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A mass grave last month. Set back for peace colombia pulls out of talks with the countrys second largest rebel group. Is sandal a different a train coming down the. Survivors recall moments of horror as mudslides kill over a dozen people in california. And a political standoff over Immigration Reform threatens to shut down the u. S. Government. And military has admitted its soldiers killed ten by hand to muslims captured by that is filters their remains were found in a mass grave and Rakhine State last month the armys commander in chief has promised to take action against all soldiers this is thought to be the militarys first public admission of wrongdoing sense it launched a crackdown in august a Group Doctors without borders says at least six to seven hundred were henschel were killed in that operation that the army. Thats the number at around four hundred the end ascribes the campaign is a textbook case of ethnic cleansing b. M. R. Claims it was targeting bengali terrorist more than six hundred fifty thousand have since fled to neighboring bangladesh where they remain in overcrowded camps and media had been gagged from reporting on the crisis to reuters journalists have been formally charged for breaching a secrecy law trafford reports. Ryssdal december the twelfth. Theyve been covering the crisis in Rakhine State where hundreds of thousands of revenge of muslims have fled a crackdown on the Myanmar Military thirty one year old while alone and. Twenty seven are accused of being given classified documents by two policemen prosecutors have charged him under the countrys official secrets act which carries a maximum sentence of fourteen years in jail no im not a little oh no i meant this is unacceptable i want to tell you that they are charging us like this to stop us finding what their actions are wrong and unfair. Is facing heavy International Criticism over its treatment of the ranger the latest crackdown was sparked after richenda rebel group attacked police posts killing a number of policemen in august Rights Groups saying the myanmar army killed nearly seven thousand men women and children in the following few weeks and more than six hundred fifty cells and ranger have fled into neighboring bangladesh with the u. N. Accusing me of ethnic cleansing the government has denied any wrongdoing but refused any independent investigation and banned journalists from going to Rakhine State oh i dont want me out we have tried to sting today about the two journalists because we have permission to do this we are here because as you heard why lone shouted from the police car asking us to support him. The case is cast a spotlight on myanmars difficult transition to democracy after nearly five decades of military rule analysts say it illustrates deteriorating press freedom and the number of cases against journalists have focused attention on the civilian government of Nobel Prize Winner on song suchi her administration shares power with an army that still controls all Security Policy and other key leaders of government but she has not personally denounced the action of the army in rakhine japans foreign minister is expected to raise. The case when he visits myanmar on january the eleventh. The japanese government has conveyed his concern about this matter to the government of myanmar freedom of speech basic human rights and the rule of law are immutable common values shared by the International Community and it is important for all nations to safeguard these values. The two reporters have been working for the Reuters News Agency there will turn to the court on january the twenty third for legal arguments when lawyers will decide whether to accept the case under a legal system described as having changed little since colonial times with his insistence of reporters innocent families suggested they were set up and Mr International the u. S. And the European Union called for their release. Aljazeera are still on the cars a senior fellow at Georgetown University joins us now from washington d. C. And we appreciate it so this apparent admission by the military and me and maher that there are soldiers in this activity that killed at least ten or what is the significance of that. Well rochelle i think that its just the tip of the very large genocidal iceberg i think that the genocide that were seeing with the ethnic cleansing of the range of muslims which the United Nations Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Doctors Without Borders have all estimated have resulted in at least six hundred fifty thousand refugees moving into neighboring bangladesh you know has been fueled by spiritual buddhist leaders in myanmar has been carried out by the military and again sadly has been you know been rubberstamp by songs to choose the political leaders over the asking is that the spiritual military and political leader of a country are doing this it should be ok so all the groups that you just named do you think that that pressure is what got them to at least make this tiny admission or why did they or what is it a sign of. I think it could be a richelle i think you know obviously there is unanimous International Condemnation of whats going on in myanmar and i think that until the government you know allows for free access to reporters to human rights observers to come in to see whats going on in a kind province you know i think that you know were going to continue to see it as downplaying from the government there so. What can make a Tipping Point to make some of these things happen so it would seem that me and maher that the military is behaving this way because they can what will say that they cant. Well again i think that you know continuing pressure has to be placed on the defacto leader in one thousand nine hundred one Nobel Peace Prize winner aung sang suu kyi there have been over ten Nobel Peace Prize laureates including Archbishop Desmond tutu malala uses the home of eunice who have called on. You to condemn whats going on there in until she has the ethical and political backbone you know to condemn these actions i think that were not going to see a lot of movement from the military i think its important for the political pressure to be placed on her office to ensure that human rights observers and Media Outlets are allowed unfettered access and you say