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Will nail down date for a visit to washington then after the call ukrainian official andre your mac tells us diplomats once we have a date will call for a press briefing announcing among other things barista and election meddling in investigations bryza is the gas company linked to the son of former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden the Text Messages released by house investigators show u. S. Diplomats and trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani continuing to pressure ukraine to draft a statement announcing an investigation but none was released then in late august the ukrainians learned of trumps decision to withhold nearly 400000000. 00 in u. S. Military assistance the u. S. Ambassador to ukraine bill taylor appeared incredulous texting i think its crazy to withhold Security Assistance for help with a Political Campaign the response came from ordered sunland a wealthy hotelier and trump donor who was appointed ambassador to the e. U. I believe you are incorrect about president trumps intentions he writes the president has been Crystal Clear no quid pro quos of any kind there is no bro whoa that was exactly what i saw at that salad bar that. That text defending trump came just as the u. S. Media was catching wind of a whistleblower report accusing trump of wrongdoing in his call with the ukrainian president thats what launched the impeachment inquiry now targeting the president democrats heard from another witness friday the Intelligence Community Inspector General who investigated the whistleblower report we have evidence of Text Messages between state Department Officials expressing concern as early as may that Rudy Giuliani had a jew there was a giuliani biting thing going on that had concerned a state Department Official we have evidence that a state Department Official was concerned that there was a linkage between Security Assistance and as he described a domestic Political Campaign democrats are trying to build a compelling case for impeachment not only to convince the American Public but also Senate Republicans it would take a swell of republican the factors to remove trump from office and thus far theres only been a trickle. Castro aljazeera capitol hill greece and the United States aside the new Defense Agreement u. S. Secretary of state might bump a. O. S. In athens for the meeting the deal stablish is a new u. S. Base in greece near the border with turkey the greek Prime Minister urged the u. S. To help diffuse tension with turkey over cyprus it comes as nato that he continues to develop closer relations with russia including purchasing its s. 400. 00 Missile System the United States is eager to go a partnership with greece on a range of Energy Issues for the sake of your prosperity and a stable Eastern Mediterranean region. Last march i met with the leaders of cyprus greece and israel in jerusalem we free countries with free markets want to achieve Energy Security together we want to make sure that rules govern International Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea as Energy Resources and that no country can hold europe hostage but sometimes there is John Psaropoulos is live for us in athens joe tell us more about this Defense Agreement and how people that feel about it. Well 1st of all the statement that you just heard from mike pumper was unequivocal support to the Greek Cypriot israeli positions on the. Exploration that turkey has been conducted conducting in waters that cyprus has agreed with its neighbors as belonging to its exclusive Economic Zone that is unequivocal support urging turkey to stop what it what the United States has called Illicit Activity illicit drilling and the e. U. Has also condemned in those terms that is one level of the support that the United States is offering to greece here in athens today the other level is the Defense Agreement which will see u. S. Money spent on military infrastructures in greece that the greeks can no longer afford to invest in because their military budget has been cut almost in half during the 8 years of economic recession that greece went through in 2010 to 18. 00 and that will include strategically investments in the port and the airport of the North Eastern city of alex on the reportedly which borders with turkey where the United States hopes to establish a base large enough in order to supply. Its eat nato allies bug area and romania through greek territory that essentially bypasses the route that the u. S. Has been using which is the bosphorus through istanbul and into the black sea and that is a very clear signal to the turks that backup plans are being put in place in case the u. S. Turkish relationship to tear rates further john many thanks to replace that in athens richard whites is a security analyst at wiki stratton global consultancy he joins us now live from washington good to have you with us why would the u. S. Set up a base in alex on drop only that that city north in the northeast of greece so close to that turkish border. Right i think your correspondent got it spot on so the u. S. Has had bases in greece for decades during the cold war the focus was naturally encountering the soviet navy in the mediterranean so the focus of the u. S. Presence was an on the naval presence and so the bay but since the end of the cold war the u. S. Has been relying its bases globally and in the case of greece the u. S. As big as been using other areas for example Drone Operations a rotation of army forces and so this agreement is another evolution of that process