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Cease fire resolution. A controversial law three general indicates at the closing of the Winter Olympics that his country is willing to talk to the u. S. Church leaders protesting against tax plans shop the site where christ was said to have been buried in occupied East Jerusalem. In the form i tell you Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is back in the like light as his party bids for power in next weekends elections. And im Tatiana Sanchez into how it all the ball i was nervous at the winter olympic closing ceremony but for russias biggest games ended on a golden notes in the mens i fucking final over them more later wrongly in the park. Their warm welcome to the news hour good to have your company at least twenty seven people have now been killed in Syria Russian Air strikes in the east and also on sunday the new air and ground offensive has taken place despite u. N. Security council adopting a resolution demanding a cease fire there are unconfirmed reports of attacks on two villages using chlorine gas missiles carry a warning this report from Osama Bin Laden contains distressing images. This is what the United Nations agrees house to stop. Me. But hours into the u. N. Security council has thirty day cease fire declaration forms kept dropping on eastern ridiculous doesnt that injuries from more than one hundred airstrikes barrel bombs and artillery bombardment all of which was supposed to and continues in the rebel held area four hundred thousand syrians. What experiences from the b. B. s these fires in since you dont give us high expectation its the fish and when this fishing whats what they is what their position say about the ceasefire will start as soon as possible one this possible we dont know we dont we dont know when this will start and and then here this is a big number of population it wont be a solution that feeding them one or two convoys and wont be the solution and thats we evacuated one thousand or two thousand of them to be fitted out of water as feared Government Forces try to enter eastern huta from three sides attempting to seize as much landis possible before the cease fire is implemented reinforcements from the syrian armys fourth and tenth brigades have been circling eastern huda for days special forces and troops from the elite tiger battalion are also on the frontlines. Bulldozers and tanks are deployed to breach rebel defenses iran and syria maintain that the Security Council resolution allows the targeting of what they call terrorists thanks despite facing large approval numbers and heavy rebels in. Their front lines or for killing and capturing some soldiers. We welcome the Security Councils decision regarding a ceasefire because of the burden on our families and he said this suffering must be lifted of the decision to stop the bloodshed caused by the regime in eastern guta as usual we didnt find any commitment by the Syrian Regime and its russian allies Eastern Ghouta northwest and go to southern wist and almost every front and go to has been stalled by the regime on sunday in order to achieve some advance but they havent succeeded. Many besieged people have been stranded in underground shelters for days and feared worse to come. We cant eat because theres nothing to eat our sons have no work my son has five children and he doesnt know how to feed them we will die hungry without food weve been targeted now homes have been destroyed we have done nothing to be treated and targeted like this but eastern has been intensely targeted for the past week the u. N. Called it hell on earth. The group calls the victims in syria martyrs that have been conversations between the leaders of france germany and russia to drive the Assad Government to stop attacks and allow in humanitarian aid thats when the people continue to face what they see is annihilation. Of the turkey syria border. Well ill just say were correspondent mohamed al just very has the latest now from the frontline. Now on ill be awful to start with but the idea that were now at the age of duma in eastern. Libya Regime Forces have launched many attacks here today this is one of the front lines they were trying to advance towards duma and control the land and farms leading towards the Vehicle Department and harassed. Their goal here is to separate harassed from east and there have also been various attacks from the east and the south the. Regime forces are trying to divide guta into smaller besieged enclaves. Some sources within the opposition say iranian jets have also been taking part in the attacks theres also been artillery shelling as well Syria State News Agency is reporting that twenty nine civilians have been killed u. S. Coalition air strikes on two villages near dare i saw dozens of us a said to have been injured the Syrian Democratic forces backed by the u. S. Of fighting to push eisel from the region. A controversial north korean general who attended the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics inside korea has indicated his country is willing to open talks with the United States at the ceremony he said just missed this from u. S. President toms daughter if its the name reports now from. Some protesters at the border and the stadium too uncomfortable questions asked by reporters all over nothing it was a controversial arrival at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics for the north korean delegation. Some South Koreans are angry about the delegation leader general kimmitt young chore is thought to be behind attacks against the south including the sinking of a warship in twenty ten that killed forty six sailors know. President of korea is almost zero zero zero zero zero that is doing very little korea nero. Wrong to protest. No president and the north korean dictator this is a. South korean president moon jae in use the games to reboot into or korean relationships. The socalled peace olympics included a joint womens hockey team athlete celebrating korean nationalism by marching under a unified flag as well as a visit by kim yo job the sister of the north Korean