political pressure do you mean from the outside from players such as the United States from home from from everyone i mean the United Nations secretary general until you get there is you know that hes extremely concerned the dalai lama said it again we decided to continue to you know have these key influencers you know try to place pressure on them be on maher government whether its through economic sanctions whether its you know through back door diplomatic channels i mean again you know this is sad when half a million you know muslim. People are displaced from their home country is that you know they were willing to turn a blind eye sometimes i mean this is been going on for several years now and so again i think it really is the onus is on the International Organizations like the u. N. And other key leaders you know to place this political pressure on the me and marc government Arsalan Iftikhar joining us from washington d. C. Thank you very much my pleasure thank you colombia c l n rebel group is searching the government to resume talks the president suspended negotiations after rebel attacks following the expiration of a cease fire yelling leaders say the incident should not derail the Peace Process yet he has more from. A historic three months long ceasefire now over and in the worse way as the rebels resume to taxing colombia many hoped for an extension of a truce which the violations had been considered a success but on wednesday colombias last active rebel group perpetrated four attacks wounding two colombian marines and affecting an Important Oil pipeline colombian president Juan Manuel Santos spoke forcefully against them. Laura the government deplored the decision to restart its terrorist attacks on the general public the armed forces and on parts of the National Infrastructure we were always i repeat always ready to extend the ceasefire with the airline and negotiate very quickly a new cycle of talks even it will she have. Inexplicably not only rejected this process but chose to restart their terrorist attacks on the very day that they were obliged to initiate the new round of negotiations. From quito where peace talks had been expected to resume leaders said they were hopeful the talks could restart but then explain the reasoning behind the attacks. They were going to shooting table was making progress during the cease fire so we maintain the decision to give continuity to what we achieved what we need is a new cease fire the time becomes the difficulties of the first woman. President immediately recalled to the recently appointed negotiators for consultations experts say the failure to extend the ceasefire shows deep divisions among the leadership. We. Will win. The match. Is not only to probably what will happen we did see these what will happen with the. General process between the government and. The talks have long been complicated by a lack of confidence between the parties and to tangible results and we can now expect the Colombian Military to start a bomb being campaign in rebels areas a full blown return of deal still that will make very difficult to resume the talks at least for now i listen to you. Eleanor the National Liberation army is a Marxist Group founded in one thousand nine hundred eighty four to fight an equality last september the first ceasefire after fifty three years of fighting was agreed to and return for a degree of rebel immunity but the ceasefire expired overnight after a logistical problem stopped the two sides are meeting on monday ellen has fifteen hundred members it is much smaller than arc which is now a Political Party following a story deal just over a year ago but american analysts hector parallel thanks to both sides are being pressured by hard line elements. This is going to be really tough theyre in a difficult situation from a strategic standpoint i kind of can understand why that yellen decided to take this right so the ceasefire was over technically and so they could have been attacked they could have very easily been attacked themselves and so i think they kind of sent the signal that were serious were not you know were not a defeated force were here were going to fight were willing to fight if you dont meet us seriously at the negotiating table and so i think the colombian government is going to have to save face and are most likely going to have to respond militarily but i hope and i you know i think over the long term for the for the short term its going to be a significant escalation of violence but hopefully over the long term you know everyone kind of saves face comes back to the negotiating table and cooler heads can prevail. Plenty more ahead on the news hour and clearing a deadline looms for the u. S. President which could decide the future of the Iran Nuclear Deal cambodia at a crossroads as the nation prepares for this years general election we ask it to mock o. C. S. On the decline. And sport olympic champion gets ready to start a chapter in his career. Russia says it will back the two thousand and fifteen Iranian Nuclear deal which it says is good for regional stability and solving a Nuclear Weapons issues Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov made the comments at a meeting with his counterpart. In moscow the consul had of a brussels meaning in the coming hours in which european powers are expected to reaffirm their support for the agreement as President Donald Trump projected it in october on friday he must decide whether to reimpose Oil Sanctions against iran that were lifted under the accord reports. As the deadline for the Iran Nuclear Deal approaches the worlds once again second guessing Donald Trumps next move. Is taking over the middle east the u. S. President s repeatedly threatened to tear up the agreement that was so far hes reluctantly kept it alive. It was a low moment in International Diplomacy seven countries signed the agreement at a time of heightened tensions across the region some of irans neighbors have been talking about a possible military strike against the country. Iran has made no secret of its arsenal of russian made Ballistic Missiles israel and washingtons middle eastern allies feared it also had an active Nuclear Weapons program. Iran insisted its nucular agenda was purely civilian but under the deal it agreed to end research in return for the partial lifting of sanctions allowing