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Into the construction of 2 diamonds. Now iran says it doesnt want to see a confrontation with the u. K. Over the seizure of a british flag oil tanker but the u. K. Is demanding the vessel and its crew be released and once european led Naval Mission to ensure safe shipping through the strait of hormuz the stand off will be a priority for the incoming u. K. Prime minister this week state to be boris johnson. I think it is very important from. Iran who. Normally. Respond. But the u. K. s foreign minister jeremy hunt says the tank a seizure is an act of state piracy that must be met with an International Response and arent lee has more from london. This emergency couldnt have come as a worse time for the u. K. And the ministers who left the crisis meeting all know its apart from anything else theyll be a new Prime Minister this week probably with a different take on the situation. Still the u. K. Can do nothing in the face of what it regards as a provocation by iran the way in which the capture of the u. K. Flag tanker was filmed by the commandos who took control of its refusal to obey the demands of the british frigates in the strait of hormuz to let the time to go all cut very deep at the heart of a British Military establishment used to the days when britannia ruled the waves and consequently the foreign secretary told parliament minister the u. K. Would seek a european led Maritime Missions of the gulf states because iran had to understand the consequences of its actions if iran continues on this dangerous path they must accept the price will be a larger western military presence in the waters along the coastline not because we wish to increase tensions but simply because freedom of navigation is a principle which and its allies will always defend the British Government has been widely accused by many m. P. s of having a no dig a strategy over this crisis with iran let alone the naval fire to protect tankers in the gulf now there are concerns that this administration has taken its eye off the ball and certainly that the u. K. Has been ill prepared for this iran certainly appears not to feel intimidated by the u. K. Putting out images of the tanker crew none of them british maintaining their all in good health and being looked out it is far more concerned about getting his own tanker back from gibraltar where it remains impounded if the u. K. Did thats the crisis would be over but it would be the wrong signal to send to the americans who continue to pressurize london to follow their hostile line with tehran by wednesday theyll be a new Prime Minister here by thursday a new set of government ministers and by friday very possibly a new strategy towards iran may be a more hawkish one than the one on monday and one which is more aligned to the american position but iran knows that the u. K. Appears quite weak at the moment and by itself does not have the strength for a fight barnsley aljazeera in london. And yet another escalation iran says its arrested 17 spies working for the cia and sentenced some of them to death u. S. President all trumbo called the announcement totally false and says hes becoming less inclined to renegotiate the 2015 nuclear deal one of the best things ive done is terminate that ridiculous deal if they want to make a deal its frankly its getting harder for me to want to make a deal with the run because they behave very badly theyre saying bad things and ill tell you it could go either way very easily very easily and im ok either way it goes. The u. S. Government now says it will allow immigration officers to deport undocumented immigrants from anywhere in america without allowing them to appear before a judge fast previously the fast track procedure only applied to those detained within 160 kilometers of the border and youve been in the u. S. For less than 2 weeks president has struggled to deal with overcrowded detention facilities that border with mexico and the growing humanitarian crisis in jordan has more from washington d. C. This change in u. S. Deportation policy is just the trumpet ministrations latest effort to crack down on what it says is an Immigration Crisis primarily from central and south america the plan which changed the authority that immigration officers have to immediately deport those persons who are in the country without the proper documentation as of right now they can only deal with people who have been inside the United States for fewer than 14 days and who are found within 100 miles of the u. S. Border this plan if it does take effect on tuesday would cover the entire United States and the people who could be affected may have been in the country as long as up to 2 years immigrations Rights Groups say that as many as 300000 people could find themselves being targeted for this immediate deportation plan and they say that they are planning to File Lawsuits to keep it from taking effect these groups saying theyre worried that people who have permanent residency or who are u. S. Citizens may find themselves being kicked out of the United States without Legal Recourse and something that would be a violation of their rights these groups further saying that this latest effort to crack down on what the trumpet ministration calls illegal immigration would be another way to enable racial profiling particularly in immigrant communities in the country heartland well you expect to crace nang who is the acting Deputy Director for Human Rights Watch as u. S. Program