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Alone daryn jordan is out as a live from doha also coming up to his ear deploys the army to crack down on your strategy and rest more than three hundred people are arrested overnight. Outrage in pakistan over the rape and murder of a six Year Old Girl her father accuses police of not doing enough to protect his daughter plus the british Prime Minister says its time to end up right away im gonna be pulling out a recycling center in the west of england looking at the size of the challenge. French president emanuel micro has urged donald trump not to counsel the Iran Nuclear Deal the us president faces a friday deadline on whether to waive sanctions on tehran as part of the twenty fifteen agreement well earlier in brussels the Foreign Ministers of france germany and britain reiterated their backing for the deal after meeting irans foreign minister and in baba reports. A last minute attempt to keep the nuclear deal with iran on track the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the three European Union nations which signed it and their rainy and counterparts comes ahead of a decision in washington on reapplying sanctions the deal is working it is the living on its main goal which means speeding the Iranian Nuclear program in check and actually close the survey against the i. A. E. A. Has confirmed in nine hundred forty six that iran is fully complying with the commitments made under the agreement u. S. President donald trump has repeatedly threatened to tear up the agreement which hes called the worst deal ever it was signed at a time of heightened tensions across the region some of irans neighbors have been talking. About a possible military strike against the country. To her rounds made no secret of its arsenal of Ballistic Missiles but some countries including israel claimed it also had an active Nuclear Weapons program iran insisted its Nuclear Agenda was purely civilian but under the deal it agreed to end research in return for the partial lifting of sanctions allowing it to Access Global Financial Markets and crucially sell its oil last summer President Trump agreed to waive sanctions on irans oil industry but things could be about to change in october he announced a new iran policy iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal i am announcing a new strategy to address the full range of irans destructive actions trumps called for sanctions on irans revolutionary guard and he also wants to extend time limits on the countrys Nuclear Research and curtail its Missile Program hes refusing to recertify the deal unless Congress Passes legislation amending it but democrats say they wont back any changes not supported by european allies who insist any alterations would be in breach of the International Agreement it leaves donald trump with two choices rectify the deal and keep it alive or reject it and trigger an International Crisis we are discussing with the American American allies and friends that we should separate two things from each other first we want to preserve the jesup usa the nuclear deal with iran because its in our all in our interest not to develop to see that Nuclear Weapons are developed in the iran given the strength of feeling here in europe and warnings in the us itself its likely president trunk will in fact refrain from reapplying those Oil Sanctions on iran but that certainly doesnt mean hes going to give up trying to change the terms of the nuclear deal. Ok and so the uncertainty over the future of irans Nuclear Program goes on the team barbara aljazeera brussels helen fisher has been following developments in washington and sent us this update well we know that donald trump has been meeting its National Security team and on dont at least the whole around deal is probably on the agenda we know that in the past Rex Tillerson who is the secretary of state h. R. Mcmaster whos the National Security advisor and to mattis who is the defense secretary they have been suggesting that they dont want to step this deal they dont want to blow it up what the United States should do is look to ways to try and amend it while working with their International Partners but there is the possibility that will be no one Nuclear Related sanctions and thats certainly something that treasury sector steve mission suggested when he made a surprise appearance in the White House Briefing room. I am expecting new sanctions on iran we continue to look at them weve rolled them out and i think. You can expect there will be more sanctions coming now we know that donald trump speaks to a lot of people before he makes these decisions he has had from president mark or france who said the International Community doesnt want to see this deal being abandoned his office for him to the israelis and the saudis and we know that donald trump tends to see these things very much in binary terms that any win for iran in any sort of level is a defeat for the United States but what people will be saying to him particularly after the protests in iran over the last month is what we want to do is keep pressure on the iranian government and you do that with no one Nuclear Related sanctions rather than dismantling this whole deal if you do that and it keeps pressure on the iranian government and but if you blow up the deal then that gives them some sort of nationalistic totem to rally people around and the focus moves off them and more on the relationship with the United States and the International Community and that could strengthen their position so donald trump has a big decision to make in the next twenty four hours he will listen to all sides and then donald trump being donald trump will make the decision he wants to make when hes ready to make the decision the uns humanitarian chief says hes deeply worried about civilians caught up in pockets of violence