it to Access Global Financial Markets and crucially sell its oil as part of americas commitment to the Deal Congress requires the us president to confirm every ninety days that irans up holding its part of the agreement trumps recertified the deal several times so far but things could be about to change last october he announced a new iran policy iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal i am announcing a new strategy to address the full range of irans destructive actions its a strategy many iranians believe is motivated simply by trumps growing support for israel i think on the tram u. S. And israeli interests are closely aligned and i think main problem but iran is that a class of for that simple reason so for that reason i would also add that should iran and israels relationship improve it is not on the horizon any time soon you would see major changes in the wrong with. Trumps refusing to recertify the deal until Congress Amends it hes called for sanctions on irans revolutionary guard which he described as a corrupt personal terror force of irans leader. He also wants to extend time limits on the countrys Nuclear Research and could tell its Missile Program but as congress didnt draw up the deal its not down to them to change it any alterations it makes with the president would be in breach of the international agreement. It leaves donald trump with two choices recertify the deal and keep it alive reject the deal violate the agreement and almost inevitably trigger an International Crisis need parker aljazeera. The u. S. Is calling for the Immediate Release of iranians rounded up during antigovernment protests the white house says reports of some demonstrators being tortured or killed while in detention are disturbing more than three and a half thousand protesters have been arrested and rescued by economic problems broke out in several cities earlier this month leaving at least twenty two people tat. And violence has flared up again between police and protesters in five to nations cities including the capital after a fourth day of demonstrations more than two hundred thirty people have been arrested in the wave of anti austerity rallies demonstrators are angry over the governments planned price and tax hikes the opposition is calling for the two thousand and eighteen budget to be scrapped and his Prime Minister has urged call saying the economy will improve this year one of them was that. We would like to send a message to the protesters no matter what the government undertakes its top priority is improving economic and social conditions and ensuring the trust in the country and its institutions the government wants open dialogue regarding the demands of the un is accusing Syrian Government forces and its allies of killing at least eighty five civilians in eastern guta and just the last ten days alone the area which was agreed to as a deescalation zone has come under heavy bombardment in recent weeks as Government Forces try to take back control from rebel fighters the u. N. Says at least thirty children are among those killed in those recent attacks eastern us home to around four hundred thousand people whove been under government siege for more than four years russia has asked turkey to control armed groups in serious and live province after a suspected drone attack i want to put spaces this comes as turkeys foreign minister accuses iran and russia of undermining agreements to reduce fighting in the socalled deescalation zones Bernard Smith reports. It live in Northern Syria is supposed to be one of four socalled deescalation zones set up to reduce fighting if anything battles between government and Opposition Forces are intensifying russia turkey and iran agreed last year to be guarantors of cease fires in those mainly opposition held areas now the turkish government says the Syrian Regime is claiming to attack what it calls terrorists targeting the socalled moderate opposition. Ninety five percent of the violations are carried out by the regime or the groups who backed the regime why is the aim to exploit this process to completely wipe out the moderate opposition in the civilians iran and russia should meet their obligations as guarantors and stop the regime this is not about simple airstrikes near the border the regime is advancing toward the inside of it live so here the intention is different. But the Syrian Governments russian allies disagree saying recent drone attacks on its air and naval bases in syria were launched by opposition groups from italy Russias Defense Ministry released photos it said was of a downed drone in a statement russia says data for the attacks could only have been obtained from one of the countries that possesses no how in satellite navigation. And with the kremlin knows the perpetrators russia will increase the shelling bombardments against them but if the attack represents a message from those who are not happy with the russians and want to negotiate with them then russia can slightly change its stands and put some pressure on a damascus regarding active groups around the takio. The syrian armys offensive around it led forcing thousands of civilians to flee towards the border with turkey Turkeys Foreign Ministry has summoned both the russian and the iranian ambassadors to lodge a formal complaint about whats happening there Bernard Smith aljazeera. At least two people had been killed in pakistan during protests against the rape and murder of a seven Year Old Girl dozens of people attacked a Police Station and a government building in Eastern Province says on wednesday the violence erupted hours before the funeral of Zainab Ansari they say she was kidnapped actually assaulted and. Firefighters in china say a blaze on an Iranian Oil Tanker could burn for another two weeks maybe up to four weeks its unknown how much oil has spilled following a collision with a cargo ship thirty one sailors are still missing but the ships operator still confident survivors will be found adrian brown reports reports from says on chinas east coast a stricken iranian tanker adrift in one of asias most important shipping lanes what remains unclear is the environmental threat posed by its combustible cargo but pictures on Chinese State television appear to show the fire is now under control whats less clear is how much oil has so far been spilled that is a worry for