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Sixty minutes u. S. President donald trump threatens to withdraw aid money to palestinians if they dont resume peace talks with israel. Duckies president vows to continue military operations against a Kurdish Group in Northern Syria but the pentagon warns that could hurt the fight against eisold plus the new talks about light in paris where the city is on flood alerts as the riverside continues to rise and a scientific breakthrough meet the songs on ha ha the worlds first clothed monkeys. The u. S. President is insisting millions of dollars in american aid is going to be withheld from palestinians unless they pursue peace with israel and the World Economic forum in davos donald trump has said the controversial decision to recognize to roussillon as the capital of israel would not be changed Palestinian Leaders say a two state solution can only be achieved with East Jerusalem as their future capital on the diplomatic editor james pays reports. To the u. S. President seemed an upbeat mood to see arrived here peace and prosperity between israelis and palestinians that seems further away than ever you might think that when youve alienated one side in a negotiation in this case the palestinians you might reach out to the thinking that flanked by israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the author of the art of the deal showed that not his way when they disrespected us a week ago by not allowing our great Vice President to see them and we give them hundreds of millions of dollars in aid or tremendous numbers numbers that nobody understands that money is on the table that money is not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace because i can tell you that israel does want to make peace and theyre going to have to want to make peace or were going to have nothing to do with. Of course the reason the president pence on his visit was shunned by the palestinian president and heckled by palestinian members of the Israeli Parliament the knesset was the controversial u. S. Decision made last year to recognize jerusalem as israels capital something again praised downforce. By Prime Minister netanyahu. This is the story. That will be for the mark to market for generations to come we took jerusalem off the table so we dont talk about it later got pastures when we took it off the table not to talk about it anymore. You won one point and youll give us more points later on the negotiation if it ever takes place i dont know that it ever will take place that seems to be a complete misreading of the situation the president is suggesting that hes removing of the stumbling block of jerusalem from the negotiations in fact most believe hes making it an even more divisive issue. Previous us administrations knew the recognition card was one they needed to keep it not use to maintain leverage with the israelis a two state solution requires pressure on the israelis to give up illegal settlements they built on land that should form a palestinian nation its a great honor to be from the trumpet ministration israel seems to get only praise and never pressure james space aljazeera devils or the Us Ambassador to the Un Nikki Haley told a Security Council meeting that the Palestinian Leader lacks the courage for a peace deal the Palestinian Ambassador riyad months or rejected this accusation were going to hear more from him in a moment but first heres kristen salumi at the United Nations. During the Security Councils monthly meeting on the situation in the middle east the Palestinian Ambassador riyad months were spoke and said that the palestinians opposition to the United States moving its embassy to jerusalem was not a sign of disrespect to the americans on the contrary he described it as an ultimate sign of respect for International Law and agreements that have come before here at the United Nations which describe jerusalem as an issue to be settled during final status negotiations he called on other countries to make up for the sixty five Million Dollars in aid cut knighted states while the United States ambassador nickel halley accuse the palestinians of walking away from your Peace Process in his speech president abbas declared the landmark oslo peace accords dead he rejected any american role in peace talks he insulted the american president he called for suspending recognition of israel. He invoked an ugly and fictional past reaching back to the seventeenth century to paint israel as a colonialist project engineer by european powers the uns middle east envoy nicholai milan are also spoke at the session he warned that aid cuts to the palestinians could further destabilize the region and further undermine the Peace Process Riyad Mansour told our jazeera that palestinians have lost faith in the trumpet ministration as mediators while the c. One when the president and nikki haley say that jerusalem is of the table and there are tacking on a war and with Holding Money against this humanitarian organization which means that they are saying refugees of the then they left nothing on the table there is nothing left and if there is nothing left and they are totally in the camp of the israelis then they lost their capacity to be the mediator between us and the israelis and to be the only one that is close to the end of the process that is why we are saying we want a collective process from the International Community to play the positive impartial role between us and the israelis that that can lead to the end of the Israeli Occupation that happened on the fourth of june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and to the independence of the state of palestine with is jerusalem as its capital and therefore to save the two state solution. The u. S. Is urging turkey to stay focused on defeating eisel in syria and not get distracted by itself aeration against Kurdish Forces near its border turkeys president. Has met military leaders at the Operations Command center near the border on thursday turkey launched the operation to clear the area of us back to kurdish fighters who sees as a