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Im jane doesnt this is al jazeera live from the coming up bad weather keeps search crews away from the crash site of an iranian passenger plane. The growing call for u. S. Gun control following the Florida School shooting prompts a student listening session with president donald trump. A russian curling medalist at the Winter Olympics is sent home after being suspected of doping. Increasingly tangled battlefield in Northern Syria has widened yet again in the latest development kurdish Officials Say they have reached a deal to allow Syrian Government troops to enter the african region to help propel a turkish offensive a kurdish spokesman told aljazeera theyre calling on the syrian army to protect afrin from turkish attack and that forces could arrive within. Two days this could mean Syrian Forces directly confronting turkish troops in the city where theyve been engaged in an operation against kurdish fighters since last month syrias kurdish why p. G. Has been a key u. S. Ally in the fight against eisel but turkey is opposed to the group which it views as a terrorist organization as some are binge of it is following the story for us from istanbul as some im just wondering how the turks will respond to this and how it will complicate things. Well so far during the turks havent responded to it theyre still waiting to see the details of this deal with emerged as yet conflicting reports on the on the ground. Some of them are not aware of what are going to be the modalities of how the syrian troops are going to come in syrian Media Outlets as well as russian Media Outlets are reporting this as a fact that a deal has been struck but we know that there were complications in the deal if youve been going on for the last seven weeks the the the the kurdish fighters have been asking for help from the Syrian Government because theyre up against a very organized force and they have been steadily losing ground to the fight is the details that complicating things used to be the number of. Fighters who had to surrender they had to give up their arms they had to surrender all of that in the positions that behind it all of the had weapons and we dont know how much of that has been agreed upon as yet so it is going to be a complicated situation in a very complicated battlefield inside syria where you have multiple forces fighting on the behest of the various Foreign Government is still waiting to see what happens on the ground before it responds stay with us says some of because theres also been Syrian Government strikes on the rebel held on cave of at least fourteen people were killed and more than eighty rockets hit the area east of damascus on sunday the government ascension reinforcements to the region local observers say the strikes are pretty huge to a major offensive on the region which has been under siege since twenty eight thirteen what do you know about that. But according to sources on the ground inside besieged east they fear that an all out operation is imminent weve seen Government Forces and their allies appealing away from their reinforcements that were sent to problems heading to words damascus weve also seen an intensification of airstrikes in the last several days where hospitals and other areas of dream hit so for sources on the ground inside with their fear that the Syrian Forces because they have now been able to win this war of attrition theyve been at it for for more than four years they have received the area and now theres been relentless bombardment off the various rebel positions inside and they feel that theyre weak enough that there might be an all out hopefully from against them this to go through it will be taken out not just by Syrian Government forces but also their allies including the militias that. Fight this all the way from understand in pakistan or and lebanon and iran thank you so much. Search and rescue teams have reached the size of a plane crash in iran according to local media bad weather hampered initial efforts to find the man airlines jet which crashed into a Mountain Range on sunday its thoughts have gone down in heavy fog irans president Hassan Rouhani has ordered an investigation into the accident which killed sixty five people. Reports. Distraught family members still near about street into iran where fifty nine passengers and six crew members departed on their feet. On the other side of the journey the halls of airport where the plane was said to arrive was full of people mourning so. I kept calling all morning but they wouldnt answer so i called my brother and he assured me theyll get here the plane is not behind schedule yet he said dont worry he called later its had the plane had crashed. The seaman Airlines Flight departed from her bed airport into iran but disappeared from radar fifteen minutes after leaving the plane was heading towards the city vs whos in southwestern iran it crashed into mt dena near the town of semi room in the Mountain Range rescue teams have struggled to reach the crash site due to inclement weather and rugged terrain theres no question the roads here are impassable vehicles are here and lots of people too when we heard about it around eleven am or noon we began searching all the villages in the area but we didnt find anything investigators have yet to determine the cause of the crash but some aviation experts believe heavy fog could have hindered the pilots navigation decades of International Sanctions and diplomatic isolation have left irans airlines with aging fleets of passenger planes which theyve struggled to maintain and modernize. You have three pts of aircraft in iraq and as a man Airlines Flight is the only airline in the world that still flies