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South africas controversial president is asked to step down by the ruling a. N. C. But it sets no deadline. The u. S. Secretary of state warns World Leaders that stopping i saw on the battlefield does not mean the mission is complete. President c. C. s rivals in trouble of aid to egypt ex military chief of staff is also detained after threatening to release top secret files and. Taking over the Winter Olympics. Hits the heights with gold in the. South africas embattled president has been asked to step down the Ruling African National congress has recalled jacob zuma after rejecting his proposal to buy more time in office the partys top level executives have this past held a press conference confirming that theyve given the controversial leader on notice to leave office after nine years zuma faces hundreds of corruption charges but has refused to stand down before his term ends next year. Confirm that it wants seumas deputy civil run opposed to become president of the country. Certainly believe this Situation Requires us to agency in or that was the our congress was very top levels of unity in iraq. And the whole we are therefore determined to restore the integrity of the public is a situation of intrigue of the businesses and asian economies going to cover. And some of them up close. Or true is the. Motions of. The. Cause. Of go. Live to johannesburg and all serious. For a day where does this get us we expect to pay and see to give the president a forty eight hour deadline but as it is or nothing much has happened. Well you dont know about that the press briefing is over im sure the message out of the headquarters of the a. N. C. Behind us will be received with mixed feelings by South Africans yes the a. N. C. Has said we can from that we are recalling president jacob zuma this was an opportunity for the a. N. C. To come out with a decisive plan come up with a strong message and then they caved i suppose by not giving a deadline and not being firm when it comes to exactly when jacob zuma has to leave office so they continues to be this uncertainty confusion and im sure frustration around what direction the a. N. C. Is taking jacob zuma according to what the secretary general of the a. N. C. A said earlier jacob zuma wanted about he was six months to stay in office for this transition period as theyre calling it two to conclude over that period it seems the a. N. C. Was certain ok jacob zuma has to go but they say the bone of contention was the period over which the president leaves office now this is what a smuggler surely has to say earlier. This is over. The space. Tourist board. We have. Needed. To produce for. Two. Years a very good. So for me the a. N. C. Wants. To be president of South Africa Jacob Zuma says he wants this transition period of three to six months and whats to stop him holding out his term of office it doesnt officially end until next year hes committed no crime as far as a court of law is concerned. And thats whats very interesting coming out of the a. N. C. The secretary general again its said that were not removing him because hes done anything wrong and i think that would be really frustrating for South Africans because they would to welcome this admission or some sort of acknowledgement around why jacob zuma has to go but the Party Continues to sort of pad whats going on not fully accepting of the the the frustration by South Africans the bad leadership by jacob zuma and just how much hes embarrassed the party if he doesnt resign the next step would be a motion of no confidence in Parliament Opposition has said this is what theyre doing they want the motion of no confidence they have secured they wanted brought forward but also earlier the a. N. C. Had said this move by the opposition is this red an opportunistic so theres a really tells us that even if this goes to parliament the a. N. C. Is not going to vote in line with what the opposition wants in terms of removing jacob zuma dissolving parliament to certainly not having elections in about ninety days thats also what the opposition is calling for so this still this confusion and uncertainty around what exactly will happen next when exactly jacob zuma will resign what he might have secured when it comes to in principle saying yes i will resign we dont know when we dont know what form this will take and we also dont know what will happen with regard to these motions of no confidence a scheduled in parliament a budget speech that you later this month a state of the nation address that was abandoned that it has now been postponed indefinitely so the africans are still waiting for me many thanks they dont exist minute there in johannesburg with the a. N. C. Has been holding talks on zuma face since december when a new Party Leadership was elected so what can we expect to happen next if the president refuses to step down well the decision to remove zuma as head of state doesnt constitute. Usually unseat him from office thats up to parliament if he refuses to step down as we said the a. N. C. Can table a vote of no confidence against him in parliament the vote needs the support of two hundred and one m. P. s out of the four hundred. Sit in parliament for it to pass if that happens then the entire cabinet would have to be disbanded at a new president appointed within thirty days lets bring in grant masterson whos head of the Program Governance at the Electoral Institute for sustainable democracy in africa hes live for us in johannesburg it looks like the wily old political survivor has managed to do it again or at least buy more time he understands the internal processes of his own Political Party very well and he understands how to buy as much time is certainly possible and yes youre right it seems that prison zuma has been given a thought stay of execution but we do know because the instruction has been given that the anything expect him to resign and that he will not be the president throughout the full term his second term in office so we do know now officially from the end the that they have instructed the president they expect him to resign and what it would be unfortunate dont know is exactly when will it be the three to six months that the president is talking about or will it be sooner which would certainly be the preference of the a. N. C. And in easy here the any see at least that the secretary general said that the any see was keen to return stability