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Warplanes all 3 leaders have expressed concern about the risk of a deterioration the terrorist in the humanitarian situation there is a need to be we have refugees amassed on our borders and we cant sit and watch this such a Dangerous Development will affect not only our country but also europe we need to continue our responsibilities and we have decided there is a need to establish safe areas for our troops live to aljazeera. And so this was the 5th meeting on syria between the 3 leaders what have they announce what have they agreed on. Well foley in terms of tangible announcements the only real one that came out was the announcement that they would meet again in a month this time in iran however they seem to be in some sort of general agreement as to the need to continue working towards this all out inclusive the escalation as theyve called it essentially moving towards it completes a station of hostilities a cease fire what is the Sticking Point as you mentioned there was. The russians and the iranians obviously because of their backing their proxy in the regime of bashar assad want to see a complete disarmament so all of the armed opposition groups turkey wants to see an end to bombardments all of those years in order to ensure that there isnt more refugees and also so that they can send and repatriates some of the refugees that are here present pointed to the fact that 350000 turkish or rather Syrian Refugees from starkey were able to return home because of the areas that the Turkish Military has been able to safeguard on that sliver of land on the syrian side of the psyche border but you also pointed out to the fact that he is adamant that a 30 kilometer safe zone buffer zone must be established under the protection of the Turkish Military awards the east of new free its river all of the asli the russians and the iranians fell short of agreeing on that however it starkly said if they dont get approval or agreements within the next couple of weeks its a threats weve heard before that they would go ahead you know naturally an operator is taking points as far as the russians on the reins are concerned this we heard through the president of iran has on our honey the presence of American Forces in that area they are a nato ally of turkey and therefore thats going to cause sorts of juggling act for korea to deal with thats the short term. Issues there are medium and long. Charm factor is year 41 being the overall reports from the return of the millions of Syrian Refugees not just from turkey but also from lebanon and so forth but in order to do that were in a culture 22. 00 situation whereas you kind of need some sort of political agreements but to get the political agreements there needs to be some sort of stability and safety on the ground and this is where we have the 3rd sector of these dialogues for the long term factor or elements in them which is that political agreements and here theyve been speaking about setting up some sort of Constitutional Committee that would draw off the document that would rule or post conflict syria thank you for that. Lets speak some more about this now to Joshua Landis who is the director of the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma and president of the syria studies association his via skype from norman in oklahoma Joshua Landis as always good to have you with us on aljazeera how much progress do you think they have maids in this meeting really towards securing a lasting truce in syria do you think anything will change in the next few days and weeks. You know theres not a lot of progress but it is the 3 have to get together and constantly manage the situation which is quite explosive because there is an offensive led by the Syrian Government in italy province which could drive hundreds of thousands not millions of refugees into turkey turkey is also at daggers drawn with the United States over the question of kurds in in Eastern Europe radius region and so all of those different interests have to be managed and each side wants to use this conference as a way to underline its interests its needs to tell america in a sense that they need to leave the area so different interests as you say in different agendas russia was very eager to see progress on a sad mission this Constitutional Committee for sorry after oversee the next stage of the political settlement and we heard earlier from the 3 leaders that this Constitutional Committee will stop where he needs it leave that significant in your view well you know theyve been saying to us for for well over a year now it is the one thing that they all pretend to agree on but its quite clear that that Bashar Al Assad is not having much of this hes not going to change the constitution in any substantial way he believes hes won the war russia does too just the other day the russians were saying the war is essentially over we just have to worry about these 2 different pockets the one in atlanta the one where the kurds are and then the east of the euphrates and so its hard to see that this constitutional process has really got legs but they all like to talk about it right and as you said yourself we know about some of the priorities wayside techies priority right now things have shifted to preventing the influx of refugees from syrias northwests what about iran right now. Well iran has the least at stake here of course they want to stress the line that syrian sovereignty is paramount in their eyes they want to get rid of both turkey and you know. Turkey and americans but they are also sitting in the world stage right now this is an important moment because of the trouble in the persian gulf iran wants to look like a comic rational player in the international scene. And all of these partners russia and turkey and iran want to underline that america at least they see it america and syria as the bad actor so thats what theyre underlining its good for iraq i thank you so much for your thoughts Joshua