in syria mark local made the comments during a visit to the company of damascus when all the army is waging an air campaign in eastern goosen near the syrian capital this is an opposition held area thats been under siege for almost four years at least eighty five people have died there since the start of the new year. Right now my and when you send an elevated it is she able easily said i mustnt incident reports and continuous sharing from the students in this interview. With constance in the casual. Violence in the. Ranges in the throughout the northeast canadian demonstrators have burnt down a security base near the algerian border it follows days of violent protests against planned price and tax hikes the governments deployed troops right across the country been stranded twenty people have been arrested since protests began on sunday. In the capital tunis demand him continue we still see those confrontations with Security Forces across the country were no longer talking about the capital tunis were talking about the coastal areas the south and and there is some part of the country and all people angry a government decision to increase taxes and also wish created which led to prices of rise affecting basic commodities which left thousands of people to say that theres absolutely no way we can deal with that this is a country which has huge problems in terms of rising unemployment in needs of a same time revenues now its Tourism Industry has been hit in the past by terrorist attacks had now the government is looking into different options to try to get more revenue as a particular of the taxes and this has created. A backlash where david mack is a scholar from the middle east institute he says europe needs to do more to stabilize the situation. The International Community and various ways has provided some assistance to the tunisians actually tunisia gets a rather substantial portion of the us a id budget. But. The reality is that tunisia a long way was away from the United States theres not much we can do immediately to impact that we can try to encourage the europeans to do more what i would like to see frankly is for the europeans to consider letting to metion agricultural project products into european markets and to be treated as european origin because when you have eighty over eighty percent of your trade with europe in effect youre tied to those economies. But the europeans have not stepped up to vote kind of challenges in a way that i think would be most helpful and if you think about it the real danger to. The situation in tunisia continuing to be so unsettled is that if you have waves of tunisian immigrants coming across the mediterranean theyre going to enter these European Countries and the europeans just look they should look at a map to new jersey even closer than libya is and you consider the kind of problems theyve had in african migration coming from libya egypts former military chief of staff something on a run in the president ial election in march his party made the announcement on thursday it comes just days after former egyptian Prime Minister ahmed shafik said he was no longer considering running for president in this years elections the current president. Is expected to seek a second term but has yet to officially announce his candidacy. Protests have taken place in pakistan for a second day over the rape of a seven Year Old Girl. Is killing as many who say authorities and Punjab Province have done to tackle to keep children safe after a series of similar killings they are occurring reports. That. Theyre calling for justice for zainab the girl whose body was found in a dump on tuesday four days after she went missing in a District South of the horn. Protests have since broke out in several cities in pakistan some of them turning violent the there were funerals on thursday for two men killed in the city of pursuer an enraged crowd stormed a police station. Officers responded by firing live rounds on demonstrators Law Enforcement is being blamed here zene ups father says the police did not act fast enough when his daughter went missing last week the local police chief has been sacked for negligence related to the case. If the culprits in earlier the medications had been caught and punished than this incident would never have happened if they had been given exemplary punishments peoples daughters would have been safe today eleven other child murders have been reported in the area in recent months and in two thousand and fifteen a sewer district was at the center of a child Sexual Abuse Scandal a number of suspects were arrested accused of blackmailing scores of children into making sex videos the figure of child sexual abuse child rape sodomy child murders has board in the past three to four years in the district of thought and it seems to me that there is an element of. Gangs and ring police say theyre still investigating leads in zena murder and have interrogated two hundred twenty seven people in connection with the case the number one suspect the man seen here on the Security Camera with zainab its the last time she was seen alive diana kerim aljazeera. In peru thousands of rallied against the pardon of the former president Alberto Fujimori is the latest in a wave of demonstrations since for more he was released on the Health Grounds in december hed served twelve years of a twenty five year prison term for corruption and human rights abuses including mass killings and kidnappings lets talk to diego garcia hes a former president of the International Court for human rights joins us live from peru and these protests against the release of fujimori of certainly growing numbers why are people so angry about his early release. Because this burden has been announced by the. Way to bring reconciliation to the country but that really wasnt going to change your approach in congress to