commercially the boeing seven two seven try jet this is an aircraft which has to be made for over thirty four years and so youve got effectively a block on components of. The new aircraft which is simply left iranian aviation pretty much as it was lets say round about nine hundred eighty iran suffered a number of aviation disasters most recently in two thousand and fourteen when a superman Airlines Flight crashed just after takeoff killing thirty nine people. Since the iran curb its Nuclear Program its ordered more than two hundred planes from airbus and boeing with forty four billion dollars in the hopes of modernizing its commercial aviation committed but. Donald trump says hell talk to students and teachers this week about gun control the u. S. President will host what the white house calls a listening session in the wake of growing anger over the Florida School shootings seventeen students and Staff Members died on wednesday when Nicholas Cruz opened Fire High School with an assault style semiautomatic rifle survivors are planning a National March in washington d. C. To demand action on Gun Legislation nineteen year old cruz was declared low risk of harming others by a Florida Social Services agency eighteen months before the attack he was questioned after the agency was alerted to his violent social media posts the f. B. I. Admitted on friday that it failed to investigate a tip off that crews had access to guns and quote a desire to kill people whose faces seventeen charges of premeditated murder and more funerals for the victims have been held among them fourteen year old jamie good thousands packed to Parkland Hotel on sunday for her funeral. His only goal is to make. It as a poster is imperative. Only fourteen. Concert grab. Of a game is a bit. U. S. President donald trump is facing increasing calls to act tough to a group of russians was accused of meddling in the twenty sixteen president ial election issues dominated sunday morning political talk shows five of several tweets rejecting accusations his campaign colluded with moscow but as rosen and jordan reports from washington his critics say should be sending a different message. The u. S. President donald trump hasnt been seen in public since friday the day thirteen russian citizens and three companies were indicted for allegedly interfering in the two thousand and sixteen president ial campaign and for allegedly trying to throw the election trumps way on sunday the president took to twitter to blame everyone from Hillary Clinton to the media for the suggestion that his campaign colluded with the russian government to win the election something he has always denied i never said russia did not meddle in the election i said it may be russia or china or another country or group or maybe a four hundred pound genius sitting in bed m. Playing with his computer the russian hoax was that the Trump Campaign colluded with russia it never did the independent senator Bernie Sanders allegedly was also being supported by the russian operation but he said on sunday the bigger problem is how trump is reacting what the real issue right now is how do we have a president of the United States not saying what Everybody Knows to be true russia or into feed into sixteen theyre going to interfere in two thousand and eighteen and we have got to do everything we can to make sure that they do not on the buying american democracy meanwhile a senior democratic senator says the indictment should alarm americans its not yet clear whether. The russians succeeded in actually changing votes whats clear is that they spent millions and millions of dollars and had hundreds of people working in a troll farm in St Petersburg to intentionally undermine one candidate Hillary Clinton and support another donald trump on saturday night trump also criticized his National Security adviser a George Mcmaster for not backing his view of the situation mcmaster had told delegates at the Munich Security Conference that the indictment was proof of russian interference in u. S. Political affairs gen that master forgot to say that the results of the twenty six thousand election were not impacted or changed by the russians and that the only collusion was between russia and crooked h. The d. N. C. And the dems remember the dirty dog your brain speeches emails and the Podesta Company that tweet now has the d. C. Chattering class wondering whether mcmasters job is in jeopardy given the president s predilection for driving out those who dont parrot his view of the world rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington an internal report released by oxfam has revealed that three of its work has threatened witnesses during an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct in haiti the charity released the report after being criticized for a lack of transparency of allegations its director in haiti use prostitutes during an aid mission the reports israel and fund have or myron admitted the behavior has previously denied the claims the charity said to deliver the full report to haitis government its unveiled an action plan to tackle Sexual Harassment and abuse still ahead on aljazeera. But some drivers are concerned about a change of direction for popular way of getting round the philippines pass. On to guard greets us you know costa rica where one mans life long gardening project has turned him into a cultural icon. But its going on in the. World coast of the italian riviera. Hello there was another Stormy Weather across the mediterranean at the moment the satellite picture is showing all that cloud as a virus at the moment within that were seeing some rather heavy downpours lots of thunder and lightning as well that systems going to continue to bring