Landis from the university of oklahoma joining us say by skype thank you very much for your time pleasure to spend time i had on this on just your knees are including doctors lawyers and nurses joined protests in france against proposed Pension Reforms passed police in italy a rescue ventas outraise claiming they try to blackmail the clap thats coming up in sports with pete. First britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been booed by crowds after holding talks with the luxembourg Prime Minister on breaks it for more lets cross over to my intimacy in our european Broadcast Center in london mariam. Yeah thats right funny not a great reception for the british Prime Minister that he actually ends up skipping that joint press conference for the luxembourgs have bethell after receiving a frosty reception from crowds after those breaks it talks the. A battle says no concrete proposals have been presented by press and earlier johnson met the head of the European Commission chunk of. Britain is yet to offer any legally Operational Solutions to this battle echoed those comments speaking alongside an empty podium set up by johnson. For me and i just have one we strong agreement on the table and its one from last year done no changes there are no concrete proposals for the moment on the table and i want to give an agreement to ideas we need written proposals and the time is ticking so should stop speaking but act a very different tone from the british Prime Minister who says he can see a bracks at dale taking shape we are now in the stage where we have to start really accelerating the work and that was the agreement today. Its all good youre good with me siobhan and look i dont want to get peoples you know weve got to manage this carefully yes there is a good chance of a deal yes i can see the shape of it. Everybody can see roughly what could be done but it will require. Movement and the system by which the e. U. Can control the u. K. After we leave the socalled backstop. To go from that treaty and that needs to happen and out of there is no brings us more now from luxembourg. Well there were rather extraordinary scenes at the Prime Ministers office in luxembourg Boris Johnson the british Prime Minister was supposed to be having a press conference with exactly a bettle the Prime Minister of luxembourg just outside the courtyard with this was due to take place very visible a crowd of about 100 protesters chanting slogans against Boris Johnson it was incredibly loud so much so that many wondered how on earth the speakers in this press conference would be heard but then the door was open to the Prime Ministers office and for storms moving through the crowd and straight out leaving its obvious battle the Prime Minister of luxembourg alone at the podium to take this press conference better was visibly quite shaken he had held about 30 minutes worth of talks with Boris Johnson they had of course discussed brags its a battle made it very clear that as far as key another european leaders were concerned their position had changed he said the Boris Johnson had not brought anything new to luxembourg or one proposed anything new in an earlier meeting with the European Commission heads. That you had expected johnson to come up with some realistic or viable turn to stick the contentious irish back stop part of the good george agreement the job he wants to scrap but it is very clear said battle that there were no real propositions made and he said that the European Union was fed up with being having its future held hostage as britain still tries to work out what it wants to do. Alan wager is a Research Associate at the u. K. And a changing Europe Initiative at Kings College london joins me now and so there you have it Boris Johnson booed and heckled in luxemburg how barrus ng is it that this reception then causes him to miss on out on the press conference with the Prime Minister who then ends up gesturing at an empty podium well yes it shows the antipathy between. 27 many countries the 27 and Boris Johnson it shows enter for these many people in the e. U. To Boris Johnson also shows the distance there still is to go before there is anyone close to to a deal i mean weve just seen today but they couldnt luxembourg in the u. K. Can negotiate the terms of a press conference. That theyll negotiate a new deal that took over 2 years a negotiated in a matter of weeks a matter of days so the real distance we are to get anything close to a deal between the u. K. Me but johnson insists that by threatening to to crash out of the e. U. At the end of october that that increases the chances of there being a deal to him this is this is exactly the point its a negotiating strategy yet maybe shows a sort of reckless and willing to sort of abandon the pretext of a deal and sort of go for a full head of that with a no deal but hes been briefing at the weekend about the prospects of a deal and he sort of told the newspapers on sunday in the u. K. That he would be like the incredible hulk and very muscle into these negotiations and commit to a deal and get make sure the u. K. Sort of the back down if you like and here he is today sort of abandoning a press conference a sort of conflicting messages conflicting signals coming out one little head of the hulk would be perhaps. Is the e. U. Feeling any pressure right now. I think its feeling some pressure what a member the e. U. A noted outcome wouldnt be beneficial to the European Union it would be bad for ireland but were seeing a situation where the e. U. Is able to keep itself together because theres no real proposals to try and divide up the other members no real just that there are proposals coming from the u. K. At present on alternatives that will join agreements so at the moment is it their interest to see the u. K. Crash out without a deal its not in their interest is going to be bad for the economy of the 27. 