Leader she arrived with an invite for mood to visit yeah. Its a two hour test it was a good olympics we were so concerned about it last year but it went so well that many North Koreans came in i wish this could lead to unification i thought it was interesting it was in order for us to host it i really enjoyed it. Even the choice of olympic venues was symbolic gay. One province is divided between the north and south. If the tension continues that tourists dont come so peace is very important to our economy north korea participated in the olympics and this has become a basis for establishing peace here and that means a lot to us for the russians the games and did as they began marching without their flag two of their athletes were disqualified after testing positive for banned drugs four years on from the sochi doping scandal russians were only allowed to compete under an olympic flag as all athletes return home the question here is what happens after the olympics. The u. S. Announced its toughest package of sanctions against north korea on friday with the hope it will pressure the country to denuclearize whether that will work when other sanctions have failed remains to be seen and theres no word yet on when president moon might travel to the north if he does hell become the first south korean president to meet kim jong un since he became leader seven years ago natasha going to zero on south korea well for more on this lets bring in Diane Estabrook she joins us from washington hi there diane so so far whats been the u. S. Response to these talks apparently on offer from the north korean. Well the white house is saying on sunday that any talks with north korea would have to lead to that country dismantling its Nuclear Program the state department basically reiterated what the white house said in the white house one a little further and said that its really unclear at this point if any potential talks would be a step in that direction and part of the skepticism and wait and see attitude towards the white house seems to stem from the fact that north korea really hasnt said if there are any preconditions to these talks if anything is on the table like its Nuclear Program and the timing of this is very curious too because it did it has come a couple of days after the u. S. Left these additional sanctions on north korea on these shipping vessels that would make it difficult to trade oil and coal north korea call that an act of war so the timing is very curious and its probably why the u. S. Is taking this wait and see approach to this. Do you think its fair to say that theres been some diplomatic progress if i can put it like that between the two to is and the u. S. During the olympics you know its really hard to say certainly the optics are there we saw Vice President pence at the Opening Ceremony saying that talks could take place if north korea would be willing to dismantle its Nuclear Program we did see a vulcan trump the president s daughter at the closing ceremonies sitting in the same area as delegates from representatives from north and south korea but keep in mind that the United States has had a half a century of contentious relationships with north korea so is this a step in the in the right direction i think its probably very too early to really tell to an estimate there joining me from washington d. C. Dan thank you. Still to come on the aljazeera news hour. Three days of savvy led air strikes leave civilians dead and displaced in the yemeni city of her data. Obesity rates are soaring across mexico could a controversial trade deal to play. Out well hear from the golden girl of the olympics out there her unprecedented ski and snowboard double thats coming up later in sports. And president xi jinping could be reelected as chinas leader in twenty twenty three under a proposal the ruling party has put Forward Communist Party wants to change the constitution to remove term limits for chinese leaders the Vice President would also be allowed to serve for longer than the current two term limit the party elected president xi jinping as its head for another five years last october well difficult pollen is in hong kong with more on what it could mean for the president and the Chinese People. But there was much speculation he would be angling to stay beyond the next five years back in october when he was addressing the Chinese Peoples Congress he laid out a vision of thirty years and a very ambitious vision of chinas development both socially infrastructure advice and financially now this has still has to go through a parliament but its inconceivable that this will be blocked in any way as parliament distractive politicians that are loyal to the ruling establishment ping well now if this goes ahead be chinas most powerful modern day leader as hes also the leader of the military he will become a cult of personality many fear much like mao tsetung was during his thirty tenure thirty year tenure which ended in one thousand nine hundred seventy six now theres also concern that under his rule china will see many of their human rights or many of their rights squeezed even more under his tenure so far we have seen china turn into more of a surveillance state dissent very quickly crushed its also of great concern to the people of hong kong as unders easing things rule weve seen the biggest blows to hong kongs Democracy Movement people here are now concerned about how he will or whether he will continue to treat hong kong as a special in ministry to a region separate from the rest of china well for more on this lets speak now as isaac still is a senior fellow at the Asia Society Center and us china relations in new york their eyes and a very warm welcome to the pool when i look is this likely to be passed. So almost certainly be passed the congress that is going to pass it is never known for going against what the prevailing winds in the leadership is so its almost certainly just going to be a formality and how do you think this measure will be received by the public obviously were talking about a Huge Population here exactly Huge Population and this is maybe the most