us some downpours during the day today and as it works its way across land well see some snow some of the Higher Ground there towards the west where weve got another weather system here thats gradually edging its way eastwards its fairly weak but it is ensuring that things stay raul the mild here for some of us say ten degrees in london for malda than perhaps where all maximum temperature just before across the other side of the mediterranean and ted theres also been a fair amount of cloud over the past few days and a few outbreaks of rain all of this is gradually edging its way eastwards and moving away from the coast there so force in egypt should be more or less dry instead though there will be a few showers around parts of tunisia and across parts of our area as well for morocco fun and dry rub out there at eighteen degrees further south you see where the showers are across the central belt of africa plenty of them or rumbling their way towards the west that we more as we head through the day own choose day some pretty sharp showers at times including some around the veil. The weather sponsored by cats on race. What makes this movement this era were living through so unique this is really an attack on truth itself is a lot of misunderstanding but distortion isnt what free speech is supposed to be about the context is hugely important level was to publish if you have a duty to be offensive or provoke thats all about it as people do setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on aljazeera. And again youre watching aljazeera might have our top stories in the u. S. And back to kurdish fighters say they have reached a deal to allow Syrian Government troops to enter the african region to help propel the turkish offensive a kurdish spokesman told al jazeera that forces could arrive within two days its. An internal report released by oxfam has revealed that three of its workers threatened witnesses during an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct during a mission in haiti the charity released the report after being criticized for a lack of transparency. The u. S. President says hell talk to students and teachers this week about gun control seventeen students and Staff Members died on wednesday when Nicholas Cruz opened fire at a high school with an a r fifteen style rifle made victims and emergency workers on friday. Israels Prime Minister has accused iran of being the biggest threat to the middle east at a security conference in munich Benyamin Netanyahu has held up a part of what he says is an iranian drone shot down by his forces in syria iran has responded by accusing israel of being the main aggressor in the region more now from David Chaytor. This really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went straight into attack mode against iran as he took to the podium in munich issuing a direct threat to tehran israel will not allow iran to regime to put a noose of terror around our neck. We will act without hesitation to defend ourselves and we will act if necessary not just against irans proxies that are attacking us but against iran itself he followed up with a dramatic flourish that caught all the delegates by surprise brandishing a piece of wreckage from an iranian drone shot down an israel space last week. And he had this message for irans foreign minister Mohammad Javert i bought it here so you can see it for yourself mr zarif do you recognize this. You should be george you can take back with you a message to the tyrants of her own. Do not israels resolve the man who netanyahu called an eloquent liar irans foreign minister refused to rise to the israeli bait he preferred instead to outline a new plan to dampen down rising tensions in the region i prevent more conflict in the middle east. Iran believes that our security in the persian gulf requires a french Regional Security architecture. We believe in and have proposed creating what we call a strong region. Rather than a strong man in the region thank god a question and answer session those are if expressed his frustration at israeli attempts to undermine the deal iran struck with world powers to stop its nuclear arms program and we achieved it in spite of him being implemented in spite of him and the world view to maintain that agreement in spite of his delusional attempt the foreign minister of saudi arabia was equally uncompromising about its main power rival in the region we cannot afford to put up with the when the revolution and its principles the reason iran a sanction for terrorism is because it supports terrorism thank you baer said the pressure on iran would continue until there was fundamental change David Chaytor aljazeera unic. From the british think tank Chatham House explains the tensions between iran and israel. I think there is a dynamic now which is a very negative very dangerous they know me between all the powers in the region right now in specific incidents rhetoric which is quite extreme as we saw today can escalate it rather quickly into a clash whether its by poxy or more directly billion monk that for the first time that and you know we is basically first name very clear and not only. In the region or with any and that both sides participate in the civil war in syria not only did it on hezbollah but if its getting any worse or with feels more thirteen and two of the all directly attack iran this is this war for its going to escalate rather quickly if they mean it if its determined maybe both sides understand that this is a matter of the terms but deterrence wont be shifts wish to school very quickly into action this is dangerous place in israel are investigating the drawing of swat stickers and anti polish slogans on the gates of Polands Embassy it comes