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Zero jane dutton this is the news live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes from pakistan to turkey worldwide protests against the u. S. President s decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel grow. North korea is a dangerous reckless criminal regime threatening the peace of the region. A man accused of trying to sell missile parts on behalf of north korea is a rested in australia. Supporters of the u. S. Prison cry foul of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller is accused of improperly obtaining thousands of private emails as part of his trump russia investigation. Another snag in the process to replace jacob zuma a. N. C. Officials go behind closed doors as they prepare to choose a successor to the South African president. The chorus of condemnation against u. S. Recognition of jerusalem as israels capital is getting louder a days of protests have been held in cities across the globe this was the scene a short while ago in the turkish capital ankara where hundreds wave flags in support of the palestinians the biggest protest was an indonesian where tens of thousands of people poured onto the streets of jakarta for this trump protest thousands of demonstrators also gathering in the pakistani city of karachi in a show of solidarity with the palestinians we have reporters covering several of the demonstrations underway. In islamabad but we begin with the tasha good name joining us live in ankara talk us through the scene there and what people are saying what they want. Cheney it was three hours of singing chanting and listening to speeches things have just now wrapped up but there earlier there were probably hundreds of people waving turkish flags palestinian flags carrying signs with a lot of antiamerican sentiment you actually just missed people throwing shoes at two giant balloons one with the u. S. President donald trump the other with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the turkish street as you mentioned has been very vocal since december sixth there have been protests around turkey december sixth being the day that President Trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel and president rest of earth a one has become a very potent advocate for the palestinians hes been rallying specifically arab and islamic countries to show solidarity solidarity for the palestinians but also to make their case forcefully to move it from action to words on sorry from words to action on wednesday he hosted the organization for islam a cooperation its an organization with fifty Seven Members they met here for a summit in istanbul actually and at that summit he said that jerusalem is a red line given that its home to the third holiest site in is slam he said that this is a dangerous recognition not only that but it is illegal a violation of International Law and therefore illegitimate to take that a step further president erdogan announced that hes going to take his case to the u. N. Security council now given that the United States jane has veto power its unlikely this is going to get much traction but he says barring to say that success there hes going to take it to the u. N. General assembly whether or not he has success there jane its clear that president urges want is trying to be persistent to keep this issue on the front. Berner on the International Stage and as weve seen here and today he has the support of the turkish people all right natasha going to and thanks for that too lets skip over to indonesia where tens of thousands of individuals joined the outcry against the trumpet ministrations decision on jerusalem. He has more from jakarta they came. With a clear message for the u. S. President. Declaring jerusalem as the capital of israel oh protesters. Brought those leaders. It was still are just demonstrations in indonesia since Donald Trumps controversial announcement earlier this month i hope. He will james what. Hes made the decision he has to change it and give the free to do people of the palestinian the peaceful protest was held at the National Monument and outside the u. S. Embassy in the capital jakarta. It was organized by several muslim groups and police estimate around eighty thousand took part where more than twenty thousand soldiers and other Security Forces were deployed in that the reason we are here with all our Indonesian Muslim brothers we convey our aspiration to our brothers in palestine are heard that they will have their freedom and god gives them power and patience or they can get their independence just like ours i. Indonesia does not have to promote their ties with israel and has long been a strong supporter of palestinian aspirations for statehood president has condemned tom smoove calling it a finally sions of u. N. Resolutions leaders in indonesia the largest Muslim Population have joined the global condemnation of trumps announcement saying that it is a blow to peace efforts and race sparking more violence. A fortune decades of u. S. Policy and a long Standing International consensus that the fate of jerusalem be decided as part of the peace deal between israel and palestinians the status of the cd which is important to jews muslims and christians is one of the core of the feis if issues which is why for these protesters trump shouldnt be the one to decide its feet the. Jakarta of those protests underway in karate pakistan come out joins us live from islamabad im hearing that tens of thousands turned out on the streets that. Absolutely. Becoming the. Recognition by the americans. On the streets. Those. Government. Particularly. People are protesting peacefully. On the streets in. Green and. The palestinian cause and the lead. Dependent. You touch on the attack thats the other major story developing thats developing in the country this attack on a church. Well so far we know that at least. There was. Speculation that perhaps there were. Action by the guards guarding the. Four hundred warships. And they