sensitive question in china right now how much support does she ging paying have among the Chinese People so i think on the one hand were probably not going to see any public outcry against this because of the way that china is set up but we have seen some snarky comments on weight on chinese social media sites that show that at least some people in the coastal elite and elsewhere throughout the country are upset about what this means for their ability to act liberally in china for their ability to express themselves to organize to pray to the god that they want so i think a lot of people in china and out probably see this is quite a worrying sign is that whats it for the posse what advantage did they have by removing these term limits as they might see it i dont know if the party itself is advantaged by this it certainly advantages she because it makes it its a clear path for him to stay on for a really long time but parties work better when there is allowed to be dissent within the party the party will be a more effective governing tool if people can challenge she and if they cant if its just she at the top its going to be a less effective and probably a shorter lasting rule for the communist party and so i think when we talk about the possibility of this man this president becoming a kind of like personality cult are we getting ahead of ourselves here. I think the big difference between where it was and where she was is the wealth and the role of china in the world and china in the fiftys sixtys seventys was a shambolic nation that faced mass starvation and huge up he of all china today is so much more stable than it was under mao so she himself could be a more powerful figure than but less powerful domestically just more powerful because china itself is so much more powerful so she will almost certainly never have the same control over china that mao did but he might be more powerful because the tool china that he has to wield is far more effective powerful rich than it was earlier when mao was running it so i said just quickly what does this say to to china in a in a kind of Global Leader ship rule does it kind of infuse that wall or perhaps the track from it i think it detracts from it because it makes the chinese model a less attractive model to people around the world it might make she more effective in his meeting with foreign leaders because theyre going to have to realize ok he might be around for a very long time let me make sure i have a Good Relationship with him but i think in terms of chinas more recent push to win hearts and minds around the world i dont think this is something that is going to make the chinese model more of something that people want to emulate isaacson fish there joining me from new york i said thank you thank you a Church Leaders in occupied East Jerusalem of close the holiest site in christianity it responds to what they call discrimination by the Israeli Government manages of the church of the holy set poker but leave to be the crucifixion and resurrection site of jesus christ. Proposed tax plans have a full set as the story. The chance to experience sunday mass at the place where they believe christ rose from the dead draws pilgrims from around the world to the church of the holy sepulcher but this sunday the Greek Orthodox armenian and Catholic Churches which jointly run the site announced its abrupt closure protesting against measures which they say would constrain their rights over Church Property this that in mind. Offer loans office in that range which were not. In europe. This is the about the and unprecedented attack against christians in their holy land. Levi only most basic. And serve the right the Church Leaders say they face a twin attack first in the shape of a demand by jerusalem City Government what it says is more than one hundred eighty Million Dollars in back taxes and secondly from proposed legislation which would seize retroactively for the state church land sold to private companies or sundays in the square outside the church of the holy sepulcher always thronged with tourists and christian pilgrims many of whom are travelled a long way to see this most important holy site its always an atmosphere of emotion today the chief atmosphere though is one of disappointment the belief that jesus christ died and if you was buried here we would have liked just to go there and have the east point is you you know that would we be able to understand it better you know i dont know if the sides of the parties involved but you know it certainly is going to get the public attention to do this and hopefully it drives a quicker conclusion the christian patriarchates over large areas of often prime real estate in and around jerusalem much of it at least to the state palestinians have criticized the Greek Orthodox patriarch the selling property inside the old city the jewish settler groups and others jerusalems municipal leaders say only properties being used for religious activities should be tax exempt not those rented commercially theyve already frozen about nine Million Dollars in assets of the Greek Orthodox church were talking about other places that the church own fact as hotels and they have been exempt wrongly from paying city taxes for years and years and years and the mare at the moment is trying to correct a wrong that was done that affects us through some evidence every single day and ministerial discussion on the bill to allow seizure of already sold church land has been postponed to next week the author of the. As law says its designed to protect the rights of those living on the land from often anonymous offshore entities Church Leaders say their long established rights are being trampled in what they call an attempt to weaken the christian presence in jerusalem ari force it out his era occupied East Jerusalem that three days of air strikes have pounded a rebel held port in western yemen displacing thousands of people who are already in need of aid now many has he trying to save reportedly been killed by the saudi led core titian coalition attacks on hold day that entails time reports. One of the saudi