stop any. President. But anyway what is happening is that really. That the American Congress you are always not the exception in this society has achieved a lot of the Democratic Values and monday in the big themes of big Human Rights Violations rights rights but are aeration the right that the persons that the response of the abuses accept their responsibility so after a process that casts respect that all these all of the due process rules as to which if we did what he was convicted because of serious human rights coalition. Crimes against humanity is this kind of pardon me which there is not any kind of. Step toward consolation but the same with you more ok brazenness got to the victims is a thing that has fumes. And if it can be different then the reconciliation to wrigley it proposed that they go out and and the protesters not only want the coaching of the pardon they also want the president to resign so what do you think slotted to be the political fallout from all of this for the president. Well thats part of the things that have been said and i rather have today and less rallies because the person because the chief one week is after a very short government thats not more than one year and he has not support. From the congress in what he is doing now is grossly and it is exactly that contrary to what he proposed when he was a candidate so these games so either so that only for the resignation of change that doesnt lead necessarily to ease he said me theres a nation for his immediate overthrow thats kind of become to be understood in the context of a. Decision that this lady i just took just a final point because its worth pointing out that president kaczynski actually pardoned for jim moret just three days after a group of lawmakers led by fujimoris im son help the president avoid impeachment and thats pretty significant doesnt it thats the key matter because the official is going to happen you know kind of orwellian and the story is that they parted again because of. But all of this has to do with this kind of exchange between their son could you money for the kind of those that were crucial to safety politically. Which is getting simply shrinking and have to more than fifteen days in which this program was announced by the. Independent of what it is ive asked the government using the laws that exist to provide them with the sustained on this process of pardon and they have not provided it so that its feel its that feeling that there are not enough. Conditions or. The release you know you know seriously question. Thank you very much for talking to us and your emotion to be there. Well thats more so to come here and ill just hear a standoff between china and japan of a disputed areas of the East China Sea. And u. S. President donald trump faces a backlash over a slow on immigrants more in the state. However got some colder air making its way across the Central Plains to the moment of the moment it is looking mild across the eastern side of the u. S. Into that he says side of canada over towards the west clear skies place to say now coming back in across southern parts of california things quieting down here up towards the northwest where we have got another area of rain state and snow which will push east way and over the rockies fair amount of snow pushing over towards the lakes easing towards the Appalachian Mountains so the south where we have got some of the heavy stuff right but look at the temperatures rapid thaw setting in across the northeast and cold in new york at around thirteen celsius mild enough and also a at around eight degrees d. C. Gets up to around one thousand degrees there for friday this rain and snow will make its way for a switch ten celsius in new york ahead of the snow temperatures will fall back behind monna stand for toronto minus seven for chicago other side of the country will be getting up to twenty seven once again an ally and notice that rain sleet and snow into the Pacific Northwest and western parts of canada meanwhile is still looks rather disturbed just around the great around here are still some lobby showers along the spells of rain coming in here for southern parts of cuba and much of jamaica. Coveted beyond wealth thank you very much taken without hesitation. For to and died for. Our defines our. People in power investigate exposes and question the use and abuse of power around the globe at this time on al jazeera. Welcome back look at recap the top stories here on aljazeera the french president Emanuel Mccraw a surge donald trump not to counsel the Iran Nuclear Deal head of fridays deadline whether to him to reimpose sanctions against iran but his treasury secretary says more u. S. Sanctions against tehran are likely. Demonstrators in tunisia have burnt down a security base near the algerian border that follows days of violent protests against planned price and sites more than three hundred people have been arrested since protests began on sunday. And theres been a second day of protests in pakistan of the right and murder of a young girl the family is accusing the police of not doing enough to investigate the local police chief has been sacked for negligence. Now in the u. S. A Small Bipartisan Group of senators say they have reached a compromise on Immigration Reform but theyve yet to win the support of President Donald Trump according to several reports the president referred to haiti el salvador and african countries as quote shitholes during the discussions question salumi as more. Days after President Trump called on lawmakers to find a compromise on Immigration Reforms a Small Bipartisan Group of six senators say theyve done just that the agreement was expected to include funding for Border Security protections for undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children and changes to the way the state Department Approves of these surveys