fishing communities along chinas eastern coast something that a large oil slick could poison the waters on which they depend twenty one survivors of the collision all from the hong kong freighter the sea of crystal were brought here after being rescued by local fisherman one of those fishermen told us that the trawler had been close by when the tanker and the cargo ship collided he said we heard a loud bang before the night sky was lit up a short time later he and the other fisherman were hoping the crew of the sea of crystal out of the lifeboat it was too dangerous to reach the tank of though he said. It took us about a half an hour to get there it was a big fire dangerous explosions it was still happening. In iran the tankers owners still hope some of their crew are alive and then you cause it them a lot he has this we think that its likely they will find survivors since the vessels engine room is not directly affected by the fire and its about fourteen meters under water there is high. On wednesday chinese officials said no Large Scale Oil slick has yet appeared but with environmentalist still unsure how much has actually spilled into the sea a full assessment of the risks is not yet possible adrian brown al jazeera joshi in eastern china the number of People Killed by landslides in Southern California has risen to at least seventeen hundreds of people are trapped in Santa Barbara county heavy rain started monday started it triggered the flow of debris in an area recently affected by fires robert also reports of los angeles. There is no way in or out of mudslide devastated areas of montecito except by air the crew of a u. S. Coast guard jayhawk helicopter rescued a stranded family including the mother father a newborn baby a young girl and boy and two pet dogs they were one of many families whose houses were overwhelmed and lives up ended by a rampaging flow of water mud boulders and debris and intense rain storm pounded the affluent coastal area in the predawn hours of Tuesday Morning a centimeter and a half of rain fell in one five minute period alone in addition to more than a dozen People Killed by the slides Authorities Say an undetermined number are missing and several hundred people are stranded roads including major state highways were overwhelmed by mud highway crews are working to clear them. How deep the mud is. The area is home to many wealthy entertainers Oprah Winfrey filmed herself slaughtering through the mud and debris that flooded her garden as rescue helicopters flew overhead the slides were more severe Officials Say due to recent wildfires that scorched the area destroying vegetation that would normally anchor the soil in place forty five people have been killed and thousands of homeless and floods in the democratic republic of congo agencies say the conditions can worsen a cholera outbreak the country has been fighting since july at hucks or has more. This was an unceremonious funeral at a local Community Center mourners gathered somebody to bury the latest victims of the flooding who bears balance easily the lightweights of the childs coffin as they lay its body to rest the latest casualty after five days of heavy rains poured through the capital kinshasa last week. Were really very sad today my sister lost five children because of the rain shes inconsolable we will bury them today we thank everyone who came to support us. Away from the crowd these mothers sit together offering some comfort to each other as the children buried their neighborhood stands in ruins as more fortunate dig through the debris seeking my sister my son dishes like this all i have left are those two chairs that you see over there everything is gone if i had not been at home i would have lost my children but because i was at home i was able to get out with my children. Over five thousand people have been left homeless and anger is mounting against the government who they accuse of doing little to protect them from the devastation of. These the floods that brought such misery the trench of showers coupled with the poor sewage system flush makeshift shanty homes down the citys slights will start to say most of the deaths were caused by drownings and landslides. Kinshasa is the third most densely populated city in the world and it currently counts twelve million residents aid agencies and warning these floods and mudslides and likely to antagonize the waterborne and cholera outbreak in the capital and in previous weeks we registered around twenty cases per week on average right now were getting more than one hundred cases each week in kinshasa nearly four hundred fifty have been registered the u. N. Says the democratic republic of congo is experiencing its worst cholera outbreak in twenty years the disease has killed over one thousand people over fifty five thousand cases reported across the country since july overcrowding unsanitary conditions and lack of clean Drinking Water these cases look set to rise. Still ahead on aljazeera homeless and desperate thousands are displaced after a powerful storm hits the east coast of madagascar plus. It is decimated far too many communities and it has gone on for too long our state governments and the us relating the fight against the nationwide Opioid Crisis and support International Olympic Committee Sets a date to make decisions about north koreas participation in south koreas games. From the neon lights of asia. To the c. C. That never sleeps. Hello there is still rather cold for many of us across china at the moment a maximum temperature in shanghai of five degrees and dropping well below freezing during the night its also rather cool for us in hong kong where our maximum would just be around seventeen but at least here it should be dry it looks like there were a few showers around in the philippines those sticking around as we head through friday and also want to showers just making their way into the central parts of vietnam as well before the towards the south and theres plenty of showers here and watch out for this huge area of cloud here because this is going to give us a period of more prolonged rain as we head through the next couple of days so for some of us here all be very wet including for us in singapore and k. L. For thursday and friday does look very wet indeed as this area of low pressure begins to develop as we head out towards the west across