to south africa and integrity and its Public Institutions by giving the president this soft stay of execution as you called it though theyve hardly done that have they. Well the recall is real it is a Political Force that the president would be very ill advised to resist he of course can constitutionally resist it but he would essentially be the worst of lame duck president without the support of his party in parliament but of course if this is all about buying time and then of course the a. N. C. Not setting a deadline was i think a little bit soft on the president and certainly not what a lot of people were hoping to hear there is a strong desire for clarity and for this method to be resolved now it has been dragging on for at least a couple of weeks and of course since president running for that was elected in the symbol we knew that this was coming and its come now and if if jacob zuma to be believed its come far too soon for me wasnt ready for it and he wants more time at the end he secretary secretary general said that that the executive committee which was keen to do all of this in a dignified manner help us get inside the mindset of jacob zuma here he knows hes got to go the executive committee has told him that hes got to go why does he want this three to six month deadline why not why not just go. Yes i mean this is this is the tough part is that the recently concluded press conference did not take South Africans into the conference very much we dont have a lot of new information we dont know what have the private talks between the president of the country and the president of the a. N. C. Sarong oppose have been about what have been the sticking points what have been the demands from the president zuma to resign voluntarily and we dont know why this three to six months we have speculation we can jump to conclusions but the a. N. C. Has given us very little new information that was not already an officially in the Public Domain by giving us this press conference and so this this is going to continue the speculation is going to continue the uncertainty and this is very problematic for constitutionally required processes that are coming down the line within the First Quarter of twenty eight in the National Budget has to be passed and this can only be passed by the cabinet and the minister of finance speaking on behalf of the president and we dont know which president will be delivering that particular budget to this African People and there are economic consequences to the delays as well we have the International Ratings agencies looking very closely at the ongoing Political Uncertainty and giving consideration to the ratings that they give the credit worthiness of the country which obviously has not gone effect economically grant really gets to achieve anything states of being with the scrum boss in janice both. U. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is warning but the end of combat operations against eisel doesnt mean that the fight against the group is over hes been speaking at the Global Coalition to defeat eisel in kuwait hes called for members to step up commitments to stabilize parts of iraq and syria that used to be on the ice will control to listen also since the us has pledged two hundred Million Dollars for syria but when asked which country was responsible for the creation of i saw this is want to listen had to say. I still emerged out of circumstances in iraq and syria there were certain territories that werent totally secure and the entire atmosphere allowed idol to emerge and they emerged from chaos and anarchy in the region thats why i still were able to take control of vast areas of land and thats why our top priority is to prevent eisel from establishing its caliphate or recruit further operatives or hold training in preparation for future attacks but joining us here in the studio is abraham frye has his conflict resolution professor at the Doha Institute what do you make of that answer well it was diplomatic answer a vague basically he said nothing because yes we know i mean our key is a cause for they about one of the start of. For i still working in these and i can see there but the question should be asked actually who was responsible for creating this aldgate yet and one key factor behind this the creation of the saki was this extending government in baghdad Nouri Al Maliki government that was supported that equally liked by washington d. C. So by the u. S. Government and thats why actually he tried to avoid answering the question really referring to aki as being the two things of interest that came out of Rex Tillerson statement at that conference one that i saw remains a determined enemy and is not yet defeated the other thing he said he spoke about the gulf crisis the blockade of cattle he said the u. S. Is of the opinion that reconciliation of the restoration of gulf unity is in the best interests of stability and security in. Whole region well thats actually a very Important Message because it also reflects the development in the u. S. Position that was divided from the one of this of the gulf crisis as we saw the division between the state Department Position that time but many. People around him and on the other hand so for this to continue the message that in for sizing reconsolidation the goal of the unity of the Gulf Cooperation Council is important and at this particular stage while he is talking about. War against isis i think there he is sending a clear message that the United States supporting this unity and the end of the crisis and supporting the kuwaiti mediation and this which is. Basically for the crisis itself is that no fear of the nation is expected from at least from the United States and this conference in kuwait was all about raising money for the rebuilding of iraq and in places that have been devastated in iraqs fight to get rid of isolate from its territory. And yet to listen announced that hes giving two hundred Million Dollars to help stabilize areas in syria. That used to be under eisel control and very little in the way of financial promises anyway to to iraq well this lacks this existence the message of a lack of a Clear Strategy and a clear leadership of this legal structure and process actually we can talk for longer about the management of this the construction process and how mismanaged it is to be quite honest with you in my view any post conflict reconstruction reconstruction process has two aspects two