there is going to be allowed the u. S. Will be allowed to use more missions and is gaining access to new facilities in particular this base up in the northeast and one of the reasons youre as as mentioned by a correspondent was told how the u. S. To deal directly with romania vulgar and other countries without having to enter through the black sea in turkey and then another reason is to perhaps give the u. S. More leverage in the goetia agents with turkey which continually go up and down and look to be going down further if aired on threat to intervene militarily in syria goes into effect a Bilateral Agreement of creation took a nature of this with does this leave nation. Well nato has had this Turkey Greece problem for decades it almost it was most of the year when there was a pro greek cuckoo in turkey and cyprus and the night early 1970 s. Mid ninetys 96 the sorry and turkey intervene militarily and for a while it looked like the 2 nato allies would go to war the 2 countries and their relationship with nato and u. S. Has been evolving in flux over time. Currently herseys phrases that nato are strained theyre particularly strong with the u. S. Over syria over turkey spying russian weapons and so on. And the u. S. By moving closer to greece helps put pressure more pressure on turkey to refrain from taking further acts that could threaten u. S. Interests but as also mentioned gives the u. S. A hedge a fallback if turkey were to leave the the alliance or there be a riot break the u. S. Still would have bases and in greece to continue important operations you talked about about this shift in u. S. Emphasis from its radiant so the east if you like in the northeast why strategically is the balkans region. Agree so important to the u. S. Well currently we youve got a region youve got basically 2 regions in europe that are contested because they lie outside the Nato Alliance but theyre not part of the moscow led collective Security Treaty Organization and this one we know about is the Central Europe and you have hot spots in crane and in georgia neither nato members of it theyre both close the u. S. But russia is trying to expand its influence there and somewhat lower profile in the balkans theres been a struggle for influence nato is beginning to expand there some countries are entering nato other governments are moving klara trying to move close to russia for example the serbian government so that the balkans is emerged as a current area of competition between moscow and washington for strategic and defense ties and this is part of that effort the u. S. To expand its influence there richard its always good to cuba thanks due to being with us. A u. S. Backed Syrian Rebel Group is warning of all out war should turkey go through with the threat to strike a government controlled area east of the Euphrates River turkeys president said earlier that the military operation would clear the region of what he calls terrorists and that an air and ground assault was imminent the Kurdish Group the Syrian Democratic forces responded by saying it will defend the area from any unprovoked attack. We have made our preparations weve completed our operation plans we have given the necessary orders the decision has been made and the process has begun for the springs of peace and now opening up their path is as near as may be today maybe tomorrow we will conduct this from the ground and from the air officials from north korea and the u. S. Arrived in sweden to resume talks on denuclearization north Koreas Nuclear negotiator the u. S. President s special envoy or among teams meeting on an island off stockholm washington wants pyongyang to end its Nuclear Program in return for the lifting of sanctions saturdays formal talks of the 1st since donald trump a north Korean Leader kim jong un mess in june danger motto is a senior partner at control risks asia pacific a former u. S. Diplomat explains what north korea hopes to get out of these talks. Well there what north korea really wants is a relief from the same regime thats in place by the un by the United States and so this game that they play of kind of will will give you something decommissioning of a facility or a. Moratorium on testing of missiles or Nuclear Weapons etc in return for the lifting of sanctions is kind of the stock standard process that we go through every every few years so there is something very much in it for them and they absolutely want. Relief relief from those sanctions they really the question is you know what are they willing to give up in order to get get some of that thousands of protesters in algeria have called on the army to end its role in politics for it is demonstrations of the capital g. Is what a ruling by a prominent conservative urging people to vote in december selection is also backed by the army its supposed to by the protest movement that forced former president abilities beautifully to stand down in. Looking pretty stormy in parts the mediterranean his tell us more is jenny yeah it is indeed age and youre right in fact theres been some really have 2 thunderstorms yet again in the same place a little less than a day the week ago this is a in the last day this is careful onya that reconning which of course in the last week has also had yet more flooding said these systems have headed their way through very strong at times continuing to work their way eastwards bulgarias also very heavy amounts of rain against and strong to severe thunderstorms and they are clearing out of the way but there will be more to come its kind of that time of year with live in transition really between