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A vote on immigration in the coming weeks all are important work for the American People had to be put on hold while this manufactured crisis was dealt with up we made no substantive progress and i want to end on the serious bipartisan negotiations. To solve issues. Border Security Health care defense spending and many other matters so im glad were going to get back to work here i did joe castro has more from washington d. C. The compromise to reopen the u. S. Federal government has passed now both chambers of congress and the compromise looks like this Senate Democrats have agreed to reopen the federal government through february eighth in exchange they are accepting the word of republican leaderships that the contentious issue of immigration will be the next order of business with a vote scheduled by made february now critics and liberals and immigration advocates are criticizing democrats for having backed down from their initial demand in this fully they had wanted immigration and in particular the fates of the eight hundred thousand young undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country illegally as children they wanted a pathway to result their immigration status included in this compromise bill that did not happen and those immigration advocates are saying that putting trust in the word of republicans to eventually get to that topic was unwise and the number one source of mistrust from these liberal leaning democrats they are pointing the finger at President Donald Trump who has shifted in his stance on this immigration issue as well as the finger pointed honest twitter accounts accusing democrats of obstruction so even now as the u. S. Federal cover government looks to reopen Tuesday Morning this bigger issue of resolving this Immigration Crisis still looms with the potential of the country being back at this standoff in just three weeks time the date for the u. S. Embassy is moved from tel aviv to jerusalem has been brought forward to the end of twenty million tuning u. S. Vice president mike pence made the announcement in the knesset but he was briefly interrupted by protesting Israeli Palestinian politicians. The European Union has reassured the palestinian president that it supports his ambition to have used as the capital of a future state law of. Nations to recognize the state of palestine. Turkeys army says one of its soldiers has been killed as its troops and syrian rebel allies close in on Kurdish Forces president proud of and says the operation to secure the border will be successful however the u. S. Is urging turkey to show restraint. In yemen at least seven people have been killed after an airstrike hit a building used as a home and a Medical Center five others were injured in the attack in the Northern Province of sada its believed the strikes were carried out by the Saudi Led Coalition the u. N. Is putting pressure on the United Arab Emirates over the lead Human Rights Violations its being accused of obviously detentions and torture as well as suppressing freedom of expression the u. A. E. Insists its taking action like better supporting working Foreign Workers and tackling Domestic Violence bangladesh has delayed plans to repatriate hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees who fled violence in me in march the process was due to begin on tuesday but a list of verifying the details of people to be sent back is still incomplete mexico has recorded its highest homicide rate in decades with just over twenty nine thousand killings last year but the actual murder rate is expected to be higher than official statistics because the tally is based on the number of investigations instead of the number of victims those are the headlines next and al jazeera aids struggle over the nile life in that. The nile the worlds longest river. A seven thousand kilometers a lifeline for almost four hundred Million People. Flowing north the nile runs through ten countries. From the highlands in the heart of africa to the shores of the mediterranean sea. A source of sustenance but also one of tension even potential conflict. For centuries egypt has sought to be must of the not. Seeking to tame the rivers some predictable flow until ensure exclusive control over its use. But today countries upstream challenging this dominance and up wishing for a greater say and a greater share the river nile. Cairo capital of egypt. A teeming much. Nicholas. That is grown on the banks of the nile. Its the first day of spring when egyptians for more walks of life. Flock to the river. To celebrate the arrival of the new season. With a kid with a knack a field of view of good and mostly every egyptian wants live by the nile as a football field and if they cant then at least they can sit in picnic their legs and saw the water its the place of their dreams and mahmoud everybody from young lovers to troubled souls come here for Different Reasons either to enjoy themselves or to wash away their pain to see for them on. The ancient greek writer who wrote it as described egypt as being the gift of the nile it was a fitting description. We made to cities that run along and are only there because of the nile and the novel that it would just be another part of the Sahara Desert you know it would just be dust and sand you couldnt live without it is the life blood. Attached to this source of life ninety five percent of the egyptian population lives along its banks just five percent of egypts land the rest just desert. The nile maybe most commonly associated with egypt. But its waters begin their journey thousands of kilometers upstream. There are two main sources of the river. One is the great lakes of eastern africa. And the other is in the ethiopian highlands where the majority of the nile waters originate. This is the summer rainy season in ethiopia. The rainfall forms gushing rivers and tributaries. They collect here in like ton. Ethiopias largest lake and a main source of the nile. The six hundred year