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2 months ago or testers want an end dependent and korean to alleged Police Brutality that complete withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill and the resignation of hong kongs leader kerry lamb and the past hour she has held a News Conference kerry land that is accusing the protesters of being reckless they did not mind destroying hong kong economy they have no stake in the society which so many people have helped to build. And that thats why they resort to old is the violence and obstructions causing huge damage to economy and sort of daily life all over people so i am indeed very worried about this situation and thats why i appeal for calm calmness and rationality to help us to overcome this situation. Mcbride is live at the airport rob what are the chances that kerry lands message is actually in any way going to resonate resonate with these protesters. And thats right resell incredible scenes here this friday afternoon now getting into friday we begin hong kong the protests swelling throughout the afternoon are now completely taking over this whole terminal and it has to be said an incredible performance yet again from hong kongs beleaguered. Carry law it does seem quite baffling but it is crucial moment and lets remember last weekend was the most serious and widespread of the arm rest of the violence weve seen here everyone is now looking to the numbers this weekend to see whether that is the shape of things to come whether we are entering a new phase here we heard about this press conference from carrying just over an hour and a half ago there was a big expectation my goodness she was going to went out something very major to try to head off another we can devote the rest as she has done in the past you remember it was weeks to go before a big weekend protests like this that she announced that this extradition bill was going to be suspended there was a building expectation that she was going to announce something something since substantial she came to the press conference spoke about the shopping im being a bit flippant there she spoke more widely about the economy shes been having meetings with Business Leaders hong kong is a business oriented city the economy has taken a battering the property sector retail the number of visitors has dropped by a 3rd all those things are true but at this stage which is a fairly crucial moment in hong kong history to come and address just the Economic Issues and say that these people are being irresponsible and damaging the economy could potentially be very inflammatory once more they will be support for this in beijing that will be support for many in the business sector who are saying the prosperity is important Stability Development all of those things 6 this will help them. Will be absolute outrage from everybody who was opposed to the iraq if you look at one of the demonstrations in the streets at least 2000000 people in a city of 7000000 people from impartial observers to would you come to know it there will be the verdict of death at this stage for sure all right robin pride live for us and hong kong rob thank you china is china that is issued its highest red alert warning as a typhoon makes its way towards the eastern coastline typhoon lukemia is expected to make landfall in jame province on saturday its already battered taiwan killing one person leaving 60000. 00 households without power japan was also hit some people were injured in flights and Ferry Service is disrupted yemen to the rebels say the younger brother of their leader of. The has been killed they issued a statement announcing that abraham our athena who theory but they didnt specify the cause theyre blaming agents of what they say is a u. S. Israeli saudi coalition. And fears of a new battlefront and yemens conflict are growing is fighting intensifies in the south between Government Forces and separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates mortars have been fired and tanks are on the streets of aden as battles spread towards the airport at least a dozen people have been killed since fighting broke out on wednesday and her schapelle has more. A rift continues to grow between the local forces of the saudi u. A. E. Coalition after dozens of their soldiers were killed in a hooty attack last week southern separatists blamed the internationally recognized government of president of drug monsour hadi of failing to protect them and called for hardees government to be overthrown the fragile negotiations taking place to bring an end to yemens war the United Nations is calling on the parties to stand down where were very concerned about the growing violence there were see in. This something this special envoy himself has stated. It is important for everyone to recommit themselves to a political process hotties government has support from saudi arabia the southern secessionist led by a true selves a baby are backed by the United Arab Emirates while the iraqis announced their withdrawal from yemen last month theyve armed trained and left behind 90000 troops made up of fighters from southern communities and the coastal plains that opens up the prospect of a new front line between a u. A. E. Backed force against the saudi backed government. Its going to be very dangerous they are on the same side in terms of fighting the host the or annoy a northern opponent out however in reality they have not been getting along for months and the southern separates us forces especially represented in the Southern Transitional council have called repeatedly to secession and feel like the time is ideal to selfdetermination and to pursue it now so it seems that although theyre fighting against a common enemy