but in a private meeting a proposal to restore protections to immigrants from hedy el salvador and certain african countries who were until recently protected from deportation reportedly prompted the president to question why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here he then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like norway whose Prime Minister he met on wednesday thats the racist element norwegians are white theyre northern europeans he was referring earlier in his vulgar comment to africans and haitians who are mostly of african descent this is these are racist comments he said things like this before when he talked about nigerians who wont go back to live in huts and he talked about the haitians who bring aids to the United States these are all confirmations of what a lot of people have long suspected that he harbors racism republican representative mia love haitian american responded on twitter saying the president s comments are unkind divisive elitist and fly in the face of our nations values this behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. Theyre bringing drugs theyre bringing crime theyre rapists its not the first time the president has spoken disparagingly of immigrants and his spokesperson didnt deny the comments certain washington politicians choose to fight for Foreign Countries President Trump will always fight for the American People he said President Trump is fighting for Permanent Solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation the president says he wants a merit based immigration system not one based on family connections or a lottery and his comments suggest hes not yet ready to accept the compromise reached by senators kristen salumi al jazeera new york the u. S. Retail john as announces laying off thousands of workers just hours after giving stuff a minimum wage increase the worlds biggest retailer said it would stop paying its u. S. Employees at least eleven dollars an hour from next month and give some workers a one off cash bonus but it later said it will close dozens of its sams club wholesale shops with a loss of thousands of jobs Michael Hicks is director of the center the business on Economic Research at Ball State University he says the impact of the measures will modest taking wont be seen immediately. Well will surely make a difference in a number of individual households ten percent pay increase for you know probably half a million workers across the country is important but it wont be noticed regionally its not going to be the sort of thing that makes a significant difference in a city or a county and i think really walmarts doing this because of the the need to attract workers in water very tight labor markets across the United States it takes over a year eighteen months sometimes three years for investment to actually turn into brick and Mortar Stores to you know see new products on the store to see paychecks actually increased in a way that the changes the way households consume goods or services so you know its a nice shot in the arm right now but i think only time will tell if its really is important as the it supporter suggested as at this point japan has summoned the Chinese Ambassador in tokyo to protest the presence of one of its warships sending the disputed islands in the South China Sea the two countries both lay claim to the ottomans not in japan as the same kaku and de you in china john brown as more. Well once more china and japan are pointing fingers at one another over these disputed islands in the East China Sea they are tiny clusters of rock claimed by china but it ministered by japan on thursday japan said that china sent a warship and a submarine very close to these islands china says what was happening was this it was tracking a japanese warship and submarine it is a reminder that this area remains a flash point another flash point of course is the South China Sea and the philippines says its going to be protesting to china over what it says is clear evidence of the continued military buildup in this area in particularly on an island called Fiery Cross Reef now china is making no secret of the fact that its been building up these islands but it says what its doing here is simply really Environmental Protection measures they are not aimed at any particular country the problem is that chinas neighbors simply arent buying that argument and actually these disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea are two disputes this region doesnt really need right now as if its begin to try to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula the german chancellor and the opposition leaders say theyre a major hurdles to overcome before a new Coalition Government can be formed after more than fifteen hours of talks there still no agreement between Angela Merkels Christian Democratic Union party and the opposition social democrats an agreement would break a political stalemate that theres germany without a full government since elections last September David chaytor has more from berlin. This has been an unprecedented political limbo for germany so its crucial these talks do reach some sort of result and remember that only talks about talks and now the main issues that are separating the parties are perhaps the refugees the crisis in two fifteen when one million refugees started coming into the country are they going to allow refugees to be reunited with their family also taxation taxations another real issue that separates the two sides but talking to political analysts here they say that this political limbo actually is is maschine what is a lot of Common Ground between the parties in the grand coalition but the real problem is that theres no chemistry between the parties and as far as the social democrats are concerned no chemistry within the party itself now the that means that theres