old monastery is situated on one of the lakes many islands. Decorated with biblical paintings it belongs to the ethiopian orthodox church. The custody of the monastery is a doll it believes the nile holds magical powers and is akin to god. And of men buying up the nile is one of the four rivers mentioned in the holy bible that feeds heaven and i know that. The nile gives us as well as other countries like egypt. All sorts of benefits more than i youre going to have the night. Water isnt the niles only get. The surging streams in ethiopia turn red with silt washed from the volcanic plateau. The silt rich in nutrients and minerals is born downstream. It was to prove a blessing for the first settlers in the nile valley thousands of years ago. Each year rainfall in ethiopia caused the nile downstream to flood its banks in what is today egypt. This unusual phenomenon known by the ancient egyptians as the inundation was celebrated as a divine event. It was de fide in the form of a god known as hobby. In manama most how happy if you look at the pictures of this character and graves on the walls of egypts temples you find that have is there strange character on the whole hes a man with large breasts but not a woman one of the most of the caribbean he also has a Petroleum Belly so these two characteristics symbolize fertility and generosity are granted by the nile xeon and the whole school. Was the key gift. When the nile flood receded the rich silt carried by the river remained behind fertilizing the soil creating arable land in stark contrast to the surrounding desert. Ancient egypt was the birthplace of agriculture. Techniques developed thousands of years ago. Are still in use to this day. Early thunder in the herd envelop dylan was with still used the old plough. The one foot by cutting for wagner there are many factors here my uncle has a truck my neighbor has one everybody has attacked and that would put a one at anything but i prefer the traditional method. The pharaohs have long since passed from the stage of history but some of their legacy and use. From time immemorial the river has been a subject of adoration. And yet me all found a full mile all found to full in iowa old bountiful miles of the ancient egyptians exulted the river nile theres an old chant that goes people dont eat jewels they eat the bread made from the wheat that grew on the banks of the river nile and. But theres a dark a side to this love of the nile. Such adoration can lead to possessiveness. For the egyptians the nile is unquestionably their river above and beyond the claims of any other nile basin country. By the early one thousand nine hundred eight britain ruled the length of the nile. Egypt was strategically crucial as the suez canal controlled access to india the jewel in the crown of the british empire. To coopt their allies in one thousand nine hundred twenty nine britain awarded the egyptians exclusive control of the nile to phuket does our issued in the one nine hundred twenty nine agreement stated that egypt had the right to veto any project on the nile that would affect its share of the waters or the flow of the river to the north towards egypt. This stipulation was based on the fact that egypt completely depends on the nile waters while the upstream countries have other water sources before they have. Thirty years later in one thousand nine hundred fifty nine a second agreement was signed. Freed from colonial over rule egypt and sudan agreed on dividing the rivers waters. During the one nine hundred sixty s. African nations upstream gained independence. Nowadays these countries are challenging agreements signed when they were under colonial rule. Instruments and then. We had two countries sit down make us a thing now and that need to said then. And knowing very well. That they want to share within the two countries. To this day egyptians regard the nine hundred twenty nine and nine hundred fifty nine agreements as technically binding. Egypt has its reasons for wanting to uphold the treaties. It share of the nile waters has remained at fifty five and a half billion cubic meters a stipulated in the one nine hundred fifty nine agreement. However since then egypts population has tripled over eighty million. Taking the country into water poverty. And if. These agreements give us a minimum amount of water. Less than what we actually need. Any of the basin countries they dont need to they get their water from nature and. The annual amount of rainfall at the sources of the one point six trillion cubic meters egypt and sudan use less than five percent of this amount the rest thats ninety five percent is lost through evaporation and. But sometimes rainfall is not enough. Famine has ravaged states through which the nile flows. Here in ethiopia one of the river sources the failure of the annual rains has led to catastrophe in the past. Millions have died. Beyond such tragedy upstream states claim the past agreements violate their National Sovereignty and prevent them harnessing the river for their own development. I know that some people in egypt. Fashion i. D. s. Fashion i. D. s based on the assumption that the night of the longs to egypt and that egypt has a right to decide us for all gets what of the night water and the countries that are unable to use the night water because it will be unstable and because they wont be for. This circumstances have changed and changed forever. The change came in may two thousand and ten at a meeting in ten year ganda when the upstream countries took matters into their own hands. In an unprecedented move six of the eight nations signed a new agreement declaring greater autonomy in Decision Making over the niles waters aware of the agenda egypt and sudan had refused to attend. What was signed an entirely set off alarm bells in cairo. Touching the very core of egyptian fear about its water source or must it is a red line for egypt existence. There is a difference between security and existence itself. We are wholly dependent on the nile we have no other