india and pakistan the skies are largely clear at the moment however there is a problem with the visibility thanks to the pollution and the haze further south here one or two showers around those just clipping the Southern Coast or of india and also making their way across parts of sri lanka every more of them on thursday for friday to here in doha no major changes for us over the next couple of days were looking at a top temperature of around twenty three degrees and getting down to around fifteen or sixteen during the night. The weather sponsored by qatar and raise. Money for doing something very strange could meet someone and ambitious young artist from the mean streets of mozambique to settle it to reveal the unseen truth about his countrys future the mozambique enclosure seem to do business did not make the politicians easier to deal with the new african photography mario messing up at this time on aljazeera. Until now the coverage of latin america that most of the world was a cloud cover included todds tragedies of quakes and that was it but not sure how people feel how they will how they think and thats what we do we go with five and a half months of demanding it one educational system that was introduced to. That in america as europe has come to fill a void that needed to be filled. These are the top stories right now on aljazeera. Military has admitted its soldiers killed ten Rohingya Muslims captured by buddhist villagers their remains were found in a mass grave in Rakhine State last month its thought to be the militarys first public admission of wrongdoing since it launched a crackdown in rakhine in august colombias e. L. And rebel group is urging the government to resume talks president suspended negotiations after rebel attacks happened with a cease fire and it and later say the end students should not derail the Peace Process the number of People Killed in landslides and Southern California has risen to at least seventeen hundreds of people are still trapped in mud and debris of baal and more heavy rain. As President Donald Trump is still insisting that any Immigration Reform must include funding for a border wall with mexico it comes a day after a federal judge blocked the government from ending protection for undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hackett reports. Donald trump was defiant when asked in a joint press conference with the norwegian Prime Minister whether he would sign an immigration deal that does not include funding for a border wall with mexico. But you know no its got to include the war we need the wall for security we need the wall for safety we need the wall for stopping the drugs from pouring in truck the piers to be giving little ground on finding a compromise to Immigration Reform i think there needs to be a willingness on both sides it comes one day after signaling he may be willing to yield to demands by democrats to keep in place protections for Illegal Immigrants brought to the United States as children but a tuesday California Court ruling blocking trucks from ending those protections outraged the president who took to twitter suggesting the decision that will likely be challenged is flawed the program commonly known as dhaka allows kids brought to the United States before their sixtieth birthday to remain in the country democrats want to keep it and have threatened to stop funding the government over the issue we cannot wait we cannot tolerate the way delay is a turk to employed by those who do not wish to see a deal. In addition to demands for funding a wall to block illegal immigration trump is also tying the current battle over immigration to funding for the u. S. Military thats not a point of negotiation we can say oh were going to give you money for your military but you have to give us money for something that frankly is much less important trump says he wants to work with democrats but time is running out funding for the government ends in a little more than a week and there is no sign of a resolution can really help get aljazeera washington. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is defending himself against corruption allegations after a secret recording of his son was leaked and the conversation that was recorded three years ago netanyahu says his father pushed through a natural gas deal which benefited an israeli business tycoon it comes at a difficult time for the Prime Minister who is already under investigation for corruption and yahoo says the audio leak is part of a media witchhunt aimed at ousting him. Cambodians go to the polls later this year for a general election there are concerns about how fair the ballot will be after political crackdown by the Prime Minister. And are serious looking ahead to stories set to make headlines that. Reports in the capital. Twenty eighteen will mark twenty five years since the United Nations organized election meant to set cambodia on the path to democracy after years of civil war. Today critics say it is starting to resemble a one party state dominated by Prime Minister. He has been in power for more than thirty years and could be virtually unopposed at the next election in july we dont have a democracy. Lot of market. It will survive as a lot of marquis cambodias democratic journey has been deeply troubled political intrigue and then fighting sometimes leading to buy land clashes between factions but the country has generally held to the democratic vision planned for it until that is the latter part of twenty seventeen. The Opposition Leader was arrested at the beginning of september for allegedly plotting with foreigners to overthrow the government the Supreme Court then use that allegation to dissolve his party the c. N. R. P. The government says the party was a threat to democracy not the other way round does he in r. P. Of a great problem and that they never listen to a king they never listen to the state thats the question they are a beta for. The political crackdown was accompanied by what Rights Groups say was a clampdown on Civil Society with the closure of a leading newspaper and restrictions on the activities of nongovernment organizations all allegedly. Moving the way to the election most of the earth expect the the crackdown and the tensions to happen right before the election thats not the case is usually happen in the middle of the in the middle of the of