and she says the new regulations will prevent migrants from excising their right to a fair trial. This is definitely a massive change i mean one thing we saw with the recent raids or the threat of raids under the truck the ministration is that many people are more educated about their rights and that they know that they can they do not need to open their doors when the ice agent knocks on it and so i expect that many groups will be educating their communities about carrying proof of having been here the last 2 years whether their pay stubs or School Records or you know other ways to prove residence but i do expect that this could separate thousands more families result and severe abuses of people who are at the port and without due process what weve seen at the border. Officers often do not appropriately question people and even when people claim fear they often ignore them they outright fail to uphold their obligations under u. S. International law to ensure that the person gets a proper hearing on their asylum application and so we are certainly concerned that there are many people who do have a strong claim who should get a fair hearing who will not get so under these new procedures now most of venezuela has been plunged into darkness after a major blackout the government says opponents sabotaged the Palace Station but Opposition Leader one guy doe is blaming the government for failing to invest in the last grid many feel a repeat of the chaos caused by power cuts this year. How does it affect me in every way i live on the 11th floor i dont have electricity i dont have water because without electricity you cant be pumped i can buy anything with a debit card i dont have any cash. Im hungry and i want to eat but theres nowhere to swipe my card because none of the machines work with the financial crisis and i cant even buy a hot dog with cash. Thats fit to pull dobson who is a political analyst that venezuela analysis dot com and he joins me on the phone from america in venezuela who i believe you were speaking to us on the phone because you were affected by this blackout to a new Something Like more than 650 kilometers from the capital caracas so just how widespread is this. Yes without a doubt with the blackouts he was to hit what over 75 percent of the country including the capital caracas now and this time of speaking there are some such in the country where electricity has returned including the area i live in however in the capital caracas there is still no electricity point and toll i mean this is all affecting lives and made whats already a struggling and i imagine people are worried about what diddle food they have going off amongst other things talk us through what its like to experience these repeated outages i mean the one in march lasted a week indeed well the blackout that weve had today it will feel much less intense that the in some parts of the country where it was a little we could say. 5 hours whereas in the context of the march blackout which was a week long in some sectors of the country itself is a Different League we could say they live there a blackout like that it is quite precarious issues were raised in your report about finding food and making payments doesnt become very complicated and but it seems that this blackout is like explained not not in the same league not of the things that there is the one we saw earlier this year and pull competing narratives once again were hearing from the durand why dont whats causing all of this who do people there believe and who do they blame. Well at this point most business whalens are not really interested in playing anyone theyre more interested out so we wouldnt do a show not having to live through this again most benefit walen really do not believe the government takeover but also do not believe the opposition takes a take on things unfortunately most venezuelans would probably say it is some sort of combination of the 2 factors that governments are blaming an electrical not metric attack against the National Grid the same reason they blamed for the march and april blackout and the opposition of blaming government inefficiency and lack of other investment in the infrastructure now these 2 equations but not necessarily mutually exclusive but at this point the blame game is really a growing trend people are really looking for Solutions Paul dobson their political analyst speaking to us on the fine for america and venezuela thank you for joining us paul. Kenyas finance minister has been arrested on charges of fraud and corruption henry very tensions the 1st sitting government minister to face such charges for his alleged role in awarding contracts and payments for the construction of hydroelectric dams catherine so i reports from some boar in central kenya. This is hendrik teach filmed at a previous meeting he has now been arrested accused of corruption in a scandal where he say 12 authorized payments for the construction of dams in western kenya where construction workers had been began 4 years after commissioning. That the guise of cutting or collegiate to make commercial construction colossal amounts and justifiably to be. Paid out through a well choreographed scheme by government offices in collusion with private individuals and institutions. Upon receiving and reviewing the evidence im satisfied this official evidence to charge and prosecute the property the director of Public Prosecutions has ordered for their arrest of 28. 