no real vision if they do come to agreements on having Coalition Talks theres no real vision that the party can present to the country no real vision no will way of moving germany forward on major policies that are important to everybody british Prime Minister to resign may has announced plans to eliminate avoidable Plastic Waste in the u. K. Within twenty five years millions of tons of plastics enter the oceans every year and some take hundreds of years to biodegrade u. K. Correspondent Bonnie Phillips reports from a Waste Collection center in the west of england. This is the cost of consumer culture we dont like to think about the waste we make but were all responsible for it this plant in the west of england processes hundreds of tons every day the paper the glass above all the plastic we throw away and as the british Prime Minister says its the planet that pays in years to come i think people will be shocked at how today we allow so much plastic to be produced needlessly this plastic is ingested by dozens of species of marine animals and over one hundred species of sea birds causing immense suffering to individual creatures and degrading vital habitats. The Prime Minister says she wants to eliminate all of voidable Plastic Waste by twenty forty two but thats a long way off and anyway what does that even mean environmental groups say we need liberals suna to tackle of waste at this center they say gives the Prime Minister a chalmers twenty five got along so im going to be people saying we want action now weve got more rain later weve got weve got a planet to protect transition like we quote from the government in recent weeks and months that look at it because it rich they want to incentivize or so i think they want to make equality all of those things without reducing plastic impact on the planet changing our throw away culture show wont be easy to say all of the problems can be daunting but countries like these are part of the problem that part of the funding can instill very recently oversold if material all the way and i found myself recently dumped in a landfill now with new technology its kind of a new again and again and again. But how far and how fast are we the consumers prepared to go. In britain as in so many other countries the public use millions of disposable throwaway coffee cups some companies now off a cheaper coffee if you bring your ode be usable cup so londons commuters need to change their habits. Back at the recycling center another concern until recently britain sent huge amounts of recycled material to china now china says it has too much and wont take more so the oed this is all british industry to start reducing more of the waste it creates talking green may be good politics but the Prime Minister changing the ways. And society work not so easy to be philips aljazeera. But a quick recap of the top stories here on aljazeera the french president emanuel donald trump not to cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal the head of fridays deadline on whether to reimpose sanctions against iran the Foreign Ministers of france germany and britain also reiterated their backing for the deal after meeting irans foreign minister in brussels alan fishers been following developments in washington just in the last few hours are still steve munition who is the treasury secretary said he expects new sanctions on iran but we expect them to be no one Nuclear Sanctions and were expecting that announcement sometime in the next twenty four hours or so we also know that donald trump is being told by his advisers look there is pressure on the iranian government at the moment which is what you like and that is because of the situation with the economy and the sanctions that have been put in place if you blow up the nuclear deal then that gives them a nationalistic totem to rally people around meanwhile the u. S. President has caused a stir of offensive remarks hes reported to have made during an Oval Office Meeting speaking about proposed protections for immigrants he referred to haiti el salvador and some african nations as quote shitholes. Demonstrators into his ear have burned down a security base near the algerian border that follows days of violent protests against planned price and tax hikes the governments deployed troops across the country more than three hundred people have been arrested. Theres been a second day of protests in pakistan after the rape and murder of a young girl the family is accusing the police of not doing enough to investigate the local police chief has been sacked for negligence. In peru thousands of rallied against the pardon of the former president Alberto Fujimori he was released on Health Grounds in december last seven a twenty five year prison term for corruption and human rights abuses including mass killings and kidnappings. The german chancellor and the opposition leaders say there are major hurdles to overcome before a new Coalition Government can be formed after hours of talks theres still no agreement between angler Merkels Christian Democratic Union party and the opposition social democrats germany has been without a full government since elections last september well those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after people in power station thats a watching often off the head of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed germans a satisfied with the state of their economy this is easily the start news biggest tech Success Story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on which is era. The move through g. People of southern argentina and chile have long protested the loss of from so strong lands at the hands of colonial era settlers territory thats never domenici by huge temperature states which have left the region environmentally depleted and the injured

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