led air strikes spared little here who data is the strategically important port city in western yemen saudi warplanes have repeatedly targeted surrounding neighborhood since thursday reportedly killing dozens of who the fighters and civilians before the start of the civil war nearly three years ago today to port handled around seventy percent of yemens imports including critically needed food and humanitarian supplies since then its become one of the most complex front lines controlled by who the rebels it is either being bombed or blockaded by the Saudi Coalition but it recent months the u. S. Government which backs the saudi Led Bombing Campaign against the iranian backed who these has sent cranes to the data to replace those destroyed in airstrikes all part of efforts to increase the amount of aid into yemen but help is only trickling in while yemenis suffer what the United Nations described as the worlds worst humanitarian crisis at this camp for the internally displaced on the outskirts of who data few have received any kind of help. And i have four kids and i dont know what to do to feed them i have nothing and can do nothing we dont have furniture we dont have beds wouldnt have blankets we have nothing the u. N. Says nearly all of yemens twenty five Million People need some form of humanitarian assistance with close to half of the population in acute need of support. The numbers of displaced people are increasing day by day here and who dated there are more than twenty one thousand displaced we urge the government and politicians and aid organizations to do more to help displaced people who are living in misery their numbers are increasing and the aid doesnt reach them quickly enough there is a severe shortage of food and the prices of goods here are very high since the war began more than ten thousand people have been killed and yemens economy crippled with the fighting showing little sign of slowing the matter terry in crisis is only getting worse in aljazeera. Hundreds of catalan independent supporters are protesting against a visit by the spanish king to boston oh no its King Philippes first trip to the catalan capital since last october secession vote spains Central Government dissolved the Regional Government and imposed direct rule after the referendum well tensions are all they rose again last week when Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy suggested we introducing spanish as the main language capital schools. Former italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has addressed around a thousand supporters at a rally in milan ahead of next weekends elections hes hoping his Party Forza Italia could win in a falls to form a right Wing Coalition government even though hes banned from Holding Public office but discone will play a pivotal role in the makeup of the next government so long ago a goal explains. This is not an operation of elections past but the return of the great survivor of italian politics despite the scandals the humiliating political defeats and a conviction for tax fraud anyone who gambled on never seeing Silvio Berlusconi again might feel shortchanged but not the process faithful in a theater in milan to hear his message. Yesterday i read a quote from former u. S. President reagan which says they told me that politics is historically the second activity of man and i thought it was very very close to the first activity with therefore need to be respectable in politics. For his supporters it was the one and only chance to see him campaigning and. Even if its for what hes already done for us he has my support then you know because of that hes a miracle of maturity he has so much energy it comes from his desire to see her reece kountry maybe eighty one years so she may have only just had open heart surgery last year but still better schooling is back and its a volatile political stage he is being seen as a safe pair of hands but he is barred from Political Office because of his tax fraud conviction but in the event of election victory he would have the power to nominate a substitute while the veteran politician has a colorful past in comparison to todays politicians ranging from the populist to the neo fascist scorning is relatively a less controversial figure he remains Pro European Union a reassuring. Quality for brussels. Despite the fact that one of his political allies is the anti immigrant anti e. U. Leggo policy. Is seen as a force to keep the far right in check this could be better than school in his final comeback his political career has been declared dead several times before but so far that hasnt stopped him hanging on to power so i need aljazeera milan still to come all male to say were news hour. No street protests are held against philippines president were to go to turkey on the anniversary of the i was still of a former dictator. Battered by Hurricane Maria and facing an economic decline thousands of young poets who really can is head for the u. S. Mainland in search of opportunity. And still ahead in sports the most successful went to olympian of all time adds to her legacy. Hello there were seeing a lot of heavy snow over parts of europe at the moment just take a look at these pictures from italy where the snow is very very deep and its all thanks to a weather system thats been circulating around in the mediterranean sucked up a load of moisture and now its working its way northward and hitting the cold air thats in place over many other parts of europe where it hits that cold air thats where we see all the snow and theres plenty more still to come so for many of us here there will be plenty more heavy snow on monday and that will gradually edge its way eastwards as we head through into choose day for the rest of us across europe its cold and its staying cold so a maximum of minus nine in warsaw minus four in many places here wont get above freezing for a good few days now further west on maximum in paris will only be around minus two if we head across the other side of the mediterranean for many of us here but what weather has now passed and its moved away towards the north but