00 as well as as well as the as well as the u. K. But if were talking about right now the politics of september into october. Is going to try and scope out and frame as a blaming exercise then they are going to push back strongly against that because theyre saying they feel that theyre saying Boris Johnson coming to the coming to the come to brussels going to luxembourg today and basically trying to put the blame on the for an ideal outcome either after an election or before and thats what they really should appreciate against this week how well the Prime Minister deal with this law passed by parliament calling on him to ask for an extension in the event a deal isnt go shaded by. 1000. 00 and that doesnt like the likely scenario can Boris Johnson just ignore it its unlikely theyll be able to ignore it the most likely outcome is that hell resign to avoid it because hell say coming election and hell be framing that as the possibility of say i did everything i could to stop to stop this theres a time to stop breaks it vote from a give me a majority against Jeremy Corbyn and i will fulfil that mandate and hell think thats probably the better political option than going to brussels with his tail between his legs which is the big choice hes got of the moment alan wager from Kings College london thank you thanks. Ill bring you more from london a bit later on and the news out now lets get back to folly and out of miami thank you very much still ahead on this news i will tell you where forest fires are causing widespread toxic paints as teachers on strike and why more than a 1000000 children in jordan have been forced to stay at home. And well tell you about a city in japan thats become a home from home for the rugby team of the Welsh Rugby Team and stay with us. Hello again welcome back were here across the northeastern part of turkey azerbaijan as well as into georgia we are seeing scored a few clouds on our satellite image right there in those clouds some heavy rain as well and thats going to continue as we go towards tuesday but about koop things looking much better for you with plenty of sun in your forecast we do expect to see a temperature of 26. 00 tehran at 34. 00 in kuwait city starting at 40 degrees here on tuesday possibly going up to 44. 00 by the time we get towards wednesday well mornings here in doha are going to be a little bit sticky humanity is going to be quite high visibility could be a little bit lower to here on tuesday specifically by the time we get towards wednesday we do expect to see better visibility actively in the morning over here towards of dobby a High Temperature few of 38 in saliva a Beautiful Day at about 28 degrees there and then very quickly across parts of Southern Africa temperatures are on the rise for many cities were going to sing some clouds 1st of all down here across much of the south but by the time we get towards tuesday we do expect to see derby with a high of 28 degrees johannesburg at 31 and capetown where you are finally into the low twentys we do expect to see on tuesday 23. 00 degrees there may be getting a little bit cloudy as we go towards wednesday 22. 00 but for joining us it is going to be more sun and that means temperatures are on the way up. We do expect to see a high of 32 degrees. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline and illegally dredged suttons some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish its a big business smuggling you say when they will take the sit there until the sand is are there you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so profound the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera the blowing up in the United States i learned that the person amendment is really key to being a good fit to bring them up to the challenge is going to be good enough to leave men and women to the resources that are available but its an aljazeera story to me is that we just dont tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for thats what aljazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth. Theyre watching the news hour on aljazeera a reminder of our top stories iran president Hassan Rouhani says attacks on 2 major Oil Facilities in saudi arabia where selfdefense by yemens hoofy rebels saudi arabia insists the attacks. Involved iranian weapons and did not come from yemen ah the u. S. Is accusing iran of undermining international order. The attacks on saudi refineries triggered. Could jump in the price of oil prices of synch since dropped slightly but are still up by about 14 percent the drone strikes shut off about how awful the kingdoms oil output and turkeys president says there has been progress towards a political solution to end the war in syria has been hosting the russian an iranian leaders in ankara for talks focusing on the last rebel strongholds. More now on our top story in the attacks on saudi arabias oil. Senior political analysts say saudi arabia would need the full support of the United States in a military conflict against iraq. The saudis cannot even handle the whole thing as you expected to be able to handle the iranians absolutely not this is certainly something that will be done with the guidance with the management with the leadership and probably with the weapons and command of the United States if it happens at all meaning whether it is hitting particular sites but to the refineries particular iranian assets or airing in our allies in the region its all remains to be seen probably the trumpet mr action is studying it as we speak but if this continues to be part of a psychological warfare meaning putting so much heat on the iranians to bring them almost humiliated to the negotiation stable in order to rediscuss the nuclear deal and irans posture in the region then we could see this escalating further and further until iran says we are happy to sit down in new york or elsewhere with the Trump Administration to discuss issues so be that as it may whether we are moving towards more diplomacy or towards more violence and war i think what happened in the last 48 hours is definitely pushing us in either direction