were able. To get close. To being even. If there was not a. Member. And that coming on to. The islamic taking responsibility for it may be involved in that too. Thank you police in australia have charged a suspected said to be a loyal agent for north korea trying to sell missile components on the black market chan hand choi was arrested in sydney un sanctions aimed at stopping the norths nuclear bomb and Missile Program have severely restricted cash flow straight as Prime Minister says north korea is trying to support itself by selling illegal goods. North korea is i dined tourists reckless criminal regime threatening the pace of the region it supports itself by breaching u. N. Sanctions not simply by selling commodities like call and other goods but also by selling weapons by selling drugs by engaging in cyber crime it is vitally important that all nations work relentlessly to enforce those sanctions because the more economic pressure that can be brought on north korea the sooner that regime will be brought to its senses a correspondent Andrew Thomas has more from sydney choi han china is a naturalized Australian Citizen but police say he was working here as a loyal agent for north korea trying to earn money for the regime by selling missile components weapons expertise im told on behalf of the regime thats what activity breaks United Nations sanctions under strain sanctions it also breaks australian laws specifically designed to pressure him that the developmental production of weapons of mass destruction is the first person ever to be charged under a lot of the weapons of mass destruction act passed by the parliament here back in one thousand nine hundred five. Will be alleging in court this man was brokering the zeile of missile component three and typical expertise from north korea to other international into teaching. We believe this may be too surprising discussions about the silent missile components reached from north korea to other entities abroad as another attempt to try and rise revenue for the government in north korea we dont know much about those other entities except that at least some of them are said to have been in indonesia and viet nam the place of not that i think any weaponry was actually moved anywhere nor do i think choi hench and was trying to line up any customers here in australia but they do say that about half a Million Dollars was transferred between accounts and i think that if the traits of going ahead then it would have raised tens of millions of dollars for the north korean regime which it also is the former strain an ambassador to south korea he says the case shows how desperate young is getting we dont know who he is selling this equipment to or what kind of equipment it is its all very hazy at this stage i must say of course he is trained in Security Forces justifiably pleased that they caught someone like this and yes it does represent if true a proliferation hazard but who is he say are selling the equipment to we simply dont know hes trying to socalled i think to vietnam and didnt measure as well but were not sure where the Nuclear Components are going if youre going to put sanctions on a country like north korea or any any country theyll do what they can to sell what they have and what north korea does have with the courtesy of Technology Already bought from pakistan and other countries is Missile Technology and Nuclear Technology now if theres a market out there for this material and these technologies theyre going to sell it so i think in a sense you could say a desperate country is going to look wherever it can to sell what it can and i dont think we should be tough to moralistic about this because the largest weapons trader in the world as we know is the United States. Followed closely by russia and britain the french others are doing the same thing theyre not selling Nuclear Technology as such but you know i think we have to be very careful about not imposing too strict a double standard on not the North Koreans are trying to do. Sentinel ahead on the news including. What shaping up to be one of the president ial elections in decades. And in sports a new record is set for the bosss son a sailing trip around the world far will have the details. Thanks. African National Congress is holding a closed door meeting to formally nominate candidates who want to lead south africas ruling party the battle for power is exposed deep divisions within the party thats been losing public support because over to tanya page shes at the a. N. C. Conference in johannesburg and im just wondering what sort of hustling is under way now. Well a lot of hostile ng maneuvering and horse trading of course this is a political conference like any other although president ial candidates dont run with the running mate with official flights without a doubt they are asked specific groupings and were seeing a little indication of some of those discussions already breaking at the current share question of the a. N. C. Did she no one no longer wanted to be a candidate for the presidency that she was throwing her support by the Current Deputy president of the country so from a post or so that may indicate perhaps a little bit of the back door dealing and the possibility that she may be placed quite highly on his list if you like the thing that happened today is the confirmation of the credentials of all the delegates and almost four hundred of them have been disqualified and will not be allowed to vote quite a big number alge of the four thousand eight hundred also and we understand that many of those delegates were believed to have been and the eva for Deputy President obama probusiness main or rival in causes and meanies who most. Potentially a critical blow for her. The conference started with two warnings dont to sing divisive songs and keep the chairs on the ground everybody at speeds that will be flying around this conference all we can say that real not in this conference. A. N. C. Members from competing factions have hurled cheers at one