theres more rain working its way in across parts of morocco thats edging its way towards for about there wet for us on monday but then clearing as we head through tuesday so choose day quite a blustery winds about nineteen degrees will be on maximum instead on tuesday the wetter weather will be over parts of our geria and into tunisia. With. We are going to announce the biggest a stab in the monkey. Decades activists in seats of government we didnt want to be part of this institution and all we really didnt want technologically challenging politics and implementing direct democracy open source code to use the free for one to look we are innovators we are activists we are rebel geeks madrid at this time on and just you know. Its not just about reporting its about telling those the watery stories its about breaking down the information and breaking it down again military drills streaming into the city go behind the big headlines to go behind government lines and tell the stories of the people actually affected by these events standing up for their rights as workers and as citizens what aljazeera has a real journalism to cover a story best. Welcome back a quick reminder of our top stories here on aljazeera syrian Government Forces of launched a new crime today were offensive against rebel held the still hold despite the u. N. Security council calling for a cease fire. As the Winter Olympics and then kong china an envoy from north korea has said his country is ready to hold talks with the u. S. About its Nuclear Program. Christian leaders in East Jerusalem have ordered the closure of the church of the holy sepals for what christians believe jesus was crucified and they say its important as the new israeli attacks and land policies which theyre calling an unprecedented attack on christians in the. Former coleader of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union posse the p y d e has been arrested in prague and fortunately at the request of turkey solomons them was added to turkeys most wanted terrorist list earlier this month unquote considers the p y d and its armed wing the wife p. G. To be terrorist groups with ties to the banned Kurdistan Workers Party Turkish Forces began a campaign against the wipe e. G. In syrias northern afridi region last month. Security forces in the democratic republic of congo have shot dead and to get him a protester and injured several others in the latest in the series of church led marches calling on president Joseph Kabila to step down pizza shop reports. The Catholic Church has been at the forefront of demonstrations calling on the Congress President Joseph Kabila to stand down. And after Morning Service on sunday protesters took to the streets again. Since december more than a dozen people have been killed by Security Forces in protests like these and today there was an all too familiar response by police. To gas quickly followed by gunfire was heard for the local candy was shot dead before the march started. His body taken to a nearby hospital that. Two others were seriously injured one of them a student serge moca a washington george im not protesting by accident or in vain and not because i dont know why im protesting but protesting today i was just claiming my right and this is what happened to me. Organizers said the protesters no longer believed in the political will of current leaders to ensure a peaceful transition of power if capital is forced to stand down that his get there is killing here is kabila condemning them and hes not true demming the metol we will not end this protest we will maintain our fight and we will go up to the end you know with this fight. As with previous protest marches internet mobile data and messaging services were cut across the congo was what you want. But the opposition message is getting out. And the shooting by the Security Forces is further stoking up anger peter shop al jazeera. Hundreds of are hidden continue to pour over the me and mar border into bangladesh six months now after a military crackdown sparked the original refugee crisis about seven hundred thousand people have fled since august and half of them are children and are living in makeshift camps where their lives are at risk from child trafficking and disease aljazeera has revisited these camps in bangladesh and spoken to some of the people we first met when the exodus began charlotte bellus tells their stories. Six months ago as you said vocal my dream to fight as a nine year old no youre refugee one of six hundred eighty going to thousand who streamed across to me m r Bangladesh Border fleeing what they call a targeted campaign to wipe them out we first met her in december shed been shot three times in the leg arm and armpit by a soldier at close range. She says shes still in pain and has decided she wont go back there. They killed my father killed my mother i feel scared i dont want to go back to me amar they were bombing houses sitting them on fire pulling people out from their homes and shooting them torturing me and im scared to see all their long ones in one and i still feel like dying if i remember those days. When they raped our women and you can see what they did to this child. There are thousands of is here recovering from different weapons of war these two sisters say myanmar soldiers tied them to trees and rapes them their mother father and three siblings were locked inside their home which was then sister lives not much has changed since we first met the teenage girls in january they care and crucible long camp got them you know cabs although bright and colorful the girls say they are main cloaked in darkness of the day is an image and we cant go back to burma if we are asked to we dont have parents brothers and sisters no house to live there where should we live their wounds have healed but their nerves are frayed they fidget constantly they say they need help but they are too proud to big. Pride motivates many to carry on muhammad or haasan is eighteen years old hes in studio on his feet he says he was shot three times by soldiers twice in the back once in the chest he lived by playing date. When