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A Global Security conference in munich. Security cross the middle east which has been brought to the for. Ten years of independence for the legacy is mixed the scars of war and ethnic cleansing are still apparent with entire communities still living in. The nation remains on recognized by dozens of other states and hungarys Prime Minister state of the nation states with an election just weeks away but what is the third chance for the chance of a third consecutive term for a man whos continually classed with the e. U. As a migration and its critics and the media is on. Facebook has come under fire once again over how your household data has been collected and. The belgian government have all those details. In the hash tag. You know what the news great to live on air and streaming online through you tube Facebook Live and at aljazeera dot com and there is a stern warning from israel to iran dont test us Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the declaration at the Munich Security Conference in germany where there was a Heated Exchange of words albeit in separate speeches on the same stage netanyahu called iran the greatest threat to the world and to reinforce his point the Prime Minister stood before the audience during this holding up what he says is a piece of the iranian drone or an iranian drone he says shot down by israel over its territory earlier this month israel will not allow irans regime to put a noose of terror around our neck. We will act without hesitation to defend ourselves and we will act if necessary not just against irans proxies that are attacking us but against iran itself and then the riposted irans foreign minister hit back saying it was netanyahu is aggressive Foreign Policy causing instability in the region and i aim to distract from problems at home from israels invasion and subsequent aggressions under been on its illegal occupation of palestine and its almost de the eagle incursions into syria in space to attempt to create. Images to blame others for his own strategic blunders or maybe to evade the domestic crisis that facing his hash has been covering this security conference for us from munich you know it almost reminded me hashem of like a Un General Assembly situation where leaders get a chance they stand there they say what they want about other countries and carry on with the next speech. Indias come a great deal of saber rattling today in the munich conference where the israeli Prime Minister saying that his government wont allow iran to further expand in syria particularly the idea of this land corridor or the stretches from to have on all the way to the North Eastern part of syria on the mediterranean the israeli Prime Minister says hes concerned iran is trying to build Permanent Military bases inside syria and also a naval base on the coast which hes concerned could be used by hezbollah to launch attacks against israel something that has been dismissed by the Iranian Foreign minister. Who says basically that the problem there with the region has been facing over the last four decades is basically mis steps by the americans by the israelis and by the saudis are saying that these are the ones who have to be held accountable for the mess that you see in the region lets rattle one further saber then hashem and that is that saudi arabia how do they fit into the mix at least today in you know. Form is that religion was basically saying exactly reiterating of the same position of his country over the last two years which is basically the accuse iran of destabilizing the region spreading radical ideology and that they are using their influence in places like yemen like syria to further expand their influence but also to undermine sounds of arabia lets listen to what i village of a hard to say. We cannot afford to put up with the when the revolution penetrant supports the reasonableness sanction for terrorism is because it supports terrorism. We didnt mention them the International Community did the reason you promise to action for violating Ballistic Missiles accords is because it does and the reason they are going to sanction. On Human Rights Violations just because it does so there has to be a fundamental change in the Iranian Regime it would be for iran to be treated like a normal country. The song words actually say she is counter because they should have been here over the last few days here in security Conference Live the region in tatters the live on is defense minister said that if israel decides to attack his country lebanon is ready to respond and the United Nations envoy to syria Staffan De Mistura said that the regional into through interference in syria and across syria poses a serious threat to the region asking all the parties to come together negotiate an inclusive political settlement to the crisis in syria and saying that if that doesnt happen i still could go back come back. At the Munich Security Conference thank you hashem Andreas Krieg is with us in studio good friend of the grid an assistant professor at the Defense Studies Department at Kings College london so. I think hashem said saber rattling i said it earlier insecurity its giving off this feeling of insecurity do you think were getting any closer to you know a worse situation in the middle east based on what we hear iran and israel say if you look at the title of the conference it was about it to the brink and back i think were law closer to the brink here actually when you listen to that the specially the saudis the iranians and the israelis i think theres a lot of tension in the middle east and the tension now is not so much between israel and the arab world its more between those who support iran and those who are against iran and i think the saudis are now on the on the side of the israelis trying to somewhat gather is some support especially in d. C. For a potential pre neary attack or a precautionary attack if you will against iran and the question is whether the america road to do that now but wider than that circle that you talk about saudi arabia. The United States who else could potentially be in that circle supporting something against iran im trying to get an idea because its easy to point iran out as the bad guy here who else is on board there now i think this is a new conservative if you will not i wouldnt say a conspiracy you see but there are a great range of people who jump on the n. T. Iran narrative by saying iran is the biggest problem hiding behind the wall of saying its very easy to point fingers here in a very in a