threat to its security heidi jocasta is joining me live from washington now heidi this seems to be developing into a very awkward situation for the u. S. Thats right and the pentagon again emphasize the u. S. Concern here over turkeys military intense offensive into syria the pentagon saying today that there is a need to keep the peace in the region and warned against the risk of an open military conflict with u. S. Troops in the region this is a point in the size by the director of the u. S. Joint chiefs of staff particularly in the frame operations turkish operations and for in in all operations in a frame that have the effect of inducing friction into the equation of making it hard to focus on why were in syria which is the defeat of isis in the afraid as were valley or negative thing heidi is there any indication that the u. S. Is still trying to persuade turkey to stop or rein in itself aeration. That certainly is the u. S. Is objective here because look the u. S. Finds itself in a very difficult position it is caught in the middle of two bitter enemies who both are u. S. Allies turkey of course a fellow member of nato and the Kurdish Militia in syria has been they the Ground Troops joining with the u. S. In its mission defeat i still so the problem here though is the two are very much against each other in a conflict that goes well before the Syrian Civil War and the warning here from the u. S. State department is that with this skirmish across the border there is a distraction against the interests of all of these parties which is to defeat eisel in syria and it was a very firm and i would say a stern call because you were extremely concerned about the situation in a free we believe that everyone should keep their eye the focus on isis and not get distracted by other things. And that about call refer to was made by President Donald Trump to the turkish president yesterday in which these u. S. Concerns were declared there are close to two thousand u. S. Troops still in syria right now the biggest fear is if Turkish Forces now approach the city of man which a lot of u. S. Forces are still stationed at which would leave the u. S. In a very difficult situation deciding how to respond rob heidi thanks very much indeed. Turkeys operation enough rain has also triggered controversy in germany where the government has postponed a decision on upgrading military tanks supplied to ankara turkey is using german made leopard two tanks in its offensive in Northern Syria its been pushing for upgrades to protect them from mines and thats fueled a debate in germany about balance approval of arms exports chancellor Angela Merkels caretaker government says it wont consider the request until a new Coalition Deal has been signed plenty more ahead in the news including another step closer to doomsday scientists issue dire warning on how humans are destroying the. A reason for celebration or shame a strain is national day attracts control over sea. And in sport simona halep sets up an astray and open final with. Both players aiming for a first major title. Britains Prime Minister to resign mays under pressure to withdraw an invitation to the Saudi Crown Prince over his countrys military action in yemen crown Prince Mohammed bin sultan is due to visit london within weeks groups including stop the war and the out of organization for human rights in the u. K. Want me to cancel his visit to Saudi Led Coalition intervened in yemen civil war in twenty fifteen stephen bell is the spokesman for the campaign to block the saudi leaders visit and a member of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign he says crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon is responsible for the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. We are calling upon the hugo government to withdraw the invitation. In our view it is not acceptable to lay out the red carpet for someone who is responsible for what the u. N. Says is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. The fact that the most recent u. N. Report indicated up to eleven million yemeni children risk i think wolf cholera famine and the blockade of the country destruction of infrastructure all this means its not suitable to but someone who is the prime responsibility for the continuation of the war opinion pose of indicated over sixty percent opposed continuing military arming of the saudi regime this is i would say brutal reflected in parliament insofar as are all the major parties apart from the gun it and d. P. Contingent are against the continuing to support the saudi. War efforts so we think that Public Opinion is broadly on our side but its necessary to organize to bring political opinion into line. The uns aid coordinator for yemen is leaving the role of a gold accepting the position for two years you know its his resignation just two days after the uns top negotiator for yemen said he would step down the u. N. Has made a record appeal for nearly three billion dollars to combat famine cholera and the theory. I leave yemen with a great deal of mixed emotion i think sadness because of the suffering thats taking place frustration because we havent been able to do more for the people this country and at the same time more and more people of become vulnerable because of the crisis i mean maher has accused a former u. S. Diplomat who quit an International Advisory panel on the range a crisis of pursuing his own agenda Bill Richardson resigned from the group as it was making its first trip to iraq and state saying he doesnt want to be part of a whitewash a military crackdown in the regions forced more than seven hundred thousand people to flee to bangladesh richardsons decision to quit followed an argument with me and mars leader also to cheat over the trial of two reuters journalists manned mars militarys been accused of using gang rape as part of an Ethnic Cleansing Campaign against the hinge or Rights Groups say the attacks occurred during a recent crackdown in iraq and state in which as many as seven thousand people are thought of being killed Charles Strafford reports