water sources in eight so the truth is that any threat against the nile waters will result in the reduction of egypts share this would threaten us with thirst and death but. The specter of a water war looms over the region. For egypt securing the nile waters is a matter of National Security even if it means military action. A common feeling shared by most egyptians. Egypt would die what would we drink out of course we would fight we would fight anyone who attempts to stop i would force a water. Throughout its history egypt has been at the mercy of the nile. Along the river columns such as this known as my limit as have been built to measure the height of the waters. Controlling the river was of paramount importance. With the well being of the state dependent on the level of the annual flood waters. The key was in finding a way to reserve these waters for use during the drives some of periods. The ancient egyptians first attempted this. But it was the founder of modern egypt Mohamed Ali Pasha who built the first ever down on the nile in the mid nineteenth century. To this day the old brick dam known as the delta still stands. In a new land as long as i live in the nile was on muhammad alis agenda it was extremely important because egypt was threatened by drought that if. You wanted more cotton and drain plantations as well since in those days egypt used to export these products to your. Muhammad ali himself laid the dams first stone in eight hundred forty seven. But this was only the beginning. As demand for water grew more irrigation projects were completed in the first half of the twentieth century. But it wasnt until that early one nine hundred fifty s. That egypt began to put in place plans to finally control the nile once and for all. In july nine hundred fifty two a group of Army Officers carried out a coup detat. Egypts king was dethroned then exiled a new regime to power. The main office a behind the coup was Jamal Abdul Nasser were going to gender to modernize and strengthen egypt. Adoptive plans for a massive new dam to be built in southern egypt to harness the full potential of the nile. Called the last one high dam it would be built on this stretch of river at a cost of some one billion u. S. Dollars egypt was going to need help. In the beginning britain and the United States went together and told big the world bank nazi that they were supporting him. However that support came with strings attached. Egypt was expected to join the western camp. But nasa was his own man. In the cold war setting he was committed to a policy of nonaligned. Policy that displeased the americans. On july nineteenth one thousand nine hundred fifty six John Foster Dulles the american secretary of state withdrew the offer to finance the us one high dam. Nasa would not be intimidated one week later he hit back. With. Nasas decision to nationalize the company that owned the strategic suez canal was a bombshell. The revenues paid by ships passing through the canal could help egypt finance the us one hide them. It was a trump card but it rattled the powers in europe and led to the suez crisis of nine hundred fifty six. Law. Britain france and israel conducted a joint attack on egypt to win back control of the canal. British and french troops landed in port sight on the northern tip of the suez waterway. But this was a far as they went. Fading armies were forced to withdraw on the heavy International Pressure from the United Nations. Egypts relations with the west was shattered. Nasser now look for friends elsewhere. In one thousand nine hundred fifty eight egypt signed an agreement with the soviet union for the financing of the hide them. The russians in egypt two laws or four hundred five hundred million probably this was not a question egypt paid back these loans from the suez canal gravelly streets. With the soviet loans inaugurated the start of construction of the us one high down in general nine hundred sixty. The project was immense. It is said that enough rock was used in the construction of the dam to build seventeen great pyramids. Through the eleven years of construction egyptian saw the dam as a symbol of National Pride and defiance to the west. The shop a muslim operetta lot of the egyptian people proved it and to use it and bracing to hide and project we should but only if they glorify it in their songs in t. V. And radio shows movies plays and everyday activities thats how it became such an icon of the nation it was shot something which everybody rally behind that would have set in. Nasa the father of the project never lived to see the completion of the dam. Just four months before construction was finished he died of a heart attack. The Opening Ceremony in general one thousand nine hundred seventy one was attended by egypts new president anwar sadat. The dams save the flow with over thirty billion cubic meters of floodwater each year water that otherwise would be lost into the mediterranean sea. Behind the dam a huge manmade reservoir known as lake massah was created. The water held in this lake was egypts insurance policy against the rivers unpredictable flood. They also. Gave the egyptians a guarantee that the rain always the water there i mean during the drought in the night and seventys night in the eightys. In sudan in their field go. To gyptian so they could go on cultivating as before because id always work behind the down and a song. That perhaps most important it was a us on down in the way and thats in my eyes that even now in the. Elsewhere the river remained untamed. Upstream countries were still at the mercy of the nile and. Experiencing at times the the famine. Or devastating floods. But playing with nature was to prove costly for the river and for all those living off it. Counting the cost. Is better than expected growth story and. Negative publicity. Explores prominent figures of the twentieth century. Is going. To. Break through. On aljazeera. And in doha the top stories on aljazeera the u. S. Government shutdown is about to end after politicians