quite my situation the middle east is as in stable as it hasnt been for many many decades probably at its most unstable at this point and you know the border between israel and syria which for many years was relatively predict predictable and stable is now being somewhat the the ground zero for potential escalation of this proxy war between israel and its iranian proxies now there are a white range of different groups who are interested in trying to point the finger at iran by saying iran is supporting terrorism iran is supporting instability in the region and the iranians have a good point to say actually no its not only us were responding to something its a chicken and egg its not about whos actually starting you know this is a huge circus thats going on there in munich in reality all of them are to blame all of them have a role to play in what is a proxy war in syria all of them have a role to play in the arab spring where they have funded or supported opposite sides of the conflict you know it draws in turkey as well you know theyre part of this conflict as well draws in russia which is part of the conflict as well and all sides are blaming each other for something that theyve all kind of exacerbated tell me about saudi arabia in this puzzle as well saudi arabia traditionally obviously a very big power in the region but as you also pointed out closer to israel certainly on the iran issue where does it fit in with its as you can through the gulf crisis and terrorists for oil i mean its funny how the saudis are now opting to to stand with israel or against iran rather than standing with for example qatar a country which has always been somewhat in the middle on the fence on many of these issues saudi has tried also in the in the u. S. And in part of the gulf crisis was trying to win over. The new conservatives in washington and in london and in the west bring them around and say look we have one big problem that is iran we and its very easy for the saudis to do that because this for them its a way out of getting themselves out of this problem because they have been blamed as being the main sponsor for terrorism all along a lot of evidence has been provided that they have been in the past and now its easy for them to say actually no its not us its actually the iranians and now more recently they said its actually been the countrys since about putting the blame that was put upon them on other people and the israelis are now playing suit you know then right there following that kind of narrative and so do a lot of conservatives in washington who see the world in the middle east which is very complex as black and white good guys versus the bad guys and iran is just playing that role of being the bad guy while everybody is really to blame for where we are at the moment and what is needed is dialogue rather than confrontation i think its another day in the middle east the thing that i sometimes wonder is great pleasure to see you again thank you for your time so what do you get in touch with us on that story or any of the stories which were covering here come you can tell details on screen now hashtag a. J. Newsreader already had some comments coming through on the live stream at Facebook Live dot com facebook dot com slash aljazeera its true that iran is a threat to the world says this viewer do put your name there if you wouldnt mind as well but the impartial but be impartial add north korea and others who are more powerful threats to the world as well theres the whats that number plus nonsurvival for one triple one for now im better now but also a telegram channel if you use telegram hop on there find out channel they contribute to the conversation there the hash tag is a. J. News grid right were going to get a quick look an early look in fact at the rest of the days news here is Lawrence Taylor in london. Thanks to the funerals of two palestinian teenagers shot and killed by Israeli Forces in gaza have taken place but deaths have added to tension on the gaza Israeli Border following an explosion that injured four Israeli Soldiers in the area israel blames how massive for saturdays blast it launched a series of ground and air strikes on eighteen hamas targets in the Southern Gaza strip several palestinians were injured in israeli raids how does the. Should the escalation continue and they continue to hit targets its the resistance to see to retaliate to the Israeli Aggression and protect its Palestinian People the resistance will never allow the creation of new facts on the ground regarding the fighting in the car the strip if the aggression continues then the resistance has a say on what is going on here a force that has more from the funerals in rafah. But were here for the funerals of two Young Palestinian men two seventeen year olds one is selim. The other a dealer will shaker and hundreds of people have turned out to commemorate their lives there was shot by israeli fire at the border between gaza and israel last night israel says it targeted a group of people who were trying to breach the border fence of course it came during the course of some of the Largest Scale attacks by israel on gaza in several years it is just the context notable that many Young Palestinians have been trying to cross the border into israeli territory looking for work there been tens of arrests in recent years so theres been no claim of any fighting group on these young individuals who are being laid to rest here today overnight or last night Israel Attacked eighteen separate how muscling sites tunnel being dug towards israeli territory they said weapons manufacturing site they said military compounds there was a rocket fired from gaza territory towards israel it struck a civilian house no injuries and that all of this of course following the explosion on the border in which four Israeli Soldiers were injured two of them seriously this is some of the heaviest fighting that weve seen since the twenty fourteen war it does represent the tense situation here in the light both of the donald trump declaration on the u. S. Recognition of jerusalem as israels capital and also the worsening humanitarian situation here in gaza which many in israel as well as here talk about being having a potential for renewed conflict a fire has broken out at one of tibets missed sacred temples videos posted to social media share gains and joking ministry in last engulfed in flames on saturday the ministry is more than a thousand years old and is listed as a unesco World Heritage site its not clear how the fire started or how extensive the damage is. So bob