from kuta prolong refugee camp in bangladesh. Fifteen and seventeen years old same e. M. R. Army soldiers tied them to trees and gang raped them the eldest sister lost consciousness was the second man began to brutalize. The army surrounded our house she says my sister and i were in the bathroom the soldiers burst in and drank this outside seven men raped me. She says passers by found them unconscious and still tied to the trees. It was difficult to walk she says but they helped us it took us fifteen days to walk to the bangladesh border. Rights groups say that the myanmar army used gang rape as part of its Ethnic Cleansing Campaign that killed thousands of people and destroyed their homes in Rakhine State they also say that myanmars Case Highlights massive floors in the International Criminal Justice System and there are questions being asked as to whether the interests of powerful countries like china could jeopardize myanmar ever fully being called to account gathering evidence in myanmar is almost impossible at the moment the myanmar government has banned the uns top human rights investigator from entering the country me and my has made a very big mistake in banning myself and also a Fact Finding Mission and other investigative teams to going in because this is exactly what the world needs to to see and hear from. First hand reports from persons like myself and others Rights Groups say the un Security Council should refer me to the International Criminal court in the hague but the i. C. C. Only has jurisdiction over crimes committed by states that have signed its founding treaty the rome statute and myanmar is not a signatory getting myanmar an i. C. C. Referral in the un Security Council would likely fail because of chinas power of veto chinas interests in myanmar a growing these include Oil Pipelines across rakhine and the construction of a deep water port the girls now live with the woman that found them in the camp four months ago. They say they heard gunshots inside their house as they were drunk the way they say their mother father and three siblings were inside is the soldiers look at the front door behind them and set their home on fire John Stratford aljazeera the refugee camp and with the. Weeks of heavy rainfall in france have caused widespread flooding in the countrys north and east rescue workers have evacuated people from their homes iris is on flood alert as of a sane is rising fast the citys mayor is blaming Climate Change for recent spells of extreme weather attach a bottom reports. Stranded restaurants and submerged bridges as the river seine in paris continues to rise its pedestrianised banks have disappeared usually bustling with workers and cyclists and now a no go zone and the city is on flood alert you know you get within we have overcome for some hate whites into floods going over six majors one in spring and the other in winter it is clearly a question of paris adapting to Climate Change you from. The city council has put in place special measures river traffic has been stopped only emergency boats are allowed and ten preflood barriers are being installed pariss world famous museums are also playing safe the louve has closed a wing and is moving some works to Higher Ground for some people here the swollen river has become something of a tourist attraction for more than one hundred fifty years parisians have used this statue as a gauge now normally the water level is around two meters and the fields of the statue are visible but as the water rises the whole body disappears now city officials here in paris say that they expect the water level to be above six meters in the next few days come a visit almost every year every other year and weve never seen the river y. P. S. And we live right down there and weve heard about the statue most of. My work in offices nearby and weve taken precautions in case theres a flood and power cuts over the past century the same has risen in paris several times but its not safe to float since one thousand nine hundred ten when flooding turned the city into a french venice flood prevention has improved since then but experts say its not enough a major flood in paris could hit the whole country it could go between a three to saute billion euros in terms of the directed damages but also discord have consequences are the macroeconomic level because there are paris richard represents one sort of the natural so it can have impact on growth under the drug market are on Public Finance to. The rising water is the result of weeks of heavy rain in france through costas say drier weather is on the way people here hope it will be just in time to prevent pariss Historic Center from becoming swamped with buckler aljazeera paris. Scientists and china have managed to clone monkeys for the first time they were born six and eight weeks ago that comes twenty years after the successful cloning of mammals which began with dolly the sheep and a hawk star as more. Meet joan was wrong and while these twin long tailed crab eating macaques have been hailed as a scientific breakthrough this libertarian china has succeeded where other researches have failed scientists at the institute of nereus science in shanghai created the first cloned monkeys hes new technique called sematic cell Nuclear Transfer the claiming process began with a monkey egg and a monkey fetus sell it genetically modified process and then a bar tree then develops into an embryo which was then implanted in a monkey eventually the babies were born was never about this process is the nuclei were transferred from fetal cells rather than adult ones thats different from the worlds first cloned animal dolly the sheep which was created from only adult cells china is the first to successfully clone primates using this method however scientists a criticized for pushing ethical boundaries the chinese process took one hundred twenty seven eggs to produce two monkeys Animal Rights activists oppose medical research on monkeys and i should point out the people argue that its not ethical to use monkey Parkinson Disease model. In monkeys which has