another in the build up to this crucial event there have been allegations of vote buying and intimidation those accusations have led disgruntled members to take legal action that delayed the start of the conference by several hours but the trend to turn to the countrys courts was criticized by president jacob zuma and his last speech as party leader it is actually. We can begin to believe that the courts. Some believe he has eroded the a. N. C. Is all for it under president zuma the party has lost considerable support hes no stranger to legal action himself hes fighting an ongoing battle to keep hundreds of corruption charges at bay this race is as much about the old leader as it is about the new if the president s preferred candidate isolated she may be able to protect him from legal action and his postpresident ial years but if a rival is selected they may be less inclined to help so there is a lot at stake for jacob zuma one commentator said president zuma is legacy is a damaged a. N. C. Possibly he might be the worst president ever had that. The alliance is almost nonexistent. Instant percent off or. So is the average then see the day ended with the nominations in a race that some predicts could be close between current day pretty president s aroma pulsar and in courses on it i mean is the president supposed favorite whoever wins has an enormous challenge to unite the a. N. C. At a time when its divisions has the lead to be it now although we know the main candidates because they have been so much publicity around whos running for the top job of president of the a. N. C. This elective conference isnt just about that top job the positions in the National Executive committee which is the top structure Decision Making body of the a. N. C. Are also up for grabs and there are roughly eighty of those so you see the entire nominations process will take some time and for that reason because theyre voting for eighty six people potentially the voting will also take a long time for almost five thousand people to get through and then of course they need to count they need to verify so at this stage although we were hoping for a result weve been promised a result of by the a. N. C. Today on sunday we now expect it to come through on monday all right thanks for that on your page we are going to be talking about the story more a little later in the program now set of emergency has been declared in southern chile after a landslide devastated an entire village at least five people were killed and dozens of homes destroyed in villa sent in to see it fifteen other people are still missing and just type reports. Of devastation as far as the eye can see tridgell brain triggered a landslide that tore through the village of vs something lucio on saturday thousands remain without electricity rescue workers search for survivors in room if you can this of uncles who went missing i havent. Part of the valley was engulfed by a huge amount of mud from surrounding mountains the villages around one thousand kilometers south of the capital site jago local media reported a usually heavy rain during the previous twenty four hours president michel that declared a state of emergency in the area. I have ordered rescue workers to put all the resources necessary towards protecting the people of vieques. Dozens of people were airlifted to a neighboring town rescue teams continue their search. Is near Corcovado National park which is popular with tourists sports volcanoes and boris the disaster happened on the eve of the Runoff Election to choose next president if he has time. To his president ial Runoff Election is expected to be the most fiercely fought in decades to satisfy voters are demanding changes to share the wealth from the most stable economy in latin america and its get more now from latin america editor listen human a joins us live from santiago how tight is this election. For middle class neighborhood at a polling station as you can see people have begun voting and were expecting very very large queues to start forming shortly and that is because this is expected to be but tightest election perhaps in chile in history in fact by some calculations it could be decided by as few as thirteen thousand votes now the pollsters with the big losers in the first round they got it all wrong jane but the commandos on the other campaigns both agree that this is going to be very very very tightly fought and thats because this is an unprecedented election which will be decided especially by the issues by the social issues the long outstanding social issues the chilean suppressing for. One. Is a Community Leader in this community of fifty families living in an informal camp they love what their homes made out of anything they can find like amalia almost all of them work. A lot of people dont have money to pay for rent its too expensive on a minimum wage and if you have to pay for education food and medicine you are forced to resort to this. When seventy six year old. Became a widow she could no longer pay for rent on her meager pension now her main priority is her health. I havent been able to see a doctor for a year even though i have chronic illnesses every month i ask for an appointment and when i go its been changed or theres no doctor. Chile socalled free market economic miracle isnt working for too many people in the last four years the number of families living in informal settlements and houses like this one has jumped from twenty seven thousand to forty one thousand chiles two president ial candidates say that they have the solution but the methods that they propose are very different to the former conservative president. A successful billionaire says he knows how to spur sluggish Economic Growth and that this time around he will ensure Better Basic Services but he believes the market rather than the government should regulate. Central leftist alley handle good promises to accelerate the social reforms started by the current government the former journalist has little experience and