Going. There the rebels want russia and the Syrian Government to stop bombing passive in the air strikes have killed twenty civilians including women and children in the past twenty four hours the oppositions accusing the government and its allies of using banned weapons including cluster bombs and napalm on civilians. Also the kurds are boycotting the saatchi meeting and theyre the focus of a Turkish Military operation in Northern Syria and group views their fighting groups as terrorists at least fifty one civilians including seventeen children have been killed near half leaned. In the news eisel says it was bad an attack on a military academy in afghanistans capital kabul eleven soldiers were killed and sixteen others wounded in the gun battle near the marshall vehement National Defense university five of the attackers were also killed the same site was the target of a suicide bombing in october in which fifteen officers died now it comes two days after a suicide bombing also in kabul killed at least one hundred three people afghans are blaming the government for failing to improve security which stark rahim is a Regional Security specialist he says the recent attacks by isolate the taliban against government targets have different aims. First and foremost they have been fighting each other on the battlefield they have been facing off more often against each other instead of the government particularly in eastern afghanistan we have experienced a lot of fear or she is fighting between the two groups. As late as two months back then they faced each other in who get the district of eastern afghanistan where they fart and release c. D. s back to us against each other and they have been trying to challenge each other in terms of captured in the territory are trying to send a message in terms of who holds a party in the afghan context and then you object gives our different taliban look at the effort to take or the up on government whereas isis believe in lot of this killer fatah. Sort of governance attaching themselves to the middle east and isis and the a bit they try to announce themselves as a wing as a province as a state of that big isis. Governance structure so theyre pretty differ different in terms of the interviews in terms of the object is and the way they operate the second and final day of the African Union summit is underway in the ethiopian capital the meeting is focusing on the tackling of corruption and conflict across the continent leaders have also been discussing ways to fund the fifty five bloc. Now leaders on sudan egypt down ethiopia have been meeting on the sidelines of the summit over a dam project on the nile by ethiopia sudans a foreign minister told us the three countries have agreed on a mechanism to reconcile their differences. I can tell you that for now the dispute is over and i hope that this would not be a temporary reserve lucian. The two president s and if those who dont met the president met also with the Prime Minister individually and then today via love to the meeting was held issues were discussed in of it through our spirit and for our commander and the city president agreed to address the issue of the. Sporadic fighting continues in a even after what yemens government called an attempted coup by separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates the interior Ministry SaysGovernment Forces are now in control of the city including the office of the Prime Minister on sunday at least twelve people were killed and one hundred others wounded southern its the session its for the army for control of government buildings also were given the government is battling the rebels and theres dozens of the fighters have been killed an ass trying says Ground Forces push to take control of the eastern part of the city up back with more news in thirty minutes next on out of there we continue with struggle over there now to stay with us. The novel. The worlds longest river. A seven thousand kilometers a lifeline for almost four hundred Million People. Flowing north the nile runs through ten countries from the highlands in the heart of africa to the shores of the mediterranean sea. A source of sustenance but also one of tension even the potential conflict. These tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in the Nineteenth Century. Colonial decisions of the past. Are a point of bitter dispute today. And new political realities on the ground are increasing the sense of uncertainty over who owns the river nile. In september two thousand and five a team of explorers set off on a unique journey up the nile river. Like you say for the not to be the longest running journey in the world. Led by new zealand adventurer a chemical a team aimed at being the First Expedition to travel up the nile to its furthest source. The first stage of the trek through egypt and. Proved a breeze. But then the explorers encountered the sued the Worlds Largest swamp. And found the. Swampy area of one thousand kilometers long and three hundred kilometers wide is now hell. Is just big lie and water its incredible. The sued means obstacles in arabic and it has proved just that a labyrinth of waterways that has hindered expeditions. Macleans team managed to navigate their way out of the swamp. Off to ninety days of travel overcoming tremendous obstacles they eventually arrived in rwanda. At a tiny spring which they determine to be the southernmost source of the nile. Today but clay is settled in uganda where he runs a Whitewater Rafting business in the city of. Jinja here on the nile you know your life and its good its mine im sure they believe that im. Just a few kilometers