00 people including employees of the Italian Company that was awarded the contract investigators say the costs were inflated by a 170000000. 00 and raffia quarter of the total money has already been paid out. This is higher not the only public scandal in recent he has other multibillion corruption scandals in government have prompted protests like this one in the past several Government Officials have ongoing cases in court i think at the end of the day with noted he needs to up and is going for the d. P. P. Go the extra mile with a d. C. I am a better limit used to ensure that a program was just arrested for ceremonial purposes there are people arrested taken through the process convicted and were serving time by us. They still go back to me. But the taxpayer is the most high profile arrest of a Government Official many states a close ally of both the president and Deputy President president has over the years said fighting corruption is one of his main priorities he wants to leave this as a legacy but many people want more done than just arrests they want more people convicted and those phone call to ball have their accounts holes and assets seized and money that has been stolen from the public returned to the office Katherine Sawyer aljazeera some kenya. The weather is next but still ahead on aljazeera and protesters keep up the pressure on the puerto ricos governor to step down despite his pledge to leave office next year. And charity is launching a new ship to rescue mediterranean like france as european leaders reach a tentative deal. I think we should see a thundery breakdown in the heats across stores america over the next 24 hours or so i mean you can see the storms already brewing up around the plains up towards the northeastern corner they will continue to sink their way further south whats a nice with spezza one. New england is down into that eastern side of new york state neil city certainly seeing a lot of heavy right and the big and thundery downpours that we rumbling away around d. C. Down towards georgia down towards the panhandle sat around the deep south make a way into wednesday it does clear through prime handle still hanging on to some rain a fair bit of weather there across much of a lot of a foot good parts of the u. S. Up into canada should be largely dry and i just want to showers into the Pacific Northwest across the mountain states more to whether theyre just rolling into western parts of canada want to see some welcome brian fall around the Desert Southwest dont rule out the chance of not shower here but michelles across the caribbean its essential america and mexico will see a little bit of wet weather some showers just around the Greater Antilles should make issues dialogue to drive the Lesser Antilles generally dry for the time being but the showers they start to make their way this we head into the middle parts of the week bridgetown with the top temperature 30 celsius warmer in jamaica the 32. Per section is valid to. Believe. I want to receive but in one my time we cant see everything. We rely on the experiences of others and the legacies that previous generations. With their testimony we know very. This documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. Hello again i missed. A reminder of the news this hour u. K. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt is calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure safe shipping through the straits of hormuz as a response to iran seizure of a british flag oil tanker last week. The Us Government says it will allow immigration officers to deport undocumented migrants from wherever they find them without allowing them to appear before a judge. And most of venezuela has been plunged into darkness after another major blackout the government says opponents sabotage the power station but Opposition Leader is blaming the government for failing to maintain the National Grid. Now protesters demanding the resignation of pressure because gov are refusing to back down they have rallied again outside his residence on sunday recoveries that he said he wont seek reelection the demonstrators on satisfied the protests began after a week of offensive messages between the governor and members of his in the circle k. But elizondo reports from the capital san juan. They filled the streets in overwhelming numbers Puerto Ricans more determined than ever the 10th straight day of protests despite far the largest ricky martin leading many famous Puerto Ricans zisha and athletes supporting the protest. But it was every day puerto rican sprott together in their desire to see a new government were here to show everybody what we want you know what is it that him to resign him is governor ricardo. Who on sunday night took to facebook to again apologize for hundreds of pages of private Text Messages leaked more than a week ago where he seemed cruelly mocking the very puerto rican people who elected him to come up with the he gave you. To each puerto rican men and woman i have hurt you and i hear you today i have made mistakes and i ask for forgiveness i am a good man who has great love for my island and for everyone. He refused to step down only fueling more anger on the streets these god our governor is taking everything that were proud of we need him to step down he did something he asked for forgiveness thats ok but he needs to respond for what he did its unprecedented the number of people out here on the streets this started as a protest against the governor and it still very much is but also has grown into something much larger