pasta bill extending federal funding until february the eighth democrats agreed to the temporary measure after getting assurances from the republicans of a vote on immigration in the coming weeks all our important work for the American People had to be put on hold while this manufactured crisis. We made no. Progress and i want to add on the serious part of the negotiations. To solve issues. And border Security Health care. And many other matters. So im glad were going to get back to work here turkeys army says one of its soldiers has been killed as its troops and syrian rebel allies close in on Kurdish Forces president part of one says the operation to secure the border will be successful however the u. S. Is urging turkey to show restraint. The date for the u. S. Embassys move from tel of eve to jerusalem has been brought forward to the end of twenty nineteen u. S. Vice president mike pence made the announcement in the knesset in israel but he was briefly interrupted by protesting Israeli Palestinian politicians the European Unions reassured the palestinian president that it supports his ambition to have East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state Mahmoud Abbas has been holding talks with the e. U. Foreign policy chief federica more heavy any he urged even nations to recognize the state of palestine bangladesh has delayed plans to repatriate hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled violence in me and more the process was due to begin on tuesday but a list verifying the details of people to be sent back is still incomplete the un has warned that i must go home voluntarily with their safety assured pope francis has apologized to sexual Abuse Victims for comments that he had said how the wounded many the leaders of the Catholic Church says he regrets his choice of words when he insisted that victims of paedophile priests must show proof to be believed he was defending a bishop in chile who denies covering up sexual abuse and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after a struggle over the nile by for that. In the us one high down in. Mans greatest ever efforts to control the nile. Get hold to the annual flood. And stored a huge supply of water fifty gypped behind its great wall. And the dam was hailed as a triumph of engineering and water management. But there was a price to be paid. Of this and that i really couldnt be prouder of the construction of the high down the river nile used to bring four Million Tonnes of fertile silt each year that would deposit on the last of all of the above if it was like a natural fertiliser for daily worker in a hurry. This silt washed from the ethiopian highlands was no longer carried into egypt. It now dropped uselessly to the bed of the manmade reservoir behind the dam and. Deprived of the silt egyptian the farmers today rely increasingly an artificial fertilisers. And see the only my grandfather and my father used to need only one sack of chemical fertiliser for an acre of land nowadays each acre needs that heath seven said. The loss of natural thirty lety in egypts farmland was not the only negative repercussion of the us one the high dam. The reservoir formed by the accumulation of waters behind the dam was named lake massa. Today its one of the logic. Manmade lakes in the world stretching over five hundred kilometers. It straddles the borders of egypt and sudan an area known as new bia. Situated on the banks of the river nile libya was home to many ancient temples. But in the one nine hundred sixty s. During the construction of the us one high dam the rising waters of lake nasser threaten to submerge these monuments. The United Nations spearheaded an International Rescue campaign. More than twenty temples were dismantled stone by stone and relocated to higher ground. The largest of these were the two giant temples of abu simbel built by the pharaoh ramses the second. In their new location the temples remain a major tourist attraction in egypt to this day its. Its its its archaeological sites were saved but People Living in the area received no such consideration all. The newbie and an ethnic group originating in southern egypt and Northern Sudan have lived beside the nile for thousands of years. I. E. Movie of old newbie and live on the banks of the night denial is our life like fish we would die. If we left it they saw. This attachment to the river has proved a blessing but also occurs. During construction of the ass one low dam in one thousand nine hundred nine the newbie ns were forced to move. They were relocated here on the west bank of the nile in aswan. Today the village of hobson hale is the most famous newby and settlement a place where tourists come seeking a glimpse of a traditional life. Which i love allowed people to start the modeling i grew up and worked with my uncle who taught me about sailing on the walk i worked with him into his and when i got on the volvo and now i have managed to buy my own small boat. The newbie and community here has found a new way to make a living from the nile. But a second major displacement of newbie ns was to prove far more dramatic. In may nine hundred sixty four egyptian president Jamal Abdel Nasser and soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev attended celebrations marking the start of the second stage of building the os one high dam. At the push of a button water levels behind the dam rose rapidly. The project was on track but at the expense of over one hundred twenty thousand newbie ends in both. Egypt and sudan who were forced to move. Out as i did that. It was very difficult to be pulled out of our homeland and taken to another place it was very harsh for the displacement my family suffered in the newbie and region was very painful that it was a huge sacrifice anything that. They left everything behind many people died among the many children no one was given any time to do anything our people had to leave everything in a rush to catch the boat move. Civilization dating back thousands of years was up