i came here i became paralyzed couldnt walk move couldnt even move my hands after taking medicine i can now move and walk but still very much in pain. His wounds have healed well since we met him in october at this point he knew two of his brothers had been shot and killed he has since learned eighteen family members died in the crackdown. Muhammad rule and others are considering their future in November Abdul fi showed us his house right across the border the bangladesh governments agreed to repatriate the revenger but six months on they refused to return abdulle says they want a guarantee of safety compensation for the destroyed villages and citizenship something theyve been denied for thirty five years. We want to tell the world of we want to live like human beings we want to educate our children and we want to live a peaceful life for their families we asked the world to provide justice for all. Men miles government continues to deflect accusations of ethnic cleansing and even genocide justice for their agenda is hard to come by. I have no father no mother and so much pain if i have to go out to collect firewood its so painful. Those who survived the crackdown in the camps live with scars on their bodies and in their minds charlotte ballasts aljazeera. As the philippines marks thirty two years since the overthrow of the dictator funded and marcos theres been protests against the current president but draco deter to well those demonstrations say his policies are endangering the democracy that was one thousand nine hundred eighty six and the chapelle reports. Thirty two years filipinos have come together to celebrate a watershed moment in their history when a revolution forced president Ferdinand Marcos from power. In recent years that unity has been tainted by partisan politics between political dynasties and concerns of the current leader rodriguez deter take his tuna style joke of the market era its important to stand up now especially since last year we saw that this administration blatantly disregarded our history that they buried the dictate our marcos and now we are there yet but this is from the current regime for the current government after twenty years in power marcos was toppled in an army back to revolt after he was accused of cheating in the president ial election when filipinos flooded at a main road in manila demanding an end to corruption and human rights abuses thousands were killed for voicing opposition to his rule two territories were on drugs reminds many of the darker time because thousands more filipinos have been killed. Despite that and opposition from these protesters and others such as the roman Catholic Church deterred say remains popular able to withstand whatever criticism he gets from Rights Groups the media and his political opponents and several new sean we are celebrating decades more than three decades after could being used to define what we are a nation which is a Democratic Society a republican government where there is a rule of law not the man but the problem with that status after the. Deter to wish the protesters well calling the anniversary a time for unity in the name of democracy but unlike his predecessors he wasnt there to deliver his message or hear how polarized his policies have made these filipinos feel anger chapelle. An explosion at an electrical substation has left much of northern portugal without power its a setback for the u. S. Territories efforts to fix the power grid five months after it was battered by Hurricane Maria well as the island struggles to recover from the longest blackout in u. S. History Many College Students are heading to the mainland to continue their education kristen slimmy reports. Nineteen year old crystal medina prefers the weather back home but says shes thankful to be here despite the cold attending New York University going to school in puerto rico has been difficult since Hurricane Maria a lot of the buildings were really badly damaged we had in our classroom we had to take classes and tents. There was no electricity for like the first two months there was no water for months after the category four storm a third of the island remains without power even before maria hit the government there cut funding to the university of puerto rico. Prompting a student strike that shut it down for a month chrystal is one of about sixty puerto rican students attending n. Y. U. Free of charge dozens of other schools on the mainland are offering free or reduced to issue but such programs arent without controversy as many as thirty two thousand college aged Puerto Ricans are expected to leave the island in the coming year continuing a trend that started with an economic crisis in two thousand and six as they leave in search of better opportunities the worry is that universities like this are luring away the best in the brightest researchers at the Hunter College center for puerto rican studies. Say the deep population of puerto rico is one of the most significant hurdles to its economic recovery the reality is that the population of puerto rico is a long term problem that now is being intensified if you loose those young people even after you train them which is part of whats up any then the economy its lacking the skills base to live battle you know new products new companies and enterprises that have actually promoted the Economy Development and why you require students to continue paying tuition to their schools at home to lessen the impact on their already strapped budgets still christian dollar cruise has mixed feelings about being in new york theres an element of like guilt too because im over here and im pretty much getting a free ride just pay my sin university back home and im getting all these benefits and theyre not. But the longer it takes puerto rico to recover the stronger the pull to leave christensen leamy aljazeera new york. Rates of obesity have soared in mexico over the last twenty five years with diabetes killing more people there than any other disease some experts argue that at the roots of the problem is nothing thats the Free Trade Agreement that Donald Trumps