the time has come where differences amongst them are more important than just fighting that enemy. The area where the fighting is taking place is the highest point in the city and near the president ial palace and even though the building is largely empty its still considered the seat of government without a resolution to their longstanding demands southern separatists may decide to try and take their seat at the negotiating table if one isnt given to them and schapelle aljazeera. Has more from santa. This is the ration in aden is a very dangerous for all the civilians there many families are still trapped. Living between the fighting groups the Transitional Councils Security Forces continue their battles in the days that Populated Areas many appeals have been issued by civilians while traveling between booth while fighting they have called for for operating access to the to these people to get out of the cities all especially the districts where the 1st confrontations are taking place which are in in a whole mike southern creator the 1st confrontations which have started only around the president ial palace now it has extended out throughout the city there were also the president ial guards have also do being deployed to. To fight with the bill Security Forces now the situation is really difficult for the people there they are calling for for for access for them to flee the city. According to some reports from local sources. Over 11 people have been killed. From both sides claim lawrence is a professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University Says the latest violence as a setback to a political solution. Similar conflicts like syria like here via libya when you dont only have 2 sides but you have a bunch of other militias and jihadist groups with their own agendas the main game is to have a big deal between the 2 sides like we had in sudan in very different circumstances in july where the too many forces decide were going to make a deal and then were going to have side negotiations with the others to try to stem what they can do and then if you have a big deal and most of the others join on then it becomes easier for countries like United States and others who are primarily concerned with kara terrorism against the hardest to focus on the jihadist groups who then become much more vulnerable because they can take advantage of the chaos that the other types of fighting creates but right now the problem is that the situation is that its its the opposite of trust Building Trust its hard to do in these circumstances when allied troops cant really rely or even trust each other anymore so its going to take some months to rebuild these coalitions back so that we can get the eventual the jailed kurdish leader of a colony says that he is ready to talk with turkish authorities to work on a solution in the conflict with kurdish fighters hes been imprisoned for 20 years now and a statement or as a lawyer says the current do not need a separate states if out of the Kurdistan Workers Party the k k which launched a separatist campaign against the turkish state in 1904 its blacklisted as a terrorist group by turkey and barker has more from istanbul. To launch a land the founding father of the p. K. K. Has released a statement through his lawyers in which he said that he was very confident that he could resolve the conflict between the turkish state and kurdish fighters within a week he said he also said the turkish government needed to do whats necessary or slam is the founding father of the p. K. K. That began a separatist insurgency against the turkish state in 1904 he was jailed in 1909 and is currently being held in a maximum security prison on an island in the sea of marmara hes been denied a lawyer since 2011 but this year is seen as lawyers on several different occasions he also still exerts a tremendous amount of influence over the p. K. K. And its offshoot the y. P. Gee what does all of this mean well there is a new context for these comments in the form of hopes of creating a safe zone in Northern Syria negotiations between turkey and the United States have been intense in recent days plans to create a safe zone a tentative largely because of a fundamental difference of opinion over the why p. G. Viewed very much in turkey as a terrorist organization a threat to National Security but seen by the United States as allies in the fight against isis or could this in some way soften the stance between turkey and the white b. G. All of that is unclear. Early 2000000. 00 muslims are estimated to have started their annual hodge pilgrimage to mecca in saudi arabia the 5 day event is a chance for muslims to seek redemption and to forgive and be forgiven muslims its considered the peak of spirituality. For the 800. 00 people have died this year trying to cross the mediterranean and the last 2 months alone dozens of bodies have washed up on tenacious tourist beaches David Chaytor has been to the resort city which is now the new frontline in the migration crisis. The on the horizon of these warm waters lapping the shore of sars this tragedy is playing out and time and tide up bringing the bodies of its victims to these tourist beaches more than 70 migrants drowned last month when their inflatable raft sank in rough weather. The director of the red crescent to help pull them out of the water told me the corpses were floating in from every direction or not. Saving these people and even returning them to a prison indeed is better than lifting them die like that in huge numbers of young people pregnant women and babies the norm from European Countries that we are the heavy responsibility its a crime. This garbage heap outside zazi this is where the dead bodies used to be dumped the red crescent has now ribera them nearby but these graves share the same ground as the citys rubbish. We spoke to a young man who nearly ended up here himself interested in the new business we live in small boat into the deep sea the boat started to shake interludes capsized in those moments so i look at what i did and. I remember what happened i feel. Mohammed is taking refuge at the Red Crescent Center outside tsars this other survivors like him are still struggling to cope with the terror of danger would wondering if they ever dare to go through it all again to reach europe a new symmetry is being built here it already contains the bodies of 71. 