to. The newbie in the school their homeland the land of gold. But it was now gone forever. Just a meager sum of money. And a muscle and they wanted to talk with my father to see thirty six egyptian pounds in compensation for the house the land and Everything Else well alex of the. Egyptian man Sudanese Governments a promise the newbie ends Better Living conditions. But their new home away from the nile proved far from satisfactory. Didnt love because they moved us into concrete buildings and had a stroke took away our history and civilization they wiped out our identity. They took us away from the nile. New beings are only happy when they have decided the nile but not a single resettlement village was by the river. There. Are if jamal is a sudanese newbie and he was a. Miles when the displacement occurred today he teaches african history in america after fifty years when you look at the new land that was acquired by the movie ends or within unions were displaced to is invisible in an evening when you have an enormous amount of Health Problems you have very bad logistics and again massive migration but this time he looked like refugees. Despite the cooma of displacement libyans have done their best to keep alive their traditions and their distinctive language. Many newbie and song santa ana returned to their last homeland. Their dance is inspired by the gentle flow of the nile. To the life you can never forget your homeland the place where you are born and the place where you die. We live now in our memories daddy. I am. I. There is still a large maybe in community in Northern Sudan which remains on the land of its forefathers on the banks of the nile. But even they are now under threat. In one thousand nine hundred ninety two the Sudanese Government announced its intention to be. The huge hydro power station here in new bia. The planned project known as the. Would use the nile flow to boost sudans power supply. Once again the newbie ns face being sacrificed on the altar of development. There is no social order Environmental Assessment to get the communities against it we have talking about ninety nine villages along the line you are talking about one and a half Million People we are talking about one million acres of land we are talking about the last and prestigious deep problems that people live on we are talking about archaeology that we did not even scratch the surface. Of. The Sudanese Government put the project on hold but for the movie ends it remains an ever present menace. Its just like a nightmare or a threat every now and then we hear the president talking about reviving this project which is could somebody if they believe because of our this would be the last of the wonderful movie and. Environmental and Human Factors have made Many International donors wary of providing loans for large hydrological schemes on the nile. But the rise of a new power on the world stage has given new momentum to unconditional lending. China built up its own hydro Power Industry in the nineteen one thousand nine hundred ninety s. And a few years ago they appeared on the global scene with a bang they. Started funding projects which had to be for not Going Forward because nobody wanted to touch them. The middle of a dam in Northern Sudan is one such project. It was officially opened in two thousand and nine by sudanese president Omar Al Bashir im a great celebration of the dam was seen as the solution to the countrys shortage of power. Its huge turbines using the river flow to generate electricity. But the sudanese had initially found it difficult to get the project off the ground. The Sudanese Government had tried to attract founding for european governments from canada. From other sources for many years and they couldnt succeed because off and on and could concerns and human rights concerns. In two thousand and three chinese and sudanese officials put pen to paper on an agreement in which china would provide a substantial loan for the building of the meadow the dam. But during the construction clashes erupted when the Sudanese Army moved in to evict locals from villages that were to be submerged by the dams reservoir. This was exactly the sort of humanitarian suffering which had influenced many creditors to shy away from financing the dam. In the end the protests came to nothing the project went ahead. As the waters rose to high. The some fifty thousand sudanese had to leave their homes and much of their property. I dont know exactly what i lost everything i had over one hundred one is the government going to compensate us if not then i would only compensation is if. I would i doubt. Africas large dams have not reversed poverty they have not in dramatically increased electricity rates they have not dramatically improved water supply for People Living there what they have done is help create a small industrial economy that tends to be companies from europe and elsewhere and so these benefits are really really concentrated in a very small elite. The number of hydro power stations along the course of the rhythm oil is on the rise. With the exception of egypt the nile basin countries face a chronic shortage of power. Large majorities of the populations in these countries do not have access to electricity. Uganda is one such example. Here on the nile close to its outlet from Lake Victoria there are two new hydro power stations. But combined they dont generate enough power for a country with a growing economy and an increasing population. Ninety percent of our people have electricity ninety one percent dont so we have an aggressive through an official program which is on going to have a target that in the next four years this number which says today nine percent should rise to sixteen percent in the east of. The nile in uganda is characterized by high speed rapids and waterfalls. One of the most well known is the murchison. Its an area that attracts tourists from around the world. And its home to uganda as Largest National park. Listen. The stricture brava here is ideal