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A remote part of indonesia the deaths are being blamed on a lack of doctors working in a smart regency which is located in the. Province. Djoko would order was also told the Health Minister to send an Emergency Team to the area as soon as possible those are the headlines the stream is a. Real understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to aljazeera. I am for me ok i know in the stream u. S. President Donald Trumps tough talk on immigration policy has tens of thousands of people wondering whether theyll be forced to leave the country from the potential end of legal residency programs to the president s opposition to socalled chain migration we speak with a few of those potentially affected to learn how theyre preparing for an uncertain future. Today live on aljazeera and you tube. And i mean. Immigration policy was a highlight of then candidate donald trump spadeful of the u. S. Presidency now almost a year since taking office hes making a hard push for comprehensive reform this issue was suggested to us by a member of our own like unity. Peter heres how our White House Correspondent kimberly how it has been reporting the story on aljazeera. Donald trump was defiant when asked in a joint press conference with the norwegian Prime Minister whether he would sign an immigration deal that does not include funding for a border wall with mexico. But you know. Its got to include the well we need the world for security we need the world for safety we need the wall for stopping the drugs from boring you trump appears to be giving little ground on finding a compromise to Immigration Reform it comes after signaling he may be willing to yield to demands by democrats to keep in place protections for Illegal Immigrants brought to the United States as children the program commonly known as dhaka allows kids brought to the United States before their sixtieth birthday to remain in the country democrats want to keep it and have threatened to stop funding the government over the issue so as the deadline to reform dr rapidly approaches how are the programs beneficiaries responding to the news and whats the likely outcome were here to help us discuss Mariano Martinez peroni is a University Student and recipient also and i said we have. An immigration lawyer and should be joining us all the way through our show to help break down what all these changes potentially could mean so its good to have him out of. Your story. You have papers you have legal documentation what makes you a dream what was your story. Probably everything about it starting from my parents who came here for that is dream. And going on through me i just you know regular i want to go to school i want to get a great job and you help my family and thats kind of the dream and how old were you when you left came to the u. S. I was two years old. So from that time in two days for we see of course. Dreamers in the news in the headlines very often we got this tweet from raymond he says the legislative uncertainty has been incredibly traumatic one day theres a glimmer of hope and the next day the hope is once again shattered can you relate to that at all this idea that you never really feel settled completely thats kind of my life people always ask me that and theyve had a laugh i guess how nonchalant i am about it now because. After their point like pulling your hair out and crying and stressing out and its not healthy you know you do your contribute the first you can go to the rallies. But beyond that theres not much you can do so you can have that negative. Outlook on it you have to i guess come to terms with. The let me share this with you im showing you seen this from donald trump on january the fourteenth is probably it because the democrats dont really want it they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our military now is this policy does this worry you as an immigration. Absolutely i mean just to piggyback on the stressors i was just speaking to as a practitioner wanting to give sound Legal Counsel to your clients theres a black hole because its that its that tenuous right now and. As we speak we really dont know whats around the corner. So because you dont know whats around the corner that probably makes the answer to this little bit harder but i want to bring this up from rods rigo he says unfortunately there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding doc up except for the following he lists along the thread of things on twitter and you can check out it out there under your stream but this first one he says the injunction that allows dreamers to renew will be appealed doc is dead this will likely be a burial limited window of opportunity to do that generally fourteenth seven thirty four pm local time what then would you advise or what should dr recipients be in talks about with their immigration lawyers so right now there is a window for people that were not eligible to renu back in the fall to take advantage of that gap and the way that talk is working so far for individuals that were able to renu it timely is that they are at the very least protected from remove all up until twenty nineteen so this new wave of people if they take advantage of this little window may have at least some sort of solar cell reprieve for that window period of time what happens after that what if it is dead thats the answer that we dont know how to tell us in reality if you plan your next six months how do you do that. Carefully. So i am going back to school. But after that. Roughly what from planning. After two years. Twenty nine thousand. Fix whatever were going to do and pack up and go or. If i have to drop out of school and go back to work if i can continue studying how weve added even know how exactly we would be you know like take it out of the country would we