isnt part of the political establishment he barely made it to the runoff but is now technically tied with pineda backed by a new wave of progressive chileans who are tired of politics as usual some people. Maybe theres a part of the society be being pension for on pensions b. Health or being education that you know maybe we dont want the market to rule everything. Chile is indeed at a crossroads and will have to choose between two very different models to try to really make latin americas most stable economy work for everybody. And this is any idea when well hear about the results. Well jane the polls are going to close in seven and a half hours and because this is only a president ial election we should have the the results was for coming in extremely quickly but if it is as tight as some people are predicting it might be disputed if there are complaints of irregularities but i would say in about ten hours we should know who is next president would be thanks for that lets see a human face time for the weather now and heres richard with the latest on the flooding thats been hitting the central philippines how bad is it just right james who is get really excited about the super typhoon which go across the region but when youve got little tropical depressions often they sort of slip beneath the radar so to speak but neverless they can produce some really nasty conditions and weve seen this with this particular one tank coming through at night origine commute some strong winds but nothing remarkable wind speeds generally run about fifty sixty Kilometers Per Hour enough to fly a kite but not a lot more than that but its the rain because this system is very slow moving its just trump lee across central parts of the philippines not dissimilar to the typhoon haiyan a few years ago and its giving vast amounts of rain two hundred millimeters or more in the space of twenty four hours well is continuing its progress away towards the west im pleased to say so there is looking a bit of a a sorry system as it is at the moment and will continue to move away close the palawan and out into the South China Sea so we should see things gradually improving no the general circulation associated with this system is going to result in more showers coming in across the philippines as sort pull more showers in from that direction but the run the sequence generally is a slightly improving situation across this part of the world meanwhile after make mention of rain another part of world we dont see all that often here in the Arabian Peninsula we have got some showers coming down from the gulf including here in doha and look so that could be more showers around as we head through tomorrow. It sounds good thanks richard still ahead on aljazeera as a snap election looms in spains catalonia region empty secession supporters are campaigning for unity plus. Im wayne hay in the vietnamese capital hanoi will tell you why motorbikes could soon be disappearing from the citys streets. And fans just cant help themselves when it comes to real madrid star chris taylor and all those details coming up later in sport. They live in a country plagued by poverty but for indias billionaires life is all about glamour luxury and. Wonder when east meets the new maharajah at this time on aljazeera when the news breaks it was an announcement few were expecting to hear by announce my resignation as Prime Minister from the lebanese government and the story builds i cant stop thinking about the bullets my life when people need to be heard a mass exodus hundreds of thousands of rolled in just have fled ethnic cleansing imeem are for bangladesh al jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on air and online facing the realities if a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a train of to take a ship true which we can bring a legal system to bear getting to the heart of the matter i dont think we need of the wall that some of my producers just to hear their story on talk to housing at this time. Allegheny watching elgin. There are a mind of our top stories this hour protests around the world against the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital are gaining momentum this was the scene in ankara a short while ago the turkish president is planning to take the issue to the u. N. Security council. Police in australia have charged the man with acting as an agent for north korea about trying to sell missile components on the black market choy hand china was arrested in sydney after apparently trying to make sales on behalf of pyongyang worth millions of dollars. Candidates hoping to replace the incumbent leader of the african National Congress are being formally nominated in a closed door meeting in johannesburg the elected chief will lead the ruling party into the general elections in two thousand and nine. Petitions in catalonia holding rallies ahead of thursdays snap general election was called off the Spanish Government imposed direct rule in the region in response to the secession referendum prounion parties are seeking to oust the separatists and restore stability to the regions Politics Panel joins us live from togo south of catalonia talk us through the day what the message was called. Well jane the spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy came to this political battleground this morning as you might imagine imagine his message was calling for support of spanish laws support of the spanish constitution and for spain to Stay Together it was a firmly anti independence message but of course that these elections coming up on thursday the issue is really not which individual Political Party garners the most votes it is which bloc gains most votes because the choice is starkly between those parties who favor independence and breaking away from spain those parties who support staying with spain the unionist parties and in terms of the unionist parties the party that is making the running right now that is challenging some of the major probably independent parties is called