away from the clays business stands this list a monument to a past mile adventurer john manning speak. Speak was a british explorer who arrived here almost one hundred fifty years earlier eighteen sixty two. He came in search of the answer to an age old question where is the source of the nile. The Royal Geographical Society in london was established in eighteen thirty. It houses the maps navigation tools and personal belongings of famous explorers from the Nineteenth Century. Men who were in the grip of a romantic obsession to discover the source of the nile. For europeans the exploration of the mile is probably the biggest goal drives their enterprise in one thousand century because its seen as the largest the most important river and also because there is this long heritage or History Associated with it. Rather than trying to cross the sued area in southern sudan explorers in the mid one thousand nine hundred. Another passage via the island of zanzibar. During the Nineteenth Century zanzibar was an arab kingdom controlling the trade route from india into africas interior. These arab traders facilitate european exploration its the year of the arab traders for example who began first to report that their great lakes or a great like in the interior of east africa. Based on this information the Royal Geographical Society sponsored expeditions into the heart of africa. In eight hundred fifty seven using zanzibar as a starting point john hanning speak cross to east africa and ventured into the hinterland where he found a huge lake he believed to be the source of the nile. Three years later on a new expedition he travelled around this lake today known as Lake Victoria to discover the nile flowing out from its northern side. A roll call of famous explorers ventured into the continents interior to build on speaks discovery. Men such as samuel baker David Livingston and Henry Morton Stanley helped complete the picture about the true source of the nile. Back home they were lauded as heroes with monuments built on of them but others saw them differently it was mistakenly called to discover that you know most of the books in the plus they use that speak to discover the night as if you was a fust you might have been through the night when actually. He was a fussy european to see this as of the night but i want to discover it because he was even so and this is also denied by the africans yet. The Royal Geographical Society helped push the boundaries of exploration and empire. But this age of exploration is seen by many as a precursor of colonize ation. Most of that is most of these people were explorers but Intelligence Services in their own countries made use of their experiences for them that. They were not only british but also belgians and french. Theyve served the people and the situation in these areas. They then pass this information on for colonize ation and. Armed with greater information the age of exploration began the scramble for africa. The continent was up for grabs. To divide the spoils european nations convened at the berlin conference in eight hundred eighty four where they saw i stop the african continent into spears of influence. Britain had formerly occupied egypt two years earlier in eight hundred eighty two to control the suez canal the strategic route to india the jewel in the crown of the british empire. In berlin it was decided the nile basin region would fall under british rule. When the british to control you to night and to to the very soon realized that they had become rudeness of a society that a totally dependent on the nile so they understood. From the very beginning that the konami development of political stability to depend upon my control. To assert control upstream the british established what it called the east africa protectorate in one thousand nine hundred five comprising what is today kenya and uganda. The next step was sudan a territory ruled by egypt since eight hundred twenty. With their domination in egypt the british persuaded the egyptians to sign an agreement in january eight hundred ninety nine for joining rule of a sedan. In reality joint rule was a fig leaf for british command. Here in the president ial palace in khartoum to this day a museum houses portrayed of former governors of sudan. The paintings are testament to a time of british dominion. You know what in fact the british master the art of ruling sudan they completely sidelined the egyptians. The governor general was british the commander of the army was british and so were all the high ranking officials in the administration. Controlling the Great Lakes Region source of the white nile the british next turn their attention to ensuring hedge of money over the blue nile the rivers of the source originating in the ethiopian highlands. In may nine hundred two the british signed an agreement with emperor men like the second of ethiopia in which he promised not to build any dam that might. The flow of the blue nile to egypt. Feeling they had secured the full length of the nile britains Decision Makers in london began to put in place the next phase of their master plan economic gain. From quite early on the british also decided to transform egypt into the cotton fall of the textile industries and lancashire in the. British reliance on egyptian cotton began to increase. To boost the harvest the british set out to revolutionize egypts irrigation system a system dating back thousands of years. They gave a oddity to the baltic countries denied countries their old engineers what the plan is remain down from the colonials service and teed experienced guys. Given a lot of plans another Political