was president has paid his respects to the Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai who died on wednesday and visited tenderized family home in the capital harare where a Small Service is being held sixty five year old died after a long battle with colon cancer chandor i formed the movement for Democratic Change and was a staunch critic of former president Robert Mugabe his funeral will be held on monday in blue hair southeast of the capital that does all the brothers and sisters in the come together india mon former Prime Minister and who thats really let us move forwards is the people in the unities to develop before and okereke is foreign minister has condemned a march by hundreds of far right supporters in honor of a pro nazi World War Two general rally went ahead in sofia on saturday night despite calls from the government the us embassy and several jewish organizations for it to be scrapped the Foreign Ministry says any act glorifying nazi ideology is absolutely unacceptable. Thats it for me for now but to come on and that we thank you for that the iranian president Hassan Rouhani has ordered an investigation into a plane crash which has left sixty six people feared dead the passenger aircraft disappeared from radar fifteen minutes after it took off from the capital tehran its an awesome an Airlines Flight which is traveling to yes sewage in the southwest of the country Emergency Service is struggling to reach that crash site because it is in the mountainous is for han province near the town of summit on the phases more now from from ten. Some details are known about the plane that crashed today in iran which had sixty six people on board and investigation into the crash has shown the plane left. Airport in the southwest it flew through the Mountain Range but due to bad weather and lack of vision the plane collided with dina officials believe all sixty six passengers have died rescue teams havent yet managed to reach the crash site because the area is rugged and difficult to reach. Its been ten years since the republic of course of proclaimed its independence from serbian theres been a mixture of celebration and reflection there were traditional albanian folk dances performed in the streets of pristina the capital of a country where the main ethnic groups lead largely separate lives it was back in one thousand nine hundred eight that thousands of mostly Ethnic Albanians were children the cost of a conflict and more than two thousand people are still unidentified lying in mass graves but as one put it on the map here really quickly and actually zoom out so you get an idea of where this all is pristina the capital there if i assume that you start to see the borders of course of iraq in the middle there but it sits positioning right in the middle of all these countries serbia to the north montenegro Bosnia Herzegovina as well you have albania where the Ethnic Albanians come from macedonia it is right in the middle of this whole very contentious area but kosovos independence from serbia came at a heavy price yes the war the ethnic cleansing of course but also a very fragile sense of National Identity the war itself was fought between the federal republic of yugoslavia which controlled kosovo and the cause of our albanian rebel group backed by nato in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine around thirteen thousand people were killed mostly Ethnic Albanians today one hundred ten un Member States do recognise kosovo as a country but serbia and its russia ally its ally russia still refused to along with china india and crucially five e. U. States as well which means the future requires some compromise serbia must normalize relations with kosovo before becoming an e. U. Member and kosovo did also agree to give areas with a majority ethnic so population a degree of autonomy as well but the mutual suspicion between the albanian majority and the serb minority goes on kosovo in fact faces a growing epidemic of lawlessness in the northern dominated region that is where Andrew Symonds is the divided town of where serb political leader was gunned down in the last month. Its a daily ritual lighting candles and paying respect to a politician murdered a month ago in this lawless city all of the event of a leader of a minority cause of a party spoke albanian and had been trying to foster better relations with the government in pristina he was shot dead and no one seems to know who did it organized crime is rampant here and there are suspicions there could have been a political motivation he pulled out in the movie you can see in people how unsafe they fail and they are if you talk about it but work says me the most is that many of all of his friends and my friends have left mature and more considering at. This journalist whose office still bears the evidence of intimidation nearly three years ago also believes things are getting worse that they are. Ive been a victim of theft and burglary ive been attacked but those are things that happen to people he every day in savannah beaches made up people species have definitely increased its because he was so well respected. On the south side of me tributes the majority cause of our albanian population has been celebrating ten years of independence its in contrast to the north where the serbian flag flies kosovos government ministers accuse their serbian counterparts in belgrade of meddling in the affairs of this city making its dysfunctional. This bridge taking us from the Southern Side has been renovated it feels new but ten years after independence was announced theres still division here this is a gesture of defiance before we even get into the North Building work comes to an end here because of disputes with the kosovar serb local authorities that have cause months of delays because of his Prime Minister knowledge is there are big difficulties but he says the crime problem is being tackled we are in process of integrating the north of rule of law very suspect the special effects of the community and you integrate the community in this is my approach but that approach is met with cynicism theres no mention here of independence or integration Andrew Symonds out zero a little of its course of photojournalist eric in the story is put together this picture gallery for aljazeera dot com as he says in the blurb the main ethnic groups lead separate lives the wounds of a fierce war may National Identity as fragile the following illustrates the consequences of ethnic cleansing by a powerful images from course of our ten years on it is in in the in picture