the sudan party lets take a look at this report. Shes emerging as the great hope of the anti Independent School see if you. Are you feeling i was. To catalog you from Southern Spain a decade ago. As regional leader of the Citizens Party shes promising a catalonian spring. To defeat politicians pushing for separation. But it was time to vote for the Citizens Party is a vote to the full scale but not to break it out. Tax laws and tackle corruption but the Party Catalonia must remain part of spain and. In the latest opinion polls the Citizens Party is running neck and neck with the biggest Pro Independence party but if you need a mothers hope to control the Capital Parliament theyll have to build a coalition thank you very mother says prosper message points already echoing this crowd. Of seventy separatists and the separatist movement you cant break us thats impossible. There are many more of us who are opposed to independence but we kept our mouths shut at the time is here and they can no longer keep us silent draped in Spanish Language the School Friends are too young to vote program to take part in. Knowing i think we have more doors open to the world of catalonia as part of spain and that way we have access to the rest of europe. Government leaders in madrid of extra security to protect you against candidates from opposing separatist groups in the campaign the election on december twenty first an hour a mother seems relaxed surrounded by her loyalists and confident she can pull in the votes. Now you might ask why the spanish Prime Minister has ministers waded into what essentially are Regional Elections and that is put quite simply because the independence issue in catalonia is plunge spain into its deepest political crisis since the end of dictatorship more than forty years ago as we go towards these elections a number of Pro Independence leaders are in jail others have been arrested and charged with crimes like rebellion and in his speech today we heard the Prime Minister suggesting that the independence crisis has shaved more than half a percentage point of spains overall Economic Growth this year that is why the stakes are so high but if you look at recent opinion polls it is going to be very difficult right now to predict the outcome join up with that update lets go back now to the a. N. C. Move to replace Jacob Zuma Tembisa for court is a researcher at the Aljazeera Center for studies he joins us from johannesburg good to see you write we are hearing about closed door meetings hustling happening what are you hearing whats going on hi important isnt to the vote. Well its very important because. What has happened now is that the drop in the number of delegates who came from the provinces that the provincial conferences were disqualified has added an advantage into the c r seventeen zero what is also known as a sort of a poser seventeen Election Campaign so it looks a little bit better now and more positive for sort of opposing. The one who is bleeding at the moment isnt cause a lot i mean is over and is that a good thing or a bad thing for the country. Waldo for the country i ask you to give your personal opinion in South African well ill give you a provisional political analysis and i will give you another opinion which is currently prevalent within the South African communities many people feel that sort of im opposed as most likely to unite the party and does it. Was one of those i mean azuma the same name as to an extent disadvantaged because people see her as the continuation of the tenure of jacob zuma was regarded by many thought i reckon as being extremely disastrous today and see the image and indeed to the image of the country so it to an extent very good for the a. N. C. And if settled does of course take over people feel that daisy stands a much more better chance at doing well comes the next general election in twenty nine hundred games im just wondering how damaged the n c has been over the last decade or so these corruption allegations the suspects within the a. N. C. And whats an impact that is having on south africa and south africas reputation and of course the economy. Why is serving a very very bad effects but many people are hoping that after this conference in the South African economy and the image of the eighteen c. Will recover from what it has been going through over the past five years under the tenure of president jacob zuma so they are lot of hopes at the moment and. Well all have to wait until the twentieth of december after the conference concludes and to see what will be the outcome and not to be the reaction of the markets i know its holiday time so but they said there is a great hope that things might move towards the better and i should imagine that jacob zuma could be feeling a little under pressure. Well at the moment yes but his the latest rhetorical has been very unifying and he said something very interesting yesterday that he holds no grudges to his comrades who have been very critical on his leadership both as the president of the sea and the present of the country so there is a some kind of a jovial jacob zuma i seem to be relieved now that youll have less ones ability of reading both of party and the country but well have to wait and see what will happen to him post december twenty when the conference concludes. Thank you very much. Now the man leading an investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years president ial election is being accused of illegally obtaining emails the accusation came from a lawyer from u. S. President Donald Trumps Translation Team in a letter to congressional committees but staff for special counsel Robert Mueller say theyve done nothing wrong and the claims are an attempt to discredit the investigation its looking into alleged collusion between the russian government and trance Election Campaign tom ackerman has more on the story from washington d. C. Tom i mean why is this complaint from the Trump Transition Team lawyers noteworthy and important here whats going