sides one is the heart of where what i call it and one is the software i mean theyre talking about you know fund raising and you know some building of houses and damaged properties is this is the hardware of the reconstruction process. But the most important thing get actually which is the Software Process which how to read which is you know represent things like how to begin the trust of the people how to engage the Iraqi Community the iraqi different communities they like a society in the process how to allow for and facilitate for that if they are of that if he is that you know the result of the war how to fight sectarianism in iraq that also came as a result of this war these are actually the tough questions and unless these Software Issues of the reconstruction reconstruction process are not the result the hardware process the hardware aspect of it will not be sustainable will not continue because you need a percentage of government in baghdad that all different communities including the sudanese who are marginalized during you know the past years to feel that the baghdad government is a truly representative of them thats when that he construction process succeeds thats when its complete and its not only about opening roads and rebuilding go forward as while leaving the software on the side iraqs Prime Minister said that he wanted to raise one hundred billion dollars for reconstruction in iraq ahead of this conference hes been sorely disappointed well the biggest disappointment actually that with the foreign minister of iraq they think that what they need immediately is about twenty two billion dollars so lets see lets assume that theyre going to succeed in raising one billion youre still twenty one billion short it was for the. Need for the reconstruction process that again and there are on top of those that are no good signs that even the one billion that they are raising well and again like back to your question about the u. S. Role this is not making any pledges and making the two hundred Million Dollars for for syria not for reconstruction in iraq always good. Many thanks indeed him for i hope we can take you out live now to work you eat city out a series of some he said and has been. Following that that Conference Since its beginning what are what are people there sunny making of of what Rex Tillerson had to say. Well we had to say quite a lot of adrian about the next stage for this Global Coalition to defeat i saw if you want to perhaps boil it down to one term its the phase of preventing the resurgence of ice all things like stopping foreign fighters he said from being able to get to their ranks preventing them from doing fund raising preventing them from being able to convey their ideology to people as part of their recruitment efforts was also interesting that he also said that what we need is communities need to be guarded by forces put around them some clarity needed there whos going to provide forces where are we talking how are they going to be guarded but he made a point of saying that previous experiences with defeating armed groups in the region of failed due to a resurgence of militant groups coming back and taking over in areas where theyve been pushed out and he wanted to make sure that communities arent left vulnerable again he also had some things to say interestingly right out of the top of the bat about the gulf crisis his first opening remarks in the press conference what about the importance of reconciliation how its in the interests of all parties he called it counterproductive to have this split between carter on one side and the boycotting countries of the g. C. C. He called it. Counterproductive dispute and said the United States was using all of its influence to encourage a settlement in the interests of g. C. C. Stability adrian. As far as the Donor Conference for iraq raising money for the rebuilding of our areas that were destroyed in iraqs fight to rid itself of i saw. How successful has that been. Well that is the big question how successful has it been the question ive put it to several iraqi officials and theyve said well to be honest up until now we havent had any formal commitments coming other than of course the ngo part of this conference n. G. O. S have committed to over three hundred some three hundred thirty Million Dollars that they say they will contribute to various humanitarian causes we do know from some u. S. Officials are talking about how the u. S. Will an ounce we dont know if it will be today now there is a press conference involving the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the iraq reconstruction conference in a couple of hours so that may be the venue but what u. S. Officials are telling us is they will make some kind of financing and now its meant may not be money it could be you know facilitation for finance in other means so how successful will come down to how much money will come in but ill tell you this adrian the focus on this conference is really about trying to get the private sector in to invest money in iraq the sort of private message you get from government officials particularly the u. S. Is that theyre not interested in nation building theyre not interested in massive amounts of money being donated to iraq they want to encourage the private investor to come in and invest the money now that sort of arrangement situation i mean that takes time really to tell how much investment will come in from the private sector will have a better idea perhaps as i said in the company of ours when we get to that press conference thats the way its been looking here sorry many thanks i was there some he said live it q eight city. Still to come on the program a confidant of the impeached south korean president is given twenty years in prison for corruption. The Asia Pacific Region is Largest Military exercises begin in this controversy over just whos invited well tell you more. Im having. Heres a Curious Development egypts former Anti Corruption chief. Has been detained his daughter says that thirty policeman stormed his home in cairo before leading him away has recently spoken out of the arrest of. A former military chief of staff now and was a detained last month after saying that he was going to run in the upcoming president ial election. Warns that top secret files would be released if a man was harmed in any way egypts incumbent president of the fattah elsisi will be running for a second term in march or earlier