the summer and the start of the also you can see have through saturday at the rain pushing much further ward towards the east and then as i say we will actually see if you wash out attending to bubble up saturday and sunday across the Central Mediterranean but its not just some very ferocious thunderstorms this time into Northern Areas of oman look at these pictures these are taken from soho which is to the northwest of muscat this is you can see taken out of the window and all of a sudden it will go black not because it just went that dark but because the national felt there was a power cut so this is being continuing these rains the sun songs through saturday on into sunday a slightly clearer day them but were not really quite out of the woods just yet sunday into monday its a very similar pattern weve got this on shore flow as well and you see the direction the winds and that does mean that moisture once again could actually appear because hes in strong thunderstorms in the late today and anywhere really to abu dhabi across into muscat and agent all of this really just heralding the change of the seasons at last jenny many thanks indeed now it was an historic night the world athletics championships here in doha for more than ask lets join our studio at the Khalifa International stadium. Yes thats right adrian the 6 champions were crowned on friday with the home fans finally able to celebrate their 1st gold coming up at 1345 g. M. T. High jump the superstar watched as a subversive delivers when it matters also ahead the american actually thats making raechel breaking her new haul the and find out who took home the gold in what was the closest fitness of the championship and we also look ahead to whats coming up here in the stadium later on today join us in about 20 minutes. Or so here then this is the news hour from out 0 still to come on the program. I recall reporting from the waters off the coast of French Guiana right on the my great tree roots of whales and other marine species as we listen to the sounds of the city. At a base to the great burden we meet the rhino born to help save his species. Aljazeera world tells the dramatic story of the birth of a nation and how a political agreement reached my fronts in tunisia which sparked the bitterest of view. This guy. Thats meant to be. Rivalry conflict. Division. 2 the battle for independence on aljazeera. Incarcerated. In russias toughest prisons stripped of their liberties. And unexpected creative opportunities. A singing contest like no other offers a chance of redemption and hope for the talented few. Prison lives inside and out a tale of singers and murderers on aljazeera. And again this is the news hour from aljazeera Adrian Finnegan here in the headlines Iraqs Parliament is attempting to hold the most see session to discuss 5 days of violent protest boss but of divisions among the political groupings and some a boycott in the process at least 93 people have been killed more than 4000 injured. Protesters have been back on the streets in hong kong despite a Railway Shutdown of calls to cancel demonstrations many cover their faces in defiance of a pound mosques imposed by the citys leader carry law. To greece and the United States of side a new Defense Agreement u. S. Secretary of state mike compare was in athens for the meeting the deal establishes a new u. S. Base in greece near the border with Turkey Greeces Prime Minister urged the u. S. To help diffuse tension with turkey over cyprus it comes as nato member turkey continues to develop closer on relations with russia including purchasing its s. 400 Missile System. At least 10 people have been injured in a grenade attack in indian administered kashmir that happened near a Government Office in the city of and on top and a nag. And a Police Officer and a journalist are among those hurt separatist fighters are being blamed people in pakistan administered kashmir marking 2 months since india ended the special status of the part of kashmir administered by new delhi hundreds of people that march towards the line of control which separates the indian and pakistani administered sectors indian administered kashmir has been under a complete lockdown since and local politicians have been arrested aljazeera has come out hyder reports now from bazaar from about the capital of pakistan administered kashmir. Liberation front which is also a Political Organization and i claim on both sides of the line of control also known as the line of their white collar jobs theres a border im marching towards the line of control their town made to cross and they said they want to go to syria not go now the problem is for the Pakistani Security forces they get in order to let that happen because of the tense situation between india and pakistan command quote course of this rally if there is so solid data take the people of fresh meat to. Reject and condemn the brutal oppression by indian Security Forces inside indian administered kashmir and cards to send a signal to the International Community that the people of kashmir now in a state of lockdown for 60 long days without food and medicine participating in this. Country. The. Last 2 months. With. People that we are with them they are not alone we will stand by them and fight. Until we get free from any. Why do. We want freedom. We are not one decision on this be this is not the 100 so theres a lot of excitement and also tension in the air the j. K. Left it also led by arsene my leg where hes been arrested by the indian or charged and there are also serious concerns about his. These people at bank that they want