section at aljazeera dot com now in the days after the Parklands School shooting in florida or in which seventeen people were killed and president dont trump is still trying to move the narrative away from guns instead focusing on the f. B. I. And his ongoing battle with the organization this is a tweet from late saturday night is very sad the f. B. I. Missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida School shooter this is not acceptable this spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the Trump Campaign there is no collusion get back to the basics and make us all proud. How is this one going down because there has been a real flurry of russia russia russia tweets from the president just the last couple of days and a lot of the flexions as well lets put things into context now this latest tweet from the president suggests that the lapse in procedure was somehow a result of the f. B. I. Being distracted by the investigation into russias alleged meddling in the twenty sixteen election that the f. B. I. Did have met on friday that agents failed to respond to an early test off that Nicholas Cruz was going to attack the school but it did add that this was not down to a lack of personnel or manpower they just see it doesnt ploy thirty five thousand people across the fifty six field offices around the country now the attorney general Jeff Sessions has ordered a review of how the Justice Department and the f. B. I. Handle warnings but its also important to point out though that two days before the shooting the troubled ministration that actually propose to cut funds worth twenty five Million Dollars for programs to tackle crime in schools and this includes a project prevention grants for schools with a quote pervasive violence to help pay for activities like counseling and also conflict resolution now meanwhile schools the school that was targets on wednesday the students there are now rallying for tougher control on gun law theres also a call for a National School walkout in march and april now i am a guns on as a survivor of the shooting has had a strong message for u. S. Politicians. We are going to be that you read about in textbooks not because we are going to be another statistic about Mass Shootings in america but because its Justice David so we are going to be the law. And want to come up to me and tell me to my face that it was a terrible tragedy and how it should never have been and meant to maintain telling us no nothing is going to be done about it im hardly ask him how much money he received from the national right. Now this image all of the schoolteacher this is arrant finest is being widely shared on facebook with the caption a heros welcome and he was shot dead after putting himself in the line of fire to save a girl during the massacre now were seeing some strong and mixed views online as well about who is to blame rightwing and old its argues that the f. B. I. Resources were too thin to deal with the case curt says that the f. B. I. Was too busy trying to undermine the president to pull the doing its job and then mike adds that the Florida Shooting was a huge story when the media could use it for gun control now that the f. B. I. Admitted they chose not to stop its media is silent our gun laws are fine its time for commonsense f. B. I. Reform and then rob counted this he says that the president is using the mass murder of children as a distraction by targeting the f. B. I. And then there was this one tweet by one of the students this is a tasha she had a very strong response with almost eighteen thousand people liking it she says stop abusing your power and corruption take action with congress for stricter gun laws and we do want to get your thoughts on the story what you think needs to be done to tackle gun violence connect with us using the hash tag news grid or me directly im at the head of a helmet when you are here im sure people have plenty to say about the gun control debate also had some comments on kosovo or from the Facebook Live feed. But you know i think this kind of sums it up when we talk about ten years after the war in kosovo was the real and valuable outcomes of unnecessary wars that only leaves people feeling vulnerable and certainly thats what you see in a place that calls about the divisions which still exist ten years after a country declared its independence thats facebook dot com as they were for the live stream plus stand seven four five zero one triple one four nine our whatsapp and telegram number if you want to join in the conversation they have a hash tag on twitter of course is a. J. News group this is a news group if youre watching us on Facebook Live stick around for the look at what tamal and coffee farmers say theyre under attack and then later the people facing deportation back to north korea candidates turning away some Asylum Seekers looking at why especially in a country which is known for taking people in. Hello there weve had some pretty active weather across the middle east recently here are some pictures from gaza showing some lightning and also showing the amount of rain weve seen the rain has been causing a few problems now that what weather is trying to educate towards the east now you can see plenty of cloud to work its way through parts of iraq and into iran and then buckling back around across the east coast the mediterranean now this whole system is edging its way eastwards is still going to be giving us some rain and snow as we head through monday that through again parts of iraq and iran a bit further towards the north as well the leading edge well thats edging its way eastwards it moves away as we head through into tuesday but only have to make way for the rain and the snow so kabul will see some rain and snow that also pushing its way through tashkent as well for our marty no rain just yet but our temperatures are on the up to around four degrees here in doha its been very hot over the past a few days the temperatures have been well above average but theyre dropping now and thats thanks to the wind the wind is picking up it will be strong during the day on monday and tuesday expect it to be a blustery day but certainly not as hot so a top temperature of around twenty five or twenty six degrees for us as we head down towards the southern parts of africa theres been a lot of heavy rain here particularly over parts of mozambique. In india five million children have genius level i. Q. But most live in poverty and go undiscovered one when he meets two child geniuses fighting for their chance to shine at this time on aljazeera its