Freedom so that they really can take the nile and head. The british came up with the idea for a dam in southern egypt to hold back the nile flood and use its waters for irrigation. Construction on the ass when low dam began in eighteen one thousand nine. It was officially opened three years later at the time it was the largest stone dam of its kind ever built. Britain wanted to ensure the full flow of the nile reached egypt to maximize cotton production. No one else upstream was allowed to siphon off any of the river. For have some strict orders were laid down regarding the use of the nile water because the british were concerned about egypt not only all island for example they banned sudanese fondness for using it water pumps unless they obtained permission from the egyptian irrigation authority. And. Britain discriminated in favor of egypts claim over the nile. The british expected the egyptians to be thankful but they were to have a rude awakening. In one thousand nine hundred nineteen following the end of the First World War the egyptians revolted against British Occupation and demanded complete independence. They were led by a fiery nationalist called saad zabulon. With such sentiment on the rise the british look for a way. Cowered the egyptians into submission. The river nile egypts lifeline was an effective political weapon and the british had in mind a Perfect Place to use this weapon. The get zero region in sudan between the blue nile and the white nile was an area with the potential to become the largest cotton growing region in the world. They had to dance to motives of two main strategic and is that they can see us again or wrong to increase the cup. Production in sudan for the benefit of the british taste of history secondly this hue if it is not really in control of the know is really through saddam and his who has a power and. The business has a power in saddam. British attempts to intimidate the egyptians only further inflamed nationalist sentiment. A crisis point was reached when in november one thousand nine hundred twenty four celine stack commander in chief of the Egyptian Army and governor of sudan was assassinated while driving through the streets of cairo. The assassins were arrested and sentenced to death. But the murder of the british official was a turning point in london now found its reason to implement the good zero scheme. What they did was that ok you killed the governor general then the will take more work from the nile as a punishment so this was the first time in practice that stream power punished the in power youd. For the vote with. Britains trump card was this an odd dam completed in one thousand nine hundred twenty five. Built on the blue nile in sedan it would help the irrigation of the gears here area. But it also delivered an ominous signal to the egyptians for the first time in their history a dam built outside of egypt would affect the flow of the nile into their country. Nationalists however continued to mobilize Popular Support against the British Occupation. Cooler heads in london began to realize that relations with egypt were deteriorating fast. Something which could threaten british control over the suez canal. As before the river nile became a useful Political Tool this time for compromise rather than coercion. In maine One Hundred Twenty Nine notes were exchanged between the british high commissioner in egypt george lloyd and the egyptian Prime MinisterMohammad Mahmoud pasha. This diplomacy led to a landmark agreement in which britain awarded egypt exclusive control over the full course of the nile waters from egypt point of in the night to twenty nine agreement or sickles and victory. Because here the british said that well and now is in a definitive modernise and and it has a with a right to stop its upstream if they dont want any. By signing the nine hundred twenty nine agreement with the british so to coopt the egyptians. No such consideration was given to the Indigenous Peoples upstream who were not consulted even though the river originated in their lands. By the early one nine hundred thirty s. Britain was becoming increasingly concerned with a growing menace closer to home. At the end of World War Two in one thousand nine hundred forty five britain was no longer the mighty empire that could claim control of a large parts of the world such as the nile basin. After the Second World War britain came out of the war in jet brits economy came out very much a device that it and the u. S. Now the theme of the world. The United States stepped forward to assert itself more boldly on the world stage in places formally controlled by the old then piles. In one nine hundred fifty three u. S. Secretary of state John Foster Dulles became the first time ranking american official to visit cairo. Dulles offered Financial Support for the construction of a massive new dam on the nile in southern egypt. But three years later the offer was withdrawn. The americans had become suspicious of egyptian president Jamal Abdul Nasser as nonalignment policy. At the same time the withdrawal of the offer provided an opportunity to undermine british influence john thousand dollars and the American Government that understood quite clearly that one way or crushing the influence of the british imperialists in this area was to make them powerless when it comes to the now question became clear that everybody. That was of the americans decide it and the bridge had to just fall off as said prior to. Despite the withdrawal of Financial Support for the construction of the ass one high dam nasa chose to push ahead. In july nine hundred fifty six nationalized the Suez