the feeling of most here is that now is the time not only to demand a new governor but also a better government i mean here because i want to fight corruption in my country its been many years that people have suffered the consequences of corruption and its time that the younger generations then stop its we cannot say like oh no were scared of the future like my parents and some people are afraid of change and its normal that we have to tell the government that they have to have a social commitment. With health and education thousands of people shut down the main highway through the city but the road ahead purported ricoh now more uncertain than ever. San juan. Syrian government killed at least 54 civilians and province president Bashar Al Assads forces backed by russia relaunched their offensive to capture the last major rebel held territory in april how correspondent has this report from beirut. A trail of death and destruction this is the immediate aftermath of the airstrikes carried out by either syrian or russian warplanes the target was the marketplace and man the opposition controlled town is kilometers from the front lines but crowded and residential areas have been repeatedly targeted and the russian backed Syrian Government military campaign that began at the end of april i was planes are targeted. There are many casualties and inject the warplanes hit the area early this morning look at the syrians look at the bodies of syrian children traitors. Syrians here feel the International Community has abandoned them there have been words of condemnation and Un Security Council meetings but Russian Support for the Syrian Government apparently means little can be done to stop the bloodshed. Was i was i i. I i. I i i. I i i. Opposition activists have documented more than 700. 00 civilian deaths in recent weeks including women and children United Nations has also reported attacks on Health Centers and Water Supplies in breach of International Humanitarian law attacking civilians in opposition controlled areas has been a tactic used by the Syrian Military repeatedly over the years. But the rebels are refusing to surrender they are on the frontlines defending their territory and what has become a costly campaign for the leadership in damascus and their allies in moscow the government has lost nearly 1000 men and hasnt taken any significant territory. Syrian Government Forces were aiming to push the rebels north and recapture International Road links to revive trade between government controlled cities that didnt happen and this 3 month bombardment forced more than 300000 syrians to abandon their homes and move closer to the border with turkey. Just sort of through this has become a disaster city more than 90 percent of this population had to flee to camps further north those who dont have cars or money had to stay here god help us and to the assault on italy province and northern hammer will depend on turkey and russia they have in the past mediated a cease fire and for now they are bargaining on the ground through their local allies and the fate of the rebel controlled problems along turkeys borders is unlikely to be the only issue on the table for their pavement and an air strike in libya has halted all flights and the only functioning airport in the capital or say my to the airport has been hit by repeated shelling its come under attack several times during the 3 month offensive by forces loyal to walter khalifa haftar. Now french president among american says theres been progress after a meeting in paris on the mediterranean migrant crisis and hopes that a tentative agreement will lead to a more efficient system every distribution people picked up off the coast of libya now charity is also planned to resume their joint mediterranean rescue operations next month with a new ship that reports. The new rescue ship is called ocean viking registered in norway its crew includes doctors and a midwife run by European Charities s. Y. S. Mediterranean and Doctors Without Borders its mission is to save lives in the Mediterranean Sea migration experts say that more than 420 people have died this year attempting the dangerous crossing to europe from libya where increased violence has made the situation more desperate said. The deadly journey across the Mediterranean Sea as for the men women and children who embark on a ship the only possible way of filling the nightmare in the situation in libya rates of torture and slavery. Viking is now in the north sea on its way to the mediterranean its a welcome resumption of operations for s. O. S. Mediterranean its previous ship the aquarius was barred from entering italy by far right interior minister met. In june 28th seen soon after it lost its license to sail the ships been docked in the french port of mass a since december in nearly 3 years the equerries saved nearly 30000 lives the charities behind the ocean viking ship say that in your opinion governments are failing in their moral and human duty to rescue people in distress and they urge east states to take responsibility and do more growing concern over immigration in europe has fueled hostility among some european governments towards rescue ships campaigners say that the e. U. Should designate some ports and safe harbors so that ships can disembark survivors. We are asking for months and months to save lives 1st and to discuss politics afterwards and to respect the fundamentals of human rights at the lease a palace the french president met the head of the uns