impossible to underestimate the size and scale of the economic crisis its not just about the billion trillion dollars of debt its not just about the banks its not just about the government its about real people. More than a century ago britain and france made a secret deal to divide the middle east between them now we can dora. But what were the last thing effects of this agreement theres a original set to six because its at those borders were drawn with consulting the people who have to live with the. Psych speak of lines in the sand at this time on aljazeera. Headline from al jazeera dot com and whats trending as well from the stories youve already seen today about the Iranian Plane Crash the apparent greatest threat to the world that is iran so says president netanyahu but still so much variety then that story number four after is not always doing its wealth that has been in the whats trending section for weeks now its a good read why not have a look for yourself whats trending this sunday and aljazeera dot com. The hungarys Prime Minister has delivered his annual state of the nation speech victor all about the same set to win a third consecutive term in the election and a pro but his government or the opposition say he centralized power for his conservative party over eight years of rule is now leading opponents of migration into europe especially by muslims who he deems are threats to europes Cultural Heritage well since becoming premier for the second time in twenty ten or bans been criticized for dominating hungarys always and causing concern over press freedom its also angered many in the e. U. Is the say with this hardline stance on refugees back in two thousand and fifteen at the height of the migrant crisis hungry actually built fences on its southern borders with serbia and croatia to divert the flow of people hoping to get into western europe last year the Central European university in hungary was seen as obamas latest target against. Minded students by saying they just proposed by the right wing government makes it impossible for it to function well but also has a strained relationship with the founder of the university the liberal philanthropist and holocaust survivor george soros theres the background that stings the analysis now with peter craker who is the director of Political Capital institute a political think tank joining us via skype from budapest and we thank you for your time i describe all of those we can say controversial things which mr obama has been involved in but there are also remains the fact that hes popular and looks like he would win a third term in office what is behind his electoral popularity. Thats the most important question. One reason for his book. Is that hunger reactions usually regard themselves as Freedom Fighters and right now he please this rule of Freedom Fighter that fights against brussels against george soros and that as the muslim immigration but they also have to tell that hes relatively popular so about the population the voters in hungary once he came over cause not but because of the nature of the hunger in electoral system. Rather the major is there he can be he can have even a two thirds measure it is within the parliament so how big is the migration migration issue still and hungry because thats the thing which is going to divide people it will polarize people perform what youre describing as well if hes showing hes strong about something then you know people again might like that stance. Into the one hundred fifty in. Hungary it was one of the most important contraries transfer countries for integration but since down practically there are no refugees in hungary we can say and the government built the fans but it was not the main reason that stopped the inflow for a few choose from the middle east but the main reason was more the deal of shyness or merkel did the turkey what we can observe an angry this is what i would call the pledge to extend a Phobia Center phobia of the doubt immigrants and this is not only hungary specific friend of mine and you can see it in poland in Czech Republic in slowly just about all of the countries in central and Eastern Europe and victoria bonds mean claim is that these return on these free off me grounds for us muslims and we should do our best to keep it. So lets look into the future a little bit lets say that victorian does when his third term in parliament where do you think hungary goes from there what i mean when it gets. I dont want to get worse because theres always the people who do support him but do you think his is cracking down on his critics in the media and things that i do think that will only intensify. Practically the biggest enemy of the hunger in government in his rhetoric is the rest that has become islam ised and even brussels and george soros that wants to destroy the nation state and christianity and because we probe on needs this kind of anime is to play the city or of the nation. Continue i think to refer to them and justify the building up of any liberal state we meet this threat of these enemies and building up this illiberal state serves mainly i would say economic functions in hungary and there is a big National Level to stick corruption has been built up that greatly benefits the leaders of this regime and what to be cannot really. Tell in this environment is that how far the government will go but its clear that they want to centralize the power for it to critical we thank you for your time and your thoughts on the situation in hungary thank you for the opportunity to drop in as we say accused of media crackdowns as well during his time as Prime Minister this is an edition of the listening post it goes back actually to october twenty sixth seen when the main opposition newspaper folded shut down as it were a paper which had always been critical of obama and uncovered corruption within his political circles you can watch that for yourself you want to expand the story a bit explore it as we say listening post as in the show section of aljazeera dot com you know search for banned hungary now well talk about canada as being a haven for refugees but you probably havent heard that its been deporting north korean Asylum Seekers who came to canada by at south korea nearly two thousand of them sent away since twenty thirteen because the government says they lied on their asylum application forms daniel like has that full story now from toronto. Putting a brave face on pending deportation these North Koreans came here through south korea which canada considers a safe country but on their refugee