the of the term and then its starting to actually cause before the election as twenty eight hundred starts who can send those the protests from abroad will mostly be forgotten and the changing skyline in phnom penh is a reminder of the Chinese Investment which now protects him from the risk of the u. S. And europe withdrawing funding allowing him to consolidate power with an election victory seen as a stamp of legitimacy. Bride aljazeera plump and then viral threat from chinas hydroelectric dams has dominated talks at the mekong river summit and cambodia leaders of countries along the mekong met to discuss how to make best use of the waterway when hey reports from bangkok. China wants to play an increasingly assertive role in Southeast Asia and is using hydro diplomacy to get there this was the second summit for leaders of the land sung mekong corp a group started by china three years ago it brings together nations where the mekong river or land sung as its known in china runs through we have a five year plan that is an obvious one of the key outcome document for the summit and in that five year action plan combined with what we call the deployment the creation its enough to give a good picture of where the make lunch i have come up to now and where we intend to take forward how you even in the next five years the mekong runs for almost five thousand kilometers and is a vital source of food and transport for around sixty Million People but its also becoming a resource that governments in the region increasingly want to tap into. China has already damaged the upper reaches of the river to generate electricity while laos has two under construction and at least seven more planned environmentalists worry about the effects the dams will have on the ecosystem the chinese projects have been blamed for problems downstream like severe drought particularly in vietnam where the mekong comes to an end but some believe chinas role in creating the land sung make on cooperation could be positive this can be a great chance for china to take. Real leadership with sustainable sustainability and theyre carrying. With a little benefit. Beijing also sees the mekong as a key piece of its belt and road infrastructure and transport initiative linking china with the rest of asia and europe. Its pouring billions of dollars into projects in Southeast Asia like the construction of a high speed rail way when its completed itll connect china with laos and thailand developments on the mekong are also moving ahead quickly too quickly for some the concern is that not enough is known about the potential impacts of so much manmade intervention on one of the worlds great waterways wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. And madagascar the death toll from Tropical Cyclone ava has risen to thirty three with another twenty two people still missing. Parts. Its been a dramatic change in life in less than forty eight hours for people on the east coast of madagascar. Was the latest psych load to hit the island it has now subsided but it has left them homeless sick and in desperate need of help. We are six in our family and our house is completely submerged in water my child had a strong fever so we decided to come here from morning the moment you step down from your bed were forced to walk in water water is everywhere and that is the reason we came here. Its like none of us sped up the east coast of the island on five day before heading out to sea on sunday heavy rains and winds of up to one hundred the ninety kilometers an hour left a trail of destruction dozens died in floods and landslides up to nine hundred thousand fled to temporary shelters hundreds of homes have been destroyed roads submerged schools shut down and towns cut off from one another by this of an appeal of new lakes region of. Four hundred kilometers south of the cups the antenna on the river was worst affected. Monday we asked the state to come and see what we are going through and to look at our situation and find a solution to clear out the water but it is stagnant and we dont know where to put our children it. Is not the first lethal storm to hit madagascar in the last twelve months in march cycling you know killed at least Seventy Eight people and destroyed a lot of crops rescue workers are struggling to cope with the phenomena. And. We have a contingent plan that contains three scenarios of floods and psych loans the first one is currently in progress and the expenses so far are no less than twenty Million Dollars. And as the cycle of natural disasters returns to strike madagascar the financial cost as well as the human cost continues to rise powerful storms on poverty combined to that effect of disease. And brazil a cry for help for the lack of Affordable Housing in south americas largest city is growing louder the people without fair camp in south paulo was started by a Land Reform Group five months ago and now its home to eight thousand families John Heilemann that some of them. On the first day there were five hundred families now theres a tent city on the outskirts of sound paolo its a Land Occupation organized like many others to pressure the government into providing Affordable Housing. Some here are homeless others live in overcrowded often irregular dwellings like she says a two bedroom house with her three children parents and siblings it was the same most i want to house for my kids where they can be raised in safety and quiet our own house city house prices is so high that those are minimum wage would have to say for forty years to buy one would have the possibility to afford your own house. Its impossible she says. But in two recently. A pioneering Government Program was making the impossible possible mean you cant be the which means my house my life helped millions to get subsidized homes its been drastically cut mean your custom in the of either has accounted for three quarters of all homes built over the last decade its been a tremendous lifeline for the working class but its also helped leave the brazilian government broke now work has slowed down or stopped from developments like this one the housing deficit is growing again the problem may be resurfacing now but high open land prices have been a problem for decades about to come down the housing expert says this is an opportunity for most sustainable solution to be found last year