to. Go to divorce inside indian administered kashmir and they also want to send out strong signal to the International Community to bear danger to the plight of bush meeting. On friday there were protests on the indian side of the line of control that divides kashmir but the people say the restrictions are placing an acceptable burdens on their lives and many are concerned about what india is planning next to 0 as Mohammad Vall explains. Was the defiles on the streets of sit in a god its the largest city and the some a couple of indian administered kashmir i protest as chanting pro pakistan slogans and demanded an end to what they describe as Indian Occupational Health Editor getting a good guy who was just me who has been controversial since 1947 when india and pakistan divided it but continued to dispute ownership was 2 months ago and did evoke the special legal status for kashmir that had been a shrine in its cost to show that indeed the regions autonomy including its ability to enact its laws it also cop legal restrictions on outsiders owning and settling on land that now many residents fear the move is part of a plan by new dead to change the makeup of its people. Thousands of indian army and security personnel have been deployed and security crackdown posed communications blocked and their best to actions on Movement Hundreds of political leaders and activists have also been detained people say there are only soldiers on the streets and their lives and businesses have been disrupted it has only been 3 months into it and well be only shown and i mean mr huge amount of money on this particular project the clan dont have one i think been almost 60 days since and have been so i dont know i mean a bit over me but im hoping there to get back to normal as soon as possible. Some people have found themselves stranded you know i mean what did the study the other guardian does that we are facing many difficulties because of the prevailing to do asian after 8 days my daughter just dies from hospital i need to take a home from the last 2 hours and looking for a very close but im not able to find any i live very far away from here. This parent says many. Are afraid to send their children to school. Because were scared the government has opened the schools but kids are not going we dependents are worried for them are going to send our children to school what if they dont come back. Indias new measures have inflamed decades long tensions with pakistan on the other side of the dividing line in the last few weeks that fled to military classes both from the air and on land and concerns in the wider region of possible all out war between the 2 nuclear powers. And. Us president tunnel trumps Reelection Campaign is reported to be among the targets of a Hacking Group linked to the iranian government the Reuters News Agency says the attempts to access trumps online content were unsuccessful microsoft has confirmed that hundreds of accounts for targeted by a group known as phosphorous they include those of current and former Us Government officials journalists and prominent iranians living abroad probably call him reports now from washington. This is a pretty unusual move but it shows how much things have changed for Tech Companies since the 2016 election microsoft making this announcement saying for the 1st time in this new election cycle that they believe a Foreign Government backed hackers tried to get access to a president ial campaign other not saying exactly which campaign and again this is microsoft alleging irans involvement without actually providing any proof but the allegation is that it wasnt just the president ial campaign it was former and current government officials journalists prominent iranians in america and they said it wasnt a very sophisticated attack of the almost 2700 people they tried to identify what their emails were they were able they say to target about 241. 00 of those people but only succeeded in 4 attack 4 accounts being hacked and microsoft says none of those were government officials or the president ial Campaign Still it does send a message that things are different this time around and Tech Companies are sending the message to hackers especially those associated they believe with governments that theyre not going to stay quiet doctors for us to credit president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders say that he suffered a heart attack earlier this week saw this scene here leaving the hospital after receiving treatment canceled all Campaign Events after suffering chest pains on tuesday the 78 year old was treated for a blocked artery. Tunisians votes on sunday and their 2nd general election since the 2011 revolution the conservative and actor party is competing against a newly created party the secular heart of tunisia but as rationale battle reports now from tunis the winner faces the difficult task of fixing a colony thats been in trouble for years. Now and its likely to be a tight race and candidates are taking no chances nasa doesnt know she the leader of another party is running for the 1st time in a bid to rally support for his party the conservative in the other has been a driving force in politics since the 2011 revolution but now its rival the secular heart of tunisia is gaining ground citizens should vote for another to consolidate democracy because we need Strong Parliament and a strong party to lead the country its been wyvil the heart of a party was established by media magnate. Just 3 months ago how do we is currently in jail accused of Money Laundering and tax evasion accusations his lawyers