been threatening to pull out self for mexico city david marr six. Like many mexicans these days beyond a what does for stop on her way to work is here a Convenience Store workers are sweet and yogurt cookies and a jello cup make for a breakfast on the go its a trend the thirty year old teacher says is impacting her health and that of her colleagues and students. There are more children who are overweight who have diabetes and hypertension i see too many students too many families with poor nutrition we dont know how to eat properly. Mexicans are hocked on junk food and the impact has been devastating over the past twenty five years obesity rates have tripled and diabetes is now the leading cause of death in the country eating habits in mexico began to change in the one nine hundred eighty s. Because of an increase in Foreign Investment but this transformation really took off ten years later with the signing of nafta the north american Free Trade Agreement. Health experts say mexico became a dumping ground for cheap low nutrient highly processed foods from the United States causing diets here to mirror those of their northern neighbors those that use all the most of all the damage we see in our Society Today is caused by the consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup process its sugary drinks and its all connected with the industrys ation of. The money route explains the causes of the beastly perfect. Yannis mother. Has witnessed this change firsthand she says persuading her family to eat. Missional food like tortillas is an uphill battle. These days most young women dont like to cook they prefer the ease of buying Kentucky Fried Chicken instead of making rice and beans instead of making lemonade they buy coke or another soft drink the changes have been bad without Government Intervention mexicos Health Crisis is expected to get worse advocates say future trade agreements should take health into account protecting the very people theyre supposed to help david mercer aljazeera mexico city still to come on the aljazeera news hour believe either. One of indias biggest movie. Suddenly at the age of fifty four. A month on their first trophy on their part or coming up in sport. From the bamboo harvest is navigating dangerous rapids from the time we depart to the time we finished our scares to the fisherman dicing with death. Im afraid of falling im afraid of dying but if i dont go i call from my family to meet the man who go to the extreme just to make a living. You have to be a strong swimmer otherwise its certainly risking it all vietnam at this time on aljazeera. We have a news Gathering Team here that is second time out there all over the world and they do a fantastic job when information is coming in very quickly all at once youve got to be able to react to all of the changes and aljazeera we adapt to that. My job is is to break it all down and we help the view understand and make sense of it. Thank you thank you celebrities politicians and millions of families are paying tribute to celebrated indian actress straight day of the whos died suddenly at the age of fifty four a former child star she broke the male domination of bollywood and became one of indias biggest celebrities Mariana Holland has her story. She stepped into bollywood at a time when the industry was largely a male domain. Tree daveys performance in this eightys blockbuster mr india turned heads and redefined the place of female actresses and bollywood for river. Ai film critics described her as a show stealer mr india became a cult classic and suddenly sridevi was filling cinemas the week it was so ok to it was. Her comic genius through the crowd she was a anything but it was his skill and beauty as a dancer that truly captivated audiences thank god not only was she started out as a child actress in southern india. And went on to appear in more than one hundred films to make you feel like many actresses of her generation she went by one name tree davey but unlike of the leading women she quickly overtook him my old costars to become the box office draw card that paved the way for todays bollywood stars. To seamlessly make the move from bollywood to hollywoods themselves you want to. Make a. Good family says she suffered a heart attack on saturday while attending a wedding in dubai here Instagram Account received tens of thousands of messages and bollywood fans in india and abroad took to social media to express their condolences among them bollywood Actress Priyanka Chopra and didnt do as Prime Minister Narendra Modi many in india was shocked at his sudden death. This was a servant ship but never to riches rose ive been at that particular dying for females to come to that level was a little difficult was the first news flash on my for me and everybody at my home was very sad. She stopped acting after him marriage to Film Producer bernie cup poor but made a successful comeback in two thousand and twelve with a hit Movie English vinglish. But many will feel true divvies life was cut too short. Lets get all the days sports news now heres. Thank you very much the president of the International Olympic committee has hinted that russia suspension from the olympic family could be lifted soon vast despite two russian athletes testing positive for drugs at the Winter Olympics russias competitors had hoped they would be allowed to march with that countrys flag at the closing ceremony in pyongyang but the i. O. C. Executive committee declined because of those failed tests although president thomas bach suggested russia wont be held in the cold for much longer. What are these from russia faith or is your child. This was hugely disappointing. In addition to other considerations related to the i was he from a beautiful scenery lived in the suspension of lucy served. The suspension of the r. C. Sports either we leave the ones that dont freeze or stew with your fists you prefer their oh if it will be violations by members of the. Despite the disappointment of not being able to raise their flag rushes the olympics ended on a Golden Knights in the mens ice hockey decided to as they beat