was the government should use its power to buy tracts of land and then sell them to developers to build moderately priced housing that way it can make a bit of money provide housing and regulate the system to reduce the price of land. For now the only method and many others have peace to dig in and put pressure on a struggling government to provide dont homan. Sao paolo. Out a serious Investigative Unit has obtained a confidential Ukrainian Court document detailing how former president victory in a covert still one point five billion dollars document also reveals that the advisers to the current president played a role in that game the money was seized in may of last year but the court order i mean to secret until now all jordan parts are nov twenty third teen and thousands protested in ukraines Independence Square the uprising led to the overthrow of the government of then president. By june twenty fourth teen officials in the new government had traced and frozen one point five billion dollars that they claim to been siphoned off shore by the ousted president and his clan. But they have to prove the money was stolen and that yanick covert had stolen it returning us its always complicated it requires cooperation across multiple jurisdictions it requires very long elaborate legal processes and you are fighting against very very rich defendants who are going to hire the best lawyers to defend themselves briefly theres robbery in may last year the prosecutor general suddenly announced the government had seized the one point five billion dollars but how they done it was a mystery because he declared the order a state secret. It is shocking that rather than being something which is open in which you cranium people should know. Who and what has been taken from them by whom instead of that its kept secret aljazeera investigations has obtained this exclusive copy of the ruling this ruling clearly identifies Investment Capital ukraine acting as a Brokerage Firm for some of the Companies Involved in iannaccone which is corruption thats embarrassing for the government because at the time i see you was led by the current head of Ukraine Central Bank the lariat counter over and it has advised president Petro Poroshenko here seen with his predecessor viktor janak overage in two thousand and twelve. Our colleagues in care of want to see a government that is committed to transparency a government whose actions in tackling corruption today im from past eras are subject to public scrutiny so that people can have confidence. Now campaigners are asking tough questions why has the not been investigated for its role in a multimillion dollar fraud and why four years on his nobody from the unit covert clam face justice will jordan zero president poroshenko told aljazeera he strongly supports efforts to fight corruption in ukraine that i see you are no longer as Financial Advisors i see you in the area going to reva said that the firms transactions fully complied with the law so you can watch aljazeera full investigation the twenty. Thursday. The u. S. Is implementing new measures to prevent smuggling at the deadly synthetic drug offense and thats one of several opioids behind a nationwide epidemic of drug abuse pennsylvania is the latest of several states to declare an emergency using a protocol usually reserved for natural disasters christen salumi has more of President Donald Trump has signed legislation aimed at preventing opioid drugs from entering the country the measures include allocating nine Million Dollars for chemical screening devices to be used by customs and Border Protection agents it comes amid an opioid abuse crisis that has affected swaths of the country in the state of pennsylvania governor tom wolfe declared a disaster emergency citing a skyrocketing number of deaths by Drug Overdose i dont take this action lightly. We know that this crisis has taken far too many lives has broken for too many families it is decimated far too many communities and it has gone on for too long newly released to to stick show a thirty seven percent increase in fatal overdoses in two thousand and sixteen four thousand six hundred forty two in total and initial reports show that number continued to climb in two thousand and seventeen when overdose related emergency room visits rose eighty two percent through the Third Quarter this despite state and local efforts to address the problem and clean up areas where drug use is rampant declaring a disaster emergency will allow the state to temporarily reduce regulatory burdens making anti overdose drugs more available and expanding access to treatment the governor is also establishing an Opioid Operation Command Center to better coordinate between agencies in South Carolina where theyve also declared a disaster emergency the governor announced a new Public Education campaign this is a different kind of spirit. Its a sound that. Seems through things that are not fruitful. To every citizen to take apart they used to say that this is a society is not a spectator sport youve got to get out of the stands and get down in the game while President Trump has resisted calls to officially declare the opiate epidemic National Emergency pennsylvania is now the eighth state to declare a disaster a disaster designation last ninety days but Governor Wolf left open the possibility of signing another one when this one runs out kristen salumi al jazeera its day two of the Consumer Electronics show in las vegas and a new product that could make airport travel easier is the star of the show so far but could be more convenient than your own pet suitcase that will follow you around the airport never get lost the chinese concept is aptly called a puppy one and uses a tracking device with g. P. S. Has a backup in case it loses contact wasnt all fun and games though as thousands of visitors at a convention are left in the dark during a power outage some areas are without light for more than an hour forcing people to use their mobile phones to find their way. So i had. A former football manager. Thanks very much the International Olympic committee has set a date of january twentieth for a meeting between north and south korean officials at their headquarters in los suns president will chair the gathering to discuss the participation of north korean athletes at next months Winter Olympics and kyung chang