00 people that were washed ashore on the city beaches last month. Each of these graves have been numbered in the d. N. A. Sample has been taken from each one of the victims the record of those is being held at the local hospital already the director of the red crescent is receiving inquiries from all over the site hell region and even from morocco about who might be lying here these waters are meant to be a source of fun and pleasure but the death toll is rising all the time and thats reality thats haunting this beach David Chaytor al jazeera sources. Russias government has accused the us embassy in moscow of meddling in its internal affairs it says the American Embassy published a map on social media but the route of an unauthorized protest in the capital last week Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned a senior u. S. Diplomat over at this post and joins us live now from moscow with the latest so how big of a deal is this step. Well this is quite significant we can say that this is a new phase in this ongoing crackdown against this protest movement where has been going on to the street for the 3 past weeks and will go on to the street again tomorrow in an authorized protest basically now the government is playing the foreign interference card it blaming the u. S. Embassy for inviting people to come to this on of rights protest on their twitter page while the u. S. Embassy says were only warning citizens to be careful for any disturbances in the city and actually asked people not to come but basically this is a tactic in an old narrative to blame a foreign those Foreign Countries for interfering in domestic politics basically saying that this is not all about russians being unhappy and thats why they are taking to the streets in this light also to stay dumas was actually on on leave right now is calling for an emergency session this month also discussing the interference election interference by 3 foreign organizations as well and the german channel has also been blamed for supporting these protests and this is all coming after this crackdown which has been intensifying this week several houses offices have been raided 11 people are now in detention on serious charges criminal charges facing long terms in prison for what human rights organizations call peaceful protests and the fall need a leader one of the leaders of this organization of these protest movement has claimed that hes been poisoned and his organization the Anti Corruption foundation has now been facing criminal charges on Money Laundering but all this crackdown all these measures have not yet resulted in silencing these protests on saturday tens of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets in moscow again in this also right protest all right 7000 live for us in moscow step thank you. A few moments we will have the weather with everton and still ahead right now on aljazeera the fallout from one of the biggest u. S. Immigration raids in years. Among crisis to another migrants flavin his way alone want to be caught up in violence in neighboring colombia. And sport a nice shot by tiger woods but find out why he had a day to forget in new jersey for a while have all of that. How i think its fair to say that this picture really does paint a 1000 words to clearly mark typhoons in the pacific this one cross thats a little further out thats in the process of intensified by this one that we have here very close to taiwan we talk about this for a couple of days now this ones starting to lose some intensity equivalent to a category 3 storm at the moment but its still a recovery to when it does make landfall is very close will make landfall in about 8 hours or so so whats the position of the storm at present alsa bands as huge the size of that outer bands of the storm already bringing Copious Amounts of rainfall across the east coast of china and sustained winds around 195 Kilometers Per Hour at present so it is still equivalent of a category 3 storm as i said it will use a little bit of intense stay still damaging winds is due to be a very dangerous storm when it does make landfall in around 8 hours time or so this is the latest radar picture and you can clearly see the eye of the storm on the radar as well its making its way up toward shanghai a massive city of course this with a population of around 26000000 people some 7 provinces a currently under warning because of the arrival of the storm in the coming hours that heavy rain is going to push its way further northwards over the mets couple of days some parts saying around 300. 00 to 400. 00 millimeters of rain. Sponsored by countdown. The latest news as it breaks. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to me on my own without sort of richer papers and security guarantees from around the world the challenges facing the new Prime Minister and then negotiate a new brics a deal in 98. 