on. Well first of all this was in a letter directed to the leaders of the congressional committees Republican Committee leaders and in the in the congress right now theres a gathering effort among republicans to to discredit the. Boehner investigation relentless calls to saying that the they are biased theyre politicized that the f. B. I. Agents who have been investigating are trying to to bring down donald trump so in this case these emails tens of thousands of emails which were stored on a government server during the transition according to the lawyer for the friends it shouldnt seem these were improperly accessed without the permission of the owners of those emails the response of the of the agency or rather of the investigation was and ill quote when we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation we have security either the account owners consent or appropriate criminal process so this just adds more fuel to the fire or of what they hope to be a growing fire or a lit underneath the moeller investigation so that whatever the conclusions of it might be and we dont know when those conclusions will be revealed in the eyes of certainly trumps Political Base in this country it will be discredited and regarded as as immaterial as for the white house the white house spokesman was dismissive of the whole investigation and said that we expect this whole process in other words the investigation to be wrapped up rather soon next week the investigators will be meeting with lawyers directly at the white house or with the white house lawyer. Years and well see just how how much further this investigation will go right now we dont see anything developing between now and the new year but of course theres in this in this investigation and the developments that weve been hearing day to day leaking out there is there we really can expect anything in the in the days to come all right thank you for that tom i come in sixty Million People in western india are waiting to hear their next leaders will be results from thursdays state election in gaza rights are due to be announced on monday the Opposition Congress party is making a comeback with a strong challenge to the ruling but im not a party its been in power in the state for twenty two years and government schools are showing signs of neglect to pick up pollen reports from because right. Government statisticians say less than fifteen percent of the students will graduate from secondary school. One hundred and thirty five year old school was once one of the main Education Centers in the village of bizzare. Now the governments boys school competes with five modern private schools classes said this school had been reduced facilities are inadequate. Teachers who not long ago talk students from also szell backgrounds now only have children from low income families six on what these conditions give the children an inferiority complex they feel theyre not with the of a good education so they dont need to study for the graduate. Analysts say the school is just one of many institutions suffering from government neglect and the states privatization drive but i read schools are given more place. And the Public Schools are starved of loneliness and even appointments a lot made similarly the things are very bad in case of has. Despite good drugs being one of indias top three states in terms of Economic Growth lags behind the rest of the country in many social indicators. Including primary education infant mortality and Womens Health for years people in rural areas have been promised the benefits of development and economic reform but many now say theyre losing patience with the government and since the rural population makes up more than half the electorate its seen as one of the Biggest Challenges to the ruling party in the state elections. Frustration boiled over two years ago when a Community Called the party darst representing students traders and Agricultural Workers took to the streets it ended in a violent crackdown. Part of their patel says its whats made his community reconsider their support for the ruling b j p the party dark community which makes up nearly fifteen percent of voters in gujarat say the governments economic initiatives only benefit Major Companies and have killed smaller industries. If Congress Comes into power there would be a change in industrial policy in the past they support the Small Industries and so clear to jokes. The b j p has ruled the state for the past twenty two years many here are considering what another two decades in power would mean for their childrens future to be gopalan. Purchases in peru have returned to the streets to oppose a move to impeach the president earlier the opposition controlled congress voted in favor of removing pedro public. Corruption allegations protesters see the move as a coup by the Opposition Leader and political allies kaczynski is accused of receiving more than four Million Dollars from the Brazilian Construction Firm bricked the president is expected to defend himself on thursday parts of Santa Barbara county and california being evacuated as the u. S. State battles its Third Largest wildfire in decades winds and dry conditions are hampering efforts to contain the fires which began earlier this month more than seven hundred homes in Southern California have been destroyed so far thousands of firefighters are working around the clock to stop the flames. Countries there is also preparing for a possible evacuation some animals have already been taken to another zoo in los angeles as a precaution. Motorbikes are the way to get around in vietnam there are more than five million on the roads of hanoi but the brakes have been applied to the boom and bikes then are banned to reduce traffic jams and pollution as when he reports. Vietnams road to economic success is becoming clogged one of the costs of the communist governments embrace of capitalism is traffic congestion. Narrow streets of hanoi cant cope with the influx of cars and motorbikes so government