said that he was speaking out about his about the documents because he believed that some airlines life was in danger. Had hoped an opportunity had be given to the chief of staff summing anon to give the testimony freely and without intimidation for the record so that all things come clear before the public testimony mere hearsay are supported with evidence he is in possession of documents and evidence which is not camps here in egypt out of egypt yes could these pieces of evidence change the course of trials of course no doubt could they incriminate yes. Well the arrest comes amid growing concern over the elections in march Fourteenth International and regional groups have signed a joint statement accusing president sisi of stifling basic freedoms by arresting potential candidates and their supporters they include Mohammed Anwar sadat the nephew of the former leader anwar sadat who withdrew in late january he said it was to protect his Campaign Workers from intimidation or arrest former Prime Minister ahmed ahmed shafik tweeted his withdrawal from the race earlier last month that was after he was deported from the United Arab Emirates where he was living in exile should fix lawyers say that he was arrested as soon as he landed in cairo another president ial hopeful was the human rights lawyer khalid ali who quit two weeks ago citing unfair conditions within the contest and then theres army colonel ahmed consol who was sentenced by a military court last month this to six years in prison after announcing his plans to run in the election Mohamed El Masri is chair of the Journalism Program at the institute for graduate studies hes with us now in the studio curiouser and curiouser lets lets start with this this arrest of the bill the detention rather of the anticorruption chief going to what do you make of that why i think its interesting i mean on the one hand i dont think its very surprising that sami on then would have evidence of corruption i wouldnt say of crimes committed by Egyptian Government officials evidence has been presented by Human Rights Watch Amnesty International scholars analysts News Networks so it wouldnt be surprising that a man has access to some additional evidence what i think this underscores though is the extent to which that there is a schism inside the egyptian egypt and power apparatus a lot of this is kind of come to light over the past couple of months as we approach this upcoming president ial election but i think this is what we want to keep an eye on in the coming weeks and months u. S. Secular state rex breaks to us and what if he was in. Carter was asked about what was going on with with the election in egypt and. He made some sort of bland comments about that the u. S. Wanting to see democracy and basic human rights in any chip his counterpart the egyptian foreign minister told the us to the bus hours that that it was but that it was egypts own business what are we to make of that right well you know the United States is sort of been guilty of kind of aiding and abetting this this government for the better part of four years under the Obama Administration and now under the under the trumpet Administration Tillerson took a little bit more of a hardline stance stance than his predecessor john kerry but still i mean at the end of the day theyre still providing diplomatic support theyre still providing military support funding to the egyptian to the Egyptian Government. But theres no question about the human rights record theres no question that egypt has regressed on a number of fronts obviously the Upcoming Elections arent free and fair theyre not transparent its a its a sham election as we would expect would come out of an authoritarian political environment so who was is driving this this this campaign against anyone who dares say that they will stand against president sisi unless of course they have the right political credentials i mean is it is it somewhere within the ranks of the military is it further up is it the president himself oh i think its i think theres no question that what hes been trying to do for the better part of for four and a half years now is consolidate power purge the military of anyone who he who he deems as disloyal and i think he was really taken aback by the fact that ahmad shafi of consent and decided not to support him and in fact to even run for president so but he still has some work to do i mean there are still some purging to be done because there are still clearly loyalists to and then shift and perhaps other military figureheads inside the apparatus ok really good still to many thinks Mohamed El Masry the. The race to exploit Gas Resources is causing friction in the Eastern Mediterranean turkey has warned greece cyprus and Foreign Companies not to explore for gas in the aegean eyelets coastline turkey has been a long running dispute with cyprus over maritime boundaries. We recommend Foreign Companies dont allow themselves to be an instrument of issues that surpass their limits and strength by trusting the Greek Cypriot side their show of strength last only until they see our ships and our planes we would like to remind them that such businesses cannot be conducted by secretly having pictures taken on secluded pieces of rocks by sending exploration ships with agreements that have no legitimacy. The trial of a palestinian teenager charged with assaulting an israeli soldier will be held behind closed doors the military judge overseeing a had to me this case banned media from the courtroom as proceedings began the seventeen year old was arrested in december after a video of her slapping and hitting an israeli soldier went viral to me is facing twelve charges and could spend up to ten years in prison if found guilty harriet forces has more now from outside the military court near ramallah in the occupied west bank without trial is ongoing. So the trial proper had some meat is now under way with this two are proceeding on tuesday the prosecution once again set out its case against the seventeen year old shes charged with assault and incitement among twelve charges the defense set out its case that this entire process is illegitimate the result of an illegal occupation the main difference between what we saw today and the pretrial hearings is that the judge decided the media outside observers would be allowed to witness proceedings inside the court i think this is one of the court is because the court decided what is good for