Refugee Agency they discussed the situation in libya and europes response to migrants and refugees rescued. We have to respect humanitarian rules and the rules of maritime law so when a vessel is in International Waters or isnt leaving libyan waters with refugees on board it must be able to shelter in the closest safe port this rule is necessary its legally and practically necessary campaigners say that europe may well be tightening borders but european governments must not forget their humanity and make saving lives a shared priority Natasha Butler al jazeera paris. High temperatures and strong winds are making it tough to extinguish wildfires raging across central portugal about a 1000 firefighters are battling the flames some locals are blaming a lack of resources and Government Action for the damage caused by the fires. Now protesters in the philippine capital have denounced president president ford record a task and his state of the nation speech they condemned his campaign on Illegal Drugs and friendly relations with china but it was a different picture inside congress and i can reports from manila. This was president rodrigo deter to sports the state of the nation address his supporters promised it would be his most important year laying out his plans for the remaining 3 years of his term. In his 90 minute address in congress where the majority is allied to this administration he promised a continuation of this policy until the end of his term and no let up in this campaign against the Illegal Drugs treat i. Still have. To fight against this social minutes let the results. Of the death penalty. For crying is still a big. Legal. Despite a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution to investigate the killings and a pending preliminary examination in the International Criminal court the Philippine Government says more than 6000 filipinos have been killed since the terror to launch the socalled war on drugs but the Rights Groups say the total is more than 20000. 00 local polls do show approval for detaches war on drugs but many people also fear they could become victims of extrajudicial killings and they support International Investigations been carried out. Outside congress in manila an effigy of the terror t. Was burned and thousands of filipinos took to the streets in protest they say deterred to speech is just a rehash of violent rhetoric his often used against his critics they say instead of talking he should listen what we also see is a doctrine of preemptive surrender in our Foreign Policy in which this practice this government apparently is to give him whenever possible the kind of. The dirtiest perceived capitulation to china despite acts of aggression in the South China Sea and his socalled war on drugs are the top major issues that dominate todays protests people here tell us the president is unfit to govern and they want him to resign the state of the nation address is meant to be a showcase of the governments achievements but protesters here say his speech is merely an attempt by government to conceal grave violations committed against the filipino people. To dogon. Manila. Teller im in doha with the headlines iran says it doesnt want to see a confrontation with the u. K. Over the seizure of a british flag oil tanker the u. K. Is demanding the vessel and its crew be released and once and european led Naval Mission to ensure safe shipping through the strait of hormuz the stand off will be a priority for the incoming british Prime Minister this week tipped to be parsed johnson i think it is very important from. 10 downing street who understand that iran does not. Iran who. Normally. Respond. And in yet another escalation iran says its arrested 17 spies working for the cia and sentenced some of them to death u. S. President donald trump though called the announcement totally false and says hes becoming less inclined to renegotiate the 2015. 1 of the best things ive done is terminate that ridiculous deal if they want to make a deal its frankly its getting harder for me to want to make a deal with the run because they behave very badly theyre saying bad things and ill tell you it could go either way very easily very easily and im ok either way it goes the u. S. Government says it will allow immigration officers to deport undocumented migrants from wherever they find them without allowing them to appear before a judge fast. Most of venezuela has been plunged into darkness after a major blackout the government says opponents sabotaged a power station Opposition Leader one quite 0 is blaming the government for failing to maintain the National Grid. And protesters demanding the resignation of pressure rekers governor are refusing to back down they rallied again outside his residence where tear gas has been fired to disperse the crowds on sunday ricardo as they are said he wont seek reelection but wouldnt quit the protest began after a leak of offensive messages between the governor and members of his in a circle all those are the headlines the news continues here after witness to dons forgotten films stay with us. On counting the cost the trillion dollar lunar bounty 50 years after man 1st stepped on the moon we find out why theres a scramble to return and the number of people going hungry has risen for the 3rd year running we find out whats gone wrong. Counting the cost and i just you. Or you you. Need to. Keep going off and he. Seems to be. In. The. Right decision with the

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