be packed up what are called come to our house and rushed us would we be serving time do you get like a notification or a few months to prepare. Its a little nerve wracking not going to my out an hour you stay with us were going to have a lot more on. Route to now go to story thats but shes another member of our Online Community about the temporary protected Status Program or t. P. S. Its similar to the benefits provided to undocumented t. P. S. Allows people fleeing from conflict. To find safe haven in the u. S. But for thousands of salvadoran t. P. S. How does the governments recent decision to tell me that legal status now whats them at risk of deportation how does a Senior Correspondent rob reynolds reports. In washington demonstrators gathered in front of the White House Monday protesting a decision by the trumpet ministration to take away temporary protected status or yes for more than two hundred thousand salvadoran they had been permitted to live in the u. S. Following disastrous earthquakes that struck their homeland in two thousand and one the troubled ministration says t. P. S. Was never meant to be permanent and that social disruptions caused by the earthquakes no longer exist. El salvador is one of the worlds most dangerous places it had the highest murder rate of any country in two thousand and fifteen powerful gangs operate with near impunity and poverty and unemployment are dire and activists say political pressure is needed to reverse the decision and that many children of salvadoran parents were born in the u. S. And thus are american citizens after two decades living in the u. S. How are some of these salvadorans responding to the decision and the possibility that they may have to leave and joining us now is milady of us she is a t. P. S. Holder living in the u. S. State of texas welcome to the show milagro i want to start with these tweets we got from someone name on twitter. Or he says ive grown up as an american embracing the values i once thought universal in the United States the decision to end t. P. S. Is devastating to the Salvadoran Community the American Economy and the American Community at large and he gives a specific reason and this next week he says this decision will not only separate salvadoran American Children from their t. P. S. Holding parents but it will detract from an already struggling Skilled Labor sector which depends heavily on salvadoran t. P. S. Beneficiaries. That point about separating american born children from their t. P. S. Holding parents can you relate to that is that something that you are having to think about right now. With the pianist like that with we will be laying in the limbo again where we can all go back to work on chilled concha right now with very then you know heard is one of them was then you know its concerts and they were right no we go over there that would be like a bait and gang members who. Wanted people like we have been done everything. Tell us a story about how you got to the u. S. I came through at torys be sam when i was twenty so ive been here for twenty years and i incorporate to this also i and they are feel a lot of these country have been dont know everything why and then or permits was like it was then that it was them put out he had the beginning but you know theyre like sixteen year not anymore temporarily weve been here like for almost two decades so its a very long time its really hard for us you know to to go back i havent been in my country since i got here might be they dont know where their country or their that these. No to this idea about temporary how problematic in terms of the legal rights of people who have t. P. S. What rights to the actually have when you are given t. P. S. You are allowed to work and in very narrow circumstances you can ask for permission to leave the country typically those circumstances are if there is a medical emergency and or School Related or business related. And thats it its a protection against deportation but its not a path to legal status so a lot of times you hear folks say hey why dont you get a green card youve been here so long they have to pass because they dont have any other way to get that status so there are few people i mean talking about the temporary aspect of this that you just mentioned to load up. On one hand you have people who are understanding of it on the other hand you have people who are critical so esther on twitter says existing in a long term cycle of temporary status for the past seventeen years placed c. P. S. Recipients of all salvador in illegally precarious situation and making them unsure of their futures in the u. S. So she can understand what that must feel like heres a question though from sam and he says if the status was made for a disaster or war and catastrophic. Incident that forced people to find refuge in the u. S. And that condition is over then yes i agree they should go but what would you say to people who say this was temporary and its not necessarily the trumpet ministrations fault that it wasnt taken away so many years ago let me tell you something when i left my calling it was better than their way of obedience right no i think right now we need more of them a better right now betty and then you believe anybody ben you know see we go there were just going to go to the. Let me show you some pictures from your family so i can show our audience its not just about one people individual people its about connecting with families as well this one i think this is about as american as apple pie Disney Hollywood studios weve got your mom him a lot of growth and you know happy edwin and these two Little Munchkins who are they. Yeah they are my kids theyre my to little ones ok another picture here with you again how its interesting to see how american do you feel right now do you feel like youre from el salvador you