahead of his conservative opponent but that tally was later reversed given her nanda a slim. International observers and theres forty irregularities one opposition supporters accuse the us of meddling in the thousands protested outside the us embassy there by. This u. S. Embassies interfering into the internal affairs of our country it has said that the november twenty sixth election last month was transparent when the enduring people know the entire world knows if there was fraud and they want to steal our victory. The honduran constitution limits precedence to want to two years ago the Supreme Court dominated by judges appointed to hang on this group at the cost Issue Commission doesnt apply to him opponents accuse her of being a dictator i feel for the women and i have two kids i have a two Year Old Girl and a one year old boy i want a future for them i dont want them in the future to have this dictator as a president im fighting for a superior Public Education for my children. The president is appealing for calm the two weeks of postelection protests have killed at least sixteen people including two Police Officers Amnesty International others accuse the government as Security Forces of human rights abuse the crisis is hurting the economy too with daily losses estimated at fifty Million Dollars and theres a deadline set for the live tour tribunal to declare a winner it has only ten days left to do that. So head on aljazeera. Continues to change of leadership in its Political Party plus. They want to make America Great again this is not making America Great. Anger. On extreme poverty finds major issues with housing and even. Sanitation. Hello there there is lots of snow in china at the moment weve got these pictures from the chandon province that show the theories of snow that weve been seeing there but elsewhere theres been thickest snow goes the a few problems on the roads and making things a little bit icy as well plenty more snow still to come for some of us but actually the mojo or two of it wont be over china itll be a rich pan you can see this huge area of cloud here thats galloping its way towards us thats giving us plenty of snow most of it in the northwestern parts of honshu and also through hokkaido as well so thats where were seeing the winter east of the weather and ill be plenty more snow even as we head through into monday as well towards the west well here its not were not seeing quite so much snow but its certainly not that warm with beijing going for around five or six degrees as a maximum temperature but further towards the south and the winds are also firing down here so fitting cool force in shanghai a maximum here of just five and that cooler air also working its way down towards hong kong so our maximum will just be sixteen things are a little bit milder perhaps as we head through the day on monday this time hong kong getting to eighteen shanghai up to nine you see whats happening across the philippines there this huge massive cloud thats a Tropical Storm is gradually working its way towards the west over here expect a lot of flooding. Besieged by Violent Crime and drugs. Confronted by reeses and integration now are. Traces the history of first generation lebanese australians exploring the conflicts. And the struggle for acceptance. Once upon a time in punchbowl and this time on aljazeera. Watching out to zero lets take a look at the top stories this hour a meeting to elect a new leader for south africas ruling party the African National congress is due to start in less than an hour after it was delayed because of legal challenges president jacob zuma successor will lead the party in the next president ial election in two thousand and nineteen funerals are being held for the four palestinians killed by Israeli Forces in the latest protest in gaza in the occupied west bank one of the been shot by a sniper in a confrontations with activists abraham who lost his legs to an israeli air strike in two thousand and eight. U. S. Embassy in honduras has been surrounded by protesters angry at waiting three weeks for a definitive result in the president ial election demonstrators accuse the us of interfering in last months vote which both candidates say they won. Congress has initiated impeachment proceedings against president petro public dissent it was triggered by allegations that failed to disclose payments his company got from pursuing an obstruction construction giant that is out of her act because house risk. Calls for him to resign and to die is any wrongdoing or at a sanchez has more from the capitol. Hill for the first time opposition legislators from different parties are united here in bruce congress to impeach president b. The public which means for months the house the night that he had any means to brazilian construction giant wall there with it which has paid millions of dollars in bribes to former government officials including a former president here in a two now this week a Congressional Commission that investigates the love a hot dog car wash a Corruption Scandal here in the dont revealed documents that say that a Company Owned by chain skew received more than seven hundred eighty thousand dollars this was when he was a Prime Minister and the finance minister during the government all five hundred. More than a decade ago now after the president had denied having any links to other but it he now acknowledges his Company Westfield capital did get payments but he says that he was unaware and not in charge at the time of the company now legislators called for his resignation in the ten advised message jean ski told peruvians that he will not go but you know this compatriots i will not allow myself to be intimidated i am an honest man and have been so my whole life i say this very clearly. I am asking for the lifting of banking secrecy standards so that the authorities can review everything they wish to and in front of all peruvians i assume all responsibilities for my actions i am here to tell you i am not going to abdicate my honor or my values nor my responsibilities as president for all peruvians well this is though. Worst political crisis and the worst Corruption Scandal in years. Many analysts say that it is very possible that president with jeans people will be impeached he will have to come next week here to congress and explain to legislators his links to all the rich and as legislators im sane he will also have to explain to the peruvians why he lied relatives of crew members from the missing argentine submarine are demanding