leaders in the capital have decided that after a gradual phase out motorbikes will be completely banned from the city center by two thousand and thirty. Itll be a major change for vietnamese so reliant on to will transport our culture our city i think is kind of an convenient. Yeah there was nothing. On your mind in vietnam using metal bikes for people but i think traffic is getting worse so if the government does this i think youll be good to reduce traffic jams. Even some who have benefited from the motorbike boom think it change wont be so bad. The number of bikes coming here to be repaired it may go down but it wont affect me too much because maybe i can focus on quality rather than quantity. As recently as the late ninetys the roads were significantly quieter more people rode pushbikes which is something todays government also wants to revive and this is a big part of the motivation a construction boom combined with the increase in vehicles has resulted in falling equality the fact the government is even considering this law is perhaps a sign that vietnam is becoming a victim of its own success it has one of the best performing economies in the world and while there are still big problems with poverty wages are rising and with that comes an increase in purchasing power. But not everyone can afford a car and if they could get in the congestion and pollution problems would get a lot worse so if the governments plan is to work public transport will need to play a big part but construction of the rail network in the capital has ground to a halt because of funding problems experts say all forms of public transport will have to be overhauled. The government needs to prepare to guarantee the policy can be implemented for example the public bus system needs to be improved to meet increased demand before the new law can be introduced city leaders of hanoi have already done the easy part by passing the law now the hard work begins to try to put it in practice and free up the city streets wayne hay al jazeera hanoi still ahead on al jazeera turns out all those conspiracy movies were right the u. S. Military was investigating u. F. O. s. And in sport n. H. L. Players brave below freezing temperatures in the Canadian Capital to celebrate one hundred years of the leeds existence. You are making remarks where on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on say. Other than the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be was leading to some of the confusion on line about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. With bureaus spanning Six Continents across the. City. Aljazeera has correspondents living green the stories they tell. Fluent in world news. Heres milledge has revealed it had run a secret program to investigate here photos of collected audio and video data including these images of a navy jets encounter with an unknown object the twenty two Million Dollars project started in two thousand and seven and ran until two thousand and twelve when the Defense Department stopped its funding. The us has a long history of mysterious aircraft sightings in nine hundred forty seven ranch in roswell new mexico found strange metal debris it is field news reports of the time said it was a flying saucer but the military man tames it was just a crashed weather balloon in one thousand nine hundred fifty one dozens of people in lubbock texas saw lights in the sky flying at high speed investigators said was birds reflecting light from the town street terms but many locals dont believe this saying the lights which was traveling too fast and united ninety seven thousand people reported seeing large triangular objects moving over phoenix arizona explanations for this have ranged from planes to military flares to alien spacecraft there and porches a former u. S. Army officer he says countries need to Work Together to find out the truth behind your foes. Say that there is something now i think the best. Is. Now made. Russia bill. That says. You have. Come up. As a tree or. Agent just leads. You to have a sighting but its off for sport thank you so much jane a french sailor has smashed the world record for the fastest solo navigation of the globe francoise gold bar crossed a virtual finish line early on sunday between northwest france and felt wife england as mammoth journey lasted forty two days sixteen hours forty minutes and thirty five sakit it beat the previous record set by can Patrick Thomas scalia last year by six days and ten hours its the fourth time since two thousand and four the world record has been battered. Rush hour now though led his side around the trade to their third Club World Cup title the brazilian side gremio on saturday in abu dhabi becoming the first team to retain the title and its rails fifth trophy of the twenty seven team Peter Stanley reports. Real madrid were looking for food feat for Club World Cup title in four years gremio of brazil were hoping to become the First South American Team to win this competition since two thousand and twelve the first half was a close affair although railhead more than sixty percent of the position they could not converted into golds as the south american champions held their own the brazilians felt they should have had a penalty when ramiro went down in the box for misuzu rameaus challenge. But the referee felt differently much today anger and as has happened so many times in the past a near miss said one in can result in a goal at the other two minutes later Cristiana Rinaldo stepped up to the plate for the spanish club rinaldo as fifty third minute goal handing the nadines advancement in the eye and it could have been more rinaldo put the ball in the back of the maid again three minutes later only four to be ruled offside i checked midfielder luca moderates hit the post as rail continued to frustrate the cop in the better doris winners i. And gareth bale also came close but to no avail i it didnt matter in the end though a third fee for Club World Cup title for real madrid in four