the norths i. O. C. Representative chang was in lowes and on wednesday twenty four hours earlier government officials announced they would send athletes fans and journalists to the games in neighboring south korea followed a high level talks between the two countries. At this meeting theyll discuss how many north korean athletes will attend only to figure skating pair have qualified but the i. O. C. Will likely bend the rules as a goodwill gesture its possible the two nations will march together during the Opening Ceremony this last happened at the two thousand and six Winter Olympics in turin issues relating to the Flag National anthem and Team Uniforms will also be discussed all north korea have tried to remain part of the sporting arena even while isolated largely from the International Community due to the advancement of their Nuclear Program the north korean under twenty three Football Team beat thailand one nil in their opening game at the asian championships in china on wednesday chelsea an arsenal of play to a stalemate in their first leg of their English League cup semifinal while blues have had the better of the chance in their first leg of their English League cup semifinal while blues have had the better of the chances at Stamford Bridge neither side was able to convert as it finished nil nil the second leg will be played in two weeks time. Now back jock itch says hes thrilled with his comeback and intends to play in the Australian Open the former world number one made a winning return to competitive tennis after more than six months out with injury wearing a full arm sleeve to protect his troublesome elbow the serve the world number five dominic team at the two young classic in melbourne jock a bitch was forced to pull out of last weeks counter open to fourteen in the World Rankings but he came through this match six one six for the Australian Open starts on monday. Rafa nadal has also taken a big step forward as he tries to build fitness for next weeks tournaments the spaniard showed glimpses of his best in an event all the time three times in melbourne eight players took part in a first ten points contest and made it to the final where he was beaten by czech Thomas Burdick who won the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars first prize. A former football manager is dakar rally debut was cut short while a nine time world rally championship winner was forced out of the race during stage five in proof top name and chelsea boss andre withdrew after suffering from back pains when his car crashed he was airlifted out and taken to hospital Sebastian Loeb was forced to abandon the race after his copilot was injured when their vehicle hit a crater in the sand dunes lopes persia teammates had a handful won the fifth stage to extend his overall lead. Now one of the worlds most well known athletes will start a new chapter in his career on friday mohamed formally far as in cats are for his first road Running Events and stepping away from the track so home alex reports. Hes not about to become a professional footballer but far is that the process of changing careers. After winning six will talk you through. The trying. To run the marathon. The First Step Towards his new goal of the olympic marathon gold in my name is to go to tokyo twenty twenty see how it depends on my body just work ive got to look after stay injury free stay focused stay hungry like you do im doing on i am enjoying it i got this is my most far as a center attention here in doha hes won so many championships and gold medals worldwide hes going to go down as a legend on the track the question is now whether he can achieve the same success as a marathon runner. To emphasize his change of direction britains most decorated athlete now wants to go by his full name mohammed again distancing himself from his former glories although it may take some adjusting to you know people think mo is a great trait my nose going to go where those kenny doing it in the in america as a question so i like guys leave every guy. On the track that way limo and asked are going to slowly chapter. I his journey to the top hasnt come without controversy his relationship with Alberto Salazar has generated unwanted headlines far as former coach is being investigated by the u. S. Antidoping agency for whats called unlawful conduct. And the somali born muslim has been vocal politically criticizing don trumps u. S. Ban on travel through a number of predominately muslim countries he says athletes need to stand up for what they believe is right close important because theyre trying to protect and we do stand up for the right what things you know for me a song when i was broke about. It affected me and my family and so many members of people who are in the same business is me if you look at the track king says Long Distance success on the road is the only story he wants to be the focus of in the year ahead. So hell malick aljazeera doha. And the worlds oldest competitors cyclists has decided its time to retire at the age of one hundred and six a year ago or marshalls that day world record in one hour track cycling and the over one hundred five age group the freshman says that while hell no longer be aiming for titles help carry on cycling for pleasure and thats all your sport for now more later and thats all for me this news hour thank you for your time keep it here on aljazeera here in jordan is that next on the other side of the brain. Witness documentaries that accompany your eyes at this time on aljazeera. And underfoot it was on the. U. S. And British Companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped Natural Resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbed tonight face one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have been truly unable to escape the wrath. Of the foreign minister. The. News is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be part of bats you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across all social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t. V. There on the smartphone there on the tab that theyre on their computer. And thats the way aljazeera is of all into a true media network. A rare admission million miles minute trick sets that its soldiers killed ten were hidden just whose bodies were found in a musgrave

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