been used of quite a factor but initial news a large number of monkeys in your largest states alone there are thirty forty thousand monkeys each year but dr tarpley. Other such as a celebration how cloning primates could help preserve species on the brink of extinction the other use is you know many primates are on the border of extinction gorillas chippie and zs many other primate species are under pressure cloning may give you a way to maintain the species given the progress in cloning primates will people be next we will never try and we have i dont think theres anybody willing to do human cloning and a society would not permit it but like any do take it all a gene once its appeal theres always a possibility of misuse for now china is celebrating the breakthrough the new bones a just six and eight weeks old its hope that they will lead long and healthy lives. There well daryn griffen is a professor of genetics at the university of kent and he says the cloning of primates is a milestone but one that raises complex ethical issues. Well i think dolly the sheep obviously is twenty years old now since that was that was first announced and since then a normal mammals have been cloned pigs called horses cats dogs and so on but the received wisdom was that primates were much more difficult to do and so in that sense its its an advance that theyve managed to do this and great credit to them from the point of view some people are concerned about animal experimentation in general. Now on the one hand people would say primates its all on the other hand people would say that there are certain occasions and this is only sort of point one point two percent of animal experimentation where only primates will do so for instance and aids research with. Really quite significantly through mechanics cognitive learning that sort of thing so the first one is the animal experimentation and second one is obviously people will say is this a clue step closer to cloning humans now in that case technically you could argue that it is but in terms of a Legal Framework and ethically we really need to ask the question why would we have a want to clone a human but first of all as we heard its unsuccessful it doesnt work very well and and also in trying to clone from adults its really really quite dangerous so in the same paper that you described they did manage to make clones from little cells but the monkeys only lasted a couple of days so its not really some place you want to go with you. Still ahead and aljazeera. In africa car is in. The plan to open up the sky over africa and to make air travel easier across the continent. Plus heavy security as one of the most controversial bollywood films in years opens across india. And in sports the young cricketers or on a world cup role the new zealand. Had off of the big freeze the not that long ago the out came down across the great lakes weve had ice chances had flooding in the northeast where the rivers just started to go again and couldnt get anywhere well many of the archons have gone because temperatures have risen and now were up above zero for new york and for toronto not like much colder in all to a subzero admittedly but not really cold there any Winter Weather showing in the next day or so in the us is going to be coming down through washington too maybe in. The over california and theres clearly some snow for you and cant otherwise were talking about cloud and rain if anything im is getting warmer ten in new york and nine in chicago doesnt like mid winter no doubt the coal return but not in the immediate future south of this and weve just been watching showers recently not that many of them the concentration of rain or showers dismal day or occasional thunderstorms has been really from panama up through costa rica to honduras believes and a shower or two big ones have been showing themselves in mexico theyre probably carry on in south america seasonal rains been quite heavy in bolivia and peru surprisingly and paraguay but the line that take sure i probably through rio has been in house recently which is good news. I mean. Its the School Election and the candidates are pulling out o. The stocks. And maybe you have leaked. Out. In this telling me as a society. Coat collar vote at this time. When the news breaks members of the knesset Israels Parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds. Up to date just what the president say in the whole country that is not the other way when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of. Aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring and build winning documentaries and live news and online. Youre watching all the zero zero reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump says millions of dollars in american aid is going to be withheld from palestinians unless they pursue peace with israel Palestinian Leaders insist a two state solution cannot be achieved if the u. S. Continues to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. The u. S. Is urging turkey to stay focused on defeating eisel in syria and not get distracted by its operation against Kurdish Forces near its border turkey is clearing the area of u. S. Backed cotys fighters i think or is sees them as a threat to its security. Human Rights Groups are calling on britains Prime Minister theresa may to cancel a visit by the Saudi Crown Prince over his countrys military action in yemen crown Prince Mohammed bin salman is due to visit london within weeks. A symbolic Doomsday Clock which represents how close humanity is to destroying the planet is the nearest its being to signaling the end of the world since one thousand nine hundred fifty three the clock was moved forward by thirty seconds on thursday by the bulletin of atomic scientists because of mounting concern over a nuclear war and Climate Change the last time the clock was at two minutes to midnight was when the u. S. And the soviet union were Testing Hydrogen bombs well richard some of l. Is a member of the south of the science and security board at the bulletin of the atomic scientists today hes joining us now