a day after parents Prime Minister my mother went ski caused outrage by saying jews were among the perpetrators of the holocaust some of the graffiti accuses polish people of being murderers and comparable to nazis. At the Munich Security Conference israels Prime Minister also told his polish counterpart that his remarks on the holocaust were unacceptable and unfounded relations between israel and parents were already tense last month Poland Senate passed a controversial law making it illegal to assign responsibility to the post state for crimes committed by the german third reich. The court of arbitration for sport has charged a russian curling medalist with doping alexander crucial need ski won bronze with his wife in mixed doubles curling at the pyong chang winter games he said to have tested positive for the banned substance melburnian the Russian Curling Federation president says it is possible rival russian athletes or political enemies spites crucial it is food or drink a second positive test could prevent all russian athletes from marching under the National Flag at the closing ceremony doping testing in sanctioning the olympic winter games pinching twenty eighteen is independent from the i. O. C. Therefore the i. O. C. Cannot communicate on individual cases while the procedure is ongoing on the one hand it is extremely disappointing when prohibited substances may have been used but on the other hand it shows the effectiveness of the anti doping system at the games which protects the rights of all the clean Athletes Police in South Australia have revealed the biggest seizure of the drug methamphetamine in the States History the three hundred thirty kilograms of drugs have a street value of more than two hundred Million Dollars they were found hidden in a container on a cargo ship last month its thought they came from Southeast Asia three men have been arrested so that president bush has ordered the release of more than eighty Political Prisoners who were detained last month their families celebrated outside one of the prisons where they were being held the Group Includes prominent opposition leaders they were arrested after and to government protests over the rising cost of food turned violent the price of some basic goods increased in january after the Government Cut subsidies. Gambians president has announced a temporary halt to using the Death Penalty adama barrow says the move is a First Step Towards complete abolition the announcement was made as the country marked one year since both historic democratic election it brought the end of twenty two years of authoritarian rule by his predecessor. Since then the country has been making gains on the International Stage a move to modernize is threatening to change the way so many people get around the philippines minibuses known as jeepneys are being updated and drivers of the popular mode of transport fear it will put their jobs at risk she reports from minute. To think of the for the the often have the mind it is an offshoot of the American Military jeeps that were left behind after World War Two since then filipinos have made it their own. Color and have long been called the king of the road. For decades theyve also been the solution to the countrys lack of public transport jeepneys are affordable and available but have also been blamed for the citys chaotic traffic. The Philippine Government wants more control it says it is time to improve the industry it wants jeepney operators to start registering as corporations instead of running corporate tips independent. Basically or broader. It can be. Changing or. You can. Include being. Here operating conditions. It also wants to things out jeepneys their fifteen years or older government officials want you models they say they are safer and edgy efficient and environmentally friendly. It is so unfair. The offer is not even enough there is no other genie in the world it can only be found here and it must be preserved. G. P. Owners groups oppose the plan to saying the model that the government is demanding is double the price and g. P. Operators and workers cannot afford it the majority of g. P. Drivers belong to the poorest sector of society they say forcing owners to upgrade without enough government assistance could mean an end to the g. P. Industry altogether. But they. Are both that. And what did he do in the end he thought them i dont care about you you can all die in hunger isnt. There nearly three hundred thousand jeepneys all across the country and many of been flying this chase for decades but majority of commuters prefer jeepneys like this one modern colorful and fast. The government says the plan to improve the g. P. Is just part of a broader project to overhaul the transport system. These are often seen as a conic moving art pieces that reflects a filipino ingenuity to. A tremendous here people to become a symbol of the governments neglect. Dogon aljazeera manila. Three billboards are side to every missouri has been named best film at this years bafta awards in london that star Frances Mcdormand won best actress while sam rockwell picked up a best supporting actor for the film gary oldman won best actor for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in darkest hour and Allison Janney has won the supporting actress for her role in i tonya stars at the ceremony wore black as they walked the red carpet in support of the me too and times up campaigns to highlight Sexual Violence and harassment against women. A woman on the red carpet had been speaking out in support of the times of movement. The next step is to keep the conversation going to keep the conversation firing and to turn words into actions you really need to policy. Says i think that their