for those seeking the thrill of white water rafting. I i. Close has been running rafting expeditions for tourists along the river since one thousand nine hundred ninety six. He has made a decent living. But these foods are now threatened by the construction of a new dam. Toto is torn between the love of his work and his countrys need for electricity. So well my comment about. There lets just good and rough things good so its for them to know what is good what is better between. Christie but our demo i like you are often so much. I like it up to so much. The. A new hydro power station being built here will flood the rapids im create a manmade reservoir. But the dam will meet only a fraction of the countrys electricity requirements. In uganda and government is keen to exploit these fast flowing waters to generate power. Another hydro power station is planned here further downstream of the karuna fools another project that threatens the natural flow of the river. If you force a lot of the dumbs it means you extracting more would. Not support and as a result of their Lake Victoria when the down more than two. Lake victoria is the largest lake in africa. And one of the most renowned sources of the nile. Yet it is slowly and gradually shrinking. Be increasing number of hydro power stations on the nile in uganda is drawing ever greater amounts of water out of the lake to move the turbines generating electricity. About half of the recent drop in like victoria which has been pretty extreme can be attributed to the stand there basically opened up and now water can be let out at any pace that the government chooses to. Three countries share the waters of Lake Victoria. This is the city of kisumu kenyas main port on the lake and the hub of its fishing industry. A little over twenty five years thomas a good two that has fished here. He remembers the days when fish were once plentiful and business was good nowadays hes getting a much smaller catch. Between almost raised we dont have enough fish in this lake because all the water is directed to that of a narrow margin and look at those rocks a while back you couldnt see them but now they show how much the water level has dropped and as they build more hydro post ations all the water and all the fish will go to uganda and to the nile looking for you. The gyptian is a content with the water continues to flow on downstream. They accept their nile partners building hydro power plants but they are not prepared to allow upstream countries to build dams that will reduce the amount of water reaching egypt. And im a little i definitely want to we dont have hostile intentions against anyone we dont go to war just for the sake of fighting but if someone is going to stop the water egypt will die of thirst then we will fight with all means available will it get that it will gas. As populations increase and economies develop demand for the waters of the nile is intensifying. The question remains who owns the rivers water. Perhaps they answer may lie in history. In a bygone era when foreign rulers once controlled the full length of the great river. Current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in a colonial cost equals point of view cannot affect nonagreement physicals victory a new political realities on the ground or increasing the sense of uncertainty over cohen as the rhythm on the river the need to do the other night and how all the countries for which the male voice kind of benefits or the struggle of the nile at this time on aljazeera. Hello there plenty of rain and snow is working its way across north america at the moment you can see the system very clearly on the satellite picture theres a circulation running its way north was pulling plenty of malda air ahead of it but plenty of rain as well so it also weather in the south and thats edging its way eastwards and behind it its turning a lot cooler so forth across the eastern side of canada there on choose day stretching down just about to the northern parts of the u. S. Were seeing a lot of snow and then were seeing the rain stretch down across new york as that clears out the way on wednesday the temperatures will be dropping so from eleven to about five which is about fifty two to forty one in fahrenheit so a real drop for us meanwhile towards the west were already had a lot of rain there over the northwestern part of the u. S. And the southwestern parts of canada more heavy downpours and snow a likely over the next few days as well for the central americas you can see this latest system edging its way towards the east that supports a fair few outbreaks of rain across parts of cuba and across the bahamas still a few showers there for us on tuesday but largely drive for many of us towards the west will see more wet weather that stretching all the way down towards columbia some of us here seeing some very heavy rain and the rain in the northern parts of argentina and southern parts of brazil still continuing. I am doing this for the benefit of people. So they see the importance of those. Who witness documentaries that open your eyes. At this time on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks the government of mali so mackie has pushed to have a series of laws that it says will make argentinas economy more competitive with detailed coverage in two thousand and sixteen when the government stops us doesnt read all the cost of college or jumped by sixty percent the queues disappear at least for a year from around the world the military and the establishment in the capital bangkok know that its very difficult for them to win support in parts of thailand like this. Rewind returns with new updates on the best of aljazeera as documentary. And the moving story of two young turk women girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education after years of repressive taliban occupation. Five years on what has become of their dreams. Rewind pencils and bullets at this time on aljazeera. This is aljazeera

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