being in the middle and i think its becoming less and less of a case as well as weve seen the oil refined that is going up in smoke in other world news too political outsiders say they are leading the race to become tunisias next president they are not professor saeed and jailed media mogul now bill cobb the official result isnt expected until tuesday the winning candidate will need more than 50 percent of the vote but many think thats unlikely and are expecting a runoff in november 70 deca has more from tunis. So who are these 2 men will criseyde is a constitutional law professor he was unknown really here in tunisia until after the 2011 revolution when he started coming on Television Shows breaking down the legalities of the constitution because of course there was a new constitution drafted here in 2014 he speaks classical arabic many people here are jokingly calling him a robot because he is so specific and so citing the law when he speaks i spoke to one man who voted for him this morning also king why he said because he is a clean man hes an honest man and he loves his country and we voted for the all the others and look where it got us now the other top runner and of your family he is behind bars hes facing charges of Money Laundering and tax evasion hes someone who is far more involved in the political establishment here a Founding Member of the main to his party split with that recently is a media mogul hes used his Television Channel to show him and his chargeable work really focusing on the poor but his future is uncertain when it comes to the legalities of how he goes forward even yesterday the Electoral Commission saying that if a court rules him not to be allowed to go to this runoff then the 3rd candidate will go ahead so everything is still up in the air here but certainly the message from the people is this they have moved away from the traditional Political Parties here going for 2 men who have really run on the agenda of independence of new change whether theyll be able to deliver that were going to have to wait and see. The 2nd general election within 5 months will get underway in israel on tuesday in just a few hours and as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries to rally right wing voters is promising to an expansion of the occupied west bank carry faucet reports. Benjamin netanyahu had rarely if ever looked publicly angrier than he did on the 30th of may this year defeated in his effort to form a Coalition Government he rented anyone else from being given a chance. Forcing through an unprecedented election rewrite. Its unbelievable other door lieberman is now part of the left the sense of betrayal was at his former political fixer former foreign and defense minister ally and enemy for more than 20 years Avigdor Lieberman professed reason for keeping his secular right wing party out of government with his opposition to ultraorthodox jews being exempted from military service something that an yahoos ultraorthodox Political Partners would not concede. Nurit kadar spent 5 years following lieberman for a documentary released this week finding him a highly guarded interviewee but he says it was clear that whatever the ideological differences between him and netanyahu that divorce was deeply personal the only thing the only sentence. He said was that friendship is something its for life. You know its some foundation that it really go through all life and it was broken and it was shattered and you know the woman hasnt explicitly ruled out joining a netanyahu led government this time around but his policy demands make it unlikely at best and with his secular stance boosting his position in the polls his status as kingmaker has been strengthened netanyahu spent the last week talking in terms familiar from previous campaigns of threats and promises the threat of Irans Nuclear program the threat requiring police of polling stations of palestinian israeli voter fraud the promise to annex the Jordan Valley and parts of the occupied city of hebron all of it designed to motivate his right wing base. But netanyahu reelection offers a better chance to fight off 3 looming Corruption Cases the parliament will knesset could even vote to grant him immunity but the polls suggest there could be a similar outcome to last time with netanyahu is likud Party Running almost even with the opposition blue and white led by former army chief benny gantz as a good chance neither will have enough support from smaller parties to piece together a Majority Coalition some predict months more uncertainty while each side tries and fails to form a government increasing the pressure on netanyahu is an indictment is expected to happen in the 1st half of the summer that would be during the 2nd period of 6 weeks in which a candidate would be given a chance to form a government and if that indictment happens then the leak could well then realize ok we dont like overthrowing leaders but now we have no choice israel 2nd election in 5 months is unlikely to be the finish line in the contest to govern the country rather the starting gun for the next round in a fight hurry force at aljazeera west jerusalem protests have been taking place in the french capital as more workers joined demonstrations against proposed Pension Reforms for more lets cross back till my mind then. Yes thats right doctors lawyers nurses pilots cabin crew are all out in force in paris angry over these proposed changes but protests comes off to transport workers shut down trains trams and buses cheering a walkout last week president emanuel is attempting to streamline the countrys 42 different state Pension Systems he wants to create one single points based system so on a gago has more on this now from paris. Since the 1990 s. There have been several attempts to completely overhaul frances Pension System and president emanuel back call believes he is the person to do that however on monday lawyers medical professionals and professionals from the industry gathered in central