the court and not what is good for i they understand that people outside of the military court are interested in i understand that her rights are being infringed and her trial is something that shouldnt be happening so the way to keep it out of everybodys eyes is to close the doors and not allow people inside the court for her hearings whats also clear from todays proceedings is that this will be a lengthy process i mean he was detained in mid december its now mid february the next hearing in this case is for march she is one of according to estimates about one hundred eighty hours to an minors who are being detained during the course of the Legal Proceedings against them and there are estimates that more than three hundred palestinian minors are being detained in military prisons in total and so this is obviously a very high profile case but its one of many. Cycling again continues to wreak havoc through the South Pacific here with the latest on that its weather some folks well i mean we just found that the system started to reorganize itself but the good news is that the center of the storm the either storm is not expected to pass over land this weekend slightly but its still quite a bit east if you have a look at the system here just in the process of crossing the date and thats the line you can see but the eye of the storm becomes rather more obvious as we go on through the past few hours it will lend make its way just down towards the southwest so still quite an active storm its this weekend as i said but winds still in excess of two hundred Kilometers Per Hour nasty system this one and we are expecting it to move to the south of New Caledonia eventually heading towards new zealand will be a very different beast by the time it does get to new zealand it wet and windy weather certainly in the offing here north of the equator we do of course have topical storm sandy the winds not really an issue as far as this one is concerned but look at that rainfall total three hundred millimeters thats sort of quantity of rain that we are expecting the storms now moving away from central parts of the philippines of the moment has just passed through those central southern areas there and in some regard we had two hundred thirty one millimeters of rain in just twenty four hours it will push a little further west which as we go on through the next twenty four hours so the showers becoming fewer and further between the u. K. Theres still be some showers around on wednesday but a must drier and brighter day and a quieter one two for thursday avian. Many thanks for the news hour from aljazeera still to come on the program. On behalf of the government the struggle im sorry ten years after historic apology a strain is former Prime Minister kevin rudd reflects on a Pivotal Moment for Indigenous People plus. Im gabriels on do it fashion week in new york city where some of the biggest brands in the world have decided to take their show elsewhere coming up ill tell you why. And in sports an overview olympic gold for one of skiing all time greats. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems challenging systems and shaping. Its about creative thinkers shaping the continents future. Africa at this time. Aljazeera. Entry. It is good to have you with us adrian for that in here in doha with the news out from aljazeera our top stories this hour south africas ruling party has recalled president jacob zuma after failing to convince him to step down the African National congress and zuma must leave office for the sake of political stability and economic recovery but it hasnt given him a deadline to do so. And u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is warning that the end of combat operations against eisel doesnt mean the fight against the group is over hes been addressing a meeting of the Global Coalition to defeat eisel in kuwait. One of the center of a scandal that brought down former south korean President Park geun hay has been jailed for twenty years for corruption trace and still was found guilty of using our friendship with park to meddle in state affairs for personal gain attention going to aim ports from seoul. Choice soon shell might be the most disliked public figure in south korea at the moment many say she deserves the twenty Year Prison Sentence and the more than sixteen Million Dollars fine shes been ordered to pay just. To be honest she was convicted of more charges than i expected and the sentence is also a heavier than i predicted this makes me think that the court was taking this very seriously prosecutors say to as coersion bribery and abuse of power led to the impeachment and removal of her friend and former president poc hey she was convicted of pressuring Companies Including samsung to donate millions of dollars to foundations she controls twenty says this is political revenge shes being framed and treated unfairly given the sustained outrage this case is generating some wonder if the bias against her stopped her from getting a fair trial trade is now the face of corruption between the political and Business Establishment the case has transfixed south koreans on tuesday prior to her verdict treys name was trending on the countrys Biggest Online Search Engine everybodys been watching this its got a kind of soap opera o. J. Simpson kind of quality to it this whole trial right people really obsessed about it. After the verdict was announced there was fighting and screaming among hawks supporters outside the court room theyve been monitoring the trial a verdict in packs case is expected soon. Im here because choice court ruling really influence parks case significantly. This is the biggest political scandal in south korean history the first time a president was impeached and removed from office analysts say there is too much power concentrated in the presidency and history will repeat itself if the political system isnt reformed. Then when the impeachment happened because of trey and because of impeachment posing pietschmann politics have become unstable and we have seen normal political procedures i think trey should be responsible at meter wrong doing and apologized to the people thats more important and now many years she will spin in prison. Remains defiant and has not apologized but many believe the courts lengthy sentence sends a warning to others and a message to the people that their outrage has been heard natasha aljazeera so north koreas leader kim jong un says hes