via skype from college bad in california thank you very much indeed for being with us this the media tends to focus on the Nuclear Element in all of this but it takes into consideration a significantly larger group of influences doesnt it thats right although this year it was the nuclear area that was craters soon but we also look at Climate Change we look Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Concerns fire weapons lots of different social existence existential threats to one of the things that we have to be clear about is that this is not a forecast isnt it is it is an assessment of where the world is at the moment thats exactly right and were not responding to a particular you know crisis so we met in late twenty seventeen for example. And we certainly the state of the world. Changed since our meeting in what way was more or less dangerous you know. Given that they the areas that you looked at what is the one within the nuclear purview for example the one that you said that was the particular focus for. Encouraging this movement what is the one area that you see has had the greatest influence on that i think an area that was certainly near the top of our list was the fact that the north Korean Nuclear Weapons Program in a very rapid progress much more rapid than the experts in the church and in addition in particular between north korea and other countries aggressive rhetoric rhetoric and provocative actions a lot of name calling a lot of inflamed language we thought on both sides increased the risk of war either by accident or by mr occupation any movement or adjustment and they didnt say clock always generates a lot of media interest but also obviously it provokes a lot of public concern as well a couple can people do in response to the changes to the Doomsday Clock thats a wonderful wonderful question and i think one of our main motivations even having the teams that welcome going to the trouble of selling it every year is to motivate people to be concerned to learn about these issues and to make their views and consumes known to the important ones we see a lack of a concern so for example u. S. Russia relations have deteriorated was no ongoing high level talks about Nuclear Arms Control between us and russia the two countries which between them have almost all of the Nuclear Weapons in the world today and i think its this lack of Strong International action that concerns us and thats very much to america and Climate Change as well very interesting to get your point of view on this richard some of it thank you very much indeed for your time. Its been my pleasure. Catalonians parliament is set to choose its new religious regional leader on tuesday but the only candidate on the ballot is carlos close the mom who is in selfimposed exile in brussels the former castle and president left spain in a towbar after his government declared independence a referendum ruled illegal by madrid the Spanish Government is trying to block his reelection. Brazils Workers Party insists former leader luis in nothing. Will be its kind of it for the president ial election later this year thats despite a court upholding his conviction for corruption and Money Laundering its a major setback for who has been planning a political comeback. From sao paulo. As an act of defiance against a courtroom that confirms no fiction on corruption charges brazils Workers Party confirmed that the former president and there are fish a candidate for this years president ial elections that will take place in october remains defiant and he said that if he becomes brazils president again he will rule for this countrys most vulnerable on wednesday a unanimous ruling left with little room to a pupil higher courts and then trying to forty very directly to block his candidacy convicted for receiving over one Million Dollars in bribes paid by a Construction Company in the form of a renovated triplex his lawyers say that the case is politically motivated that is the victim of political persecution and that there is not enough proof to condemn him. What we saw was that more than once president lula was convicted without ever having committed a crime the votes read during the day by the Appellate Court judges were not able to demonstrate any elements that would indicate that a crime had been committed. They also said that if you one right are being violated you will always continue appealing to the higher courts and the party says that he will be the candidate and till the very end but he could be detained along the way something that would increase the tension the polar ice station and the political turmoil that already exists in this country. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has confirmed he will seek a second term in an early election thats been rejected by the International Community the economy is on the brink of collapse and more than half a million venezuelans are crossing the border into colombia for better opportunities alessandro than p. R. T. Is in the border city of kokoda where many are sleeping on the streets and fearing deportation. Over a thousand venezuelan are sleeping on the streets of this border town in tents in hammocks or lying on sheets of cardboard in pliers in sports fields escaping hunger back home in the way i would never have imagined living in these conditions the hardest is not having a bathroom or water there are children and pregnant women here during the day they look for any job they can find until recently most of the tens of thousands who cross through this footbridge into colombia with sell low cost food i think spare set oranges or bread in exchange for hard currency and go back at the end of the day many still do but an increasing number is the saving to say. York city used to be a policewoman in beliefs where the butter salary was enough to feed their children. Now shes selling what she can to buy a twelve u. S. Dollar bus ticket to colombias coffee fields giving it i love hoping to find a job and send money back home but not in so far every other day to save enough and leave to work i am told i can walk. Out