aureus to push back against those proposed reforms because they say it will leave them out of pocket when will be recent years its still again getting lower and lower so we more or less is not for a lawyer and we are not were not. Fighting for us we are fighting for the system works it just isnt friends were paying huge sums for the. Retirement. We dont want to take but some by the government and one of the main moderate unions has said that it agrees to these plans Pension Reforms but as there are currently 42 systems in place mr macro wants to see it consolidated into one system where it would be based on individual contributions the union saying however that it is in effect penalizes against people who have wage increases because of promotions 0 experience but however the unions have failed to mobilize any big movements all general strikes and missed my point is currently receiving a little bit of a boost in the Approval Ratings board who look to avoid trying to consolidate on that and avoid whats been happening all year which is another tying in with other issues such as the fuel tax hike or indeed a hike in fuel prices and avoid mass disruptions as we saw in the past year with the yellow vest movement. Now to Italian Maritime officers will stand trial for manslaughter over that response 282013 boat capsized which left 260. 00 refugees and migrants dead they uphold a minor and. Are accused of delaying the coast guard a naval response to the ship wreck repeated s. O. S. Calls were made to italian officials but the officers ordered the migrants to cool malta instead the boat capsized in malta search and rescue zone but it was only 96 kilometers off the italian island of lampedusa. Just one of a story a Russian Court has sentenced a protest it to 3 and a half years in prison for assaulting a Police Officer cheering on authorised demonstrations. And all of it is the 6th person now to be convicted after a large protest took place in moscow last month demonstrators were angry over opposition candidates being barred from taking part in local elections the court found 23 year old is to dislocated a policemans shoulder while he was being detained denies that chacho. Well from london and about 20 minutes time now to follow me into my room thank you very much a teachers strike in jordan is forcing more than a 1000000 students to stay at home that he has in Public Schools want their pay doubled by the government says he doesnt have the money and is urging an end to what he calls the illegal walkout and force in the capital amman. Its the start of the day at this Primary School in amman and like other Public Schools in jordan the teachers are present but the students are not instead of holding lessons teachers are passing time by repairing what they can desks windows and other parts of the building that show years of wear and a lack of investment they too feel neglected and are refusing to do their job until they get a pay rise. When the school year to begin weve got a very optimistic event to what was supposed to be a peaceful protest to express our needs but then the government suddenly exculpate of the situation and i thought das. And thousands of other teachers were met by riot police. These pictures went viral on social media appearing to show them being tear gassed and beaten more than 50 were detained outraged by their treatment the Jordan Teacher Syndicate and its 80000 members announced an open ended strike which is now in its 2nd week they say 560. 00 a month used to be a decent average salary years ago but Inflation Higher taxes and a rising cost of living has taken its toll more and more Public School teachers are becoming drivers waiters and taking other jobs in the evenings just to keep afloat even though its against the law to do so. The Teachers Want to strike 5 years ago for the same reason then they decided to suspend the strike according to a verbal agreement that they would be paid a little a no off to 5 years of normal in the problem the teachers have again decided to strike. Doing her no. Great homework even though she has no where to submit it her mother make sure she doesnt fall behind. In the vicinity of the senator home im definitely supporting the teaches and their brights to get their demands and the government should respond to what theyre asking for in my opinion i dont think theyre asking for too much on the contrary the increase theyre asking for doesnt even cover Living Expenses these days those opposed to the strike worry their children will get behind in their studies the government says it cant afford to meet the teachers demands and wants them to return to the classrooms talks between government leaders and the Teachers Association are stalled for the time being so students will remain absent from class across the country it appears that the teachers have the public on their side for now at least the grievances over low pay and the rising cost of living are resonating with other jordanians who are also struggling to make ends meet and are chapelle aljazeera. In the United States talks between the United Auto Workers union in comic General Motors have restarted after workers went on strike more than 49000. 00 factory employees walked off the job at 31. 00 Assembly Lines across the country that threatened to stay on strike until an agreement is reached. And the United Nations is warning that Rohingya Muslims who remain in myanmar are living under the threat of genocide the un is repeating calls for top generals to face trial for forcing iran 3 quarters of a 1000000 to flee to bangladesh 2 years ago the un also says it has serious concerns about a crackdown on refugee camps in bangladesh it says aid workers accused of supporting rohingya protests last month have been banned their phones confiscated and a curfew imposed indonesias government to scrambling to control widespread forest fires which are causing a toxic case to spread to other countries this off small

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