satisfied with this weeks talks with south korea on the sidelines of the Winter Olympics assistant at the delegation on the story of three day visit during the trip she extended a rare invitation to the souths president when jane to visit pyongyang kim jong un praised south korea for hosting his delegation and called for more reconciliation talks the u. S. And thailand have been criticized for having man ma at Major Military exercises in eastern thailand the countrys presence comes despite accusations that myanmar soldiers have committed ethnic cleansing in Rakhine State wait hey reports now from the war games in rayong. These are the largest joint military exercises in the Asia Pacific Region this year more than eleven thousand soldiers from twenty Nine Countries are taking pass but it was the presence of one man at the Opening Ceremony that attracted a lot of the attention and observer from me and my i was invited despite his armys alleged involvement in human rights abuses at home at the ceremony the Us Ambassador to thailand tried to avoid the subject ambassador why did you not push back stronger against me in my involvement in this is. I would accept the premise of that question im very happy to let our colleagues address your view of their presence up of the truth this. Is not a participant nation. But they still here i was sitting right on the right made me here and there are theyre not part of the exercise here glyn davies boss secretary of state ricks to listen has previously called the violence in west in myanmar ethnic cleansing. One of the main focuses of cobra gold this year will be training to provide humanitarian assistance which is added to the criticism of the me and my militarys involvement given its role in the refugee crisis that some folded in Rakhine State. Thats now the only part of the ten day program that the myanmar representatives will observe critics say passing the blame on to thailand for me and mas involvement is unacceptable for the United States if thats the case then you have a situation where the worlds most powerful military in the world is outsourcing decisions as to who to include in its Largest Military exercises in the region to another country which is problematic in and of itself this will be the largest u. S. Contingent in years as it tries to rebuild relations with thailand which soured after a coup in two thousand and fourteen its also been criticized for that given that thailand is still under military rule wayne hay Al Jazeera Rayong thailand where miles government has signed a cease fire agreement with two of the countrys armed groups the new long state party and the law who Democratic Union both signed the agreement although neither have engaged in active fighting any is at least ten other armed groups are yet to agree to go to negotiations facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi made the Peace Process a top priority when she took office this despite the armys crackdown on the hinge of muslims in northern Rakhine State. Colombias last rebel group has destroyed power lines and part of a bridge with explosives he l. N. Says that its imposing a three day blockade after the government refused to resume peace talks can be as president Juan Manuel Santos suspended the negotiations earlier this month after a series of bombings that killed seven Police Officers britains Charity Watchdog has begun an inquiry into how oxfam handled allegations of sexual abuse the charitys deputy head has stepped down over the response to Sexual Misconduct allegations against its staff oxfam is accused of trying to hide the findings of an investigation into the use of prostitutes by aid workers in haiti and chad the u. K. Government is threatening to cut aid to the organization over the scandal a funeral has been held in but for pakistani human rights activist as much a hunger thousands paid their respects amid tightened security and lahore to hang it died on sunday at the age of sixty six she was a fierce defender of women and minorities and openly criticized pakistans military intelligence and right wing Political Parties u. N. Secretary general Antonio Gutierrez said the world had lost a human rights giant its been ten years since a strain apologized for forcibly removing indigenous children and their families and putting them into state institutions the then Prime Minister kevin rudd stood up in parliament and said sorry to whats been the known as the stolen generation a decade on he reflected on the moment with answers here as Andrew Thomas has been a part of this and it has been a Central Campaign promise and in february two thousand and eight three months after being elected australias new Prime Minister apologized to decades of institutional racism and abuse as Prime Minister of australia im sorry on behalf of the government of the struggle i am sorry. On behalf of the parliament of australia im sorry how did you feel giving that speech ten years ago. I felt as if i had a responsibility and the responsibility was to begin to set riots the wrongs who had administered to indigenous australians for the previous two hundred years or more watched by australians across the country rudd was specifically saying sorry to the stolen generations tens of thousands of people who as children had been forcibly removed from their families to bring them up often institutions as part of white australia instead. You talked in that speech about a new chaps a new beginning a new start has it been yes and the reason it has been is that you cant be good in your relationship with somebody which is being breached and ruptured and this youve apologized thats the first step but the second step is a more practical one what do you then do to make restitution for the things that have been done wrong and thats what a National Program of closing the gap between the lives of indigenous and nonindigenous australians over the last ten years has been about the Initiative Also launched in two thousand and eight was to close the gaps in education Employment Health and Life Expectancy between indigenous australians and everybody else but targets being missed and still all being missed and monday ill start with foreign minister just three of sevenths hollings are on track as the strike this year what would be kevin rudd of two thousand and eight make of progress or lack of progress on those closing the gap targets i would answer that impossible question by saying that i am pleased