feel like youre from the u. S. Well i am from my old zabaleta of course my quantity but i feel that im belong to be used when i have been here for so many years i love this country i love the people in the people they made me feel like im part of them never feel any discrimination or anything from anyone so this is how these first rate is kind of mixed feeling i dont know how can i express the feel do you even think about it we cannot go back whole country that i dont even remember how we looked like. So later we got this comment from someone watching live on you tube huberts if the u. S. Doesnt heed expel people in the tens of thousands may these victims of forced migration be eligible for asylum in other developed countries is that something that youre even recommending for people to find other countries that may take them well thats a personal choice for a lot of people thats just not an option especially if youve been living here for decades to be sure if t. P. S. Or when its terminated or whether its t. P. S. Or talk out of the question of what happens will ice show up at my door or will i be carted away in a bus or in a caravan to the border traditionally in the past that has not happened people have just swallowed up into the fabric of the under the table world and so very well likely that will happen again and thats what people will do especially if youve got mixed status families where half of them are here illegally theyre not going to just pack up and seek refuge in another country because this is home and so that that person who commented earlier about the precarious situation that theyre in thats a reality and i dont know that the answer is deportation. Stick around a bit more for our roundtable at the end of the show we now move on to the fight to keep immigrant Families Together president thomas frequently voiced his opposition to family based migration thats an intensive and sometimes costly process that allows us citizens and green card holders to sponsor relatives for permanent residence all critics of the Current System say petition should be limited to parents and their children Trumps Administration has also endorsed legislation promoting a point based system pro immigration groups though say such reforms are less about the economy or National Security and more about the government picking and choosing what sort of immigrants can come to the u. S. So what does the future of immigration look like for people hoping to build new laws and communities in the u. S. Here with us to help. Richard davis hes a Community Activist in new york everything from diana riches in the last couple of in the last year in the Community Around the guy and his Community Around what is changing the way they think about their immigration status if theyre documented or undocumented whats it like being in america right now. We my family actually came here on Family Preference visas the reality is this particular topic hasnt really gotten a lot of attention and conversation in the community because of comments that the president makes a kind of monopoly monopolize rather than narrative and bigger optics daca topics about you know do. Ice raids in communities but this specific topic which is one. Guy in his Community Uses very merrily to come to new york but families across the world used to come to the United States is one thats on the road and really hasnt gotten a lot of attention or discussion even in the community and i say he said immigration Customs Enforcement right look at this this graphic comes from numbers usa which is a group in the United States who want to control immigration and they say from one person one Family Member look at all of the number of people who potentially could end up coming to the United States now a lot is quite a lot of people from where im a Family Member over the top its over the top when you look at it from a practical perspective there is a wait time when you when a family based petition is filed and that wait time is further expanded when youre sitting in a waiting for a visa so for instance if you are file if youre a legal resident filing for your adult child the wait time for that adult child is roughly nine years if youre a u. S. Citizen filing for a sibling the wait time is roughly thirteen years for them to get a visa and that time is even longer if youre from china india or the philippines and so and mexico scuse me and thats because those countries are disproportionately overrepresented in the immigrant pool and for some of them that wait time pushes that twenty years so its almost laughable when the. Folks talk about this chime chain migration idea where its a domino effect where you come in and then within two years your whole family is here it just simply doesnt happen that way theres a very narrow group of folks that can apply for a visa and have it immediately available to them everyone else has to wait in line. The wait times you took the words right off of this tweet from e. J. Thinking the same thing he said there are lots of misconceptions about socalled chain migration one is after mexico the next four countries with the longest visa wait list due to family based immigration are the belittling india and china so a large part he says attacks against family based immigration are attacks against American Families so one misconception in his view richard what is Something Else you think people dont realize about this socalled chain migration. You know i think when i think about it when the president was running he talked about make America Great again everyone i think began to see what he really meant was to make america wait again theres no sure theres no surer path to making america right again or wider than limiting Family Preference visas this is an avalanche of people coming over the border the long wait times there are different wait