seasons they are level on that score with fierce rivals barcelona and it caps a trophy laden calendar year for real madrid words are not going to get him were going out and it was a trophy that we wanted to win we know we played against a good Team Real Madrid has never won five trophies in a year and saddam did that for us so i think it was a good game and we deserved to. Dance team have won the Spanish League title spanish super cup European Champions League european super cup another Club World Cup in twenty seventeen. Aljazeera. Cristiana rinaldo was and badly the star of that match for elma dread and some fans while they just couldnt help themselves a pitch invader were all the off guard during post match celebrations he attempted to hug the player before being wrestled to the ground by security. In the English Premier League matches united head to west brom in just a few minutes helping to keep their slim title chances alive but it will be difficult after Manchester City won their sixteenth consecutively victory on saturday Tottenham Hotspur were the latest victims and city search ordeal as man hammering spurs for one room sterling scored twice as guardiola sixteen moved fourteen points clear at the top of the standings people have to look at how good we are with the ball because the club provide me like a manager and some new players but weve got the ball does energy. Doesnt. The player whos close one to do open and we just took the ball and tried to play. So that theres five points. In keeping that distance with. Australias cricketers are closing in on victory in the ashes series against england the host declared their first standings over on six hundred sixty two for nine on day four of the third test in perth captain steve smith scored two hundred thirty nine runs england were one hundred thirty two for four when rain brought an early end to play so that means theyll still trail by a hundred and twenty seven runs with just six wickets remaining if australia win this tassel take a three nil series lead and the best of five series ming in the ashes urn will be returning down under. Thats a god at the crease its been a law its on then the first innings slightly different conditions but weve got to have belief that we can send the series and the lines more its going to be its going to be tough and she was going to see good bulls flying around out there but. These two especially showed in the first innings that they can occupy the crease for a long time. But if you get off to good start moving the National Hockey league has celebrated one hundred years of its existence with a centauri game and the Canadian Capital ottawa it hosted the leagues first ever game between the Montreal Canadiens and autumn west senators they were two of the Six Foundation teams when the n. H. L. With established in one thousand and seventeen there are now thirty one and they produced a repeat performance of an outdoor game called the n. H. L. One hundred classic the senators and their fans survived minus ten degree temperatures for a three nothing winning just being a whole lot of enthusiasm and in the fact that the this was so well organized this is really really enjoyable i had never lived before watching on t. V. A few times but. At the ice level it was special it really was i think the n. H. L. The everybody you know from our team india and the city did an unbelievable job making this real success at all levels the Boston Bruins were the only american representatives in the original National Hockey league ad they were also in action on saturday it wasnt the bruins day though matt zucker rela scored a power play goal in overtime to lift their opponents in new york rangers to a three to two victory. Le bron james corden sixtieth n. B. A. Career triple double to leave his side the Cleveland Cavaliers to one hundred nine to one hundred win over the utah jazz over in memphis the visiting celtic zones flew a twenty one point lead but managed to hang on to be there for a sleaze ball soon rookie jason todd on the side and nineteen points while kyrie irving lead with twenty the celtics winning one hundred two to ninety three. Its going to be an all egyptian affair at the world squash championships in manchester on sunday both the mens and womens finals will be contested by two players from egypt mohammed world number one gregory goal tear in his semifinal on saturday to set up a date with his brother martin the womens final the contested by nor any and. Both prevailed from their semis as well. Now goals isnt often the team sport of the whole event in orlando his pair together fathers and their sons for a thirty six hole contest that includes eighteen time major winner Jack Nicklaus hes competing with his fifteen year old grandson g. T. Who said to be the only one of his twenty two grandchildren with an interest in golf but leading the way is angle cabrera and junior they birdie their last three holes to take a one shot lead in the one Million Dollars challenge. And thats all your sport for now now back to you john q very much for good measure bullets and coming up in the next couple of minutes but that wraps up this news our simulator the. Counting the cost the mouse wins over the fox well look at disneys acquisition of twenty first century. Impact on media landscape also Net Neutrality and with the changes that affect how we view. Making the most of the great. Time on aljazeera. This is a boon for point people right now in technology there is so much going to help people its phenomenal thanks for calling i read this is there a what are you looking for today we get test the blind with their day to day tasks and give them more and up and since this was our go to little tip that sure is a tomato exploration process with a laser in a way we have outside knowledge available to us know this tour on all jazeera. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. From pakistan to turkey protests continue against the us president s

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