or he does have started registering the new arrivals promising shelters with basic facilities but on this night Migration Police arrived striking a different tone. Your border move billeted car does not allow you to live here you have seven days to leave if we catch you again you face fines and deportation two of them lacking documentation were indeed taken away from me like i dont. Feel cheated they said they were here to offer better conditions instead they took our documents and told us we must leave but we cant go back. Some local politicians say most people are against providing shelters for its sending the wrong message that they can come here and receive shelter and food. Already has many problems and high unemployment we need the International Community to intervene but theres sympathy and compassion to be found with locals delivering desperately needed food. We need to be welcome in colombia as well welcomed in venezuela for many years during our civil war now it is our turn to help as much as we can. A long Term Solution to describe this may not be found in a sandwich in a so there but it will help these venezuelans get through another night on the streets i listen them. Three people have died and ten others have been injured in a Train Derailment in northern italy the train was packed with hundreds of commuters heading to work in milan rescuers climb through the sides of fallen carriages to reach passengers trapped inside the rail operator believes a broken track may have contributed to the accident. The death toll from an attack on a couple hotel has now climbed to twenty five the thirteen hour standoff at the Intercontinental Hotel began on saturday taliban government gunman targeted Foreign Workers and guests authorities are still looking at how security was breached c. C. T. V. Footage shows the armed men werent searched before entering the hotel. Now buying a ticket to fly anywhere in africa is notoriously expensive and pretty difficult to rules and regulations mean passengers often have to take the long way home the idea of a single air space was first proposed about thirty years ago now it could really take off at a meeting of the African Union in ethiopia on your page reports. Ethiopian airlines is spreading its wings across africa buying parts of other countrys National Carriers the expansion is expected to be boosted by the African Unions launch of the single is space during its summit in edison this week mark potter who runs the African Diaspora forum in south africa hes originally from ivory coast and constantly feel travel complaints flying in africa. Are when. But to get burns on your have to dig three different flights and i could not believe. When when i fly to france after ten hours this is. Ireland i mean another continent africans often have to fly to european cities as transit stops first before flying on to african countries journeys that should last hours sometimes take days not only does time consuming and expensive air travel keep families apart but it hinders Economic Development easier travel will help africans do business with each other another important priority for the African Union. Prosper about see is the chairman of the Pan African Business Forum the entrepreneur runs a charter Flight Company to help Business People get around the lack of direct routes as well as liberalizing is space for African Airlines he says the a you should be charging interNational Carriers more to fly in Africa Africa as this is all is this where everybody coming to whatever he wanted you cant do that in the u. S. You cant do that in europe but you can come to africa you can fly in the anywhere its to be regulated into that theres so much billions the Airlines Association of Southern Africa says a single is space could provide a major boost to the Continental Airlines if you look at the whole question of International Aviation into africa eighty to eighty two percent of the passengers are carried by International Airlines and the eighteen percent is owned by African Airlines so theres a huge disparity between. The United Nations says up to the year twenty fifty more than half of the worlds population growth will be in africa or the launch of a single is space is a step closer to meeting their travel needs and aspirations tinier page aljazeera johannesburg. The number of Homeless People sleeping on the streets in england has reached record levels a new British Government report estimates four and a half thousand people are sleeping rough but Charities Say the true scale of homelessness is much worse theyve baka reports from london. David costas been sleeping on the streets of london for more than a year its a bleak existence so noisy is really. Is shes there with the call youve got to deal with people you know the. On ice sometimes you know he lost his job as a carpenter and couldnt afford to pay for housing hes now worried about his Mental Health just walk Home Invasion a roof over my head and maybe get it you know she she she she adopted to get my head back together and go back to work. One of the wealthiest countries in the world war more people are now living on the street many are struggling with addiction mental physical illness others are escaping violence and abuse but an increasing number here simply because they cant afford to live anywhere the situation is made worse by a critical shortage of Affordable Housing and cuts to social Welfare Benefits according to the governments latest figures there are more than four and a half thousand people sleeping rough in england streets but the scourge of homelessness doesnt end here hidden away in bedsits and temporary emergency accommodation and thousands more Homeless People of all ages the entire Homeless Population of of Great Britain is around about two hundred fifty thousand people roughly think this is the most visible and and i have to say the most outrageous form of homelessness in terms of you know it being absolutely unacceptable the average age of death is just forty seven years old youre seventeen times more likely to be attacked on the street