times depending on the relationship there wait times depending on the age of the person if there are minors or there are adults there are also different wait times a pending on the assets that the person who has enough or in country or how skilled they are the reality is though for example my my grandmother is here now and she had to go through a liver. Not a liver transplant but a transfusion and this procedure is not available in guyana and this is the only country that she was able to do it show im sure here with us now because of this these are these are the kinds of things that only separate families but permanently you know affects the livelihoods of people all around the world richard i want to bring that money ana and malcolm back into the conversation so we can see all of you here also very specific thoughts of immigration status and. Do you see a connection between your experience that youre having right now in the United States sanjana. I sorry no i mean i definitely do because i think we all have that common feeling of you know we love this country we love the people we want to be a part of it we consider ourselves a part of it and that at the same time be completely rejected by the majority of the nation will half of the nation especially when as richard was saying about making America White again and especially being minorities. And donald trump recent comments about. African nations and the nations he actually does want immigrants and the nation being. Its a little awkward and its very sad and really troubling specially well for me. So i wanted to share this tweet two tweets from her and she kind of wraps it up in this way she says the fear generated by legislation among immigrants is felt in many ways immigrant families are separated across borders without work permits or employment options dwindle their access to education is limited the fear caused by not knowing where you might work or live is what causes that distress me can you relate to this feeling at all and what does that look like in your own life that distrusts with how are you coping with it. You know this is really you know if you wish and we hope you know we have to turn all these negative into a we need to try to go or in talk to all makers to make sure we know the other thing were going to change so people are thinking but we know there are. Great people here in the United States and im sure they thinking before and so we need to war with them we dont think indifference is there a different staying. In the way that the administration is fighting immigration and how the American People think about immigration i think it depends on where you live the demographics of whatever region you reside in we happen to live in a very diverse in the d. M. V. The d. C. Maryland Virginia Area and here i think over all the perception and the appreciation of immigrants in the in the general fabric of the community is very much appreciated but if you listen to the rhetoric on the news you will get a completely different perspectives based on either what people are exposed to or what they choose to listen to through the news and oftentimes realities are not in sync with perception here is what one person online is doing about that this is c. N. N. Twitter who says as a family were looking at lawyers educating ourselves on how they can change their status this is specifically about t. P. S. To some other form of residency though of course it might apply apply to others as well she says personally im responding by getting involved in the movement we need to make noise. Richard mary on the its not something that you agree with. There is really we need to make noise we need to be all together we need all to be joined this campaign we need to spread the word and we need to call to all the lawmakers to or help you know our families norman already have been released and these countries yes are just as i think we are so to build our alliances you know the black community is a target for this administration the Muslim Community is a target for this administration we have powerful centers of influence of political influence of our across this country and communities of color really have to band together and this is a moment under this president for minority communities to really Work Together because this isnt just immigration this isnt just a black issue this isnt just a muslim issue this is something that really goes to the fabric of what we believe america is. Agree with sorry i just simply a Group Richard think is this is turning warrants a human rights issue this is going way beyond race and we really need to get together and if we really want to make something work it cant just be that there are people talking about that we have friends i mean i know i actually friends and other people i have friends that know about our situations like those they also meet against and talking you know and the community to get involved came out richard and lloyd i thank you so much for being part of this conversation of course it will continue online this National Stream and so watching everybody. Im counting the cost to oil hit seventy dollars a barrel we examine the Drivers Behind the rise one of the economic reasons behind the rest into news yeah and we look a little closer at the whole striving between france and china counting the cost at this time on aljazeera the. Aljazeera. Where if you. On the cards from. Aljazeera its where every single. Facing reality needs growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place a socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter the mean maher government calls you a gringo all the terrorist hear their story on and talk to aljazeera at this time. Russia joins turkey in denouncing a u. S. Plan to form a Border Security force in syria

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