deny his party is promising radical Economic Reforms if it comes to power. Has a real vision for the country. You know they want to see down the road a real modern country they want to build a nation of they want it to win from poverty they want to abolish poverty but no party is expected to secure an absolute majority in the parliament and with both another and heart of. Voting out forming a coalition there are rising concerns of a political impasse and as the political divide widens voters are growing frustrated with the political elite for failing to rein in inflation and unemployment. Down. We hoped politicians would tackle unemployment but they failed us the candidates wont change anything and we shouldnt expect anything from you as i feel bad for the Current Situation in my country there is no security the price of commodities is on the rise and politicians repeat the same promises again and again the 2014 constitution gives the Prime Minister a bigger say in domestic issues while the president controls defense and Foreign Affairs whoever wins in sundays vote was shaped in his years political and economic agenda for the next 5 years tennesseeans high hopes the 2011 revolution would bring democracy equality and Better Living conditions 80 years later economic problems and political instability half sattar of those hopes for a Better Future and fueled a growing disillusionment with the political elite aljazeera turnus the European Union has rejected the u. K. s request to continue brings the talks over the weekend according to reports the European Commission says the Prime Minister Boris Johnsons latest proposals dont provide the basis for negotiations johnson insists that britain will leave the block with or without a deal and wont seek a delay e. U. Member alan says the johnsons proposals to resolve disagreements over the Northern Irish border are not good enough more protests are expected in haiti where people are demanding the president juvenile boys resign fridays march was the largest in the 4 weeks of protests during which 17 people have reportedly been killed but just to set alight to tires as they marched to the un Office Important for us. Camerons Opposition Leader maurice come to has been released from prison this part of an amnesty ordered by president paul b. Our country was jailed in january for organizing protests people are celebrating his release which comes a day after the end of a National Dialogue aimed at resolving a separatist conflict cameroons English Speaking regions have been fighting to break away from the french majority ethiopias a Roma Community is celebrating the annual Spring Season festival but the for the 1st time in 150 years the celebration is being held in the capital city its what many leaders argue is part of that territory the move is raising concerns that it could rig night ethnic tensions robyn kriel reports now from madison. Hundreds of thousands of people took buses and then walked through the night here to mescal square to celebrate to reach the Early Morning was a ceremony signals the end of the rainy season and the beginning of spring security was tight with dozens of checkpoints however military helicopters buzz the crowd in celebration it was somewhat of a different mood to fridays gathering on one hand it was more somber and spiritual and on the other hand with all the regional arm of flags it was more nationalistic there is a worry amongst International Observers that while this event is historical and seen as a gesture of good will by the at the government bring or most from all over the country together for the 1st time in hundreds of years to those who start place that it could also ignite further nationalistic fervor that weve seen in the past devolve into violence. An unprecedented wave of wildlife extinction is on the way scientists blame poaching Global Warming and a loss of habitat the trying to save endangered species like the old and white wine 000 brunells reports now from escondido city in california. Edward the littlest southern white rhino in the San Diego Zoo safari park born at the end of july hes already of big boy. He is fantastic we are going. To be able to have him adorable little eddie is the 1st southern white rhino born through Artificial Insemination in the north america thats an important step toward bringing back another rhino subspecies from the brink of extinction this is nola a female northern white rhino she died in 2015 the animals have been hunted to obliteration in the wild and today there are only 2 northern white rhinos left in the entire world both elderly females living in captivity so the subspecies seems do or maybe not part of biologist barbara durants job involves giving ultrasound exams to pregnant rhinos not an easy task when your patient weighs about 1600 kilos so. Durant is leading an effort to bring back the northern white rhino with a precious clutch of the animal stem cells and an audacious plan. A stem cell is a cell that has a potential to be any other cell in the body eventually they will we want to differentiate him all the way to sperm and eggs but theres a big catch the female rhino anatomy it turns out is complicated the cervix which you have to go through to deposit the semen is very convoluted it looks like a serious a rings like this so we have to go in a series of switchback turns so were going to have to have something that is very flexible that can go around all those curves and thats where engineering Professor Mike comes in he wasnt thinking about impregnating right

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