applications they said theyd fled to china. Eleven years ago kim came here with his wife daughter and son now they have two more children canadian citizens deportation would be catastrophic. And that notice means death to me i came all the way here for a better life and my family is well adjusted to life in canada and we think were going to be separated it breaks my heart there is a town on the other three in the. Whole of my whole life i live there so i dont have any friends in south korea and all my friends are here. Joe family could be broken up too if canada carries out its deportation order two children are canadian born the eldest came with his parents in two thousand and ten the joes admit they lied on their application but say they did it to escape a horrible situation that. I feel so desperate. Its our fault all the time they havent done anything wrong they have to go through this separation because of us. The north Korean Refugees say south korea is definitely not safe for them north koreas spies can track them down they say yet canada has been deporting people like them since two thousand and thirteen those who remain have only begun to fight back. Or fall in the. They our family. They were. Or. They were. The Korean Community in toronto is rallied behind the refugees their lawyer has met canadian officials in what she says is their last chance to stay here an appeal on compassionate grounds to the minister of immigration theres been no response yet internationally we are reckoned as a humanitarian a compassionate country accepting refugees from syria and all over the world and why my question is should and the hundred fifty three many people. Back an answer to that question is anxiously awaited by refugees who fled one of the most repressive violent regimes in the world daniel lak aljazeera toronto canadas immigration minister is a refugee himself ahmed hassan who came from somalia he was the subject of an up front headline is interview back in december at the end of a year where refugee numbers actually decreased in canada up front with my house and its in the shows section about zero dot com have a look for is canada the worlds refugee role model now another group of refugees being held on an australian run offshore Detention Camp in the Pacific Ocean have left for then you home in the United States the thirty five who were on the island of nauru were the latest to leave part of a controversial resettlement agreement reached with the Obama Administration under the swap deal the us promised to take one thousand two hundred fifty Asylum Seekers in exchange for migrants housed in us run facilities in costa rica donald trump called it a dumb deal some two thousand refugees are trying to get to australia by boat have been detained on nauru and mannus islands since twenty fourteen we spoke to david man a little bit earlier executive director of refugee legal this is an Australian Group which provides Legal Assistance to refugees on nauru and mannus they tell us a strike here he thinks is just shifting the responsibility of taking care of these refugees over to the us. U. S. It is refugees who are ultimately really first and foremost a strange responsibility because they able to originally sought asylum an astrolabe and when they were put on a remember stalin but look the reality is under this bilateral deal it reminds that you know the us are still talking refugee and the question really is what how quickly will that happen the refugees from bay rest of. Their lives in the suffering in the terrible ordeal for of the five years that they have endured but the other question is what will a strategy because ultimately they even if this deal reached the full number of twelve hundred fifty there will be still be many people left marooned and suffering the fundamental problem the Sticking Point reminds stratas how protection policies which the dice have. Now after two years in captivity in libya eleven Somali Refugees have returned her many of them say they were tortured some even sold as slaves cattle up as a boy and has their story. Liberals relieved to be back home in somalia three years ago he tried to migrate to europe he never made it instead he was kidnapped by smugglers in libya and sold as a slave. Like an animal i was sold four times in open markets in libya the last time i was sold for ten thousand dollars i was tortured every day vivan story isnt unique Annecy International released a report recently describing how Somali Refugees were being tortured in libyan Detention Camps it said they were held against their will by armed groups in exchange for money hundreds were reportedly sold for as little as four hundred dollars of far cry from the journey these migrants had hoped for the for two years i was in a libyan prison i spent fifteen thousand dollars and i still wasnt able to reach europe now im just happy to be back in country and see my family human Rights Groups say the European Union strategy to stop refugees from traveling across the mediterranean has led to more people being stranded in libya the Somali Government has been successful in returning small groups of refugees home but how much the government of somalia is committed to bring back its people who are in prisons around the globe weve been able to repatriate some somalis who are in libyan prison a month ago we released migrants from india and ethiopia prisons and brought them back to the country we will continue to do so but its not going to be easy it took more than two years of negotiations to release libya and many more just like him are waiting to be given the opportunity to get back home. With a young aljazeera to a story now which any of us or use social media should be taking notice of facebook has been put on nicest stop breaking privacy laws or you can face some hefty fines or he will take us through the sun take a picture is all about how social Media Networks use our information now about court has ordered facebook to stop tracking internet users. In belgium until it complies with local privacy laws if it doesnt comply the company could be fined one hundred twenty five Million Dollars the belgians privacy watchdog filed a complaint against facebook accusing it of secretly tracking internet uses some of who were using other websites and even others who didnt actually have Facebook Accounts the company has been asked to delete all the data of the court for all that the data was gathered illegally saying that facebook informed us insufficiently about gathering information about us the kind of data it collects what it does with