International Search operation continue until the vessel is found contact with the area san juan was lost in mid november Argentinas Navy ended its search two weeks ago after an explosion was detected near the subs last known location aircraft and ships from eighteen countries have been looking for the submarine and its forty four crew members and they seven atlanta. And mexico soldiers are about to take over from police and the long running war against drug cartels if the president gets a seal of Approval Congress approve this controversial security law despite objections from the u. N. Human Rights Groups and more. Mexico will close out two thousand and seventeen as its most violent year on record peace more staggering murder rate mexican lawmakers are pushing for a new and whats become a Controversial National security law one that would normalize military presence across the country senator. Says this action however drastic is desperately needed to curb back the violence. They list. Is that the number one commitment and mix in government is to guarantee security to the population maintain leppitsch and safety and this is what we intend to do in the green cheery and security lol. Other mexican lawmakers like sen one of the middle hicks dont agree with this is sussman because it goes against human rights it does not give Legal Certainty and also there are many issues from Civil Society that being the result. One such issue is a general lack of confidence in state and federal Police Forces the proposed legislation could result in less funding and less training for local law enforcement. However the bill has faced widespread criticisms in mexico you learn the more down is one of those voices her son went missing eight years ago six members of the military were eventually charged in connection with his disappearance. Were still afraid the people are still afraid there is still kidnappings by the military we dont feel safer because of the militarization would pose a danger to the population. Over the years mexican military forces have been implicated in a number of murders and disappearances last year mounting allegations of Human Rights Violations prompted the head of mexicos armed forces to publicly apologize. Most lawmakers in mexico will agree that rising levels of violence must be met with new policies but critics say the current proposal normalizes a military presence on city streets instead of assessing the impact of more than ten years of failed Security Strategy madrid up. Mexico city austria is about to become the only country in western europe with the far right party and the government the winner of october parliamentary elections the conservative Peoples Party has reached a Coalition Deal with the anti Immigration Freedom Party or anyone else Sebastian Curtis who leads the conservatives will now become europes youngest leader both parties to campaign for tougher immigration roles in the deportation of asylum seekers. Also next weeks racial election in catalonia like it likely to leave the political crisis there resolved spain imposed direct role after october secession referendum and jailed some Pro Independence politicians and hall has talked to one of them who was recently released. Yellow ribbons a sign that their jailed independence leaders are not forgotten and neighbors in this quarter of barcelona are rallying to form socalled committees to defend the republic. Heads that theyll just stamp and crush us we must hold our heads high. In the wake of october secession referendum spanish authorities imposed direct route and imprisoned separatist politicians. Just one of those cattle and government ministers who have spanish prosecutors arrested on charges of rebellion. Is free on bail after a month in prison he recalls every moment. Specially the noice of the of the doors closing it and forget of all nice sterile means that you are not free demonstrations in support of the secession referendum will last but peaceful yet his fellow ministers were held in a cell block with convicted murderers and drug traffickers we where political prisons prisoners and now there are Political Prisoners in the spanish chains because if there is no violence they jailed us only to defend our i. D. s until his trial rule is free to run for reelection on december the twenty first. There on the campaign trail the mystical thank characteristic is that our thanks to you for an independent narrative and spiting to selfdetermination against a heavy handed central state. Cautious when describing what tactics might persuade spain and catalonia to break away dialogue dialogue them across there were crossing the one percent those rebellion charges are still hanging over him if convicted he could spend thirty years in prison this is three year eight year old sons growing up. Every day my two little children every day everyday. Because i dont know what will happen in x. Future so i face life in a different way. With catalonia in turmoil politics comes with a heavy personal price cult pen while just zero spain. Are all gandhi has taken over from his father son yes president of indias Main Opposition Party the Congress Party lost popularity over the past three years since defeat and the general election by the. Recently start talk of a political revival with an aggressive Regional Election campaign and the home state of Prime Minister intervention voting because pollen has more from there on make on the political dynasty. You could say politics isnt as blood is great grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru was indias first Prime Minister its grandmother in their gandhi was indias first and only female Prime Minister and when she was assassinated in one thousand nine hundred four his father rajiv gandhi became the countrys youngest ever leader now raul gandhi is hoping to follow in their footsteps by first succeeding his mother sagna as president of the Congress Party i think the choice of the party is. Coming out of his sort of. Because within the Congress Party itself. Many leaders who we accepted by all sections within the party so the whole was the only person around the entire party as early but raul gone these dynastic journey into politics has been on the easy one and he was general secretary of the Congress Party ten years ago and the pushed for revamp and more transparency. But it was often hard to pin down his political leanings he was accused of flitting from cost to costs and seemed reluctant to take responsibility when asked to join the government analysts say he was always