than anybody else the government says its committed to harvey sleeping in four years and eliminating it all together in a decade. But this is not an isolated story homelessness is on the rise in every european country except finland in the greek capital athens as many as one in seventy residents are homeless and in paris the number of people sleeping rough has reached critical levels. In finland when a person becomes homeless theyve given stable accommodation first rather than slowly progressing through levels of temporary housing the British Governments planning to trial a similar scheme in the u. K. But those forced to sleep rough need real change now. Aljazeera london millions of australians will celebrate their national day on friday to be a Public Holiday people will hold parties and set off fireworks but others will boycott the festivities because many associate the day with colonialism the date marks the anniversary of british settlement and for some its seen as an insult to indigenous australians under thomas has more from sydney. Australia day january the twenty six marks the dates when the first british settlers arrived in seven hundred eighty eight to set up a colony and what would become sydney every year millions come out to celebrate life in whats often called the lucky Country Survey suggests most dont know why their national day when it is last year one local council in Western Australia moved its events to a different date it did so because many Aboriginal People say the twenty sixth of january is the anniversary of an invasion which is led to the massacres of indigenous australians and injustice that continues today the twenty sixth of january represents a dire morning and the death the misery in the suffering of Aboriginal People the mayor of Fremantle Council who initiated the move of events to january twenty eighth was painted in traditional colors as a sign of appreciation not that you cant think of a better day than general twenty six so hard to think of a worse one what we want to do is offer people a choice another alternative that we hope was more inclusive and actually more unifying around what it really means the biggest rally in fremantle it turns out was the start of a trend since last year more councils in australia have said that this year cancel Australia Day events or move their dates and nationally the debate has grown a statue of captain cook the explorer who found australia for the british was recently defaced with change the date graffiti some prominent australians are calling for change including a former tennis star you know why the twenty six when they stay is so painful for these people having seen that i just have to i just have to support them but in sydney on wednesday at a debate about changing the most argued against the twenty sixth of january. Time. If it wasnt for that particular day. Because it means. Each year the. More people learn about the history that leads to. But change the name and name of the day use the morning of january the twenty commemoration. Then. Change the mood. Hindu nationalist groups have targeted cinemas in parts of india for the opening of the bollywood film that the film depicts a romance between a hindu queen and a muslim king protested say its inaccurate and disrespectful the uproar caused the release dates to be delayed for two months charlotte ballasts reports. Release day for padma vos and cinemas nationwide resemble security checkpoints the bollywood blockbuster has already provoked months of protests by some members of the hindu community. On earning day cinemas braced for more reaction. The film portrays a fourteenth century hindu queen who belongs to the high rajput cost and. A muslim ruler the Sticking Point was an alleged romantic dream sequence between the characters seen as a step too far by right wing hindus it never existed but the room is where enough the lead actress to pick a pope to coney to receive death rates. Into activists from she rushed put conny santa seen by many as a hardline nationalist group of late proteus and several Indian States anger escalated last week when Indias Supreme Court rejected bids by four states to ban the film. Community lives only to protect the country the religion and one selfrespect. Can be noticed in a crowd hes disciplined never flees a battle and is always ready to die yet. This debate over whether their concerns are relevant historians say there is little evidence the hindu queen existed and a confident shes a fictional character and a super poem fans of the movie project at the protests apart from all the corner was he. Is a wonderful kind of movie creates good always what watching so you know i miss out on this one just because of one controversy. Its only politics they want Media Attention why dont they just watch the movie as entertainment this is nonsense. Hardline him do ism is on the rise in india some say emboldened by Prime Minister Narendra Modis Hindu Nationalist Party indians are waiting to see if theyll be further reaction to the movie at the box office or on the streets charlotte dallas aljazeera. It is time for the sports heres andy thank you very much our fourth member of the usa gymnastics board has resigned after former team doctor lara nasser was sentenced to up to one hundred and seventy five years in prison for abusing young female athletes the u. S. Olympic Committee Says the entire eighteen person panel should now quit on wednesday nasa pleaded guilty to ten counts of Sexual Assault with testimony being heard from more than one hundred and fifty victims gnostics governing body in the u. S. Has been criticised for failing to protect its athletes well earlier i spoke to the u. S. Force its an example youre part of he says judge aqualina decision could be a turning point in the countrys social history she slammed the gavel and said his time is up and i think that her actions. And the way she addressed him and looked directly into the soul of a monster and said this is over and cindy sentencing him to forty to one hundred seventy five years in prison on top of the sixty years he was