00 days a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. Watching out to 0 lets recap the top stories right now tens of thousands of people are set to rally in pakistan after the 1st friday of prayer since and you know administered kashmir was stripped of its autonomy pakistans foreign minister is welcoming the demonstrations and has arrived in beijing to gain chinas support. And cons later carolan has addressed antigovernment protests at the airport shes accusing them of trying to wreck the economy you can see here thousands are still occupying part of the main terminal. Separatists are fighting Government Forces in southern yemen for a 3rd say that at least a dozen people have been killed since the conflict broke out. After u. S. Immigration agents carried out their biggest raids in a decade some suspected illegal workers have been allowed to go back home to their children the raids on Food Processing plants and mississippi follow Donald Trumps vow to target what he calls illegal aliens or since let me has more. It was the largest workplace raid by u. S. Officials in more than a decade immigration and Customs Enforcement or ice officers swept through a number of Food Processing plants in mississippi arresting anyone without proper papers leading to scenes like this who lead them to be free and then. Some 300. 00 of the 680. 00 arrested have now been released from custody United States of america is the greatest nation in the history of the world and its no wonder people from around the world want to come here to our country. But while we do welcome folks from other countries they have to follow our laws. Federal officials said steps were taken to make sure that children of those arrested were safe but this provoked outrage among some and we. Think you would stand with up in this quest with no one who will do just that will be able but for those children wouldnt notice the lucian deal that will be called out start going to continue at the same time the buses of men and women workers were being taken to a military base for processing President Trump was traveling to texas to pay his respects to victims of a mass shooter who are believed to be targeted for being hispanic despite his attempts to show sympathy for the victims the president has been accused of fostering racism and White Supremacy with his words and policies the mayor of jackson mississippi has called on churches to provide safe haven for the immigrants still facing deportation we see these raids not being ordered to protect our back a cheap the opposite you know they are targeted you know that they cant access the same institutions the same methods of protection that we all look to. Move that will put him at odds with the Republican Party and pit immigrant advocates against federal officials intent on aggressively enforcing the law kristen salumi al jazeera. The United Nations says new u. S. Sanctions on venezuela could make life worse for millions struggling to get food and health care as administration has frozen government assets and banned americans from doing business there and israel and government leaders are refusing talks with the opposition and protest the sanctions which also triggered demonstrations in the capital caracas venezuelans escaping the crisis and chaos at home are getting caught up in drug related violence on the border with colombia Human Rights Watch says armed groups are abusing civilians getting reports in the capital. 4000000. 00 venezuelans have fled the economic collapse blackouts and out of. Inflation in their country most crossing into neighboring colombia and while the colombian government is receiving them with open arms some are being killed or recruited by criminal groups in the countrys Border Regions its one of the Main Findings of a report presented by the International Watchdog group Human Rights Watch a document focuses on the increase in violence in the border region since the signing of the peace deal with 5016 delays in the implementation of a peace deal left a void thats being filled by smaller armed groups who are unleashing a new wave of drug related violence the type of abuses are frankly. Atrocities. And we have been able to document cases of disappearances executions. Sexual violence. Forced recruitment of minors they use land mines. I renew will of war that has forced some 40000 people to flee their homes in the region while business women and children are forced to work harvesting coca leaves. Im 14 years old and they scrape coca leaves there were children as young as 8 who scrape coca the government response to the violence has been mainly military increasing the number of troops in the region and local residents say that this is actually worsen the situation accusing part of the armed forces of being complicit with illegal armed groups. Farmer says that it is has been unable to return to cut that because of the presence of armed groups hes working in a restaurant and he says the lawlessness means nobody knows how many undocumented the venezuelan have been killed. Often they get killed simply because they dont know who they are they might think they are informers potential spies the groups confronting each other kill who they dont know. The report says most of these crimes go unpunished in accuses the government of not meeting its obligations to protect civilians in the area its calling for venezuelans to be given legal status to help them move to safer parts of the country and this and that m. P. s. Puerto rico may be in line for yet another governor a 4th in the past week and yet more political turmoil Party Colleagues have one of ask us have publicly discussed replacing her 24 hours after she was sworn in she is the 3rd candidate to replace for cordova selo he resigned last month over a leaked offense of Text Messages and corruption allegations. 