that weve made real progress. And equally brutally realistic about where further progress must be made so when i see changes in the number of indigenous babies who survive rather than die when i see real changes in the number of indigenous four year olds who can now go to preschool and real changes in terms of the number of indigenous kids finishing high school i say were beginning to turn the corner but it is like. Turning the queen mary around it takes time and just three of the seven targets that were laid out being met is that disappointing to you. I would like of course to be on track for all seven but the bottom line is in all seven the trend is up and not down in three we are on target to achieve the objectives we set and they are ambitious objectives ill be more worried if the performance was further down you can choose one of either of two courses in history one is to reconcile of the second is to simply sweep it all under a very uncomfortable and untidy carpet which is what many countries have done mr rudd insists indigenous australians are better off today because of his apology a decade ago Andrew Thomas al jazeera canberra just ahead here on the news hour. In the region of south korea. Skiing weather. All these goings. For her. In the in. The way. Up i mean with all the sports this thank you very much adriana wong of the teenager has been taken over the slopes at the Winter Olympics seventeen year old american chloe kim a has won gold in the Womens Health pipe her success follows the slopestyle one on sunday for a teammate and fellow tina red jazz camp and teared herself to fans by tweeting about her desire for an ice cream tree in the event the young snowboarder had been in the big hits and kyung tongue even before this performance due to her south korean parent. I think you know having my family to be there through the whole process was so helpful and ive surrounded myself with such amazing people that they definitely made it much easier for me. Yeah i mean i feel like i got to represent both the u. S. And korea today and im very honored to have been able to do that. Now while the Winter Olympics is a huge global event organizes are concerned about how many young people are watching a survey and south korea before the games showed those aged under twenty were largely indifferent about the lympics wailings reports. If summer olympics are the biggest the cool olympics coming winter there is a vibe amongst competitors and spectators that can give the games a youth appeal so why did Market Research in korea before the games thanks such a worrying picture for really big bosses the survey said under thirtys particularly the twentys were more excited about such a four years ago than their own guy but the International Olympic Committee Says its evolving to appeal to the younger market weve developed the program specifically in certain ways to reach out to young people through youth focused events its a big part of a limb pick a gender twenty twenty its a big part of what were doing with the Olympic Program generally you see that coming to life here in pyongyang you see the results with you gauge men of young people in the way that the Young Athletes themselves are responding to that energy there is plenty to attract young people its not just the sports but the sound a look particularly fresh events like slopestyle despite the bitter cold and wind it was ninety percent skill and ten percent fashion parade with plenty of teenagers competing. But sport is now consumed in a different why the i. O. C. Feel that connected with new generations by the events by include the buying gauging with them on social media platforms is it working well this is known as coffee straight in the gunman coastal area many of the events take place in a cost the cost to here and theres plenty of visitors. That you dont like it when i talk to my friends stay dont seem to have such a great interest in the olympics because young people dont have the spare time to be interested in the yemen my older friends seem to know about the event because when i talk to them younger friends dont seem to have to be interested and become more and different and then theres the sports a huge deal in korea first its spread so fast globally that tens of millions prefer it to traditional sports it cant be ignored but its not part of the olympics yet does that mean well see a sport on the program of the next Olympic Games really going to games probably a step too soon right now its about engagement through the olympic channel through our partners out of that Community Find ways that we can engage with them and see where that takes us beyond the. The young koreans weve spoken so these lympics already started im proud but across the ocean some are on the sea about the guns being used as a Political Tool why barely does on those of north korea the International Olympic committee knows it needs to reach out to the young koreans on the younger generations everywhere to keep these five Olympic Rings special lee wellings aljazeera. Austrias marcel her show has won gold in the mens combined skiing events we know of a record six consecutive world cup but titles this is her she has first olympic title the combined discipline and consists of the downhill and runs. Medal chances in three more events at least. Ill swear this fourteen reality of koreas combined womens hockey team has well and truly kicked in for the second straight game with the unified lineup of north and south korea was beaten eight nothing often opening to feet against switzerland this time it was swedens point the poles. For the first curling medals have been handed out to canada won the mixed doubles title history to stem it to tell you about the games roots and its modern day rules. Curling is one of those sports that baffles a lot of people its the one on ice with the rocks the brooms and the sheltering and if you think it looks like something from the middle ages well then yes you can think of medieval scotland for it this competitive stone that is made of granite and weighs almost twenty kilograms its going to have to glide about forty five meters to reach a target that looks much like a bullseye from above what you have is two teams of four and they will take tunes throwing the stones that are rotated so they could go as they travel down the ice hence the name cooling to help it along the way the schiphol caps and yells are directions to two other players who sweep