germany in a dramatic final the olympic athletes from russia came back from a goal down to equalise three three with fifty six seconds left in regulation time forcing the game into overtime chiral cup result and score the sudden death goal to the care of first gold and mens hockey for a russian team since nineteen ninety two although that could be more trouble for russias delegations as the victorious hockey team sang the National Anthem over the top of the olympic on them during the medal ceremony the russian there was also banned along with the flag germany did win the four man ball play at the fourteenth gold of these olympics and it was a second gold medal for pilot Francesco Friedrich who also won the two man event hes just the second man in thirty years to win both disciplines in the same games meanwhile there was a tie for the silver medal between the second german sled and south korea. The hosts also got a silver medal in womens curling losing to sweden in the final the swedes one eight three for their third lympics title carlings experienced a huge boost in popularity in south korea during these games the team a School Friends whove been dubbed the garlic girls as they come from a rural garlic growing region and in the final event of the olympics in her final race noways Cross Country skiing star mar going further added to her legacy she won the fifty the medal of her career fifth of these games in the thirty kilometer mass start the thirty seven year old had already become the most decorated winter olympian of all time in chan. And with that norway confirmed their place at the top of the final medal table thirty nine medals is a record for any nation at a winter games to more than the United States one in vancouver eight years ago they finished with fourteen goals the same as germany in second place both matching the best ever gold medal haul set by canada and twenty ten canada the United States and the netherlands round out the top five with hosts south korea finishing seven. Double olympic Gold Medalist earth to live deaths go carry the fight for the Czech Republic of the closing ceremony the twenty two year old grabbed an unprecedented double when she won skiing super g. And snowboarding parallel giant slalom is the first time an athlete has won gold in skiing and snowboarding at an olympics and she shared the secrets of her success. Im having fun and that allows me to do what i love without no pressure because. My biggest call should be always to enjoy the run and to have the best run able not to win the gold medals although i want to win all the gold medals but the first thing is just to. Whatever learned and have fun with it you consider yourself a role model now for other i. Know better now its. Pep guardiola has won his first trophy as Manchester City ball since he defeated off north three mail in fun days English League cup final club wreck or to score a third scored his first fifty goal and a major cup final captain Vincent Kompany double the lead in the second half and david silva wrapped up the resoundingly when its a special you know said hed been singin in the lead scored three goals. And they help us to understand what that means in the club because like they won titles we put they put us pressure to continue to win titles if were able to win more titles defeats are the people whose coming here they have to know he has to entitle and thats why its so so important. Earlier in the English Premier League Manchester United moved back to second spot after winning unfired chelsea into the lead for a minute into karkare in jest they lingered struck to ensure over to a one win for jos a million years men at all trafford and in the Second Office in the team or solid the team felt more comfortable to. To go. Into attacking areas and of course weve got creating chances because were going to show some guts thats not possible we create a few. And this quarter we knew all that i think we. Well before about harry k. Netted his one hundred fiftieth goal for tottenham as they beat Crystal Palace one nil spurs are still fifth in the standings and you can see them Manchester United a second after beating chelsea city and asked are obviously not moving because of the League Cup Final cycling now and i one hundred valve claimed the final stage of the abu dhabi tour and with it the title it was bad news the World Champion time trial is tom de long though who after suffering a mechanical problem on saturday had another breakage on sunday leaving him fuming so it was down to the spaniard who went head to head with me get a lot is in the final climb of the one hundred ninety nine kilometers stage the thirty seven year old out front of the colombian love as to the victory. So pyong chang a twenty eight team has the come to an end and we want to leave you with some of the best images from the twenty eighteen Winter Olympics ill have more sport feel eight or. They are for the last couple weeks well be back in just a sec. Conservation is helping kick his stove to recover its snow leopard population to see the results i traveled up to the remote nature reserve of saudi chat at a touch camera traps have identified a healthy population of up to twenty Snow Leopards as the Technology Improves were finding all these ways in which our guesses are are getting corrected the latest evidence suggests there are more cats than previously acknowledged but this Snow Leopard Trust believes its premature to downgrade the cats on the International List of threatened species. By what has been under the ada. The most that are. A lot of illness and caught up. On the nineteenth of december twenty sixth Mahmoud Hussein was detained by the egyptian authorities he remains behind bars without a trial aljazeera world investigates his case and media repression in egypt. Journalism is not a crime at this time on al jazeera. More deaths in same way as the bombardment of the struggle to continues despite the u. N. Call for a ceasefire. Some of them today went on and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up a controversial

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