17 executives at the multinational make allman sachs have been charged with allowing malaysias former leader. And other sister billions of dollars from its development. Also facing separate corruption charges its the 2nd time that malaysia has accused. Misappropriating. Bank denies any wrongdoing and race to replace donald trump the democratic partys front runner is joe biden and the career of the former u. S. Vice president is under scrutiny particularly a criminal justice. 25 years ago is blamed for selling the prison population to the worlds highest courts darrius perkins was released from prison in early july having served 23 years of a 35 year mandatory minimum sentence for selling crack cocaine in 2018 a new law retroactively reduced such long sentences for crack cocaine offenses will. Try to play no. The us has the highest prison population in the world incarceration exploded in the eightys with the beginning of the socalled war on drugs and because black communities are intensively targeted by Law Enforcement it was africanamericans who were arrested and jailed disproportionately even though white drug use was equal or more than that of blacks joe biden took credit for the 986. 00 law that mandated the same sentence for 5 grams of crack possession as 500 grams of cocaine and he followed that with a 994 crime bill which mandated federal mandatory life sentences for repeat drug offenses and encouraged us states to do the same the devastation of africanamerican communities through the drugs crackdown was apparent yet it rejected recommendations to end the sentencing disparity for crack and ignored calls to focus more on Crime Prevention than punishment we do everything but hang people for jaywalking. In this bill mandatory minimum sentences passed during joe bidens tenure increased the federal prison population by about 800 percent and theres a pretty direct correlation between mandatory minimum sentences and federal prison growth i think the causal link is pretty clear and undeniable in fairness to biden he wasnt alone in advocating harsh sentencing and it was electorally popular but the issue has become controversial in 2019 because he campaigned only his crime legislation until relatively recently despite the obvious social devastation and his recent apologies have been filled with qualifications and he said were talking about things that happened a long time ago barack obama trusted me that should be enough reference. Darrius is now 46. 00 and adjusting to a world thats changed since he was jailed at 23. 00 but while billions of dollars have been spent on prisons and police due to bidens legislation the lack of opportunity in his hometown remains vivid. Worse we dont even have a store that hed be the center of. Nobody wants to were going to want to sell want to. Break the law you know. About more opportunity want to be the. You know middle class we want to. You know be to put our children in college who want to do it. And still thousands remain in prison sentence to life without parole for nonviolent offenses under the just nation Joe Biden Rhodes and for which he passionately took credit she average hansie aljazeera sandy level virginia. Thing if it ever is spreading rapidly in bangladesh with dozens of cases reported every hour doctors fear of the deadliest outbreak in 20 years will spread as infected people in cities travel to remote villages for the 8 holidays the government says the mosquito borne diseases killed 29 people so far Tucker Chacha reports from the capital dhaka. With the rising number of dingo fever patients its becoming increasingly difficult for both government and private hospitals to close in many hospitals theres hardly any space left. I want the 300 patients that were going to get rid of in this hospital at this one particular once of the patients are suffering from. Them and among them a significant number of the patients are presenting with the features of big shock syndrome in many cases patients are having to move from one hospital to another often not finding a vacant beds and returning home without treatment. I had a fever for around 3 days and i decided to go see a doctor at the hospital he suggested that i take a test. Results which showed it to be positive it wasnt so good it made it immediately thought of the worst hit 15 to 25 year olds or both sexes on my room in my room they came down with a high fever he suffered for several days until he was diagnosed with dengue fever we didnt realize at 1st he had you know after a few days i came down with a high fever and after the diagnosis it turns out i had caught. The government recently launched and i were in this campaign and fumigation operation to control the spread of mosquito borne diseases if we think about the magnitude of the outbreak its an outbreak its a. Smaller. Comfort isnt 2 previous years were having. I think the gap is huge so its large number of patients are suffering an estimated 400000000 people worldwide suffer the painful debilitating disease every year doctors usually advice pain relievers rest and to drink plenty of liquids Health Experts suspect that it is species of mosquitoes which carries the virus may have already spread outside the capital Dhaka Bangladesh is struggling with one of the worst outbreak of dengue fever in the past 20 years the situation is getting bad to worse with the number of dead steadily increasing along with patients needing treatment. Doctors fear they will get even more busier during the eve the holidays in few days. Dhaka 2 bangladesh. Flooding in southern and western india has killed at least 30 people and force 180000 people from their homes on soon rains have caused several rivers and dams to overflow in maharashtra and Karnataka States and the as National Disaster risk

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