that data and how long its stores it it does not gain our consent to collect and store this information now facebook uses what the Privacy Commission calls mass surveillance to collect personal data by placing cookies and invisible pixels on Third Party Websites social Media Company does agree with that disagrees with this and says that it will appeal to the courts ruling the Vice President of Public Policy has said that the company was disappointed with the verdict i quote he says the cookies and pixels we use our Industry Standard technologies and enable hundreds of thousands of businesses to grow their businesses and reach customers across the e. U. We require any business that use our technologies to provide clear notice to end uses and we give people the right to opt out of having Data Collected on site snaps off facebook being used for ads. Now this is just one of many battles for facebook its not just happening in belgium but also across europe in germany though make us recently ruled that the next Networks Privacy settings and use of personal data is against consumable and their fronts theyve ordered the company to stop its sharing of whatsapp use the data and the European Union has also find facebook almost one hundred forty Million Dollars for providing misleading information and this all comes ahead of a new rules on dates before on data privacy in europe called the general Data Protection regulation which then comes into effect on may twenty fifth so have to see how that all turns out if you are in europe if you want to get your thoughts on what you think of the chill privacy doles connect with us using the hash tag age and its great thank you really we were actually just discussing this morning and im eating how it can be quite creepy when youve been searching for a holiday wherever it might be and suddenly your browser or your instagram or whatever is suddenly given you his options for that it is something to take quite seriously design here of privacy online weve got sports coming up with andy in a moment then you showcase the worlds best basketball player isnt its gotten political so do sports fans have the right to voice their opinions or should they in the words of one commentator just shut up and dribble. And its got that in a moment first a look at some wild weather. The story of one of the most successful p. R. Campaigns in the u. S. Study after study has demonstrated the perspective American Media coverage what part of this can you get through your thick head as hamas a terrorist organization the only thing that youre going to say is what we want and if you dont say it when i go at you speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that theyre being deceived the occupation of the American Mind at this time on aljazeera. Discover a wealth of Award Winning programming from around the world. To make it challenge your perception if you were to design a propaganda system you could not build a better plan than facebook call form documentary debate and discussion this country that was once that the wealthiest in the region what went wrong how did we get to this point alger israel. Welcome back i was going to ask you what people are talking about and what i think of what the stars themselves are saying is that what were talking about some more important is well beyond your showcase for the worlds best basketball players has got political the build up to the n. B. A. All star game has become an unlikely focal point for the debate on gun control the allstar weekend is meant to look and sound a little bit like this saturdays slam dunk contest part of an event that brings together the top players from the worlds best professional league the leading names including Kevin Durants and Le Bron James have used this Global Platform to talk about their desire its hard to gun control followers of course the shooting at a school in florida last wednesday resulted in seventeen deaths. We have a kid who. Was an illegal. Legally not able to go to to get a beer at a bar. Book or go buy. A car fourteen or bahari are fifteen like it. How it doesnt it doesnt make sense. Well inevitably social media took the thing and ran with it with not everyone in agreement that sports stars should be talking politics fox news host laura ingram for example stoking the debate with a monologue which has been shared online hundreds of thousands of times oh and le bron and kevin youre great players but no one voted for you millions of elected trump to be their coach so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and dribble. As a counter to that lets hear from the man in charge of the n. B. A. He says the League Players do have the right to speak their mind on issues other than basketball. It doesnt mean i honestly agree with anything everything thats said at any given moment but the fact that these players. Are not just basketball players theyre multi dimensional they care about their communities and they care about whats happening in their country joining us now from toronto is jonathan serveti an n. B. A. Editor at the Sports News Service the School Jonathan great to have you on this get your take on this should sports stars be seen or not heard of do they have the right to speak out on certain matters jonathan lets see if we can if you can here is this time jonathan do you think sports star should be seen and not heard. No i dont think so i mean at the end of the day theyre human trait they have no im not american but i understand they have a constitutional right to protest and as long as its peaceful i dont feel to say theres anything wrong with that really jonathan is the much evidence that what sports stars say can influence a political debate. If theres evidence they can. The debate. I think in the platform late you know Le Bron James yesterday. Responding to the fox news host i think that kind of stuff does kind of resonate in the back of. The audiences mind in terms of debates while youre watching. People talk about his comments about the original remarks from the fox news host. I think that that does play a part in the base because you you youre waiting to see you know what the responses. To him basically standing up for himself and you know putting his foot down and saying that he wont be quiet about. You know how he feels about injustices in society and so you want to know how it was and just says will be taken care of or or respond to going for it those are now answered and people obviously want more answers. Weve seen protests in the n. F. L. Months mean this year the nailing it during the National Anthem