the ice ahead of the stone with the brooms the friction melts the ice and allows the stone to glide faster to its target and from here its all about points get your stone closer than your opponent and you get a point at the olympics this process is repeated fourteen rounds or ins it actually is incredibly tactical perhaps what cooling is known as chase on ice as have a look at how the medal table is looking on day four germany are still at the top just behind our the netherlands and therefore gold all coming end speedskating. Well number one color was an iraqi is the Star Attraction at this weeks qatar open shes entering a new phase of her career after winning her first grand slam title Helen Gleeson has made. Caroline wozniacki is no stranger to life at the top of womens tennis but the feeling of being a grand slam champion is still brand new. Its just a couple of weeks since the twenty seven year old beat simona halep to win the Australian Open in what was her third slam final returning to the top of the rankings in the process. In recent seasons the likes of. The have struggled for consistency after the highs of their first major triumphs but after waiting so long for this moment that isnt something that is worrying was the. Bulls awesome i think. Just enjoying myself enjoying the ride and theres been a lot going on the last couple of weeks and im just here trying to do my best to try and. Fight my hardest and then we see what happened was the accu career has been in the spotlight since she first became number one in the well back in twenty ten she dealt with constant questioning over whether she would ever win a grand slam title and many have written are off as recently as eighteen months ago when her ranking had fallen to just seventy four in the wilds but now expectations are high again and she has the new pressure of trying to back up have a major breakthrough. Player prakash. Experience will help her cope with this new challenge think its a little bit different than some of the younger players who all of a sudden are thrust into the spotlight carolyns been there for a while shes lost a couple of very tough finals notably one to the u. S. Open so i think she has a little bit better perspective shes a slightly older player so i think with the court well trying to hold on to number one spot is the immediate challenge. And just three hundred forty nine points ahead of her that im with many to defend having reached last years final. You know ive achieved my first year and i think all of that is so huge so for me and whatever happens for the rest of the year you know its still going to be a successful susan. It seems was the akhi is taking this new chapter of her korea right Helen Grayson aljazeera doha. And thats it for me adrian many thanks indeed now new York Fashion Week is in full swing but theres less glitz on the runways this year because several top designers have chosen to skip it the reason a focus on all the shows in europe has a. Explains. Everybodys. A frantic buzz of activity before the big show. Me. To carry his collection is all about ultra chic and comfortable travel garments from the colombian born designer edwina dangelo new York Fashion Week its a very important platform for myself and for emerging designers like myself because the offers an opportunity of excitement where everybody wants to come to shove they want to be part of of this week well emerging designers like dangelo still flock to do yorks fashion week some of the biggest design houses like a school or. And tom brown are skipping it this year the fashion industry is in turmoil the way people buy their clothes is changing fast and fashion week in new york has become less important to the high end brands as a focus on european buyers and big shows in europe the lawn london and primarily paris paris is the crime to look crime of fashion week thats where chanel and Christian Dior and these brands that that we know as real Luxury Brands show its incredibly competitive and its also a matter of money runway shows can cost anywhere from one hundred thousand dollars and upwards to a Million Dollars and even some of the biggest names in fashion dont want to spend that much money brands are starting to look for different ways that they can introduce their apparel their products to consumers without the costly and sometimes really ineffective ways it used to be. Fashion label rag and bone gaev. Up on a new York Fashion Week runway show and instead got creative they introduced their new collection in this video to reach more customers and drum up excitement it certainly doesnt fashion week is dead far from it there wasnt an empty seat at dangelo show just needs with some of the biggest names not here. So what the little guys get for the spotlight gabriel sagal how does either your the days top stories straight ahead on aljazeera see you in about. A life time of emulation struck by stroud copying. Selling reproductions can pay the bills but frustrate the artist. A pilgrimage to discover his hero inspires an awakening that its more rewarding to create than to imitate. Dreaming of vincent a witness documentary at this time on aljazeera. We headed to Jerusalem Bureau covered Israeli Palestinian affairs we cover the story with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we dont dip in and out of the story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman its also very important to get journalists to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the United Nations and global the onus for aljazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks happen and what happens here matters. A unique portrait of a small gulf nation living under siege what made this to friends was they targeted said. That pain to be forced to leave would just be all and the gains it has given us the desire to carry on with our lives and be creative maybe upturned on its normal part of business the public has become more united. Beyond the blockade at this time on aljazeera. These explosions were not an act of war. These Nuclear Bombs were experiments by the soviet union. To the kazakh people you lived in the vicinity the motives make little difference rewind silent. At this time on aljazeera. I dont know what it would not been but lets leave it to theres very little room for south africas controversial president is asked to step down by the ruling and save it sets no deadline

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