in his mothers shadow and his efforts in authority were never truly recognized four years ago raul gandhi became Vice President of the party and chief campaigner for the general election but poor results and did ten years of Congress Rule the Congress Party suffered a humiliating defeat to the b j p led by now Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Gandhi was no longer perceived era parents and instead often ridiculed for political mistakes or gaffes in his speeches but his popularity has been revived over the past few months. The media glare capturing a savvy politician connecting with voters regardless of background cost or class campaigning for the state election and good. An Election Campaign said to be his coming of age as a politician raul gandhi has become the public face of the Congress Party in the battle for control of good government. If his party can wrestle power from the ruling by theo john to party in the home states of Prime Minister Narendra Modi few would doubt gandhi is worthy of wearing the crown of the Congress Party many say its fitting that are all gandhis first big test as Congress Leader isnt good its grandfather was from here and the truck was a congress governed state with his father rajiv gandhi and his grandmother and there are gandhi or Prime Ministers of india. Aljazeera. On top u. N. Envoy investigating extreme poverty and the u. S. Is warning the problem is set to escalate under President Trump and threatening nations to mock or say help allston found one in eight americans are living in poverty nearly half of those are in whats considered deep poverty and a calendar reports you actually see them a war fly in rural alabama the uns expert on extreme poverty witnessed firsthand what residents have been dealing with the years in the states black belt region many cant afford basic sanitation open pools of rule sewage sit with Children Play its often flushed back into peoples homes and hookworm a parasite normally found in Subsaharan Africa has been reported in shocking numbers residents have asked for help instead campaigners say some of being threatened with criminal charges now they may at least get recognition for some might have to come from the United Nations just figure out of a solution to a problem that the United States should be having is really really say to me i mean because. There want there sam they want to make America Great again this is not making America Great again Philip Alston spent two weeks visiting some of the u. S. Is most Vulnerable People activists say his presence is cause for National Shame its embarrassing that i had to go outside of alabama to get help to deal with this thats embarrassing i think that there is there are people in alabama they can solve this problem theyve got to have the world with me do it we came to lock up everybody for things that happened here when there are things that they people have no control over as part of his tour philip olson came here to washington d. C. Where poor neighborhoods can be found within streets of the Capitol Building in past reports alstons pulled no punches but this may be his most sensitive mission yet investigating poverty in the worlds richest nation will mean nothing if the Current Administration chooses to ignore his findings officially more than forty million americans live in poverty some put that figure much higher alstons already called what hes seen in the u. S. Shocking and says in many places basic needs are not being met its then up to the government to try to explain why its not being met because they could afford to do it so that would mean that taking a political Decision Just to exclude certain people and not put resources into giving them a decent standard of living the uns final report will be published in the spring of two thousand and eighteen early indications are that alstons findings could make for uncomfortable reading for the worlds biggest economy and gallica aljazeera. Take a look at the headlines right now on aljazeera the meeting to elect a new leader for south africas ruling party the African National congress is due to start shortly after it was to late to two legal challenges president jacob zuma successor will lead the party in the next president ial election in two thousand and nineteen tanya pages in johannesburg. There was an image. Of the National Executive committee of the African National congress that includes about one hundred or so members and they were meeting to discuss the outcomes of civil Court Rulings delivered on friday and what they have confirmed from those Court Rulings as that there will be about one hundred thirty hundred delegates here all of the just over five thousand who will not be allowed to vote because at the branch level at the Grassroots Level these are the meetings that happen in town halls and churches and schools they didnt follow the correct procedures is according to the courts and so they will not be able to vote here generals are being held for the four palestinians killed by Israeli Forces and the latest protest in gaza in occupied west bank one of them and shot by a sniper in the confrontations was activists who are i am lost his legs to an israeli airstrike in two thousand. The u. S. Embassy in honduras has been surrounded by protesters angry at waiting three weeks for a definitive result and the president ial election demonstrators accuse the u. S. Of interfering in last months vote both candidates claim to have won Perus Congress has initiated impeachment proceedings against president pedro pablo kaczynski it was triggered by allegations that he failed to disclose payments his Company Caught from brazilian construction giant brecht has resisted calls to resign and denies any wrongdoing. Gandhi has taken over from his brother saw you as president of indias Main Opposition Party the Congress Party lost popularity over the past three years since defeat in the general election by the beach and hes recently stopped talk about political revival austria is about to become the only country in western europe with a far right party in the government for one of october first parliamentary elections the conservative Peoples Party has reached a Coalition Deal with the anti Immigration Freedom Party. Those are the headlines news continues here on aljazeera and side story is next thanks for your time. Does the United States have a socalled smoking gun on iran the u. S. On bass thats the u. N. This plays what she calls undeniable evidence

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