sorry hes set to serve for Child Pornography Court cases was an iconic moment not only for usa gymnastics not only for sports but in our culture for the silence thats been covered up by not only individuals but institutions around this country and around the world we really didnt begin talking about it and some of the sentencing and that shows whats wrong in our culture is that when one person is silent it leads to a culture of silence and we should be talking about this much where else is going on is that not just usa gymnastics we also have usa swimming head being told that he should be fired in a letter to usa swimming in relation to not adequately addressing sexual abuse of assault allegations being made against usa swimming so there is so much more here to uncover and were not really talking about enough as we should and i think that we should talk about this more. There will be a first time when if the womens Australian Open title on saturday carranza snacky and simona halep will meet in the final whoever wins will also be claiming their first grand slam trophy Tatiana Sanchez reports. Topped the mono hull it had never reached an Australian Open final before but this was to be her day. To romania german former world number one and julie khabar on thursday after a lengthy battle to go one set told hallet stormed ahead taking the first of five games in the deciding fed cup before back but couldnt outdo the world number one who showed like ten to five a time a Nation Saving two match points. That paying off giving her a six three four six ninety seven when. I was in this position in french open so maybe i can make a better match i can make you just. Make it more relaxed and making like a normal match i dont want to think about the result has i did during this tournament and was a great feeling going on court just to fight for the both for the games and not for the match just step by step it was just a battle at the end and its just one or two points which decides the match and for me yeah i mean i get everything and this is what i will tell myself. Shell faith another former world number one caroline both the iraqi whos also three to have first Australian Open final if the danish second the dominated for much of her match against leith martin both me akki both of vive the late third by her twenty two year old belgian opponent to clinch the match six three seven i i think i was here in the same finals two thousand and eleven and i was serving for the match against lena and i had a match point and i lost it and i was there for him right out there today but you know i just tried to just try and stay calm and i was like its a good going to win over now he has yet to win a grand slam title and this is just the that grand slam final for the twenty seven year old i tatiana found out is there in the mens draw is also reached his first ever Australian Open final knocking out britains carl edmund at the end was aiming to become just the fourth british monsour reach a grand slam final since the open era began in i think sixty eight of the crowd here straight sets went to hell face either or federer or chong in sundays final but really good i mean today was just a little bit different tends to be done in the measure the rough in that match i lifted my game a lot and the energy was really good on the court and i think overall im feeling really good things in life at the schools thanks to my guys. Making me work hard and i think i use a great team over here now i have the two days off so its going to be a nice one and something Manchester United manager jerry say marino has signed a one Year Contract extension with the club now tied to united until twenty twenty the fifty four year old won a couple trophies during his first season in charge and said in a statement he felt he was the right manager for this great club for the foreseeable future. Jimmy dont some has a one shot lead after the first round of the dubai desert classic the washington carded a ten on a par round of sixty two rory mcilroy return to form also continuing after a three month injury layoff the former world number one finished third in abu dhabi last week and hes well placed on seven under. The rise and rise of afghanistan as a global cricketing force has continued at the under nineteen world cup afghanistan had beaten hottest new zealand by two hundred c. Runs to reach the semifinals last year the country senior team was granted full test status as well this on the nineteenth saying next faced australia as they puts away in a first world sites that is only sport for not more lighter than our correspondents give you a lot more on all their stories that theyre telling thats photographs behind the scenes stories and background thats on the website aljazeera dot com thats it for me for this news are rob out there some place will be with me ill be back in a moment with more of the days news also your. The frustration. The new poll ranks mexico city is the pulled worst in the world for Sexual Violence many women are attacked while moving in the crowded spaces of the metro buses and even at the hands of taxi drivers the conversation starts with do you have a boyfriend youre very pretty young you feel unsafe threatenings think about how to react what do i do if this gets wests no money on the uses a new service its called lal droid its for women passages only and drawn by women drivers. To some extra features like a panic button and twenty four seven monitoring of drive as the current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in a colonial cost point of view to thank nonagreement was a close victory for the new political realities on the ground or increasing the sense of uncertainty over kuhn is the rhythm out there with the need to do that underneath and how to come face to the neighborhood kind of been. A struggle overnight at this time on aljazeera. Well that money is not going to them unless they ship down and negotiate the. Us President Donald Trump threatens to withdraw aid money to palestinians if they dont

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