says there are a sizeable chunk of the north American Sports fans getting tired with sports stars getting political i think that there is a small part of the fan base that definitely had some fatigue to the protests. But this whole stick to Sports Movement you know it looks to be shrinking by the day because the protests were getting louder and they are more supported by these athletes and the sports. Some fans also understand that you know these two worlds of politics and sports are essentially colliding right so i mean you had the president of United States used Profane Language to refer to the xenophobic protesters and he also publicly with jewelled white house in fights at the chappie in Golden State Warriors even after they had said they didnt want to go so even when these athletes dont want to be involved in the Political Landscape you know they just kind of and up involved and so i think the fans some of them at least are understanding that and i dont think we should be you know into these protests because they are human like i mentioned they have the constitutional right and you know more and more of the fan base and the media is catching on these protests are likely not going away thats gratian q so much jonathan joining us there from toronto editor of the m. B. A. At the school where some m. B. A. Is younger players following the lead of le bron league rocky dawn of the mitchell hair pending support for gun control in his shoes and gun violence but ingrams side of the argument does have a lot of support on social media and i to fany he describes himself as an entrepreneur and supporter of the u. S. Military a fairly typical view if the stars kneeling hell finally graduate from the Colin Kaepernick school of political idiocy with a masters in social ineptitude and just to throw a further shade of gray into the debates have a listen to this. That is Le Bron James on new years eve twenty third say firing a machine gun a Florida Shooting range let us know what you think of course should sports stars be seen and not heard you can tweet me directly at under School Sports or use the hash tag a. J. News great well sports at eight hundred g. M. T. But for now lets get back to come up thank you andy garrett you know once told me to shut up and stop dribbling perhaps but not that anyway finally here for you that is the new Lunar New Year with Chinese New Year as its often called and usually one of the first things which comes to mind what is it fireworks only this year its a little different a growing number of cities of band fireworks including beijing trying to curb its infamous pollution bellus as this report. An Assembly Line of fire works and leave your young province each read roll of gunpowder is distant to mark the start of the new year in the chinese calendar young is the fireworks capital of the world it all started some fourteen hundred years ago during the ten dynasty. But thracians to employers with a decision by the Chinese Government to ban fireworks because of pollution. Fireworks are a cherished tradition during the Chinese New Year but they push hundreds of cities above the recommended equality levels this was small in beijing a year ago it seems like this that have pushed the government to ban fireworks and four hundred forty four cities thats now being expanded to include beijing tianjin and provincial capitals who farai and chang shah violators will face fines of up to fifteen thousand dollars. And. They shouldnt be a ban on fireworks because first of all pollution isnt caused by fireworks sitting off fireworks has been a tradition for more than one thousand years so i dont quite understand why it is a ban with chinas fireworks industry employs three Million People and has sales of more than fourteen billion dollars the new regulations of her profits and lower demand has shrunk the industry. Leo youngs firecrackers and fireworks management pure says in two years the number of firework companies that have to around five hundred. If you look around the market you can only see a few shops remain open we dont see many customers anymore. Thats because many have swaps to Legal Options and cities like beijing this substituting gunpowder with electricity. Electronic by crackers can substitute for regular fire crackers because they are bright and colorful chinee says all fireworks for the noice its believed to scare away bad spirits and bring in more successful new year manufacturers and retailers are looking for an early start challenge ballasts. And is a great place down to zero dot com whats a really comprehensive background on the Lunar New Year is this video report from adrian brown you see the picture gallery is an a plus video everything you would want to know on what is actually one of the most celebrated annual Events Worldwide Lunar New Year the year of the dog thats at aljazeera dot com part of the twenty eight hundred events special series that will do it for you news grid this is how you get in touch with us hashtag news grid be it Twitter Facebook or whatsapp and we will see you right back here in studio fourteen a down to zero fifteen hundred out tomorrow monday. Facing realities growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place a socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter while it is activists to live in jail just because she expressed herself hear their story on and talk to aljazeera at this time. Was always telling you how famous she was going to make that how we presented hello my name sorry without consciousness it is northwest representatives kind of. Teacher put. Us in georgia member that were on the special meeting about the nail and he said no. Thats not a near me this is a cover up in a piece on the on the city aljazeera investigation which foot wall of silence this time struggling with the effects of Climate Change sierra leones dry season is on forgiving but compounded by corruption and its in wet season months lives that are claiming most lives i dont remember even the wall when one thing would be in one thousand one hundred people died in two minutes people in power investigates the effects of deforestation and illegal building and asks what the future holds if those in authority fail to act the mountain will fall at this time on aljazeera. To stand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. You can take back with you a message to the tyrants of terror and. Do not test israels resolve israeli Prime Ministers warning to iran as he addresses a major security conference in munich

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