slogan is absolutely right time is up thats over i dont speak for all women because every woman has a voice its just that some cannot use their voices so while cycle is opportunity im going to stand in solidarity with any and every single woman who has had their lives touched by some form of discrimination and thats why we turn up the volume on campaigns like times out and we continue to usually lies why its important to speak up and speak out its a garden costa rica with a flair for the nate has been enjoying visitors from around the world for more than fifty years evelyn just said blanco has dedicated his life to sculpting unique designs out of the trees in his home citys work is now considered among the finest examples of top area in the world and again again when to so can go to see them. At the foot of the church of st raphael in costa rica central Mountain Range stands a testament to one mans vision over the decades the gardens of society were being sculpted into birds and beasts by evangelist a blanco a man known locally as don mr all senor scissorhands. He began work here in one nine hundred sixty four and never stopped. The parks like my family is like my children my wife and my mistress i love it and i care for it i come here at five in the morning each beginning life saplings planted by gardener determined to create something unique many great works of art of being created by individuals but few require the maintenance or dedication that all of this does evangelist who spent the best part of his entire adult life on this one project but it hasnt gone unnoticed these gardens in our symbol for this. City there tracked thousands of tourists every year and in two thousand and four they named the entire place after. The city of so souter was grown along with its gardens every day the park is full of visitors from around the world its like a Country House in england with the next thing and i was thinking when i went round its really good for the children because its got elephants and soldiers and bulls and carts and stuff and they can kind of it that fun stuff you have that says you are in a bill lets all be less of many time ago its still the same its really nice i love it. In recognition of his work eventually still was given a National Culture award and continues to inspire those around him as. Hes an icon for the people hes inspired the youth to follow his passion to decorate and shape trees he has a lot of patience and passion for doing this he retired a few years ago but hes continued to give us new shapes in our park. At the age of seventy nine evangelist isnt quite ready to hang up his sheers hes looking for someone with the same dedication to take over and ensure his legacy lasts and he gallacher aljazeera pseudo costa rica. Zounds there these are the top stories u. S. Backed fighters say theyve reached a deal to allow Syrian Government troops to enter the a free region to help propel a turkish offensive a kurdish spokesman told al jazeera that forces could arrive within two days on a binge of aid has more. The turks havent responded to it theyre still waiting to see the details of this deal with havent been moved as yet heading conflicting reports from the kurds on the ground who say that then some of them are not aware of what are going to be the modalities of how the syrian troops are going to come in syrian Media Outlets as well as russian media. Good to be reporting this a fact that would be you have been struck but there were complications in the. Going on for the last the rigs u. S. President says hell talk to students and teachers this week about gun control seventeen students and Staff Members died on wednesday when Nicholas Cruz opened fire at a high school with an a r fifteen style rifle donald trump made victims and emergency workers on friday search and rescue teams have reached the site of a plane crash in iran according to local media bad weather hampered initial efforts to find the us and airlines jet which crashed into a Mountain Range on sunday thoughts have gone down in heavy fog irans president Hassan Rouhani has ordered an investigation into the accident which killed sixty five people and in turn a report released by oxfam has revealed that three of its workers threatened witnesses during an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct during an aid mission in haiti u. S. President charms facing increasing calls to act after a group of russians was accused of meddling in the twenty sixteen president ial election a fight of several tweets rejecting accusations his campaign colluded with moscow the court of arbitration for sport has charged the russian curling medalist with doping alexander crucial in its ski won bronze with his wife in mixed doubles curling at the winter games he said have tested positive for the banned substance smell dhoni im the Russian Curling Federation president says it is possible rival russian athletes or political enemies spites crucial in its food or drink of the headlines up front is up next. On counting the cost well talk to i. M. F. Chief christine like god about how the economic model is changing here in the middle east can ireland break regs it find out how the emerald isle is caught in the middle of a big round between the u. K. And the e. U. Plus the year of the dog in china counting the cost at this time. When the arab spring protests were through the middle east seven years ago demonstrators across the region were hoping for democratic reforms and even the overthrow of local dust spots but is libya really a better place now without its brutal dictator colonel gadhafi and how did bahrain become the forgotten revolution and up from special

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